Waste to Energy Capability Statement - GHD · Alternative Fuels. Capability Statement. WATER |...

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Transcript of Waste to Energy Capability Statement - GHD · Alternative Fuels. Capability Statement. WATER |...

Alternative FuelsCapability Statement


Tourian T1 Concept Site Layout – GHD 2017

About GHD

For more information, visit www.ghd.com

GHD Alternative Fuel Services Capability Overview 2

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Any fuel for internal combustion engines and othercombustion systems that is partially or wholly derived froma source other than petroleum is classified as analternative fuel. Importantly, it must be less damaging tothe environment in the full life-cycle analysis than thefossil fuel equivalent. Biomass-to-liquids (BTL) or XTL(X=MSW, waste, coal) and conventional gas-to-liquids(GTL) derivatives and products, as well as hydrogen, mayall be considered as alternative fuels.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) 2 °C scenario(2DS) lays out a deployment pathway and an emissionstrajectory consistent with a 50% chance of limitingaverage global temperature growth to 2 °C. To achievethis the IEA has estimated a ten-fold increase in biofuelproduction will be required over the next 40 years. TheIEA expects the majority of the biofuel growth will be fromadvanced biofuels.

Countries with large areas of arable land, establishedagricultural, forestry and engineering industries andexcellent solar resource should be positioning tocontribute significantly to the projected biofuelrequirements. Countries that are not rich in fossil fuelinventory can improve their security of supply with suchdiversification.

GHD is committed to alternative fuels and especiallybiofuels as a key to reducing the transportation sector’senvironmental footprint. We see significant opportunitiesto stimulate new rurally based economies encompassingfeedstock cultivation, water and land management as wellas harvesting, initial processing and transport logistics.

The future of Alternative Fuels

GHD Alternative Fuels Services Capability Overview 3

IEA: Ref: “Technology Roadmap: Delivering sustainable Bioenergy”, IEA/OECD 2017

IRENA - Ref: “Perspectives for the energy transition – investment needs for a low-carbon energy system”, Chapter 3 Energy Transition Prospects and the role of Renewables ©IRENA 2017


Business Case and Financing


Project Execution

Dispersion ModellingLife Cycle Analysis

GHD’s comprehensive services for a typical project include:

• Feedstock supply chain and development where needed

• Stakeholder engagement & social sustainability

• Environmental impact assessment

• Permitting and approvals

• Technology selection and supporting development

• Investment, policy & economics materials

• Business case development

• Transport and logistics studies

• Geotechnical, siting and site selection

• Power generation, grid connection,distribution

• Processing modelling and facility design(full discipline service)

• Water management

• Risk and safety management

• Asset management

• Building services engineering

• Contracting strategy & construction management, EPCM services

Whole of Project Capability

GHD Alternative Fuel Services Capability Overview 4

Alternative Fuel Plant

Feedstock Storage and Handling,

Integration of Conversion & Upgrading

Technologies, Power Supply

Balance of Plant

Community ConsultationStakeholder

ManagementPlanning & Approvals

Environmental and reguatory

Fuel Supply ChainSpecification and

Quality requirements, futureproofing,


By-product value and management

Feedstock Supply Chain

Land and Agriculture,Harvesting, Transport

Logistics, Environmental Impact

EngineeringCivil& Structural,

Electrical and Control, Mechanical,

Process, Hazardous Areas, Functional Safety

For more information visit https://www.ghd.com/en-au/services/services.aspx

Operations Readiness

Site Selection & Locality factors

Whole of Life Services

GHD – Alternative Fuel Services Capability Overview 5

Project Management / Due Diligence / Risk Management / EHS

From market studies and strategic advice, technology selection through to construction-phase services and technical due diligence, GHD has the capability and experience to support Alternative Fuel companies throughout the full life cycle of their projects.

Project Scoping


StudiesFeasibility Delivery Operations &

maintenanceEnd of Life

Consultancy and

Project Management


Design Services

Development Approval Support

Feedstock planning services

Financing Support

- Concept designs- Topographic information- Site constraint mapping- Technology reviews

- Project memorandum- Stakeholder analysis- Energy market advice- Prelim business case development- Development risk

- Option studies- Project specifications- Risk assessments- Grant/subsidy appl.- Feedstock supply chain planning

- Resource assessments- Cost estimating- PPA support- Financial modelling- Options assessment

- Tender Processes- GIS- Stakeholder consultation- Geotechnical investigation

- FEED- Compliance reviews- Process safety analysis and reviews- Execution strategy- Equipment specs.

- Statutory planning- Environmental impact assessment - Permitting- Community consultation

- OE/IE services- EPCM services- Procurement management- OHSE management- Contract management-

- Performance and maintenance reviews- Design change/fault finding services- Independent engineer- Plant upgrade support

- Environmental reviews- Compliance reviews- Environmental management- Regulatory compliance

- Engineering services- Technical review and method assessments - Demolition scoping and assessment- Life extension studies

- Planning and approvals- Environmental services (contaminated land, biological surveys)- Stakeholder liaison- Remediation planning

-Crop/land use change-Planning and approvals- Environmental services, biological surveys)- Stakeholder liaison- Remediation planning

- Business case development- Regulatory interpretation for business provisions

- Resource assessments- Sensitivity analysis- Due Diligence - Lenders/investors support

-Detailed design water supply and irrigation delivery systems-Farm layouts-Site Management

- Lenders Engineer- Witnessing (SAT, FAT)- Performance testing

Performance and maintenance reviews of farming operations

- Performance assessment- Asset renewals forecasting and benchmarking - Investor support

- Fatal Flaw Studies- Fuel market studies- Feedstock selection- Technology options- Site requirements- Regulatory support

- Environmental risk assessment- DA reviews- Cult heritage assessment

- Cropping options inclrotations

- Irrigation need- Indicative crop yields- Markets and logistics

- Technology assess.- Prelim plant designs- Energy assessment- Design basis generation- Project specifications.

- Dev. Appr. submission - Traffic impact study- Environmental studies- Stakeholder mgmt.

• Soils/crop suitability• Water supply and

irrigation options identification

• Preliminary logistics• Indicative crop GMs

• Soil limitations• Water supply and

irrigation supply system design

• Detailed logistics• Farming system GMs

- Design management- Detailed design- Site Managements- Safety audits- Witnessing - As-builts-- Environmental management plans- Certification- Stakeholder liaison- Environmental audits

- Asset management- Expansion- Maintenance regimes- Technical audits & Improvement strategy

- Decommissioning- Owner's engineer /agent - Tender services and contractor selection- Closure planning

For more information please go to http://www.ghd.com/australia/ to connect with GHD© GHD Pty Ltd 2017

For GHD’s hydrogen-related capability please click here

Alternative Fuels ExperienceProject Job Scope

Advanced Lignite Development Program –FEED for lignite to coal and oil project – Ignite Energy

GHD undertook conceptual and FEED services for a commercial demonstration plant toconvert brow n coal to high quality coal and oil. This included site selection studies,integrating the core technology w ith the other necessary unit operations, some supportsystems and balance of plant option studies and the generation of early phase FEEDdeliverables.

Waste tyre management in Australia (confidential client)

GHD delivered a situation review of current regulations, policy, management practicesand incentives for recycling of end-of-life tyres of all types across Australia. This includeda review of current landfill levy settings, tyre w aste acceptance at landfills, storage andstockpiling restrictions and penalties for improper tyre disposal. A high level overview ofcurrent and emerging resource recovery and recycling practices and technologiesapplied to the management of w aste tyres in Australia w as included in the report, as w ellas current tyre disposal costs in specif ied regions.

Biomass to Liquid Fuels Project (confidential client)

GHD has been engaged in an ow ner’s engineer role to develop the first largecommercial scale integrated Biomass to Liquids (BtL) facility in Australia producingtransportation fuels from Lignocellulosic biomass. The services have inc luded arrangingexperimental and analytical w ork to define a project design basis, technology selection,conceptual engineer ing and rough order cost estimating to support overall projectdefinition.The integrated project scope also includes environmental approvals, execution planningand community engagement services for multiple potential locations.

T1 Project - TourianRenew ables Limited

GHD completed the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for an innovative project inTeesside, UK, that w ill make valuable products such as fuels, oils or chemicals fromwaste plastic. The project involved c lose collaboration betw een our teams in the UK andAustralia to draw on our extensive know ledge of mechanical, electrical, civil, and processengineering. The project team deployed specialist technical process design know ledgealongside multi-disciplinary engineering to develop a robust FEED.The team also undertook 3D modelling for physical layout of the plant and equipment todetermine the optimum w ay in w hich to create the required end products.

Latrobe Valley Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain Project – JPow er

GHD has supported Kaw asaki Heavy Industries and JPow er in developing a pilot scaleproject to convert brow n coal to hydrogen for export and use as a clean fuel. Thissupport started at the earliest feasibility stage and has included helping obtaining grantsand a project site. GHD is currently coordinating integrated detail design of the facilitythat involves a number of technology packages from different suppliers. GHD w ill also bedesigning the facility process control system and managing operational readiness as partof the EPcM aw ard.

GHD – Alternative Fuels Services Capability Overview 7




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Alternative Fuels ExperienceProject Job Scope

Cloncurry biofuels project

GHD teamed w ith IAS to deliver a biofuels cropping trial development for potentialcommercialisation by MITEZ and Cloncurry Shire Council. The project involvedestablishing a crop trial facility as an init ial step in exploring a viable biofuels business.Some key research objectives for the project inc luded demonstrating the use of treatedwaste w ater as an irrigation medium, intensifying biomass energy and improving foragecrop production capacity by making optimal use of land and other resources.

Replacement of natural gas for a boiler w ith w aste-derived shredded w ood and solid recovered fuel (SRF)

GHD w as engaged to evaluate feasibility of converting a food industry business inVictoria from gas-fired boilers to a 30 MWt biomass-fuelled steam generation system.The study required sourcing a range of alternative fuels, and modelling capital andoperating costs, from w aste-derived shredded w ood, solid recovered fuel (SRF) andagricultural residues.

Waste tyre and oil management in North Queensland

GHD delivered a situation review of current management and disposal practices forwaste tyres and w aste oil in northw est Queensland, supporting a biofuels industrydevelopment project in the Cloncurry region incorporating irrigated biomass croppingtrials. Waste tyres and oil in the northern Queensland region w ere identif ied as potentialbiomass energy feedstock supplement options during non-cropping per iods in thebiofuels industry development concept.

Biofuels Research Report

A confidential client engaged GHD to prepare a biofuels industry status report. Thepurpose of the report w as to provide the client w ith a comprehensive and consolidatedknow ledge basis to increase their understanding of both the domestic and internationalbiofuels markets. It addressed the various types of biofuels, conventional and alternativetechnologies, transport requirements and supporting government polic ies. Theunderstanding w ill enable the client to identify preferred pathw ays for Australia andw ould promote improved engagement w ith policymakers and industry stakeholders.

Technical review of ARENA funding application –Hydrothermal Liquefaction

GHD performed technical due diligence on an application for ARENA funding for ahydrothermal liquefaction project intended to produce fuel from sew age biosolids. Thisincluded GHD providing advice about project execution and project delivery models.

GHD – Alternative Fuels Services Capability Overview 8



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For More Information

GHD – Alternative Fuels Services Capability Overview 9

David MaunderAlternative Fuels Specialist - UKDavid has an extensive track-record in thepow er generation, renew able energy andwaste management sectors. He hassubstantial commercial experience that isbuilt on an engineer ing background. He hasworked in capital project development, inmanufacturing industry, in policy support forgovernments, and in the management ofresearch, development and demonstrationprograms.david.maunder@ghd.com+44 191 731 6100

Retha CoertzenAlternative Fuels Specialist -AustraliaMargaretha has 17 years of processengineering exper ience, of w hich more than10 years have been in Australia inResources and Oil & Gas. She has a strongbackground in pyrolysis, gasif ication andother solids processing technologies andextensive experience in process modelling ofcomplex process systems including gas andwater treatment, cost estimation, equipmentdesign and selection and conceptdevelopment from feedstock to final processflow sheet and equipment design.Margaretha has developed a deepunderstanding of biomass projects, includingthe handling and processing of biomass forliquid fuels and energy production.Margaretha.coertzen@ghd.com+61 7 3316 3166

Malcolm RushinService Line LeaderHydrocarbons and ChemicalsMalcolm has over 27 years experience in theHazardous Chemicals and Oil & GasIndustries in Australia and the UK that hasincluded signif icant periods in design, projectmanagement, construction, commissioningand operations. He is responsible forcoordinating the related technical resourcesacross Australia. With this broad range ofexperience, Malcolm is skilled at structuringprojects for complex processing facilities andthen organising and pr iorit ising thenecessary w orks and has lead process roleson some of GHD’s Alternative Fuel projects.Malcolm is skilled at overseeing complexprocess design w orks using a flexibleapproach focused on simplifying decisions,and prioritising and resolving key issues.Malcolm.rushin@ghd.com+61 7 3316 3735
