Warm-Up ife in ncient Egypt

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Transcript of Warm-Up ife in ncient Egypt

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Warm-Up Life in Ancient Egypt


Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to help you.

astronomy the study of objects beyond the Earth’s , such as stars and planets

embalming the process of a body, sometimes

through mummification

hieroglyph a character in an Egyptian system of that is based on picture symbols

papyrus a form of writing made from the papyrus plant


Lesson Question

Lesson Goals

Learn about life in ancient Egypt.

Describe thestructure ofancient Egyptiansociety.

Determine thecentral ideas of atext by citingtextual evidence.

Explain the

beliefs and practices ofancient Egypt.

Identify the major

of ancient Egyptiansociety.

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Warm-Up Life in Ancient Egypt

Archaeological Digs

• Items found in archaeological digs help teach us about what daily was like in the past.

• This mummified cat was found in an ancient Egyptian tomb.

Words to Know

polytheism belief in more than one

pyramida structure with a square base and walls of four

that meet in a point at the top

religion a set of beliefs and regarding faith in a god or gods


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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


The Geography of Ancient Egypt

Geography was important to the development of ancient Egypt.

• Mountains and protected Egypt from invaders.

• The created fertile soil and provided water, allowing food to

be grown.

• People worshipped the god of the Nile.

The Creation of the World

Ancient Egyptians believed that created the world.

According to ancient Egyptian beliefs:

• Ra rose from the ancient ocean and began naming things.

• All that Ra named appeared, and brought tears to his eyes.

• Ra’s tears fell to earth and grew into beings.

Polytheistic Religion

Religion was important to everyday life.

• Ancient Egyptians practiced polytheism, which is a belief in


• They believed that the gods controlled and the world around them.

The goal was to keep the gods happy so that life would remain good.

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


Ra and Hapi

Ra and Hapi were considered of the ancient Egyptians.

• Ra was the creator and the god.

• Hapi was the god of and the Nile.

Isis and Osiris

Isis and Osiris were two of the most important gods. They were married.

• Isis was the goddess of .

• Osiris was the god of the .

Set and Anubis

Set and Anubis controlled the darker side of Egyptian life.

• Set was the god of . He killed Osiris.

• Anubis was the god of and tombs.

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


Daily Rituals

Early Egyptians gave daily offerings to the gods to keep them happy.

• Offerings included food and .

The Roles of Priests

Priests played many roles in society.

• People believed that priests could the actions of the gods.

• Priests were also healers and scientists.

• They provided medicines and even performed .

Religious Practices of Ancient Egypt

Gods Myths


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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


The Importance of the Afterlife

Belief in an afterlife was a major part of early Egyptian religion.

• Priests performed rituals to help people prepare for life after death.

• preserved the body and was believed to help

the soul reach the afterlife.

Ancient Egyptians believed that life on Earth was just the .

The Pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids were built as , or burial places, for the pharaohs.

• A burial chamber, which was a special room for the body, was placed under the pyramid.

• Relatives and officials were buried nearby so they could join the pharaoh in the afterlife.

• Later tombs were decorated with paintings and , or writing with symbols.


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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


The Discovery of King Tutankhamen’s Tomb


The tomb of King Tutankhamen was found by Howard Carter in 1922. It is important because it:

• was the only royal burial site that had not been , and it contained the first untouched royal mummy.

• showed the and technology of ancient Egypt.

King Tut’s tomb contained over five thousand artifacts.

Social Classes

Ancient Egypt had several social classes.

• Social class was based on religious beliefs and on in society.

• It was very to change social classes.

A social class is a group based on and on work that people do.


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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


The Pharaoh

The pharaoh was the who controlled all parts of Egyptian society.

Pharaohs were:

• considered living .

• responsible for the government.

• responsible for supervising the creation and enforcement of laws.

• responsible for protecting Egypt.

Social Classes in Ancient Egypt

Circle the group that made up the upper class of Egyptian society. Draw a box around the levels of the pyramid that made up the middle class.

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


The Upper Classes

The upper classes were involved in government and religion

• Officials and nobles usually came from families and carried out the pharaoh’s wishes.

• were powerful because religion was part of everyday life

in Egypt.

Soldiers, Scribes, and Skilled Workers

The middle class in Egypt included:

• , who protected the kingdom.

• , who kept written records and mastered over seven

hundred hieroglyphs.

• skilled workers, who included merchants, traders, stone carvers, and other artisans.

Farmers and Enslaved Persons

The lower classes were .

• Farmers grew various crops, including barley, wheat, and flaxseed.

• Farmers used crops to pay taxes, and could be punished for a bad harvest.

• Most enslaved persons were from other countries and were

during wars.

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


Family Structure

Family was important in Egyptian society.

• Men were the of their families.

• Women usually ran the home and raised the children.

• Children were valued and for different jobs.

• Pets ranged from dogs and cats to wild animals such as baboons and monkeys.

The Role of Women

Women were important in Egyptian society.

• They had the rights as men.

• They could own land, file for divorce, and own businesses.

• They could be officials, doctors, or temple workers.

• -class women had enslaved people and servants to help

them with their daily duties.

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


Work for Men in Ancient Egypt

There were many jobs for men in Egyptian society.

• Government and priests assisted the pharaoh.

• People were involved in trading and producing goods.

• laborers included artisans who created the art for tombs

and temples.


Ancient Egyptians constructed a variety of houses.

• Most Egyptians lived in houses with a flat roof and three bedrooms.

• Wealthier Egyptians could build more expensive houses of .

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt



Ancient Egyptian farming techniques made farming successful in Egypt.

• They dug to move water from the Nile River to the fields.

• They developed the that helped them move water from

the canals to the crops.

Egyptian Achievements




Majorachievementsof the ancient


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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt


Written Language

Egyptians developed an advanced system of writing.

• Hieroglyphic writing is the system of ancient Egyptian writing that is

based on symbols.

• Ancient Egyptians used the plant to make paper.


Ancient Egyptians used mathematics to help them build great structures.

• They used geometry, multiplication, and .

• They were able to calculate how many were needed to build their great monuments.


The ancient Egyptians were advanced builders.

• Tombs and monuments were made from that had been

transported many miles down the Nile River.

• The of Giza took over 20 years to construct and were

built by over 20,000 workers.

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Instruction Life in Ancient Egypt



The ancient Egyptians made many contributions to science.

• They developed a calendar with 365 days and studied


• They invented many simple machines, such as ramps and levers.

• They wrote texts.

• They perfected , or preservation, techniques for mummification.

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Summary Life in Ancient Egypt


Lesson Question What was life like in ancient Egypt??

Review: Key Concepts

Life in ancient Egypt revolved around religion, social class, occupation, and family.


• Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses, and in

an .

• The

ruled, supported by the priests.

• Social class was determined by occupation.

• Early Egyptians made many advancements in farming,


mathematics, architecture, and science.

Social structure AchievementsReligion

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Summary Life in Ancient Egypt

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