wash your feet to open your hips

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of wash your feet to open your hips

Part of the ‘How to do yoga when you don’t have time to do yoga’ series


Tricks of the trade # 1:wash your feet to open your hips

Use the shower as a yoga opportunity (be safe!)

Yes, the shower is a great place to wash your feet (I hope you already do) and to use that foot washing opportunity as a way to practice opening your hipsand to become greater friends with your feet.

In yoga we touch our feet (a lot)

Also in yoga there are postures that demand a lot of external rotation from our hips

For some, this feels very easy. For others of us, we need to work at it.

Work your ½ lotus in the shower

Lift your leg (bring your hip into flexion)and then externally rotate at the hip joint.Now, wash your feet – first one, then the other.Don’t forget your breathing…free, easy breathing.

Pay attention! Do not tolerate pain in the knee.

If your balance is challenged then be safe and work with your back against the wall or on a non-slip mat.

An alternative is to bend the standing leg (as much is as needed)

Try to keep the foot you are washingabove the patella (knee cap) of thestanding leg.

Where do you feel it?

Sensations should really be focused around the outer hip.

If you feel sharp sensations in the ankle or knee, stop.

Enjoy your showering, clean feet and open hips!

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