Watch this short video that covers several of the ancient Greek gods and goddess that we will be...

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Transcript of Watch this short video that covers several of the ancient Greek gods and goddess that we will be...

Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses Tutorial

Watch this short video that covers several of the ancient Greek gods and goddess that we will be studying. Click to watch.

Family TreeCronus Rhea

Demeter Zeus Hera Poseidon Hades

Cronus and Rhea were the parents of Demeter, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Hades.

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Click on a name to learn more about that God or Goddess.

Zeus Family TreeZeus Metis


Zeus Hera


Zeus Leto

Zeus had many wives. Metis, Hera, and Leto are a few. Zeus had children with each woman. The children are listed with their parents.

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Artemis Apollo

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Click on a name to learn more about that God or Goddess.


Father of: Demeter, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Hades

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Mother of: Demeter, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Hades

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Mother of: Athena

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Mother of: Artemis and Apollo

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Roman name: CeresTitle: Goddess of the HarvestSymbol: Wheat sheaf or torchParents: Cronus & Rhea

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Roman name: JupiterTitle: King of the GodsSymbol: Thunderbolt, scepter, throneMarried to: Hera is his queenParents: Cronus & Rhea

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Roman name: JunoTitle: Goddess of MarriageSymbols: peacocks & wedding veilMarried to: ZeusParents: Cronus & Rhea

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Roman name: NeptuneTitle: God of the SeasSymbols: trident, horse, bullMarried to: Medusa, then EuryaleParents: Cronus & Rhea

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Roman name: PlutoTitle: God of the UnderworldSymbols: cap of darknessMarried to: Medusa, then EuryaleParents: Cronus & Rhea

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Roman name: MinervaTitle: Goddess of WisdomSymbols: olive tree, owl, & snakeParents: Zeus & Metis

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Roman name: MarsTitle: God of WarSymbols: swordParents: Zeus & Hera

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Roman name: DianaTitle: Goddess of the HuntSymbols: bow & arrow, quailParents: Zeus & Leto

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Roman name: ApolloTitle: God of MusicSymbols: lyre, hawk, & fawnParents: Zeus & Leto

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Question Section

Test your knowledge of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses you have just studied.

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Who is the father of Poseidon?

A. HadesB. ZeusC. ApolloD. Cronus

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Which picture is NOT the correct symbol for Apollo?

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Demeter is the goddess of……?

A. WisdomB. The HuntC. MarriageD. The Harvest

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Which picture is the correct symbol for Athena?

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What is Ares Roman Name?

A. MarsB. MinervaC. BacchusD. Diana

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Which picture is the correct symbol for Hera?

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The Roman name for Artemis is……?

A. VenusB. DianaC. MinervaD. Ceres

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What is Poseidon’s symbol?

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What is Ares the god of?

A. MusicB. WarC. The UnderworldD. The Gods

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Who are the parents of Ares?

A. Zeus & MetisB. Cronus & RheaC. Zeus & LetoD. Zeus & Hera

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Which picture is the correct symbol for Hades?

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The Roman name for Zeus is……?

A. JupiterB. NeptuneC. PlutoD. Saturn

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The Roman name for Athena is……?

A. MinervaB. VenusC. DianaD. Ceres

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Which picture is the correct symbol for Artimes?

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Zeus is……?

A. The God of MusicB. The God of the SeasC. The God of the UnderworldD. The King of Gods

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Hera is the goddess of……?

A. WisdomB. The HuntC. MarriageD. The Harvest

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Which picture is NOT the correct symbol for Zeus?

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Hades is known as the god of……?

A. The UnderworldB. The SeasC. WarD. Music

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A&E TelevisionNetworks. (2013). Retrieved June 14, 2013 from,

Napoli, D. (2011). Treasury of Greek mythology: classic stories of gods,

goddesses, heroes & monsters. New York: Scholastic Inc.