WANT TO LEARN MORE? Call the church office at 516-922-7322...

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209 South Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771

T: 516 - 922 - 7322 / F: 516 - 922 - 7323



Call the church office at

516-922-7322 or email

Children’s Ministry Director

Jennifer Cameron at


OUR MISSION The NSCC Children’s Ministry is dedicated to

sharing the love of God with children through

engaging lessons, worship, arts & cra�s, pray-

er and play. Our goal is to teach every child

that God made them, God loves them and Je-

sus wants to be their forever friend.


• God-honoring

We encourage thankful and obedient hearts in

the children we serve to produce habits and

a�tudes which are glorifying to God.

• Bible-centered All of our programs are designed to help

children use, understand and apply the Word

of God in their daily lives.

• Gospel-driven

We are inten�onal about proclaiming the

Gospel so that children might come to know

Christ as their personal Savior.

• Family-focused Crea�ng partnerships with families allows us to

assist parents in fulfilling their calling as

primary faith-nurturers of children.

“Train up a child

in the way he should go,

and when he is old

he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

WANT TO VOLUNTEER? There are many opportuni�es available

for those wishing to minister to children.

Consider serving in the following areas:

Sunday School Teacher, Children’s Church

Leader, Classroom Assistant, Nursery

Assistant, Subs�tute Teacher and more!

“Each of you should use whatever gi� you

have received to serve others, as faithful

stewards of God's grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)

Whatever your experience, abili�es or

�me commitment, the Children’s Ministry

at NSCC has a place for you!

NURSERY (0 - 36mo)

Sundays, 9:30am - 12:00pm

Parents are invited to bring their infants and

toddlers to our fun, safe and clean nursery

where our supervising staff will care for the

li%le ones while adults a%end classes/church.

SUNDAY SCHOOL (PK - 4th) Sundays, 9:30am - 10:15am

Exci�ng new DVD lessons and teacher-student

class discussions introduce children to key

people, events and lessons presented in the

world’s most amazing book - the Bible!

CHILDRENS CHURCH (PK - 4th) Sundays, during Church (a�er offering)

Teachers help children understand what is

happening in the “big church” during worship

hour by presen�ng Bible lessons and hands-on

ac�vi�es in a fun and age-appropriate way.

SPECIAL EVENTS (All Welcome) Dates to be announced

Invite your friends to a variety of special events

hosted annually by the Children’s Ministry.

The Fall Fes�val, Kids Club, Family Fun Days,

Bring-A-Friend Sunday, and holiday performanc-

es are just a few of the many great outreach

opportuni�es available year round.


This exci�ng five-day themed experience helps

kids learn that there is only one truth: Jesus!

High energy skits, cra0s, songs, games and les-

sons bring God’s love to life. The week ends

with a fun-filled fair the whole family will enjoy.