Warm Up: Divide your paper in half and create this T-chart. Arguments for Slavery Arguments against...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Warm Up: Divide your paper in half and create this T-chart. Arguments for Slavery Arguments against...

Warm Up:Divide your paper in half and create this T-chart.

Arguments for Slavery Arguments against slavery

Today’s Question:

What events led up to the Civil War?

Today’s Activities:

1. Watch videos/takes notes on events leading up to Civil War

2. In groups: lean about one event leading up to the war and prepare to teach the class about it


An agreement that is reached when both sides

agree to give up something.

Missouri Compromise of 1820

There was a debate about whether new western territories would be ________ states or ________ states.

The Missouri Compromise added _______ as a slave state and ______ as a free state. This helped to balance slave states and free states.


Compromise of 1850

In 1850, California entered the United States as a ________ state.

 In return, _________ southerners demanded stronger

fugitive slave laws. Southwest territories would decide the issue of

_________for themselves.


Kansas Nebraska Act

The ______ in each territory could decide whether to allow slavery or not. This was called popular sovereignty.

Events leading up to war:

In groups:

• Each group will be responsible for learning about ONE event leading up to the Civil War.

• Your group will teach the class about that event by telling a story. Make sure you include specific dates,

names, and places!

• You may create a skit, song, poem