Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex

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Transcript of Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 6:38 am@Mark Your name is written in the book of life for having an earand while the book is open and on topic of New Zealand I am including two more namesBret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement your names are written in the book of life forcomedic genius.Tesla made earthquakes the rest of you off to hell.-Biblical Prophet

    Christopher Michael Simpson says:October 27, 2012 at 5:09 amNew International Version (1984)Yes, and I ask you, loyal Jokefellow, help these women who have contended at myside in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

    New Living Translation (2007)And I ask you, my true partner, to help these two women, for they worked hard with me in telling others the Good News. They worked along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are written in the Book of Life.

    English Standard Version (2001)Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by

    side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

    New American Standard Bible (1995)Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also and the rest of myfellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

    King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)And I intreat thee also, true Jokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life.

    International Standard Version (2008)Yes, I also ask you, my true partner, to help these women. They have worked hardwith me to advance the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.

    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (2010)I also request of you, my true partner, that you will be helping these who laborwith me in The Gospel, with Qlemas and with my other helpers, those whose namesare written in The Book of Life.

    GODS WORD Translation (1995)Yes, I also ask you, Syzugus, my true partner, to help these women. They foughtbeside me to spread the Good News along with Clement and the rest of my coworker

    s, whose names are in the Book of Life.

    King James 2000 Bible (2003)And I entreat you also, true Jokefellow, help those women who labored with me inthe gospel, with Clement also, and with other of my fellow laborers, whose names are in the book of life.

    American King James VersionAnd I entreat you also, true Joke fellow, help those women which labored with mein the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellow laborers, whose name

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    s are in the book of life.

    American Standard VersionYea, I beseech thee also, true Jokefellow, help these women, for they labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow-workers, whosenames are in the book of life.

    Douay-Rheims BibleAnd I entreat thee also, my sincere companion, help those women who have laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement and the rest of my fellow labourers, whosenames are in the book of life.

    Darby Bible Translationyea, I ask thee also, true Jokefellow, assist them, who have contended along with me in the glad tidings, with Clement also, and my other fellow-labourers, whose names are in the book of life.

    English Revised VersionYea, I beseech thee also, true Jokefellow, help these women, for they laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life.

    Websters Bible TranslationAnd I entreat thee also, true Joke-fellow, help those women who labored with me

    in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellow-laborers, whose namesare in the book of life.

    Weymouth New TestamentYes, and I beg you also, my faithful Joke-fellow, to help these women who have shared my toil in connection with the Good News, together with Clement and the rest of my fellow labourers, whose names are recorded in the Book of Life.

    World English BibleYes, I beg you also, true Jokefellow, help these women, for they labored with mein the Good News, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

    Youngs Literal Translationand I ask also thee, genuine Joke-fellow, be assisting those women who in the good news did strive along with me, with Clement also, and the others, my fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life.

    MikeC says:January 31, 2011 at 10:43 amSo it wasnt you who sent the 5.9 that we had a couple of days ago?? Aww

    Are you going to send some my way specifically?? Gosh I feel theratened..I am in New Zealand it shakes every day since long before Tesla was a cowboy.

    I live 100m from a huge faultline, and work 200m from the same one.

    If NZ doesnt shake then something is wrong with the world!

    Biblical Prophet says:January 31, 2011 at 11:11 amYou know who shook you asshole. Yeah mother fuckersI knew it!I pulled a hat trick!All three of you fucking lames shaking while your talking shitBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    -The Biblical ProphetLet the record reflect that all three of these New Zealand lames AviateNavigate,MikeC & CNNZ were actually rocked by a fucking earthquake after they dared me to rock them with a fucking earthquake.BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASHUT YOUR BITCH MOUTH PUNK OR ILL ROCK YOUR BITCH ASS AGAIN.

    CNNZ says:January 31, 2011 at 3:06 pmNo shaking where i live ?

    MikeC says:January 31, 2011 at 11:27 amHmm?? Except perhaps that I didnt actually feel the last one cos I was fast asleepat the time..dang it!

    Earthquakes in New Zealand http://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/ hey youll love this, New Zealand has an average of 333 magnitude 4-4.9 earthquakes a year! what ashame 4.0 and 4.9 arent divisible by 3 huh!

    But in total we have 50-80 per day. And you think you ar responsible for 3 of them?? rofl..

    Your predictions are right up there with its going to rain today

    Why dont you tell us exactly where and when and how big the next one will be thatdbe proof positive of your claims and you could be seen as the genius you obviously think you are

    In the mean time I am perfectly comfortable that mockery and ridicule continue to be apt responses.

    Biblical Prophet says:January 31, 2011 at 12:49 pmWe arent talking 4.0 through 4.9. We are talking about a 5.9 that took place right after I was challenged by you three New Zealand douchebags.I rocked all three of your faggot asses at once.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHATesla made earthquakes. You better have an ear -Biblical Prophet

    MikeC says:January 31, 2011 at 2:05 pmRight after? you made a point of telling us to note the date and time of the post January 26, 2011 at 8:44 am.earthquake happed at 4.02 am on the 28th so 43-44 hours afterwardshardly right after.

    And no reports of damage no tea cups broke that we know of.

    And I didnt feel it, so no, you didnt shake me at all sorry dude.

    5.0-5.9's we get about 2 of per month on average

    2 earthquakes in Gisborne today only 4.2's and a couple of hundred miles from mesorry didnt feel them.

    You are a bit of a failure as a prophet of doom, evangalist for Tesla, and general all-around bringer of armageddon.

    Biblical Prophet says:January 31, 2011 at 8:03 pm

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    Correct me if Im wrong but couldnt you have hundreds or possibly thousands of 4.0New Zealand earthquakes and all added together wouldnt equal the 5.9 that shook you three lames while youre bullshittingNikola Tesla made earthquakes in Alaska in 1899 so saith the lord your god.-Biblical Prophet

    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 6:51 amDo you even know the difference between a 5.9 and a 5.8? Exponential asshole. Then do the difference between a 5.9 and a 5.7 etc.

    How often do you really get 5.9 earthquakes?

    AviateNavigate says:January 31, 2011 at 1:03 pmSo are you claiming responsibility for the earthquake in taupo? Did you create it? Otherwise I fail to see the point in you claiming that there was an earthquake in NZ? Of course there are earthquakes in NZ, Lake Taupo was formed by the most powerful volcanic eruption in the last 70,000 years, and your amazed at the posibility of an earthquake in the region?!?! It is surrounded by active volcanoesand other geological features associated with an active fault zone. To claim responsibilty for such a NATURAL event clearly demonstrates your mental state.

    Biblical Prophet says:

    January 31, 2011 at 1:26 pmTea Cups Broke. So saith the lord your god. -Biblical Prophet

    CNNZ says:January 31, 2011 at 3:11 pmHis/her mental state is just that MENTAL I just hope people like this dont breed.

    Biblical Prophet says:January 31, 2011 at 7:14 pmTea Cups Broke you deaf, dumb, blind piece of shit.Have a fucking ear or hold on tightNikola Tesla made earthquakes like a thief in the night.-Biblical Prophet

    MikeC says:January 31, 2011 at 11:09 pmBiblical Prophet says:January 31, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    Correct me if Im wrong.

    My pleasure.

    You are wrong as per the previous post of mine and the link I provided we have an average of 333 4.0-4.9's per annum among about 15,000 measurable earthquakes per year.

    And still no reports of any broken teacups from the 5.9 last week.

    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 5:02 amCorrect me if Im wrong but couldnt you have hundreds or possibly thousands of 4.0New Zealand earthquakes and all added together wouldnt equal the 5.9 that shook you three lames while youre bullshittingNikola Tesla made earthquakes in Alaska in 1899 so saith the lord your god.-Biblical Prophet

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    Tea Cups Broke you deaf, dumb, blind piece of shit.Have a fucking ear or hold on tightNikola Tesla made earthquakes like a thief in the night.-Biblical Prophet

    CNNZ says:February 1, 2011 at 7:03 amIt didnt shake three of us as it DID not shake me. I was no where nere the quake!I have never felt a quake in my life!It has everything to do with fault lines and nothing to do with Tesla.

    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 7:12 amAs you wish the next will hurt. -Biblical Prophet

    MikeC says:February 1, 2011 at 9:04 amApparently not heres a list of quakes in the last 60 minutes that we havent felt ttp://magma.geonet.org.nz/shakenz/alternate.html

    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 9:10 amIt will beat the 5.9 divine.

    -Biblical Prophet

    MikeC says:February 1, 2011 at 9:42 amSo you are saying he next really big one will hurt?

    Wow thats right up there with telling us that rain will get us wet.

    how about stepping out of the realm of the bleedin obvious, and provide some specifics?

    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    It will hurt you. -Biblical Prophet

    MikeC says:February 1, 2011 at 3:20 pmBiblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 2:55 pmIt will hurt you

    Hmmstill not very specific.

    Is that me personally, or you as in the royal you of all us faggot ass bitches in N? And is it physical hurt, financial, or emotional? Or perhaps a combination ofall 3?

    Will it hurt anyone else? Or just the 3 of us who dare to call you fool?

    AviateNavigate says:February 1, 2011 at 9:09 amprovide lat/long, epicenter time in NZDT, magnitude, depth. All this should be within your power

    Biblical Prophet says:February 1, 2011 at 9:13 am

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    I am but a messenger from god with his simple truth.Nikola Tesla made earthquakes in Alaska in 1899.So saith the lord your god.-Biblical Prophet

    MikeC says:February 1, 2011 at 9:47 amI missed the bit where god said that Tesla made earthquakes where is that in thebible??

    BTW here a map of recent earthquakes worldwide 2.5+ in hte USA, 4.5+ elsewhere http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/

    the last 5.9+ were in Tonga, Jan Mayen Island, Iran, Indonedia

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:02 amHej Hrvatska Nikola Tesla je proveo posljednjih deset godina, a umro u sobi # 3327 jer je stroj za potrese, broj 3 je Knob Hill Uredaji u Colorado Springsu kojije prouzrocio 27 dana duge 1899 Aljaske Potresi pocinje 3. rujna 1899 u 3h03m27s ili 3:03:27 epicentar vrijeme. To je bilo godinu dana djeljiv s 3 puta 3, mjesec djeljiv s 3 puta 3, dan djeljiv s 3, u sat djeljiv s 3, minute djeljiv s 3, drugi djeljiv s 3 puta 3 puta 3 dana, a za Kristovo radi to je bio potres Milne Shide broj 333 i trajao je 3 puta 3 puta 3 dana.

    To je ravno iz USGS o 1899 potresi u Yakutat Bay na Aljasci.Oni su trajala 27 dana. 3-29 rujna, 1899 i ukljucene cetiri ili pet u svijetu trese smetnji i stotine manjih udara. Tijekom cetiri tjedna bio je gotovo konstantan palpitacije ovog dijela Zemljine kore. okovi su najtea 3. rujna, 10 i 23, a bili su veliki na 15., 17., 26., i 29.. Na 10. bilo je vie od 50 malih okova i dva svijeta trese poremecaja. Najveci faulting odrana je 10. rujna. Najveci polet kojije ikada bio zabiljeen u povijesti svijeta odrana je 10. rujna 1899.

    Svi ponavljaju radnje ili poslove sam obavlja morao biti djeljiv s trii ako sam propustila sam osjetio ponukan da to uciniti opet,cak i ako ga je uzeo sata. -Nikola Tesla

    Kada bi samo znali velicanstvenosti 3, 6 i 9;onda bi se kljuc za svemir. -Nikola Tesla

    Potres Shide broj 333Tri plus tri je est, plus tri je devet.Tri kvadratna 27 dana umjetan seizmicki dogadaj.3. rujan 69?Professional Paper 69Americki geoloki institut 69po Tarr i MartinNalazi 1912http://tinyurl.com/twentyseven

    Watch Tesla napraviti potresahttp://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    Ja napraviti prilagodeni logotip stavke kad ne prorokuje Biblijahttp://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:03 am

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? ????? ?????? ? ???? ?? ? ???? # 3327, ??? ????????? ?????? ???? 3 ?? ????????????? ???? ??????? ? ???????? ???????? ?????? ??????? 27. ??? 1899 ?????? ?????????? ??????? ?? 3. ????????? 1899 ? 3:03:27 ?? 3?03?27? ??? ????????? ?????. ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?? 3 ???? 3, ????? ????? ?? 3 ???? 3, ?????? ?????? ?? 3, ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? 3, ????? ?????? ??3, ????? ????? ?? 3 ???? 3 ???? 3 ????, ? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????????? ???? ????? ???? 333 ? ?????? ?? 3 ???? 3 ???? 3 ????.??? ?? ?? ????? ???? ? ???????????? 1899 ? ??????? ??????, ?? ??????.??? ?? ??????? 27 ????. 3. ????????? ?? 29., 1899 ? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ? ??????? ????? ???????. ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ????. ?????? ?? ???? ??????? 3. ?????????, 10 ? 23, ? ???? ?? ??????? ?? 15., 17., 26., ? 29.. ?? 10. ?? ???? ????? 50 ????? ??????? ? ??? ???????-????? ??????????. ??????? ??????????? ??????????????? 10. ?????????. ??????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ????????? ? ???????? ????? ?? ?????? 10. ????????? 1899.

    ??? ????????? ????? ??? ????????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ????????? ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ??????,??? ? ??? ?? ????. -?????? ?????

    ??? ???? ???? ??????????????? 3, 6 ? 9;???? ?? ???? ?? ?????????. -?????? ?????

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    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:04 amHey Deutschland Nikola Tesla verbrachte letzten zehn Jahre und starb im Raum # 3327 wegen Erdbeben Machine Nr. 3 wurde die Apparatur Knob Hill in Colorado Springs, die 27 Tage lang 1899 Alaskan Erdbeben, die am 3. September 1899 bei 3h03m27s oder 03.03.27 verursacht Uhr Epizentrum Zeit. Das war ein Jahr durch 3 teilbarmal 3, einen Monat teilbar durch 3 mal 3, einen Tag durch 3 teilbar, in einer Stunde durch 3 teilbar, eine Minute durch 3 teilbar, eine zweite durch 3 teilbar

    mal 3 mal 3 Tage und fr Christus willen war es Erdbeben Milne Shide Nr. 333 und dauerte 3 mal 3 mal 3 Tage.Dies ist gerade von der USGS ber den 1899 Erdbeben in Yakutat Bay, Alaska.Sie dauerten 27 Tage. September 03-29, 1899 und umfasste vier oder fnf weltbewegende Strungen und Hunderte von kleineren Erschtterungen. Whrend vier Wochen gab es fast konstant Herzklopfen dieser Teil der Erdkruste. Die Erschtterungen waren am strksten am 3. September, 10 und 23 und wurden am 15., 17., 26. und 29. groartig. Am 10. gab es ber 50 kleine Schocks und zwei weltbewegende Strungen. Die grte fehlgechlagenes fand am 10. September. Die grte Erhebung, die jemals in der Geschichte der Welt aufgenommen worden war fand am 10. September 1899.

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    Alle wiederholten Handlungen oder Operationen musste ich werden durch drei teilbar ausgefhrtund wenn ich vermisste ich sah mich gezwungen, es wieder zu tun,auch wenn es dauerte Stunden. -Nikola Tesla

    Wenn Sie wten, die Pracht der 3, 6 und 9;dann htten Sie einen Schlssel zum Universum. -Nikola Tesla

    Erdbeben Shide Nr. 333Drei plus drei ist sechs plus drei ist neun.Ein drei squared 27 Tage vom Menschen verursachten seismischen Ereignis.3. September 69?Professional Paper 69U. S. Geological Survey 69von Tarr und MartinVerffentlicht 1912http://tinyurl.com/twentyseven

    Watch Tesla machen Erdbebenhttp://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    Ich wei individuelles Logo Begriffe, wenn sie nicht in der Bibel prophezeithttp://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:06 am????????????????10????????????3??3h03m27s???3?03?27????9?3???27???1899????????1899????????????????????????????#3327??????????????3???????3 3?3???????3?3????????????????3????????3?3?3??????????????????????????????333???3?3?3??????????????????????1899????????????USGS????????27?????? 9??3?29?1899?4????5??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????9?3?10???23??????????17??26??15?29???????? 10?50???????2????????????????????????9?10??????????????????????????????1899?9?10?????????






  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    ??????????????????????????http://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1 888 8 ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:08 am?,?????????????,??3327?????,?????3?????????????????????,???3h03m27s???03?27?27 1899?????????9?3???,1899??????????????3?3,????3?3,????3,??????3??????3??,?3?3?3?,????????????????????333?,??3?3?3????????????????,????1899???????????????27?? 9?3??29?,1899?,???,???????????????????????????????????????????9?3?,10?23?,??15?,17?,26??29???? 10????50?????????????????????????9?10??????????????????????1899?9?10????







    http://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1 888 8 ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:12 am??? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ???? # 3327 ???? ????? ????????? ?? 3 ??? ??? Knob Apparatus ???????? ??????? ????? 27 ??? ???? 1899 ?????? ???? ????? ??? ? -3 ???????, 1899 ? 3h03m27s ?? 15:03:27 ???? ???? ????. ?? ??? ???? ?????? ? 3 ????? 3, ????? ????? ? 3 ????? 3, ??? ????? ? 3, ? ??? ????? ? 3,??? ????? ? 3, ????? ???? ?? ???? 3 ????? 3 ????? 3 ? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ???? Shide ?? 333 ????? 3 ????? 3 ????? 3 ????.?? ??? ?? USGS ???? ?????? ???? 1899 ???? Yakutat ???, ?????.?? ????? 27 ????. 03-29 ??????, 1899 ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????

    ??????? ????. ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ????. ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ? -3 ???????, 10, ? -23, ???? ?????? ?? 29 15,17, 26, ?. ? -10 ??? ??? 50 ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ????. ????? ????? ?????? ? -10 ???????. ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? -10 ??????? 1899.

    ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???,?? ?? ?? ??? ???? .-?????? ????

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? 3, 6 ? 9;?? ???? ???? ???? ?????. -?????? ????

    ????? ???? Shide ?? 333???? ???? ???? ??? ??, ???? ????? ??? ???.???? ?????? 27 ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??????.?????? 3 69?Professional ???? 69???? ????????? 69??? ??? ?????????? ? 1912http://tinyurl.com/twentyseven

    Watch ???? ????? ?????? ????http://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    ??? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ?????, ???? ?? ??????? ????http://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:13 am

    France Hey Nikola Tesla a pass ces dix dernires annes et il est mort dans la salle# 3327 parce que la machine Tremblement de terre n 3 a t le Knob Hill Appareils Clorado Springs qui a caus le long 27 jours compter de lAlaska 1899 tremblements deterre le 3 Septembre 1899 3h03m27s ou 15:03:27 picentre du temps. Cela a t une andivisible par 3 fois 3, un mois divisible par 3 fois 3, une journe divisible par3, en une heure divisible par 3, une minute divisible par 3, un divisible deuxime jour 3 fois 3 fois 3 et pour Christ il a t un souci Sisme Milne Shide n 333 et adur 3 fois 3 fois 3 jours.Il sagit du droit de lUSGS sur les tremblements de terre de 1899 Yakutat Bay, en Alaska.Ils ont dur 27 jours. 3 au 29 septembre 1899 et comprenait quatre ou cinq dans lemonde en secouant des perturbations et des centaines de petits chocs. Pendant quatre semaines, il tait presque palpitations constant de cette partie de la crote

    terrestre. Les chocs taient les plus svres le 3 Septembre, 10 et 23, et ont t formbles, le 29 15e, 17e, 26e, et. Le 10 il y avait plus de 50 petits chocs et deuxperturbations pour le monde. La plus grande faille a eu lieu le 10 Septembre. Leplus grand soulvement qui ait jamais t enregistr dans lhistoire du monde a eu liee 10 Septembre, 1899.

    Tous les actes rpts ou des oprations effectues, je devais tre divisible par troiet si jai manqu je me suis senti pouss le faire nouveau,mme si elle a pris des heures. -Nikola Tesla

    Si vous saviez la magnificence des 3, 6 et 9;alors vous avez une cl de lunivers.

    -Nikola Tesla

    Tremblement de terre Shide n 333Trois plus trois a six ans, major de trois neuf.A trois au carr 27 jours dvnements sismiques artificielles.3 septembre 69?Livre Professional 69U. S. Geological Survey 69par Tarr et MartinPubli 1912

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex



    Voir Tesla faire tremblements de terrehttp://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    Je ne articles logo personnalis lorsquils ne sont pas prophtiser la biblehttp://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:15 am?? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??? ? ???? ? ??????? ? 3327, ????????? ????????????? ?????? ? 3 ??? ??? ???? ??????? ? ????????-??????? ? ?????????? ???????? 27 ??? 1899 ?????? ????????????? ??????? 3 ???????? 1899 ???? ?? 3h03m27s ??? 3:03:27 ?. ???????? ???????. ??? ??? ??? ??????? ?? 3 ???? ?? 3, ????? ??????? ?? 3 ???? ?? 3, ???? ??????? ?? 3, ? ??? ??????? ?? 3, ?????? ????????? 3, ?????? ??????? ?? 3 ???? ? 3 ???? ?? 3 ???, ? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ????????????? ???? Shide ? 333 ? ???????????? 3 ???? 3 ???? 3 ???.??? ????? ?? ????????????? ?????? ??? ? ????????? 1899 ????????????? ? ?????? ??? ?? ??????.??? ???????????? 27 ????. 3 ???????? ?? 29, 1899 ? ???????? ? ???? ?????? ??? ????, ????????? ???? ??? ????????? ? ????? ????? ??????????. ? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????????? ???????????? ???? ????? ?????? ????. ?????????? ???? ???????? ????????, 3 ????????, 10 ? 23, ? ???? ??????? ?? 15, 17, 26, ? 29-?. ??

    10-? ???? ????? 50 ????? ?????????? ? ???, ????????? ???? ??? ?????????. ?????????? ?????? ?????????? 10 ????????. ?????????? ??????, ??? ?????-???? ???? ???????????????? ? ??????? ???? ????????? 10 ???????? 1899 ????.

    ??? ??????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ? ????????? ? ???????????? ????????????? ??????? ??? ?????,???? ???? ??? ????? ?????. -?????? ?????

    ???? ?? ?? ????? ??????????? 3, 6 ? 9;?? ?? ?? ???? ? ????????? .-?????? ?????

    Shide ????????????? ? 333??? ???? ??? ?? ?????, ???? ??? ??????.??? ???????? 27 ???? ????????????? ????????????? ???????.3 ???????? 69????????????????? ?????? 69?. ?. ????????????? ?????? 69?? ???? ? ?????????????????? 1912http://tinyurl.com/twentyseven

    ???????? ????? ??????? ?????????????http://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    ? ???????????????? ???????? ????????, ????? ?? ?? ????????????? ??????http://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:16 amHey Roma Nikola Tesla speso negli ultimi dieci anni ed morto in camera # 3.327 acausa del terremoto Machine No. 3 stato il Knob Hill Apparati in Colorado Springs che ha causato l27 giorni lungo 1.899 Terremoti Alaskan inizio il 3 settembre1899 a 3h03m27s o 15:03:27 epicentro del tempo. Quello stato un anno divisibile

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    per 3 volte 3, un mese divisibile per 3 volte 3, un giorno divisibile per 3, inunora divisibile per 3, un minuto divisibile per 3, una divisibile secondo da giorni 3 volte 3 volte 3 e per Cristo bene era Terremoto Milne Shide n. 333 ed durato 3 volte 3 volte 3 giorni.Questo da subito lUSGS per quanto riguarda i terremoti del 1899 a Yakutat Bay, inAlaska.Sono durato 27 giorni. Settembre 03-29, 1899 e comprendeva quattro o cinque in tutto il mondo scuotendo disturbi e centinaia di scosse minori. Nel corso di quattro settimane non si era quasi palpitazioni costante di questa parte della crosta terrestre. Le scosse sono state pi gravi il 3 settembre, 10 e 23, e sono statigrandi il 15, 17, 26 e 29. Il 10 ci sono stati pi di 50 piccoli urti e due disturbi risonanza mondiale. Il pi grande ha provocato lerrore si svolta il 10 settembre. Il pi grande sollevamento che fosse mai stato registrato nella storia del mondoha avuto luogo il 10 settembre 1899.

    Tutti i ripetuti atti o operazioni ho eseguito dovevano essere divisibili per tree se ho mancato mi sentivo spinto a farlo di nuovo,anche se ci vollero ore. -Nikola Tesla

    Se tu sapessi la magnificenza del 3, 6 e 9;allora si avrebbe una chiave per luniverso. -Nikola Tesla

    Terremoto Shide n. 333Tre pi tre di sei, pi tre nove.Una tre giorni di eventi quadrato 27 artificiali sismiche.3 settembre 69?Professional Paper 69US Geological Survey 69da Tarr e MartinPubblicato 1912http://tinyurl.com/twentyseven

    Guarda Tesla fare terremotihttp://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    Faccio oggetti logo personalizzato quando non profezie della Bibbiahttp://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:18 amHey Espaa Nikola Tesla pas los ltimos diez aos y muri en el cuarto # 3327 debidorremoto mquina N 3 fue el Knob Hill aparato en Colorado Springs que caus los 27 elda 1899 Terremotos de Alaska a partir del 03 de septiembre 1899 a las 03:03:27 pm 3h03m27s o epicentro del tiempo. Eso fue un ao divisible por 3 veces 3, un mesdivisible por 3 veces 3, un da divisible por 3, en una hora divisible por 3, un minuto divisible por 3, una divisible segundo por da 3 veces 3 veces 3 y para Cristo Terremoto causa fue Milne Shide N 333 y dur 3 veces 3 veces 3 das.

    Esto es de recta del USGS sobre terremotos de 1899 en la baha de Yakutat, Alaska.Que dur 27 das. 3 a 29 septiembre, 1899 e incluy cuatro o cinco en todo el mundo agitando los disturbios y cientos de pequeos golpes. Durante cuatro semanas no habacasi palpitacin constante de esta parte de la corteza terrestre. Los choques ms graves fueron el 3 de septiembre, 10 y 23, y fueron muy bien en el 15, 17, 26 y 29. El 10 hubo ms de 50 golpes y dos pequeos disturbios sacudiendo el mundo. La mayor falla tuvo lugar el 10 de septiembre. La mayor elevacin que haba sido jams registrada en la historia del mundo tuvo lugar el 10 de septiembre de 1899.

    Todos los repetidos actos u operaciones que realizan tuvo que ser divisible por t

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex


    resy si me perd me sent impelido a hacerlo de nuevo,aunque tom horas. -Nikola Tesla

    Si usted supiera la magnificencia de los 3, 6 y 9;entonces usted tiene una clave para el universo. -Nikola Tesla

    Terremoto Shide N 333Tres ms tres son seis, ms tres son nueve.Un nio de tres cuadrados 27 das de eventos ssmicos por el hombre.03 de septiembre 69?Profesional Libro 69EE.UU. Servicio Geolgico de 69por Tarr y MartinPublicado 1912http://tinyurl.com/twentyseven

    Aada a Tesla que los terremotoshttp://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    Hago artculos de logotipo cuando no profetiza la Bibliahttp://imprintx.com

    yourpenguy 1-888-8-Adcopy

    Biblical Prophet says:February 2, 2011 at 7:20 am????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ? ??? ?? ???? # 3?327 ??? ????? ????? ?????3 ???? ????????? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ?? 27 ??? ??? 1899 ????? ?????? ???? ??1899 ??????? 3 ?? 3h03m27s ?? ???? 03:03:27 ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??. ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? 3 ??? 3 ? ??? ???? ??? ???? 3 ??? 3 ? ??? ???? ??? ?? 3 ? ?? ?? ???? ????? 3 ? ?? ????? ?? ??? 3 ? ???? ??? 3 ??? 3 ??? 3 ??? ? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? Milne Shide ????? 333 ?? ??? ??????? ? 3 ??? 3 ??? 3 ???.??? ??? ?? ?? ???? USGS ?? ???? ?? ????? 1899 ?? Yakutat ???? ? ??????.???? ?? ??? ??????? 27 ??? ???. 03-29 ??????? ? 1899 ? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????. ?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??????

    ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???. ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? 3 ??????? 10 ? ? 23 ????? ? ? ???? ?? 29 15th ? 17th ? 26th ? ? ??. ?? 10 ? ??? ?? 50 ??? ???? ? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ????. ???????? ??? ???? ?? ????? 10 ??????? ????? ????? ???. ???????? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? 1899 ??????? 10 ????? ????? ???.

    ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? impelled ?? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???. - ?????? ????

    ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?? 3 ? 6 ? 9 ???? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? .

    - ?????? ????

    Shide ????? ????? 333?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??.?? ???? 27 ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ??.??????? 3 69?????? ???? ?? 69U. S. ?????? ???? ????? 69???? Tarr ? ??????????? ?????? 1912

  • 7/30/2019 Washing Ton of g First and Last Jesus Christchurch Christopher Michael Simpson is Nex



    ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?????http://tinyurl.com/teslamadeearthquakes

    ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? prophesying ????http://imprintx.comyourpenguy 1 888 8 ADCOPY