Waltham Forest Lajna Magazine March 2013

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Magazine of the Lajna Imaillah & Nasirat of Waltham Forest, England, UK

Transcript of Waltham Forest Lajna Magazine March 2013

T h e m a g a z i n e f o r L a j n a a n d N a s i r a t


C O M I N G S O O N - A N U R D U S E C T I O N



Read and send us

your review of the book


Islam on caring for children


SPICY PRAWN STIR FRY Healthy ways to your ideal figure

ISSUE No: 2 MARCH 2013



Dates in March Sunday 3rd - General Meeting 1 pm – 4 pm [First Aid Session] At Baitul Ahad E17 Saturday 9th - Lajna UK’s Careers Event At Baitul Futuh - Nasir Hall Sat & Sun 9th - 10th - Lajna UK’s ‘Invite your All Regions Neighbour Day’ Sunday 24th - Masih-e-Maud Day 1 pm – 4 pm & General Meeting At Baitul Ahad E17 Every Tuesday - Sports Session 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm 7.15 pm – 8.15 pm - Badminton Coaching At Leyton Sixth Form College £3 Every Thursday - Voluntary Fast Every Friday - Nasirat Class 6.30 pm – 8 pm At Baitul Ahad E17

Dear Diary...

The blessed founder of Lajna Imaillah, his Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmadra rightly stated:

“No nation can progress without educating their women”

This magazine aims to encourage you to make progress in your faith, in your own wellbeing, in your relationships, in your home, in your society; until you can also benefit this nation and the international community. Only then will the statement of Allah the Exalted truly apply to you:

“You are the best people raised for the good of mankind” [Holy Qur’an, 3:111]

So, lets do it - together. By reminding, encouraging and helping one another, we really can do more and be more. We all have a high destiny, way higher than our past and present. Visualise how you can apply these two statements to yourself, becoming a ‘better’ you. Then move towards that empowering future - your future. Wassalam, Shama Email: shamaahayat@gmail.com Mobile: 07825 215 098

Sadr Lajna Imaillah: Waltham Forest Amtul Basit Hayat

Secretary Ishaat Khalida Munawer

Chief Editor

Shama Ahmed Hayat

Editorial Team Salma Ahmed Hayat

Shageela Ahmed Ghazala Ahmed

Editor: Urdu Saira Ahmed

Editor: The Nasirat Pages

Farrah Noor Hayat

Waltham Forest Lajna is the official magazine of the Ishaat Department of Lajna Imaillah Waltham Forest;

a branch of the Lajna Ima’illah UK, the women’s auxiliary organisation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim

Association in Islam.


W elcome. This is our second issue and we are getting great feedback that you really love this magazine. We want to insha’Allah, design it so that it increases both your spirituality and day to day lifestyle.



The Masih-e-Maud Day

Healthy Recipe: Spicy Prawn Stir Fry

26 Steps to bringing up your child

Every girl’s ‘Plan for Life’

Events Calendar - What's on in Waltham Forest

Book of the Month

Urdu Section (Coming Soon)

Top 6 ways to Manage Stress


Strive in the way of Allah: Chanda

Top Tips for all Dai’een-e-lillah



“I shall carry your message to the ends of the earth ” Revelation to Promised Messiahas in 1898

Tadhkirah, p.405

Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian Promised Messiah and Mahdi

Masih-e-Maud Day

When you find the Mahdi, perform Bai’ah (pledge of allegiance) at his hands. You must go to him, even if you have to reach him across ice-bound mountains on your knees. He is the Mahdi and the Caliph of Allah Instruction to the Companions by Muhammadsa Messenger of Allah (Ibn Majah)

The Need for The Imam

The Promised Messiahas states: “Now, then, let it be clear that an authentic Hadith testifies that he who does not recognize the Imam of his time, dies the death of ignorance. The Holy Prophetsa said:

'He who dies without [recognizing] the Imam dies the death of ignorance.' [Page 96, vol. 4, Musnad Ahmad]

This Hadith is enough to make the heart of a righteous man seek after the Imam of the age, for to die in ignorance is such a great misfortune that no evil or ill-luck lies outside its scope. Therefore, in keeping with this testament of the Holy Prophetsa, it becomes incumbent upon every seeker after truth to persist in his quest for the true Imam. ...The fact is that when the Imam of the age appears in the world, thousands upon thousands of lights accompany him and heaven is filled with joy. With the dissemination of spirituality and light, the right potentialities become alive. Anyone who has the capacity begins to experience a series of revelations. And anyone who has the capacity to pronounce judgement in matters of faith by the use of reason and reflection, his ability is enhanced. Anyone who has the inclination towards prayers is granted pleasure in his worship. Anyone who is engaged in debates with other faiths is given the power to argue and arrive at incontrovertible conclusions. All these blessings are in fact the outcome of the spiritual radiation which comes with the Imam of the age and descends upon the heart of every ready and eager person.”

Extracts from ‘The Need of the Imam’ by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas,

The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi [www.alislam.org/library/books/TheNeedForTheImam.pdf]

By the immense grace and mercy of Allah, we have been blessed to accept the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, whose advent was prophesied by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Alhamdolillah. Please do attend the Masih-e-Maud Day (Promised Messiah Day) as part of the global commemoration of the blessed Imam of the latter Days. Take note of the event’s date, time and venue in the ‘Dear Diary’ section. Jazakallah.




Be a Dai’een-e-lillah


Email us your experience of following these blessed instructions. Send in a 200 to 400 word article of what you did and the results

The Martyrs


Latest Instructions from Hudhur’saba Friday Sermon of 14th December 2012

(The Ahmadiyya response to the ongoing martyrdoms of innocent Ahmadis)

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masihaba said: “Generally, a person is considered Shaheed (martyr) when martyred in the way of Allah. There is no doubt that a person who gives his life in the way of Allah attains the status of Shaheed. Allah, the Most High, opens the doors of paradise for him. But the term Shaheed comprises more than that. Its meanings are vast. For the attainment of great objectives, sacrifices need to be presented. At times, sacrifice of life needs to be presented. The members of the Community do present all kinds of sacrifices wherever they are needed, and are always ready to present them.

The meaning of Shaheed is not limited to martyrdom. The youth who raised the question, as well as the elders, need to know the deeper meaning so that everyone may try to attain the status of Shahaadat and understand the soul of such prayer, and enter the paradise of the pleasure of Allah. This word Shaheed also originates from Shahd (honey, honeycomb). The Promised Messiahas, may peace be upon him, said: “This word is extracted from Shahd too as such people bear intense worship and bear every inconvenience and impropriety in the way of God and become ready to encounter them. They experience a sweetness and pleasantness. As the honey is a simile of “Therein is cure for men” (16:70), they also are an antidote. Ones who join their company, are cured of many ailments. If this status can only be attained through death then how can a person benefit from their company? This also is a status of the Shaheed that those in his company are able to be rid of various improprieties.”

The Promised Messiahas continues to say: “Shaheed also is the name of that state and status where man in all his chores sees Allah, the Most High, or at least considers God seeing him. This state is also named Ihsan (goodness, graciousness).”

The Promised Messiahas said: “You should be lost in His (God’s) love in a manner that as though you have seen His Greatness, Might and Eternal Beauty. When a person sees limitless and eternal Beauty of Allah, is convinced of His attributes, his attention is towards His worship, then no such act can emanate from him which is counter to the pleasure of Allah, and when this is the condition, then he is at the status of a Shaheed.

The Shaheed carries out the service of the Community without effort as it has become a part of their personality and they feel uncomfortable when they are not assigned a task. [Ed. Above are only some of Hudhur’saba instructions, taken from the full English Summary of the Friday Sermon. You can read the full text at:






Book of the Month

In this month, read this small book written by the Promised Messiahas. Note down things of interest. Email us your comments or observations for our readers. You can also send in a short review of the book to add in the next issue. Read or download this book at: www.alislam.org/books/victoryofislam/VICTORY%20OF%20ISLAM.pdf

VICTORY OF ISLAM – important matters discussed:


Moral Training of the Child By

Khalifatul Masih II Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmadra


The Ultimate Guide to:



Email us Your experience of following these blessed instructions. Send in a 100 to 300 word article about good Islamic parenting for our readers

The following is an extract from his book

Minhaje Talibeen (Way of the Seekers)

Now a few hints on the moral education and training of the child [Continued from the previous edition...]: [Listed below is the 3rd of the 26 instructions] 3. A child should be fed at fixed hours. This will breed the habit of self-control and save it from a number of evils. Lack of self-control occasions evils like stealing, etc. Such a child does not learn to resist temptation. The fault lies with the mother who is ever ready to feed the child anytime it cries. It is a great mistake not to inculcate regular food habits in the infant and in the grown-up child. Regular food habits will further lead to the following good habits: a. Punctuality. b. Self-control. c. Good health. d. Cooperation. Such children will not be egocentric and selfish for they will have learnt to eat with others. e. Frugality. Such child will not suffer from the bad habit of wastefulness and extravagance. The child who is given to eating at odd hours will eat less and waste more. But if it is fed to a fixed measure and at fixed hours, it will make the best of what it gets and remain content with it without a tendency towards waste. f. It will develop the inner strength to resist temptation. It wants to have something which catches his passing fancy in the street. If you do not get it for it, it will learn the habit of fighting temptation later in life. Similarly if the child wants to have an eatable which is lying about in the house, like sugar cane, radishes, carrots or homemade sugar in farming families, tell him to wait till it is time for meals. This will fortify his self-control and enable him to exercise restraint. [Editor. We will inshallah, continue serialising this article in the coming issues. You can find the whole text at: www.alislam.org/library/books/Way-of-Seekers.pdf

pp.50 – 59] 8

And of men there is he who would sell himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is Compassionate to His servants.

(Holy Qur’an, 2:208)


Strive in the way of Allah:



[Ed. We will inshallah, continue serialising this article in the coming issues. You can find the whole text at: www.alislam.org/library/books/Way-of-Seekers.pdf

pp.50 – 59]

And Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty.

(Holy Qur’an, 22:40)

LAJNA IMAILLAH’S FINANCIAL YEAR Start: 1st October 2012 End: 30th September 2013.

LAJNA CHANDA (Membership Dues)

Non-Earning Members £27 per year Which consists of (annually): Membership £19 Ijtema £5 Sport £2 Library £1 Earning Members 1% of her annual income Plus (annually): Ijtema £5 Sport £2 Library £1 If you have any queries or difficulties, please contact the Secretary Maal (Finance). Jazakallah


The Promised Messiahas states: “The Workshop (i.e. The work-plan of the Promised Messiahas) with all its branches needs your help. And needs it now. Those who would give something every month, it will be up to them to do so regularly and without reminders. Let them treat it as a duty they owe to God, dereliction of which they should not permit to themselves. Those who would give in lump sum are also welcome. But must be remembered that what is really intended is that this work should continue without interruption. Lovers of faith should therefore promise and send monthly donations, such as are within their means. And they should do so regularly by the month, unless they are prevented by some accidental circumstance.”

Victory of Islam by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas


Nasirat The


What is the matter with you that you expect not wisdom and staidness from Allah?

[Holy Qur’an, Chapter Al-Nuh 71:14]

When making a plan for your life a young lady should add these two ingredients into her plan or the results will not be good. Allah the Exalted highlights two most fundamental features, Wisdom and Staidness. He attributes them to Himself and wants you to make these your basic way of thinking and doing. Here Wisdom means to put each thing in its proper place. Staidness here means to be predictable and regular. Allah creates and we see His work as the Universe. The Universe is studied using Science. Today all scientists fully agree with the above statement (recorded 1500 years ago in the old Holy Qur’an) that wisdom and staidness form the basis of the laws of nature. For example, the scientific Periodic Table lists every known element in the universe and each element is elegantly located in exactly the right sets of grouping, with all aspects being totally predictable and constant. Order is the golden rule in the creation of Allah. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba copies these two qualities of Allah. A sample is given in the wonderful new book ,‘The Guiding Light’ by Professor Amtul Razzaq Carmichael (see web address below). This book presents the systematic and intricate method that Hudhuraba uses in each and every congregational daily prayer. He recites such verses that pertain to his blessed period of Khilafat, being in accordance with the wishes of God and to address the needs and demands of the time. If you could even just match the daily repetition of only his public prayers for one month, you would become a very successful person indeed. Hudhuraba has been using his system throughout his khilafat, since 2003. The book shows only one of his planned behaviours. His whole life, his every hour, each action, thought and emotion is controlled and regulated by wisdom and staidness. Amazingly, the non-believers (the kuffar) passionately preach the exact opposite to Allah’s message. They will pressure you to ‘enjoy your childhood’, to be ‘girly’, to be ‘spontaneous and impulsive’. They must imagine that wisdom is like a kind of overcoat that you can put on at any time... preferably in the far future. If a girl has spent her childhood not practicing how to put each thing in its proper place, how to do the right thing at the right time, how to organise with calmness and rationality. How to ENJOY the concept and feeling of that. Do they dream that this girl will wake up one morning and just ‘know’ all these things? Where do they imagine that all this knowledge will spring forth from? Learn to live daily in an organised way - wisely. Use these two features to ‘create’ your future personality. The best YOU.

“Those who ponder and have wisdom do not wait for the future to take shape. They can read in the tiny seed of today the signs of the huge tree of tomorrow”

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVra

The Guiding Light www.alislam.org/library/books/The-Guiding-Light.pdf

Every Girl’s Plan for Life



By Farrah Noor Hayat











on Saturday 13th April 2013

Mam Tor Trip 2013








The Top 6 Ways to:

Sehate Jismani


By Salma Ahmed Hayat


Email us your helpful ways to manage Stress and Anxiety.

NO. 1: AVOID UNNECESSARY STRESS Not all stress can be avoided, and it’s not healthy to avoid a situation that needs to be dealt with. Remove the really unnecessary additional stresses by - Learn how to say “no” Take stress out of your surroundings Avoid people who stress you out Avoid stress creating topics Cut down your to-do list NO. 2: CHANGE YOUR STRESSFUL SITUATION If you can’t avoid a stressful situation, try to change it. Perhaps change the way you communicate or do things Express your feelings, don’t bottling up. Be more assertive. Be willing to compromise. Manage your time better. NO. 3: ADAPT TO THE STRESSOR If you can’t change the stressor, change yourself. You can adapt to stressful situations and regain your sense of control by changing your expectations and attitude. Reframe problems. Look at the big picture. Adjust your standards. Focus on the positive. NO. 4: ACCEPT THE THINGS YOU CAN’T CHANGE Some sources of stress are unavoidable. Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it’s easier than pushing against a situation you can’t change. Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Look for the upside. Share your feelings. Learn to forgive. NO. 5: MAKE TIME FOR FUN AND RELAXATION If you regularly make time for fun and relaxation, you’ll be in a better place to handle life’s stressors when they inevitably come. Set aside relaxation time. Do something you enjoy every day. Connect with others. Keep your sense of humor. NO. 6: ADOPT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE You can increase your resistance to stress by strengthening your physical health. Exercise regularly. Reduce caffeine and sugar. Eat a healthy diet. Avoid cigarettes and intoxicating drugs. Get enough sleep. Follow these tips, they really will help you. You can read the more detailed version of this help guide at:

www.helpguide.org/mental/stress_management_relief_coping.htm Islam means Peace. All negative stress caused by human limitations is the opposite of Peace (Islam). Allah the Exalted consoles us at our times of hardship by inviting us to come to Him for help. He says:

Aye! it is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort. [Holy Qur’an, 13:29] If you are facing difficulty, please contact your Majlis Sadr sahiba for confidential help and support or email the Editor of this magazine, she will put you through to Sadr sahiba. Jazakallah.


Sehate Jismani

Delicious Healthy Recipe

Email us your experience of cooking this meal. Send in your quick and easy healthy recipes (from around the world) for our readers

By Shama Ahmed Hayat

Spicy prawn stir-fry

Sehate Jismani

Delicious Healthy Recipe

Email us your experience of cooking this meal. Send in your quick and easy healthy recipes (from around the world) for our readers

By Shama Ahmed Hayat


Cuisine: Indian Prep time: 5 min. Recipe type: Main/Starter Cook time: 20 min. Serves: 4 Total time: 25 min. A popular and really simple curry is Bombay Aloo (aloo means potatoes). It is made using a little olive oil, a few herbs and spices along with a generous handful of fresh coriander. Served with chapatti, this simple dish will leave you wanting more! Ingredients 300g potatoes, peeled and cubed ½ tsp coarse black pepper one small onion finely chopped ½ tsp red chilli powder 1-2 tbsp olive oil ½ tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp garlic and ginger paste 1 tbsp coriander cumin powder (dhania jeera) ½ tsp salt ⅓ tin of plum tomatoes liquidised ½ tsp mustard seeds Handful of fresh chopped coriander ½ tsp cumin seeds 2 fresh green chillies slit lengthways 8 Step Plan 1. Heat the oil in a large pan. 2. Add the onion and cook on a low heat until the onions are soft. 3. Add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds, salt, pepper, garlic and ginger paste and

cook on a high heat for 1 minute ensuring the seeds don’t burn. 4. Now add the spices: chilli powder, turmeric, coriander, cumin powder and cook

on a high heat for 1 minute. 5. Add the liquidised tomato and cook on a low heat for 3 minutes. 6. Add the potatoes and ½ cup of water, then simmer until potatoes are cooked. 7. Switch off the heat, add the green chillies and chopped coriander. 8. Serve with hot chapatti. Notes Add a little bit of fresh lemon juice for a tangy twist!

Fad Dieting? - Follow the Islamic ‘Diet’.

Islam teaches 1. Never ever Diet (unless medically advised). 2. Eat Halal food. 3. Eat Tayyib food. 4. Eat in Moderation. 5. Always leave room in your stomach after a meal (never binge eat). 6. Eat as a form of worship to please Allah, not to fill your stomach. 7. Get comfort, happiness and help in Allah and not in food. Ignoring all the rules and choosing to follow only 1 or 2 will never help you. In the next issue these rules will be explained. In this month, young Lajna & Nasirat should make this meal again and again. Being able to Cook well, quickly and easily will make you independent from the fast food shops. You will avoid obesity and associated diseases. All that money saved will serve Islam and help the suffering people who have no friends. You will be able to feed fantastic meals to your beautiful children when the time comes, inshallah.

Cuisine: Chinese Prep time: 30 min. Recipe type: Main Cook time: 10 min. Serves: 4 Total time: 40 min. or less Stir fry cooking is a quick and nutritious way of cooking food. Ingredients 500g/1lb 2oz medium egg noodles 2 tbsp sesame oil, plus extra for tossing the noodles 2 red chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped thumb-size piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped 3 large garlic cloves, chopped 1 red pepper, de-seeded and thinly sliced 1 bunch of spring onions, thinly sliced on an angle 400g/14oz raw tiger prawns, shelled 2 large or 3 small pak choi, or 200g/7oz Chinese flowering cabbage (choi sum), shredded 1 lime, juice only 2 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce 100ml/3½fl oz of white vinegar 2 Step Plan 1. Cook the noodles according to the instructions given on the packet. Drain and toss in a little sesame oil to prevent them from sticking together. 2. Heat a wok and add the sesame oil. Once the oil is shimmering, add the chillies, ginger and garlic. Stir-fry for 30 seconds before adding the red pepper, spring onions and shelled prawns. Cook for about 3-4 minutes until the prawns have turned pink. Add the shredded pak choi or choi sum, noodles, lime juice, soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce and white vinegar. Stir-fry until heated through and serve straight away

In this month, young Lajna & Nasirat should make this meal again and again. Being able to Cook well, quickly and easily will make you independent from the fast food shops. You will avoid obesity and associated diseases. All that money saved will serve Islam and help the suffering people who have no friends. You will be able to feed fantastic meals to your beautiful children when the time comes, inshallah.



National B

adminton &

Table Tennis Tournament 2



Badminton Squad 2 x Doubles Team [Age: 15 - 29] 2 x Doubles Team [Age: 30+] 1 x Singles [Age: 15 - 29] 1 x Singles [Age: 30+]

Tournament Info: Time: 9 am - 4 pm Day: Date To be confirmed Date: April 2013 Venue: Baitul Futuh

Table Tennis Squad 1 x Singles [Age: 16+] 1 x Singles [Age: 16+]

Lajna Imaillah U


Interested in Competing or just coming to the weekly Coaching Sessions? Contact the East Region Sehate Jismani Secretary: Shama Ahmed Hayat Mobile: 07825 215 098 email: shamaahayat@gmail.com

NOTICE Tournament Postponed until April 2013