Water managemnt

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Water managemnt

Water management

By:Group iii


why water management?

♣Although more than 70% of the earth surface is covered in water less

than 0.5% fills the earth’s rivers and lakes and is available for domestic


♣Research says that by 2025 the world population would be 8.3 billion

and 2.8 billion would be with out water.

♣ Asia particularly India would be worst affected percentage of people

would be with out water as high as more than 40%

♣ due to the excessive withdrawing of ground water and nature unable

to keepup the demand, water table have dropped.


Water shortage happens when an area does not have enough

water to meet the needs of the people who live there.

A shortage is caused by too much demand, or not enough


What is water shortage?


Water distribution system


Water layout distribution systems


Water distribution within building

Hot Water


Cold Water

Gravity or storage system Pneumatic or non storage system On demand supply


Water conservation and management

♣Water metering

♣Water re use

♣Water efficiency

♣Storm water management

♣Quality & quantity control


Water metering

 There are two types of water charge

RUBS (Ratio Utility Billing

System): Under this system, residents or

consumers won’t understand the true cost

or unit of water consumed by their family


Sub –Metering:. This system enables

residents or owners to pay for the water

they use rather than paying a fixed



Water re use

♣Grey water system

♣Black water system

 Pipes and supply points on the re used water system must

be clearly labelled in order to avoid confusion with the

mains drinking water. Grey water systems can help you

save 35% to 40% on your annual water bill.


Rainwater Harvesting System: 


Rainwater harvesting system can be:

♣rooftop rainwater harvesting

♣artificial groundwater recharging. 



Quality control



Wash laundry and dishes only when

there is a full load

Always turn off running water

Take shorter showers

Eliminate any and all leaks

Reduce the flow of toilets and




A dripping tap could waste as much as 90 liters a week.

Brushing your teeth with the tap running wastes almost 9 liters a minute. Rinse out from a tumbler instead.

Cool water kept in the fridge means you won't have to run the tap for ages to get a cold drink.

Don't use your washing machine until you've got a full load. A full load uses less water than 2 half loads. Every time you boil an egg save the cooled water for your houseplants. They'll benefit from the nutrients released from the shell.

Fit a water saving device in your cistern and save up to three liters a flush.


Grow your grass a little longer. It will stay greener than a close mown lawn and need less watering.

Hoeing stimulates the growth of plants, reduces water loss from the soil surface and removes weeds that take up valuable water and nutrients.

Installing a water meter can save you water and money by monitoring how much you use.

Just taking a five minute shower very day, instead of a bath, will use a third of the water, saving up to 400 liters a week.

Kettles should be filled with enough water for your needs but not to the brim. This will reduce your fuel bills too.

Lag your pipes to avoid bursts and leave your heating on a low setting while you are out in cold weather to prevent pipes freezing.


Mulch for moisture in the garden. Adding a layer of tree bark, compost, coconut husks or even newspaper keeps the sun off the soil and retains precious moisture.

No further watering is usually required for established trees and shrubs.

Once a week is all the watering your lawn needs even in the hottest weather. Purchasing a water butt will help you to collect rain water for use on the garden.

Question your local garden centre about the water requirements of different plants. Some thrive in drier conditions.

Replacing a toilet cistern can save water.


Sprinklers can be wasteful. A sprinkler can use as much water in an hour as a family of four will use in a day!

Trigger nozzles can save water by using it only when needed.

Use the dirty water when cleaning a fish tank on your houseplants. It's rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, which provides an excellent fertilizer.

Very 'water efficient' washing machines and dishwashers are now manufactured.

Water your garden at the coolest part of the day to reduce evaporation.

Xeriscape means to use plants that require less water.


You can use less water by turning the hot tap down, rather than the cold tap up, if you require cooler water.

Z The end of the alphabet but not the end of water saving ideas - why don’t you tell us of any you've discovered?


Water efficiency in green buildings

LEED credits on water efficiency

rain water harvesting we mr 1

Water efficient plumbing fixtures we mr 1

Landscape design we cr 1

Management of irrigation system we cr 1


Landscape design

Management of irrigation system


Rain water harvestingwater efficient plumbing fixtures

Total 11 points


We cant waste the water more than we have but We waste more than we use


Run home now to save water, before it runs out on you!