Walking dead presentation

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Walking dead presentation





Despite the walking dead not being a film, I decided to include it in my research as it fits in with my chosen genre very well, and includes lots of similar shots that I am hoping to include in my own opening sequence.In the opening sequence of the walking dead There are lots of close up focusing hugely on mise en scene. This lets the audience know the genre of the series due to the arrows fitting in with violence and horror. In my sequence I will focus on mise on scene and plan carefully what I include in frames, so it has the desired effect on the audience.

NARRATIVE ENIGMAI want to make my opening sequence stand out to an audience, so I will include a narrative enigma to make them question why something is happening. For example, in The Walking Dead, time is a very big part of both the footage and editing as the speed of frames are increased, reinforced by each shot panning onto the next. This makes the audience question why it appears everything it going so fast (representative of time, and how long the apocalypse has been going on for).

SETTINGThe setting is very important in the opening sequence of the walking dead as it informs the reader about the lives the characters have been living. The flashing of the dark eye scenes mixed with the mattresses, shows the extremes of being on the run for their lives, and highlights the horror genre to the audience. In my opening sequence I will ensure I focus on setting to get fit with genre and get the desired effect from an audience.


One of my favorite elements of the walking dead's opening sequence is the introduction of the main characters. In my previous videos I have found that finding Actors for scenes has been difficult, so in my opening sequence I will use footage with minimal dialogue. In the walking dead characters are introduced through broken and ripped photographs, again giving the feeling of a mysterious apocalyptic world.


The title in walking dead is also effective as it looks like it is decaying. This hints to the audience about the zombie horror theme of the series. In my opening sequence I will try to include some form of typography that fits in with my chosen genre.

SHOTS AND MOVEMENTIt is clear from this opening sequence that this horror/thriller (which is widely loved and has been popular for many years) is a great example to help influence my opening sequence. There are lots of establishing shots, long shots and close-ups which all set the scene and add tension for the audience. Movement in this opening sequence is minimal, however there is a lot of time editing which gives the fast paced effect. This has influenced me and I feel I have more ideas when it comes to planning my opening sequence.