WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY€¦ · Frederick Edward Robin Butler, Baron Butler of Brockwell, is...

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Transcript of WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY€¦ · Frederick Edward Robin Butler, Baron Butler of Brockwell, is...



Commencement Exercises!ursday, May the Twenty-Seventh

Two !ousand and Ten




In 1890, at the request of Leslie Lyle Campbell, Class of 1887, Professor W. G. Brown designed a white silk banner bearing the words Washington and Lee University embroidered in gold letters on a blue scroll. Below the scroll was a composite shield made up of heraldic elements from the coats-of-arms of the Washington family and the Lee family. !e shield has survived the years, but the original banner has not.

Before 1903, Professor Brown designed a full coat-of-arms with crest and motto. !e black raven rising out of the golden ducal coronet comes from the Washington crest. !e upper left quarter of the arms depicts an open book with an injunction from I !essalonians to “test all things.” !e upper right quarter exhibits the arms of Washington of Sulgrave, and the lower left quarter the arms of Lee of Coton. !e arms in the lower right quarter are those of Astley of Sta"ordshire, and signify a marriage between the Lee and the Astley families. !e motto, non incautus futuri, based on a phrase from Horace’s Satires and translated “not unmindful of the future,” comes from the Lee family arms.

In 1998, in celebration of the 250th anniversary of the University, David D. Brown, Law School Class of 2000, designed four banners that draw upon the original heraldic design of 1890. !e new University banner is a revised version of the design by Professor W. G. Brown. !e banners for the College, the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics, and the School of Law derive their separate designs from the University banner.


A mace is a ceremonial sta" and a symbol of authority. !e mace is carried by the Marshal to denote that the University is in session. It was designed in 1951 by Marion Junkin, Class of 1927 and Head of the Department of Fine Arts, and carved by Mary Barclay, a member of the sta" of the Alumni O#ce, from a 150-year-old walnut beam taken from the old Lexington $rehouse. !e University coat-of-arms is carved on opposite sides of the urn-shaped head and painted silver, blue, red, and gold. Below the arms are the scroll and the motto. Atop the mace are the coronet and raven from the University crest.


In the procession of the Faculty, guests will see a variety of academic costumes. !e design of the gowns has evolved over centuries from medieval origins. Most of the regalia seen today represent the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Traditionally, the doctoral gown is black, has full sleeves gathered at the wrists, velvet bars on the sleeves and velvet panels on the front. !e colors on the hood, which is worn around the shoulders, designate both the academic discipline of the degree earned by the wearer and the university that awarded it. !e gold tassel on the hat is another sign that the wearer holds a doctoral degree. Over the years some universities have adopted gowns in colors that complement their hoods.


!e international %ags on display represent the graduates from Bulgaria, Canada, Ecuador, German Federal Republic, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Palestine, People’s Republic of China, Poland, Republic of Korea (South Korea), South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. !e University is grateful to the family of Douglas Panzer, Class of 1998 and Class of 1999, for its generosity in helping us to build and maintain our collection of international %ags.



REFLECTIONS J*'+ R*,-+(, Director of Hillel


REMARKS K.++./0 A. H*34-+( Class Representative, Executive Committee of the Student Body, 2008-10

REMARKS K.++./0 P. R1(2-*, President of the University

CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES presented by J1+. R. A3&-55. R*,.&/ M. S-+(4.6, Doctor of Science Provost P'15-+. Y1, Doctor of Humane Letters

CONFERRING OF DEGREES Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Special Attainments in Commerce from the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics presented by R*,.&/ D. S/&'170'+ Associate Dean of the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics presented by L'&&6 C. P.33.&( Dean of the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science presented by J'+./ I4.8' from !e College Associate Dean of !e College

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts presented by H'+4 D*,-+ from !e College Dean of !e College

ADJOURNMENT K.++./0 P. R1(2-*, President of the University


Robert E.R. Huntley, former President and Trustee Emeritus; J. Hardin Marion, Trustee Emeritus; Dawn A. Watkins, Vice President of Student A"airs and Dean of Students; Robert Danforth, Associ-ate Dean of the School of Law; Elizabeth Knapp, Associate Dean of the College; D. Scott Dittman, University Registrar; Brian Richardson, University Marshal pro tem


Gerald Pope, trumpet; Chris Magee, trumpet; Russel Nelson, horn; Tom McKenzie, trombone; Robert Chernault, tuba



Robert Marshall Sinskey—physician, researcher, teacher, innovator and humanitarian. Dr. Sinskey, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, graduated from Washington and Lee University in 1945 with a Bachelor of Arts and earned an M.D. from Duke University in 1948. He was a member of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. An accomplished physician and surgeon, Dr. Sinskey pioneered the use of intraocular lens implants and was the $rst surgeon to perform the procedure on infants and children in the United States. As a lieutenant in the United States Navy following World War II, he studied the e"ects of radiation on the eyes of atomic bomb victims. His research showed that the lens, not the retina, is the most sensitive to radiation, a $nding that has informed treatment of cancers around the eye. He has authored more than 30 journal articles and textbook chapters and co-authored the Manual of Cataract Surgery, which is a key reference for ophthalmologists everywhere. Dr. Sinskey served as a clinical professor of ophthalmology at the Jules Stein Eye Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine, and has participated in more than 100 symposia and speaking engagements. He serves on the editorial boards of Ocular Surgery News, Ophthalmology Times, European Journal of Ocular Surgery News, and Asia Paci#c Journal of Ophthalmology. Dr. Sinskey designed several innovative surgical instruments and patented the Sinskey Hook, which is used in laser procedures and eye surgery, allowing for smaller incisions. He also pioneered a procedure to treat nystagmus, the involuntary movement of the eyes that prevents normal focusing. In addition to his advances in medicine, Washington and Lee recognizes Dr. Sinskey today for his humanitarian work. He founded the Robert M. Sinskey Foundation, which supports initiatives associated with the environment, natural resources, eye research, higher education, and human services. His passion for improving vision, especially in children, has helped to restore sight to people around the world. He led e"orts in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to create the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery’s pediatric eye-care clinic, which was later named the Robert M. Sinskey Clinic. In recognition of his many signi$cant achievements and professional contributions, he has been inducted into the Ophthalmology Hall of Fame and received the Duke University Humanitarian Award and an honorary doctor of medical sciences from the University of South Carolina. Dr. Robert M. Sinskey, in recognition of your lifelong accomplishments as an extraor-dinary physician, innovator, humanitarian, and distinguished alumnus, Washington and Lee University is proud to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.



Pauline Yu is a teacher of East Asian languages and cultures, a scholar of Chinese poetry, a university administrator, the president of the American Council of Learned Societies, and a life-long advocate for liberal education. Educated at Harvard and Stanford, Professor Yu has served several universities as a class-room instructor of Chinese language and culture. She has written books about imagery in the Chinese poetic tradition and the poems of Wang Wei. One of her edited volumes is enticingly titled Ways With Words and deals with the challenges of writing about the reading of early Chi-nese texts. Her scholarship and her teaching have used poetry to build bridges between East and West, between past and present, and between the mysteries of the Chinese historical experience and the cultural complexities of contemporary America. Dr. Yu is a distinguished scholar and teacher in East Asian studies. In addition to her accomplishments as an internationally recognized scholar, Pauline Yu has excelled in administrative posts, $rst as a department chair, then as Dean of Humanities in the College of Letters and Science at UCLA, and now as the president of the American Council of Learned Societies, a national coalition of professional academic organizations. In addition, Dr. Yu holds appointments on the Board of Overseers at Harvard; the Senate of !e Phi Beta Kappa Society; as a trustee for the Asian Cultural Council; on the Board of Directors of the Teagle Foundation; as a member in the Scholars’ Council of the Library of Congress; and has many other titles and responsibilities in enterprises all across the landscape of American and international higher education. Dr. Yu is a public champion for the humanities and liberal arts, as demonstrated by the titles of some of her recent public addresses, such as “Revitalizing Humanities: Expanding the Vision of Liberal Education” and “Insurmountable Opportunities: Liberal Education in a Changing Climate.” An eloquent speaker, Dr. Yu has been a tireless advocate for our shared vision of liberal education for the 21st century. Pauline Yu—distinguished teacher, scholar and leader in liberal-arts higher education—Washington and Lee is proud to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.



Frederick Edward Robin Butler, Baron Butler of Brockwell, is a public servant who rose to the highest ranks of the British government. A distinguished educator, the former master of University College, Oxford, he is a longtime friend and professional associate of Washington and Lee University. A distinguished graduate of Oxford, Robin Butler earned two $rsts at University College and was launched into a long, varied, and highly successful career in public service. Robin Butler served $ve prime ministers with distinction—as the private secretary to Edward Heath and Harold Wilson; as principal private secretary to Margaret !atcher; and as cabinet secretary during the premierships of !atcher, Major, and Blair. In 1998, when he retired, he was the head of the British Civil Service. !at same year, he was made a life peer and a member of the House of Lords. In 2004, he chaired a panel examining the controversial intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq. !e $nal document produced by that panel, still known as the “Butler Report,” was a balanced and critical review of one of the most consequential foreign-policy decisions of our time. A second career, this time in higher education, began when Lord Butler accepted appointment as master of University College, where he served his alma mater with the same distinction with which he served his country. For many years, he and his wife, Jill, were gracious hosts to Washington and Lee students and faculty who studied at Oxford under the auspices of long-established exchanges between our two institutions. Lord Butler, accomplished student, dedicated public servant, adviser to prime ministers, senior statesman, administrator of University College, and friend to Washington and Lee, we are proud to confer upon you the Doctor of Humane Laws, honoris causa.

presented at the Founders’ Day convocation of Washington and Lee University January 19, 2010



Gordon S. Wood is one of our nation’s leading historians, an award-winning author, a lifelong educator, and a scholar who has given this generation new and powerful insights into the hearts and minds of the leading $gures who created the American republic. A nation such as ours that is built on ideas has a special need for intellectual historians like Gordon Wood. He has spent a distinguished career exploring and explaining the ideas upon which America was founded. His classic books, !e Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787, !e Radicalism of the American Revolution, and !e Americanization of Benjamin Franklin won prizes that bear the names Bancroft, John H. Dunning, Pulitzer, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Julia Ward Howe. He has recently published a volume in the Oxford History of the United States, Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815, and a collection of essays on members of the founding generation, Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Di"erent. What sets apart the work of Gordon Wood is a remarkable breadth of scholarship, an uncanny ability to bring the 18th century to life, an elegant use of the English language, and a remarkable insight into the origins and development of the ideas, risky at the time, that shaped the birth of the American democracy. His books and lectures take us to a di"erent and di#cult time and never shy away from the complexities and contradictions, the fortunes and foibles, the idealism and ideologies that characterized the men and women who built a new nation and dreamed of a new world. A recent New York Times review of his latest work said it well: “On every page of this book, Wood’s subtlety and erudition show. Grand in scope and a landmark achievement of scholarship, Empire of Liberty is a tour de force, the culmination of a lifetime of brilliant thinking and writing.” Gordon S. Wood, emeritus professor at Brown University, graduate of Tufts University and Harvard University, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society—Washington and Lee University is proud to confer upon you the Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.

presented at the Founders’ Day convocation of Washington and Lee UniversityJanuary 19, 2010



Bachelor of Sciencewith Special Attainments in Commerce

C'&*56+ L.. A8'9-4cum laude

A+8&.: C'9-55* A5,.&-2*cum laude

H'6.( W.(5.6 A(02&';/cum laude

A+8&.: N-20*5'( A(('3-9*+:'-/Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

D'+-.5 B.+<'9-+ A1(/-+

C0.5(.' L.'++. B'&49'+

G.*&7. P'15 B'&(+.(( J&.

J*0+ L*7'+ B'&/5.// J&.

K'/0&6+ A++ B.24.&

D'=-8 G5.++ B5'4.

J.;;&.6 K. A. B*'/.+7

B&-'+ O5-=.& B*+81&'+/cum laude

T0*9'( S/.30.+ B&'+85.-+

A++. E5->',./0 B&'+/5.6

P'/&-24 G*&. B&.++'+

B5'-& A5.?'+8&' B&>.(4-

L'1&.+ B&'86 C'-&.

L-+8('6 E5->',./0 C'((.5(magna cum laude

M'//0.: B&12. C'((-556

R6'+ Y*1+7 C'(/5.

G1(/'; R*,.&/ C'='+'170cum laude

L'1&' M'6 C'='+'170

C0'&5.( M. C5'&4

C0'&5.( W-55-'9 C&'-75.

D&.: T0*9'( C&*:5.6

D'=-8 M-20'.5 D'56 J&.cum laude

D-+'0 E5->',./0 D'+;*&/0Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

C0'&5.( J*(.30 D'=-8(*+ II

J*0+ A+/0*+6 D-/*&.

S/.30.+ J*(.30 D-=.&-*

L'1&.+ W&-70/ D*&(.6

R*(( M'?:.55 D&',.&

F5./20.& W-55-+70'9 D1++

K'/0.&-+. E5->',./0 D1+306

C'&*5-+. C'3. E20*5(

C0&-(/*30.& M. F'&&.55cum laude

K.=-+ F&'+2-( F..+.6


M'&7'&./ P'7. F-(4*:

A5.2-' K.&&--A++ F56++

M.&.8-/0 R'+4 F&..9'+

D*175'( J.&.96 F&-.89'+

C0'&5.( T1&5.6 G.+/5.(

J'9-. R6'+ G**8-+

J15-' M'&-. G*/:'58

W-55-'9 P0-55-3 G&'0'9

L-+8('6 C'-/5-+ G&'+/

W-55-'9 B*:9'+ G&..+

M'//0.: J*0+ G&..+.

C0'&5.( E8:'&8 G&-;;-+Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

H-5'&6 C'&*5-+. G&*((.&

C'5. G'&&.// G&*=.magna cum laude

E8:'&8 D*175'(( G&*=.&

C0&-(/*30.& H'&&-( H''4.cum laude

K1(0'5 N'&.(0 H'&<'+-

K'/0.&-+. A5.?'+8.& H'&&-(cum laude

W.5;*&8 D'5/*+ H'&&-( II

T'65'& I&.+. H'&/cum laude

L'1&.+ E5->',./0 H.-/(01(.+

M-20.55. K. H-&(20;.58

D'=-8 D*'4 H*;;9'+cum laude

K.++./0 A55.+ H*34-+(

M'//0.: K&'6,-55 H1//*+

E&-2 A55.+ J'(204.

A7'/' M'&-' K'(>'cum laude

S'&'0 L-55-'+ K.245.&Honors in East Asian Languages and Literatures (!esis: “Koizora: A Mir-roring of Keitai Sh$setsu in a ‘Novel’ Approach to Modern Literature”)

W-55-'9 T0*9'( K.-75.&cum laude

R.'7'+ M'&5.+. K.&&magna cum laude

R-20'&8 P'15 K+'24

E5->',./0 S/.=.+( K&'1(+-24

J*(01' R.1=.+ K1245.6

M'//0.: K-&:'+ L'+7'+

J*0+ T124.& L'1&.+(

J.((-2' J.'+ L1+8cum laude

K'/0.&-+. M'&-. L6++

M'?:.55 M-20'.5 M'+21(*

S/.30'+-. R*(. M'+(.6cum laude

S/.30'+-. A++ M'&4(Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

E9-56 S0'6 M'&/-+cum laude

K.+8'55 B&-//.+ M'/0.:(


A+8&.: R1((.55 M.&-:./0.&

E5->',./0 A8.5-+. M-22-Honors in English (!esis: “Do As I Say: How Performative Language Shapes Shakespearean Tragedy”)

H'++'0 K'/0&6+ M-/20.55cum laude

M.&.8-/0 D*:8 M-/20.55Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

S'&'0 E5->',./0 M*+/>

J*(.30 S/&*24 M**&.

C'&5*( A5,.&/* M*&'5.( U55'1&-magna cum laude

G.*&7. E99.// M*&7'+ IVmagna cum laude

T'++.& M'&4 M*1(('

N'/0'+ J*0+ N-24.&(*+

A+/0*+6 J'9.( O5.6 J&.Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

T'&' J'+. M'&-' O’N.-5

M-20'.5 C*&+.5-( O*9(

S'9'+/0' M-20.55. O65.&magna cum laude

W-55-'9 C*5/*+ P'6+.

R-<1/' J'-&'< P0'/'4cum laude

R6'+ M*&&.55 P-++.6

V-2/*&-' L.. R'',.

A5.?'+8.& C0&-(/-'+ R.99.5cum laude

A(0/*+ E5.+- R-33.*+

A55.+ J. R*/0

R*,.&/ B1&& S'5-.&(cum laude

J15-. B'&/5.// S'+8.&(cum laude

D*+'=*+ J'9.5 S':6.&

M-20'.5 P'15 S20'1;.5.

V-=-'+ F5.9-+7 S20&..8.&

G.*&7. H1+/.& S.&.+,./>

S'&'0 E5->',./0 S-93(*+cum laude

J*0+ D'+-.5 S4*5+-4

J*0+ T65.& S9-/0

J'9.( F&'+2-( S96/0

P'&4.& E&-4 S:.+(*+

S'&'0 M'&-. T0*&+(,.&&6magna cum laude

R*,.&/ O&9'+ T0*&3.

T0*9'( M'(*+ T-55.// J&.

M'&40.'=.+( T(019' J&.

T'65*& R*,.&/(*+ W'5(0

C0&-(/*30.& J'9.( W'(0-+7/*+

R6'+ P'/&-24 W.5(0

M*556 C'&&-+7/*+ W.(/

E9-56 J'+. W0-335.cum laude

J.;;&.6 W-55-'9 W0-/.

W-55-'9 D'=-8 W-54.&(*+


L'&4-+ M*+&*. W-5(*+ IVcum laude

R*,.&/ B6&*+ W*9,5. J&.

A++- Z0'

C0&-(/*30.& E. Z-.9,4*

Bachelor of Arts(with majors in the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics)

J*0+ S'91.5 A24.&9'+

N-2*5. M'&-. A55','+8

A+8&.: N-20*5'( A(('3-9*+:'-/Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

P'/&-2-' L6++ B'/.(

Y'4*= L. B.&

A++-. B1(0 B5'4.6

A5.?'+8.& T0*9'( B*.05-+7

K'/0&6+ P'-7. B*-5.(Honors in Economics (!esis: “Uno%cial Dollarization and Market Integration: !e Case of Latin America”)Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

R*,.&/ T0*9'( B*:5.&

W-55-'9 S/'+/*+ B&-2.

A5.?'+8.& S2*// B&**4.

J*+'/0'+ C0&-(/-'+ B&*:+

C'&*5-+. C5'-&. B&>*>*:-2>

A+8&.: C0&-(/*30.& B18>-+(4-Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

J.((-2' E5->',./0 B1++.55cum laude

A5.?'+8&' C*+8* C'&-/-(magna cum laude

A1(/-+ P'/&-24 C*53-+-

F&'+4 R*8*5; D'5. J&.

D'+. A5.?'+8.& D'=-(

A,.5 S'91.5 D.57'8*

B&-'+ E55-( D.=-+.Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

J'9.( C0&-(/-'+ D-24Honors in Economics (!esis: “Closer !an You !ink: Two Explanations of Global Price Dispersion Using the Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis and the ‘Arbitrage-ability’ of Traded Goods”)Phi Beta Kappa (2009)magna cum laude

D*175'( J.&.96 F&-.89'+

T0*9'( D'+-.5 F&-/0 IV

D-55*+ R*,-+ F1520.&

G.*&7. O. G.5-+'( IV

J*(.30 C'++*+ G-,(*+

B.+<'9-+ D*+'58 G*./(20

J*(01' A5.<'+8&* G*+>'5.>Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

C'&*5-+. L*1-(. H.'8magna cum laude

J*0+ R1((.55 H.+>.5 III


R*,.&/ B&'?/*+ H-55.+,&'+8

S'9'+/0' J'+. H*7'+(

M-20'.5 E8:'&8 H1+/&.(( cum laude

J.((-2' L*-( J*+.(

A++. M-20.55. K'(3.&

R*(.9'&6 C'/0.&-+. K.55.6

E&-4' A++' K0'5.4

A5.?'+8&-' M'8.5-+. K-.&(/

K.556 A++ L'&/-71.cum laude

R'('@ O51:'(.1+ L':'5

B.+<'9-+ B.8.55 L':&.+2.

W-55-'9 C'98.+ L.:-(

W-55-'9 F&'+2-( L12. III

M'//0.: M-20'.5 M'6

J*&8'+ H'55 F.5/*+ M2K-//&-24Honors in Economics (!esis: “An In-ductive Approach to the Spatial Model of Price Dispersion: !e Importance of Linear and Non-Linear Distance E"ects and the ‘Arbitrage-ability’ of Various Goods”)

M'&4 B&.+/ M.6.&( J&.

R6'+ H-&*(0- M*5-+7

D'5.+' G&'2. M*(.&cum laude

J.++-;.& L6++ N1+.(

E55-*// W-55-'9 O’B&-.+University ScholarsPhi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

A+8&.: A55.9*+7 P'6+. IV

L*7'+ E55-*// P.//-7&.:cum laude

J'9.( R-20'&8 P5'+/0*5/

A++' K+*:5.( R*7.&(cum laude

G&'+/ S/.=.+ R1((.55

B&-'+ M-20'.5 S21556

A3'&'<-/' S-+70Honors in Economics (!esis: “Returns to Education in India: New Evidence”)magna cum laude

K'/0.&-+. B&'-+'&8 S-+4(

M'&4 W-+(/*+ S/'77 J&.

S199.& L.. S/.&5-+7

T'&' B&-//'+6 S/.:'&/magna cum laude

B.+<'9-+ G&'0'9 S/1//(

W.(5.6 B&12. T./(:*&/0

K.=-+ D'+-.5 T&.93.

J*0+ G&-;;-+ T:*9.6 II

J'9.( S2*// W'88.55

B&'85.6 W-55-'9 W'//(

Z'20'&6 S65=.(/.& W0-/.

J'9.( P'/&-24 W*5;;

J.++-;.& L6++. W&-70/


Bachelor of ScienceN'/0'+-.5 D.&.4 A84-+(

H-,' M'09*18 A((-Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

J'9.( V.&+*+ B'-&8 J&.Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

W-55-'9 D*175'( B'4.&cum laude

B&'+8*+ L.. B'&+8(cum laude

M-20'.5 J'9.( B.+8.&

S'91.5 B.+<'9-+ B&1(2'Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

E8:'&8 C'5*0-55 B1&4( IIIHonors in Physics (!esis: “!e Fabri-cation of Antire&ective Coatings by the Self-Assembly of Silica Nanoparticle and Polycation Bilayers”)Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

W0-/+.6 R.+.. B1&+(Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

M'//0.: I'+ C0-58.&(Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

D-'+' E-&' C-'+2-*//'

E9-56 F'6 C*65.University ScholarsHonors in Psychology (!esis: “Barbie as a Model of Gender-Nontraditional ‘Career Possible’ Self Content for Pre-school and Kindergarten Girls”)Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude

J*(-'0 W-55-'9 D'=-(Phi Beta Kappa (2009)magna cum laude

M'40*('>'+' Z. D1,.

N.=-55. L6*+( F*7'&/6Phi Beta Kappa (2009)magna cum laude

N-20*5'( H'&&-(*+ F1.&(/

J*(01' A5.<'+8&* G*+>'5.>Honors in Physics (!esis: “A Study of Simple Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics Models: Molecular Motors and Tra%c Jams”)Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

K&-(/.+-K'6. S0'8.+. G*15,*1&+.

S'55.6 V-&7-+-' G*158

C'&*5-+. M'&-*+ H',5-(/*+Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

S1>'++. E891+8( H'+7.

A+8&.' L.. H'+-24University Scholarscum laude

K.556 L*1-(. H'&&-(*+cum laude

C0'&5.( W-55-'9 H.'3( IIIcum laude

M'&6 F&'+45-+ H-33

S.'+ M-20'.5 H1&8-((

J.((-2' D'+-.55. H1((

G*&8*+ R*(:.55 I(,.55 IV

E&-2' M*&7'+ J*+.(


J.((-2' K'-/56+ K'93Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

S'&'0 V'+ K.55.6cum laude

D'+-.5 K*05Honors in Geology (!esis: “Late Paleocene-Eocene Syn-Orogenic Fluvial Sedimentation and Detrital Fission Track !ermochronology of Laramide Syn-Orogenic Sediments, Denver Basin, Colorado”)

A8'9 S:'+(*+ K*='&(

D'=-8 J*(.30 L*=.

W-55-'9 F&'+2-( L12. III

K.+8'55 M2C'&/06 M'((.+7-55magna cum laude

S/.30'+-. M'1&* MA+8.>

C5'&' C&'9.& M2C5.+*+magna cum laude

J*(.30 P'/&-24 M2D*+'58Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

S/.=.+ F&.8.&-24 M.'8*&(

B.+<'9-+ W-++ M**+.60'9Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude

A++'&-' N'&8*+.Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

R.,.22' C*++.55 O:-+7(

M'&6 E5->',./0 P./&15-(

J*0+ R1.7.& P;517 IIIPhi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude

R'20'.5 D-'+' P0-55-3(

J'9.( J. P&'// IV

C&-(/-+ E5->',./0 Q1-++Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

M-20'.5 K&-(0+' R'*

S'91.5 T&'26 R..8cum laude

B&**4. L'1&.+ R.-86University ScholarsPhi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

S'&'0 E5->',./0 R*,.&/(*+

A+8&.: M-20'.5 S'249'+

T0*9'( R1/0.&;*&8 S.55.&(Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

A3'&'<-/' S-+70magna cum laude

R'20.5 M-20.55. S4'-+(Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

C'&*56+ N-2*5. S9'55cum laude

V-2/*&-' M'1&..+ S/.=.+(Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude

N-20*5'( T'551&-

K'/0.&-+. C0&-(/-+' T.5;.6'+Honors in Geology (!esis: “!e E"ect of Amazon and Orinoco Rivers on the Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Cycles o" Barbados: A Record from Montastrea sp. and Siderastrea sp. Corals”)cum laude

D'+-.5 F&.8.&-24 T0*&+/*+Honors in Computer Science (!esis: “Steinhaus Graph Connectivity: Initial Data and Analysis”)cum laude


S'&'0 J*(.30-+. T&-9,5.Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

D'&-+4' T&B.,1/(20.4Honors in Psychology (!esis: “Emo-tion Regulation in Individuals with Self-Reported Symptoms of ADHD”)Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

B.+' M1<'+'6- T(0-(0-41Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

G&'2. Z--6'+ W'+7cum laude

N-20*5'( D'=-8 W'&8

J*0+ R1((19 W..9(Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

J*0+ T0*9'( W&.+ J&.Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

K.5(.6 M'&-. W&-70/cum laude

Bachelor of ArtsW-55-'9 R-20'&8 F*57.& A24.55

C'&*56+ L.. A8'9-4cum laude

S'55-. M'//0.:( A&9(/&*+7

D'+-.55. H. A1(.9(

J'(*+ P. B'2'<

L'1&.+ L*1-(. B'&*1((.

J*0+ R-20'&8 B'&&*+

L6++ E5->',./0 B'>>.5cum laude

C*86 L.. B.'120'93

R.,.22' J*'++. B..(*+Honors in History (!esis: “Remem-bering Franco: Spanish Collective Memory from the Civil War to Today”)magna cum laude

J'+. C&*((.// B*120Honors in Art History (!esis: “Land, Women, and Power: !e Bayeux Tap-estry and the Secular Epic Tradition”)cum laude

K'/.56+ A++ B*1&./

J.((-2' L.-70 B&.++.&

N'/'5-. I8' B1++.55Honors in Art History (!esis: “!e Birth of the Modern Book: Re-Reading Vollard’s Livres d’Artistes”)Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

A++' S/1'&/ B1&+.//cum laude

W-55-'9 M.8.'&-( B1/5.& II

H.5.+ H'&8-. C'5=.&/

A8'9 S2*// C'+2&6+

C'/0.&-+. M'5-+7 C'&5*24


L'9-S-+7 S-5=-' C0.+7

S0'&*+ R.7-+' C01

R*,.&/ S. C5'-,*&+. J&.

P. Z'4 C*5'+7.5*-T&.++.&

A96 M'&7'&./ C*+'+/Honors in English (!esis: “Tell Us a Story: Ancient Rhetoric and the Power of Storytelling in Legal Fiction”)

W-55-'9 J'9.( C**3.&University ScholarsPhi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

K.=-+ T0*9'( C*&+Honors in History (!esis: “From Brown to Green: School Desegregation in Roanoke, Virginia”)

F&'+2.( M2C'+/( C*120

A(05.6 P'&4-+(*+ C&'88*24

T0*9'( M-20'.5 C&'-7-G&1,,(

S'9 R*6'5 C&'3'&* III

D-+'0 E5->',./0 D'+;*&/0Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

J*(-'0 W-55-'9 D'=-(Honors in Mathematics (!esis: “Steinhaus Graphs and Pendent Vertices”)Phi Beta Kappa (2009)magna cum laude

F.5-2-' G',&-.55. 8. C*1&26

A96 L'1&.+ D*175'(

M'&6 M'&7'&./ D*>-.&

S/.30'+-. M'. D15/>

K'/0.&-+. E5->',./0 D1+306

L-(' N.:9'+ D1//*+Honors in Philosophy (!esis: “!e Value of the Absurd: A Critical Per-spective of Camus’ Existential Ethics”)

N7*>-4' I;.*9' C0-+*.+6. E7,1*+1

A5.?'+8&' V-=-'+ E-20.+,'19

H-55'&6 A++. E-+;.58/

A70'&.(. N4*5-4' E9*43'.

S'&'0 R'+8*530 E+7(/&C9

J15-' M2L'1205'+ F'&+0'9

C0&-(/*30.& M. F'&&.55cum laude

L'1&' M'&-. F5.9-+7

M'1&..+ G&-;;-+ F*&8

C'-/5-+ E5->',./0 F*(/.&

S'9'&' T-+.//. M.5-' F&'+2-(2*magna cum laude

C5-;;*&8 D'=-( G'886

E&-+ E5->',./0 G'55-0.&

M'&6 A++ G'+2.&

J*+'/0'+ G&*=.& G-.(.+cum laude

A+8&.: W-55-'9 G-559*&.Honors in Philosophy (!esis: “A Slight Plight: Who Is Right to Fight for Rights? An Inquiry Into What Beings Have Moral Rights”)

R*,.&/ C0&-(/-'+ G-=.+

J'24-. R-2. G**8.55


K.556 J.((-2' G*/4-+cum laude

W-55-'9 P0-55-3 G&'0'9

C'5. G'&&.// G&*=.magna cum laude

C'&*5-+. C5'-&. H'.,.&5.

A96 M'&-' H'&,-5'(Honors in Studio Art (!esis: “True Novelty”)

S/.30'+-. N-2*5. H'&8-9'+

S'&'0 E+75. H'&8-+-W0-/.

M'&7'&./ R*(. H'&&-+7/*+Honors in Art History (!esis: “Mul-tiple Solutions to the ‘Problem of the Window’: A Historiographic Approach to René Magritte’s Paintings-Within-Paintings”)Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

D.&.4 H'&&-( H'6(*9

O5-=-' P'&'9*&. H.'8

N'/'5-. R.,.22' H.&+8*+

K-9 S14 H*55'+8Honors in East Asian Languagues and Literatures (!esis: “!e Cultural Impli-cations of Karaoke in Japanese Society”)cum laude

B&.// S2*// H*5/*+

L126 G5.++ H1+85.6University ScholarsHonors in English (!esis: “!e Noth-ing !at From Nothing Came: A !esis about Shakespeare’s Nothing”)magna cum laude

S.'+ M-20'.5 H1&8-((

S'&'0 B*64-+ J.+4(

N'/0'+ M'//0.: J.+(.+

S'9'+/0' M'&6A J-9.+.>

L6+8(.6 A++-4' J*0'+((*+

L'&' J1+. J*&8'+

M.70'+ E&-+ K.'+.

A+/0*+6 E8:'&8 K.556

S'&'0 C0'+ Y.' K-9Honors in Music (!esis: “Senior Piano Recital”)cum laude

R*('5-+8 V-2/*&-' K5'++

A+8&.: P-.&2. L'9,.&/

R'20'.5 C5'&4 L'+78*+Honors in History (!esis: “Louisa Cheves McCord: Portrait of a South-ern Woman”)

G&'+/ K.+/ L.:'+8&*:(4-

A8'9 M'//0.: L.:-(

X-'*?- L-'+7Honors in English (!esis: “What Tiresias Has Missed : Prophecy in James Joyce’s Ulysses”)cum laude

K.=-+ C*++*& L*+7

A5-(*+ T0*&+:.55 L*=.

J.((-2' J'+. A:-+<' M'4*+'

E5->',./0 M2N'-& M'++


C'/0.&-+. H*556 P.'&('55

C*55-+ S155-='+ P.24

R*9. I(''2 P.&59'+

K&-(/.+ A9'+8' P-.&(*+

K.=-+ J*.5 P*.501-(cum laude

K-9,.&56 L'1&.+ P*-(('+/

A5.?'+8&' D-24(*+ R'',

D'=-8 W. R'-+

H*556 L6++. R'/5-;;Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

B&**4. L'1&.+ R.-86University ScholarsPhi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

J*(.30 W.(5.6 R*'+.

M'&@1-/' J15-' R*,-+(*+Honors in !eater (!esis: “Directing Where We’re Born”)cum laude

S/.30'+-. J.'+ S20'.;.&

H'++'0 E=' S20:'&/>(/.-+

Z'20'&6 S'91.5 S.7'55cum laude

E5.'+*& A5,&-70/ S-99*+(

K'/0.&-+. E9-56 S-9*+cum laude

E&-+ K65-. S9-/0

E/0'+ H'&*58 S9-/0

G*&8*+ A55.+ S9-/0 J&.

K.=-+ R*,.&/ M'++.&-+7

M'//0.: J*(.30 M'(*+

A5.?'+8&' N. M'((.6

A(05.6 J*6 M2A55-(/.&

M1&&6 G'&&*// M2C5-+/*24 J&.

J*&8'+ E5->',./0 M2C*++.5

G&'2. B1245.6 M2G..Honors in Philosophy (!esis: “On Empathy in Adam Smith’s !e !eory of Moral Sentiments and Its Role Within a Contractualist Framework”)cum laude

J.++' S*30-' M.&-77-

A(05.6 N-2*5. M-55-7'+cum laude

B.+<'9-+ W-++ M**+.60'9Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude

M-20'.5 A+/0*+6 M*&.55'cum laude

H'++'0 J.'++. M1&306

H.+&6 S'91.5 N'/0'+

N'/0'+ J*0+ N-24.&(*+

C0'(. A(056+ N*6.(

A+8&.' M-20.55. N155Honors in English (!esis: “Jug Island and Other Fictions”)

M-20'.5 P'/&-24 O’B&-.+Honors in Studio Art (!esis: “Visit-ing”)

D.+-( J*(.30 O’L.'&6 III

M'//0.: L*&.+> P'7'+*


E&-2 A. V.&.(cum laude

C5'18-' V-+2.+/-

V-4/*&-' V'5.&-.=' V1/*='magna cum laude

H1- J.((-. W'+7

M'&6 F&'+2.( W.'/0.&56

M*556 E5->',./0 W0.'/*+cum laude

J*&8'+ M-20'.5 W0-/.

K-9,.& L'1&.+ W-77(University ScholarsHonors in English (!esis: “Dedly synne er domesday shal fordoon hem alle”: Exploring the Seven Deadly Sins !rough Medieval Personi#cation Allegory”)Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude

E9-56 A++ W-55-'9(cum laude

C'-/56+ M'&-. W-5(*+

C0'&5.( B.&4.5.6 W-5(*+ III

Q1..+-. W*+7cum laude

J.++' P'-7. W*&(0'9Honors in English (!esis: “‘It’s the !eatrical’: Sylvia Plath and the Au-dacity to Perform an Atomic Identity”)Honors in !eater (!esis: “Eugene O’Neill’s Ah, Wilderness!”)cum laude

W-55-'9 D-?*+ S+14'5(

M'&-' J18-/ S*&-' DD'>

C'9.&*+ S2*// S/..5.

M.7'+ M2K.+>-. S/.-+0'&8/

K&-(/-+' M'&-. S/.=.+(

R..8 E'(/,1&+ S/.=.+(

W-55-'9 L':&.+2. S/.:'&/Honors in Music (!esis: “Debussy and Bartók: Children and !eir Music”)

H-55'&6 W-+80'1( S/&'((.&

M'&-'+ J.'+ S1/0.&5'+8

M.5-((' R.+.. S>195-2

D'+-.5 F&.8.&-24 T0*&+/*+cum laude

D*&*/06 R.,.22' T*88University ScholarsHonors in English (!esis: “‘If I Were a Woman’: !e Crossdressed Heroine in Shakespeare’s Comedies”)Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

M'&40.'=.+( T(019' J&.

F'&&.55 R*(. U5&-20

E5->' L.. ='+ B.1&.+

C0'&5.( J'9.( V'+ H*&+ J&.

E5->',./0 M'&(0'55 V'+ L..&magna cum laude

E5->',./0 B&**4( V'&8.55

S/1'&/ R*(( V'((.6

J.((-2' A++ V.&2.55-+*


J*0+ T0*9'( W&.+ J&.Honors in Religion (!esis: “!e Muslim Brotherhood and De#ning the Com-munity: An Evolution from the Global to the Particular”)Phi Beta Kappa (2009)summa cum laude

DEGREES AWARDEDAugust 15, 2009

Juris DoctorE81'&8* E. S';-55.

October 24, 2009

Bachelor of Sciencewith Special Attainments in Commerce

(major in the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics)

T'65*& E8:'&8 M-/20.55

Bachelor of Arts(major in the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics)

E&-2' H'-5.6 C'&(*+

Bachelor of Arts(major in !e College)

M*+-2' K.556 C0-++

W6'// A5.?'+8.& H.'/*+

C&'-7 A55.+ M'549.(

K65. B.+/*+ S-9*+Honors in Philosophy (!esis: “Cognitive Irrealism”)

K.5(.6 M'&-. W&-70/cum laude

E8:'&8 S/.=.+(*+ Y.-58-+7


December 19, 2009

Juris DoctorW-55-'9 F-(0:-24 M2L.'+

Bachelor of Science with Special Attainments in Commerce

(major in the Ernest Williams II School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics)

B&-'+ A+8&.: A+/*(>64

W-55-'9 W'55'2. B-55-+7/*+Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude

Bachelor of Science(major in !e College)

M'&41( V'5/.& M1(/

Bachelor of Arts(major in !e College)

A5.-(0' M'&-. B1/5.&

K'65' E5->',./0 R*:.


May 8, 2010

Master of LawsM*0'99'8 A(-; E0('+ S.,70'/155'0 E,&'0-9-

Juris DoctorK';1- A9' A(.9,&-

J15-'++' J. B'.

B&-'+ L.. B.55

N-20*5'( P'15 B-'+20-magna cum laude

L'1&.+ M'&-. B<1&(/&*9

K-6*9- D'556+ B*5-24

A5.?'+8&' B./0 B*/:-+-24

L*&.+ L126 F'-&;'? B&'+8*+

M.&.8-/0 M'28*+'58 B&.,+.&

J'(*+ G.&'&8 B&*:+

L-+8(.6 D'5/*+ B&*:+magna cum laude

R*+'58 D'=-8 P'15 B&1249'++

C&-(/-+' M'&-. B122-+'

J*(01' B'&+.6 C'++*+

J.++-;.&-A++ C'+/:.55

J*86 L6+ C'(/-55*

Y' M'&-. E. C0'9

P'/&-24 T0*9'( C0'9,.&5'-+Order of the Coifsumma cum laude

M. H'9>' C0'18'&6

J*(.30 B&'85.6 C5'&4 C0.&&6

E5->',./0 E55.+ C5'&4.

R.,.22' K-9,.&56 C5-+/*+

J*(01' J*(.30 C*5.9'+

J'9.( E. C*55-+( J&.

A'&*+ B&12. C**4Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

V-2/*&-' V'+2. C*&8.&

C'-/5-+ R*,.&/( C*//-+70'9cum laude

J.++' W'54.& C&.9.'+(

E8:'&8 S/.:'&/ C&*(5'+8Order of the Coifsumma cum laude

G.*&7. B&-'+ D'=-(Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

R*,.&/ E8:-+ D.'+ II

M.5-+8' O’N.-55 D*1&*(

R*,.&/ T-9*/06 E24(/&*9

A+8&.: J. F'8'5.


E='+ M'//0.: F.-+9'+

C0&-(/*30.& S/.30.+ F-.58(magna cum laude

A+8&.: D'+-.5 F-++-219magna cum laude

L'1&.+ E5->',./0 F-(0.&cum laude

K&-(/-+ J'9.&(*+ F*??

C*1&/+.6 B&**4. G'09

M-20'.5 P&.(/*+ G'&8+.&

P0-5-3 M'&4 G5.++cum laude

L.+' E. G*5>. D.(9*+8cum laude

E5- C0'&5.( G*//5-.,

A5.?'+8&' D'&. G&'0'9

K'965. W0-/+.6 G&-;;-+

M.7'+ E5->',./0 G1-55-'9(cum laude

S/.30'+-. R.+.. H'7.&

E&-2' B5'6&. H'77'&8Order of the Coifsumma cum laude

G.+. P'/&-24 H'9-5/*+Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

R6'+ M-20'.5 H'+4-+(

K.-/0 P*1+8 H'&9*+

E&-2 J15-'+ H*;;9'+

J.&.96 A55.+ H*5/

B&6'+ J*0+ H*6+'4Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

S'91.5 P. H1'+7

M-20'.5 C0&-(/-'+ H1;;

F&'+2.(2' P'9.5' J.'+ B'3/-(/.

K&-(/-+' D'+-.55. J*6+.&

E8:'&8 B.+/*+ K.'/5.6magna cum laude

H'&&-(*+ S2*// K.556

J'9.( A5.?'+8.& K.++.86 II

C0&-(/*30.& W*5; K&'1( F./>.&

J.++-;.& M'&-. L'4.

J*0+ C0&-(/*30.& L'M*+/Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

J.++-;.& T.++-5. L'+75.6

A9'+8' R.+.. L.8;*&8

K61-E1+ L..

W-55-'9 L-cum laude

J*+'/0'+ P&'// L*24:**8cum laude

M-20'.5 F&'+2-( L*/-/*cum laude

R-20'&8 J*(.30 M'5.(4-

S/.=.+ R*,.&/ M'99'&.55'

N'/0'+ J*(.30 M'&20.(.cum laude

D.++-( D1;;6 M'?:.55 J&.


M'&/- J* M2C'5.,

A5.?'+8.& F&.8.&-24 M2C*:+

M-5.( C*86 M2C*6

S'&' E5->',./0 M2M'+1(

T-9*/06 S/.=.+ M.+/4*:(4-

J*(.30 C0'&5.( M.&2.&cum laude

L*-( D.,*&'0 M.&9.5(/.-+

M-20'.5 R*,.&/ M.6.&

S'&'0 E5->',./0 M-.54.cum laude

Z'20'&6 I'+ M-55(Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

F'-('5 M*7015

E&-2 M'//0.: M*&&-(Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

N-20*5'( J. N.-8>:(4-

B&-//'+- N-2*5. N-20*5(

S'91.5 B-',*5- N4*15-

P'/&-24 T-9*/06 O’B&-.+

C'-/5-+ V.&*+-2' O’D*++.55

C0'+2. J. P0-+-.>6

P'4'3*+ P0-+6*:'//'+'20-3

M-20'.5 J*(.30 P5.E+-4

E5->',./0 A++. P*/>cum laude

C0&-(/*30.& K. P&'//

J'(*+ C. R'/-7'+magna cum laude

C0&-(/*30.& R*,.&/ R-'+*

E5->',./0 C. R*'20.magna cum laude

D'=-8 A'&*+ R*,-+(*+cum laude

A5.?'+8&. V. R*1&4

P'/&-24 T-9*/06 R*:.

Q1-++ T-9*/06 R6'+cum laude

R'20.5 E5->',./0 S2*9'

G16 B&6'+ S.&.;; II

Z'20'&6 B5'4. S./>.&cum laude

J*(01' T0*9'( S0':magna cum laude

S0'++*+ T&.+/ S0.&&-55cum laude

B&.// M-20'.5 S0*245.6Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

K'/0.&-+. D-'+. S9-/0

J*0+ K+*:5/*+ S*&*24

A+8&.: A'&*+ S3-.='24Order of the Coifmagna cum laude

J'2*, S. S/*.0&magna cum laude

C',*/ R.'8 T.'20*1/

R'<..=. T0'41&cum laude


J*0+ E8:'&8 T0*9'( J&.cum laude

J*0+ D'=-8 T1&3-+ J&.

A+/0*+6 V-8'5 J&.

T'66',' W'@'&

K'&' R1/0 W.,(/.&

A'&*+ J'9.( W-.2>*&.4

C0&-(/*30.& G.&'&8 W*(5.7.&

C0'&5.( R-20'&8(*+ Y'/.( IIIcum laude



!e graduating senior with the highest academic average.

THE ALGERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN MEDALLION K'/0&6+ P'-7. B*-5.( K1(0'5 N'&.(0 H'&<'+-

Awarded by vote of the faculty to individuals who excel in high ideals of living, in spiritual qualities, and in generous and disinterested service to others.

THE FRANK J. GILLIAM AWARD M1&&6 G'&&*// M2C5-+/*24 J&.

Awarded by the Executive Committee of the Student Body to that student who has made the most valuable contribution to student a"airs in one or more #elds.

THE EDWARD LEE PINNEY PRIZE N'/'5-. I8' B1++.55 B.+' M1<'+'6- T(0-(0-41

Awarded by the Student A"airs Committee to an undergraduate student who demonstrates extraordinary commitment to personal scholarship and to the nurturing of intellectual life at

Washington and Lee.

FELLOWSHIPS RECEIVED!e following students (seniors unless otherwise noted) have won fellowships awarded

during the past year in national or international competitions to underwrite their continuing academic endeavors.

French Government Teaching Award (one academic year of teaching assistantship) S/.30'+-. M'. D15/> G&'2. Z--Y'+ W'+7

Fulbright Grant (one academic year of study, research, or teaching assistantship) M.&.8-/0 R'+4 F&..9'+, Germany B.+<'9-+ D*+'58 G*./(20, Germany R*,.&/ T0.*8*&. D.P.&(-' ’FG, Austria

Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholarship A8'9 T65.& H*24.+(9-/0 ’FH

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship L-'+. F&'+2.(2' C'&5(*+ ’FI

National Collegiate Athletic Association Postgraduate Scholarship (in support of graduate study) B&'+8*+ L.. B'&+8(

U.S. Department of State Critical Language Program K.=-+ J*.5 P*.501-(


SCHOLARSHIPS, AWARDS AND PRIZES!e University’s website contains the description of each scholarship, award and prize, identifying

the donor(s), the nature of any memorial purpose, and the most recent recipient(s).

!e Robert Alexander Scholarship B&**4. L'//' S1/0.&5'+8!e G. Holbrook Barber Scholarship C&-70/*+ T0*9'( A55.+!e George Addison Baxter Scholarship B&-87./ M'&6 D*+*='+!e Luther Seevers Birely Scholarship M-20'.5 T*88 K1+/>!e Vincent L. Bradford Scholarship M-20'.5 T*88 K1+/>!e James D. Davidson Memorial Fund Scholarship B&**4. L'//' S1/0.&5'+8!e Franklin Society Scholarship D-+'0 E5->',./0 D'+;*&/0!e Kemper Scholar C'5. G'&&.// G&*=.!e Mapleson Award W-55-'9 J'9.( C**3.&!e James McDowell Scholarship A+'/*5-= I0*&*=-20 K0*9.+4*!e Robinson Award in English Literature, History and Social Sciences D'&-+4' T&B.,1/(20.4!e Robinson Award in Languages H*556 L6++. R'/5-;;!e Robinson Award in Mathematics and Science J*(.30 P'/&-24 M2D*+'58!e Henry Ru"ner Scholarship S'91.5 G&.7*&6 C'93,.55

Accounting Department !e Accounting Departmental Scholarship D-+'0 E5->',./0 D'+;*&/0 !e Joseph and Georgiana Topinka Memorial Scholarship C'-/5-+ L6+20 H'-7-( !e Virginia Society of Certi$ed Public Accountants Award M.&.8-/0 D*:8 M-/20.55 !e James Robert Wingert III, ’85, Award in Accounting M.&.8-/0 D*:8 M-/20.55

Art and Art History Department !e Gerard M. Doyon Prize M'&7'&./ R*(. H'&&-+7/*+ !e Sally Mann Prize in Photography A96 M'&-' H'&,-5'( !e Joseph R. Martin Prize G&'2. B1245.6 M2G.. J.++' P'-7. W*&(0'9 !e O’Mara Prize in Art History J'+. C&*((.// B*120 N'/'5-. I8' B1++.55 !e Studio Art Prize M-20'.5 P'/&-24 O’B&-.+

Art and Art History Department, Music Department, and !eater Department !e Class of 1964 Fine Arts Award M'&@1-/' J15-' R*,-+(*+ K-9,.& L'1&.+ W-77( !e John Graham Award in Fine Arts A70'&.(. N4*5-4' E9*43'.

Biology Department !e Biology Department Research Award J*0+ T0*9'( W&.+ J&. !e Biology Departmental Scholarship T'65*& L6++ G'&&.//


!e Paul A. Brower M.D. Scholarship in Biology C*1&/+.6 C*&-++. W.,&. !e !omas G. Nye Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Field Biology J'+.//. L*&.+>* N*=.&'( S0'+. W69'+ R'9..Business Administration !e Business Administration Department Scholarship E9-56 T'65*& M'/0.:( !e L. K. Johnson Marketing Management Excellence Award W-55-'9 C*5/*+ P'6+. !e Adrian L. McCardell Scholarship C0.+73.+7 M*1

Chemistry Department !e Student Award of the American Institute of Chemists Foundation M'//0.: I'+ C0-58.&( K.+8'55 M2C'&/06 M'((.+7-55 !e First-year Chemistry Achievement Award R*,.&/ G&-;;-+ V.(/'5 !e James Lewis Howe Award in Chemistry C0'&5.( W-55-'9 H.'3( III !e Outstanding Senior Award N* A:'&8 !e James Keith Shillington Scholarship C0-.+-6.1 C01+ !e Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry N* A:'&8 !e Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry M'//0.: I'+ C0-58.&( !e Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry K.55- L.. J'&&.55 !e Mary Louisa Reid White Scholarship in Chemistry T'9'& J18-/0 O*(/&*9

Classics Department !e Classics Department Scholarship in Latin N'/0'+ L. J.+(.+ !e John H. Hamilton Scholarship in Greek M'//0.: J*(.30 M'(*+ !e James J. White Scholarship in Greek A+8&.: P-.&2. L'9,.&/

Computer Science !e Computer Science Department Award J*(-'0 W-55-'9 D'=-(

Dining Services !e Linda Cooper and Bobby Henderson Prize E5->',./0 R*(( D1='55

East Asian Languages and Literatures Department !e Andrew M. Hemm Prize for Excellence in Chinese D'+-.55. N-2*5. M'1&.& !e Andrew M. Hemm Prize for Excellence in Japanese T&'+7 H-.+ N716.+

East Asian Studies Program !e East Asian Studies Award N* A:'&8

Economics Department !e Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarship in Economics C0.+73.+7 M*1 !e Glynn Family Scholarship in Economics K'/0.&-+. A5.?'+8.& H'&&-(


!e Edwin Claybrook Gri#th Scholarship in Economics M'&-' G',&-.5' A5,1<' B120.5- !e John McKenzie Gunn Scholarship in Economics J1(/-+ M-20'.5 D*+'/- R0.// J'2*, N-20*5'( R'6*( !e Kim Family Prize in Economics D*175'( J.&.96 F&-.89'+ C'&5*( A5,.&/* M*&'5.( U55'1&-English Department !e Academy of American Poets Award C'9.&*+ S2*// S/..5. !e Catherine Houston Campbell Scholarship in English Literature A++' M'&-. H.&9.(9'++ C0&-(/-'+ T-9*/06 R*8.+ !e Sidney M. B. Coulling Award M'/0.: E8:'&8 O’S155-='+ !e Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarship in English T&'26 C5'&. R-20'&8(*+ !e George A. Mahan Awards for Creative Writing Senior Prose Award A+8&.' M-20.55. N155 Junior Prose Award C'/0.&-+. E5->',./0 A+8.&(*+ Sophomore Prose Award B&'85.6 D'=-8 H'&8.& First-year Prose Award A96 L.-70 N->*5.4 Poetry Award A+8&.' M-20.55. N155 D.&.4 H'&&-( H'6(*9 !e Dabney Stuart Prize for Distinguished Critical Writing H.+&- M'2 H'99*+8-P'15 C5'-&. E5->',./0 R'(,.&&6 !e Maxwell P. Wilkinson Scholarship in English R*(.9'&6 E5->',./0 H'9,&-70/ C'/0.&-+. C0&-(/-+. K&1(. E5->',./0 P'59.& S0.&.& !e Jean Amory Wornom Award for Distinguished Critical Writing M-20'.5 A+/0*+6 M*&.55'

English Department and German and Russian Department !e Craig Hinkel Prize in English and German N* A:'&8

Environmental Studies Program !e Bates Prize in Environmental Studies A++' S/1'&/ B1&+.//

Geology Department !e Geology Departmental Scholarship S/.30'+-. L6++ B..,. C'&5 A171(/ G&*/. IV A,-7'-5 E5->',./0 H*&+. E5->',./0 A(0,6 M'++ R*(. A. P.//-.//. M'&-' A5.<'+8&' R.-9- S-3'5' !e R. Preston Hawkins IV Award A++ C'&*5-+. B*='6 K&-(/-+ T'65*& S/';;*


!e Kozak-McGuire-Spencer-Schwab Award A++ C'&*5-+. B*='6 J*0+ S3.+2. H*&+,1245. C5'&4 B&1+(*+ S-92*. K&-(/-+ T'65*& S/';;* !e Lena T. Stevens Scholarship in Geology D'+-.5 R'69*+8 K*05 K'/0.&-+. C0&-(/-+' T.5;.6'+ !e Marcellus H. Stow Award in Geology M.&.8-/0 R*(. T*:+(.+8 !e Frank Young Award in Geology N* A:'&8

German and Russian Department !e German and Russian Departmental Scholarship H'++'0 E5->',./0 M1/0.& !e Stadler-Bullard Prize in German M'88-(*+ K. W-5,1& !e B. S. Stephenson Scholarship L'1&' C. C'93,.55 !e Jim Stump Prize in German Q-120- S1+ B-20 N7*2 T&'+ !e James S. Wood Prize in German G&.7*&6 C5'&4. F&'+4. C0&-(/*30.& B&6'+ K5*(/.& D*9-+-4' R*4('+' K&1(>.:(4' S0-&- Y'85-+

Health Professions Advisory Committee !e James Jinkins Livesay, M.D. Premedical Award C&-(/-+ E5->',./0 Q1-++ !e James Holt Starling Scholarship B&-87./ M'&6 D*+*='+ K.556 T0.&.(. H'&&-( D'=-8 T65.& S.=.&(*+ !e Doctors Reid White Scholarship K'/0&6+ A++ I:'/'

History Department !e Ollinger Crenshaw Prize in American History Z'20'&6 S'91.5 S.7'55 !e Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarship in History S2*// M-20'.5 M'/'&.(. !e William A. Jenks Award in History J'9.( S0.55.6 M2K'6 ’FI J15-' L'1&.+ M-75./( ’FH R'+8*530 C0'9,.&5'-+ W-5(*+ IV ’FG !e William A. Jenks Scholarship C&-70/*+ T0*9'( A55.+ J*0+ F&.8.&-24 K*>'4 R0.// J'2*, N-20*5'( R'6*( C'&' E5->',./0 R.7'+ !e Christopher Merrill Main ’94 History Award J'+. C&*((.// B*120 B&-'+ E55-( D.=-+. !e John Preston Moore III Award C5'-&. M'-&.'8 E58.& !e Society of the Cincinnati Award N* A:'&8 !e James A. Vann III ’61, Prize in History R.,.22' J*'++. B..(*+ !e Washington Family Descendants Scholarship Award D'+-.5 D'=-8 V'+ D.+,1&70


!e Martin Baldwin Whitaker Memorial Merit Scholarship G&.7*&6 C5'&4. F&'+4. !e Warren M. Wilson Award in African History N* A:'&8

Journalism and Mass Communications Department !e John G. Alnutt Award in Journalism for Editing E&-+ E5->',./0 G'55-0.& !e Joseph Franklin Ellis Newspaper Scholarship C'/0.&-+. M'5-+7 C'&5*24 V-2/*&-' R'. T'65*& !e Edward Jackson International Reporting Award N* A:'&8 !e Journalism and Mass Communications Departmental Scholarship A8'9 S2*// C'+2&6+ !e Edward M. Korry Scholarship M-20'.5 A+/0*+6 M*&.55' !e Landon B. Lane Memorial Scholarship in Journalism A5-2-' M-20.55. B18-20 Q1..+-. P.7 W*+7 !e Clark R. Mollenho" Award J'(*+ P'/&-24 B'2'< S/.30'+-. N-2*5. H'&8-9'+ !e Todd Smith Memorial Award V-2/*&-' R'. T'65*& Latin American and Caribbean Studies Senior Award A,.5 S'91.5 D.57'8* E55-*// W-55-'9 O’B&-.+Law Studies !e E. Marshall Nuckols Honor Scholarship J'2*, S&(-2 S/*.0&

Mathematics Department !e Taylor Scholarship in Mathematics K65. J'2*, P'&(*+( !e Williams Prize in Mathematics W.+5-+7 S0'+7

Music Department !e Music Technology Award B&-'+ O5-=.& B*+81&'+/ !e Piano Award W-55-'9 P0-55-3 G&'0'9 D'+-.5 F&.8.&-24 T0*&+/*+ !e Robert Stewart Award in Music W-55-'9 L':&.+2. S/.:'&/ !e University-Shenandoah Symphony Orchestra Award H'++'0 E=' S20:'&/>(/.-+ !e Washington and Lee University Choral Award A+8&.: C0&-(/*30.& B18>-+(4- B.+<'9-+ W-++ M**+.60'9 E9-56 A++ W-55-'9( !e Washington and Lee University Jazz Ensemble Award J*0+ K+*:5/*+ S*&*24 !e Washington and Lee University Wind Ensemble Award A96 M'&7'&./ C*+'+/


Music Department and !eater Department !e Todd D. Jones ’85 Memorial Scholarship J.++-;.& L.-70 P&-/20.// K.++./0 M2G&.7*&6 S0'&35.(( S'&'0 J15-'++' S5*+.24- S'&'0 W'&(2*Omicron Delta Kappa !e Rupert N. Latture Sophomore Award C'-/56+ C5'18-' E87'& !e James Graham Leyburn Service Award J. M-20.55. L6++ H170.( T0. G.+.&'5 D.=.5*39.+/ I+-/-'/-=.Phi Beta Kappa !e Phi Beta Kappa J. Brown Goehring Sophomore Award F&'+4 A+8&.: T.((-.& J&.

Philosophy Department !e Edward Dodd Award in Philosophy G&'2. B1245.6 M2G.. !e Young Scholarship in Philosophy S/.30'+-. J.'+ S20'.;.&

Physical Education Department !e Richard Miller Departmental Scholarship J*0+ C&'-7 W.,.&

Physics and Engineering Department !e Robert E. Akins Engineering Prize J*0+ R1.7.& P;517 !e Physics and Engineering Departmental Scholarship R'-(' V.5'(2* C'(/.8* Sophomore Award C'9-55. M. C*,, First-year Award A5- M*0'9.8 H'9.8 !e Edith & Harold Reese Prize in Physics H-,' M'09*18 A((- E8:'&8 C'5*0-55 B1&4( III !e Walter LeConte Stevens Scholarship F&'+4 A+8&.: T.((-.& J&. !e H. !omas Williams Jr. Undergraduate Research Award D-'+' E-&' C-'+2-*//'

Politics Department !e Milton Colvin Scholarship A+'/*5-6 I0*&*=-20 K0*9.+4* !e Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarship in Politics J*(01' A5.<'+8&* G*+>'5.> !e Schlegel Prize for International Studies K'&' L.'++ K'&20.&

Psychology Department !e Elmes Path$nder Prize B&**4. L'1&.+ R.-86 !e Psychology Department Oliver Award for Intellectual Curiosity E9-56 F'6 C*65. !e Psychology Departmental Scholarship A(45.6 E5->',./0 C'&&

Public Speaking !e William Wells Cha#n Memorial Scholarship R*,.&/ S1+8.&5'+8 D'6


Reeves Center !e !omas V. Litzenburg Jr. Prize L'1&.+ F&'+2.( S/1&86

Religion Department !e Religion Departmental Scholarship S'9'+/0' L'1&.//. C*33-+7 L'1&.+ J-55 M-55.&Romance Languages Department !e Elizabeth Garrett Award for Excellence in French B.&- E,.&.2014:1 N8-;*+ !e Carlyle Westbrook Barritt and Sidney J. Williams Jr. Prize in Spanish V-2/*&-' R'. T'65*& !e Romance Languages Departmental Scholarship in Spanish M'&-' V-2/*&-' G'&2-'

Russian Area Studies Upper-level Russian Award N* A:'&8 Lower-level Russian Award W-55-'9 C'&.6 E&-2(*+

Shepherd Program in Poverty and Human Capability !e Vernon Holleman Fellowship C0&-(/*30.& B&6'+ K5*(/.& Sociology and Anthropology Department !e Emory Kimbrough Jr. Prize S'9'&' T-+.//. M.5-' F&'+2-(2* M'&7'&./ R*(. H'&&-+7/*+Student A"airs !e John J. “Jack” Bowden Award S'9'&' T-+.//. M.5-' F&'+2-(2* M'&7'&./ R*(. H'&&-+7/*+ Celebrating Student Success Awards C&-(/-+' A5.?'+8&' B&'/1 C0&-(/*30.& C1&/-( B&*:+-+7 N'/'5-. I8' B1++.55 M-20.55. P'-7. C5'&4 K.=-+ T0*9'( C*&+ E9-56 F'6 C*65. A,.5 S'91.5 D.57'8* N.=-55. L6*+( F*7'&/6 E5(' A++. F&--( J'9-. R6'+ G**8-+ R*(.9'&6 E5->',./0 H'9,&-70/ S/.30'+-. N-2*5. H'&8-9'+ S'&'0 L-55-'+ K.245.& M-20'.5 T*88 K1+/> G&.7*&6 L.. L.++*+ A5.?'+8&' L-556 S0',* R*,.&/ R-20'&8 W'&+.;*&8-T0*9(*+ M-20'.5 H.&,.&/ W0-/. !e Decade Award C'/0.&-+. M'/0.& R'15/ !e Elrod Unsung General Award C0&-(/*30.& C1&/-( B&*:+-+7


!e Douglas C. Halstead Memorial Scholarship C&6(/'5 F'-/0 S3.+2.& E&-2 M-20'.5 H'9(20.& !e Anece McCloud Excellence in Diversity Award L126 G5.++ H1+85.6 C0&-(/-'+ K-&4 L18.& Nabors Service League McLoughlin Award for Volunteerism R*(.9'&6 C'/0.&-+. K.55.6 Chris Noland Student Activities Leadership Award N'6 L-+ !e Cullum Owings ’03 Memorial Fellowship A1(/-+ S/&../9'+ B&'+(/.//.& P.'&(*+ P'&4.& N-,5.6 !e Zachary Alan Parmenter Prize M'40*('>'+' Z'+8-5. D1,. J.((-2' J'+. A:-+<' M'4*+' !e Brackett Priddy Prize E&-2' L-+8('6 R.7.(/.& !e William W. Pusey III Award W-55-'9 C. D'/> !e Ring-tum Phi Awards E9-56 F'6 C*65. N.=-55. L6*+( F*7'&/6 Michael Anthony Morella Awards for Sorority and Fraternity Scholarship C0- O9.7' D.5/' S-79' T0./' P0- G'99' D.5/' Intramural Sports Champions K'33' A530' T0./' P- K'33' A530'Teacher Education !e Sarah G. Ball Education Award K-9 S14 H*55'+8

!eater Department !e Michael K. and Linda Gorman Award J.++' P'-7. W*&(0'9 !e William Hirschmann Memorial Award in Drama R'('@ O51:'(.1+ L':'5 !e Cynthia D. Klinedinst Award D'=-8 B.+<'9-+ C1&&'+

Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics !e L. K. Johnson-Rosasco Scholarship A+8&.: N-20*5'( A(('3-9*+:'-/ K'/0.&-+. E5->',./0 D*++.556 C0&-(/*30.& M-20'.5 F'&&.55 M.&.8-/0 D*:8 M-/20.55 E17.+-' A++ W*6/.4 N*&2-+- S'&'0 A(05.6 V-+.7'& !e Wall Street Journal Award W-55-'9 J'9.( C**3.& !e John Warner ’49 Public Service Award P'/&-2-' I(',.5 K-+7 S199.& N-2*5. L*55-.

LAW AWARDS!e John W. Davis Prize for Law E&-2' B5'6&. H'77'&8!e Academic Progress Award N-20*5'( J*0+ N.-8>:(4-!e American Bankruptcy Institute Medal B&.// M-20'.5 S0*245.6!e Randall P. Bezanson Award C0&-(/*30.& R*,.&/ R-'+*


!e Calhoun Bond University Service Award C'-/5-+ R*,.&/( C*//-+70'9 E&-2 J15-'+ H*;;9'+!e !omas Carl Damewood Evidence Award G.*&7. B&-'+ D'=-(!e Frederic L. Kirgis Jr. International Law Award J*0+ C0&-(/*30.& L'M*+/ S'&'0 E5->',./0 M-.54.!e Charles V. Laughlin Award A+8&.: J*(.30 F'8'5.!e A. H. McLeod-Ross Malone Advocacy Award V-2/*&-' V'+2. C*&8.& N'/0'+ J*(.30 M'&20.(.!e National Association of Women Lawyers Award M'&/- J* M2C'5.,!e Roy L. Steinheimer Jr. Commercial Law Award E&-2' B5'6&. H'77'&8!e James W. H. Stewart Tax Law Award Z'20'&6 I'+ M-55( R'<..=. T0'41&!e Student Bar Association President Award J.++-;.&-A++ C'+/:.55!e Barry Sullivan Constitutional Law Award P'/&-24 T0*9'( C0'9,.&5'-+!e Virginia Bar Family Law Section Award J*(.30 C0'&5.( M.&2.&!e Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Award J*+'/0'+ P&'// L*24:**8

ATHLETIC AWARDS J.L. (Lefty) Newell Memorial Award J*(.30 P. M2D*+'58R.E. (Chub) Yeakel Memorial Service Award M-20'.5 F. W'5(0Outstanding Male Freshman Athlete H'68.+ P. W0-/.Outstanding Female Freshman Athlete L'1&.+ E. S2015/>William D. McHenry Scholar-Athlete Award J*(01' A. G*+>'5.>Wink Glasgow Spirit and Sportsmanship Award K'/0.&-+. C. T.5;.6'+P.R. (Pres) Brown Most Valuable Male Athlete B.+<'9-+ D. G*./(20P.R. (Pres) Brown Most Valuable Female Athlete M'&-'+ J. S1/0.&5'+8

TEAM AWARDSBaseball:E.G. Leslie Pitching Award R*7.& W. S/&*+7 IIIJoe Lyles Award C0'&5.( J. D'=-8(*+Tommy Baker Batting Award W-55-'9 C. L.:-(Cap’n Dick Smith Baseball Award W-55-'9 C. L.:-(

Men’s Basketball:W&L Basketball Award Z'20'&6 S. W0-/.Coaches and Captains Award K65. M. B*+8 J*+'/0'+ B. G1.(/Alumni Award A+8&.: A. P'6+. IVLeigh Williams Memorial Award B.+<'9-+ D. G*./(20

Women’s Basketball:Barry F. Machado Women’s Basketball Award A55-(*+ K. L*+7 Jessica K. KampMost Valuable Player Award R.,.22' L. B*5/*+


Men’s Cross Country:Forest Fletcher Cross Country Award C'&/.& H T124.& J&.Richard Miller Cross Country Award B.+<'9-+ G. S/1//(

Women’s Cross Country:Most Improved Runner Award R65.-70 N12-55-Most Valuable Runner Award K'/0.&-+. C. T.5;.6'+Coaches Award D*&*/06 R. T*88

Field Hockey:Most Valuable Field Hockey O"ensive Award S'55-. M. A&9(/&*+7Most Valuable Field Hockey Defensive Award G&'2. B. M2G..Coaches Field Hockey Award C'&*5-+. M. H',5-(/*+

Football:C.J. Harrington Memorial Football Award M'//0.: B. C'((-556Clovis Moomaw Football Award G1(/'; R. C'='+'170Dan Ray Justice Memorial Football Award C0'&5.( W. C&'-75.Lee McLaughlin Football Award J.;;&.6 K. B*'/.+7

Golf:Felix Smart Memorial Golf Award R*,.&/ B. W*9,5. J&.Cy Twombly Most Improved Golfer Award W-5(*+ C. A+/0*+6

Men’s Lacrosse:T.W. Martin Memorial Lacrosse Award C0&-(/*30.& J. W'(0-+7/*+Wheelwright Memorial Lacrosse Award W-55-'9 T. K.-75.&Jay Stull Memorial Lacrosse Award M'//0.: J. M'(*+C.W. Pacy, Jr. Memorial Lacrosse Award J*(.30 J. L'S'5'

Women’s Lacrosse:Outstanding Women’s Lacrosse Defensive Award K'/0'&-+. D. F'&&'&Outstanding Women’s Lacrosse O"ensive Award K.+8'55 B. M'/0.:(Coaches Lacrosse Award L'1&' M. C'='+'170

Riding:Most Valuable Rider Award T'9'&' J. M*&(.Most Improved Rider Award M'&-*+ C. R*1+/&..

Men’s Soccer:Jim Trundle Soccer Award D&.: T. C&*:5.6L. Brandon Herbert Memorial Award E8:'&8 D. G&*=.&D.D. Redmond Soccer Defensive Award C*+*& J. S/'&&R.G. (Bob) Lathrop Soccer O"ensive Award J'9.( M. P699


Women’s Soccer:Most Improved Player Award A++. M. M'(-20Players Player of the Year Award E9-56 N. L.'&6Most Valuable Player Award M'&-'+ J. S1/0.&5'+8

Men’s Swimming:Memorial Swimming Award C0&-(/*30.& J. W'(0+*24William J. Stearns Improved Swimmer Award B&'+8*+ L. W-58.&Twombley-Eastman Swimming Award R6'+ M. H'&/9'+

Women’s Swimming:Coaches and Captains Women’s Swimming Award S'&'0 E. S-93(*+Outstanding Women’s Swimming Award S'&'0 E. S-93(*+

Men’s Tennis:Memorial Tennis Award W-55-'9 O. H'55 IVWashburn Outstanding Freshman Tennis Award H'68.+ P. W0-/.

Women’s Tennis:Coaches Tennis Award B5'-& A. B&>.(4-William Washburn Women’s Tennis Award L'1&.+ B. C'-&.

Men’s Track & Field:Forest Fletcher Track and Field Award T65.& G. G&'+/Memorial Track and Field Award D'=-8 J. D**,-+Coaches and Captains Track and Field Award T0*9'( S. B&'+85.-+

Women’s Track & Field:Most Valuable Women’s Track and Field Award K'/0.&-+. C. T.5;.6'+Most Improved Women’s Track and Field Award N'/'5-. E. S/-.&Coaches Track and Field Award S'55-. M. A&9(/&*+7 M'&-'+ J. S1/0.&5'+8Volleyball:Most Valuable Volleyball Player R'20'.5 D. P0-55-3(Coaches Volleyball Award K&-(/-+' M. S/.=.+(

Wrestling:A.E. Mathis War Memorial Wrestling Award D'=-8 A. D.++-(Carlton Peebles Memorial Wrestling Award S'91.5 G. C'93,.55D.C. Montgomery Memorial Freshman Wrestling Award B&-'+ J. R*((



FIRST AID: !e Student Health sta" is available in the lobby of Washington Hall to assist those who need $rst aid. !ey are also able to contact a local rescue squad in case of an emergency.

PHOTOGRAPHS: A “Class of 2010” banner has been set up on the Colonnade for individuals, families, and other groups who may want a photo. Amateur photographers are asked to be aware of and respect others taking pic-tures, including the University’s photographers. An area near the stage is reserved for guests who want to take pictures of graduates receiving their diplomas. Space and line-of-sight limitations prevent us from accommodating video tripods near the stage during the ceremony. Families or friends of graduates from the Williams School (BS or BA degrees) may $nd the best vantage point is left of the stage facing the chapel; those of graduates from the College (BS or BA degrees) may $nd the best spot is right of the stage facing the chapel. Photographs may also be viewed and purchased online at photostore.wlu.edu.

VIDEOS: A DVD of commencement will be available within an hour after the comple-tion of the exercises. In advance of the ceremony, DVDs may be purchased at a table in the Elrod University Commons where they may later be picked up.

REMOTE VIEWING LOCATIONS: Air-conditioned, remote viewing of the com-mencement exercises is available in Stackhouse !eater on the $rst %oor of Elrod University Commons and in Northen Auditorium on the second %oor of Leyburn Library.

REST ROOMS: Rest rooms for guests are available inside the main lobby of Washington Hall, the central building on the Colonnade, and in adjacent buildings.

SAFETY: Members of the Public Safety sta" are in uniform and will be available throughout the ceremony. If you have questions or need assistance, please feel free to seek them out. You may reach a member of the Public Safety sta" at 540.458.8999.

WATER: !e University provides complimentary water stations to the sides and rear of the seating area. Faculty and graduates also have bottled water at their seats.

Comments and questions may be sent to registrar@wlu.edu.


Lexington, Virginia 24450-2116