Walk to school

Post on 15-May-2015

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This is a University small exercise that was needed to be done but unfortunately I could not ungroup the characters to change positions

Transcript of Walk to school

Choose you own Adventure Series


Aliora woke up early as always and went through her normal morning routine getting ready for school which involved, getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing her teeth and finally packing her school bag.

When all this was completed she kissed mum goodbye and started her walk to the bus stop.

Along her walk to the bus stop she was stopped by an old man who asked “Would you like a lolly? Aliora stopped and thought about it and replied withYes No

Aliora replies saying “No thankyou, my mummy told me never to take lollies from strangers”. Then continued to walk on to her bus stop.

Aliora gets to the bus stop and spots her best friend waiting, Scarlet and they both start waiting for the bus to arrive together.

After waiting a little while a car pulls up and the window winds down to see Billy and a man in the car. The man says” the bus is running late would you like a ride to school in the car”. Scarlet replies with “ Okay, are you coming to Aliora?Do you get in the car with your friend?NoYes

Aliora replies saying “My mum told me never to get into cars with strangers, so I will wait at the bus stop”. Aliora’s friend Scarlet stops and says “Our teacher said that too, she called it stranger danger! I will stay and wait for the bus too then with you Aliora”.

Aliora says “Okay that would be good because I have to get to school on time, don’t want to be late”. She follows Scarlet towards the car and climbs in the back seat with Billy and Scarlet.

Aliora replies with “Yes please! Thankyou very much”. Then waves goodbye and continues her walk to the bus stop.

Aliora gets to the bus stop and spots her best friend waiting, Scarlet and they both start waiting for the bus to arrive together. All of a sudden Aliora starts to feel sick in the tummy. Both Aliora and Scarlet decide to sit down and wait hoping it helps her tummy.

After waiting a little while a car pulls up and the window winds down to see Billy and a man in the car. The man says” the bus is running late would you like a ride to school in the car”. Scarlet replies with “ Okay, are you coming to Aliora?Do you get in the car with your friend?NoYes

Aliora replies saying “My mum told me never to get into cars with strangers, so I will wait at the bus stop”. Aliora’s friend Scarlet stops and says “Our teacher said that too, she called it stranger danger! I will stay and wait for the bus too then with you Aliora”.

Aliora says “Okay that would be good because I have to get to school on time, don’t want to be late”. She follows Scarlet towards the car and climbs in the back seat with Billy and Scarlet.

The bus finally arrives and both Aliora and Scarlet get on the bus for the school.They walk right down to the end of the bus where they sit down.

The bus after a couple of minutes comes to a stop out the front of the school where Aliora and Scarlet get off and walk into class. Aliora tells the teacher that she had two strangers try to help her but she refused. Teacher tells Aliora that she was very smart to remember the warnings about stranger danger.

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Aliora, Scarlet and Billy are all sitting in the car while it’s driving along.Aliora asks “How long till we get to school?”Stranger replies “Soon we are nearly there”.

Meanwhile back in the classroom, the teacher is starting to mark the roll and comes to Aliora’s name and asks “Has anyone seen Aliora today?”Then asks “ Has anyone seen Scarlet or Billy too?”

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