Was the Flood Global? Global or local flood? Secularists and compromising Christians deny the global...

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Was the Flood Global?

Was the Flood Global?

Global or local flood?Secularists and compromising Christians deny the global flood.They claim there were floods in the past but all were localized.They claim there was a massive, near global, flood on Mars in the past, but deny that one took place on earth. Up until recent times everyone believed in the global flood. But now because of evolution and billions of years being taught you have Secularists and compromising Christians who deny that there was ever a global flood. They say that there were floods in the past but these were all just localized floods. But most every scientist claims that there was a massive near global flood in the recent past on Mars, even though they have not found one drop of water on Mars as of yet. . But they deny that earth which is currently 75% covered in water ever had a global flood even though there is evidence of a catastrophic flood every single place on earth that you look.

2Barren RockScientists sayCatastrophic NearGlobal Flood occurred

75% Covered by waterScientists sayCatastrophic Global Flood ImpossibleSo heres what they are saying. You have a planet that is a Barren Rock. They havent found one drop of water on and they claim as a fact that it had a Catastrophic near global flood in the near past. While at the same time say that Earth, which is already 75% covered by water and of which there are signs of a flood on every piece of land on the entire planet, a Catastrophic global flood never occurred. 3Evidence is how you look at it

All evidence is interpreted by how you look at it. When a bible believing creation scientist looks at the walls of the Grand Canyon. He sees those layers as being the products of rapid burial during the global flood of Noah. When an atheistic scientist looks at those same layers he says those layers were each laid down over millions of years. The reason for the difference is where you look at the origins. If you believe God created the universe around 6,000 years ago and he told us there was a global flood after that, we see that evidence everywhere you look. However if you believe that there is no God and man evolved from lightening striking a rock, then you have to add in billions of years to start with. Because life is so complex the only explanation for it other than an intelligent creator is that it must have taken billions of years to get to this point. So if you start from that assumptions you add millions of years into everything that you look at because you have a predisposed assumption that life is billions of years old. Id argue that people who believe that actually have greater faith than us who believe in God. The odds that the complex and perfect working universe just happened on its own is zero, yet millions of people believe that for the simple reason that they do not want to believe in God. They dont want the moral responsibility that comes from believing and trusting in a holy God, so they make up something that is impossible just to have a reason to say there is no God.4Canyon formed in hours

Canyon formed in just a few hours near Mount St. Helens due to a mud slide. In 1980 Mt. St. Helens erupted and formed rock layers up to 600 feet deep. This Canyon here was formed due to a mud slide and we watched it form from flat ground into this in just a few hours. If we hadnt watched this form and scientists came and looked at it, they would have claimed that this canyon was formed over many millions of years. It looks exactly like a smaller version of the Grand Canyon. So all evidence is based on how something occurred. We can believe mans made up godless theories or we can believe eyewitness accounts that were preserved for us in the Bible. So lets see what the bible has to say about the flood.5What does the bible say?Genesis 7:11-12 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

So the bible is very detailed and gives an exact time and date when the flood came. Notice the part The fountains of the great deep were broken up. This tells me that not only was it raining but water was shooting up out of the earth as well. This goes back to the Mars discussion. On Mars they claim that water is under the surface and sprang up and caused a flood. I have no problem believing that may have occurred but how they can say that can happen but deny the same thing can happen on the earth is ludicrous. This probably was a very violent flood. Not just a slowly rising water. I believe the water rose very rapidly and giant waves came and destroyed all life quickly. 6Global FloodGenesis 7:19-20 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

I dont know how you can read this and say that it wasnt a global flood. You even have some supposed Christians today who say that Noahs flood was only local and seemed global to him. Theres no way to read this passage and come to that conclusion. That last part if you study it out, means that the highest mountain was covered by fifteen cubits which is over 22 feet. So the highest point on earth at the time was covered by over 22 feet of water. Theres no way this was a local flood.7Global FloodGenesis 7:21-23 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.

So how can anyone possibly read this text as a christian and not believe the flood was global. It says every air breathing creature died on the whole earth. Its obvious that this was a global flood. 8Length of the floodThe bible gives exact times of the flood waters abating. The total time the flood waters were upon the earth was 371 days.After 150 days the ark came to rest on the top of mountains at Ararat. Then it was still 221 days longer until the waters abated completely and there was dry land again. 371 days total. Again how could a local flood have lasted for over a year. There was no doubt this was a worldwide flood. 9New Testament Confirmations2 Peter 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly

New Testament ConfirmationsLuke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.These are the words of Christ himself. So even Jesus Christ claimed that there was a global flood that destroyed all life except Noah and his family. So when you question that there was a global flood, not only are you questioning the biblical account, you are calling Jesus Christ a liar. 11Study ScriptureStudents of the Word of God need to use Scripture to confirm ScriptureSo we as students and teachers of the Word of God need to learn to use Scripture to interpret and confirm scripture. When we do that we can be sure of what we are saying and be confident of the truth that scripture teaches. When we use our own opinions and take generalities from the bible and use our own interpretations instead of fully studying the scripture and seeing what it says, we are doing God a disservice and might as well be his enemy. We must fully understand and study things before we make claims of our own opinions. Gods Word will never steer us wrong if we stay true to it.12Evidences of a Global FloodIf a global flood occurred what would we expect to find? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth.

What do we find?Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth.

Where did all the water go?The earth before the flood was vastly different than after the flood.All land was most likely one continent and broke up into different continents during and after the flood.The land was much more level before the flood.The science of Plate Tectonics shows that as the continents drifted apart the mountains would rise and the oceans would become vastly deeper.And we are going to get more detailed into that in just a minute.14Does the bible say anything about this?Psalm 104:5-9 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them. Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.

So does the bible say anything to support this theory? Yes it does as the psalmist writes about the global flood in Psalm 104:5-9 Notice the passage there They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys This very much supports the science of plate tectonics showing the mountains rising and the valleys lowering during this process brought on by God. This is how he moved the flood water away from the land masses. Again here you have Science and Scripture harmonizing. True science and scripture go hand in hand every time. 15Plate Tectonics confirms Scripture

So here is a picture showing the current plate tectonics. You can see it all fits together like a puzzle. All scientists agree that at one time in the past all land was one giant mass. You just have the disagreement about, did it take billions of years for this land mass to break apart or did the global flood of Noah caused it to break apart rapidly. Clearly, we see in that passage in Psalms that we read and the Genesis account of the global flood that the Bible is telling us is that God acted to alter the earth's topography. New continental landmasses bearing new mountain chains of folded rock strata were uplifted from below the global flood waters that had eroded and leveled the pre-Flood topography, while large deep ocean basin were formed to receive and accommodate the Flood waters that then drained off the newly emerging continents.16Plate Tectonics confirms Scripture

This is an example of how plate tectonics work and they are still working today. As the new ocean floors cooled, they would have become denser and sunk, allowing water to flow off the continents. Movement of the water off the continents and into the oceans would have weighed down the ocean floor and lightened the continents, resulting in the further sinking of the ocean floor, as well as upward movement of the continents.[2] The deepening of the ocean basins and the rising of the continents would have resulted in more water running off the land.17Secular teaches same thing different timeline

I added a secular science picture here to just confirm that secular science also teaches the same things that Im talking about here. The only difference you see is the timeline. They put in the 2 to 2 billion years in there, whereas the what they are saying is correct here its just that instead of 2 to 2 billions years it just took a worldwide flood to accomplish the exact same thing. The Himalayas was flat ground before plate tectonics took over during and after the flood. This explains that the water level did not have to be as high as the Himalayas or Mount Everest today because they did not exist in their current form before the flood. They were pushed higher because of the flood and plate tectonics. 18Marine Fossils

And more confirmation of scripture is that we find many marine fossils at the tops of Mount Everest and the Himalayas. So they were indeed covered by ocean water at one time in history. Its just if you believe it was billions of years ago or 4,500 years ago during the global flood. And again fossils only form when something living is buried rapidly in a catastrophic event such as a global flood. 19Bent Rock Layers

This is a picture of bent rock layers. Theres no way these layers could have been laid down over millions of years each and then somehow bent without breaking at all. This is absolute evidence that these layers were laid down rapidly by the flood while this rock was still wet and pliable and were bent when the ground shifted immediately after the flood and then hardened in this shape. 20Every nation has a flood storyMore than 200 flood stories have been documented from virtually every nation on earth. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation. This confirms the bible that all descendants are from Noah and his family, and have shared the story of the flood throughout all generations even as people scattered across the earth. If there were never a global flood, where did these stories come from?ConclusionMore than all the physical evidence that we can provide, Jesus Christ, our creator, spoke of the flood as real literal history, and the words recorded in Genesis by God himself cannot be disputed. Every word of His is true and we are not to add to His words lest we be found liars. (Proverbs 30:5-6)Proverbs 30:5-6Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.