Walking Tour of Monuments and Memorials

Post on 05-Sep-2015

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Walking Tour of Monuments and Memorials

Transcript of Walking Tour of Monuments and Memorials

  • Walking Tour of Monuments and MemorialsA scenic walk from the White House, along the National Mall, around the Tidal Basin to the Capitol

    Rating: 5 out of 5 by EveryTrail members

    Difficulty: Easy

    Length: 5.7 miles

    Duration: 1-3 hours

    Family Friendly

    Overview: This is a great way to see all of the Monuments and Memorials of Washington DC, each unique and important in its own way. The walk starts at the White House and continues through the National Mall, along the Reflecting Pool, around the Tidal Basin, and eventually ends at the US Capitol Building and Supreme Court. This tour will take you through many significant eras in the history of the United States, including the Revolutionary War, Vietnam War, Korean War, World War II, past several memories to inspiring presidents such as Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Jefferson, and past all three branches of government.

    On top of that, it is a scenic walk and quite relaxing depending on the time of year and the weather. After completing this walk, you will have seen most of the tourist destinations in Washington DC (other than the museums that surround the National Mall).

    Tips: For a shorter version of the tour you can end at the Washington Monument after looping around the Tidal Basin rather than walking down the entire length of the National Mall towards to Capitol Building.

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    Points of Interest

    1. The White House

    The White House is the official residence and office of the President of the United States and the first family. It is located at 1600

    Pennsylvania Avenue and was built between 1792 and 1800. In 1814, during the war of 1812 it caught fire and much of the

    interior was damaged.

    There are several sections of the White House, spread out over 6 floors (4 above, 2 below ground), including the Executive Residence, West Wing,

    Cabinet Room, Roosevelt Room, East Wing and Old Executive Office Building.

    2. The Washington Monument

    Built in honor of George Washington, the Washington Monument is hard to miss as it stands 555.5 ft tall in the middle of the

    National Mall. Anyone can go to the top free of charge but you may need to wait a while to get your free ticket. Once at the top,

    you can see up to 30 miles in an direction on a clear day.

    3. World War II Memorial

    The World War II memorial, located at one end of the reflecting pool commemorates all those who sacrifices for the United

    States during World War II. It is designed by Fredrich St. Florian and contains pillars representing each of the 50 states,

    2000 feet 500 m

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  • surrounding a fountain in the middle. It is lit up at night, and you can see the Lincoln Memorial across the reflecting pool in the


    4. Vietnam Veterans Memorial

    Designed by Maya Lin, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the men and women who were lost while fighting for the United

    States during the Vietnam War. While walking along the wall it is difficult not to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of names

    carved into the wall.

    5. Lincoln Memorial

    Perhaps the most famous and most-highly visited Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial stands on the end of the National Mall

    opposite the Capitol Building. it is dedicated to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, who most people claim as their favorite US

    president of all time for all that he stood for and accomplished in his time. The Memorial stands as a symbol of freedom,

    remembering the Civil War and Abolition, of which Lincoln was such a strong supporter.

    On either side of the large statue of lincoln are two famous speeches, carved into the stone walls.

    6. Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool

    At the foot of the Lincoln Memorial stands a reflecting pool where you can see the reflection of the Washington Monument further

    down the National Mall. Roughly 24 million visitors a year visit the National Mall, and many make it to the reflecting pool to take

    one of the better-known pictures of Washington DC.

    In 2009, President Barack Obama held his inaugural celebration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, with around 400,000 watching around the

    reflecting pool and the tidal basin.

    7. Korean War Veterans Memorial

    19 steel sculptures are positioned here reminding visitors of the cost of defending freedom. The memorial remembers the

    Korean War, where the United States helped to defend the freedom of South Korea.

    8. FDR Memorial

    Walk around the Tidal Basin to find the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, which has the most square footage out of any of

    the other memorials. It is located along Cherry Tree Walk (visit here in Spring to see the full effect of the blossoming cherry


    As you walk through the memorial, you will walk through 12 hears of American History, separated by four sections, representing Roosevelt's four

    separate terms in office.

    9. Thomas Jefferson Memorial

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  • Thomas Jefferson played one of the larger roles as a founding father during the birth of the United States and his words and

    ideals have shaped America ever since.

    In this Memorial, Jefferson stands tall as a symbol of liberty (for which he fought throughout his life) looking out over the Tidal Basin.

    10. Holocaust Memorial Museum

    It is by far the newest Memorial along this tour but should not be missed. This memorial serves to honor and remember the

    victims of the Holocaust. At the museum, you can listen to an audio montage of stories from the few who survived.

    11. United States Capitol Building

    The United States Capitol Building is arguably the most important building in Washington DC. It was built in 1793 and has been

    rebuilt, destroyed, and remodeled many times. Other than the Washington Monument, no other building is allowed to be taller

    than the Capitol Building, and the city plan and street numbers are all based around the building as the center of the city.

    This is where the Legislative Branch of the United States government runs (both the House of Representatives and the Senate).

    12. United States Supreme Court

    The United States Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the United States. The 9 justices are appointed by the president

    and serve a life term (it only ends upon death, resignation, retirement, or impeachment). Most legal disputes are first heard at

    local and state courts, but may reach the Supreme Court if the matter has a large impact on the interpretation of the Constitution,

    the most important document in the United States Government.

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