w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL...

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Transcript of w sp p e r tw in T W I PN FAlLLS DAIL...

T W I PVOL. B. KO. 278,

COilNEllOTES 'mmmi -t S M M S

D em ocrats and Insu rgen ts Put Inheritance In c re a s r in Reve­nue Bill; G ift t e v y Up for C onsideration

WASHINGTON, Fob. 23 OP)—An in- <roo80 in tho ostato or inlioritanco tuxos w aa Totod in to tho rovonuo b i^ in thc houao today b y ano ther com bination of dcm oem tic and republican insurgent forccH. A notbor proposnl o t tbo coali- tio n ^ A (I'ift tax —was boforo Uio liousc > w hon i t Adjoumod. - I

;Botl> amondmonts wcro attnekod b y I orfptniuition ropublicnnii. Tbo c*tatr> | t a x Increased, rnlaljif; tho rate* nil a long tho lino on tJio.iuinio brackets aa now rontalnod in tho luw to n max

t imum o f 40 p e r cont on tho nmount b f w hich thOi cstato o f a dccodcnt cxcocOt $10,000,000, instead o f th c presont 26 p e r cont ruto^r.vns ndoptod. 190 to 110.

PropoM G if t Tax.

Roprosont&tivo RAnisayor, rcpublicnn, Town, subm itted tho estnto tax amend* m cjtt, nnd Eoprencntnttvo Qrcen, re- [ publican, lown, ehainnnn o f tho ways and means oom m ittee, proposed tho ir i f t tnx, w hich will uo voted on tomor­row, About six dem ocrats preaent vote<l ngninst tho c stn to tnx amondmcnt which wns supported by n numbor of topubllcanft, includ ing C hnitnian.Green,

I on a division voto.An ninentUnent also wns voter] to n

allow crodit fo^ estn to taxes paid to n. s ta te s up to 25 per ccn t o f tho tax d levied by tho federal governm ent. Thi^, tl w as proposed by Roprtfaontntivo Prear, u republican in su rgen t, Wisconsin, in n rep ly to tbo nrgiinient o f lUsprcscnla- si tiv o Mill", rcpublicnn, Now York, th n t tl nn increnso in thia t;tx would mnko it n perm anent p a rt o f tho federal tnxn- ri tio n i^slom, nnd eventually dispose b " o f n v iW source o f re v e n u e ." h

LeadMH H o p e fn l "■Republican orgnnijiatlon ' leadon re- ,

I m ain hopeful o f a compromise on thc q income rntes when a f ina l vote ia tnk- ), cn on the bill, no tw ithstnnding tho ron- „ tin u ed coalition o f dcm oorats nnd in- f (•urgent#.

Adniinintm tion spokeftmon lot i t be }<nown tlm t I f th e ir ta x reform progrnm ns carried In the M ellon bill does not B cftlirouK h a t thiit session It will bo [ brought up again nex t w in ter. Socro- tar>* Mellon believes tho country will »bow lls favo r tow nr'l h is p ina n t thci < oloetions th is fnll and th a t i ts success In tho next c o n g r ^ w lll bo assiiriM,

r w a r O o n fld o a t.'• Reprosontativo F r e a r , . speaking for .

th e ropublicnn in su rgen ts, iasnod ,a , ntntem ont todny declnring his group , wns n o t disturbeil over tbo Longworth , compromiao fo r n 25 per ccnt roduc- | tio n in tho su rtax m tcs which would |

(Continued on Pngo r,, Col. 1.) ' ‘

F arm B u re a a Man

C i te s S p r e a d in

> Shipping C h a rg e sSays Fanners of Pacific Ooaat

Oan Undersell Mid*Western Prodaots in E ast Because of Low ^ a t e r Rates

8T , PAUL, Fob. 25 M V -“ Th« grea te st problem th a t tho fanner has to solve today is th a t o f tranaporta* tio n a n d '|ia rk o t’8,'-!.dcielarod John W. Covordalo^ soeretnry-troasuror of tho Amorican 'F a rm B u reau Fedoratloo, boforo ropresentativos from farm bn-

I reana in M innesota, Iow a, N orth and South Dakota, N ebraska, K ansas oad Missouri, hero today .

“ Tho farm bureaus a re agricultural eomniorcial clubs,” coatinucd Mr. Coverdale, " a n d through them i t is possible th a t & so lu tion theao prob­lem s m a y bo reached. Tho national organixntion of fa rm bureaus has boen in e ffec t fo r fivo yea rs and sinco th a t tim o i t has been o f inestim able valae to tho Ameriean fa rm e r.'"

Mr. Coverdale sa id th a t the eom- plotion of tbo G roat L akes to tbo aoo.

problem w ill g rea tly ben e fit fanners a f tho weat. D ec la rlsg th a t tho for- n te r o f h<i M ississippi valley la being d ise rim isa ted ag a in st, b» added, * 'th e fa rm er -of th e w est eo&at ean ship egga by w ater to B oston and in the m arke t th ey can u n d en e ll the mid* w estern farm er who sh ips by ra il .b u t b a lf the disU nco. Opening of tbe

. M ississippi riv e r to navigation will ben e fit the f a m o r of th is d l s t r i e t "

The f a m bur<}au rep re te sta tiv e i convened to fo nnn la to a standard program o f flnanea a n d organisatioa

' f o r 'fa rm bnreims o f th ia seetioa. Ths m eeting wiU ead to m o m w .

rOE ONLY A s s t

N FANebraska Mtui BcUka 1

at Paying $203 for Charges on Cigars

Fifty Bbxea Bought a t Bargain in Germany ?onnd to Be Too Expensive to Smoke

I OM AHA, Fo^. « M»)—A b ro th - 'I c r in G orm any aon t H onry H om ­

ing o f Plym outh, Neb., CO boxoa _ of cigara bought laat aummer in

t tho bom olnnd at a bargain , fo r tho eq u iv a l« a t-ln -m ark s o f nbout ono-tbird of a cen t per box.

p Whon tho cigars, reached tho customs officiala hero, tho attach* od b ills fo r duly, ocoan fre igh t, customs e n try and storago brought tho cost o f tbo cigars to a to ta l

‘ o f <203.4». noa'ry decided he > could n o t amoko a t tb a t prieo and >5 th o -c ig a rs w ill bo aold th i s week'^ b y the cuatoms collcetor to tbo h ighest bidder.

1- ----- —

; i f f l CHIEF M r si HE ENeneED IN S T O C y ilN G S

<■ ' — I■■ D augherty Acknowledges T ra d -" ing in S inclair S hares an d

O ffers to Subm it F a c ts to;■ S en a te Investiga to rs «

W ASHINGTON, F ^b . 25 M >)-A ttor- 0 ney General Ihjugliorty today p u b lidy 0 acknowlodgo<l th n t Uo hml doalt In Sin- X clair stock bcforo and siiico ho en tered 1 tlio cabinot, doelarod he hnd never mi»- r. used o ffic in l knowledgo in these trujis- E n actions nnd rcnvwcd hin willingncsH to n

subm it thtf fa c ts in nny invvittiguUou i t tho scnuto m ig h t order, i t In an ojwn le tte r to S<mator W illis,

republic-in, Ohio. Sir. Daugherty said ® IC ho bought Iiomo Sinclair stock bcforo 1

ho bccAnic nttornoy genorai, nnd fiu { nlly su ffe red a lot* o < |2 S 'a share. Six m onths n f te r Teo(>ot pomo w as leased f to th e S in c la ir in tc r^ ts . 'h o sold p a r t { of hw stock iu an e ffo rt to recoup | losses. 'L a t e r ho bouj^ht b.nck the snino j nmount a t n sllKlitly lower pricc nml t finally sold, ln st fn ll, his untIre Sin- t c in ir holdings. ‘ *

E x p la in s Fftilura to Act. nTho le t te r also answered chargcs of

fniluro to prosoriito • tfx-SMretJiry Fnll ;

“ j (C ontinued on Pngo 5, Col. 2)


LONDON, Fob. US, ( m -T h o Oro«k *’*■ governm ent honded b y Prem ier K ofnn- ^ dnris hns fn llen , according to an A th-

*1’ ens diapateli to tho Daily Express, in consoqucnco o f its refusal to accede

'®* to tho domanda of tho ex trem ists for tho eatabliahm ont o f a republic bcforo

~ a plebiacito w as taken.' Tlie fa ll o f tho governm ent camo oa a surprise, aa i t irAn thought up to tho la s t th a t th o cxtromlsta would bo dc- fontod,

V A TH EN S, Fob. 25 (/W -A t a m eet­ing th is afteruoon betwooa ox-Promior Venizclos and ex-Mini»tor of Foreign A ffn irs Bouaaos, w ith General Othon- aios. rcpreacriting tho arm y, i t was agreed th a t tho downfall o f thb dyn-

.st usty should bo proclaimed in tlic aa- rn sombly b u t conditionally upon confir- g g iiKition of thia decision by a plebiscito.

U R G E S M IL IT A R Y C O N T R O L’he ______las PA R IS? F eb . 25 Tho BritisU ta- primo m inister, Ranmay UncDonnId, hii» W. acn t a noto to thc I'rcncli..governincnt tho on tho n ecessity of the roHumption of on, inter-allicd m ilitnrv control ' in Gor- bn- m any, nnd thc conditions under which ind i t could be cxerclsfxl most comprchon- md sively.

Tbo n o te w ill b o cliscutwied n t nn ral e a r ly m eeting o f tho nmbas«ndorn cou- a r . foronco.

»'>; q u a r a n t in T T s W l a r e d 'nal ______

“ “ SALT LA K E,, r i b . ”5 ;W ) -A qoar- an tlne on C alifornia livcatock w as do-

« o clared b y Governor Charles R. M abey ' today. D anger of spread o f tho foot

nnd mouth diseaio waa tho reason. •

lers ID AHO POSTM ASTEItS NAM EI). for- BOISE, I^eb. 25.— According, to nd- *ag vices frt)m Wnahln^^on rcc.cive<l hcroi tb e President OoolJdge h n s nominnted threo bip Idaho poatmoiitors— C brenco P. Sm ith, the E den ; Jo h n E . McBurnoy, ’ Harriaon, lid* and M rs. H annah H . Billa, K im berly. ' bu ttbe I>A W 'B EZJ> D T 7A IJDirill W ASHINOTON, Pob. 25 {/P>—Tbo t " apt o f eongress m aking sta to workm en > e i com pensation lawi applicable to alove* ard dores w ork ing upou vessels ly ing in Jen navigable w a to n w aa declared today rhe b y the suprem o eonrt to be unconatl-

tn lio a a l.a n d invalid.





I T is the dnty of every person vote in this election.No greater expense of scho

tenance is involved in the qnes of th is election.

The six and three-qnartere "ex tra” or added expense. Xt add to school costs. I t provid< to the same s tanda rd as last y tbe event th a t the election fai

Other Idaho tow ns have not Twin Palls.

The polls w in be open from school for all voters living nc stree t, and a t the Bickel school sonth side of dhoshone street

The voters who are. qnalifiei tion a r e : Residents of tho dist lowing qnalifications: (1 ) Par n n d ^ 21 years of age who a (2 ) Taxpayers of th e distriot the taxpayer. A payer of poi

I regnlarly qualified taxpayer.

. Candidate Ra J in First Cami

S e n a to r Reed T ouches on O i l ; M uss in F ir s t A ddress ; Al- leged F ac ts N ot Given !

* ST. LOUIS, Fob. 25 M>)—UnllodI- Stiktos Scnntor Jam es A. Rood inform- , [> n lly opening h is cam paign fo r tho dem- '* ocm tic presidential nom ination to-I n ig h t dcclnrcd th a t in hia opinion, “ not J ono-ionth o f tho corruption nud in- 0 iqu itics whicb has ex isted is luid bure."> in re fe rring to oil disclosures.* Ho cbarger WUUam G ibbs McAdoo,

fora\or s e c r e t ^ o f tbo^ tre a su ry and t n opponent for tb6 'nom ination , >x-

P pectoil to receive »1,194,000 In legal« fees from E. L. Doheny, oil magnnte,'* tho Chnrles W. M orso .in tercsts nnd mo->• tion picturo concerns, although he. “ <Ud n o t appear in n single law-

m iit.",{ Tho senator re lte ra to d h is platfon^»II ..............

I ' ~\

D j- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -tk ; ' ■n- !h-inloorro

Iio *


ir- ^ I R

"■ T T ^ E l«ii —- •" ■ ^ooiisiD EB

W O J. BWl

in- - y


roi ^ r i l l ^ ^

»,! B y o m R u B B i S H

r ■T n ^•“y BUT THS PTOJ«tl- a n d "W OTto) B

w s p Ap e r i n t w i n F/

DAILT M O E N lN a.' PB B B D A B Y SO, 1024.


on who has a r igh t to do so to I

iool operation o r soboorbiain* ! Bstion of the success or failofe 1

rs giillq asked fo r is not' an I Xt does xiot increase taxes or des for keeping onr sobools np year, which cannot be done in ails.Dt hesitated and neither should

m 1 to 6. p. m. a t tho Lincoln north and w est of Shoshone >ol for all those on the ea st and ; at.led to vote ^n th is special elec- Jtric t w ith one of the tw o foi- arents or guardians of children I are residents of the distriot; |

3 t a n d t h o h n s b a n d o r w i f e o f | o il t a x i s n o t r e c o g n i z e d a s a |

a j j s McAdoo ipaign AddressI agnlnat “ opiircmivo t a r i f f s '’ nnd for

reduction in taxes, ad justed componsi-• tion to soldiers, a llovintijin o f fa rm ers’]

conditions. e lim ination o f . usolosii boards a n d buroaus o f tho govornmont, repeal o f un just oppresslvo laws, curb-.*''

I ing o f tl.e “ conccritm tion o f power n t |u] tjio c a p i tn l" nnd p ro ti'c tion of th»> q / • libcmi'i o f tho pooiilo .ns resorveij in

• tho constitu tion nnd (jilt o f r iid its .” [llo ruviowed tho oil ccnidnl nnd shid ^

t tho disclosures “ w nrriin ted in savin;;: th a t tho peoplo o t rhe U nited H tn to ?

, wero. Ivy bribery, lU privod o f these gren t nil de|>osits upon which thc> nation i myat re ly in tho h our o t,e^ tro n ilty . ” 1^

^ A D V A N tm D . . .'|t1 W A StllN G TO N , Feb . 25 W»>—Hear- ‘1 ‘, lng w as advanced to d a y b y tho su* t• prcmo court to A pril 14 on tho-appeals < 0 of tho Homo and P ac ific Tclephono j• nnd Telegraph com panies from doeia-;

ions o f fcdernl d is tr ic t courts fo r tn w estern W aiU lngtoa i a ra to caaes. j '



* I 'I ' I



,O o * rW > ^ :

f a l l s COUNTY


Declares Fall Hoped [ to Vain Control of f

V. S. Forest ReserveI Pinohot Tells of Alleged P lan - I to Transfer Supervision of

Federal Lands

' NEW YORK. F.tb. 25 Cp—Plans I to hnvo tho fo re st reservo-of tho i U nited S tn te s turn>>d over lo tho I dopnrtm ont o f the interior, a s had i been dono w ith Uto naval oil rc* . n * serve, hnd been m ade by fonnor j -Seeretnry Fj»11 o f tho interior do- 1 jiartm rnt, i t wmi cfiylarcd tonight

by G overunr G ifford I’lnchot of IVnnsylvnnia, in nn nddress boforo tlio survey nssocintes. Oovomor

I P inchot foniiorly was eldcf fo rest­er o f tho U nited Stntes.

Form er P resid en t Hnrding, tho j, spi>okor nsaerted, hnd approved .o f ‘ y I'SilIs pbm s m id c iian ic te riu d Oovomor P in c h o t’-j op|>0Hitiuu to ^ thn policy jis wrong.


______ h

S enate T a k e s Favorable Action } on A m erican Falls Appropri- p

a tio n ; Also P a ss on iUinidoka a r and Gem M easures PI- ,1

1 1 Tho Hcnnto hns nw tored the fedornl t I npproprintion fo r the American F a llj °

ir r ig a tio i p ro jcc t nnd has passed tho it'app rop ri.ifions fo r the* Minidoka and

Gem d is tric ts , according to word re*" I ceived hore M onday from W nshington.

Tbo inform ation ns^ to action taken S ' ,on beh iJf o f U»e American Falls proi>~ ~ osition wns contained in the follow- ' iug telegram from (Jongresamnn Addi-

son T. b m ith : \1 “ Tho sen a te hns restored tho nppro- ip ria tion fo r tho A m er'can F alls pro* . Iject nnd h as m odified th o ‘phraseology ,

' jto m ako i t w otkablo. The house w ill , ir- doubtless accep t tho amendment when . u. tho bill is ro turnod, thus insuring th e ; lIs succcm of tJio Amorienn Falls p ro ­no j c c t ." • lg .. W ord a s to the .ipprtipriations fo r , or tho M inidokji nnd (irm distric ts wufc ;

\ ■ (Continuod on Page B, Col. 2.)

H7:■ ' * I



■ . 1: - -

JBABTSB8B- JD IT WJlB <iu iim w

tti» K e w l o i k W b n a e , te a . ' .

EWS. PEIOB r I T B O E H ia .


O iP IE IA G IiaN■ D efense Counsel A sse rts E ffo rt

W as M^de to Involve N orth Side A ttorney; T ran sc rip ts of L e tte rs R ead .

B OISE, Feb. 25 M»)—-A feu d bos ox- , Iated in Rupert for tho la s t e igh t

yonrs nnd attem pts have b eo a m ade to involve E.. R. Damplor declared counacl fo r tho Ruport a tto rn e y M on­day in h ls opening s ta te m e n t to tbo federal court ju ry w hich w ill docido w hether or not Dampler Is g u ilty of sending obsccno le tte rs th rough th e m a ib ns charged in a a ind ictm ent' ro* tu m cd against him ' d uring th e lo st session of the federal g rand ju ry . Thc tr ia l opened Monday m orning.

W. G. Bbiaell, Oooding, counsel fo r 'D amplor, continuing w ith h is s ta te ­m ent, charged tha t th is d ifforenco bo* tw een “ certa in in te re s ts " h a d ex isted for probnbly 10 y ears and tb a t aa*

m o ther o ffo r t hss been a a d o to i&dlct his c llea t. . ' •«.

^ C laim a ieaO s W are H lM dD am plor's offico haa been "d lo ta*

• p h o a e d " and private de tec tiv e s b av e i>eon employed to w atcb h is m ovem eats

3 during th e course b f tbo feu d , deelated Mr. Blsaoll.

“ Wo w ill p rovo ," ho contiaued , “ th a t D ainplct did a o t writ© n o t m all

ll tho lo tte rs in question and tb a t tb e 1 ovidenee will ahow th a t i t w as abso*

la te ly im posalblo.for D am plor to have placed them, in the p o s to ff ic o ."

'I L e t ta n Ax« B««dT ranscrlpU o f tbo le tte r* th a t the

“■ govcram cnt alleges D am plor son t Misa L illian 'Van Antwerp, 2», o f Buport,

*1“ wore contained lo th e opening state* m en t fo r tho goveram ont p resen ted by Jo h n H , U eBvers a ss is tn a t U n ited S ta te s d ls tr ie t atto rney .

Telephone coaversatloas, a lleged .to ^ havo ta k o a place betw een M iu Aat*

worp a » d a person a lleg ed to have * been l)am pIor, w ere o o tllnod b y Mr.

. , M cEvors in his sta tem en t. H e told '■ tfio ju r y th a t postal iasp o c to rt had

beon son t to Bupert to adv ise th e wo­m an ns to a course o f ae tlon , follow ­ing a repo rt to t i s o ffiee o f Dam*

_ p ie r ’s alleged actions.Woman TestUIea

— M iss L illian Van A ntw erp , to wham E. R. Damplor Is charged in a grand ju ry IndictmoDt w ith h a v in g sen t ob-

J sceno lo tte rs through th o m aff, on the stan d a s tho fh s t governm ent wit* 'ncaa, te s tified th a t D am pler b a d asked hor to w ear a certi^a dress &ad ha t,“ aa a aign th a t ahe w as w illla g to ' carr.^ o u t certain proposals m ade in th e le tte rs .” The d rea i m entioned, ahe said, was ber u sua l a t t i r e fo r tbo office. Much tlmo w as sp e n t w ith crosa-oxnmlnatlon a s to tho exaet^ date aho received tho le tte rs .

Bzpext Called Zn Tho sU r w itness fo r tho govern­

m ent w as J . C. Sellers, o f S e a ttle , an expert in handw riting and typow rit- Ing, who pointed o u t in photographio

. . (C ontinued on Pngo 5, Col. 3 )

Movie Hero P lay s

R ole of V ictim in

B order E n co u n terTom Mix Recovering from In.

jtfries Received in Pight; Says United S ta tes Ottstoms Men Beat Him UpLO S ANGELES,. Fob . 25 Tom

M ix, nth lo tlc hero o f w eatom fflm i, to n ig h t w as entirely recovered from tho e ffec ts of fl b o rder f ig h t a t H* Ju a n a 10 days ago in w hich ho played tho rolo o f victim, accord ing to a Lof Angoles new spaper.'

A ccording to Mix as' quoted b y thi new spaper two 'Onltoa S ta te# eo»toia guards stopped him and tw o compaa* ions a s they wore ro turn lng aeress tho border a f te r a v isit to T U oana , Mex*. ico, d ragged blm la to tbo c u s to m houso, b ea t him, stripped a a d searched him nnd finally tu rned him looao.- The ac to r wos unable to g i^e lb# nam es o f his assallaats, aeeorA Ias to , th e nowspapor, b u t dee la red b a 'h a d been Informed tbey w ere n e i r 'in iw ifl tho eustam s service.' H la t t o iy ' w *l * corroborated by F rank ie Delasi aad

• Jo h n n y CbrUtopher, h la e o a v jn lo a i ; on th e alleged t e m p e i t n ^ .. A t th e ;b o td e t eoatomi ho i»e ,

. o ffic ia ls said >tbey k a a w B okU ar.'.o f' . t'h# a f fa ir . .

" I 'm going to ta k a U a p W -. e o a g re tm a a ," 1 ^ . : m a q oo tlA U .

a . , . ;

NiiSTERnSOI f LOIN’S 1101,


S ecretary to President C No Prior Knowledge oi Big Loan; Walsh Aeci tion in Oil Law Statem


WASHINOTON, Peb. 2 6 m - moro to thb McLoan>Fall incldci oil committeo today heard on beh tivo diBclaimer of any previou8«^ inside information on tho sub- " ject, and developed a now mys- f. to ry rotjarding: tho now famous $100,000 Iban which Albert t. B. Fall obtained whilo he w as « in the cabinet. J*'

0 . 'HiiHi'otii SIritiK. t»-pn*l;iry to Prom- - <lent CooliilKo. " " f j"

o n ly luul no priur l(nowhnli;i' o f 'tru th roKnrdinK tho h)iiii Imt th u t h<‘ ‘ dixctixRod th c HiibjorV iit I’nltii Rfiuli w ith liolh Fiill uikI l-Mwiirrl 1$. M f il Loaji, imhll«her of Ilio \Y'n<iliiiiK<*.n Post, und urKCtl thn: they (1ii*i>oso of tho iiumy ruiimm In i-irf,ut«tIon by toll­ing tlio committeo fhe wliolo ulory. .

B ask Balance Short. CI ’romlsinjf to toll all, Mr. yiom p «al<l,

MoLoan tostifio.l heforo Kiinutor W nlsh, ilomoprut, Moiilnnn, on tho snmo d a y ho had (fii-cii FhII tiro t-hcc)i»»100,000 Into ill 11)21, b u t th a t they had hoon rctum w l to him nncashod. Todny, howovor, tho »’0 iiiinitt«“0 loarnod from an uxiunination of, roconlit of W nnhini'ton bankH t'la t tho iiiilillshor d id n o t Imvo iiu URKiogato o f $100,00l> on dopoHit a t thc tiiau in tho biuiK on which ho nuld tho chccks woro draw n.

]lavin(f lonrniyl th a t Mr. s ic inp liail ' convornationH with both McLoan nnd ' Fu ll roKaidinf; tlio oil 'Hcandal n t Palm

Boaeh Inst month, Senator W alsh v.-ii< ■ook tomorrow to inicortain w hother any individunl memhers o t tho com* niittoo comnmnifntod by telephone or tologm ph w ith eitlier o t thom a t tho F lo rida resort, o r with Poll u t Now Ovloniis. Should th e rcinrdB in thi* oftinc!! o f Uic telephone nnd te lennip li eompiinioH hero dlKloso Ihat thero wiis sucJ> comoiuiiicntlon, Iho coimiiitteemun

. involved wil] bo givon nn opportun ity to m ake a Btatoment in th e house h ra r- ingii.

C on trac t Tolkod In Cabinet.A ft« r hearing M r. Slemp, tho commit-

tco rocoivo«l from H. iY stc f B ain , ili- rec lo r o f tho burenu o f mlncH, tcntl- m ony th a t R i l l h ad told him th a t tho contrnr.t w ith tho Doheny intori'n la for o il tn n k B to rago nt I’onri !Iarl>or, ^ Unwnii, hnd boon diacuntod by tho cnh- ^ in c t nnd th u t A tt^n iey General Daugh- ]{ e r ty itod mado no objection to i t . ]{

T ak ing tho oil discusHion ngain to I th o floor o f tho senute, W iJsh rhnrg t'd th u t tho ropublican nationnl new s bu- c rcau ti.ud mudo n “ d>liburnto and mu- " l ie io u a" misreproM ntntiou of tho fucin la i ts sta tom ont o f yesterday th a t tho n av a l oil louitoa wero mudo under tho , genornl leasing act of i 'eb ruary , 1020, < which ho had sponnorcj.

R eplying in n stntvmvnt to n ig h t tho new s bureuu aMortvil th a t Svnutot W ulsh’s deviiirution th a t tho leumv’i w ere mude, n o t im dcr th is act, b u t un-

. do r ono p u n ed in Juue. ll>20, was " n quibblo fo r tho purposo o f minrepre- sen ting fuct« .’ '

U cA doo Sscapos Teatlmoay. Chainnnn Lenroot nnd others o f tho

o il com m ittco indicated th a t tliero wu# no in ten tio n to recall W illiam U. Mo- Adoo, a candldnto for tho dem ocratic preaidentiul nomination, fo r quontion- in g regard ing h is slatem cut S a tu rd ay , t h a t h b then Now York law firm wouhl Imvo reeelvod an additional fco of «1KK),000 i f tho negotiations in tho D oheny com panies’ Moxican a ffa ir" h ad boen succossfuL

K arl wTSdm ylcr, a Denver n tto rney , who w aa counBcl for J . 'L v o S tuck , whoso ciuiniA to righ(<i in T eapot Dodio woro purchased by llarrj* P . B inclair, ' a rriv ed hero today to jirescnt to the com m ittoo tomorrow correifiiondoneo re ­gard in g o il m atters which hnd boen dcBcribod a s aoDsatlonal.

w m 0*11 Sinclair Lot«r. A nnouncomont was mado th a t Sin-'

c la ir ^rould n o t 'b o recalled fo r <jues-

fwstslei I . t h a n[ C r e a rH a t M o s a c r i f i c e


Page Two -______ TWIN


; Coolidge Says He Had of the Truth Regarding

reused of Misrepresenta- smentr BE. CALLED 'ORS SUBMIT REPORT ------------------ \P) — Turning: its attention once dent a t Palm Beach, thc senate 3ehalf of the White House a posi- s«----------------------------------- --------

limiiii*’ unlil a f te r tin- exjuTt acvnuni- A imls now ox/imining lnokn o f b rokern t'' f» firm.H in \Va«liiiij't<iu, N ov York an-l hJ

® l.'Icvelaiiil linvi- fiirnixlieil llio eomiiuf- ai t Ire Ihe ri'Ktiltn o f . f u ' i r work. Likc- S «'iHo ni) (leflnlto diito lian. lu'on hot

for llio .................... on the witne-iH Niancl . }■of IMwanl » . Mel>-:.n, win. will I.e

( asked In eleiir iii_i,tli • niVKtery I'Oiieern' iag the tinO.OIH) in rliei-ks he elaini' lit have Pnll.' • S

h --------------------------■ Men Now Living in " Arctic Circle with r Wealth in Pay Dirt J;

Old-Timo Prospcctor Says Sev- '> eral Havo $25,000 to $50,: t

000 Hoarded in Shacks ii

y XfrClUATII, AlaHka, Feb. 2.T OP)— « i. ■ — A dozen men are liv ing w ithin *■ d th e A rrtlc cirele i,n (ho Koy«kiik *' f rivor, with fiirtiinoH ranging from ^ ,r lo J.'JO.OOn ill jjold each, ••0 according to (’aptaiii ,Woblj, aiv t' „ ohMime jirospoelor, who, afto r

strik ing " p a y ," cnmo out tills ,1 w inter on hia nnnual vacation.,1 He Miiid theso men had married n native womon and settloil down to I, enjoy the ir m odest fortunes fn r r from the vnnitius o f civilization.I. l l ie y uso tho parcel post to pro- ,r curt* whnt luxuries tho ir tastes i; di^innnd. B ut thoy seem to hnvo ,v no desire to leave tho ir P o lar wil- c dorneiis.h Ouly w hoir somo prospector ,h mnkes a fina l clenn-up -and turns II his dust in a t some bnnk ean nn y estimato bo made o f tho amount p, of gold being tnk<*n from tho Arc­

tic creeks. Captain Wol)b Avas nc- cotnpnnied by a mnu w ho . cnrriod four Huit caKOs, cnch contnlnlng a.

J. porllon of his clcan-«p, estim ated to tolul $40,000.

,r VANDALS AT W ORS.. PAWTUCKCT. R. I ., Pcb. -jr. OP)—’ Ninoty-niiie lombstdnoH in M ount S '.

’■ Mar>-'s coinelorj-. oao of lho larges*. Uoiiian. (^iitliulic burial griiiinds in llhode IhIiiimI, huvo been broken o ff at

0 Ihe hiiso or overturni'd. ' d The jwlico tuiiil 'to d ay tha t it wu<

evidently the work of a ]H>werfu) man, acting alono in tho snnwitlorni Weilnos-

day night.

® Genuine W atk ln ’s ^-xtracts ami sHccs. phone fiOSJll.—ndv.

WRHiLEYS» ^ A J i e r e v e r y m m i i

M L w u yrlC E I


Woman Delivers Ga

n i pJir« . Tom 1-ieiter. wife nf a Xi.\-!ida s

• AiiKeleit Hi t:ar»im Uiiv ivlth the ta n k of ' Ooo .Toil, firnt man to die by th n t nioanii I Blilpped by rail. She foiled several a tto• aeroHH tho tlonertB.


Supromo C ourt Ju ry Sustains 'Otuun- p loa B U lioxdlst’s Cbargos o f Uis- condnct on th e F a r t of H is W ife

NKW VORK, I 'll.. 1*,' OP)—W illiam f P. Hoppe, w o rld ’h champion billiu rd lst,

wn» given n vordlct today by a j\iry ill suprem e c ou rt Mustainiag tho charges ho p re fe rred aga inst hls wife, Alice

: B oatrico IIoppc, in his su it for abso ­lute divorce.

Tho ju ry , found th n t M rs. Hoppe, who is a Hister o f Georgo W nlsh, ni?- lion p ic tu re netor, wns gu ilty o f mis- condiiet Inst Xovembcr w ith Edw nrd M. K xincr, a sulesmnn. Tho b illia rd cham pion’s m other and his a tto rnoy te s tif ied thoy raided u room iu l lo tc l

Pie: sho be 1

p l o ’

ive." : . A d i

sho sho Am

A d ’


I '■ven

!bes- you woe



as for Execution - |p

.* v n t *tl....................g,

State offie ia i. drove hor ca r from Los ' o f letlial gas used la th c execution o t " n « ^ Tho gas wns too dangerous to bo tom i'ts tu inlerceiit her th rillin g drivo

, Clo;

Imperiul nnd found M rs. IIoppo w ith Kxiner. Mrs, Hoppe an d Exiner do* a

, itiod m isconduct chiirgCB. c— ;-----------1--------- . a

Many CapaDte People. ' ^T hero Is nol n lw ays robin n t tho

lop, for there a rc m any people CQp» I able of milBR high poBltiona fo r w b o m '!

J thcro a ro no poaltloni. ti

' H cap.rg V. “, In henpInK nt> t"'..-.J ardent pnipngandlf;' i ' i

m ent th n t .h ls . Ih. : ' =caniera back.

Tom orrow.Tomorrow, didst th«u sa y l. . . ’T is

i fn n c j’fl dUld, and folly Is Us fn th o r;1 w rought on'Biich stu ff <in drcnm s n ro ;’ nnd bnKcio.'is as th c fan tosU c visions 1 of the evening.—Colton.

Wooderp HE peasants in Amerii

shoes at all, even in t erre, of Gascony. “No, t oes of leather, although I much more serviceable, n

owing........ And wooden s5. Ah, that America is a ivertisements haven’t yet oes. from Gascon feet — n oes from Gascon minds. G nerica in the future.

ivertisements make the di iprovements in countless d ley distribute Fords, furni dely th a t foreigners think em. They put you in touc nces. They help so many niences that their cost to ;

)u read advertisements tc st—to substitute speed fo: u otherwise would have )oden shoes of isolation.

) you read them regularly

Advfrtiaements are guide obtainable i

i M i i E D l.INTHiFCIlSE^

Milling In te re s ts A rgue fo r |° P rese n t R ate S chedu le ; B oard u W ants C ost on W h ea t Feeds J

--------- i'p! W A aniN O T O K , F rb . S.'i W)—Flonr ; m illing intorcstfl a rgued boforo tbo tar- , i f f commission to d a y fo r m nintenanco : o f tho present tn r i f f re la tionsh ip b o -‘

tween whoat flo u r nnd w hcnt products..^’ 1 Thoy wero unablo, howovor, to p ro -'

duco productions costa in w heat feed .desired b y tho eommlsslon nnd nd- ^ jonrnm cnt wob tn k e n u n til to m o rro w '"

I when tho commission oxpecta to con -,^ ' cludo tho hearings on tho costa o f, ivheat, flou r an d food prodnetion in [ connection w ith tlio application for n ' tn r if f increaao on w h ea t requoB tod b y j the w hent council o f tho Unitod j S tntes. IJ

; Tho millers te s tif ie d Ca'nndlan mill-Id ors were nble to J>ut dow n n bnrrel o f I flou r in New Y ork a f te r p ay ing a du ty]^ o f Sl.rin, fo r seven conta less thnn It I

. costs Americnn m illoni to placo f lo u r on tho Now Y ork m nrkot. *

They pointed o u t th a t i f tho w hoat h du ty wero Increased .'50 por cont and ). a corresponding in crease wna n o t plac­

cd on flour, C anadian millcra would bo ! ablo to iindorsoll A m orican m illorB in

New Y ork m nrkets to tho e x te n t o f 77 J conts a bnrrel,

1'! Tlie Idnho A nlo & Supply hnvo es- tended th e ir o f fe r o f froo ticke ts tn tho movies n n til W ednesdny, Pobruary 27, on all casli pu rchases o f tires, tubes o r acces^orlcs am oun ting to ono dollar o r more.—ad v .'

n ShoesTica do not wear woode

the fields!” writes Abl the peasants there we£

1 I think th a t sabots woul , ndt only on the roads, bi 1 shoes are fa r less expen

an extravagant country et taken the heavy wood? - nor yet the. heavy woode Gascony thinks in the pas

difference. They crisscroi i directions across the mile rnaces and electric lights i

nk you extravagant to enjc uch w,ith the latest con vei ny people en joy those coi ;o you is small.

to link yourself with tl for the shambling progrei ive to make in the lone!

•ly? Good habits pay.

re a reliable buying e in no other way


EDEN—Mra. Kbsa Season lo ft Wod-," nesdny ovcning fo r hor bome in S a lt , ’|L ak o C ity a f te r a fo r tn ig h t 's v is it

1 hcrtf w ith her paronts, M r. and M rs.■ E. A. Bong.

I M r. nnd M rs. P . A. Johnanson viait- -I cd in Burlpy Thuraday.' : Tho m om bcrB o f Loc F lo ra post o f d 'tho Amorican Legion enjoyed a ban- u quet a t tho M eyers ho tel W ednesday ** evening. Tho members ,o f HasoUon- ^

;'po"t wero guosto a t tho banquet.Jf* Mrs. M. C. M acijulnoy is visltlDg

’this weok w ith M rs. P ran k Mattlso.n of .0 Twin Falls.0,1 M axwell K ahn woB a business v is ito r, in T\vin Fnlls Thursday.o '; Tho- high school b o y s ' nnd g ir ls ',,l b a B k c tb a ll team s plnyod tho n ase lto n Q. high school teama a t H azelton Wod- „ nosdny evening. H azelton team s took Q. both games.


’^1 QUEBEC, Fob. ^r, </P»—Earl Brlilgea • d riv ing the O ntiirio paper oo try won thn E astern Intornntionnl* dog dorby Satur-

l l 'id a y , covering th c dhitanco of 120 milcK ' of in 18 hours 4-1 m inutes und IS Hecondu. ty I Honry gkceue, drivin,? th e B row i cor-

pom tion en try , wns necond nnd th e yj, Clintcau R obcrvult tenm third.

A q u a l i t y c i g a r e t t e

a t a q u a n t i t y p r i c e

— a r i » t o c r a t i c f l a v o r

a t a d e m o c r a t i c c o s t .



ens- •,ry!” I)den I)den I)ast. I .

ross ' Ililes. ■;s sonjoyven-con-

the Ixess I ■ •nely ' |

• , I ■ '

/ {>6l>4lW&J to M0\)

f ikHM M O -R £ - KVV \ t ) 0 c ^ i i M c i s e

A C 'O o n ^ - MCM V^u A .W K B W T

N O \) 'R ^ ^ ^M #kC U W t ^ ^ t*

^m A.^



JARBIDCElii. • —

W orkers on Alpha Properl Run in to E x tensive Depos U nder W ork ings; Splotctii of Gold a n d S ilver Seen '.lAiimnciE, Fc'i.; :r,_Tho aIp

mitK*, form erly owned hy the PoU J’fiijiicr esfnfp o-f Clueugo, i\tvw own ]iy Tarom n, W nshington, intoroHts, h htnii'I< very rieh milpliiJo ore hole tlie lower worklngB nml iff sinking ' it, iifconUuK to th c Novndn Btii Jriiirnal.

• Tho oro in . th o fnll wi.Uh of t winze fo r -JO foot in Oopth nnd st K«int; (lawn. I t j« ji\ pscUtlo-inoipV vi'iii m ntter, BhowitiR mnnsivo calc; eon.Htriietion. Tlio vnliies nro in lar Hplolrhos o f (jold and silver througho tlu ' vi'jH. Th«> ftvcrftjjc of lho vein over $(mO i)cr ton witli specimen da I>le« ko'HK o '’or $20,000 per ton, t freo yol.l slit.winR like jew elry. Vnh:!vro nhoMt two-lhinlH Kohl nnd oithird silver nnd ro to *how thu t otl p roperties horc n in y ’ expoct to becoi great mines whon depth is reached, thc forn iation is lho nnmo nU over 11

^ dintriet. Thc d is tr ic t is minernli? over nn nre.'i nbout ten miles «quf «ml the Jinrfnco hardly scrntched yot.

ThiH -proporty is lyinR between t Klkoro eom pnny’rt p roperty nnd t Hlimter Siipeoss Kfoup o f mines, fn %vtni-h \vu» m ined tv 1>5r nmount of fi 'inilling oro in tho past which R.n Rood returns.

B luste r M ill N oor OomploUoa Tho n iiis te r Consoltdniort Gold n

Silver Minos eom pany 's 100-ton cy: idiMK niill is iien rine completion, r I'lHj: iu nhnpo to mlU tho larRn tonn?

H of oro th n t is dovolopcd in the mi Thc ore on tho 800-foot, level runs O'

per ton fo r over /iv o fcot w idth, l\alivnco oC IcdRO lunnlnj? v!

' over l.*; nnd is very freo milUng o , Values vary as in somo chutos

preilominntos. In others tho vali iwufly eqttnl in gold tvnd silver. 1 bottom o f thc iro rk ings loolc n sth o i the sulphides a rc cloic nnd n lit deeper w ork inc should apcn into tl y.nne. Tf 1hi> sulphides provo lo nnything liko th n t n f th c Alpha, : n iiis te r jvill bo a hi(j m ine. Work well uiuWr wny for nn cnrly str n idline th e ores o f th is company wh U well financed by enstcm cnpii On th is ground is thc only plnco. cninp whero nndcslto crops throt tho ryhoVite to tho surface, on opposite side of ivhich lies thc P nnd Shovel com pany’s pa ten ted clnl and considering tho small amount worlc dono, shows up very well In b nnd hns some rcnl high grado and v strong outcrop.

Tho Bnccess M . & M. Oo.Tho Success group adjoins tho B

te r group, thn veins running throi both properties. I t is ii well dovolo mino and hns ve ry good d iances to

§l fl big property . T here Is blockod over $-JOO,000 -worth', of m ill oro i is now n t tho stage th a t tho oro bo< ean bo much fu r th e r developed. Wl somo spocimon sam ples go |4 to | per ton, i t is in tho uniform ity of values th a t m akes tho Suecess st out a s n fu tu re Inrge prodneer. oro is o f a v o ry freo noturo. T recently mndo showed ‘n 00 por c ex traction mndo b y tho simple cyai pcoccaR, and now w ith nmplo dec power in camp an d fre igh t ra tes than ono-half o f form er years i t Ic liko t^ig p ro f its to th is eompai^y, w

- tliey Btiirt to m ill tho ir ore. Tha n• cnn bo s till fu r th e r dovclopod by

tending low er tunne ls to veins a t feet doopor th an a t p resent. Sov K«od su rfacc p rospccts aro near propcrty and need cap ita l to fur develop them . A ll o f whieh shows Novttdft i# nil r ig h t.

_ • Tho li lk o ra M in ts Oo.^ Tlio Elkoro fo r sovorni years

duced more gold th n n nny othor mino in N evada (soe IT. 8 . repo D uring th is y e a r tho w orking tu was extoDdod In to tho m ountain n( J} mild aod oponed an oro body w

____ ^ .

^ - r - — ,

f \ j o s f » E W s ) s e \E M S \ tm ,X > N o O tW E « E W k S It o o \ SVITMON M V S t lN G O P F‘.u v M o o \ ‘T M '3 M o u f c a e1S6 « H 1 ALVW m o\o ' p r o w n c a u o n r v t K i tW W G - *■ « w e k t c r . 'T o k N M W H 6 F U « c t l 0 N 5 -

^ s £ u ' r f

i n

Roberts Is Nm

N MNE Hperty S w



r tlie ' i f l B H H H H Id still - • i--------- ---lOrpbic , .catcito 1 ‘ ,»jI large | , UBhoal

tho .

I one-: othor ■'-i/iHIIlecomeled, ascr Ib is Owen J . U oberls, eclebrated Philn ratizeil CooUdgo to ac t w ith A tleo P<

nrtions arisiiy; froni the oil loiiso so

lea as g.j -ri,,, senate ci

on the ~ ■1 tho Av:is d rifted on over SOO fec t in leng , from nnd is s till in ore. T Ihto nre 11 of freo fi'c t o f backs. Low er tunnels arc I gavo ing run to cu t i t a t still g reater dep

All ore iu t h i s vhute in good mill < (jjj and fu ll w idth of d r if t. This eonipn

lia.s Huvcral hundred feot ahcail ‘ J* ' th o n i 'o f good su rface Nhow ings wh

ran ho developed n t g reater depths ■ tlio tunnel advaneos into the monntn

(vnnngo Othor iiroperties ailja.-ont to t ground, nre boing developed w ith g< T.'siilts. TI.0 Klltoro is vory froe oy

® iding nnd jjives up most <if,it# val tho tailings only going Kl cents

"ff ton . W ith such good showing a t ® depths a tta ined sovoral years o f pi

I'orous m ining fo r thi^ cOmpanv is j ^ 7 dieted, though

;.T i HAZELTONlo 'bela , tho IIAZKLTOX—Tho in fan t daugl 7ork is n f Mr. and M rs. J . 11.' Seeley d

sta rt, W odnosday. ___.I?which i i r s . Roscoe B oden left T uesday ' capital. Boiso for a b r ie f v isit witli her i Inco. in band.ii.ush J ,, j„,|, ivor.K'H l,.flT.

fiJ** Boise for n vncntion of ali

' 1 1™in»° nf 1* '° SclM m provom cnt club met in coldid' very "P‘‘®w eatlibr thero wcro aoveral meml

present. A fto r tho business meet ' Bl M^rpUy served JV delicious lui

. Ccorgo B ucklcy motored to Jeri

;Tp?as to bo The last haskctball gamo .heroted out season wna played ‘Wednesdny evciiro and ■«'th tho f ira t and second tennisI bodiea K'lo" ‘'" d th e ‘g irla ’ tenm f

Whllo Kilcn. Ilazeltpn w alked nwny w ithto $500 games.T o f ita B a rr o f Edon ia hero visi'I stand Georgo W yllio fo r a week or

Jta L ad ie s ’ A id society m et a t* Tosta 0^' M rs. F ra n k Rlcm au Wed

or cont ’i».v nftem oon.cyaijdo M r. nnd M rs. Jg h n Craig of Ielcctric moving in tho N ato G riffith ptes loaa wook.^________________

rl S BAN .CALIFORNIA S T O iha mlno —

by os- IIKLENA, M ont., Feb. 23 C4>)—<I a t ,800 ornor Joseph M. Dixon today is.<iui Soveral proclam ation closing M ontana to

»ar th is Uvcstoek frojn C nlifornin bceniist fu rther tho reported 'p^ovalenco o f tho foot

IWS th n t mouth diaeaso In th n t atato. Tho <] an tino is c ffee tlv o immediately.

ars pro- H lgheft R adio S tation. .[tor gold Tiio h ighest rad lu sta tion Inreports), world Is 2,100 fec t nbovo Rlo doJ tunnel oelro, on Ihe peak o f M ount CorcoViin noarlf T ho conBtm ction wqb dono ■, a t giy w h l ^ rU k i to tho w orkracn.


~ ^ j<%tK \ / / ' t oP F /a s - s o M t 0 ? ,

1 " W E I'TW tM 'T i Z . ^

9 'tC V C W . N o u 'S- V


amed as Oil Counsel

hilndelphin nttornoy, has been nnnied b y 1’ I Pomerono o f Ohio, In nil crim inni nnd c• seandnls. M r. Itohorts takes the |>liico <>ri; Chicngo, wJio.iii imnio was w ithdraw n bucu e confirm ed the nduiiiiatiau of! M r. R oberts

Philadelphia Sckbol ro 1,0. Authorities Approc

Use of Uniform Dre:npany<- ——IKl of H eartaches of Girl Stude whidi Banished hy New Idea; W inTaim General Tavor

th is ----------I good PHILA D K LPH T.', Feb. (/P)- eyan- Heartaehos among studen ts a t tl v a lu c .^ .'Jo iitl i Pliiln.lolphia High Srho

ts I'or'if for fiirls bopauso of tho vagari it thc 'ij.o f nam e Fashion havo been ba ' pros- ishod by the adoption by, scho it pre- au thorities of a uniform dreas f

stnilents. Although w earing o f tl dross is voluntary, a largo groi r>f th e girls has a lready ordcri

.till' garb, und ih c sen tim en t th lighter *" n m anifestation

died • «<’i"’ol sp irit is reported spreadii j among the rest of tho studoI body.

iiy^fo r, j , tho outgrow th" ‘“'■j a self-governm ent plan. An ,op'

forum on "School S p irit aitT ucs- School Problem s” tceon tly lod

about disi'ussion o f dress, ia which pt ] ' en ts of tho girls pnrtie lpa ted . T

net a t uniform wns" favored by all pn.[urphy j ent.s to rm y ' Tho costume comprises n dnembers j bluo junijier with tho sehool morlee tin g ; g ra m ' embroidered in g r r i j ''s i :

lunch. I whito tailored wftlHt, «p«rt shr Jerom e ' “"d stockings. Tho co it is ar

j to bo ten dollars.

" . .“ 'R EA L ESTATE TRANSFtinis o fl —I from ' pom loliod by th e T w la F » lli T itle rJth all A brtr»et Compftar

.■isitingt Saturday, Fobruary 23.or so .' E. D. Askew lo A. W altz, $r,000

a t tho 2 <1rnecland.7cdncs- ''*- 1* N orris to C. 1-apray, SI;

jN E 22-0-14.• f l ! Q '» t cinim deed. 0 . H. K Invon i f h,don jnckson , $1; N 1-2 SE H-lO-1.h placo, , — - .

M onday F o b iuary 2C.I S. S. KtJinger lo K. 8<'hniiod, O C K lo ts -<1, -12;.-13, Twin Fulls Height I F . C. Lynch t« A. U. Lehman,

p)_Gov- lo t 1. , block 112, Twin Palls, (isuod n ' J* Ch.imbers to J . A. Crom, $1

to nil Iot« fl. 7. block ."iO. Twin VnWn.W80 o f ' ^ B lair to C. W. Mtvrtln. $1000? oot nnd IS. M . block HO. a-win F alls.

' TONSlUnSI • Apply th kk ly o v t thro

In th o ' 1 eovor with-hot Oanuol—

E , „ X S i S s


T H E G U M P S -


- U S E N O H O O K S

I P S H 'T V J O M m3 'IC A C H .K A t f t .N > n S \N < ^ - M H

(k C O s ) t? V V 5 t ' '> '^ N T t C ,R M .U ^■ tE P t O M

V W « U t U t t R M l S - - o n e ,V V MEEX> (.NV) M O E E V > J0 iu v .« .6 E

M O W W V ,> C O L V E G E - y ------- — - ____ ' —


. GHeiNET lUGIPresident Coolidge’s Clioice f(

Successor to Denby Centei on Dixon and-M icliigan iVlat Both EndorsedWA.'^niXOTON', F ,‘b. 2." f>P)—I„iti

cniisidi'ratioii j;i»'/vi h r Prefli<l<>n£ Cat idge til se lfi'tion o f a successor to E will Denb.v as seero tary of the 'na ' hiiH revolved abou t Jo.iepli I f . Dixo

'/ I'livcrnnr of M ontana, aiiil .lames l^avidson, rejiiibllean national roi Niiltei-inan from M ichigan.

,In;iHnnieIi as M r. J^enby’s rotireme frnm tho eab inu t doo,s not become c feolivi' un til M areh 10 and because more iaiiiieili'ato’ pressing ([iiestions, t lirexi.IiMit, it w as said today nt f Wiiite House, has ronsiderod the fi ing of lh<' nnvy post only in a prelii inary wuy. I t was neknowledgcil, Jio 'M-cr, tlia t a num ber of telegram s a; li-tters had been received omlorsi: l.oth Governor Dixon and Mr. Dav:

Urge DIxoq fo r ? laco' Governor D ixon 's name has bc

r^jl' pot forw ard b y sovoral adm inistrati rit'iii- 'vho hnvo pointed to I•i-auHC and n lso 'to tho fnct tl;ts,. he comes from the fn r wost, a secti

Io which i t has been getiornlly belicv ^ Mr, Cooliiigo wnuld tu rn ia search ol

r man to fill tho f ir s t yaeaney to occ in his cabinet.

t V e Those ,oatlor.Hiiig tho M oatana gov '‘€ 8 3 havo poin ted out h is conn

tions w ith tho progressive group, having been chnirm iiu o f tlio uatioi

IcntS eommittee of th c Hooaovolt progress] Wins I’-'*’*.'’ nfgned tl

Mr. Coolidgo should recognize t wiivg o f lUe rej'ubUcnn parly in ieeting the naval seerotary. Cover;

P>— Dixon has been m entioned rccently tho IV jiossiblo republican nominee for vi

hool -jitesidcnt.D avldaon la Sliiphuiidor

’ Mr. Davidson is a shipbuilder a '■O'** Iumi)ormaii o f Hay City. Mich., a

roriies from a fam ily which bns bc engagoil for y ears in the shipbuildi business on th e G rea t Lakes. Th' endorsiiig him, in addition to prese

J ing h is cjualifieallons, havo oxpresi tlio be lie f th a t inasmuch as th'o rei

' ing socretary eamo from Mi.-higan,siu-i'ess(ir should bu ehosen from tl

, , stale.It o f _________________

“J ' j T htnk of Poor Sol.{ ' Some o f thcj nun hjwih a re snid ^ bo thouanndB of m iles In dluincti Y],o and ye t Uilnk o f th c fu ss n girl mnk

over on o rd inary freckle.—Host Tm nacrlpt.

dark ---------------------------‘0" 0- Color Harmony.«llk, Ho— Jllss Dolly, you arc* ih e lo’ ihocs ,n lie au tlfu l gnrd^anid s iif—You liariiionke wtill, too. w

thesu green su rround ings Mr. nioe

’ ERS • To l/T loate H igh Bluff*.Lia and * ** planned to 'c ro c t wjndml

a lo o t th e C olum bia riv e r al the v t e r 'i edge to IrrlR ate th e hlRh hlui


± W A]WillContrac

GrimmUi, $1 ; Salmon T ract, OasUefor

forred. Will contract on age now w ith eatabUshe

H). furniah OertUied Seed Ureliable p a rtie s having It

Por particu lars, writ Eep

^ The Albert Di

INING, FEBRUARY. 26,1 _ _ _

-V --- ----------------- ^\ \ "MNM -TOV / V.HM X-WKfOLt.I /VOOUl.^ SOV) \ VW A.% M

bkA V, (V VOVFE WHO ''*> " '" 'E' . S T W 6 S O f T O R

H t T l RM bUtS-J (V ^

r— -------- n M'zvK t\ j’\ * MC>HTAJNt>


M m * — I ---------

Relics of Lincoln Wanted for Museun

_ for Illinois C i tOwner Offers Valuables ofFo

mer President; W ant Instit r tion Founded

j,--^sntiN G FiK i^X 111,, i>n,‘- rr'(>p)— An alm ost ]>rirok-»s i-ollei-tioii of

.. Lincoln relies has boi'ii offered by6 f o r tho ir nw oi'r as an inilucement lo

. estali!i:i)i an Abniliuni Llneoln mii-fll6 rS seuia Iiere, aerord ing to tlii(.Linuoln Vlfln* (’ontoiinial iissoeiat-on.

I t is th e hope o f the ns:<oei(iti<in, It.H officer.H say, lh a l eA-ontually tlio Siiiigaiii'in I'oii'ity rourt iiounn

Initial ran bo obtaineil as a Lin'rolu mn- Ht'iiiii. P<ir fJie p r .s e a t moms ia

.0 Ed- the (’i iile n n ia l building, o r sjiare 'navy -in th,> s ta te l i is io r ira l . museum,

Dixon, aro ciiggested as -i p lare fi.r the i.s E exhibits,

com- W illiam O. (Im viTse. ow oit of tho oO lei'tion, has offeroil llie rei-

ement ie" th e ns.Kiriation for exhihi- iu> ef- tion il. lho {>ro|>osod mnsriim. Thc use of eolleetion eoalulns pioneer fnrni iis,tho tiiro and iiteimils and is rogarilrd

(),Q ilS aiiiiost - |>rii'i'lrss and tlio most e fill- complete in Ihe I 'n ite il .‘-'lates, trelini- Couvers.- said. A ppnipriatelv

Jiow- eatalngucd, p rotortod from fire nnd IS and theft, and open to th e inspection, orsing profernbly in a building doilI David- Lineolii, .a re the romli

tions under which Mr, <.’onvi-rs( m ade the? offor.

been nppcnl to owners of Lincoli. .. reli~s in Illino is and tliroughou o' Ids •‘States, to loan TtlPl

•t thn t museum, is planned.

S i e ! ; , A CT ON TREATY,h o f n itO M E, Feb . 2,'. /P)—Prem ier M

occur -■'*“ 1 tbo .Tugo-K'av m inister hijoxrhangcd ra tif ira tii.n s of the trei

„ovi‘r- ’■'C"'-''* i*•onncfl-' i’fo '"*"'''"” t*'** trea ty tllip l.oeoiiies Itali.iii territo ry ,iticiiul j ^ s = = = = ^ s = a s = = = : ^ = ressivo d th a tj

« i m C u r e a C a U kJIneJJjay

» „ i [ boon

Those ‘W W m.

r - f B r o m a I \iiummejnid lo


The tonic and laxativo effect of Laxativo BROMO QUININE Tablets wiU for-

. lovo. tify the system against In- :nrdcQ. fiuenza and other serious . 'vith Ilia resulting from a Cold, nioom. « . . . ,IliA box bean tbls sigoatsre

idm llltwa- pnc« 30c.

bluSa. -----

^ T E Dact Limited Acreage m Alfalfa Seed . •.'(ford or E osew orth . D istricts pro on three to fivo years term . Acre

shed stand, s ta te certified, or wil i for initial planting tliis spring t( S: land th a t will p ass requirements vrite or see E.- E. SPAFFOED, Representative

Dickinson Companyi r FALLS, IDAHO

----------------------------------- (

'TO - l u z "TIlAJNmG o e 3V.^ C A N ^ ^ Q ^ U • \ ’l> MAKE ' i G tlW E-JviV cE '-iM

"TWO W ^ e ^ O s -Y iM tl •

OVJfaWT T o -f tw iN E ^

Tvtc>u'rTyW K . M.

umi t yt F o r -

.H t.- O N L Y

1 ." H A L F A Tt lo

luoln .

li..... w Txlally I

; = t i m eimreeum, 'the

r of rei-

hil,i-‘Thc .1 . .l iates.It ely nndtion, ^dodi- Vo.s, o u r m en’s t.mU-‘•erse . C 1 <> t 1» I U g (lepiirt-

‘5“' ’* meut is ton i up allfhout *riglit, J i u t doing

busiuoss ju s t thor Mus- , s ',r have suiuu—ouly liUlf a t trenty

t is ii'y a time is being re-y that "

* modeled.

^ So if you think the

lim e is ripe to get

your now Schoble,

como right in the ‘

H sam e tw usual—the

W . boy.s jire all on the

job, the mirrors are

■ standing a r o u n d

|>jP somewliere, and tlie

m h u t s a r e within

easy reach.

Ivo^0 y o u ’ll w ant to see'or*In- what-’s g o i n g on,)US

anyhow — and the •

* balcony th a t’s go-

^ ing in.


mts, D E P T .

S T O R E 1

^ b ring U b « ik V ‘ . i |

mmm = = ^ = s i = a s s a « ^

,1924. . PageTkw ,

’ d a y ^ s S p o :


IfflP S E fB illTR om ero-R ojas, A nother South

A m erican M enace, L o o m s Over Pugilistic Horizon; F ir- po’s A ttitude Not Sa tisfao to ry jN EW TORK, r t b . IS H>>_J«ck|

Dompaoy may bo cnllod on to Joiond I hiti hcnvywclKht championship agninst R now South Amcricnn mcnaco noxt fa ll, if present ]i1nns of Tox Hiekurd jnntcriniizc,'

Tho promoter announced todny thn t lie hnd Kimrnntcoil Qnintin Itomcro* Kojas, Chilean hcnvywclght, n jiureo o f >100,000 for ft litlo flRhi w ith Jnck Dempsey, ponxibly in Soptcmber, i f lio fluceoctlii in dinpoaini; o f Oitco proJlm- innry oppnn’ont*. B lckard hns como to n dofinito ngreem ent w ith tho Chil- fnn nnd cnblcd tho boxor todny to fix tho earliest possiblo d a te on which ho can roach th is eonntry.

3Z&7 B« BenaiUoa Romoro*nojas hns boon offered the

aamo opportun ity to Rain ring fnme A nd financinl roward “th a t fell to Luis

. Angel F irpo la s t yonr, Itlcknrd Raid, ndding th a t roports reaching him jus- tffiod the prediction th a t tho Chlloan m ight prove nn ovon grcator-BonBation thnn tho A rgontinc, who gained a mntch w ith Dempsey a fto r cu tting a wido swntli through hoavywoight rn n k i

A t tho sanio time, Rfckard rovonlo.d th n t ho hnd no defin ite ngreement w ith F irpo fo r a re tu rn mntch with Dempsey and thsa ho mny nbnndon plnns for such 'tiS contost i f Ilomoro- Bojns domonstratJB th n t ho is a f i t challenger fo r » o champion. Tho prom oter m ade It plain th a t ho Is dls* sa tisfied w ith F irp o ’s failure to re­spond to rccont overtures fo r a mateli licro th is ycnr nnd was ready to can­cel tho A rgen tine’s proposed p n rt in h ii heavyw eight program unless tho “ Wild B u ll" assumes a d iffe ren t a t­titude.

E e A n u AgreesRickard has received tho nskuraneo

o f Ja c k Kearns, Dem psey’s manngor, th n t th e champion would b« ready t* iheot Komoro-Ilojas if the lo tto r cooes up to expectations. According to presen t plnns, th e Chilonn’a f irs t bout will bo staged o t M adison Square G ar­den,. with IVod FuUon or Floyd John-

— . ^ p n ' - a » - an opponent. Should, ho omcrgo victorious in h is f irs t m ntch, n m atch w ith Jnck R enault, hard-h itting Canadian, next would bo sought,-R ick- nrd asserted. Tho prom oter said ho would not consider an clim iaation fight' betw een Romcro-Rojos nnd F irpo. '

W ith practicftl nbundonmont b y a , New Y ork syndicate of e ffo rts to m atch F irpo and I la r ry W ills in Ju ly , bccnuao of a deadlock ovor prelim in­ary gunrontccs, B iekard dcclarcd bo stood ready to renew h is recent o ffe r fo r sujih a contest. • —

O ffered $300,000 !R ickn rd ’s proposition of $100,000 ta ;

W ills nnd *200,000 to F irpo was ro- ; jectcd by both fighters, but tho pro- m otcr said he would n o t n iter th is b id . Tie said ho is ready to stngo such a , fig h t ‘in B oy le 's T h irty Acres, hls Je rsey City arena, in Ju ly , i f his term s nro nccoptcd. The synd ica te ’s o ffor wna to r o purso of $500,000 to ■bo evenly d ivided by tho principals.

Meanwhile, F lrp o 's Amorican repre­sen tative, W illiam McCorney, said the A rgentine pliuinod to rotnrq to tho U nited S ta te s nbout the mlddlo of

■ April ond go on nn extensive figh ting tour. ■ According to McCatnoy, o ffers fo r fig h ts Include one w ith J a c k Re­nault, a t W indsor, Canada, M ay 2+, nnd another w ith F loyd Johnson in Clovoland. O thers, nro from Memphis, 8L Louis, Chicago, New Orleans, St. P au l, Toronto, Philadelphia, Kalama* zoD, Mich., and Louisville.

BXTENOS A IR ES, Feb. 25 M»)—E f­fo r ts oro b e lag mnde to arrange a bout betw een Lui» F irpo and Qulntln Rom- oro-Rojas, tho Chllwin heavyweight, befor® K rp o palls fo r the U nited Stntea. I t is tlio iigh t possible th a t BOtnethlng d e fin ite vrtth regard to tho bo u t w ill bo arran g fd tomorrow, the tim e lim it fixod by th e South Am eri­can Boxing foderathii) fo r F irpo 'a an- liwor to tb e chtillengo of .Rojoa cs- ^drcs. Tho federation ruled some time ago th a t IHrpo m uat m eet Eojaa o r for* {oit h is t itlo o f champion o f Soutli A m ariea. _ '

B o ju r<^torat«d. his challenge to F irp o is tbo r in g So|><lAy b igh t bofors th e b o u t in w hich Tirpo kno ck ed 'o u t " F a r m e r " Lodge, the American fig h t or, in Ave rounds.

B ojaa to ld th e Associated Prosa to- . day - 'th a t he h ad aen t a eable diapatch

to T ex SickATd in Now York nee«pUag nn o f fe r fo r th reo flgh ta ia tl^o Uni-

. te d S tates, b u t th a t hia departtire fo r

.N e w Y ork Jn u n cd ia te ly depends on w hathflr F irpo aeeopt h la choUonge fo r

. n b o U b here. ;

A t Corralliso-O regon A g ^ s 28, - 'W o ah in g io n f^ ts to 20

Page Ponr . . _TWI

o r i i n g j j c ! ^


T N ew s T eam Goes in fo r High S co res w ith Three S tra ig h t W ins from Laundry Five

1^3 Tho Nows bowlers, w ith a represcntn- tiv e squud M onday,'cam o buck strong

ir~ i» n d showed some of the ir old-timo 'fo rm , b y tnk ing thro strn ig lit gumes

'n f l f r o m tho Troy Lnundry bow lers In [compnrfltiveJy eaay matches.

Tho p rin te rs to talad 'S037 p h is whilo th e laundry was m aking 2378, a d iffer- onco o f 259 pins In tho totul.

0*1 T his is tho f irs t tim e In wooks tlin t tho p r in t shoi^ squad hns hnd moro than tliroo regu la rs present n t a aossion and w ith tlio tcnm up to fu ll strongtli Mon- (lay and ovcry mnn h ittin g around tho 500-mark, thoy found no d ifficu lty

'‘J w hatsoever in tam ing th e league lead- J ® Ing Trojnns.

T his ovcning the Times team is plnn- n ln g on jum ping in to f i r s t p lace w ith

* ll v ic to ry ovor tfio Iloyal B akery bowl-K or".“ ® F ln k e and Solf woro .tho high mon

■ fo r tho evening w ith F inko nosing out . S e lf b y a p in In tho finn l count of 554.

Tcnm to ta ls for tho two team s ^I'ow ‘"I® tho News n t 175 and tho T ro jans n t

158.?U*’ Score.

■ N ow s: - I ' S 3 Tot. ,j“ “ |S o lf ......... . . . . . . 1 8 2 2 0 0 .1 7 1 ,- 5 5 3■ f'ln k o ....................205 173 17fl“* 554

A sbury ............... 200 134 195 528‘ . M cD ougall .........183 109 Ifll 515® Thompson .............154 138 105 487

“ 020 8 H 807 £587rith T roy L nundry: 1 2 3 Tot.Jon D ailoy ..................172 180 177 520jro- Sclck ....................137 152 154 403f i t K ing ....................137 150 164 451

Pho T r i t t ....................132 173 104 4C9Ils- C ubit ............. 140 150 170 400

tell 738 ,805 835 2378 an- — — ' '------

CANCEL e i E S i I N H iD P lE Ties ■■ 'I .

H ollister W ithdraw s from Suh- «r- D is tric t T ourney; Girls’ T our-

n am en t Called OffB U IIL , Foil. 25.— iSpcclnl to T hf

Now*,)—Tho Ilollintor biisKctlinll tonm ho *'” * w ithdraw n fron. tho mjb-distrii-r

tournam ent, i t wns nimounccd hero tn- d ay b y M. M. Van P ntton , who is

‘ ninnnging tliis interschobintlc a ffa ir .This leaves b u t four team s com peting

j_ fo r honors—‘Filer, Twin t 'jilb . Buhl nnd . ’ K im lw rly. ^2,^ Tho girls tournnm ent nino has beon 'or following tho fa ilu re of

th reo o f tho fivo schools to ngroo to partic ip a te . Kimberly, H ollister an-i F ilo r, nil fo r vnrioii* rciisons, deemed

ro. Buhl nndTw-in F a lls tho only com peting tcnm?

J j »n/l nn e ffo r t on the pnrt o f Buhl to ^ se ra ro a gnino w ith Twin F u lls socnu

to bnvo lesultod In the bluo an d whit') cu-ixU also preferring to cnll th e ir scn-

, son to a closc, in event th ere w ere to . bo no o ther comji^ting tenm s. 'J lencc ,'

tho Buhl sex te t hns the field to i t « ; l f . ,‘ A t till) draw ing held Mondny evening

. ’ i t wnii I’ceidetl th a t Twin F n lls .would lucet K im berly for thc f i r s t gnmo on

' . T hu rsd ay afternoon n t 2:30 clock w ith th^vFiler-Buhl game lo be played Itnmr. <Uately aftem -nrd , a t 3:30. The con-

- te a t Is to be run on tho doublo ollmln- ■ a tlo n plnn w-itli tho k>sors p laying ' T hursday evening, followed b y a ga:no

, botwoon th e winnorg o f tho aftornoon IJ®' gamo*.

Tho f in a l gam e of tho tournam ent w ill bo hold on F riday a t 8 ©clock. AH o f th e gamos ore to bo p layor In tho

school gymuasium w hich ha*' a la rg o f lo o r and excoUent sea tin g fncil-

itlM i '

L E E TO JO IN AM BEIOAN8.®, D EN ER , Peb. 23 OW—D udley Loo,

$50,000 shortatop o b tiia cd from^ Tulsa■ o f th o W est«m lengue la s t fa ll, and

' aow th o p roperty o f th e Boston Amori-' ■ tona , w ill m eet hla Bow colleagues a l ‘ ■ th o S an A ntonio, T etaa, tra ih ln g .cam p

w ith ia ^ few days, ho announced horo to n ig h t. *Lco, who w ithin 'th e la a t few wooka had returned two con tracta un- d g n c d to th e Boston d u b , Waa in te le­g rap h ic communication w ith P resident B ob Q uinn today and .,w ired th o t tho th ird con trac t re n t him had been signed.

> ^ t -------------------------8TE 1B L IN 0 LOSES.

B UFFALO, N. Y., F«‘b. 25 ( /P W im S la tte ry won th e dodaion ov e r W . L.

;ch (YooBg) S irib llng in a six round bout horo tonight.

ni- V I ' |_


" TASTELESS p E CASTOR OIL▲D good drug atorci ereryw her«


What ihiO iSSEEK

P o c k e t C h a r t T e s t* B lo o d b y C o lo r M a tc h

■ Testa o f ihe blood con be m ods by

Y m atching ita color w ith those shown on ft vest-pocket c h u t th a t 'h a s la te ly como


T ^ ^llo into uso among doctors. In making the c ,. experiment, tbe patien t's finger ia first

. pricked w ith a at«rili«sd needle and a drop of the blood collectcd on a piece of w hitepaper. T hc color is then compared

. w ith tboso on thc ecalo of tho instrum ent to dctcrmine-tho-pcrccntogo of red cor-

E a s t - B o u n d S h ip s L ig h te r T h a n T h o s e G o in g W e s t

(in- Bdcntific experimcnta to ascertoBa th e ith possiblo effect c{ th e direction in which a wl- ahip ia going upon its wcisht>«arrying ca>

p td iy , roccntly m ade b y a prom inent ion sdcntist, resulted in h ia conclusion tha t 9ut »2,000*ton vessel traveling e ast oilciB 400 54 . pounds less resiBtanc« to th a w ater cur» 'ow re n t thAn i t does w hen west-bound, n t T h is calculation, i t is said, is baaed upon

th e infiQence of oentrilugal force, w hich is greater wben a body is riding w itb tho

'o t tide in the direction in which tho earth 5J53 revolves, than when beaded th e o ther way. 554 ■ • •528 S a fe g n a rd if lg t h e A e r ia l

Frequently a sinrfe-wiie aerial is strung between tho house and a n e a r l y tree , and

— th e awingiag o f tlw treo in a stonn often 937 breaks tbe wire o r pu lls i t p u t o f th e sup< 'ot. p o r t a t tb e o ther end. A good ibetbod ^20 o f overoomiDg thia tto u b te ia to placo an 103 Qidinaiy sereen-door ^ ttin g betw een the 151 end of thfl aerial a ikl b o ^ T h is wiU 1C9

— Short Time Left for ™ Idaho Jockey to Keep

Apprentice AllowanceParke to Lose Five Ponnd

T “Bug” on M arch 9; Piloted 81 Winning Horses

NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 25 (/P)— Ivnn Parke, tho D odo, Idaho, lad

[ j . who hns showed tho wny to evory jockey on' tho American tu r f dur-

r - ing the last 11 months, w ill nuto- m atically lose tho fivo pound “ bug” or npprcntico allowanco on March 10.

Piirko won his f ir s t race a t Tift Junnn, Mnrch 19, 1923, and according to tho rules loses his npprontico* alloH-anee oao yoar

' la ter. On tho New Orleans tracks since Jnnunry 1 Pnrko haa piloted winners of 81 raccs and i t is ro- giirded us high iy probablo his m ark will bo in cxccss o f 100 to* wnrd fhe 1£>24 eup beforo ho Joses his apprentice allownncc.

"'I Tho News Is read by tho perm ancat W orking'classes.

n«l -in? _________________________

IIJ ' .t? Today

and l l j i y i y QWednesday

E G loria Sthx*' in the Sidney 0

I “The Humr n U E Swanson in

nt groatetrt Swanson

As goi^eousand b< a* gowned as ever—;il- .

—as saucy and Freneh os she was in

oc. ’ —and also—hold nd firs t mole imporsonati

G loria Swanson in

As. the most notor ew who masquerades in

comes the ta lk of th ,n nemesis of the poUce.

. I t ’s a rem arkable does her greatest acti

itn A fter “Zoaa,” a tr<follow-up p icture had “The Humming Bird’

= soars to a new mark• o ta l l time,'; U d E CONLEY in the Mei

* ___ n f t tw iw g




keep th e win ta o t a a d a t tb e same tim e prevent i ts being broken eaaily. In some cases i t m ay be desirable to have

y springs a t b o th ends o f th e acrioL “ . • • •^ Snow Scraper Attached to Rake

A aerviceablo mow aeraper can readily be m ade b y attaching a plcco of gal* vsoiced iro n to on ordiauy garden mico, .

\ as ahown in ’tho drawing. T be metal I should b e a t least -h in . thick and should T ‘be cu t to th e dimensions given in thc f upper detail. SLort cuta are m ade a t thc

points ind icated and tho atrips between theso c u ts b c n t o u t aa shown is the lower drawing. T b e loops thus fonned ahould

. bo m ado so th a t the tines of tho rake muat bo forced into them, thua prcvenliDR tho scraper from falling off tho rako. A


rf I 'n t ^ ^ ^ 1 J j M •

lat METHOD o r RAISING» ' ^ ^ 1 1 ; ' locp WK nwE t r rwceIIP* ~ • '

scraper o f th is kind costs m uch loss than ™ a m anufaetiircd one, and, if properly is made, serves tho purpose ju s t DS well,

ho • • •^ W a t e r S u p p l y f o r P r iv a te G a rag e

R a in w a te r is ideal fo r use in auto­m obile r a p t o r s , os i t is frco from moat of th e ecalo-forming chemicals and salta

ng present in w ell and hydran t water. Two ad coavenicntjD C ^oda of storing rain water en ia readiness for uso a re shown ia th^draw - ip- 'iog. T h o up p e r figure shows bow a half od b o ^ m ay be arranged on a s b c l f ^ id c an the garage, a t a height th a t wili permit he tho w ater t o flow in to tho radiator. A rill g u tte r is ru n along tho edge o f tho roof


MOSCOW, FoU 25 W>)—T ho victory o f K ing , W ashington s ta te collcge 175-

j pound w rcetlor, whon ho socnrod an ^ unexpected fa ll from Veascr, Unlver-

I s ity o f Id u h o 'm o t mnn, saved W ashing­ton S tn to college w restling toam from d e fe a t In a coast eonforeaee wrestling m atch to n ig h t. Tho resu lt o f tho match wns o tie , 8 to 8.

B ittn e r , Idalio , th row K ollcr, W. S. C., in th'o 125-pound m atch in 1:20. All o th e r b ou ta woro draws. Tho program- waa a rra n g e d on a baala o f ono 15- m inuto b o u t in each claaa te a f a l l No doclslona w ero given.

The Id a h o froshm oa w restlera won from th o 'W ashington S ta to y e a r^ g s , 10 fo 0. Id a h o au tho rities w c re ^ n s ld - ering a possib ility o f con tcstlsg K in g ’s v ic to ry ov e r Vessor on tho ground th a t K in g ’s nam o w as n o t among thoso sub­m itted a s en tering in tho tou rnam en t

Rapid Promotion.“1 guesa I 'l l double my iDcome.” said

it the ofllce boy a s he fo lded h is ten-dol*' la r b in .


Sw ansonO lc o t t P r o d a c t i d n

lining Bird”I T IIIS p ic tu re is the n you’ve ever seen!

beautiful and alluringly

p e rt an d deliciously n “Z aza” —

you r b rea th !—in her Ltiou!

Jl trousers!

)rious Apache in Paris, n boy’s clothes and he- the boulevards and the 0.

B role and in it G loria :ting.

tremendous success, her id to be a t least' as good." d” not only is better, but :k for Swanson pictures

; e r m a i d O o m e d y “ H i g h L i f e ”

i T h n r s d a y --------- ;----------

i n *‘THE U A E E . O F Z O f iB O "


Is ^ oin^l A G A z n m

>« IffMNSPOl/r ^


^ nD®MkL ^Id ,L U _ m _ i i i£ X / r c n i V '

- ! cn ‘ ^ ^ 7

Id B u c tc r- . f p r : = - Jicc _________________________________LOK

and a sm all^tap pipe from the p u re r is — brought tlirough Uie wii11.uk Hliown, so y th a t the w a te r wiJJ drain info thc b.-irrcJ.^ A abort length of pipe, fitted w ith a vnlvo,^ is fitted through tJic aide nenr Uic bottom [■. nnd a length o f rubber hoso is att«chc<l aa

shown. An overflow pipo is al»o provided. Id ganigcs where thero ia uot enough apaco to pe rm it tho instoiiation dcscriLx.-*! above, a barrel m ay be m ounted on a

, a tand outside of th e gamgo as ahown in tho lower figure. I n both cases a fmo

I, sieve m uat Im provided in the pipe lending from tho gu tter, to catch any forciim

“I matter.- T h c insider of tha corjtaincr aboidd bo w ashed o u t occnsioually,

• • •

5 D r y m g C lo th e s in C o ld W e a th e ra D uring cold w eather cloUica hung o u t

on tho iino to d iy bccomc stiff, d ue to the frozen m oisture in them, and in a ttcm p t- ing to rem ove tlicm they are frequently to m a t tho comcra. This daoRcr can bo elim inated by hanging tho clotbcs on wire cout-bangcrs of Uie kind used ex-

to- tensivcly b y cleaners'. The clotbcs are oat hung on th e ‘haQgc(fl, which are bung on ilta the line. T o keep them scparat<^ evenly, wo a num ber o f old yardsticks or ’Iaifis are ter used, boles being drilled, in them nbout IW- 3 in . apart, and tho hooks of tho bangeta lalf passed through tho holes beforo th ey are idc hung on th e line. T he clothes are b rough t n it in on the hanger? and allowed to thaw o o t

A before taken off. This method also obvi* oof a tes th e usual discomfort of cold hoDd& ,

A Good T U ag —D O N 'T U IB S IT .%y Bead y o n r nam e and address p laln lj ^ ' w ritten to ge ther w ith 5 ccnta (a n d thU

alip) to Cham borlain Mod'slne Co., Do* iry Molnea, Iow a, a n d receive In re tu rn a fB- tr ia l p ackage containing Chnm berlaln’>

Cough Romody for couatis, colda. croup, bronchial, " f l u " and whooping coughs.

>S* and tick lin g t h ^ a t , Cham borlain’r }m Stom ach a n d L iver Tablota fo r stomack ag tronblas, indlgoatlon, gassy p a in a^ th a i,

erowd th e hoart, blllluu»D ess and eonatl-' pation ; C ham borlain 'i Salvo, needed lu evory fam ily fo r burnt, sc ald s , wounds;

S. piles and sk in affections; theso valued U l fam ily medlclnea fo r only 5 cento. D on t' tm. a h a IL—adv.15- -

ila t

M atinee 10^ and 20c; n igh t, c

A p la y e f a wo- m an ’s 'way .in. a — . j A b B

1° lonely c ity o f folly

K a t h e r i n e

-■^afeScaiThe s to ry o f a lonely gixl i n a c ity —tb e so rt o f botUe a g lzl m ost ^ h an d le aloaeT AU th e a r tis try an^ m ens b eau ty Is here I n 'a strange w ay a a d ths-^'winning th rough a a a

n ’o i d ~ t h ¥ ^ r i g i ] i a l s t o

Beaoitiftil e lo th ^ scenes o f splendi m ethod In th e A m erlcu

ALSO s: ^ B aH ts^ cn%» O m ni k

yf/iu. R o g e r s ^TWo V&OONS-, ,, - Bora

d TOMOEEOW—VATOEVI■ and shiblet :


' BU H L, Fob. 25 (Speelal to The ^ o w s ) —Tho Buhl A ll-S tar baskctbaU

. team w ill meet the H o llis te r A ll-S tajs Tuesday n ight in tb e locnl gymnasum.

B ubl has an exceptional tow n team th is y e a r which has m ot b n t one do- ifea t during the w hole season. This w as suffered a t the hands o f tho Twin F a lls AU-Star delegation on tho Twin

., F a lls floor in a gaino th a t required < j two ovcr-tlm e poriods boforo tho Magle ; C ity q u in te t trlum ped over th e c rack

(Buhl aggrogntion.Tho H ollister toam Is roportod to

j 1)0 som ething of a d a rk horse, hav ing . m et b u t fow teama in th is diatric t.


is Demp»ey, heavyweight boxing cham- so plon o f tho world, w ill undergo a minor

|T?J. sui;gicAl operation e ith e r tom orrow or vo, W ednesday, i t wna roportod today n f te r ^ Dm th e champion had conferred w ith a as specialist.

cd. A fte r leaving n hosplU l, Dempaoy Igh wllL ren t Mintll pliyrielans w ill perm it

him td travel to tho I'nclfie coast.

> SLOW BOUT GOES TO DRAWing ----------iim SALT LAKE, Fob. 25 H orry ncr Thompson, giant negro boxer o f P oca­

tello, Idaho, nnd “ Cyclone” W ork­man, lig h t heavyweight o f P a rk City,' U tah , fought six slow rounds t a a

: r draw decision here tonight. Evoryfound .w as featured by sIqw in-fIghtlng—- jj and booing frora tbo crowd. •• -

Gland Treatment ™ Restores R. G. Laws

CX- — ' 'are “ I am ju s t a* young aa used to bo, on an d i t ’a all duo to glnnd pills. Iloro

Qly, I am 72 and foci ju n t na apry nnd full o f vim -ond pep ns i f I woro only 30 or

. 4 0 ." This testim ony to tho virtue of ^ a n d treatm ent waa volccd recently by Bobort Oeorgo Lawa, prom inent London broker. Mr. Laws, whose

>Shi hea lth has beon poor for several years, o o t claim s th n t a g landular tonic p u t up 3vi> in ta b le t form has restored him to tho ^ ^ hea lth and vigor o f eorlior days.

Such a trea tm ent ?s now obtainable g in tho form o f Oian<fogon, a highly

coaeontratod g ln nduhr tonic, prepared '* ,from tho glands <of l-calthy young ani* inlj jm als in eonvenlcnt ta tilc t form . Olnnrl- Li,u}ogen luia had romnrknblo success witU

: thousands of ailing men nnd womon. Glandogen is obtAinxblo n t Schramm-

i a Johnson I ^ g comp.iny. M ail orders n ’» g iven prom pt a tten tion .—culv.up, B = = S ^ = ^ = S ^ = ^ = 1 'ths. -----------------:------------------------------------------ 1

l}Ac LB.h . , fo r any U n d m ixed house

■V R A G S -■ ». . . Oor t n c k w ill call

T W m FA LLS JU N K HOUSE ' Fhone 79S Ath ave. a a d 2nd f t . &

TODAY— r ONE DAYt , ch lld rea lOc, adnlta 20e an d 30c

t t

i d e t U l j ^e lty e f foU y--«f h e r f l g t t a c a ln s t t t • t g ive th e worid w ben sh e ’s g o t i t to

and en trancing grace o f th e -wotld-ffr- o«e s te iy - o f a m an’s w ay—a -woman's sacrifice .

S t o r y b y ^ e d S i ^ t t e i i a m

endor, grondeor Invested 'w ith ta len ted i c a n ^ t t t y ' s la te s t p lc ta re

I S H d w X H Q

t i H b g o t C 1 « « •I j y ROACH;


--------------- ^ ^ %s v n x E road show, iaots,:y hasok featube .

— r * '


■ ~ ■ ■'' -TV

FEIITISEIISEE m ergency A ppropriation o<

,, $ 2 ,000 ,flb0 to Be A sked: C oast C ity Closes M arketsOAKLAND, CaL, Pob. 25 CP>—

Emorgenejr. nppropriatioQ o f $2,000,000 b y congross fo r uio ia tho fig h t ic Cal* ifo rn in a ^ n s t tbo hoof and mouth dlaoaso wiU bo oakcd, i t w as anoouncod here today, following a conforonco ol a tato , c ity and federal o ffida ls .

Tho nionoy wonld bo used ch iefly tc tdom nlfy owners whoso hogs, ca ttio and ■hoop aro destroyed.

I n tho moantimo, i t w as ngrood tha t a fltrlet quaran tine o t overy ranch, d a iry and slaughter honso in Alameda,

' N apa, Solano, Sonoma, Contra Costo and M ontoroy eountios was tbo boal

k m oans of proTonting lu H h c r spro&d oi lho disease.

XIoadquartors for d irec ting tbo fighi aga inst tho opldcmic w ill bo oponod to n o rro w m orning in th'o O akland nudl torium . O ther countics w ill bo qoar nn tlned whorovor tho disonao appoora

' F o r ty Rovornment m oat nnd ea ttlo in apoctom hnvo been ordered to ro p o rt a tho O akland headquartera to aaaiat it tho Bafogunrdini!' o f ,tho un infcctod nn im ale In tho qusvTAotincd eottatlcs. Thii w ork w ill bo done in conjunction w itl th o county food nod hea lth authoritioa

I SAN FRANCISCO, F o b .’ 2 0P>—Aiadd itiona l precaution ngainat aproai o f tbo dreaded hoof and month' diacaac tho San- Frtinciaco board of auporvia ors today passed an ordinance roqnli in g closing o f nil b u tch er shops >at ( p. m. on weok dnys.

Tho mcasuro waa fram ed to proven doliverips of m eat a t houra wbon cit; m oat inspectors nro o f f duty, i t wa aaid. K osher ment m arke ts aTo.allowe< to rem ain open -until 10 p. m. undo tho now ordinanco nnd tho bonzil o hoalth is gSvon power to set closlni hours on holidays.

The loss to livcatock owners in tht sta to , so fa r is estim ated a t $2S0,00(

' whllo 15,000 head o f cattio and 0,00 hogs havo been destroyed by tho a t thorities.


M fO n y a t L iberty 'Under B ond ■ ( $20,000 A it« r S o m n d erln g to M& shol; Bofnses to U o k o S t* t«nien t '

IN D IA N A P 0 L Is7 F cb . 25 M ^ W a ren T. M cCray, governor o* In d ian wbo, i t dovolopcd today , was nnmod I

P tw o indictm ents re tu rned by tho fci o ral grand ju ry w hich reported Ioj

S iiturdny, waji a t lib e rty ton igh t undi bond o f (20,000 a f te r hav ing aurrc: dored to U nited S ta tes M arshal. L int M eredith . I lo will bo a rraigned Marc 11 beforo Unitod S ta te s D istric t Jud f A< B. Andoraon, together w ith a nur b o r o f others who wcrb named in tt

. TOpOTt of tho grand ju ry S iilurdny. A fte r hia rolcnsc Govornor McCrt

doclinod to make a stntem ent, nssei lng th n t ho had " ab so lu te ly no th ing s a y .”


• . —;-----’ . rContinnod from Pttg». One)

c u t th c maximum to ‘.H l*'i p e r cc inatoad o f th e -J4 p e r ccn t now in t bilL I lo called upon M r. Longwor to mako publie hla plun ao th a t stui might bo given it.

Mr. P ro a r nlso denied nny /orm conlilion w ith tho demorrnt*, doclori:

. tho insurgents supported tho domochil plan bccuuac " i t w m tho noxt b< plnn to OUT own.” Ilo «i1lod nttc tion th a t dcmocrata hnd aided in i

( • fcn tln p tho ir proposals fo r tax in g p r c n t tax exem pt securitlca. ,

The cn tlro day w as apcnt on* t ostato tax contost, b tit w ith a - v( in sig h t cnrly tomorrow on tho g i f t t proposal, Chnlrmnn Oreon said ton if ho oxpoeted read ing o f tho b ill to | well in to tho cxciao rntca by tom orr n igh t whoro ano th e r-fig h t imponds proposed reductions in tho autom ob taxes.


K ansas C ity D octor's DlscoTBiy Mal0 T m ss or O peration. ' ^

................ Unnecessary.K ansas City, Mo.,— (Special)— A n

discovcroy, which, exporta agroe, I • no equal fo r cu ra tive effect* In

ru p tu re casoa is tho la te s t aec< pliahm ont o f Dr.- Andrews, tbo v

■ known Ilorn ia- apccialiat o f th is cl T he ex traord inary aucccsa of th is n m ethod proves th a t ' t holds a n d he a rupture. I t weighs only a fow oum H as no hnrd, gouging pads, no olai belt, no leg -atrapa, n o steel bands, i is ns com fortablo aa* a ligh t garm i I t has enabled hundreds of persons th row aw ay trusses nnd declare tl ru p tu re absolutely iicnlod. M any

^ theao hnd sorions doublo ruptures, fiwhich they had suffcrod f o r ya J t ia D r. A ndrew s' i.mbltion to h ovory rup tured poraoa onjoy tb o q i re lief, rorafoTl and healing pow or th is discovery, a n d 'h o will send i t freo tr ia l to any read er of Tbo N who w rites him n t bi* office, 8063 K Bldg., K ansas City. Mo.' Ho w uaU

_ person in ench neighhorhood to wlJ io cnni refer. I f 'y o n wlab to bo o f n ip tn ro for good, w ithont a n op tion, take advantage of tho doct frco offor. W rito b>m today.— adv

Plaao tnn ing .' F bons L o g in 's , —*d».


(OoDtX'tiisd from Psige Ont> . | L E d w ard L. Dohony, H a rry P . Sinclair

and Cliarlea. R. Porbns, fo rm er dlrcctoi lOl lh o vo tem ns' bureau . M r. Daugb'

J o r t y pointed, o u t th a t a t b is suggestion o f j ac tion against Pall, D obcny and 8 in

Qfia o la lr vnis lo f t to spoeinl govonmumt ” Uy counsel while procoodlngs ag a in s t Mr [S F orbes hnd been ,in ltm t«^ some tlini

ngo boforo a grand ju ry j n Chicago.fl]__ Tho attom oy g o n o m r ^ d e d th n t h(1000 had given any opibion, oral oi

w rilton , regard ing tbo leg a lity o f thc 9u th Iw slng i>olley and hnd no knowlcd^rc aeod noRQtlatlons u n til th ey wcro coa

, eluded. Ho urgod th n t tho sennto in qu lry into h is dopartm cnt bo conduct

^ od w ithout delay, b n t th a t ho bo glvei ^ . nu op iw rtunity to sunm on w itnesses ol

° h is own fo r questioning b y hi» owr . . . counsel'.

OooUdge In fo ra e d . a A .copy o f the lo tto r wna sont to th«

‘Oaa, W hito llouao n fte r I t hud been mail« public ut tho departm en t o f justice W hlto lIouBo offic ia la aaid i t hud noi

: ® prcviouslv l.een submitte<l to Presldcn OooUdge. I.« tc r in tlu* day M r. Daugh

ig n t JJ confercnco w ith thiJI* executive, b u t thoro wna no out

w ard’ bidicntion of a cli.mgo in tho ait un tion th a t hus resu lted from tho dc

oars. o f rcpublieuji Hf'nato loadom thn’ ho resign.^ ** A t tho snmo time, how ever, It wna ap

p a ren t tlm t somo d efiu itc s top m igh t bi ' anniiunued- in th o -n e a r fu ture . Th'

prcfiidoiii hua under conaideratlcn aev w ith propoMils, ono o f them contcmpint ities. th a t M r. DnugherVy aubm it h is rci

ignutLon to become v ffcc tivo n f te r th —Aa Hunate inquiry hna b>)en complotcd. B, iread fiin t method, i t hua bcou auRgestCi ease, tho ntto rncy genenii m ight ^uvoiil th irvis* chnrge of qu itting his o ffico undo qnlr- fire.a t 0 A ction E xpected.

A ction on tho invustigation resoli: svcnt tio n In «sp\>ctc<\ In tb o sen a te n o t late

c ity th an Wednesday, nnd It m ay bo ndopi w as cd tomorrow. I ts nu thor, Senate

owed W heelrr, demorrnt, M ontann, todn indor nouglit unnnimoun consent to tiavo ^ o f (lay by bring ing it o u t o f committor osing b u t S tm alor W illis objected , insistin

upon “ dcront, p roper and orderly pr( I tb e ccduro. i t r . WilHw snid he dcsiro },000, ea rly diapomtion o f tho m n tto r bv 0,000 wnntud i-ctfon to bc tnkon in tho rogi0 nu- Inr wny.


(Continned from P a g e One)sen t by Bcnntor P ran k R. Gooding-

. tho offici;ila o f tbo b ig pro ject.Senator Qoodbig’fl te legm m wna ;

•Wor-lian n * * npproprintion fo r tho Mlnldol lOd in d is tric ts paascd tho sunato t1 fed- ‘' “ y* ' ’

W A SniN G TO N , Fob. 25 M>)—Wil Jrron- rccord vote tho aonnto npprovL inus npproprintion o f $450,000f .. tho in terior b ih fo r a hydro-elocti J*^dffo Boise, Idaho , roclam ati

” . p ro ject. The appropriation .committ hnd recommendod elim ination o f t

“ * item ; An am endm ent b y Sonat . Smoot, republican, U tnh , w hich woi

have added *1,500,000 to tbo $40,0 “ pi'foprlntion cnrrlcd In tho b ill i

.8 S tra tvberry Valloy p ro jec t wont out a po in t o f order.

Senator Jones, republican , 'Washli ton , gavo notlco th a t I f the Smc

r iO N npproY cdrrho—W6io f fe r similnr am endm ents to item s 1

I W ashington projects.

I J " " ^rwortn S W ®study

la r in g ^>chitic “ T H E 'S O A S L E T U L Y ” FIL M t bc^t IS T.ttTP. PA BH IO N SHCa tten - E very woman in tliis c i ty ivill wr in do- to aoo ' ‘The S ca rle t L i ly ," Knther: C pres- MnaI>onald's la te s t p ic tu ro fo r B.

Schnlberg, whieh is now p laying in th e th e O rphcum 'thoator, to d n y only, ai - vote F ir s t N ationni a ttr.xction, fo r . Lft tax gow ns M iss MncDonuId w ears In t o n ig h t produetion mnko tb e fe a tu re a disti to got tiv o fashion show, norrow Always famons fo r h o r Inxuri ads on gow-na. M iss ^ a c D o o n ld h as aomo r mobile ones th.nt w ill surpritro even h ^ rvdn

crs, who alw ays cxpcet m uch from in tho w ay o f sa rto ria l splendor.

Tho atory o f “ Tho S ca rlc t Lil ’T U B E deals with U»o atrugglos o f a beautl i r V ^ •“ ‘®P nbovo finnni

w aters w ithout loaing bo r self-rosp and gives hos .m any opportun ities '

-A new d isp lay tho ta len ts w hich have been le, has atoweil upon her go liberally .In all 'Victor Schertsingor directed tis ; aecom- turo , nnd tlie supporting ca st contt « OrvUle Caliw bll, L ineoln Stedn ? G race Mot» : S tu iirt H olm es nnd (

a»n E «»o ii.ounces.elastic A W OMEK^S PBIBON.

ds, nnd Old F o rt Bchuylor, > 'cw Y ork, wl a rm c n t h as beon abandoned p rac tica lly fo sons*to num bor o f years,- w as roconstm ctei e th e ir nppear lik e th e S t. Lnjraro prison any o f P a r is for scones in G loria Swanw 8, from la te s t Param ount p ie in re , " T h o H

yacrs. m ing B ird .” -Prom inftfrm atlon o havo colvod from Pari* th rough tho P n0 quiek bureau o f in form ation in Now York, iwor o f a r t depurtm ent a t th e P aram o u n t I d i t on Is lan d studio was ab le to rcconst e News th e prison, using th<« old f o r t aa a f 13 K och dation.Lsts on<* This is the f i r s t lim o th a t the 3 whom L o iaro prison has ever beon sh

bo r i l in motion plcturoa, e ith e r in Eu1 opera- o r America. In tb o s to r r o f " docto r’! Hum m ing B ird ,” whioh is now si -adv. in g a t th e Idaho th ea te r , M iis 6 ’

son, as a no to rio u s 'A p ach e o r P I's, 108. I s held In th is prison fo r a long pe

' M any Interesting scenes a re sho«


M i r i i l f s i r iiEs om)gn*tion —si«. Expect H earing o f Ludendorf

to L a s t B ut Few D ays; W jt ii»o nesses R eported III■ be M UNICH, F eb . 25 C4*>—Prcdlclinn I or wore nuulo in m any quarte rs tonlgh the th n t tho trin l o f form er I 'ie ld Maridiii

)d(ro von Ludondorff nnd hia Asaocintcs fo con- tho ir p a r t In tbo N ovcnibcr putistl

in- which w ill beg in hero tomorrow, wi: uct- lust b u t a fi'W dn>*».Iveu Alrowly thero a ro roport* th n t mnu s of o f tho witnoM cs have been taken i own and cnnnot possibly recover in tim

to givo testim ony iu th is prirtiruln taso. I t is even runrorod tlin t Dr. vo

th e Knhr, fo im cr B avarb in ii)ilitary dictr mile tor, nnd othcru und,of 9ubi>ocuu to tci tlce. tify have engaged beds in sanitnrj^um not and axe prepared to o u te r thcso inst

ilont tutiuns n t n m om ent’s notico should a ugh- omorgcncy uriac.

the The m ost im portan t and intcrestin out- testim ony will bo henrd in CMmora, un Bit* i t ia beliove<l,that l i t t le w ill bo brau^'l dc- ou t in thc publio hcijring which hji

thn t not a lready becomc known nnd pul lisliod.

I ap- Tho ton defendan ts nro: Ludendorf t bc Adolph H itler, Pochner, chiof o f tl) The Munich police; Dr. P ricb , ox-prcsldct aev- of th e d ia tric t o f M uuicb ; Liciilcnai

p lat llon ry I’um ct, who ia Ludondorff rc t- stepHon, und IJe u tc n n n ts Wngnc thc Unieckner. C nptain Horlim, Dr. Wch<

. By and Colonel K riebel. th c luat fivo bein « tc 'l nccuscHl o f boing IP t le r 'a liuutennu'

till! nnl londcrti o f illcgtil brnnchcs o f li ndor organliuttion.

E s t t i r f f f l sg ^ E i S T lsting . ----------

'•’en-D ay W alkou t of Doc 'im t W orkers in England Final

S e ttled in ConferenceL0>O)0N. i\ jb . 2r, (/P)—The do

strike, lusting ten days, wns ncLtl[ILL tho dei.'gn tcs m et in c<i

fcroncc. Acceptance o f tho t4?rmn w nimoat unnninioua, only two m b

____ portfl hnving objected.'g ' t o A fen tu ro o f tho s trike , which

volvwl iiinny tbonsnndn of men, w na ar foniplot? absence o f cUsorder^

though tho atriko ex tended ov<t Idokn pa rts o f tb e kingdom , a n d dcc.kMH g- to to- orally..,.nro regnrded a s n aommvl

' unruly clnas o f w orkers.Tho govenm icnt la <>xpcp,tiHl to i

W ith- nouncc im m edijitely th e chairmnn roved the commiaaion to Inquire in dccniK00 in lintiori nnd na tho employer* hn eetric agreed t;i tJie p rincip le o f m aintcnat intion for tho men who uro 'id le during p nittoo of th e week owing tn the pccollnr

tho {(^ourirs o f dork Inbor i t may bo am ator ^wswl th n t Monie reme<ly fo r tliln griwould iinro w ill be apeedil" found.40,000 _________________


shing- —Smoot (Continued from page one)w tu ld --------- :------------------------;---------------------as for enlnrgom cnts certa in pcculinritios i

allegod sim ilnritiea of le tte rs in m issives alleged to have boon rccol

t b y M iss "Van A ntw erp nnd thoso lottcra on D nm plcr's o ffice cor pondfincc.

Ho denied th n t be had causod a tograph to bo placod in D nm picr's fice. __

B u p e rt C itizens l?rseent Follow ing a de ta iled ' cross-exam

IHOW tion b y dofenso cbunsol on tho ide fieatlon o f typew riting , tho court

herino ccspcd until, fl o ’clock Tuesday mi B- 'P- lag."K T h e ’ courtroom w ns crowded i1 ns n epocUtors, m any o f whom came f

Rupert and surrounding citics.n th is , ___________ 1 ------[istiac- 3T B IK E NOT ENDED.

LONDON, Feb. 23 Thc at; curious of th e dock w orker* la fIIU in progi 10 nev? The position wna w ithyu t chnngo admlr- •'‘‘y propoaed (-ottlement is)m her _______________

U lv ” D A ILY N E W a

autifu linnciol NOW SHOW Iospcct cs ' to sen be-

,is pic- jn tains ednuin.


which for 0 ■

toison of anaon's ) Hum-

tf- ^Frenchirk , th e ' i t Long

a foun- I

the |^D j9eO K |^ |K lshown


r show- B t B u i O S S S ! * ® * ”

r P aris , G lo ria S w an so n a n d Edwa l^period. P i c t u r e ♦ T h a H u m m in ihown.


W o i i l i lT{ ASGiOIDIITErff Call Is Issued to Form Club to j t - ! B oost C am paign; F o rm er Of­

fic ia l Is Surprised •-R A L E in U , N. C., Pob. 23 OW—Thc

u b l f ir s t defin ito move In N orth Caroltna ‘J'ul I looking to tho nomination o f Josephus

! Dnrrielfl, fonner socrotary o f tho navy, as th e dcmocrnllc candidate fo r pic^l-

‘'■lil dont, waa taken hero ton ig h t w*:h th t isHunnre o f call by a score o f proml-

‘“.V h en t men fo r n 'm e e tin g rp f dcmocrnti i l ' l o f tho atnto In thia c ity .-T huradn j

i" " ' n ig h t to organlne a “ Dnniols fo r pres idon t c lu b .”

r i i n ,A I ) E L P n iA ,Fob. !5 OPJ- F orm er Serro tnry of tho . N nvy D an iels oxprcHactl aurpriso ton igh t wher

" ■ bo learned of tbo movement In NortV “ ' C arolina to gain for- him tho domo

c ra tic nom ination, for president. Il( ■ said he had not pro\'1ously heard ol

tho m ovem ent, knew nothing o f i t nnc f ' would hnVe nothing to sny rognrdln{

it n t th is tlmo.’■ M r. Daniels ia in thia c ity p repar

ing u prospectus for a book on th< lifo o f Woodrow Wilson.

th e

1"! AT THE’ HOTELSnor, 'm ScKIiSON— F. S. Turtle nnd wi(o ‘her Spohani-: O. T. l<ogi‘r«, O gden; J . T .•ing H nv-benr W. ^^lnehboner. lioiae juta .Inine.n ,t. U ‘nt, Ogilou; Owenrtolyn Ma his Oiindy, Il:ig< rman j Ruliert 8. Bliertr.cr

S|i«kiuii‘; riuilliii'' Allred. Poratello .W endell Kuhn, Wendell; J . C. M eyer [sohn, .r. S. Andrews, A. W. McOliie F ran k D. Sniijli, Mr. and Mra. .1. Doriiu H. IU B incbur, Doc Uodgo, C. Nelson J . P . Pornn, H. Culp, A. Adama, Bal

# p L ak e ; H. .Morgan and wife, C. F [ L Biixter, .Jr., A uW M- I'j.wpbeJI; I. liai I I bour, R. n . Maxey, (,'uptaln lic r t ti l l « ^ Wamjde:*-, W. Kjostiew, Iloiae; J . A

|8tHnU-y, ItiK-hesler, X. Y.; 1>. A. Morse II . Wilfwii. W. K. Jones, 8l>okane

i.r. S. Bmith. Clevclanil; A. P . .McClurc a l l y I>enver; 1). V. Reynolds, P a irfic ld ; 11

n. .Jones, Corrnll; Orn .Test<T, TwIi F u lls; 8 . H. .lolinson, R upert; W. A. WH lit, C*. H, riirrlng to ii, Po rtland ; T. I< HnokmJtn, .lr., Kansna C ity; H. W. Rcl f.-bit, Ogden; J . C. Huloy. Tacomn .lolm T. Flinders, Oriinsvillc, U tah

m is JJ,,,. T Wooilin, Clovilan d ; Li«o Adler, Ui.ker, Ore.; .J. M BiirbiT, I-re<l {,'lirijilcnaen, V ictor Rmitl B urley; Krneitt Kgaii, K imberly.

' ’*!: PPmUI>*I->-C. H. McGary and w if J * ‘‘ Pocatello ; W. H. Lockett, Nnahvill

nnd w ife; C. . Rudy, Bulil; Korea .\ndcraon, B u tt

C. F . Fhulk, D. F. .Murphy, Boise; ; . W. Olsen, P ilcr; M nrniy Brookmnn;

Jo e l Petemoii and wife, 8 jd t I>-ik K a to W. H unt, Kimberly; C. R. Bal w in ; A. .1. Hull. Roiso; A. Croxfer S a lt L ake ; .1. li. G reenberg, 8j Praiicim-o; M. Andoraon, Denve

^ ® ‘ H om er P. C;iiristenB<*n, F o ste r F. Oof ‘ " J ' B nit I.-,kc.; C. II. llu lc l.o n , llo i.o ; 1

' ■ 1. Yoiimna imd wife. S ea ttle ; C. W ebb, .In rb idge;-F . II. Adama, J^os A golea; F ran k Pickott, Pocatello; W. B lom grea, Idaho >’ illa: T. G. Miiya,

y p T A. I tw d . Boise; J. g. Bussell, Pof te llo ; P. .M. Berov, Denver; G. E. Orc< O gden; It. W’. Morrison, S a lt Lak

____ F ra n k Soiiijien, M urtaugli; B. P . P enI and A Pitta, Boise; A. C. N i , th e I^ake; II. A. Peterson , R( :olvodse o l ------------ ,orrcs- T he herd o f Kcnneih P. Brown, Tw

F nlls. linve beon tuberculin tested . . D r. W. A. Faleon luid 'h av e proved

, ■ he free from nil tuberculosis, nnd hi “ ing complied wilh ail c ity regulntic_____ lu jd rulings, shall bo vorv g lad to f

nwh. milk of high quality to wlwe> mlna* m ny be in ncod. dcnti- - f a d v . KKNN'ETIl P. BROWNr t re- --------------------------morn- ' P ic to ria l Review pattorna n t Blasi

e t tc A rt nnd Buby Shop. I l l Mi w itb ftvenuo oast. Pbono 9SJ.—adv. from ■ ------------- ■ —

Stop Cqughing«lriko *».»W


B t«v7 M W is a M m d



faid Burnt in a MOK Sen Uu ftoniounb in ^ B iid ' A SidoerO lcoa Pniductlon


t a s t o B i y g jE saiud br u n . B. B. w m iuu

T rtnH um i 300


2 £ n . F . W . D om ks I s HostM S to M «n bOB o f Olab D sp a rtm sn t; W orks o N oted Composers O atlinod

Tho ’ ------Hna Mrs. P. W. Dumko w aa hostess t ibns th e music dopnrtm ont of tho Twentlot: avy . C entury club M onday afternoon. ic<il- There wns tb e usual sh o rt buslnci tho scaaion, followed by tho program i

oml- charge of Mrs. P . T. K ellogg. An lr irnts te resting a rtic le em bracing eigh t o idny tho modern composcra wa* rend b ircs- M rs. J . A. D ygcrt, Mra. H . C. Mt

guiro gavo an account o f tho achievi m ents In tho fie ld of opera of W altc

4>>_- Damroach, E dgar S tillm an K elley, Rofi Dan- inald Do Koven nnd V ic to r llerbor phon Amcricnn w rltera o f opera, o rth lllu slra tiona from tbo operas “ Ni omo- to m n !’ and "R o b in H ood” wore give

H o ou tho Edison. M rs. H . C. Mngnli 1 o f sang “ The Flow er May, H ide ItsL o v i nnd ly Pace ,” by Oagood, ond “ Daw

d in g L ight nnd Bird Bong,” by Cloy Speak Mra. N. .T. Kocfor aang “ A Bowl c

tpar- Rosea,” by Clark, and a s an eneoi tho “ Kiaa Mo.” “ A L ittlo D utch G a

d e n ” was sung by Mra. Glen Sturdi vnnt.

* W omen Obserrovifc, S< « i* lH our , *

'p Tho Buslncsa nnd ,TroftfSs1onal W« men m et in tb o ir-c lu b room s. Monda

M a- evening nnd onjoyed a social hou tV.cr, Mra. H. J.*-Younga,, ■»Vho-hns-Toecntl c llo; re turned from n th ree m ontha via ■ycr- w ith rclntivca and frien d s In varloi j'liie, pnrta of California, gavo a n Interea >rau, iiiR account o f hcr tr ip , laon, ■■l^kli Now Members fo t

F . T rl-0 Olab \iar- The Tri-C club m et S a tu rd ay cvonir

B. w ith Misa M arguorito P inch and I . A itin tcd tho follow ing now member orse.. Besa Duke, ITelon F isher, M argar an e t Scilley nnd Ayloon B ooth. A gonor lu re , social tlmo wna enjoyed and tho ho ; H. css served delicious refreshm ents, rw in ■-W ll- Cam pfire Girls

K. A ro G aerts Rch- Misa D orothy E s tlln g en terta in

J tn h l ,




U ik"! ■ r ^P orrv . V, N i l - \. Boj?* I \

aI 'S ' ■ 'BT

= HumnFE

(1 ) E X T E A LENQ tho s tan d a rd i

______ g ives addition!ties.

1 (2 ) D O UBLED TO bled to th e sll superio r finish, tie .

(3) P U B E ,a iL K i No co tton to ^

(4) GABTEB-BUN D E B S ” —A sa tho s ilk body Tuns^' from gi knots.

(6) W ID E b a n g :SH A D ES—P ur

« la te ly fa s t col

5 (6 ) ' D O N 'T LOSEI Snug f it t in g J

* ^ (7 ) W E A B LONG! a t10


a lth o OwaUsa C am pfire ’ g ir l i ’oB'>'6iiiiK'." 0 ''d ay a fto raoon a t h o r home on-'S ix th ; avonuo east. B ess F ile r, M ildredd D i^

I tr ich and B u th Taylo# w ere voted tn ta ' ' - ; tb e cirelo. T h e n e x t m eeting iwUl- b*

held a t th e bom e o f E llxabeth C ali* ' woll, 330 S ix th avenuo north , BAta> day, M ateb 1. ' '

J « A jraO tJN O IO lB N T S.1 An Im portan t m eeting o l the alam ni ,

^ ^ ' o f the U nlvoraity o f Idaho is ealled ' lo r Tuesday, F eb rnary 20, a t S p. m.

, ln Boom 201, high sehool ballding.

i Tho A ddison Avenue Social elnb la to ' will moct w itb M rs. F ran k Smith in* ‘tic th Btoad o f w ith Sfra. P ickortng, on Wed­

nesday, F o b ru a ry 27. ilncss .‘ in . The M. S. a elub w lll m eet Tjdth,_„ n M rs. F le tch o r D arling on Wodncsday,

Fobrunry 27. A largo ottondnnco Is ^ 7 desired, a s th e ro is business of Im- Ma- portanee to bo transactod.'..* ,

iievo-1 IWalter I The c u rro n t events dopnrtmont i f

tho T w en tie th C entury club will meot rbort, Tuesday, F eb ru a ry 20, a t the borao of

iM rs. S. S trausa , 327 E ighth avenue " N a - cnat, w ith M rs. M ary Y . Norton, M*s.

jo i,n A u lt a n d M rs. I ln rry Davis os-, ignire gigtant hostesses. Ench member la Love- r'i'qucsted to b rin g her f ir s t jdioto- Dttwn graph; ')eaka. i ----------

of The C om m anlty I/ad ies’ A id will ncore m eet V odnesday , Fobruary 27, w ith Gnr- M ,a, E d Olmstoad. Those a ttending

:urde- a re asked to b r in g gingham a n j (K-t calo fo r quUt blocks.

OAED OF T H A N IS .We wisli to express ou r h ea rtfe lt

Wo- appreciation o f tb e kindness o f our )nday friend* an d noijcbbori^ ronderod lip-dur* hour th ir illness "hhd anddon ~9<^atb of

o w door bab y , V erdean Hntchings.M r. nnd M rs. 0 . R. Hutchings,M r. a n d M rs. B. B. Hutchings.


We Are Notlooking fo t argnm entf, b n t w«

-oning p » j tb s

ibora: I HIGHEST PRICES I^S«ot 'brass, «vp«r, aiamiaum, t» .onoral dUtors, iMd, hldai nod ptfU.) hos-

Idaho Junk HouseP hono 640

B ack e f Id ah o S e p t S to tttainod

--------------------------- -------

/ / \ J p

ini 4!MmiirdM i f ^ HOSI ERY


ming Birdi'EATURESSNOTE—M easnrea 30 inehcs against rd 27 inches. T his e x t n length :ional com fort and w earing quali-

TOP—Tbe m ereerized top Is doa- 9 silk , w hich gives oxU a strenntb, nish, and ma^cos tho to p ex tra elas- •

.K SOLE AND BE-IN TO BCIN O — to wash th rough a n d look khabby.

lUN-STOP — N O >£O B B “ LAD- L sa fe ty devleo a t th o jonction of ody and m u ee rized top , p revents a g arte r in ja rie s go in g b ^ w tbo -

IfG B O F FX SH IO N A B L B N EW -Puro D jed , n o t " lo a d e d .'* Abso- ,, .

colors. . • f /

»SE SH A PE A T T E B W A 8H IN Q — )0 vag A nkles a i ^ P o e t


, 1924. .. :... Page

: I ^ IN FALLS DAILY NEWS |(Mntta ev ery roarotwg tx c c p t Monrtny <

rwlB ’ Fftll« N ow i I^b ilih ln iif Cfc. In V ;(E aU b lU hed 1>M) . _ |

’ |>>lercrt tl* «*con<J cln»8 mftll m iitt« r. 'VtirtJ 9. a t Xhe po»W f(lc« c t T w tn ,

Idano . u n d e r Uie n e t o f H a rc h I . ,__________ ' i


I tnonlhs ................................................. m onth ................................ ............................ W

m rM D E R o r a s 8 0 c ia . te i i> r n u j s sT ho AlUioelntwl PrCM is exclusively

M(IU«i| to Uia u se for repub llcn tlon of u i nnwn d lopntches orodK rd to It, o r no t <tnorw lse crrdttiH ) In th is pAiier. a n d

• *Ji>0 ^ocjvl n«wiv l\o r« tr . ,aJI riKlitit o r rnpuhllCAllon of anoclol lls im lchcs huroln a re a lso reoervo<).

A't m ean* A snoeU ted F rcas. t ------------------<->.^3— I

ru « Nvwn \« «i ro<sn»b«ir o t tl\o A u d it y Uuroiiii of Clrculrtllonn, from wliom fu ll • a ifoniin tlon lUt to circiilatlM i m ny bo o b- ‘ jilnivl iiiK.n upiillcatlon. Detnllod liifor- sh ilo ii Hupplletl Incnily tipon rcauen t. ,

.Vo r'-npon!<tti|Mly t/i nnnum rtt (o r Uio |of uiihollcttcil m ftnuncrlpta. p hoco ' ‘

fTiiphfl n r o itio r co n trlh iitcd m a tto r . Ar>-iclun Buliitilit<Mt for p u lilla itlo n will t>e , kncd or oot n t ilio d lscrt'tlon o f (ho o d t'cor, and iu> niiinuncrlptn will bo re tu rn e d 1•nlenn ucooinjmnlrrt Hy ncocasnry noatiiKc. ,

BA STER.v n n rn n s n N T A T iV T s a 'Jenrif.- M. Dnvld Co.. Inc.. 171 M adlnoti

N«vt Y ork; A. U. K rM o r. H HH iirirort: liu lld in s , c b lo is o . I


riiujvti'v lins uJi«o»t vniiUlipii 'w it'll 't l u ' o f Uh‘ oM iiallinK ’

“ dliil'!'. I'Vw iir«!m<iil-<iiiy InmMulibiTH Ji.'ivi' I'ViT lii'iin l n rcnl i-liantoy, o itlio r ' HHliorc’ o r otl till* Tiiro o«n;iH{oiiH w hen

go ilow n to lliu Hcii !n slilpa. . ■Sm:lVhlJ^?^llt’ c liU u to /'J ip s i io \V n s'rptn- . '( ’(I lipjircijiriuln oil a HtL’.'imHliljt, pa r* ‘ tii 'i i liir ly i>ti 11 jwant'iif;('r w h cro 1i t , w oiilil 1)0 .juutiL a p p rc c if ttc ir by tlio lioan-r.H.

Now tlic ro iH a ro v iv a l o f lh o c l in n n 'i , in ;; old K.’ilt -w a tu r c im lom . A ] in o r < fro m Iiivcri>iioI j iu t to no;i th o o th e r ,* da.v, fo r .'i lo u r o f S o u th AiiiDric.iii porlfl, w illi c row nn<l p!i»HcnRcr« b o th | a iiifriaj; chnntoyH, u n d th o p n ic t ir o w ill | bo \ij> U itoM Rhma Uiv cn iim ', i fvoidi-.i liiHt th a t loiiR-. T h cro h avo iiccn ' o th e r iii lin iu t io n s o f iiuch a rcv iv n l, p u r t in i t a r ly in th e n r ill.s li a n d A m ori- can iiavicH. i

T h e re Is Bomothlnfr n r t if ie iu l n h o u t t h i s ro v iv iil, to h e «iire. B ji.t. b e t to r j Im vo i ir t i f ie la l r h a i i te y i tlin n tiono (it a l h mill tlio y w ill como to houiuI tin t- '

. ii r a t iiKaiii, in tim e , jiijit a s “ O ld K en - ; tu e k y UiKUC.” !in<l ‘ '(U o u u -n tlu e .” ' “ Siirineo lU v e r " u n d o th e r fav o rito tt do on la n d . S in^h iK is m oru im por- i n n t n t sen, n n y w u y , b c ca n sc th e re in BO litM o t l io rr In th o w n y o f d iv e rs io n ; a n d w h a t shoiiM be siiiif ', i f n o t (lia n - tcysT

Ro n\l Ibe obi nniltir rbsHics wiil probaiily h<’ d iij np nKuin. Thero may dcvcto]! a new Keliool of chantey-ATrit- ors, Tomparahlt^. to nur intiHio-linll bal- Iflilisl!!. And ovontiially, no doubt, wc ahnll uU bu a^ilo to pet cliuntcys, u t w ill, by rahlo, from ' tho Hovon neas. Yrilh ull thoir tan>; und flavor, whilo sittin g eoiiifortably n t homo in an arm ­chair.

H E L P THB P O S T O m O EThousand o f ready lo tto r w riters

m ay havo overlooked tho fac t th a t tho pa.st weok wan Uctlor .MailinB ‘Week. I t was fio donignated by I'ostmnstor- Qpnornl Now, b u t oven u piiMtmnBtor- gcnornl is not oinnijmtent. llin loo;;- flufforin>; siibordiuatcs havo proli.ably

' had dutnpcd upon thom almost their <iu«tfl of Kiindircctcd m at­

ter, whieh norm ally nmounts to four million pieces a weok. O f th a t quan­ti ty , pf-rhaps throo hundred thouaand picoo.i wont tcT'tho dead lo ttor offiee as usual.

The caretossuoKs of mail scndors ]a.nt week, or nny ro .eu t wook, cost the Postoffico D epartm ent n io ro Jh an th ir­ty thouaand dollnrB merely for tho ■alariea of spocial clerk# dealing w ith addresses known to bo wron(» nr in ­complete. Thc loaa of tim e anionf? o th e r elorks nad carriers, duo to thoir e ffo rts to puzr.lu out wron;; adilrcsscs a n d deliver tho mnil whcro it belongs, m u st bo fa r g reater. G reatest of all, however, va ih« loss lo tivo tiCQdeis tlicmselvba. I

Three-fourths of thia so rt of earo- lessneaa should bo avoidable. Hoop Address li.sts up to dato, and inspect addresses carcfully a f t e r ' tlioy aro irritto n .

FO LTIO A li SADIO'n^illiam G. IfcA doo has applied to

th e D eparim ent of Commerce io r per- m ission to. Snstall a rad!io broftdcaating a ta tio n a t hia homo In L os Angelos. Tbo sta tion ia to cost obout th ir ty th o u to n d dollam, and Mr. McAdoo e*- poctfl to U0O i t in his caropaiga fo r

- tbo presidency.' H ere is tbo boglnnlng o t a now gam e, ond no m ortal man e a s aoo tbe end. Tho p resen t yoars la probably

. deatlncd to eco_An-a™tt*l“ B ftdapU tioa•,e£ tb e radio lad u a try to politic*. W hat V o W -|eaadldflte doea. o ther cand idate*

ezpeeted to do. There-

? Pagebix TWIJB B8ia8at8888888w aaas8888S8aa8saaa^

H Dreamland'.~ 4; JxmOE OWL'

j! ' X I JUj!SSBn:i£Si!3S2SjSS3S£2SfflSSZS!iSS^^

(Jack ODd Jo a o t go to Eirdlnnd dd with 3ndge Owl to seo ^»w th e l2S noats o f tho blrcla- bave come « through tb e w inter.)


o? M isc h ie v o u s V Js ito rs .

i5*d T l-l'GK o w l , urlniiod iit .lack nn.l il •*

“ Whool Whool Mr. Field M(HIh<; mado u -v o ry . /in o liuirh for mc,.«.;ii‘' hootod. “ An> vou hnii^'rv? Would

» t y„„ llko fo r i..t.‘ lo cjitrli a mnii,..o or h i two fo r y o u f 'ir- No, indoed. .Jack and .Ina.-t >vc.e

not ut utl hiiiif'ry i'or a field maiiKe ^ luu.-J>. 'I'lu-y %voiild bv.ve i.Jl tbe moU"e , o . Inni'lios 111 Judge Owl.«•- T h ey th o u g h t. .Iiidg,- O w l liail bopu

v e ry ,-lover in e a ( .- l , l i i- M r. F ie ld ! ed M«iiKc. U c ha ij 1i> bo UMb-c)>,

u n d w hon M r. r i e l d hud rro i 'l .■” -int Cd n ilib lo h i^ too>. .h id i:o O w l ha.l

g rah h e d h im a n d gcdiblod h im . • '“ W hiuit W lwiol N'»sv t b n t wo hnvt- '

h a ii Iiiiii'li. lel. us g e t ilo w n to bual- = no« .,,- ' h .m ted .lii.Igo O w l. f la p p in g Ills ]

wiiigH. ‘ 'O u r [.ill i-. t<i nee Jn w h at Hhapi. Ull. b i r ih w ill f iu .l th e ir w hen Ihoy (ninic b a e k ff<im th e m innv

"I! .,,,,11,." ■■rs Juilgc' 0 \ ^ flciv -ip inlo tho t ro - [ ' ,or where Corky . Kol.In and M rs. Coel-.v ',

-lUihin had tho ir nost. | '“ W hoo!.., W l io o l . - I l i i t y ' t o i l y l \V lu it '

i.l th i. i? ” iiliiH terod .liidgo 'O w l, an ho . a lig l i lp i l .n n u h r.m eli br.n ide tlio noM'. '

■>r* ‘ ‘ yniMO n iis e li ie f in a lfc r h a s been lirri'. TO I’’ly np h e ro u n d s e e .” 'Iio A gain .Iiiil(;t; O w l ha 'I f o rg o l le n th a t

•Ta-1{ a n d . la n e t oonbl n o l f ly . But. .Jack ‘ a n d . la a i 'l wer<' m ou n lo d 011 th e ir poaie.t

" ’■ |an-l wh.-u tlio y s)o ,„ | np on Ihe b a ck s ' lor o>- T rix io an-1 T o p sv th c v oould h.ok ] ic r ill the- I fo b in s ’ n e s l. ' • ';j„ “ W hy, th e tu'Ht i.s v i-ry n n ti< Jv ," '

.-ai.l .Tanel. “ I am M.iro M rs. Coeky ' i;<iliiii wax to o gninl a liniiii-.Otecii-T lo loave it t h a l w u v .”

if “ \V lioi.l ^Yhnll! H o ity - to i ty ! Tu c n '>'■ jJiire sh e w a s .” hoo te -l J ii-tge Owl.

“ .‘ -mienae oIho live-1 in I b is n-'st a fli-r

r i- — = r= — ' - - -

Kdou be a p a w o r fa l ra d io o u t f i t iu 0. | i m t o ry i-an d i-ia tir 's lifinie, to lino th in g s ’

o r th o .c o n v e n tio n s .....,T h o .c o n v o n - ^a t li'ijH IhoniH elves w ill bo brondcn.'^t to ,

I t - th e f o u r w in d s o f h o a v c n . A f t e r tho ; !n- a iim in a tlo n s a ro m ad o , tl io good old lid “ f rim t jw iH i" 'w i l l b e tran sC orm cii ' to» in to ft b r o a d c a s t in g s ta tion ,*H !iow criiig ' or- jiliinks, ]ilodgefi n n d o p in io n s u p o n nil ,

i-* th o w orld . \in; '

in . b e t t e r OLOTHES F O B M ENThoro is ta lk now n f n “ dross up ■

' wi-ck.’’ Not for wonu'n, o f course: : y they never need any urg ing to drcsa **■ up. Thc proHcnt reform niovonicnt is | ■* ■ iiiiiit'ii a t till- m e n , wbo bavo \icon

growing lamonlalil.v lax in aartorinl nmtfers.

The re ta il elothiers o f Now Eng-land Kl..... to hnve aturled tho thing,nml thore in a disposition to tnko It up ull over tho ronnVrj-. Thoro mny . soon bo a lingo publicity drivo, cnIHni! a ttention to all thc u-lvantagca to he

ors derived from looking o n e ’s best.;ho The mnxt Inveterate dovotcc of c^m- ok. fortahlo old clnthcs m ay adm it thnt or- there ii a good basis fo r Hit this sort: or- -if pM pacanda. Men. only 11 littio lesi' DR- than women, do feel b e tte r, pliysirall.V,, Illy iiionlally a n ’l morally, and stinvul.ite e ir their eiiergie.^, un>l land jobs anil more ,a t ' oTdvrs w otc readily , and m nke a bct- sur te r iai|.ros>iion generally, nnd perhaps an- get ahi'.Kl b e tto r In nearly overy w.ay, md whon they aro well dressed. The o<l- 'ice vico of Toloniua, in “ H am le t," atiU ,

IioMr:n.nt “ Costly thy h ab it as thy purse,.can- tbe buy,lir- H ut-not oxpreMod in fan cy ; rich, not tho gaudy:i th Kor thc apparel o f t proclaim s tho m an .” in- Tlio only bnd th ing abou t tho m at­ing te r , ’ from tho view point o f tho con- o ir sumer, Is tb a t good ilressing, onco in- acs dnlgod in, becomes a .h ab it, liko a igs, narcotic a-ldiction. The dresser has to all, koep righ t on, and p robably increase .ers tli« (lose,

ro- JEROME.1Km>MK— l*auli;io M iller, th e inf.-Tnt

dnughter o f J fr . an-1 M rs. ^V. S. M iller d i d u t tho fam ily h'lmo ou Thlirsdn.v. Tho fiinoral was hold on F riday nt tho horn-! w ith in torm ent in Jerom e f,cnictcry.

to Tho Fnlls C ity Civic c lub m et oa Thursday aftornoon a t lUc homo <if

inc Cornelius Thomuiion. A ftor the“ bunincss mooting a iirograiii was cn- *• joyed followed hy relrcshm cnta.

r ty Mm, J . B. W olls is spending a short e*- vacation a t tho boma c f her alator fo f in OlennS Fo rty .

Ob Thursday evening tlio Modom Woodmon held np open m eeting a t tbo ball to which tho public w os invited. Doputy H ead Consul H oover aad Dis-

bly tr ic t M anager J . J . Q uilloa woro th ; [oQ spokoemen- A good crowd enjoyed

t tho addresses.W . H. Taylor o f tho J . C. . Penney

ltoco.,JiAa^t8tlUW £ll^ 7 w here he underw ent a serious opera'


r L ’S L E T T E E iX>A2>D7 I

K a s s s R s s a s a s s a s m a s ! ^ ^

10 “ W lio can I t bo?“

'' lho KobiuM moveil noulh. *“ Tho nost lias boi'U broken, ton,*'

I said .Tuck. “ I l will noe.l luonding wliei: the Hobins eomo back .’ ' •

I’' “ Whoo W hool •llo ily -lo ily ! Her.- ia a s ig n ," liootod .linlgi', Owl. “ I haven 't, my glu«scs hero. Cun y o i rend i l f “

*' Till? sign w as a le:;f fastoiiod' wilh th rin to tho sido of lho no:il. 1.4'tter,. woro priokoil in tliiH leaf, a« if bv a

'r knife. ............ ■.lack bv Htrvlrhiiig high conl-1 mak.'

'■ out tho w or.is 'fo riho il by lh-> loHerM.I Ho roa.l thom aloii.l.! “ Koop ont! This tr my noHt now. [and her-1 in m y m u r k ' ' ' The mark wax u Htroukoil b lack an-I '•hcHlaiit feat1i<-r.

-“ W hool W hool H oity-toity. Thai • is, Impg'.lvncc, for v o u ." hootod .fndge ; l>'wl. “ R-im.Hin.r bn’s slolen (h.- Holilni''■ nost nnd iim'uiih t-> ke.‘)>'it.”

“ Who can it b o ? " nsk.-d .lack. “ l ‘' d o n 't Koe uny l.inU in Ihc w.>o.l,s now.”

“ Wboo W hoo! l>r-il»ably the; Ihior moveil into n warm plai'e when bllz-

I 7-ardv w oathor ramo. ’ ’ hooto.l .hnlg.'Owl.’ “ Como, le t is nee if nnylhinu'

,, bii« linpptn .'d to tho nests nf Hbiobini und .lonnv W ren. I*iiiiolio H ird aiul Hrown T h ru sh .’ '

(W h at tb e y find in tlie oUior '' noats w ill be told tn tbo nex t chap- '• ter. Who do you tb ink tbo nost ■r th ieves nre?)

V- tion. Tavlor i.n ri'i'ovoring nIowIv an.l will Im- on eriiti'hon for awhile. '

Mr. au.l M rs. W illiam Sill-anuli ;>ro llie li >.(>11 bnrn n t th trir bomewe.-i o f .I.T.im.', • on .Sun-iav, F.-brli

iio ary 17.Id A. n . ArpH h.’iH rcffirned l.> .ferDiiie |.i\ to luaUo bin sifier'iiii aliM'iiov i>V

.mTiuo timo in Aiiierie.in Fulls.:*; .\lr. anil M rs. .1. P. .Shaiinoa have .Us-

*” i>0He.l o f th .-ir . Iioldin-s u t W oslficld nml will k-avv iu tho uoar fuH.ico ,f«. Wu.Hhinglon whoro tlu-y m il muke thoir homtr.

Mra. W illiaiii Tlmtnun, who reni-lo^ west o f .loromo i.s seriously ill a t hor

e: homo.ijig Mr. a n d ’ M rs. W illia iii 'K o iH ro f lv i .loru.l.i Heighlx. are spending a nhort

vueation In ll..i.-*.0 . O liver o f A fa ilia is transacting

liuninosn iu I 'o r lb u d 'u n - l S .'a ttle thin w.'ok.

Ijt. Tony Kiil!nu-l spent iJio weok-Ciul trajim icting biinino.ss in Twin Falls.

' .lunies 1'rity.ler transncle.l bunjrtoss in Minl.loka botwoi'ii traiiin on Hatiii-

“y .lav.lift Mr. an.l Mrs.^ Can.niii.s King havo ro ho turn .'d to .loromo after, an 'abnonco in

Calif«irni;i o f ono yeur and wUI make th .'lr tiomi' no rth »f Jerome.

"■ Tlio We.ln.-.s.luy Bri-lKO clnb mot on mt We.ln.-H.lay w ith .Mm. Ahrumson, Mrs. >rl:Shtrlcy won high an.l Mrs. Hrown low. .sjlT lioro wiTi' th r.'O giii-jits; Mr.s. (ioiild 1 .'w inn ing tbo ^ue.sl, prize.’ ’{ Kmmett O ’Uolirko i.* sponding a shor:

vacation in l » s AngeI.vs with relatives, ire «■Pt. , = ^ =


'!,! In I'lP D is tr ic t Court oT l iu Klev.-iitU Judicia l I>istrict o f the S ta te o f 1-lalio in an.l f o r^ k i j ^ l l a County.

J . W’. Recce, IMuiotifr,vs.

lot J . K. Brown nnd Georgia Brown, his w ifcyan .l G. II. Brown, Dofondantn

Tbo fita le o f I-lnho aon.is gTootings nt- to J . K. lirow n, tho above named de- . . . fendant.

You urc horoby notified thn t a com *"■ p lain t hna boon filed ugiiinst you in

a tho D istric t Court o f tho Kleventh .Hi. d icial D istric t o f the Stuto o f Idnho, ill an.l fo r T w in Falls County, bv the

»*o abovo named p la in tiff , un.l you nro hereby <Uroct<Kl tn njijwar und nnswvi Hjiiil com plaint w ithin tw enty dnys of tho Borvieo o f th is summons if served w itjiin Riiid Ju d ic ia l Dintriet, and w ith­in fort.v dnys i f noncd oNowhoro; nn.l

nt you are fu r th e r no tified th a t iinlosn ff you so appear and answer w ithin the

tim o horoiit spoclfled tho p ln in tiff will tak e judgm ent ngainst j ’ou as prayed

n t in aaid com plaint.B.'iid action is brought to foreclose

tb n t c e rta in mortgago dated March. 2Gth, lt)21, filed Mnrch 2flth, 1921, u n l

recorded in B ook tiO o f M ortgages al ■if pngo ‘.iSO, Tt et>Tda n f Tw in FalU Coun- hc ty , B tato o f Idaho , w herei»-J. E* Browm :n- end G eorgia B row n, Ms wifo, nro m ort­

gagors aod tho nbove named plain tiff. J . K. Ueoco, is .m ortgagee, and covering

-* tho follow ing doseribod propertv sltn- a te in Tw in Fnlls CountJ-, Stntc* oJ Idaho, to-w lt:

™ L ot Twolvo (12) in Block .Four (4^ bo Kim Park, ad d itio a to tho City 6C Twin :d. P alls, Idaho.i». W itness my hand nnd tho seal o f tho 1,2 said p i s t r ie l C ourt th is IS th day of

Februarj-, 192-1.C. C. SIOOINS,

(SEA L) Clerk.JO H N T. H A N SEN , Deputy.C. A. B ailoy, a tto rn ey for plain tiff,

ra' residing o t Tw in F alls, Idaho.



1 Nearly *400,000 Spent In United f States —Greek Refugee

Work Completed. !iF o r Its proparednosa to ro o d er ro­

liof through oSccUto iTsd sonorous aid .. io tho suftorors from d isa s te r tbo A m erican Red Cross la unlTorsally ro* gardvd as ibo one organlzaU on from " w blcb response lo appeal for h e lp 'is Im m cdiato. In tbo la s t yoar. accord- " I n s to th e annual rep o rt of tbo Rod Cross, its d isaster ro llot operations " woro carrlcd out In 110, lotidllUos fii* tb o U nited S la tes. T h is work, w ltb ’ a c tlv ltloa carried bvor from tbo provi- • ona y ear, ruquired tbo oxpendlturo In I' tho United S la tes of I397.4C8.04 by U\o Amorican Hed Ctosa. l la Chaptora and Branches. In tbo em ergency fol- c

' lowing tho defeat of tbo Orook forcM f : fn Turkoy and lho burning of tbo city T • 'o f S m yrna, which oata ilod thu roUef I

I- of 'nearly OOD.OOO mon. women and c : ch ild ren , Rod Cross N a tional Head- s I q u a rte rs oxpendod $I3,G05,C9C.09. Tho

food d istribu ted In Oroeco aRgrcgatod I 25,000 to n s; gnrm enla, 809,000: blan*

k ets . 48,GS0: now shoes, G.OOO pairs;, m edical, hospital and sa n ita ry sup­

plies, 304 tons. Ii tbo feed ing of the ,. refugees tbero was lis ted up w ard s of 1 I 32,000-children undor tb roo yea rs of .]

ago. . sTho dlsafllers In tbo U nitod Statos t

during th e p ast year rep o rted 240 per* I . Bona killed. 991 Injured, 12.691 ren- ■ I dered bomoless. Tbo to ta l property '

loes w as OHllmated a t >20,710,000. ,Hell«( o t Bunorlt\s caused by dleoa*

te rs of such tuagnltudo aa. to over- .. wlielm lho resourccH of lho communl- ; , tic s in whlcb tbey occur la fundam en- c

la l to tbo ch a rte r of tbo A m orican n net! Cronu, In addition lo m aking {ip- I p roprlatlona from ila tre a su ry and as-

' s lgulng. tro lned personnel to relief *' - work, tb e Ked Cross lo d isa s te r con- " an d m akea nioro oflfect/TO ro- ,’ Ilef funds and supplies con trib u ted by

th e country n t large. •

L i f e S a v i n g W o r k

O f R e d C r o s s C o r p s

I W a r s o n B r o w n i n g s

'• Tho Innlgnlft o t tho A m erican Red e Cross U f e Savlnj? Corps on tbo bath ­

ing appare l of men. women nnd you ths Is aeon everyw here n t favorite bntlilng places along tbo .const.i, rlv>

V era. lak es anil ponds. Ip Ita unroienl*.Ing cam paign to reduco loss of life by

I- drow ning th e Rod Cross In making d co n atan t huadway. Tbo dom nnds for < tustn^cllan (roni o rg aa iiaU o o s In all r p a rts o f 'th o country wero ho numer-

OUB thu p a s t y ea r Uiat I t w as neces- „ nary to more than doublo tho atatf of r Uod Cross Instrnctors. T h is work ot

tra in in g for w ater llfo-aavInK showed i an enro llm ent o t over 30,000 volun* t tec ra enlisted for duty on p atro l, for

r tscu o and roauscltatlon. a ll compo- te n t to Instruct o thers In lho standard

w ator-safety tneiliods, T bo Rod Cross by req u est o( tho W ar D opariniont g ives w a te r flrst aid tra in in g o t tbo U nited S la tes M ilitary and N aval ocadum los and in the m lllU ry tra in ing campH to r rosen-o officora and civil- Iana. Thu to u r cash prizes aw arded by th e Red Ctobb laa t y e a r to r borolc rescues wero conferred upon tw o girls,

" a boy and a man. Indicating th a t tbo youUis of tb e country s ta n d well a t

lho top In consorvlQg IKu a lo ag our ” w ato r courses.

' R e d C r o s s F i e l d

O f A c t i o n C o v e r s

; , A l l t i i e W o r l d

R oprosonted by 83,668 m em bers, tho A m orican Rod Cross p o no lra tos ,to

J. ncftrly_«vory p a rt o t th a w orld . T bo . a Insu lar and foroign roll call atalTsUca

for tbo poml -year aro > m o st conclu* slvo m aoltostA llon of tbo Red Cross

(, sp ir it ca rried Into tbo m oat ram ote lands. In Europo th e re aro 4,088

is m om bera: In Turkoy. and bcU to la " tbo C onstantinople Chapter. 3,546. Chl*-

nn b as a n enrollm ent SCZiSZ: A frica,^ 13$: India. 224. and. A u stra lia . 39.

Even Vladivostok, hi frig id S iberia,, has a live ch ap te r w ith 100 mombera.„ The Philippine Isla'nds can m obilise

68,747 under tho Red Cross banner (), and H aw aii 7.8S3. Tbo to ta l funds le ra ised through (orelgn and Insular 0 m em bership enrollm ent and son t to 't n a tio n al headquarlo rs tn ■Washington >f niduntod to J60.216.B4, wbllo a n oddl-

tio n a l 133.360 wns forw arded fo r tbo endow m ent fund ot tbo A m orican Red Croaa. T ho h igh sons roU call la 1922 • waa an Inspiring success. T bo Navy '

II signed OD 4,331 fo r th e |te d Cross and I d lho m erch an t ships 4.141. O t the to- >

ta l m em bership ou tside th e U titted \ IC S ta te s 83,998 aro ro g tste red .w ltb chap- \

te rs In foroign lands, tb e In su la r pos- ‘ f sosslobs and dopendoDClea. 1it

1 w an t to : therefore I c a n !" ta th e • f. ap lr it tho t-ap u rs tb e B ed C roaa work- f, « r l a well-doiof.K

‘ ,F ortunaU CIrcumatancee P erbapa.’One tb lng th a t America aod Europe

'' b sv e ' In commoi) la an" ability to see " Dce ano tber'a doty.—D niutb U enild .10>f Oood Advice.

People who uro too fond o f arguing In d know it, ahould pray every day : ‘Lord. lead ua not into tem pta tion .’*




I M URTAUOH—T ho MlJUOS' EH ubotli and Ifa rg a ro t H oover of Paul spont tho w eek-end ' w ith frionds In Mur- taugh..Tohn Soneeal and fam ily o f Twin *

J Falla woro M urtaugh v isito rs Friday.W. c . Hnll and son, Howard, return­

ed from P o rtlan d F rldny, whcro th o y . hnvo spent tho la a t wcok on business.

8 . H. W alton w as a business v isito r. . ^ in Twin Falla Thursday. j“;ij A leap y ea r danco will bo glvon a t i ' ^ tho L. D. R. am usem ent hnll Friday,)^ February 29. > T w in Fnlls music will . (J ho fiirnished. I 'J Tho studen ts o f tho M urtaugh h igh |,j J. school w ent ou a h ike to 'S n a k e riv e r‘s J cnnyon la s t Tuesday. .The chaperone j J was Mra. I . D. W ard . Iif. - The. non b f Mr. H W bnrd, who is #U -L 1, lion agent o f tb o 0 . 8 . L . a t Mur*l I. tangh, has boon seriously ill w ith ty - ! n phoi.l pnoumoniii b u t la now Improving. J y Tho L ndioa' A id m ot n t tho home of { a Mrs. n . F . J a lu In st week. Thosoprl:*- l- ent wore: M rs. O. I. Cnnnan, Mrs. W. ' a R. Riekufus, Mm. P. J . Fahoy, Mrs. V. , ; y R. 'I k ’H, M rsj O liver Johnson, M ra.'•t Lloyd. Ja li i and M rs. F.. L . .Tohnson,^ d guest. Delicious rofreshm enta wero j J- servod.0 , --------------------------- . ,


----------- 1° Tliousunda df o v crfa t people bavo , « he-'omc Hlim by follow ing tho ndvico of . )f doctor.^ who recommend Marmolo Pro-1

Seriptlon T ab lets, thoso harmloaa littlo | )S fut rc-lnccrH th a t ntmplfy tho doso ofl r* Uio famous M nrm ola Proscription. I f i Q. loo fu t, don ’t w a it—go now to you r! ' y .Iruggiat an .1 fo r ono dollnr, which Is

Oio price the .world over, procure n hox of thoso tab le ts . I f p referable youlj cun aocuro them direct by sonding;*

^ prieo to tho M nniiola Co.. 4012 W ood-i' I*- ward Avo., D etro it, Mich. Thoy ro- n- (iueo steadily and easily w ithout tlro-[ ,n KoniQ cxetciso or Bt;irvation d ie t ivnd; p- loaVo no iiiiplcunant offcct-—adv: j B- Tho Twin F a lls chnj.ter. D. A. K., wi:l q{ have a coolcod'foo-I sale tsntiirday, Jan _ iiary 2fi. Alvord A? .Moft grocery, f ir

lho bonefjt o f tb e • SoJ-lior Momori.-i) fund.—adv.



Id //jWn QV- i l j j j j ^ 7 / y ^ u i l l

''*• IBW fW>7

m u '

IT '* 0 ^ /

4 l Iot ^ ^ y 1i\

A L ^n* l / l 1 7 / l/.l

o- ' F I f ^

1 g'In'.thIR . r ' : D a >

: R i c t- . i Y l

” '•I--. 61/ .38 s - «fc '

ir. . 4 IR V IN G M (» . * ' 1 • . •19. . - I - • *“O. ■ * I•fl- \ C 0PY R 1C M TivlR ,V ir

L . r \ ------------— ---------------------

JJ r r i H I S s t o r y i s t h e c a p

}n I e n d u i i n g l i t c r a i y c a

e n g a g e d u p o n t h e i

3d . y e a r s , b u t i t i s t h e f r u i t

JJ i t h i n l d n g , t h 'e f l o w e r o f .id ” . o- • H e r e i n m e m o t a b l e n a n

j o f r o m a n c e , t h e q u i c k t

•s- ; u n i v e r s a l a p p e a l o f cp i

; ■ A f e a in a s i n “ A M a n fo:

»• • h a s f o u n d i n s p i r a t i o n i r

*'■ v i c e s o f a g r e a t A m e r i c a n

m o s t h u m a n , w i s e , en g ;

a c t e r i n o u r e a r l y h i s t oM

N o w O fie re d as a J

‘ | T h e T w i n ]

Beginning Toim

B re jik fast Foodr- '^M atrim onially Speaking^’

B y H u g b M eEay.[n “ l l- M y wlfo is olw ays getting nio to

tak e telepbono moswijca fo r hiNr.“* I t seems th a t noarly every time one

of bor fTleuds calla up, *bo’s dressing or tak in g u b a th o r I n 'th e m idst o f

“^ ‘show ing .the cook how to mako luiappc,- 18OU11—or'Som eth ing liko thnt.

7 1 ‘ ‘ W o n 't you ju s t find o u t svUut Helen y.’ %vnnts?” sho enrols baek, when I toll “ |lie r w ho’s on th e ivire.. I A nd io I .isk Helen w hut’s on hor

>*lmiud. I t ’s gencRi.Uy piuuty—und 1 ®*’ c a n 't underMtund nny of i t nntil wo'v'- ““ .talktNl fo r about five mlnntca.

Finidly I te a r m yself aw ay from tho ^ '•I 'hono and bellow to .my wife:' *1 “ She says w-lll y<iu stop for her qII

you wny to C harlotte W’iikliiRon’s I'-n '''*’■ tomorrow n f t j^ o o u , nnd lion’t fo rgot--^., ° to bring tho aaniple of that, matorhil o f'

yours, und i f hIio nhouldn't he -Hiero ‘ ■ y o u 're .just to wnit, 'ukI should sho call

■jup Sarah Fiol.j tn nny both of yon will atop fo r her or w liat do yon tliin k f”

W oll. of conrso, niy wifo has au oven ■ longer iinswor to miiko to th is—nnd

thon Helon h a « 'a reply to that. And I have lo trunHluto ovorything nnd re ­lay it— until 1 feel jUHt liko one of tho

O K iris, myself.Tho next tim o m y wifo nitks mo lo

tuko n mcMsago, I ’m going back to ^® |thi. iiboue and Hiiv, “ I ni.a.lo a mistake

tlo I . ----------o fl Tomorrow: “ M y husband blows I f ; blm aolf to o iponsivo luncbos.”

I .C opyrlu lit, t)y Public Lc-lKcr-Co.)

I I f your p roperty is desirabl* nnd lr [■dvortisod In tho e lasiifi-d—you'll fiu'-

„ ^ ;yo ar boyei.____________________ .id-ro- '

j^ j|232E[E^3l

^ o rK a r d d\CHELLER j- ]

5.VING BACHELLER, / ^ t . > .f *- _

c a p s t o n e b f a b r i l l i a n t a n d

r c a r e e r . M r . B a c h e l l e r w a s

l e a c t u a l w r i t i n g f o r t h r e e

ru i t o f a l i f e ’s r e a d i n g a n d

o f m a t u r e i m a g i n a t i o n .

n a r r a t i v e a x e t h e f i n e f l a v o r

c k t h r i l l o f b o l d d e e d s , t h e

c o u r a g e a n d s e l f 's a c r i f i c e .

f o r t h e A g e s , ” t h e a u t h o r

n i n t h e l i f e a n d p u b l i c s e r -

c a n . B e n j a m i n F r a n k l i n , t h e

s n g a g in g a n d l o v a b l e c h a t -

i s to r y d o m i n a t e s t h e n o v e l

a Serial to R eaders of

F a l l s N e w s

M o r r o w M o r n i n g

24 . . '



CniCAOO, Feb . (/P>—Corn wa.i n rttvo nml toilny w ith ^vhoalcxftctly tho rcvorHo. nccoipt# nf rom were iininllor thnn Iit I liccn oxpw to.l hnd it wnit oalit tlii> coiinlrv had

hcIHuk. Com '■IrtMO.l firm n t l-n ' to 1-4C to n-Hc iii'f udvnnro. ?ilny S(> :m

to «0 7-8p . In who.-it flio finiRl. wnn un- (.I'ftlpil, 1-2 to !5-8 to n-4n rlom i; tl.e oiitMniP for ontH wns n nlin.lo to M e (loplinu um! fo r jirdvi lion.n '2 to l."> tu-iits gain.

ImporfnnI roniiniHHi<m lioiisoni' wor.' nccri'siivo l.iiyors o f rorn nt, llte stur*. ami tliPro wnji fiirront tlia t stork?nf rnn i in Hh' i-:iKf rxtn-m olvlight. Tn IhiM .oouit^ctioii tlio fa r t WIIK I'-ip i'T -iiillv ,'notfli'that'oxport ra il WHS ROorl nnci th a t the 'rttipply o f corn on opoflu jiaowCf* wu-r iiiiiHi nmlor 111*' amount o f n yonr nK". Dtiyinu wns fur.

I thpr onoonrnKOil throuKh prcdirtionn ‘».tit onlv a .liminiMiiinc ninvrniont o' corn wnuld l.o witnciwoil ilurlnc thn rc- niniiir^T nf th.< Hfnxoii. Mi-sinwhDc, an inrroiisi* of 2,S.'f!.000 I.hhIicIh in Hio vi«- iblo supply fotiil nnnonnrcd today wnn iiliniil vvlint ha<l looked for. nnrlhad !iu‘ littlo o ffcct on tl.i' nmrkot. Ilottc 'vrr, p ro fit tnk lii" Knlos crilnrRcd n fte r a inodcrato bul;;c in priffis, nnd

. fo r a l l.vist lho lim e licini: th is cirrtini. stnnrc fjnstrafod anv i.dditioniil «ain.

Wheat liitUs-w.!ti- ainpiiuriiKrd hy ab- Noaco of rrop w aro ilovolopincntf*. Bo-

■ fiidcH,,n dccn-.iso o f .l..i;i0.000 bniilioln in tho doniPHtir vi«iblo to ta l wnn rc~ardMl

» aH ton'HliKlit (o t-orvv as n Htiniiihm to biiVB i-onfrontixl w ith diKpatrlicH Kiylne thiit thp Krcatcht (|Uanlity of •wheat over onnocntrntid a t ono ]>ort in the world’s M story is a t proncnt in utorc nnd afloat a t I’nrt Arlliiir, Ont.

Oat« KajTRod with w lunt.HiRhor q'notatioiiN on Iiokr Rnvo

BtroiiKth fo th e provision nmrkot.

.,-JW IN FALLS MARKETS ..ThcKO priccJi are obtained da lly '

n t -I o ’(-loek in thc uftrr^inon an.l aro intended to cover only tho av-

A cragc •> o f priecn. Whertf carta-n ‘ ' dealers fo r Hhort periods o ffe r more

than tho quoted prico no o ffo rt i j made to include bucIi quotationi*. Quotations a rc offe red incroly ns n eiiido to producers nnil should n o t bo ncceptcd a* reflec ting oztrem or of e ither’ high or low price*.

KUTAIZ. M A BEET&PAld to 'P rodacers.

Tho Twin i'a ll# m arkets yeslorday wero HS follows:

l^v w to ck .Heavy hop . ........... .............. $4.00 to R.OOModium hocs ..................... J4.50 to $n.UOU g h t 175 to 225 lb .............#fi.50 to tO.USS o w s ......... ........- ......... $3.00 to J3.50

P Holfurs ........... ..................................... 14.00f i t o o r s .......... ........... - ...... - ♦4.00 to f.7.00Veal c u lv c s ................ ....... >5.00 to W-00U m b s ............................. .. $7.00 to eS.tC

FowU.• Hoavy hena ------ ---- -- ------------------ 12e

L icht lions ______________________8cD airy.

B nttorfat, cri;ainor>- ....... .................... 47cB u lte rfa t, sln tioa ............. ................. 45cCountry b u tte r __________________E k p . (shippers) .................................... ISfiE rrh (loral stores) ............... ........... 17c

W heat and M ill Feed.W hent ................................................ «1.33Bran, cwt. S1.2oBrnn, 500 lb. lota ............................. *1.20

. Stock food .................... .................... $1.35• Block food, 500 lb . lotfc............ — *l.oC

Stisar, W holesale.Cnno .............................. ...................... SlO.nSBeet ..................................................... *10.78

Bm os .Grcnt N orthern ................................. *5.00

POtatMA.I*otatoc!i, w hite .......- ........ - ................PotatocH, Bussots .......... ........................ 80c

B E T A n . PXaOES. V egetables.

Potatoea, 10 lb s , f o r ---------------------25eSwcot potatoes fb......—........ .............07rlloiui le t tu c e ............... ..............lOc to ISiOniona, 8 pounds f o r ........... .............. 25cNew cabbntte, p o u n d ____L----------- 04oCelerv bunch ..................................— 10«

M Cauliflower, pound ______________ 20oF rrdu

C o eo an n ti.................. ................. 15 to 20c■ G rapefruit, e a c h __________lOe to 15c

arnpea, t o k a y ------------- -----------------20oLemona, dozen ___________________40«Oranges, dozen _____ 25e to 50<Bannnna, lb________ _____ _________ IBcEngliah wnlnuta ..................... SOc to 43:

T ^ .Creamery b u tte r — .......0.*ifBuhl cheese .........— .............. ....... ........ 30tWisconsin cheese .......— .......— —... 40c


W hoat—Hnrd white. February , B. S ^ B n a rt, $1, March *1; noft w hite, Feb• ruorj' 90c, March OOc; w estern w hite

February 99e, March «J9c; hard w in te r Fobrunry OSc, M nrch OSc; n o rthon

. spring, J-'ebrunry OSc, M arch 05c; weat ern rcd, Februnrj- OSc, March D5c.

Oat»—No quotatioi.a.


Stntea D epartm ent o f A griculture M nr• ke t Nows Servicc.)—Carlot ahipmont

for tho U nited Stated Thuradny, to ta 770; Id ih o 80; sumo day 1923 (22nd 328.

Shipping p o in t inform ntion Thura• day:

Idaho Fnlls — Dciniind improvini! ■Mnrket firm . Carloads cash trnck Buraia 07 l-2c to 70c. Russota ropack cd for Cnlifornia m ostly >1.30. Wagon londa Rurals 60c to C5c. l lu s « t« most ly *1.05. F riday , holiday, no trnd ln t Opening Snturday o ffe ring price uo

■# cstubUahed.M lnneapolla-St. Paul—Demand goo(

M arkot firm . Cnrlon^a deUvered salt round w hitea U. 8. No. 1 aacked *1.0 to *1.15. Moatly *1.15. Mixed cfti Triumph aeod *1.15 to *1.20; ftfw hig aa *1.25. Cobbler leed *1.15 to *1.2^


S hioaUy *1.25. B urbabk seed *1.25 to *1.30. Rod R iver Ohios U. S.- No. 1

_ am i jm ttly gntdeil *1.16 to *1 .2 0 .'W nuparn , W is.-D om nnd m oderate.

M arke t ateady. Cnrloada delivered p p unloH round whites U. S. No. 1 (iaekc.l

*1.0S to $1.10.O»oolcy, Coin., W iday (U no ffic ia l)—

Demand modorafo. M nrkct firm ., t^i*- •0^* doad* usual terms. Avhito variotieH U. 8 -

No. 1 mostlv n.v. •P o rtla n d ; Ore., T iicadny-M ark .-t

*'M'- steady . WagnaloaiLi f. o. b. countrv I-'* loading points, UurI.nnks Barks'll I*. S.

No. 1 sti-ni-ilwl bngH, fow salc.H *” '• to -*1.50. .

Sau 1-uis Vi.lli'v. ^Vodn^■sdav— M ar. kot stoadv. . WagnnluadK rash To grow- ors. U ro«n Uoauti.-s ninstlv vSOp ; UpiI

, M K’lnn-s .S.l to !Klc; m ostlv 'lOc. Hur- ))!Hiks

I’r.',-...... IhIc, Maine, Mnndiiy— Pomand li;;ht. M arket Meadv. Carload doliviTi'.l salos, (;reon .Mouatains, bulk !fl.-U) fo $ 1..';.’;. Bpanlding Hoso. ;>ulk. mostly

H aturday iiinrningN im portan t mar- kols ropiirti’d bv wire:■ ChipaRn—2 'idahn, fl M irhican,

i‘'" " ^Iinno“ota, 3 N ebraska, 1 T exas, >1.1 "• Wisoonhin, 1 Wynmimr arrivo .l. ISH

on t ra rk . Supplien laoderato. Demaml slow. M arkol nboiit ^leadv. CarloTH

vi'*- oulw oight Wisconsin r.>u«d whitoH U. . . Nn. 1 Mipke.l $1.J'. to *1.-1.'5; nioslly around $1.30; bulk ^l.-IO to $1.(50. Min nesota nnd North D akota Red R iver

S'*'' Ohios U. S. No. I J1.4I) to *1.5.';. No ""'1 IdnhoH reported.

Kansas C itv—A rrivals since Tliur.^- day, H Coloiiidn, 3 Idaho, 12 Minne- sota. !♦ Ncbra.Hka, S N orlh D akota , ?■ Wyi.ming. OS oti tr.ipk. Supplies lib-

" *" oral. Demand moder.ito. M arket dull. C arlots niilwoiglil M innesnta lU'd R ivrr Ohios U. S, No 1 sacked to *1.00; p a rtly graded $1.35 fo $1.4.1. ( iir lo t

'<'«• salos to outside points, wostern whiti- variotiPH II. a No. 1 sacked *1.40 to Jl.-I.-; Russets Jl.C.’i fo .*1.7.^

San Francisrii. W odnesdaj'— 2 cam WaMhinglnn and 413 sacks California

'‘"■® by I,nat and 4 Oregon, 1 C aliforn ia , 1 WashingUiM, 1 Maho arrivod. Supplios liberal. Trading moderate. M arker hfea.tv. .fnl.biiig pri<■p^ C aliforn ia r$iir

■ ■ Imnk.s-'^r.T.". to $2-^0. W ashington |. • Ooins, r'i-p;n-kod ?2 lo $2 .1 0 ; jionror lo’c

as jfl.7.1. Mnho RuHsots V. S. No. 1 IV. to #2,10; p(K.rer low as $1.7.'i. O n- i-n ‘ gon Burbanks bcHt $2.3.''. to ’ *U;40; irc iiooror-*2.3.'.i i 1 8 t. I»u is , Thnrsdav—37 on track,

Dem and slow. M arkol dull. .Tobbini; " pri-vs, Colorado Rus-otH U. S. No. 1

$1.75 to $l.<lOi Miiii'Psota Rod Rivorf I '. K. No. I ^L.-.O to $1.0.-. Wisconsin R urals U. S. ,No. 1 s.-irko.L..$1.50 fe $1.00.

Loh Angeles, S n t i i r d a v -12 Culifor- day '‘ix. 2 Nevada, 3 Oregon, n l Idaho nr-

rived. _..fl diverte<l. OS unbroken, 3'J broken on track. Demand ROod. Mar- ket firm . Carlots ou tw eight Idnli.j Russets U. S. No. 1 i l .9 0 to S2; mosllv

S fo »-■” ...............................4.00 '.7.00 ' POTATOES AND PEODUOE.0.00 ‘C niC A aO , tv b . r . OP)—P o U ito es- S-'-C Tradintr slow; market, dull; ri'roiptH (5f

cars; to lal U. 8 . sliipments 1130; Wi..» V .-..iimn .-arked roun.l whites $1.20 I.

1.40; l.ulk $1.3.-; to MinnosoUi47c :ind N orth D ab ifa sarko.l Rcd Rivei 45c Ohios $1 40 fo 1.(50.40c ’ B u tter—UnsdttUsl; preamory extra* IS*’ 4Hc; standahl's 40c: ex tra firs ts 4S It

48 1-Jp; firs ts 47 to 47 l-2e; seeomb J 3 . .l.'i 1-2 to 4f.e.I'oT Eggs — Lower; rec-iipls ^.l.lSS.cascs; L 20 1-2 t<. 2Hc; ordinary f ira ts 2 .'‘i!35 «o 2(ip.l.oC Poultry—Alive, hii-lier: fowls 23 tc

2r»p; springs 2(ir; roo%lors 17c.o.ns ‘ ^ _____

OASH QUOTATIONS.(5.00 (HIICAGO, Feb. ‘J.’. OP)— W heat— No

3 red $1.1(1; No. 2 hard $1.10 1-2 U 6-'3c 1.14.SOc («nrn— No. 2 mixed SOc; No. 2 yello«

SO 1-2 tr> 81 l-2c. , . ,o , anli»—No. 2 white J!) to .'Oe; No. : 5;® whit(i. 47 3-4 to 40e.15i R j i '—No. 2, 71c.25c BaHey—«.*. to H2c.04o T iniothv nciHr—$0.50 to 8 .10« Clover seed—$1.S to 24. .2 O0 L ard—$11.10.


2 ^ POBTLAKD LTVESTOOK.40c PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb . 2.1 OP)—C at 50c tlt>—S teady to US tfl 50c h ig lie r; rc IBc- eeipfa 1U75; 700 Ihroueh; beef cowa an. 4 ''“ h eifers good grndo J6.75 to 8.23; me

dium $5.50 to 0.75; common *4..'50 t. 30 c ni.’HJVeAnnera nnd cu'lTors'$?.7iTt^.*>C 400 Hogn — Unevenly sternly; roeoipt

4S.'>:>; 17S5 through; rlau g h tc r pigs $ to 7.35.

/P)— Sheep—50 to 7.Tc h igher; receipt [. s . 1301; 490 contn iet; medium nnil goo' Feb- an d choico bimba 84 pounds down *1 hite, to 14; culls and common *10.50 to 12 n te r, yen rling woUiers medium to choico, iiJ hom weiRhtn *7 t o '10; w ethers *0.50 to 1) weat- ewes, medium to choicc *5 to 7.50.

OMAHA Z JV IST O O E .OMA.HA, Fob. 25 •>*»)—Hogo — R.

r . ' coipts 12,000; mostly 10 to 2.’5c highei sited bu lk 220 to 300 pound butchors *0.9 M nr. to 7.05; top *7.05; desim ble 180 to 21 lon ts pounds, weight *0.7.'j to 0.90; mixc to ta l loads cnrry'ing pncking sows nnd lik ~nd) *0.75 to 0.95; packing sows moatl

$0:3.') to O.-IO; nverni^c coat S atu rda Iiurv *0.71; w eight 233.

C attio—R « c ip t8 9000; fed a tccrs an ving. yearlingK slow; kllliirj: q ua lity plait rack , ex trem es o f quality i te a d y ; in botweo pack- Rrades weak to lower* top *9.90; bul igon- stee rs and yearlings t7 .50 to 9 ; othi most- k illing claaavs m oderite ly active, a t« ding, dy; fltockers and foodera alow, abot I uot 8 toody; bu lk butcher cotvs and hclfo:

*4 to G.50; cauners nnd cu ttc rs *2.1 good, to 3.05; venicrs to p-ickora *0 to 9.5i sales somo packers paying upw ard to *10.1( *1.05 bulogna buRs *4 to 4.50; bulk atocko enra nnd feeders *0 to T.25; top foodo high $7.85.

>1.25; Shoep-R oceip ta WOO;' a c tiv e ; f


"I D iM lA n ^'red' I/M W DiDKir w te rV rte n H E ft w s t:e.i ; MriN UONDON, 1/ I SO IT


\ _ F £ l ^ ^

Dooad =,„lk lamlm 2.-5 to .'iOr, h igher: woolo.l lamb ,,lk. $14.75 to lop $1,'.20; clipp.-.

• Iambs $12.70 to i:t; slu-oi- a n d .-feeder

OHIOAOO LITESTOOK.CHICAOO. Fob. 2.'-. (/p)_(•■ittle— Ro

coipta 20,000; beef steors and f a t sh, ,,n,l stock s teady to strong early , closin,

uneven, about steady, top m;it.uro< _ s tw rs $7.7.'-. to 9.-r>; in betw een gradei tliv I 'fednm inating ia fed s teer run ; bult ,f,; fat. cows $4.,'50 to 3.7.'; bulk bo.^f hoif yj.y ers $.*..'50 t« 7; load medium lo gooi

yearling heifers $8.50; common fa ‘ cows an.l cann.-rs and cu tle rs firm

a - tlv e ; boloffnii l-iills largely $1.75 t. 5; most voal calves to packers $10.,-i.

, r. to 11; oiilsidcM payin.T upward to $14 stockers and feeders in fr.*sli roeeipl:

,„ll scarce, stronKj bulk $-'5,.'50 to 7; a fev loads m eatv fee.lers T.7 to 7.r.0.

Hnge»-Rorcipls iVI.OOO; opened aet ivo: early sales l.i to 2."e h igher; liu'h

Ilill- "'"'K*'*’' show.'.! ninnt advajiee; closv. . oxtromelv sh>v,-: Mi; j.ackers biddiii;

stea .ly with Satnr.lav; n.'.OdO unsold n•ars•nia nverai;intr l-'O ponndH nm, 1 mon. $7.10 tn 7.:i(l; to-) $7.30; bulk pack-lies ‘"K '••'■'"'f

w.‘iRhi kiliii.j: pius I., rt.,-0; o»ti m,-i»od J»,Jdovcr -jr,.!)!)!).

8ho<'p— Rwoipts^l.S.OOn; f a t lam b* '.'i to 35c biRber; hpols more; elosod t'b.

, \ h igh tim e of (he day; sheep Htfnnir feodiiiK lam bs 2.'. t.. 4(ir h ic lie r; bnll

..,0 . f a t wooled lanib« M3.7.-5 to 10; to| ’ $1(5.2.'.; KOod voarlinR w ethers $13,.'50

Nnvajos $iri;’ lop nged w ethers $11 ,i, ; bost fa t ewes $10; fe.-rling lam bs large , T ly $13.73 to 14.25; cboico ahoarini i-ers

T OIL., PROBE HITS STOCK!for- Total sto rk siil.Mi 712,300 Hhares. ar-. T>vciitv induRlrialH nvernge«l 97.fi9 .12- ne t loss, .77. High, J0.24,'101.24; low

la r- iM.HH.ali>> Tw enty railroads avernge<l 83.7-1 ally not losa, .3.'5. High, 1924, 85.90; low


NBW YORK, Feb. 2-T (/P)— Resiimj tion nf fhe WnKhinRfon oil inveatigi

, (50 linn pr.vido.l i.rofessional b ea r tni.l ,Vi,. ers w ith nnothor excin.* fo r nn h ttac

(„, on to .Iny’s sto.-k m arket, o pera to rs o noUi ’""jr " ''I '’ showing li t t le diapOBitio iver extend their rotumitmenfK, nppnroal

ly tlirough fear o f fu r th e r 'u n fav o rab l (P,,., disclnsnreB n t fhe oil inquiry. Sale , ,0 wero ai:ain relatively (.tiinll. mils H eavy selling of Ihe copper share

in fu rther reflection nf tho passing o tho Calum et iftid Hecln d iv idend wn

, o.T ono o f tho d ay ’s features. Anncond was th ^ principal ta rg e t o f Bcllin;

I to I’r<‘*snro. due fo Ihe fea r in some qiiniter« tb n t Vbt> regttbvr diviilend, to b noted on tomorrow, waa in danger. Th sfock-elosod two point-s lower n t 37 1-

. . n fle r selling slighlh- below th a t figur / Y ; whilo ne t leases o f n po in t o r so wer• recorded by Ut^h, Cnlumct and A ri«II »a. St. .loscph Li-;ul and O r ro d

Pasco., KxU-iisive sliort sc 'Iing took pluco I

fho oil shares, bu l w ith fho exccptio o f Houston, which closed 2 .T-8 lowt

\ a t 71, most o f thc* nctivo lasuee mnd go<.<l recovery from fhcir low pric.i which rangwl o i ic lo two pointa belo' H ntnnlny’a final figures.

Call monoy opened n t 4 po r cen t bi: nd>-anccd to 4 1-2 in tho Into nfto noon, closing n t th n t .figure. Tho tim money and com m ffcba papor rat< woro nnchnngcd, tho bulk o f the bun ncaa in eaeh being trnnsuctcd n t 4 3

“ '* per cent.Settlem ent of th e dock workon

L ^ ^ ^ jtx ik e -md publicAtion ' 6 f -- /a v o ra b enblo dispntchea concerning th e woj o f the reparations expcrta had u stii:

* * u la ting c ffec t on tho Europcjui f , changea. Demand aterling wna up i

.1.31 .1.4 and 1-rinel, fr«nc« to ■l.i.'! b u t rflnsidemble -p ro f it tak in g toe plnco when the high levels wero renc

' *-|j od, s te rling falling t.ack to $4.30, o one eont, nnd frnncn to 4 .3 c ' 1-2, .

“ 1 1-2 points nbovo S a tu rd a y 's fin quotation.

OOVEENMENT BONDS.Re- . NEW YORK. Feb. 2.''. ( /P ) -^ ib e r

;hcr: bonds cloaed:f0.9J 3 1.2» ......................... ....................... I 09;> 210 F irs t 4 1-ls ....................................09.1lixcd Second. .................................. tH).

Ilk.. Third 4 l-4a ..................................... lOO.oatly Fourth 4 l-4s ................................ 99.irday tr. fl. Government 4 14* ............. 100 .

I nnd 8UOAE.Iain ; NEW YORK, Fob. 25 M>)—A n i; ween proved inquiry brought nn ndvance bulk 1.8o in tho local raw jiugar m ark o t 1

othor d ay nnd apot pricoa nro now qnoted aton- $7.41 d u ty .pald . Solea Included 82,0 tboiit bags o f P orto Bieoa und 00,000 bags siiors Cubns fo r F o b p u ry and M arch sh $2.35 rnunt to local an iro u tp o rt rofincra. 9.50; Raw sugar fu tures dcclinod 1 to :0.10: ])ointa early under acntterod llqu ldati ckors an d Cubns selling lit consequcnco odori tbo moro favorablo Inbor conditic

la Cuba. The deeUna a ttm e to d eons f a t erablo covering and renew ed outsi


\am \iONE CENT PER WCAdvertisements under this hea so far devised of bringing the n.


FOR RENT—F u rn ish e d 'ro o m s, 2.’5;i Third avenne no rtb . Phone 204.L'

FUR.SISHKD UUUM, adjnininK Imtli. Furnace hoat. Closfl in. Phoae 47;iJ.

i::.l F IFTH avotiue oasf. three room = furnished a |n .rtm ent, Phoae :i.'57.1.‘bs ItOOM l'\JU RK.V'I’—Furrii>li.-.l. cl..so ..•.I, in. DoHirablo pa rt o f lown. Call HH). cr.i — T u n iiih e d modern

room w ilh home privileges. Phone 1S17W. ' • .

TOR R EN T—3 -ro ^ i“ funtiahed apart He- ment. Reasonable. Bungalow. Apply ,h.- F ifth s tree t an.l Second ave.' cast.

rod FOE P^NTr— o T iin m n iH irB p

" 'f o r ' RKNT— Fmir-r.iom modern bun- (*!ilnw w ith acreaR.-. Phone 71)0.1.

.od FOR R EN T—M 1SO EU A N EO U 8.

‘~lU)A'ifD ami ....... 'lof!'Third nnrI'h't’lKMie 1.-.24.______________


„ 1„ " "w A N T E l)^ P o ta to e s .V a rlo ts Russets L , and Riirala. .1. B. W hite, a t Perrine

hotel.WANTKD— For esiim ates oa cement

, , « i.rk of aav kind call K. II.dmoK.Phono 703.■

r ' ■ WA.VTI-^D-Tn ren i orV..|,oom mn-t. ‘" t .-rn bouHC. well located. .T. K. Whiti:,'

Llll Main east._______________________

"I'* for tlieir feed, .\dd rcsa A. B., caio News.~HliLIX>—D on’t forget th a t Diia is

"ti- stil) alive a t 305 South Shnshnne." u'A.S''i’KI>—To borrow $2000 firm

r ' innrttface on -ta acres. P»ione 503. i - , W ANTICD-Livo poultry oi nil kinOr

'ur: Public M .arket. piiono 1573." 'k WANTKI) TO RKNT—15 ..r 20 •op fipres. Cash or crop rent. Ad.lres^.'50; Diinc^in M u..... Boa: 4(!H, T«vin Falls,11: Idaho.■g<‘- ’---------------------------- - “ing I>OBT________________

*’ l/)R T — Hetween Uagennan au.l Twin F alls, a l.lack lea ther haiidbng,

K S eonlaiuiiiK keys and pajK-rs. Rewant (’all a t News office.

RKWARD—LOST — Botwccn Roger- C,o; aoa nml Twin Falls, 84 4 1-2 tiro and

rim. F inder will g e t reward a t pbono 020W.

. LOST—S terlin g silver flexible Urnee- „ ■ let, set with rhincstoneH. Ix-avu ut

News. Reward.LOST—Between .leromo nn.l K ^

brown nllign to r purse containing past "’1>- matron pin. Masonic purac, bill book K'l- with bills. H. D. Read, 340 Thir.l av.'- ^t.l- nue nortb. Reward, ack - • •

01. r o E SAUS—F E u r r s . v e o e t a e l b *

F()R SALE— E ar corn. • Public Mai •l,!e lilL__________ :________________________Jes -iXJR SA LE— W hite or yellow cor.

PubUc M arket. Phonn 1573.__________I ’O R SALB— .Vettc<l~Ooiii sued Jiolii-

toea, M ontann slock. F . A. Holmgren, ® :i miles east, b a lf mile north o f foun-

adJing ' M lB O B L ia ifE O U k .

" s i l i E ' f iiA K TN ^Criio M ATERN ITY N U ltS lN O . 7 y e a rs ’ 1.0 experieniic. M rs. E. J . Smizer. Phone

540R4.W E B U Y and BcirTnytM ng. Caah o-

commission. Idaho • Auction Ce ,,, Phone 310.

■ ItOCK ClUiBiv g ^ iv e fa n d annj. 142 , Fourth avenuo w est. Phone 2(38W.

. M ark lo’s blacksm ith ghop.E. D. KElLaXKJG. ngent fo r L atim er's

, Dry A racnato o f Load fo r 'sp m y mnter- ial. Call Phono fl.'JOR. P. O. Box 7.--.4.

POULTRY llO U S fc i^ O n n bo kej^ clcnn, oJurleaii, freo fr.-m germs nnd Hee w ith r r .» tt 'a P o u ltry D iainfectant. Your

b u t hena will do b e tte r . Wo guarantee it, to r- D lSTIU U U TO lty — t^ulckly dovolo-) ime own independent nuslneea handling \tv5 Scotm inta Y east C andy , now Ford au. iiifli. tomobilo free ; czcluaivo te rrito ry . Scot .■{.4 m ints Compnny, 00 Scotm lnta Building

CHty, N. J . “ a O M r W R I T E I t i i^ \ \ 'c will compoa(

ibl.) “ eatchy ptclody fo r your song j«jcm . . Big money can bo m ade from royaltiei

paid by piano p layer roll and rccorc m anufacturers. Your song may bo tbi

ex- next b ig b it. Send your song poeu ) to todny. W ondyrtono Miislo Co., 027 N ■iryp, Frcm nnt Ave.. B altim ore, Md.________


" " r a n SAI-E OR T R A D B -F o r .m/il . or ncrengc on Twin F a lls trac t, 130 acre Inal south M issouri land , woven wire fonce<l

crom- fenced, tw o aeta buildinga, 9 neres in cu ltiva tion . Fam ily orchard bnlnncu in p as tu re and fino tim ber good w oll; p len ty o f sp ring w ater; a:

• Ideal d a iry farm .- C. E . H artley , Flloi ^ Idaho, :r . 1. •19.9 - _ j . i r - T ^ ------

bu>*iug and -pricOn la te r rallied, closin 10. two poin ts n e t low er to four point )9.1] h ^ h o r. Mar«b-S.<>6, M ay 0.57, Ju l )0.0 5.70, Septom bcr 5.50.

Eem nnd fo r roflne<l su g ar showod n im provem ent, b u f pricos wcro finnc

im- nnd unchanged to 15 poin ts higher. Th e of Hat fo r f ino g ran u la ted now range t to* from *8.90 to 9.15.d a t - ----------iOOO W OOL P E IO E S r iE M .:b o f BOSTON, Feb . 25 </P)—F air amour Bhif. o f business Is being trnnsucto.l on locr

wool m arket. Prices «\uiot, firm, in n to :< lin(« o f dom estic wool, bo tli fleeco an ition te rrito ry . Bales oro rmaR. Somo ii 0 o f qulrles b y m nnufacttirers fo r good wo< tiona but buyers n ro v e ry paution# iu coi ndd - tructing fo r la rg e r quan tities thnn fc tside ncccasity fo r imxnodinto need.


ED ADVERTIyORD PER INSERTIONlead are always alive and active, i need of advertisers to the attenti

ru K 8AU&—uiB C B m iK B O u a2.'5;i FOR SALl->-('iaer, 3 g a H o n s 'l ^ .

Publie M arket.^ HAY FOIt sT i7l'> -( ro/.ier T r:insfer

c«wp;iuy. I 'lw w M i.FOR SALl->-See.l l.arlev-, H a lf mil''

__ south o f Shosli.me ►.licet l)rid^;e. D.

FUf{ S A L K -S tovo leuntli wood. <ip- one •’‘’I’' ’*'’- Fiiqaire I’ulHic Mar-

—i "Fr>u"bXLl:^.N^-w Hteci anvils I'll 'V centa per pound. Mnho .lu n k House. I''.'’ phono <140.= FO R SALl->—Almo^> now l.uby l.ugny

mill jnm p.T. 8I3' M i'i" “venuo weat.Phono 31>4W. ._____________________

un- FOR SALl-i— (Ireal N orth rrn be:ii.^ th r .‘Mho.| beforo the rnin. U M . Boehm,

— 243 Seventh avenue aorlli.FO R SAL1'>-.'5110 l.iiahcla MariiiiiB

seeil w heat Imported from Montan;i. .lohn LinfijiK . Rogeraon, Idnho.

---- FOR tSA L l'W Ireat N ortbern seen.boiins. Recleancd. Novcr been wel. Oc. H. L. Stewnrt. 711 Sccotid avenuo

lets «-»"t. eity.____________________ ••ino FO R SALh;—Sinks, lavato ry anvila.

a rgo size tarpa, rubber belting. Phone 0-»0. Idaho Junk lloimc, buck of Idnho

,0K. D opartm ent Store. _________W E HAVK an especially fino stock

Trn o f f ru i t nnd shnde trees, shrubs, roaes. ill.; v ines und perennial plnnU th ia spriiii’.

nil grown hero, nnd frcMi frnm the— ground fo r your planting. P rieea ar'!

rig h t, too. Cntnlogue freo. K im berly N urseries, Klmborly. Idaho.

- - W ANT to henr from ow ner buyin,; fnrm for sale; g ive pnrllculnra an.i

— low est price. John J . Black, C!iij)pen-i. F alls, W'isconsin.

iXJR SALK—10-20 'I’llun tra c to r lu 'O'- good condition, choap; part term s to__ r ig h t p a r ty ; Ford cnr acceptcd aa part

20 o f cash paym ent. Enquire 12.'.0 Sixth res« avenuo cast.

W ANTED—Stock to pnatiiro fu r mun- mor. Good mountain p astu re , nil

— fenced.’ F o r Infonnntion w rite o r cull Jo b n \V. DeGrau, Wendell, Idabo , P. 0 . Box ao.

;"rd r o a SALE—rOULTS^g.— ‘" 'f o iT s A L B ^ . A . C^ W hito L^ghoTn 8®*;- chickona. C. R. H averland, e aa t ol

rock enialier._____________________ ____' i \ ) R SALE—LnrRC bron-^o turkeys,___ toma nnd hena. W. A. McDonald

Phone 507J5.' •* 1X)H BALE—Thoroughbred B uff Orp.,__ ing ton eggs and se ttin g liens. Phoni

515J3. E. E. Cnibtree.^ R ) R S A L E -B ln ck M inorca eggs fo]

hn tching, *4 a hundred; 7Gc so tting 'jM ra . O. D. Ball, Hai;sen.

==-1 K JR SA L I'> -l’tiro bred Rhode Jalaii'l r-B, Red cgga for se tting ; o rd e r early^ Phonn H.'50R. P. O. Box 754.________■lai- .MAM.MOTll Hronxo T urkey toms

largo bonud, well marked, $10. Egg! ^7“ In seaaon. Mra. C lifford Dennoy, Phont

■ 2J21, Filer.J i;;: FO R SALE—Thnruugiihred Jtourl.ori .p., Rcd tu rkey toms; regiatere.l Durhnni

hull calves. -12 to Iri montliH old. C. ]»etcrson. Rock Crcok. Iilnlio._________

Q U EEN Incubators and B rooders, —- also all Poultry Supplies


jlc,. Phono 474four

W ’ WANTED.' n.}* Ordora for day old eh lcks; six-

w eeks’ old pullota, b a tch ing cgga. Wo havo the A ncrcd s tra in of Leg- j,orna, w ith records o f 250 to 2U4

------ cgga i>er yonr; also Thompson s tra inUinglct Barred Plymouth B ocks of

gcnv '>00-cgg records.' E arly h a tched pul- J ties lota fo r w in ter eggs. We nro book- cord [„jj orders now for March- ond April ' th e deliveries.>oeio LEO H O R N B -81* w eek s ' old pul- 7 >«• lets, 40c cach. B aby chicks, “ dny____ o ld ” 20c each. H atching eggs, $‘i------ fo r 15 eggs. Barred Rocks n t the

SJimo prices. A liberal d iaeoun t on large ordors. Wo require n dopoalt o f 25 per cen t to book y our order

^ , AddrcaaD. A. W RIGUT,

7 Box 381 Phone 031JI b e r ----------------------------------------------------------[,’llor. ' T , =

FOB EAXB—rU&BlTUSB= "~FO'r pA LE—Majei.tlc range,Dsint tic a lly new. Very cheap. .Coll. 1270. o in tj I-'. . .1. =Ju lv FOB BALE—AUTOUOBZL^. ^ F O B S A I ^ D o d g V r o a d ^ t i r h T f ln

~ clnss condition. Cheap. A. M. W ike I ' . " f07 M nin. Buhl. M iiler’a grurago.

■ J \ ) R aAJ..E>—1 ton ford tro c k I‘"ROS A 1 tDudJtitfir. Pneumatic tire s . Er

p ire Auto Shop, 138 Third avenuo sout STORAGE, #4.00 per m onth. I c

* overhnuling nnd repairing, F o rds no lount nil makes o f 'c a rs . Seven y o n n a t t l local autom obile work. ' Contrai G arage. 31

In nil W est Shoshono itroe t. Phone 018W.3 and0 in- M O im r TO 10A3I

0 1 .2 ’ pE H CENT monoy fo r f* r loans. Caa ge t yon tho monoy in ti

I* ' 0 ' days £ro;a dato of application. C. . Bobinson. ^



ve, and constitu te the b e s t m eans ention of residen ts of S ou th Idahok H Z liP WANTED

75e. W A N T K D ^G U f‘for general hounc. work. J.'52 SevenUi av.'iiae oast. Phono

STTr ___________________________ r -WANTED— Meu or women to

_ _ ordcra for gonniiui gnarantood hosiery iniH fo r men, wometi ,and ch ildron; olimin-

i ‘- atoa darning. S :ilary $7.' a week fidl tim e; *1.S0 an hour spare tlmo. Coltons,

„ii. heathers, silks. . In te rn a tio n a l bturk- dar- i»g Mills, N o rr ii^ w n . Pii.________

^ a iT U A T iO N b WAJfTED.use. ■^vT n 'TED— I'louseivork." " n r ’£ T ^ w

o f News.igKJ- WORK l-Klt DAY. Phone DSUU'. Fore- a'Mt. noons._________ WORK WANTED Ijy Jxporiencod:ii.-«, fnrmer, marrloii, hnvo fam ily,. N ear ?hm, school or on wngon route, .lacob'

Tt»Mnp*on,-R. Ij Twin Fnlls.■)iiiH WORK W ANTKD l.v experienced an:i. mnn, mnrriod, have fn iaily . N ear

achool or on wagon rout.-. Jaco ^IIJTn Thompson, R. 2, Cily._________________

< u b lu v a a - r u o ik ^

r w i L L 'B U r l - o u r f a r c i t t l o . ^ 0 . T. ^ i B r o w n . Kimberly.lonc-l i m SALl'>—Hrood sows and pigs. .Inho . J-hoae ■'il.'5.13. E . E. Crabtree.___________ I l’'t)H SiU,/!';— Young corn fed liogn bylock th e slice or Avholo hog. P u b lie ’Mnrket.

I “ f o u HALt:—Chenj., A iredale aad '“ " ’• bird dog pups, m other purebred Gor-

don setter. Box 7, '.are Nowa., ' i i I “ f o r h a l e — A few reg is te red Guero-

^ !se y cowaj holfers and hoifer calves u t ' _,— rcnsonnblo prices. Leslie O. P erry ,

Wondell, Idaho.i FOR SALb^—2 tonnis mules, weight l l ’OO fo I. OO. 5 nnd « yeurs old;, . T •

___ brood sows, thoroughbrcos, somo w ituf pign, Bomc to farrow ^oon; I ’i rcgla*‘ ‘0 tored gilts, wclRht 100-125. M cM nster

Tanrh. near Holliator. H ines Pros.I t'UU bAl iB— E8TA7BI H t o R SALE—30 n'crcH^iJi bean rdls^

«!! tr ic t. Priced r ich t. )l., cnro News.I ' FOR SALE OK T R A D E -F o u r room

’ • modem houBC, oxcep* bnth, two loU.I^ lco *1.'550. C ar and cash fo r equity.

= W. H. Gheen. Phono 1284W.r u u EBM l—xA B M b

TOR REN T--80 "acre's?~H. C? Gcttert^ 114 Main north . Phono 223.

------ I " f ^ R RENT— Good north aide land(ev't, to south sido bean and beot fa rm er. Dr, naid. DwiRht. •

r i^ A R M >X>11'ItKNT—100 acros I milo Orp south of l ia iu ltu n : bee t, po ta to an d ‘'on'-- bean land. Phono n f te r 8 p . in., Chas.

_ |W . Barlow, Hn7.ollon, Idaho.acrea 1 milo out,

ling nbout 4 acros s traw berries, fam ily or*' chard, rasi.berrlca, g rapes nnd other

ilari'l Bmall fruits, 4 room bouao and other arly. small outbuildings, .i'liono 203.11.____! FAM FOR R E N T —100 acres knownoms, os Runner ranch, 1 1-2 m llos w est of I2gg> Rock Creek; no im provem ents. Casli hone ren t dcaired. S tnuart H . T aylor.

' lA N l) TOK U B N l— i'lio JJouril of rbon ConimiH.Hionera o f Tw.'n t 'a l ls H ighw ay hnm D istrict, will rocelvo bids ou S aturday ,

C. Mareh Jst, n t 2:30 jj. m., fo r a caah ren ta l o f approxim ately 10 1-2 acros of lund belonging to tl-e d ia tric t nod a p n rt o f tho q uarry a itc in Section 22,10. 17. F:tuart H . T aylor, Soeretqry.


BEAD L. HODOIK—Booms 12 and 18 F irat N ational B ank B ldg. Phone &

J . U. W IO :, lA V 7 «r. O ffices, Rooms I fl and 7 ovor T w in FaU s B ank h

^ j T rust Co., T w in F alls, Idaho.,o ro rS A l5 r 'o v c r 'C iM ''B o o k ''^ < to r« r“

. j d b N W /G B A H A M -L aw y erT B H E k *I T rust B uilding. Phone 935-B.ABHEE B. WTLSON— Law yer.H O l ^ 0. M ILLS—Over C ity

------- SWEELEY ft SW SBIiEY -< A t to r n m------ at-law. P rac tice in n il courts. T w la ’

Falls, Idaho..“I*- ■ P H T O O M M a

______________________J . E. LANOENWALTEE, Phyald in—

, Office ovor Goldon Bulo Sloro. Be«> idoneo 238 E ig h th avonuo north.

" Reaidenco phono 892J. O ffice phone

S .

BUSINESS DIRECTORYS°y B i A o g a m T H ____________

' , J ; B La S bM IT H — MAOHDTB 8 H 0 P — on Blaeksmitha, welders, boUer makers,

ioalt machinists, m anufac tu rers supplies dor of all k inds; agenU Altm an-Taylor

Machinory Co. Krengol M achine Oo. Phono 1202. 210-220 Second ave. 8.


___WINDOW' OI*ABS—W ind shields, e»bl*------- net work. M oon’s Shop. Phono 8.____ TKANSFEE

J i ’' ' ’' McNlOHOLS TEA N ST B E * STOEAQB —Oarbago haaled daily . Phone 200.

OEOZIEE TBA N SPB B 0 0 . Phoae M8.» Crating, Storage and Liberty eoAL '

mTEEXmBAN MOTOB TB U O K O dlt r.v,," • PANT — Ned B. MeCraekoa, M « . viKcr’ gg, ^ M8BIL

P Nothing too big, oot&ing too smalL p .,f Give us g coll. . —

jout"h. BHOB E B PA IE IN O ^^^ ’ ”

TWPT FALLS BHOB E B P A I C T ^/ . v , la s W est Sboshoa« BL Pboa« U S .

J 3W Mail o r ^ postpold^M O

, Meyors, Prop.’ 180 B w o ad 8W 8.^ -------- Twin Palls, W o aIm «ur»y o « r il ie M------

fans , r— — ----------..in te t aEH STATB TULOlMXZOm , . C. A IM 'Second ATO. w ciV QoodjM T. a M .

U iU e r tb e c 7 t f e « s l ^ K ,

1924. . .Pa^.Soy^-


______ ■ l>"

■Mass M eeting fo r Explanation of D istric t’s Financial R e- " quirem ents E n l i v e n e d by Grilling of Opponent

Twin r a i l* Indnpandont Bohool ^ d is tric t t r t l l n o t oxreed lt« author- Ijsod roTcau® fo r mftlnteniinco w id aopport o f Twlo r« ll5 schools ao x t p year; and I f tho iU ttr ic t 's T oton

- doclino to approTff tho school ta x lovy doomed necw sary b y th e board o f odncaUoa, tho1>oard w ill accepttho roenlt u o '^m aadate for cur- . ttO lnuait o f aducallonoJ sorvlcea . and WlU m ake such curtaUm onts an m ay be reQOlrod, .WUh th is BtftUiiiiCHt, expri’SflCfl .

tbroiiRli its prw ldont, C. K. McClain, tlu ‘ hdiinl o f education, iit a mnss moot- Idb in tho liiRk Bchool (indUorium Mon-

• d ay ovoninp, subm ltlcd tlio quuHtion ' to bo determ ined l>y tlio diB tricl'n vot- orn n t lui oloction today nn to wlu'tlicr tho board d lin ll'bc uutliorir.fld lo lovyn Hcliool tux o f 6 3-4 niilU in nddition to llio 8 milln uu thorirw l by law for njuiiitonunco and mipimrt o f tho iwlioolr, “ o r wlictlicr, in doftiui*. o f nuthorizution “

‘ fo r tho fi :5-+ milla lo%’y, rovouuon for opcm tiou o f tlio ncliool nex t yonr hIiuII bo roduccd npproxim ately SSJi.OOO uii- dor tlio rovonufs provirlod fo r th a t pur- pone tills ycftr; _.......... Calla fo r Explanation.

Oppoaitiou to tho 0 3-4 mlll« lovy '■ wan expruBsed lit Uio mooting M onday ovcnlnjf only by C. K Bisbco, who wna ^ rovcniod om th e au thor o f a n adrortlae- m t'n t publlsbcd Mondny cvoning ndvis- inff votem ,to votongninict tho lovy, nnd asHCrtloi; th a t “ If you voto dowu th is levy, independent 'scliool d is tr ic t No* 1 w ill s till hnvo odoukIi monoy to run nil school* offlp ion tly .” '

Uiaboo’s connection w ith th is pub- s liciition wan mailo known to tho moot Injf by E. J . FlaoU. llo cnilcd upon tho au thor to explain- tbo quotod s ta te ' jp m ont. Thoro wnn no rcsponso and then , P inch said th a t ho nnJoratood Biibcc w aa respouslblo for tho publication.

“ I d id n o t camo h^ro to tnlk, b u t to l i s te n ," Biabco said, w hen, his nnmo w as moiitlonod. “ I shall do m y ta lk- ^ log w ith m y ba llo t n l tho schc^ol house )„ tomorrow. ” • c<

B randed Oow>irdly Act. T hereafter, Bbtboo wns invited re­

pea ted ly b y 'F in c h and by Jam es 8cil- ]y to explain his tlicary o f how tho y •chools could ho m aintained on tha n p resen t basis .without tlie levy fo r which tl tho v o te rs’ autiu>rlr-n*ion Is oKkod. Bis- tl 1)00 ndvnuced no exiilanation, but souRht only to defend figures (luotcd u in tlio publication, which, ho said, bad »

'b e e n ohtiilnotl from ‘ th e court house, d H U . fniluro to explain U»o atatem ent a f te r causing i t to bo published wni li brnnOnd by JHnch and Scilly as a cow- T

• o rd ly uct. IA b ig b lnckboard was brought into t

p iny by Suiw rlntondent M. C. M iteholl li lo r nn analysis o f tlio d is tr ic t’s flnan- o cliil requirem ents and Bisbeo waa In- I v it£d to lend a hand in com pilation of u tho figures to show, i f ho could, how c echools could bo m u on the prosenl c basis for less monoy th a a tho boa|n^ - asked. I'

Tbo analysts showed th a t in addition o to tho 14 3-4 m ills sought fo r school i m aintonnnco and support, thore might bo levied a to ta l o f 7 1-4 inilU for tran iiporta tlon o f pupils, Iniorcat and bond rodom ptios. t

JThomM l>rawii Bedtictlon. .On the basis o f th is ahowing, C. D.

Thomaa, who in the early days o f Twin , F a lls was prom inently iden tified w ith . fducationnl u ffa im o f tho cbmmunlty, , in an olocjuent ploa fn r m aintonance of , schools on on e fflc lon t basis, po in ted o u t th a t tho amounc fu r which the ■ board Is ask ing thc v o te rs ’ a u th o riu - ,

. tlo n is approxiinntoly the snmo ns t h o | | (inioiint to be n tlsed for In terest and s ink ing fund an d doclarcd:

'^‘I t IB tru e th a t th e .schools , ceuld b e m ala ta ln M w lth o n t th ia , « c tr» lo ry , b u t th ere would be , no th lag l e f t fo r la te re s t and slnk> , lo g fund . I t seenu th a t Mr. Blsbee la co rrec t In h is contention to th a t ex ten t, b u t he sooiis to have for- ‘ i g o tten a b o u t p sy la c uobts. ' ' ‘Hehool tax es a rc h igher in th is dls- '

t r i t e th.in In older dt.«trlcts because w e p havo bulldcd so nuioy buildings In such fi sh o rt tim o. I can seo no argim ient ‘ ‘ a g a in s t v o ting fo r thiv levy, as i( secniM | to me th u t any {wrson who expi-cts to ' m ake h ia 'hom o horo, who has tho in te r­es ts o t tho community a t iioart and , who, is LOO per cen t Amorican cotUd *

- a o t vot,) nga inst i t . ”■ H its a t m s trac tlo n a l Service. FaUuro .of the vo ters to approve Uio |

lev y , i t w as nrguod hy M m K atherine P rovost, c ity treasu rer, would s tr ik u ' a lm ost en tire ly a t tbo funds avoilabfo . f o r .“ ia a trn c tb a a l sorvico.” or toacli-

• « ts» sa la ries and o th e r ' itom s o f oi- penao, oilcli a s upkeep o f building*, o te . The am ount a tked , sho sold, is f equlvnlont to thA aonuol salarios o f abou t SO teachers. Assum ing th a t at, i le a s t 80 ' pupils oro e t s i ^ e d to each 3 t e a s e r , fh ilo ro o f th e levy to epiry a t 1 th e . e le c tio n 'w o u ld m oan th a t 1 5 0 0 ^

' ehildren .will be doprlVod of oduca- >tional. sorrlce to. a.:^;jrreater or leia t• x tw t.. . ' t

l a onnonaeiflS the attitude of tho <. ' b((ard"with retpeet.'tft tho tax levy, 0/ liTr.'U^Olain Isdleatod th a t i f tbe lovy d^ ' W oecesaAry to b

: Vago EJght- TWII

SeesBK de T urn ing

|T o w a r d |T ^ n F allsJtidge W alters Compares Oon-

. ditions Here w ith Those of Southwest Eegions

■ ' - Territo ry undor tho Tw in F a lls ca- I nnt Hystem is on tho ovo of a n o ra of I developm ent equal to any form er per­

i l iod o f dovolopmont in i ts h istory , ac- cording to Judge E. A. W alters, wbo

I roturnod M onday w ith M rs, W alters./ nnd the ir son Edward from fo u r wooks

buHlness and vacation t r ip to Arlzon;^ nnd California.

“ I am absolutely co n fld o n t," Judgo W alters said , "U irft wl>hln th e n e x t 12 or 18 m onths thoro will bo a g re a t In­f lux of land Bookers in to tho Twin Fnlls country, nnd I fool th a t now is th e timo to make money by acqu ir­ing property horo a t presen t v a lu es .'’

W hilo nwny Judge W alters visited tho S alt lUvcr Irrigation pro joct in Arlxona nnd the Im perial ’V alley pro­je c t in California, and ho bases his conclusions w ith rospoct to tho futuro

, fo r tho Twin Falls country la rg e ly on h is obacrvntionn thore.

' Buyers are coming in to tho Salt Ilivor country, ho said, la rge ly from

I llie central states. Bhlfts o f popnla- . tlon o f th is kind, ho believes, como in ”, . wnves nnd tho tido tow ard Id ah o Is , likely to so t in in tho nea r fu tu re . n , . “ Laud horo will produce m oro and ^ g rea te r , crops and this region Is in- -

f in ite ly superior as n livestocy coun- I I t r y , ” Judge W alters said. M any o f I r th e nowcomors to tho Balt I tlv o r val-* | ] ley are Iowa and Illinois fa rm ers who . have been 'a ttra c te d thore b y reports . o f tn^d w in ter cHmato; b u t th e y , are

destlno'd to leilrn, too, th a t thoro is no th ing m ild about summer woathor

. enDditions thoro.” Judgo W alters gavo w arm p ra ise to •,

I o fflclcncy o f managoment of tho S a lt R iver project^ under adm inistra tion o f tho settlers, who, largely through

I <|evelopment o f power ia tho canal , system , have rcducod m ain tenance chnrgo to $1.25 an aoro, and b id fa ir

J in tho noxt fow .yoars to p u t tho ays-tom on a solf-supportlng basis.

'- I fisliorton Ihe length of th c school term , C

® -“ o r some other cu rta ilm en t” w ould be ' involved. ♦ r

" Superintendent M itchell ind icated , ji ® in roply to question, th a t tho bonrd hnd t

n o t discussed fonnaHy monsurcs w ith p reg a rd to oiwnitlon of schools to lie 0 tnkon in event tho levy woro denied, t

'* Among scliroolineu tlim ughout tho n tate, n ho said, sovural alternutlves hnd been u considered. n

y . Possible OurtAllment. *'l. F irs t, ho said, since the f i r s t six '0 y e a rs of school aro considered logicallyfl m oro im portant than tho la s t s ix years, h tho high school might bo closed. In I- tb a t ovent iwrsons o f high school ago j It would be ontitled undor th c law to ■1 utt<>nd o ther high sclioqls w ith a ttend -(I n u t expense assessed a g a in s t.th e lr home». d is tr ic t. Iit Sooond, ho s.nld, luHtructiounl s*«rvlco IS In tho lower grades m igh t bo curtnllcd. ] f- Toiu-honi’ salnries m ight bo reduced,

I t w as estim ated th a t tho reduction iu .0 th is lUstrict would havo to bo upprox-II inm tely 45 per cent. O r tho num ber1- o f teachers m ight bc reduced so thn t, ‘n- in th is d is tric t. I t was estim ated , tw lcc 1if us nmny pupils would have to b e assign- Iw ed to coch teacher, or “ pupils m ight (

come to school In two s h i ^ ” 1 ■It - M r. M itchell aaid tho bonrd h ad pre-

pjired Us tcn ta tlvv budget fo r m*st yearm on Uio iissumption thu t there would 101 no roduction in tho enrollm ent. 1

EoroUmeat on. Increase. <“ No o ther assumption w us ju iti-

f io d ,” he said, “ sln-.o tho , onroUinent tills ycat; is g reater tban i t w as la s t . ’*

Doclaring th a t fiunnclal records of P- tbo d is tr ic t showed th a t iu provloua

yoars when cnrollmeiit hud doclined ■■tho iMjrcontjigo o f decline in enroll- • m en t was n o t us greut as tlio percent nge of leduetiou in tho .cost o f edu-

II® cu ting such pupil,” and th a t th is jwl icy Jiad beeu pursued by tho beard

* ‘ j “ aga in st Uio tide, bccauso tho larger th e institu tion tho luwer tho cost o f o p e r a t i o n . M r . ^ litchell inv ited , ■ 'anyone who knows whero tho d is­t r i c t 's tnoney has ln‘en m isspent nnd bow a fu itb e r saving cnn bo o ffe c te d .” to polnl out whero such saving can bc niado.

Oosts Ziowv Here., .aw ii!;ny tivc figures w ere intro- , du c^ ltto s)tow th a t tlif costxf'Oi>en»llng iT w iu 'F u ils schoola on tho baais o f ’coat l>cr pupil iwr month wa* as

.1. {agulnst nu average of ^0.23 fo r Id a h o ’s schools, w ith enrollm ont o f 1!00

|v r more Inst yoar, and $0.L’3 a s agaiiuit Jg un averJRo of $10.13 tw o yoars ago.

The m eeting waa attended by ubout I SO persons. I t wus callcd to o rder by

Mr: M c a a ln Who in troduced M r. M itchell to explain proviaiona o f the now law requiring apiiroval b y thb vot- ors o f tho levy in oxccsh o f 8 m illa an<l tho d is tr ic t’s financial requirem ents

^ u s dolcnnined by Uio b^ard.

t T A L k s W s tA 'f E B g T R A D EBusinoaa iotorcets in the e a s t aro

is approhcnsivo ovor possibiUty o f n id i- , 9f ^al po litleal dovelopmonts, b u t b u y ln j li;, in wbolosalo m arkets is procoedlng this :h y o a r p re tty much tho samo a s i t did i t l a s t y e a r w ilb active domand fo r h o tte r ' )0 w ares, C. K. W right, m anager o f W . H . , a- W rig h t a n d Sons company storo here, ‘ la to ld mombors o f tho K iw anis e lub a t |

th o lr regular weekly mcoUng M onday.10 Chooper mercbandlso', M r. W righ t sold y, may be b ad fb r im mediate delivery , b u t ( y de livM ^ o f tho ,bottor ^ a d o s cannot t ‘0 h e ob ta ined short o f sovoral weeks.


Prince Sella Czar^

' I, .The black pearl nccklnco o f thc Itomai . tbo toars of doapalr—now adorns tho pel

o f the ninlU-milllonnitf U nited S ln tcs seiu ‘ to th is country b y P rince Y ousoupoff, w ' who killed th o monk R nsputln , wbo b'eld

and Cr.arina. Tho purchnso price is repoi

^NMOniUMTO i B l D i N L I i[ No Municipal Funds Available ' fo r E xtending W a te r S erv ice ,

1 M anagem ent Is Told

M anitgcniont o f tho T ir in F n lls nntft* torium will draw watervUirough a pipe line to be built a t i ts own oxponso. *

' fitatcm ent to thia c ffec t waa mado byi^ , C. X. Lnubonholm, ono of th e proprie-1 ’ ! tors, n fte r ho hnd boon advised a t a./

regular m eeting o f Tw in F a lls m unici-l- , |ial commission M onday evening th a t] ! I tho city adm in is tra tion , a lthough d ls - [ ‘ > po.ied to asfliit tho in s titu tio n to t h e ' ' : ex ten t of ax tcndlng tho aupply lino . to tho* m un icipal-boundary , fools un-I^ . able to do so th is yoar ainco a survey i X of occounta Indicates th a t thoro w ill b o '|

no margin thU y e a r botweon tho rove-1 uues and th o expendituros o f water-

works departm ent funds. Cost o f ex tending tho lino to tho

, cl,ty lim its was estim ated a t about f't.'O. Tho ' natntorlum m anagem ent

(J proviously had expressed Its readiness JJ to eontinuo tho lino from tjw c ity ,. lim its to tho pool.

' F I R E H I T S F I L E R C L O T H E R Y0 - —I. B lase la B asam ont o f B a lld ing Occu- I, pled by A. T . Oralg O olapany Dls- u covered a t M idnight b y Paasers-ByC- " ■r FILER, Feb. 25 (Spoclnl to The t, Xews)'—F lro , o r ig ina ting In th e baso- c m ent of th o building owned b y L. A I- Small and occupiod b y tho A. T. it C raig Clothing com pany, here was d is­

covered about m idnight Sunday 'b y [>- Ralp.h, Conant and H arley W illiams, | ir w ^ o -^ e re -p assin g a t th a t hour and i« turned In tho nilarm. Dam age waa

confinod m ain ly to tbb basem ent, bn t somo dam age from smoko resu lted on

J. tho firs t floor. Causo of tho bl.no wns not determ ined. Doors nnd win-

t". dows were fa ttened . Tho W ilks cleao- ing cstabliahm cat had q uarte rs :o the

jy rear of th e building. B otb building nnd clothing stock '^oro insured.

t- N E W T Y P E T I R E IS W I N N E RU- _____ i1 Balloon tires constitu te tbo biggest d forward s te p in a num ber o f y ears in -'r thc car business, according to F rank )f Magel o f Ma^el Brothers, who returned id Sunday from a tte n d in g tho au to show s- n t San Francisco.d In eonnoction w ith tho show tho ” firm of Dodgo B rothers held a four- >c dny school for m anagers salesmen

handling th e Dodge line. M r. Magol sta tes th a t tho balloon tiro w as one

Q. o f the ch ief topics, not .Only nt Ig ‘‘ s c h o '8 r '" b u t ' '^ jthero lly '‘ 'during’ *'tKei t nuto show. ___in “ Na‘fu ra lly ,” 'sn id J f t . M n g e l'y ea t^ - 'h day, “ th ere w ere m any th in g s al}Sn K> balloon t ire s wblcfa I did n o t know. I t Prom tho lite ra tu re I h ad received on

tbo subjcct beforo go ing to San Fnui- I t cisco a numbor of ob jections oecurrod ,y to me. Boc&uso of tho low j i l r pres- r . Burt)' ahd tho size o f tE o ' tiro I was le under the impression tb a t thoy would t . render steering d ifficu lt. ’ N othing ,<l could bo fa r th e r from th e t ru th . From I j the m anner of th o lr construoUoB-thoro

Is no g rea te r a rea of tho tre a d on tho gr6und th a n in the ease o f th e ordln--

£ a ry cord. B tcoring ia n o t a b i t harder. In fac t i t really seems easier.

‘‘The b ig advan tage o f courae Is in tho added comfort to pssaengors.

* There are no h a rd ru t ty lOada any moro. Sm all bnm pi o re elim inated al- together, ,otrhlle largo onos are eu t

'' down to a point whloh is lurprising .. Because o f low a ir p ressure th e bol- ' Ipon ia harder to punctnrc^ th an tbe ’ ordinary typo tiro . I t g ives whero a

J.' rig id tiro dooi n o t ”

Boo W illis T onng, gonernl agent ' t CapitsH Lltfl Ina. Co. ( fo f rea l prolee- 't Uoi^‘. , O ffico over L ognn Musio ^Coi


J Gems to Mrs. Gerry .if ■ ■ ^


b,ffiTOBiiffiP w l ;i n<

. L i>:

Elanoffs—con ta in in g 40 gems ns blnck aa nc lorson of M rs. P c to r Goclol Gerry,«>vlfo. ^ nator from R hldo Island . I t wus brought who lod tho band o f Bussinu noblemou

d such u s in is te r influence over tbo czar , lorlcd to bnvo been $400,000.

—- ■■ I Ul

! B R E V I T I E SSpends' I>ay t e O ity—Grover Rich of E

Uurlej', »pcnt M ondny In Twin F alls on a buKinom v isit.

. A rrives F rom C allfon ila—Mr. and , .M rs.'l-l 1). K ollogg retu rned Mondiiy I from n t r ip to C aliforula.

, __ ni

> Ijoayos fo t.F o x tlan d —Mrs. J i J . Pet- ^(•rnuin, who hail been v is iting rela tives hero, lo ft,M ondny ovcning for hor home in I’o ttlan d . ' ?

, irI —O a l l^ B oat b y Illness—Mrs. H. H., Shermnn w as ejjllo»l t-j Cblcngo Mondny ®' . in- responso to news o f tho serious 111- '*. Inesn o f her sister.

Loaves fo r E a s t—M rs. M ilton Dos- n se tt leuv ts Tuindiiy m oniing fo r Kcnrj-,Nobrnsku,. w here she wns ca lled 'by tho t ‘

jidw itb o f hor fa th e r. ” n, ...... ... K; i Goes to O allfom ls—-A E. S lifer le ft el ’ . tho Inst o f tho week for southom fa l-

lifiin iin fo r a tw o w«.ek#’ v is it w itb ( |h l8-tlnught'cr,-M rs. E rneat Cbmdin.

Goes to N eb rask a—Mr. nnd Mrs. M .T. Nowmnn le f t M onday fo r W ymore. ”

I N’cliraskn. M r. Nowman was form erly connoetcd- w ith th e Whlto storo. "

t , ^ II■ H ero I ’rom Pocatello—Jam es Bussell, ^ ' woll k n o n n T w in R ills bnnker, wh6 loft

hore u fow w eeks ago to mako his home .In Powitelh), is in Twin Fulls on a

' business trip .

. E e tu m F ro m Southern Onlifomla—^ M rs. O. T. I 'u lle r, accompanied by her ^ daughter. Mm. H. L. W'oodlngtoii and

eliildren, re tu rn cd M oiiday from a t r ip ^ JJ to U jilifornia. ' j

’* Home F rom A rlsonn—Judgo and M rs jr B. A. W alters and son, Edwnrd, ro- f

turnod M onday from an extended bus- g■ liii'SB t r i |» .to Arizona which was cx- "i

J I tended tb rough Now Mexico nnd souUi- E ^ le rn C aliforn ia. ^

‘ l ^ tu m s to P oca te llo -F o llo w in g th e * re turn o f D r. H arry Davis from Los J

’* Angeles, D r.-A . T. Bnidbury, who had ” taken chnrgo o f the Dnvis Optical com- '■ pany d u ring tbo abscnco of Dr. Davln 'J loft M onday evening fo r I ’ocatello. j

P B uyer E e tu m s to San Wogo—W ilu ' iam Conley, 11 rqiroHcntativo o f tho j WilllTuu S . I la rd y L 'v e s to tk Comniis- ,

1 sion com pany, ro turnod to the home j o ffice in San Diego Monday. During’ ,

it his s ta y in T w in f'nlls, Mr. Couley pur n chiined 14 carloads o f calUo' from th e J

U tah C onstruction company ranch.d -------------------------- jIV TWO roSTIO ES rO E FILBE. t

C e rtif iu ite s o f npnoinliuCnt ns jus- f ° tices o f tbo poaco io r F ile r precinct

wero Isaued M onday 'oy oWor o f tho 1 “ board o f co un ty commissionirs to B .,F .» I’hilby ;ind A r th u r . .^^ B alilton , both

o f whom su b m itted pi'HUon^* ^t:9^bW t^S^^F ik•^ . •uiTiietili’’ . • • •

ir ' ^ O K L E S S 1>BlVXlirO'‘-CaiB iOBD.ft G ottlolb M eyer, In jirobnto ciyirt.horer. Monday, p k w led not gu ilty to a chargon of d riv in g an nutomobiio while intox-I- Icated, and w as adm itted to $100 balld w hich ho h in iislicd , pending prellniin-I- 9 0 lJ> c im n g _ to d u y . '• The wm plnlnt_«ns tho_ enso"‘wus signed by C. A. Jungst,d who ca r M eyer is alleged to hi^'o dam-g ngod in u co llis io n ,sca r-th o sugar fnc-n to ry hero M onday . evening o f last0 week. ■ M oyer is accused of having0 boea In toxlcatod bn th a t occnsion.



SffEEP PELTS'• W o o l H id e a' r n r s


F U tli A t . - u d SK oiid S t. So.r t m u e u w

l i l i N y i T E i i 'T O U L l i G E SC h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e A r r a n g e s

f o r M e e t i n g t o A s s i s t i n

R e a c h i n g 'A g r e e m e n t

W ith a viow to form iilation b y the fa rm ers o f T w la Falla county o f a fa rm wngo scale fo r tho com log aeo- son, th e T w in F alls Chamber o f Com­merce, tb rough ita ag rien ltu ral d opart­m ent o f w hich W. T. Leslie is ch a ir­man, haa a rranged fo r a m eetin g to ! bo hold a t 1 o 'c lock Satusday a f to r ­noon noxt in tho Parish hall hore, ae ­cording to announcem ent mado M onday by S ecre ta ry C. F . D w lA t. Tho qham ber o f" CommorR" ia .O T g ffc tib g a froo ' em ploym ent 8 o r v i^ r 3 |t t_ th f l beno fit especially o f farm em ployers and farm laborers. '

' ' / ‘ Wo havo on flio a large nnd grow - ' ing ntmibor o f applicants bo th fo r I

, holp and - fo r em ploym ent,” M r. j D w ight s a i d , / ‘ b u t .thoro seoma to be ' no agreem ent as to tho fa rm w age ■

> scnle. Farm ora hro a t n loss to de te r- ' ’ mino w h a t ahall bo paid, a n d appU ' • can ts fo r w ork seem to bo re lu c ta n t I to se t n prico for tho ir services. I t 1

1s hoped th a t tho mooting S a tu rd ay , w ill re su lt in n more dofinito general <

understand ing in . th is reg a rd .” '

V E T E R A N S T O B E H O S T S______ 1

f E n ta r ta ln m e g t P rogram a t L eg ion ' : M eeting to B e Provided b y M em- '

' b e rs o f 8 . O. S. in W orld W ar

J V eterans who served ,du rin g tho y world w ar in tho arniy. ordnance depart-

niciit vrlll hnvp chnrgo b f tho en tc rtn ln - monl progrnni n t n m eeting th is ovcii- Ing o f Tw in Pulls post, Am ericnn Lc- '

J gion, fo w hich all form er scrvico por- soun nro in v ited . Coiitiilomtion w ill be givon n t th is m eeting to dcvolopmcutH In conijection \vith the v e te rn n s’ claim

I fo r ad justed componsatlon a t tb o hands J o f tho na tion . Tho m eeting w ill opon j. u t 8 o ’cioek ill tho E lk s’ lo d g e ,rooms. '

M ombers o f (ho leg h n n t th e ir lunch-, : oon m eeting n t thc Rogerson hoto l nt

J. noon todny will bnvo na th e ir guenf tho Rov. A. O. Pearson, who Ls expocted

Q to discuss -subjects o f In terest cspec* ' n lly to form er fig h tin g men. Tho p ro ­gram fo r tho luncheon m eeting is in ,

t ehnrge o f P. W. M cRobcrts.

'■ G IV E S M IL K T E S T R E S U L T S

J Results o f nnalysM o f sam ples of J,' m ilk subm itted during jllio monUi of ' Febriinr>' tn tho clt.v chem ist fo r test*

nro contnined in tho following repo rt mndo piiblir Mondny by Dr. W. C. Mc- Phcrsoii, c ity m ilk inspector: ,

rt . 5* w 5? wi l l ?? ” ? 9c 3 5 ; ■ S S =r » "

?r f- , ] i,

!!l T inckinck 1.03.17 3.7 12.0 120 ,00!J'‘ Shorman 1.0328 4.fi IS.fl 110,00il

n . L. Gro .... 1.032!» P.3 14.7 5,000A rring ton .... 1.02M .3.7 12.0 PO.OOO

* Jones ............ 1.0333 3.0 ’13.1 22,000O ott ......... _... 1.02DS 4.1 12.5 12,00-T

B- Scliribner .... 1.032R 5.0 14.4 5,000s- Voung .......... 1.0330 :\.n 13.1 fl.800h- Shaw ............ 1.0328 4.2 13.4 7,fl00

Johnsto .i .... 1.0323 4.1 13.3 0,200K a y le r .......... -1.0337 f5.7 l.’5.4 .'5,000F o ltr ............. 1.0340 4.6 14.2 5,00nThorp .......... 1.0335 . .0 l-i.'S SH.OOl

” P o rte rfie ld .. 1.02SH 4.3 12.5 10,000

"• pB O L A E B W AE ON W EE D S." T«vin F a lls county com m issioners

Sa tu n lay issued an order u n d e r Idaho stn^iitcb calling ui>nn landholdcra to destroy noxious weeds during th o ’pcr- iod beginning June 1. nnd e n d in g No­vem ber 30, th is ycnr, and prov id ing th a t in the fa ilu re o f tho landho lder t>»

’*5 destroy such wi‘o<ls the coun ty shall provide for destroying th e w eed s .an d assess tb e cost nn taxes ag a in s t the property . Noxious woods doslgnnted in the o rd e r a ro Canadian th lstlo , bull th istle , ^dodder, dock, wild m orning-

p. g lory or b lin d weed nnd quack grass.c t --------------------------10 TPO L A TE FO B OlA & SIFIO A TIO lf

fi; H E L p 'n E L P HCT.P

^[s p e c ia l" - — - ^ 7 5 o

CKocolate Coated ■B , Almonds= A G L C E N T S A



VARNEY” T he U ta Gaady> U a n ”

THEPOPPY"137 Shodun. K o tli"

Plum . U6> .

:NG, FEBRUARY 26, 1924

] High Temperature la FoUouied by Snoicfall

S lV ty -tw o dogrocB w as tho m axi­mum tem perature recorded n t the local w eather oba«'rvcr'a a ta tion fo r Sundny and M ondny. High • m ark fo r tftio two daya was ox-

IS ncUy 10 degrees above th a t o f r Saturday .in Minimum tem p era tu re over the

week-end showed very lUUo varl- nnco. Low m ark fo r S unday wna 2« degrees a n d 2*> degrees was minimum fo r M ondiy .

ft Snow began fa llin g shortly be- a- foro la s t m idnight b u t account a . o f tho high tem poraturo mcltod al- -t. m ost aa fa s t aa i t fell, r - — ■

“ V A N E A T O N IS S E N T E N C E D

ly B ode 0 « 8 k B anchnr F ound G nilty o f ' DrtvUig O u - m u o In to x lca tM M u jrt.

- r * T B80.66 H n o a n d Oorto

JJ L. M. V anEnton, Hoclc Crook ranclior,in d is tr ic t eourt hero Kfonday waa aon- ,

IT. tonced by .Judge W . A. Babcock to or pay $50 fino nnd $110.55 coats under . fr. judgm ent pronounced on n verd ict by BO which V unEaton was found g u ilty of JO driv ing hls cnr whllo in tox icated last ir. ChriBtmns eve on tho a ta to highw ay li. east o f Twin F alls. Judgm en t waa n t Imposed upon V nnE aton and hia I t bondsmen. V anE aton h ad appealed ly from the probato eourt ,Avhoro ho was al aontoncod to p ay $50 fine and $50

costa. ...........»V anEaton, through hia a tto rneys,

S W. P. Guthrio and E. V . Lorson, filed motion for a now tr ia l and served

JJJ notico of appeal to tho aupromo ' al- -

F ran k Borra, p r o p r i e t o r - - tho Eu­reka lodglng-hopBo, T w in Falls, who

ho wns co'nvlctod o f Illegal possoBBion of rt. in tox icating liquor, w as aontoncod to

liorvo 00 daya in ja i l and pny $250 I ,, fine. B erra wns ndm ittod to parole

on paym ent o f th e fino.jr.I.- E IV C A M P M E N T M E M B E R S T O ’

£ H O L D C E R E M O N IA L H E R Eds ■on Mombers nf tho h ig h e r branches of J*. Odd Fellowship in th is region aro ox- ,

pected to asaemSblo h e re in consldera- nt bio numbers th is evening, tho occasion

being a ecromoalal In connection w ith ed the consolidation of tho cneampmonts

o f Joromo and Eden w ith th a t o f •o- Tw in Palls. Guy Sehilllngton, Rupert, in grnnd high prieat o f th e encampment

In Idaho, is to a tte n d and conduct proceedings in connection w ith t ’>o '

• c completion of tho coiwolidatlon which '. has horotoforo beea votc'd by all throo

encampments. M em bership In tho on- " campmcnt horo will bd Increased by

tho addition o f abou t 40 members heretofore a ff ilia ted w ith tho organi- zatious a t J ^ o m e and Eden.

In connection ?riUi th o ceremonial, tho Go'den Rulo degree .of tho ordor

a w ill bo conforrcd b y members o f tho 5 R upert oncampmoat, a n d tho P n tria r-

chnl degree w ill bo conferred b y tho - f Twin F alls eneam pm cnt. i • D inner w ill bo se rved during th*

evening to t h e ' local lodgcmon and tb e ir guests. Tho coronionial w ill bo bold in (V^d Fellow s hall.

)0 i1 ■100)0n

K W A N T E D !)00 1 100 6 0 0 sets harness m ore'

i TO OILion Two vats golag. Best and only )0-> noaUfoot in coantry. ouaran.WO toed to b« aa repeeanted.

er. F red F o ssOpposite F ire SUtlon

to _____ _______



UP- —

* Injuries to his hand wer® worth $6,000 In tbe opinion of a man hurt on a roller coaster.

This Is merely one o{ endless cases^hars people demand eash for lajnrles, 'with or without Jnst causa.

Liability insnrance la essential protection to prevent stich losses.I t not only pays tbti flflma. If uny. but I t cosdncta the defense a t no expense to yon.

Ton may h ara sndden need,-for this faunranca and the servlee pro»i4od 1>7 t h . H M tlo r t A c ^ - dent -and Indenmlty Oonpany.Oet It her^ before the accident.

Twin Falls Title and Abstract Co.' ^ PHONB 168


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