^V£R CUSS KSTMt PACIFIC CITIZEN Of 61 success stories ...

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Transcript of ^V£R CUSS KSTMt PACIFIC CITIZEN Of 61 success stories ...




VOL. 61 NO. 13 FRIDAY, SEFTEMDER 24,1965

■VGELES-EarooW to. ftttd - ^iamt ED&MDC Coov«.to Phn»dell*i» over the • 0,r neekend. Hiilory Prej-

to the vmrioui JACL the JACL-UCLA Jop*-

Beseerdi Project jiao «cfoM many storie*. be jOdavit tod £*«t I.'.cci jTud retount nutnerouj _ Seoe h«ve been pub-

olher» h»ve nwenred ip *■ • - --^tion» and stlU^ in pjTSei aloax by word

»u I>r. Hideo Nogudii, the • cure to- the

--1 fcourge. yeltow fever, ■mho 7ei^ over as a candidate bt N<*«1 Prise in Tnedteine

^■-,e bis assodstes could not ciiic a non-eltiscn of the U.S.

VII Kotarb Suto of Miami „i FU.. *bo W8» recently e»-

la the dty'i Hill of Pamr cootributioat to city beauli-


C vu Dr. Jdnehi Takami- i^toverer of viiamln B- There Itsti wlv> were mamftar-

bnubeJ»e> beaded the

aoM of McGraw piAlica- «tore the war. •

Kamamolo, National JACL Prof. Chiura Obila fcU tfcrertor. who also apokt u>Kuth and advisen at chapter

Maasoka addresaed the ........................... Ocveland

ssei-Nisei success stories n Midwest-East recollected So. Calif. JACLers implement

civil rights at grass-root levelBT HAOBT HONDA ed to Indicate potsWe areas of mu- the various problems facing boB» t

Los Angeles tual eoneem communities. Advice from other 1lilfs covering Ovil The commlaaloo was also naked groups which have had Negroes


Administration’s immigrationbill by a vote of 76-18. whidi —■ -- v.,...-, .......... .............-....... .............. ................. .fnr thA flrvl Httia einro 1RM Righu are fat with news cUppiftgs. to list programs or projects now and Japaneae working logetbeffor the first Ume since 1892 releases and source available which wouU be of direct should also be aought. he added "The Japanese are an enigma tohas eliminated race as a pro- material included u the JACL civ- benefit to both groups as an aid Meanwhile. Nalioaal JACL Head- most Wegtoes." accoidlng to tbarequisite. " *■ 11 rlghu suiemeot of July a. 1#6S. to implement some of the matters quarter* was alerl«J b> Nauonal Rev. Ito .̂ .ho was »t».

»ir. 11 it, r .ui motnulgated at Omaha bv Usen diseussed at the cxploratoiy meet- President Kumeo Yoahinari that t*«ed fa Hawau as assoctau paa-fFull details of this histone Pr^jj^em K Patrli »u- tog*. "manj- of the Urgrr metropolitan tor of the HonoWu Orordi of the

action vlli follow next week.! ~ I. cities of the North.' parueularlr Crossroads. "There's no hate. Rtt. . . "...We can upon'our members. B«W Sterotyw* • those to the East and MtowesJ. t ’̂* ho love either." He att^

- W, . , . and ai other eitiiens. to activel.v Prosent at the first mecUng were win be subjected to eivfl r^ts ed thaj«„^*rity <gJbtagi Ja^-Klirhpl CliniUirl pamclpale m evetr area of re- w. A. RoWnsoo. a roaltor. of the pressure* if the intent <rf Dr. Mar- » today bceause of enrrwt CA.

Mila nUtllvl >UP|Pvll vponsible and constructive artlvilr Urban League: WilUam H. Bailey, Un Lutber King I* carried jail Un- defeuM poOey-asked by JACL for immlgralion bill

partlcipale to evetr area’erf ri- V. K RoWnsoo. a ivaltor. of the pressure* if the intent <rf Dr. I sponsible and constructive artlvilr Urban League: WilUam H. Bailey, Un Lutber King I* carried out. to lobtaic civil equaUtv. locial Ju»- director of human rclailon* with dcr these eonditiooa. JACL chap- the articulate minister also re- tlec and full e««wmic and eduea- the L A. CILv Schools: PSWDC ter* wiD be -affected. It is thero- gards the Japanese as being ntoca tkinal opporumities as a matter of chairnran Kau Arimoto. Att.v. Wil- fore Intportanl that we give our impertam^tn the UB. strategy fundamental r.ghl to aU Ameri- bar Sato, PSWDC civU right* com- chapter* specific guidelines of ho* world ,«airs than the Amarteaa

regardles* of race, etdor. mittee chiihnan; J<*m Buggs and to react if caught^ ™* »*- - ................. • - At the recent EDC-KDC JACL haTHt «

WASapiCT^ - As toe Senate *(;'sip,ce"tii'Ovif iUghU Act irgiooil director. ' taiTlm” assured aU crtiieiu equal Bobinson felt both sides ought ^tete on im^grotjoa Jcgislatioo. righu in vottaa. In access to poblie meel to eUmlnalr racial ster^ ^shm^ JAOL RepTwemaUve cducalloo. in federaUy. types eadi side as of the other.

and in eroptoj- school "dropout" was an area i mutual concern, suggested, Bai-

e re^rdec lerican Ne

to Sen. Thomas Kuchel of Callto:I places, in *assisted programs,

ought to urged to work closely cnee of toe Nisei, be added. •^ *-ito local human refatwts com- erratg divisto.

mittees Cilytirgtog "ectivr leadership and ’ for the immit^atinc billxote"

pending in that body. In that detailed, nine- nary. Hasaoka noted

Racial Teastoi gestod,̂ !- B,

:-page sthat

Still racial tensmns exist. R»ts '* have broken out la Barlero. Ptula-

■■both dejpjuB. aex-cland. Oiicago,•mm nJ ..... ._T_,

'Housing and Juvenile delinquerte/^J^; were other areas mrtiUoned. Cesn-

: parUal UirtCmii-Tiaw suit

tTiS" EKsr.!si;Chirsao. Drtrotf. Ann A:

eapniu. SI. Paul S> Luol*. C ' the Negro candid frame

[ were mward while

] concent was also s

(rifhltus of art Bl toe Univ. ol Project chairman, accepts

p.-untJtj Ito toe Ja. . .

a Berkeley- JACLer and pthe •pnneiplc and toe objective, of ,v-f7S‘L^jSicie, « ** Crendto*; ar» Inyou have si cour«««sly arUcul- Ta^;:;'Amenc.n, doing busl- »»> dUenmIaatJon. ^Uled and implemented ot-er the aess'̂ toe ^)i!to ̂An^ area In fighting dUcrirnmatkm tta Ni- *%

business. -. .. bad natneNegro ptpsmutlot gives to toe area...j«d Job dUcrimbtaUaD.

CaltlornU CountI

lUaeapcdls meeting* .in Japi-

av-WNDC Hirtory implemented ot-er the ^ess in toe sooth Lo* Angeles area_ H Ak*»-Pboto. quarter of a ec.ntury at a directly affected by the ao-

-̂----------- d^cated public servant." w.tts rwt last month. PressThe Washington JACL repsesent. ggtimates held losses up to a

MDC-EDC continue support for youth |imsj is apt lie and to be more individual- golcincmnsu.

shift for himself rather «r. ^roiuthan turn to*-ard organized assis- lance. Arimoto said.The Nisei from Ha*-aii. hoswer.:. ssss sFs™S;"“h. i:; >»,

also viewed the^Ncgro as itsklflg Integratioe more than any other . ethnic group whereas other mineg- ities bang on to tbeir cultural bed- Ugt.HartsTield also pointed to.inet-

dentt. be fqtt. eoetrlbute to a groto- tag ami-lapanese hostility among Negroes. One insUnee eonccTned

MATTUnd .CincinnsU. oiriylMd. Dayton, cim-

t. Dutrict ol Columbia tog anti-#*^rr*Sic'h ''

"After all. except for Hawaii. t, brought into feciis Uie enig- T** bo*rever. M.tional city.’ , r. Boa ' Calltonla has aU-ays had toe Urg- ttiucTd^^of NegroJapanew "«>« .ware of discriminationKMC Citizen editor LOS ANGE2.ES — National JACL 1966 est populatkin of Asian AmericalW r.i,tlooi in Los AwlesAnd •“> *‘1' boUer. according to Sato RShm««d.^c.l!r“^

VA.+ rit^ Youth Director'Alan F. Kumamoto "E.,slera chapters." according to of any Stato. .And. California, spjt atong with other NiseLcri- "ntis U pcrtiaps due to toe factr:^ Firms. Nc* Tort OV y, loj .Angeles this past the .vouth director, "arc bolding clficnlly. and, the Western Sutes. ^nted group* have been working toe Japanese are the largestt guhmgton. D C. j.bero h^ following a three-week chaiy toe.r own with only one youth group generally, have to the past been ^ 5^ WebkTtq “

■«',-:gtoa. D.C. meeting* during

of toetr vacation.tension between the two ethnic

Of the Midwol region Kumamo- ha* gone on record to recognize Dvfty relating to those of «h-«alled *”jAa, jas been bothered by tiis ) reported: their youth potential and has voted Oriental ancestry- in this land-’ or«<iicament since to many urban"A* one of toe instrumcBtai areas to support a youth program within JACL's explanatkia Jor endors- ^rcas to which Japanese' Ameri-

Cutaf the toDfbky Bdia*’ to touiate a youth program back “ - ------------— ...................................—. ..

_ v’ery friendly with Nisei elass- _____ bxnani. Paki mate* bid being itootly ignorad tolUMielphSrPorUutd. jAnW high —vi high w-KaaI

A potsIUe exdiange of coltinw* to kieal Negro and Nisei anstna-

Jetol Bnerts pert wai . <f be I

Potential groups iJACL's explanatkio ior endort-

ing this legislahon was «^al^ cam Ih-e. there ere aUo Negroes.

At ihi second explorawry meet-ig Augli II (the night toe Watt* —- -m—~.~.r -' ZLi

begin I hosted by toe County nAi.au.A. Frank Chuman ‘for- Be BWtuzeo.

business- „„ cbakn^i of tlw L.A. County TMid lletitoon Hi -

the grass-roots lcv»l. BsHey pro- jj ^ Ing. PwMem* of mutoal cposed that Negro and Nisei w-rth ^ hosted by to *----------common Interests meet. sui± at Cbnunisdon. Frank Chur

L w th.. lAn to 195ir toe Mdwest silif re.lect* now forming in Seabrook, N;'.J. and on toe gre^ that thU WH “fl- ^'«m*e'areas!'Ja'panese are'weL » fact-find^ com^ Or^Rc^f Nb^srt^ Atonhi stopovers Jbr toe JACL tmeresL Ust ycar-s Phlladclftoia. in addition to the al- mlly and completely abolishes ra- ._u .u;. tee toebld be organized to explore ---------------------------- »-«i, .k, Rav Seps. 15 turned out to be a ■»!.

facu about the Issei ‘(Knei east of the Mississippi.

Chietfo area wbere many ol ^ :cii)aied evacuees bad onn- and waled b>s po«- been

law" ■ Croe**e*5a CesqaamieaUea ADMIFAVMMK MI4 Mluu. .ierVude to Southera California. After briefly tracing toe biitoiy ibe So, Calif. JACL regional of.

__ littrr KUmarooio U scheduled to travel of racism to United SUtes irami- u,i, p,,t sutnmer has been STATt WPl. FOREIGNh«. Hwvvcr. following toe J«r-. rgaln to Northerii,CaUte*l*-West- gratloo law. the Icttn- si«nlL« closely *xirktog with toe Los An- EDC-MDC cofiv-eBboo Ust Labor vsa Nevada distri^& early No- documentary- evidencetof the effect »]«( County Commission on Hu-

spin: \#bber with s Journey to the In- oo Japanese and/Ctien ̂Immigra- mu Belation* to simpn^

big boost toithe youto delegates iagton. D C."^icuee butdue to soio'e unfortunate sltur • ’ After a one-month ofU^teading

tional dlKic

,Era’ll,Kitwsukee to ask for Bi beer are fighting

lUsbed U

driie arc far exceeding -ex- ictmouataln an This enthusiastic Icpad- month.

........................... ‘ In Deceaber

SERVKE EXAMMATIONS* WASHINGTON — Applications for c housing, business opportunl-' sent before <

National Duivention

Don that enactment at the bill will Japanese___ ____ visit wai be made result in a "flood" of Asian immi- j*vcL ^ ^

fit Stainer, to be Pacific Norto^ to inwsti- gntkNi. reviews toe outdated aHe- tv rationale here w-a* that if -f ^ ' bortxmd Adult Corps, tutorlfor JftO,’* gate possible formafBSn of a dli- gatiens used in the past to excuse respected leaders In both eommu- There are openings to a wide grams, business directory, to July of trirt ynub counefl. ___________ wnd — -------- Hi.—m. .... ------------- -------------------- -

l>r i beer t i the cityquality

Uonal Church of ChrlsUao Fellow- w.ship and Atty. Arneft L. Harts-«cV4 Jr. to expand the number of Nisei ymmunHy e ̂- pkrUciB«rt* involt-d in this sene,. *5fV

sti generally lack a positive atti­tude on tor problem of race

ibi Negro and ui’*SiTto ^paTt- ties.'. intra-j^essioDal liietlngi,toe grass-root* roenfi foreign service mdst be anil-poverty projecto.- community ,**nsvaled

Oct. II. Rep. PaUy beautifieaUoo. scftolarihip*. >’eigb- Soiuki stole wri-

[i** ^ fare ortetoL suggested tost Tf a Start were to be made to thU araa.

. _________ _ . toe Nisei must declare.their oamicrgrou? prograim. prejuiBfes. to that toe Negro com-

lunltY tndersuads ptecisdy what « iftUnn 1*. "I -euold feri un-

explaiD immigrate dlscrim- ni^^s became better acquainted.Inatkin against tbe * __ _______ _________ben summarize* toe/rciaqnt for could be mlnimizzd through or- ^ aikny other*." Ratort'thaq tolklag about ftgbl-

efforts Applicant* mu« be n and un- tag racial dtocrtmtaatitio. Chuman


JACL support../Text of the letter srfU be pob- jj,, jj-isci community in Los J

Rshed in next week’s iasue because gci„ became aware of the Neg of limited space thUwedc.-Ediwr I j,pinete race problem to ee: . ....

- — - . June when toe local Kashu Matol- 29 >ad hou ......cW reprinted a Herald4>l*patch ^ hax-e comjdeted their• Negro weekly) story beadUned ^ college. eiuse of bis ponuofiwith "Negro Ministers to antl-Ja- ^ nsust have been eitlzcns Tor FEPC. said toe JapaiA.AA.. V.llr-- t___. __________ mnr»

der 31 00 Dec. 4. toe day toe urged both group* demcostrate by ~ *,igagtag to 1examinaliofts wH! be given. Excep working wgetoer on-common prob- jj^^igue 00 race relation* wito Ibe ' ttoni are made tor toote who are lemt or prajeett. N.m enoimmitty under toe pro-ti

bacl^-s degree Harttflcld, who has studied Job .. suptol^'S. ------- .-««• diserlmtoatton in CaBtorola be-beadlmed i„ college. eiuse of hi* pontiofi as counsel to _

against toe ABC-TY "FBI Bert**- ?

wito MOIer'N Oevcland JACL sponsors ml cxcuroons tot toe Issei in-iiiy vails to the local cheese "* —--------- --- . ||» * _l ■ t

r^tbfMtk«?*ca^l^^ro BWfMA-VS HOUDAT Sasagaw* was th* life guard. HlQn COUH tCSt Ol ................. ...................................................................................... ........................... .................... .............. ..........................................I Tl^tsrold Issei ta the party .. , Jf- JACUrs wouto have gotten a a ■ a a a 1 !>•»«** Talk". ,1 je„t 714 year* diserimliiated more than tbe Ne-=a»l toe 100 steps of the Moou- •»'»”= absence irom has-beens trying Qf Am | f f AhAnlllM Substance of that story- «a* that Applicalions and further -tofor- gro 00 the basis of background,f. to to* summH. Headquancr.s for a couple ol ^ a football rlOPi H itllClIUlvU , Negro mortuary interested is m,t»n are avaiUble from toe UlenU industriousnes* and all toat-I' rtorr Af thA Jai»nAse in to Tom’.s nuicioos baekylrd. ~ ______ totting op buritirss oeros* from of Examiners. Forelgw foHow* because of the cultural her-

<*' We were looking forward to our LOS ANGELES - The Caj^ia crtoishaw Square ‘Oriental shop ^Tv-ice. Dcpsrtn^ent of Stoic, ttsge ol the Jspancst. "Tbe NiseiF»fm* uaf^ a suc^s ^ neverthrie«5 »v decided to ride to many years into Slate Sujjfeme Court set .Ort..2S ^ southwest LA.t had Walhtagton^.C. a»(» b"v not b.-nefitt«l ta proportiao

. “*e **^'^*J, take wdvantoge of our jaunt to j„ ,ot.g.ri Mcr- tor hearing orgumem* here op «25.000 to Negro mlhisters to -̂---------------------1—:----------------------------------------------------------rjz ““ EDC-MDC Convention b> com- „ved u* from aev-vii ea,c* testing the constilu. ^rfly support for tbe mortuary by

bining plea-sure and offi‘-ial bus;- figh,i„c gie holiday bomebwmd ttonahto of Prop. .14. diseredlUng the .Japanese, whod toe stlD rmatntag Ni.^ tmirUt* a lift into New York. Seven\case* ansmg m l/>« An- accused of being "white" an

^ to PhfladeJnhia. Ne»- York and ^ ^oup of JAOiCrs gathered geles.^nU Ana. Fresno. San -didn't want the Negroes around.1 of the San.»ci 1

T to college* and trade•w York and ^ jg.oup of JAOiers gathered gel c lompounded ,|,cre to bear report* from PC Fn Ana.

. Saei

$12,000 contribution to Walter Memorial

Refcmng to the recent peotorta- against the ABC-TV "FBI Sestof- ? episode. Suzuki atotod. "Wc have-r- B't stood up wito others ta aind-v Ur case*. So if* hard to ask them now- to support a» Nisei cau*e."e There was'aUo a proposal ta—

tormatioe of a human reJatioii* £ study groupemong Japaneae AiDar-e

lU merit liea InTamento have

toe DieUonatT of Occu- j^nerwity and »d TiUet. Dick Akagi, former

tegnoal director, is in funju- to ‘Wemoiioo wttb Look Mags- {,ce*. nod forMa*u Yasuda. tocal History ^ acquainted with

Washington. D.C. We i-ompounded ^ ^ear report* ................. -the sin bv Uking akmg Headquar- Editor Harry- Honda. enthu.sUstlc been cusiwi~<‘*« ter* Office Secretary Chiz, »-hirt j^tiowL Youth Director Alan Ku- mento. was undoubtedly the rcasod JACL- ,nd History Project Ad- Principal effecters in ihfx pan* »vnt out of „jfli*trator Joe Hasaokg xrtio adopted by the voter* last Novvm

to spoil US with their u,e projcrl to life. Hard ber, was to nuDifr most ler - ‘hospiulity .^rking and eoascientioos Now txw designed lifr most legisH- »w,ing variance

attack racial dls- city hall. The n ouAng. Oppoocnti ,1,0, ^<k»-erT

the fact toat interested groups banded together when a

acknowiedgi^; will pay lor one classroomthe Walter Menwial Fund. P 0 to utilize wbifcx-er lines eo»-e

is their acllon* against a cantributton gathered-through JA- Box 144, Bcthlrtiem, Pa.Mertwary lass*

Opponents of the mortuary ■

wartime oppor- Presdent Jack Oiau-a. long erimtoatlon ta houAng. . -------------------------- -------matcA famil&c names „„„ jgcLer TWn Hayadii and eootend its enartmettt eoosbtutcs favor of the mortuary and

.................................. .. —ta x-tolatJoo rinee remained quiet c '

5toi director, is srith Vqioc ol ^George Yuzawa alto transplanted racial dUerimtoaUoo in dnee

jmc ol . Vermont FTorisl ta Los An- of tbe Mth Amendment to the VS ^^Wadtington. 1 >0fkn Nstkml

members beyond tticir activi- ^.j ,̂ p,rt C.CDtrsl a* J.kCLcrs. rKsettlcmctil. took thetics a* J.kCLcrs

Wc tried to sneak aito Phillybis Vermont FTorisl ta

- - - - ■ FVrist Via . rKsettlcmctil. took the Satows to

various tinw* for a took-

Prop, U. UtlsTssu^.'in fact, stayed clear of BETHLEHEM. Pa-The *12.000 the Walter Memorial Fund. PO I gathered -through JA-

vanance from the oulset ai CL for toe Fraoeis E. Walter Me- Sen. Dan Inouye. honorary ns- RbIt Bt thm tgnraviiin &mi- tiostal eo-cbalrznan with Yaemon

................................................... .................................................... - . . Calif , wasthU past week bv it* fund director. e*peciall.v pleiKd to note that toe

tbe sub- J. Russell Raker. Jr. JACL commlttoe bto "oversub-Tbe emount wfU pay for one scribed the objective in the amount

bow be- of the clijsioom* ta Walter Hall. ^*12.000" and roogratulaled those.................................................................. diligently on the

iboul in tbe room to read: ' commtttpr.

The mortuary- issue 1

s who perUbod when the '> Wt btou-n up by Spanish convention g« under way.K» tt Cuba and triggered the already- dc-ply "OsewnCuba________

American War. - Qmsnnau ttte

hATA was Convention Chair- Fair. 1000 Oubber _Drt .-.llm, to brir,-«l«l ^

Emixrc State BuildlRg and the •Osew-;-." to George Washmgwo Bridge --------


WkzDr JACL fch asaured that Ne- 1 D Gosen* Le tributton to democracy

riMiv-Antion ’"br^^tors" Dick, still ubuildtag. hosted Coox-cnlipn ..'!™ ^^,^wa- Fuju Restaurant.



fooSS ̂ at dependence Square aa. ^ ^ tnlgnhoa to Hawaii. With the replied dtUse „r. -becau** Mike set* these up a«.st- «,^entary film they hope to « may

tnrmpiace w me a loagintfy 4i the Mar- ^ cH.ciem Washington QHiee'CoBltaued.on Page 4) ..-.--a. .1—-.1..

Kckaba Plantation '^ro of thie groundwork epadod by it* gressman Pranci* E. Walter."Hlga and cameraman siugeru recent regiona! director Isaac Ma- Raker said. ’1111* memoralYamashiro are e»n'‘ng a doeu- tsushSge. the L.A. County Comims- means much to mentarv of Okinawan immigront ston on Human Relation* was aiked rectors, faculty

.............................................—■ '— ”• •- inrestigate the the entire .student body. ___................................. buihJtog. although that .. __________________ ______

descost Negro weekly ettiieo oy aari. rai seu is ImportaBt. but as a mean- this a-eek for a short visit before pianta.Tbe bkinaw-ans recertiy cele- Alexander Incful raemortal to a statesman <N*Unuing with Ph D. stxtoie^ at ̂4n«„ter o( the Ttoyal Caa*-

Ten day* later, the Ctomrisission, and *cr\-anl t>f so many.” American Umversiiy this fan. It ^

• ‘Continued on ^g« »i ;

CANADIAN NISEI BIDS ^FOR UBOAL M.P. SEAT ^WWFIEU5. B C.—Sigh Kobaym- Shi. 9D. wfll bM for tbe liberal seat in ihe upcoming fedoal electinri* al tbe Okanagan«e«4 Stoke district.Son of an eariy Issei pkitcer

m Okantgan Center. Si^ worked ta toe frurt industry ta yrer* before becoming an defr trical eootraetor. He is presi- dnit of the tocal chamber «f entnmerec. He was also one «C_ toe organizers of the fitdt und

•• arortsr* union ta theafter its investigaL-on Raker hoped that Japanese 1

_ _ tint some "payoir’ American girl frould be 1reroid of imniliraBt was made*but sot to the tune ol toe student* at Moravian Serataqry

d by Rep Spark Ms-

riott* Motor d swimming pool ^ Toia. since wait- the-way tbeir for- «SJ»00 and that imnistt^ were in toe :Sc^n Cpel^tton sessions £g"^lee legtsiator. U a com-, SS^%erfotmed "hapai ko" asked not to make In W.

M_ ,-,rn ihSiJht about crashing the ygp recall tbe late ^ "kaehl-keo" remark* but quite posable that saoka.^■Jf8»0 to StOpOtfOr Junior JA& rptasb party on the McCarran remarking hr cuttingi. ... *»«h remarks were made. Takito ’ w. ’ ~*«lcrT~ ___ _______ of togrtterncf* with youth- ^ . -,«jd. Mike a bOI „■!----------------------------- W«i help of the County Com- stated edditlonal contribution* to teeredB—. iV coiTcspoodenl ^^**1 , Komeo „,i • certain chair *> ibjs mksioB. toe first ol a series

1 i^-time bads , To Om S*tcf*on

! the fund have been receix-cd since AII^spccertain chair proBeden In IBS misaioo. toe first ol • — «,v —- ------------ --trflire. salt lake CTTY-JSeorge KiW eijdoratory meetings between Ni- toe check iro* presmted w Mrs. *k® this'rmraej-

• - O^XA-A " ___■__1___C »•____ . u-BC IfTkAAT. n.lfX. iLtUVAll VwSAflmA CAArA^BAV XjrB4B*.ABM BbUGV- He . , jjaon on Labor pc to our making the *ooerx-iior with toe to«l taken on July 29 ot whli* time with tbe Ute Pen^vai

0:1* n.m. abosrd cials sbo..i. .. -toe hill” and Congress- ^«ue Service district i«dWem* and Issues etotfroottag gressman. at Ftiladelph.t' care*. both communitiei were*t‘*e at 10:1* p.m. ab " ^ Line* ffight n wd Day sd^we •'*** ^ '"v--. »sun- SSldcntlr in

pool. coofKlently because Si^__ 'Continued on Page 4) I griThese shall be forwarded • e toirtag this trying 1


Attach UMNm

Come join the fun at the No. Cdif.-W.Nev. DC Convention: Reno, Pit. 16. in todr fteugito ta treedom. Ma- tsunaga further stotad .that he ■ would recommend, without reeer- vatton. Kinaka ta speaking e»- . gagements to those giaqM *ho have been Ihaoririrtg en toe situ- atlCB ta SotiOMatt Asia, who* being * «0Hi ap^

«—Frliir Sets <4 1««S

®4^V\aF4G(aTlZENrcSiHiD wm.T uu«R ts« LAST wxu or ns TUB

WaAuxrton OKlc* : )«M Pest SL. S ta . i*ui fc. IT

• MfMwn Kiporv B*<n m4 vrifMM miuiw* *t►.iissr »K'a...<BM at t^CL Drm»anhl» tun u (at ■ ynrt «u»wnjSlaA U K).

Alnnatl nS *adnioniI pn x«ar. ronktn K par r*arL± Zna CU« Matter Ui Pm« Otflee. Un Axiitim. CalU.Klin A. •• — ■------I

Or. Onza Mim. OalnHARRY K HQtOM ............CMARLES KAMAYATSU . b PaeiOc C

3(ftk'3(mdoe't ^uisy the better,

cu be of aiv saiiitaiter. k«wt

BV EUPES7 H.AC«n'A ITserM and ABlrlUn Outran

Salt Lake City U We -are grateful for Iba mw*- let

Jettera that the \-arioiu chapters _______ __are good raough to *end. It a b*apiar laeMparatBaalwan of tmereil to reed JAO. ' AiMher comforung aoglr ol Aewi on the loo.l levcL The beoe- cl^gpter iatuooraUoo ii the pro­fit to ebaptera that pubtiah a oew»- t^ ̂in case of •! LiwsuiL Should letter u ao aumcroui that the Na- a ludgneai a^tnit the JACl. Tional Plaimlaf Commlukm has chapter be asseued a> a retuli cmuistenll> recummemiaB-rail the of an iofury during a chapter tuapters to publish mmw lutd of functiutf. an IncorporAled chapter an iotenal public relation raediun would he liable u°le ler the smiuim to -keep their merntxirs Infomed. Ih lu treasury.Baviog bean aasociatcd with our chapter faces the problem o

1^ Waihinglon Newtirttor by Mike MmsMhSenate Immigration Bill

WaSi^glgB ties programs, fBy .(be . time fbit N««rslettei»is teiutional troul

read, it U quite probable that the Sh

. passed Ks^verslco oi iounlgri

.".g“SKlS."«.S.’«d Southeast Asia. In the lo^ ha« Pskisian dispute, in the Ch^- sum m ih# r

-be little ap eon* under s nuih€r«-Al Urniuoon.ol the

■" •TS.sr5‘5ios«ir=ir,«iw I*... rscWional ability in U»

U from Asia aclroeea or aru:. for ikhWd

canThursday afternoon etc., there seems

pt. ISi BE 2MB the Atohtlv predatlen of theo.isifi'r—«imig>jUoo blit as immigration bill. ------------amended, was vmted off the Senate » It Is !i.‘ ,t ?Calendar and madt the pwhhg jHat for tbeTlf<W s^ IW bojlnesi * prospective Immlptes from Asia moc«s orTnt following aftemsoei. preUml- will be coBBdaaad on She same „‘**„iJS5-,'ori»

nary «n«r esplanatRy yry «rhfy basis as thoae from Europe, have ,pacitie nsra m dsn --------m«l« regardiw tala legWa- me'

M . —-a.the ^pa« UoMlay iSepl. 20) the first Arne imce the Gentlemen-s

debJte entered Its crucial stages; Agreement restricting imml^atloo yjeniereo its crucial siages; i,u-ilh a final vote eapected either in 1907. procpecuve immigrv>U ^v«-; Tuuaday or Wednesday. -»■?»» ^ w’JTSi”"

; a Usd___________ , Ui* nUB

^ as'^rospectlve immlgraau ,';5S,S,I: Ij perhaps prophetic that Sen. fron, otbw nattani of earth, with- Ai-Pa«ne Tria^

ty of Uusachiiseas ..... pu..,.:,n.n.tb». nn arenunl of sin of the tew -re n>0MS&.Edward Kennedy of M,inachuseas __ __________1* noor-managiag ibe debaw for ancestry, nattoisal origin, re- ^ „the enacoKent dl this measure. „ «am. 5‘*Si5?y^S-PSl£5«infor bis qWer brother, the late if it is enacted, it will ifaman 'PresidaBl John K^ody fiwt pro- qu, the 41.year^>kl formula "*gll_____ _ „posed to Congreas on July 23. 190 „£ the natkaal ortglhs quOia sys- e«^SS/ fro-Wh «« major Immigration reform that t^_ undar u-hleb peaetically all •"“ train adverse wai«i|^ would eliminate the natfonl orl- the wld'a Immigratkoi quotas SinST"

g Trtan .̂ TIUi Immigration Europe. wUI be wipai oO tU*Incidentally, marks the flrsl books and all prospective ISually- In^

max.-- legiilaiMB that be is mM- i„,™p,iBti from the <Bd World "^ win be on the same looting inso-

Ai..o, per^ps colneidcotally. ,j immigration __«] to wwve the troundt for n> B is the ceae cf slUa who ere

- Letters from Our Readers -cidekees arc recorded in the poliee of

_ ........ _ ___ ___________________ concenied. ^ ^as "the i^-orr ^aker. Sen. Philip While complete equality will not Lniu ̂miS? « *eS Han of Michigan wa.t pretkUng io be realiged in the near future f« ilg**.-^** ***the Senate. ' The Michigan law- the Japanese and odter .\slana. be. uwM^euMt aiM^ taker has been in the forefront cause almost a eentury of dBlber- id-aimii errwmco »n made eumaie ■ fS«u. ™n«u<Br .melnr Immi. ate disertmlnation against the Ort- y ays tlir Im-WraU.. Mati

• email oaiuiDt be ellnUnated. In a SrStSSr.with Uto birth and developmcDl ul Since incorporation Is rather In-• chapter paper. expensive and the benefiU arc

NrwMMeea Help Greatly chaptersto consider this step.

MembiTship drtvo. used to be Oupters are advised to consult bOseunpleasant at limes years agu as with an altorncr m the local >srca hMilor; liatie conscience•we had to lutea to tempiaints that since incorporatimj,Uws vary from difficuU to know »hat Mr. , pi,ce in Am.......___________ _________the chapter was not doing any state to suie. The National JACL Wtjlljce Tadilma means by ment. <)ra!t ot the bill proposed by the the principle of racism inthing. Wc realized that there was Legal Counsel. WUliam Marutani, “facts.'' <See PCSept lOi. The As for indtviduul Nisei the very Kennedy AdmlniaUaiioa, along migraiioc code.• definite need for a pubUcaUon tll2 Algon Rd.. PhUadeljdua. Pa. e»vienee of Tamoya KawaUu sod t»ct that they have been and are **il> 35 o'Jier sponsors. The obobtioa of racism, esped*______ _ ,,___^to let the membership know what 19115. should abu bv informed at his recorded acts arc facts, of ̂ eweieaew of their 'Image'' Except for poasfhly ao amende ally agaiaat the Japanese and u aiiiUraMaUenwas going on, It is my belief tuai the same Ume. course. KUtory shows that the un- njiy have coniribtrted greatly to "»«« repeaang th? numertesJ’liro- other Aslans, has been the ma>«

newsletter is uiu- of the ren- v...a u_____. toundsd acctisabons against Issei «,eir exeelleat records. nation imposed on We*t«» Hem- cangns..tonal obje.-tivi- of JACL ------------------• L,


gfrr’iWsi.'yja;..filBsT Artistic license wlthool ar- grslloB refoimi for the . ................................

nee never did have facade and It was be who intro- single statsle. the immlgratiOB bill ii—aui who *a>ai*o u* WbmAmerican eniertain- ducod this past J'-inuaiy the Senate is most Important since its rejects y^j{S£j lim

SmHIb W«k

' ^*r- . lounosp aectisauons ag*

maaer. AnieriL__ ......came Inmoslngl.v successful. Does your rbiptor n«d immcy? and radio Milch led to the Ameri- Francisco.After yt-ai; ol u»nii»vd fingers Put uo a rummage sale! Fur years can concealration cmips are facts,

from hand addressing and typtog the Japanese American groups The overwfadmlng loyaUy of the Rose Kutakf pushed us into buy-' have exhibited ito confidence in a Japanete Amencans visidly dera- log an Bddresiograph jnacbloc- rummage rale as a means of rais- unstrated In this most difficult clr- On..Not too expensive—uUs machine >ag money. One of the reasons cumrtances is also a fart. The FBI Series isli a blessing Inr a Urge member- given was that Nisn woilld not uiinosl toulignorancc by the large days. 9 p.m.,i^y5 the episode inship. buy used 'Jiings. scclion of the American public of question "is based un an actualAnother advauce was occom- So wc pul on a ruqiinugc nle the nrartlmc treaunent of Japa- ease in the FBI files in Cxllfonua

pushed when Mss Yano. chapter and you know, everyone was rigiiL n. <e Amerii'tw. this i; ol.-u a fart, and the nattonaUty of the traitorlegal adviser, took the steps to Out of about 253 salts there were Tne story as di-vflup.d m The 1ms not been changed. It is thedworporaie the organiwttoe. only «bout half a dozen Japanese Plfl" series is not just facK. but story of one individual wtw was jv>ri>aiunent.

AmiTu'on shoppers which included a dislortton of facts. this Js a toaitor fur vartout rfosoos. bat 'Z__________ _r..- ̂u.s w1»o were on toe M.-lluig when- t-hc complaiul Rto. if toe «wl beoau.se he

. .3. Whu .................................. •• ...........................aiifJ.v to .He U.S. |,..t»l 'However, or iiulx MaiLng 'till

n-peaUng the Dumerical'lim- other.ASMi................. ...................... ... .............. ................V.VV-— _________ ______ “a^un imposed on We*t«» Hem- cangrci.itonal objc.-iive ut jao. i««i- omwRBt en

sons that menibcTJuii drives be- _ '• and Nisei by the Anisricaa press CLIFFORD 1, UVEDA Isphere immigrellan by the Senate since it was organized rtilJanjUy the h»su of th» Cvmmliston'. rwA-n-Judiciaiy SutacommiUee on Immi- to 1930, far racial bias i.n fe^al "hnaority views" regSirmihg graiton. It appears at this writing Immigration and nuf.irullzetkin the valldily and 'toe need far

..— * that there arc enough votes to laws has been the sanCunn behind cationat origins quota system<The Amerlc'iB Hroadcasting assure passage of tfie Immlgratton most, if not all. of Pie hundreds the Asta-Paclflc Triaagje'.

netwwt the bM this week. ' of naitonaJ.' state, and local legal, stressing the problems ofiiiMt vwi ________ (- .-a «...............................

Because of the pn

Imperial Lansg2101 - 22m Ast. Sa EU's-m ■1 eia - rmf TdBt^

Buomoto TriTel Serb. Fra* r- Kim*. ^

■ Sl. iu ;.iita

Bulk HaUIng FrirflefeOiu' ufiinid.ai-- bviiof.'- was that. end. \ c co'Jia Hf:'

e«oaomic. and social discrlnttoa- ploymeid already existlag In tor tinn; against those of Japanese an- UnUed States, were submitted by

___ __ _____________ CBSUT. alien and citizen alike. Senators James EarOand of M--Japa- case to the FBI files In Cxiltarma ^ ^ ^ j*. ADD STABS slasippl and Johi|a fart, and the nattonaUty of toe traitor ^ ..^ According to the. Report of the Arkansas.. -w... K.. ~v ------------- - 1. 1- .V. lai^r^iilatiVB rw Jutficiary Committee, ae- North Carolina Senator Sam Er>

.-Ml uuu-MciU. tonti^overty. educa- eompanying the-immlgmlJon bin. via submitted vwwm".dislortton of facts this Js a traitor fur various reasons, bat Z---------------- ^**'**''^--------------: amended. The pnnclpal pur- explainiag the

ITfi. if toe nol beoaasc he was a Japaneiw. \ pu.e ol toe biU. as amended, is to of the LatinKawuklU story b presented as a He might have been of ........................................

SS 1 ilMlSB

usy is pre* .............1 un your purr documentary, toe studio ap- Uonalli

--------------------------------.. „ . . a-: far as parenUy feels that it lacks pal»r. stoo' « . .CJSKI privilege .An aimual fee of al.-iclmig for toe sail- Mr. Tashiiu excuses tfse picture of Americans of JapaneseS20 plus a fIS fee for an Inipiinl Just ask for while elcplianu. old changes ns artistic license. How ancestry. On to* caitrary. everymailing permit will enable a chap- clolhlng. books, curios, furallures, ubout artistic conscience? At this other Japinese in the swey is a with leaders Inter to send u la'Ji.r large cd.tion q|;^lanres. etc The stuff will lime -o! racial tenston,foi 1t« cents. This ii a suiistaalial come rulUng in! Jainjaaving over a year'.; time. ^ were best One I

Civil Rights-(Cbnttoued from Front Rage)

1 American cooniries. I the Aceeasity for misphere Itnmlgra.


----------system for the selertian of Senators Edward Kasnedylicense. How ancestry. On to* ccatrary. every mumcaUans already established immigrants to toe United Suie*. Ma-ssaduiseits. Philip HaK

*'’■■■ ’ “■ "■ ■■ ■ ■■■“' '■ t*** «>“• In addiikto to numerous technical Michigan, and Jacob Javtts ol Newg to Art Take., ^nd minor changes, toe hJ! would York submitted "sepnrtte view*"

ler b» ' ■It only to fine. upF-anding citizen—a credit munity. according 1

C int Takei. and ntinor rhai

c curios toe U.S. but throughout IJie world, to to* community. One of th* peesMtont of the Jsqtonese Ameri- makg ctoi. —_____^---• ------- - .................. a pnigram meh as under discus- character, is a doctor and onotocr can Demotratic Assoclatk* of Cail- the Irnmigratson and Nationality

e esmditton of bulk mailing Is Place an ail to the personal aiun durupU attempte-wt imprav- received the Disltoguishad Service toraia Act. as follows:that alrlcfc iiacfcagtog rules-are sn- column of yopr dailies-tu reach toe min-iuclal i<Jat.<i:i.. . Croi-. .. , Wkhto viuj Camoiu^rforced. Wc received a lv,-lure rxic u., peujilt* who seeiii t'* ——m—.i-i vr* Nsm-o-ia... m.s.,—a-., s.,- isn . viosiinar

Ring 400 sews- rummage sales. Be sun

rglng that toe Western Hemi- ■lefe liRiiutioD on immig'gttons tliminatad from tae bill.

FULLERTQNweek upon submitting ilettera to Ichiro 1 the Poll Office for shop Lficrs. The.i. ,

pained outdsolnpan. stmlLi tom toe "maUtog from under mom" -Kami's kitchen) and an- ,aounccs tha/ he has 100 1000 Qub ““ Reviewedbroehum V'Jnscrt. This left 900 YouTl raise money, clean your allghtly ligtiter in weight. TbU did nfombers closets, help the disad- oot daunt our packagers who pro- vantaged, and experience sstme to- ceeded to separate into clly. out tcresttog situations, of city, out of stole, clc. When At the lost sole, there was a the postal clerk was informed that bearded protfiel-looktog mac whe there, were JOO heavy and 900 light gave 5 cents for a Bible because *11 mixed up and bundled, be was we would not put a price on it. non unhwpy. but asked far whut toe customer3>ty dejected face at toe thought saw fit to give.

bundling .the Then there was an old lady who

Would Mr, Taahlm* go to bat -Tbe Werioun TUbaeco*Co. bat walch for a Ulevbed progiam im which informed the network that “we do Dr .v.r. .n American .*legru rapes 8 while nol desire to participate in this the pr*lem of improving race rela­

tions wHhto the Japanese ,-Amer)- I commun.ty required communi.

d>(heTokyo Tuples: by Tamotsu Muttyama

Anti-Communist League Conferencely action and supported powl.In the am of . .

P^ted out Vtot unicn Nisei make known tbel/dhiwids for immo-

s ^

Munila Uons are seriou: The lllh Asian Peoples Anti- bat the steady

Oemmujust League Conference be- nism. gan on Sept. T and days.It drew delegates from Ausira-

toe 1000 aub toforma- apeUed out that she wanted toelented and accepted tiw lot

l.a. Burma. Ceylon, China. Hong-children could see them

usly trying to com.advance uf<iim«u. -(^hen they do coeRjamln,

be too Ute. Smith wMA


Southwest dislnct counefl chair- Durtog toe eoaleranee. the man; Tosh

lasted fOT five Japaiwe sludenta also iI'Iav

KoTii Laos Libya Litarw Mi- Queslion came up unei- J'lpnnese American Oornmuitltycao. Pakista’n. ^ipplnes.J Ryu- P«tedly when an IndlMt delegate

prop.n, te b-'s-ir: b-u uw -a. i b,- tb.T cSJ!« U . b«.n , ..Xliiia praniu ■" vi.a.a . , ...-------------------------------- .- - -------- ------------------------- - T»..„ „„ _________ _ . "-“"“I -VI-*" o,marf , 1., LJi, Cm-

finances. Ob 400 mailing at 4 ceou A lUtie girl bought a beautiful language uHoeard of ty Commission on-Human RelationsI stamp. It will be $16 compared formal gown for her HaUowe'en si?: “ conference history. Oouidc of wJl attempt to implement the pro.o about to. It beau licking costume for a dollar. “%■'this outburM. the confonsce was,. poaaU discussed at toe threettamw! We could never satisfy them all. of great value. Delegates behaved ploraiory meetings. The hope that

> Tliefc were people who beared our °” ,, , - , , properly and were eothuslasUc.\NegzoJap#neie reUtieos wouldtifed JACL sales staff who pu to ^ imfartimat* part was thatjimprove by expanding toe lines of

■ ■ It was to stay open , *“" ««>« <X thU was reported to ihTeommimlcatimi at toe grats-rooUt days! Waite vernacular press. level U very real

Any cfaaple contcmjgaitog. -six days

I (Tak Kubota's "By toe Board" a few iz^trfoution will uppear on next Rummage sale - anyone? Fun!Cwek's issue.-Editor ) r.."' •“* P™'-

JA€LMajor Medical IMiii Plan

Consideation recommended by the National JACL Council


CENTRAL CALIFORNIA DISTRICT COUlipIL H» Kusiw. 27S K Abber Set fmM Pk«H ID-HJl PACIFIC SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNaL JACl itfiu. i;S Wciltr Simt Las An(Uri- ri*ai: 424-4471

Home Oilica: Denver, ColoradoPAUL CHINN, General Agent

470 S. San Wcenre BJvd.Los Angeles Pftone: 653-83B0

\ tr* Frankly Spaaking; by Carol Hategawa

Learning from the Jr. JACLers

N. Rowe of Yale wm among toe promtoenl servers ftvxn .America.Because of ih* o

upon Arlans nations, the appealsWatoinguo interests. v«u provide #>c inomea-

dull JACUra turn for msU-»ustenance. All taol. ^ “ vict Okod lung look al ecu would hgte to be determlud. <***P>*y«^ Delegates

toe VM Omg were aUcI working <

sy toe Jr. JACL. The calegmies shot projects is that inlcrt nclude: social service, civic re- activity Isn't sustained b.v tor ie .................' I or citizenship, educa- ben.thlp, cduca- Jon. and culiiirr. Tau is toe trame- voric wlttito which they would op-

bly influenced by Con

• • • American s'enUmentAt present, the J.ACL is an amor- WhDe the young peo(dc of Japan

he Juniors would operate withta tew ptojeeu which make use o( young peofUe of other Asdibe fnzmework of toe broader com- the abtoties. interest, needs and ——Dunltv. and not simply focus tocir akfils of the members, irtlvities toward, or only for. There is eertainly rsotoing wring raong. and by themselv«-.«. • with focusing al; the JACL's Allbough this prugram has yet tirgies on Its own im-mber><np's I prove iUeti workable, the frame- betterment. However, mis« JAC1-- nrk nod mode ot operation seem ers suffer few really serious

able a theory. Tae Seniors munity and personal pioblMns.do wcdl to follow their ex- a'hlle many notKlspanese hawtight

mple.tiled to the older group aUhoiigb also besefii by our help. Braadeo- gtilatioo might ts: addad. but-ll lOg our borixun can devetoii our

conceiv^ibly ctimi- under civic awareoers nf our surrixindings arto tsponxilulity. give u* a retie to play m buudkig

the Great Seoiety.One of toe expreiaed desires of

PuBrttoning withji categaries aome Junta- JACL iMdera



category would give 'form, y. aubetanse. and meaning to jwjarta. Oac* a program Is Join the 1000 Club


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By Bill HboIcow]

I From the f&lFingINm

iACURJAaDEiEDATESAnEHD^20IHAHNyAlClffi{iBHH>PAiaEYWAaoXGTQX - AW Sano. Joyce tepted tbe Junior JACLen of the

tnd*»mi SuBiW Tcpreient. Eiattera ud HMweft diftrin eooD- «1 ihc XatlotiW JACL «t the 8Kh cUi.

Aimy couple seek adoption of Osaka oiphaii,lHd Mocked^.

Aloha From Hawaii; by Ricbard GimaLiquor at Church Weddings?

•anial NntSonW Cimferoiice crr a Sepl. Jfi to U to the n

uoc'a cnual ^ Onvetitk>i> t«.. . - _ ~ ^ iten wrwt Lav _ _ . . _

u«*ac*pitW. Democracy". Fouod^ in iita-vndsan j a member of the Wa»h. chartered by ibe Congress in IM;


, tar of the CoamiuBity Church oi ji?mc was 'Tbc CSt- HONOLUI.U — .\n Army couple. Honolulu. >aid here recently Cic «lObservance -to a Set. and Mrs J^mes Sniaih a: church ohouW penwi liquor at <Lnf recepdoti -« ibc chnrO

>d Fort Shatter ftU> kne wiHi_Ui- church vedda* receptt.wit, Servmg liquor at a c.hurc.h ..He nid the move would be a ceptSon Is h>ri»l Woax mauitaliii. Army

I toiK. to a friend tor a specUl r^‘*" ““ ® »• rejoiemf. and thinks nothin* of E“"»pe. died beta

be rock stubborn about the “•

ll. TraxM ■=^WAhHISlCTOf*—Lt. Oao. Loeiaa K Trut.-otl rtJS. Armyi retirad). under whom the men of the «42nd

BXU"Army m lub and the

Cettaany UmFuju and SuaiW. of 1 ; ptoee fur dtiaens fbom who came hereand f^l,. >̂>«ee w. t*w*eu. «yiw -uw i_*ioe 2x1^ ui say us cunu n i» somaUDUK to muU Over <U XtK> pe anq, Shic^, respecuvely. repre- throiitfamit the coiudry to ma«. and ot the U5. •^rmy-»«i lafanto in »>>>«» days wtaen iegtons « sancUsary.

■■ ' — dlsftlM the rouantog and the ott- iWolfhoumti Begimeot. voitag people are Jadtfrereo: to the 'Then tif4ianrntinv l«ao4. Ameriru chlaeosWj?. "When we saw her all doUad church heeause it cmdtkwalth the with the 1

Denver, Colo.jlOUT SILK—For several years now. the Assodation ^peae Textile taipotls. Inc., of New York has had me rtiMMlUvi^^lniUinglisL ^riocUcaUylheyseadiae tidldtrt^Qesa ISAnCCltOr mMS lik producUon in Japan, about American iBborts of: Uu.i sj^aod fasluon noUta. And after scanning tb^tems NiSu tOT U&I8U6,ti*o in the wastebasket, bin alw-avs feeling sligbUY ismi^t calloudy spuming material sent along so faith: Uj. (teOIOnSlraliOIl ^ y^cL.IiBOOW able to report their efforts have not been «i- ^ ANCSXES-Japanese Ameri- Speah«,l^vaio, for I am about to use oiie of their hems. Their ^ be; flS^

eta under Trwtoott vtwa rr tosuMo (d aouf^

s?.r.xitbe relea« «ys. is that they grew up during a period CaiitoSfvfe^'^^ei^ iSfist^Xok*^ ^ »But. ^ an ^litr Une i( «as not unusual lor grade »•

p. »™. »° c.n't^Sr'uhu.n. ®'iSrtr'’S^u iL'ZS', or w-bere.we found the mulberry leaves on which «cknow!eda.n« over S2S.«»1^, but wd*had them in class and watched ib<»T eaL V**.^“*‘ *1“^ '<”• ^ Memoriii Fmdin* Uniu said beeS'shri auns, ea. »me u^*„SSr.S, u" »deir cocoons.of silken fibers. Nothing practical came «u>trihi ftojeci but U was an interesting education. 1 don’tI ever boug^ a. silkHOlhe face of life ______ _

1 Icaised enough to write about tbeeb a' good ■j«n later.SkLESMf^lSKIPr-Periodlcally. some of our national ^ send inc enUdng invitations to send Uaem moo^, poranlecing an extension of my subscription to their otion. Their main~at-rameat Is 1 un save money Mriog my subscription now. before prices go up, and 1 as a faithful old subscriber can take advaoUge of gecial rates.Sdn| 8 sucker for thrift, I almost invariably ‘dake ad- ■e of their special rates." But not any more, i week ago. one of the magarines sent me a neatly letter saying that this was a third reminder that my

*rt%ere a toe wedding covessn: **toil wetB under Trwioatf •ns U »o(a«titoc to muU Over of two people before God in the *>r coraia—■— "

• ......................................... toe. Ume_ . . b toe marcbmg out l*Wr

■ hex all dolled church heeause it smdl>uKlto toe with-the rtagtog of ui« churrti Fr»i her pmiy kUnooe, we de- mnlftoeti of a bygaoe era aad if bcUs to rcjofrmf for-hiu him mo- , .then nod toexe. >he wu £& eobwebbed with tmdUlou that an ment m the livu uf two peu(dc ' .

orgetuicd almoet 20 toa to be our ciiilJ. We started ouJooger viaUe." Woag »aid. -’Then tu >oto la a uaxt and Mt^PaaUyiftuears ago. adopdon paper* movjig rignt But. be added, "oenaiag alcohoU a modest bullet dlxmer m toe LOS-A-SGELES—Tw vb-Thls laft contoreik*, however, uway." Sgi Smith said. from toe church t««BUrs end di.- u-oertyard of toe church lawn Ha* ct»b* famiiv LiaJB■•as toe first where toe EDC and But in early Septemper, toe la- '^lowing a dlspeiuer to operate a log.i-al .and bow aunplr " -----_ . -

’ WungtenuUoeal Social Service OfOce hurtoefs within 500 feet i the pmidiiitof Social Services that Hiromi « do: eligible for ed^AioD -becaiue...................... wiUing to sign

A.” I

Churches of Orist.Wong eoDUOued: "Our general

adophon papeiw” impreisioo i* that bar* arc f«tpc U. Former A?ka^ cin-

to convince him "* love and bappmeis

huu*. 1438 oak St.. <a Seed. JS.he pUo( pro Jew for

.. „ v,.fistam. .it I __________Yam-sbiW prcsalRit.

"This caohot be said for >f oor eburebe* were guturs are

' twanged and traffic i* pilod thick I in toe slrecu- "Many church people who ublect

Col NM Chompk goU touTMy M

S-AN JOSE - The J5th an.-r--.! Cal-

t around toe eamcr

garment as a result of being a- l Gaody. dean of&i siikw-onns at an eariy^e,. »» Howard

\*^aM^dinn« **“ "® '=“* tbevto dlditom to diseusaitm group* ^ ^-■-•msss -Lf .■=-■=.-


- -»e„ -hotel for a church «““dym it ctoairman.

toe sami

Shiiti.hu, Pgt^ ■ndlbil^ Merhia^

Center. FiftecD

“uiir,K!3t It^ hoted toe first im- ^ jjjatoal -Edueathoa Aasa.w . I. >..4*1-1 the reception has to’be brid else.

who Uniwrslty. elowd toe conference wbere-a resUurant or a bolel,.~«nbuled »o sJgnl- ^ ^ -cia^ b*b,,t mj w de- ^ ^

(Me ft the Lsrsisl SeimlwS 2423 W. JfFFtnofi. LX R£ 1-2121 JWM TY 5AIT0 A ASSCKUTCS

I Of the National Confemtee Cltltemhip. He was the tlnluM ^

States AttoRMy General at toe time <


The guests earlier toured thecampus a^ toe ^toexsoo Ja;»- Justice Depmment and seven Korean orphans

. la^ pattmed »«vr the ^ orroitad the first cw»- to«« *-e«i pa**ed a maior hurdt Century period found to Kyo- ' here In their effort*.

Jr JACL Drirc.t« Senate has approved apeciuljr. JA4X u^^tc* lugiitatloa to permit tbclr entry.

Joyce FujU U toe daughter of TV special biU. sponsored by Sen. Mr. and Mrs. Show Ftiiii.'Kow a Oram Fong 'R-Hawoii)' was ne- lunlor msjoring in cursing at toe cessaiy because UE. immlgratiun Unlv. of Msryfand. sV was bom laws limit entry of foreign or;toans to Boulder. C0k>.. wh^ ber pa- hsio toe nionty to two at a Ume

laugttt at the Japanese Lon- The Potters have been suppert- “ * ■ ........................................... ■ ■■ liome

Century period found to Kyo-

Seiji Ozawa slart^ TorMhFsjpilioiiy

I help





—He. CaUemla OfTIa—

BwrtdH - Kethweed .Nisei American

Realty2028 SUKSrr BLVO.. LA ka

eu e-0684jetiltacr H. ha Oj.if Taapv«it todaade Su 0 SikwMa Gtorsr CMS UOr E. MafM


r Tiles." The letter went on to say> "Since the time gig slfort now'—and to assure you of these money ssv- (6 plus uninterrupted sen1ce-L-please send your order 4ht now . . . TODAY.”ieO, I tvas a bad boy and did not send the order back ly. ICiUtf of facL I forgot about it.Wattay, another letter arrived from the same nuga- wzs -bldrcssod to me, only my initials were used

grantlU D4*t *•* 'jttciajng vaar Jm . fustcr grandparent* pruK«

derUh University st toe time of to V operaUd by the Office o! ^ EvacoaUon, while her mot^ was Economic Opportunit}'. Sen. Daniel

lauher mailing list. U was an invitation to subscribe migaiine at exactly HALF the subscription price the "BIG SA\'1NGS FHOM REGULAR RATES.” of mi4is offer.

- . a inCommonweatto FksUval. This week, be cobducted theRadlo-Difluskm ordiestra at toe Aivacoauon, wnue ner motocr was Economic Opportunit}'. Sen. Daniel xtamouAiiusmn oreaestm ^a^^e .^va^ted to H«rt M^hi WM K._to^yv P4*t we^-

lit £compensated for serving sttuu parent* for ncglectod chiJ-

y toe Hawaii StaJ11 V umi t^ ' Com

Visas ferkidden fortoe K.y. ZhAhcrmoaic.After Oct. 13. he will <ta}f liere

until December when V leave* for jil n ritw— « Janaii Iwait loager, will they offer me an even better deal? guest appearawm* at PhDafclphia •“ jupwK Intg elihuch, trill they evehtuaDy pay me to take arriving vek ifcrt for honowhaj - The rec^t xwfer-■igazioe? TTus game is becoming as interesting as ^trtth a Hongkong merchant over the price of a pair .pajamas.

PIOCRESS NOTE — A recent Item in The Denver nptrts construction has started on a $600,000, four- cnicture, th^TUbnore Medical Building, whose owner Ihomas K. 'Robayaslu, an M.D. Target date for com­ic is Jul>-. 1966. Dr. Kobayashi, prominent in bridge,

nd fishing circles as well as medicine, is a Nisei naUve, » his wife'JUruko. Dr. Kobaj-ashi grew

iidotado coaLo^ung towns where bis parents operated W houses, a .

l womtn go l. I wbortlt. .

Bsvinia pinese Ooosutote



Park FoUval at ChtoagD. Be also that visas would x»t V issacd recordvd la Loodoo wito toe Lon- "for toe purpose of torminaiioa of. don S}-mpbony for RCA-tnator. pregnaac}’ torou^ sbortioo".

------------------------------- Abortioa* la Japan are illegjl,the eoasulate added. They are per-

Condioa Nisd artist miued under eartam eonditlohs.. , - „ 1 . however, such as for roeirtal ill-

dtM at Soo Poulo show Be**, jnenul deficiency, severetioe in toe eigh-Ji Sao Paulo Blen- »“=*« resulLng from rape-typenale art- exhfbidoa. His was one B^uaWons- «f four rjimriian aTtists represeaP tog Canada to the show.Kiyooka. tom to 1306. at 3<oose

Jaw. Sask.. wa* represented by eight paintings to the eahibltioD.

. . . LANSDALE. Pe.-Shidcots fromFreer Medal Booerac Latin America, Canada

WASHINCTON-Pmf. Yukio Va- :Oiro. TS, of Oiso, Japan was for- malJy

laibic CM wL«s — 25U - SeiarCMdilHrttto ICHl**-' RC


Amoricon Chkk Seidng School onrolbnovt open


ASSOCIATION^Lt Isswana PmtscUtw—

ABUU OtS. ACT. Atofa-Onaui-K U* s. Saa Ptdn. HA 8-9041

n Qilck Sexing Stooolhere for the U6t « term; it announced by George (Mtwkl. di­rector.The demand for ACSS-tratoed

— 25W AmNwWT P*-tlei


InsUuition's Charles Lang Medal for outoundlng work in Ori­ental .Art 1«K week.

toe first Ortemal cbo sen Tor toe award- He wffl accom- ^,* ^ -----------aitkinal •*“ There is also pOenty of workESS3- rsOct 2. [ wish to work duftng toe day and

attend evening clanes. \HoGdoy-Stodost Bovri open house Mt Oct. 2

WEST COtT-VA-HoBday-Stardurt Bowl near the Broadway Dept Store to the tiiopptn^ center bareday. OcL 2. « p m. with refresh­ments ii*d tats d’ouvre* on the home, according to Harley Kusu- mok). manager. fThis is thejitod Nisai<paratad

bowling e*^«hiimeBt in tba Las Angatos'kiya._____________

Support Our AdverUsen

EXPERT SOOaS'WANiaSniM Jabs Sl0.0M-S20.OW ptr Yei

i» U S and lanpt

Am«rican CMck Saxlng Assn. Unsdaie, Px

YAMAHA PIANOJapan’s Finest atAngelw Piano

8726 W. WasMgtat BM. Cehef C«|. Cslit VE 8-6714

Oardana — An EnJoyabU JaparwM ComnMmig'Poinsettia Gardmt Motel Apt^

1)921 So. Normand* Avt.(ChM tt toi HarMr Fiwwv — Taa aiScM IHitl af taaM

PheiM:324^■Mb’aUMly ftoas. 68 Uaht

awM Nil • Ak MSMaw - 6E RBddM . TMMbi .owMoiJpyguTE^OTMiHMBA

A 6-S27S. HO 2-7406

a Hma an 8-4SM



PMiw 848-2724



318 East First Street Los Angeles,' Calif.

MA 6-5681


Ninorhiya StudioSS3 Ean 1« StnM

■nii 8WU HA a-27t3

ca a-uts / JAMES s. osata

friqngle/ CI^E-RA JMC.


M YOUNG MEN & WOMEN• Ineema of $10^ to $20,000 p«- Ymf• Jobs Guarantodd upon Graduation• Cla« Starting Ones a Yaar in Soplmbw• Write for School Catalog and Infermallea



217 Pivwtel Am.UaMik. Pa. 18446



Atk for . . . 'Qierry BrancTMUniAL SaPPLT CO

PenfhousrClothM3860 CHBISHAV 8LVB. SUfTC 230

Lei Aagelcs . AX 2-2511


Steve NakajiCwRxVU Ingiwxc &rvK(

4566 CRWlnUl Am., la. -66 ^ n 7-91,0




L LA, at 2-7^ -



lw*g T*nxk* EutK > Sim Shu N’lUuO* J'ur.ci.

MmiimtwUu BUrk T,krucn l>«ul T.utwku: Yotlillui Mayc


cu* i T«1 H

V12IO 15714 $ Cm-iUu. Bto. teW*> 521-8632 '• RMB 207. 124 S 6MP»dr»fc. tMAj4Hts.HA6-yja

CAL-VITA PRODltPE CO., lfj£;Bonded Commission hlercbaiii«—Eriiiti & Vegetahlia774 S. Contral Xw. L. A^WhotouSe Terminal M«0

MA ^8S95, MA 7-7038, MA >450^

Eagle Product929-943 S. San Padre St. MA &2101

- Wh^l^'Fm“nid vSuSi -L^/An^lm \5

Empire Printing C®iC06MEERC1AL aM SOCIAL PRUmaO

Eagiiit M Jwinw114 Wotlar St.. Los Angeles 12




‘ 4~^ACIFIC CITIZEN Friday, S^ptondw KIMS

- Voice of Northern Cal -NC-WNDC Executives in Action

8T BIU. NATSIWOTO tnS /or the niwl IsrroM uf 1000„ _ Club me.nberj in the Duitrict with

Vjrtoul *ubJ«U were .SUctused. ^ /urtber bononfickl. I k»w e.d. member

era HO(pttal PUn and the iuuini „» 0^, r>r iaclud-nr all ol the «f . b«Uet to the u. Of Ch.pto» ^ „:rL w^hit! ter

ery »ucceM in her endeator, and liM wnout duties of the commit. ^ ti„nk ter to the line ouvUnd- ^ea Pl^ts «« alv, m«lo to T^Zthe comine meetins in Reno, the *«rth guarterij. oo Ort J6.I7 ***'It was indicated alad that the -• • •

Natknal lACL Headquarters will SOkort Notes: Thro^iRh the be .pDtXinc out a leaflet on Hedi- vine it was learned that our Na- ctre in the Japanese lanfiace to tlooal Treasurer Yooe Saioda and soeoDmodate some of the meoy Daisy aerc blessed aith an addh ^ and otters that do not have tioe to their familr. We send our fte ODStmand of Eoclisb. This leaf- contrutulatioiu. let.will be puWished in tbe not too Eddie Mori«uchi, 6ao Fmneiseo dlitant futaire. it was assured. prexy. was JotnuO'On-the-spoi as Aeoordins to reports to tbe board, be hosted a most delicious dinner

Chapter Call Board Safow-iCbBtiiaied Irom rrool P«e)

tnan Spark Matsunaga's personal-

, Urn 4Nn« «nisuccesslut^"^,*^ >S;

_lK-rt_ signed up tfieibe to 1986 unl*«%

White R'.ver Valley JACL,«Likiyaki dmner ©rt. S a! dhisl Chureb. Auburn, cjuaccd by Mrs. Its I’unai. tea- cral chairman, as loUo»S'


a tour 01 me up^o request ^ te, asaru reaponilWe to SUCh for a —Ns 5

Baaebau N4*«: ^ual treaU as iIBln* b» «>* jaO. receiptJACL cri Hill be out at candlestick par* . jj, a»e Hsuse. (Wk_ >«c Bud- tonight to root tbe San Franciaeo. MeCormack Him- b*

an. Ginn»ontoaNatioi^LM.^P^ tatrodudttg us to to drives. lOOD 0^*^**"^[CD- nant against the Milwaukee Sergeant at Arms who lei “o. etc. -a

siS-iCfUsrse YanuuH. tsuRr- clcn -Nuhiinoto snC Mrs

^ ^ ^ Boose member should get out of order. As ' nroceeded on ttiis tour we ov(

^ . A__ .1______\ric^

Mrthodist gameh with Haj ruJI- ma* mori is d^Tc of plarutlsg- Ingt® <W othw

■Ir. JACUoHinn;

stnOers tomorrow. l;3o

. their children and 1

IVattend to meeting in Reno. 10 per- SaUns at to meeting. Bet this is baps we toiuld have a good. at- to first one be missed to a long tendance at to fourth quarterly time. Also missed John Enonmlo iqtrtoC- B at all pottfble. maybe and Tad Ono. Wc undcistiiod Tad we atet^ sei^ tn advance the ap- is under to weather but u oo to'

■f delegates to rmd to recovery. Tad Masaofca al-

MDCCheirmen Hiro Mayeda (righll and Ken Sugawara, v.c., of Dayton are s« orn in to office at EDC-MDC convention. At bead tabic is Mrs. Kumeo Yoshinari, wife of the National JACL president.

The Philadelphia Story

______ by Mary Toda. man of the dance. lb* jj-JDinner will be served from boob t̂agged ^ong witt to is Mtiv youth between tb,*?6 p.m. Arizona JACL uasnokas to be guests of Frards of U nod Zl. **■^ . , a jafl_ - . Krtw Kai: Arimna JACL Vai ,nd Kay Kuge at tolr Sakura -------------------------—.Dewntewn LA. JACt ^ over at p*),ee Restaurant. ■,

Fete; DoamtowB L A „ appreciation dinner tomorrow yue Sunday afternoon JAO. UlMO DrUSh-UD SeSMttsbipll'^"'- — __!*- ___W-U.. _ ■ •••'WU



Second full thy of the EOC- «- P»^k. »ebajHer historian record books and obtaining to impartial trio of >udg.

__ ___ ___ _ __ ei. Patrick. K. Okura. Joe Crolitmake it easier tor the hosts. I know soVas' missing.' Marbe te e«ildn*t MDC JACL conv^tion got off to Masaolei end Heny Booda. to. a toy win appreciate this. find a parking space. « fine sUn. tmij- we aeren't able tedioi*s study and deltrmining of

Tmi Hirota, DC 10» Qub Qialr- It a-as nice to see Edison Une. to participate in much of .1 The «>e winners tor to Cb^ter of toBsaa. titatod to Alameda Chapter Ben Tsudilmoto and Y. Kumaroo- n-aaon being we wrre holed .in Sicnnum aa-ards.and -Spark Plug” George Ushiji- io at to meeting- <te Lanai Room of to hotel Irom In order to conserve tune, and—---------------------------------------------------------------- I ■ 11--------- l/> H.1CW M eafine whiln work, havinf

n and partak-

or to 19SS. j Mac Tsuchi.v Tilrto Yan _

year ciliccn. will be emcee.Saiirwi Valley JACL

1 Central

____ ____________ __ . idayJACL's Decade of Cilixensbtp lunch- ,t ytoy-* Sbangri-La. Tom Kado- meeting in Washuigwo was ei. ANOPtw-eeon. this-Sundiy at San Kwo Low moto will cxplaso to new Medi- cepUoBally web attended in spite . „__W.T1 be highlighed by to presenta- care program in both Japanese and pf , downpour, and a receptico ^ "‘“eOaJaa 1^tkm of certifica-j-s to Is.ici w1» EogUJh. Riogi Takemoto is dinner ^ uj staBers b)

'tiiens pri- chairman Massoka gasv 1

nsclf e 10. elcetlnn of 1986 officers are shted ehairbome atattoArtote JAC^ tn^e OcL So^te«^^^ Emulated by 16, t p-m.. at to Glendale Worn- «mUets with devotedans Clutbousc. JACLers to suwaln us as jn- try LOS . ________

tawi KlgW: Local Iswi will be -----------------------------to cut down tot pile of work 00 of IsbJ Dob.vo club *ffl 1*41guests of honor a: the annual Sail- . . our desk. f*r»t eahibit since It vu cep^nSF VaQcy JACL ehoa-mein dmner JOB JOSe Jf. JAU'^ ,«»m,w»«b»tw rAWWt" m 1W7 at to Japanesewmorro.-. 6 p.m.. at to local BIlHtrtlfl nfmltinf 1988 MiaiBEBSHIF .CARDS Church SepL 2546. fnw nooa^Buddhist Hall. Ent^a:n.-nenl ol **• _ _ ^ ^ Eagertoaver Sonoma County; <**>-*• No ndmuiioo u


Northwest Picture: by Elmer OgiwaYoung Adult Memberships Eyed

t with to iiopular I ;b conceotratioo s-ou'vc neveripilalioBF n

MaUic Kondp. eo.diaicncn. are “ being asstitei.by;^ Trd Ikfii.rtf'. dM»V-ltini. Ktw -Hi-, .....

r luU. Jack Frank OWiI*

S.AN JOSE—-nie San Jose ishi- JACL has published Hi fi ' newsieitrr thk month witb-I

Mrs. Hayashi. 35! N. Sfii St., as w to si

Eagertoaver Sonoma county; *-r»- u, Jose. Oucago. and Cleveland charged.bapiers aim to get a Jump 00 ----------................................-ami have al-

. ready fequested tl

e also ivaflable. Most Qispters cVises Sept- 30.Its most recent ti

p UKIOKOTY —TheSout^,—-- ----------- — , „ . . cams. .-vnt-T- HOC —c sneda OcHiBty *■*

Uene Ogi and BcBiiie Kunmoto. to go, toy will be sent to school opened___________; The group, some 40 strong, is ^ receive names of classes Sept. 18 at to* Iscsl M

___ „ _c had fudged, winner out ol ir.eure. John Tcrak»>. Tom Miya- . j oc< 2344 and prepare ______ ®1 Sesttle un;ve«i-,.v education and to de- on a vulumc of the Amcriraa *A-cc-cnt.-ics as to Wadungtoa. tor to NC-V?KD1'C meeliS^re Two-way n»mber*ip ^ch^s dren T_y«ars_or over.

Seattle JACL initialed some- grees that go along with same. College Dirtxmary in order 10 level Dv. Oiaptcr. n Marv :»-araoto. Mi>» owma. j^y. 6.Omg progressive at lu last clcr- Briefly, be is dedicated to recruit- our pereb with the tiw-WTUcr Now. Girl FridB}- Sumi aimiru of Chi- ---------------------------------------------tto when Dr. Terry Ibda was ao mg and --raining for ^e teehnt- v,,;; know why we weren't seen nr. cago gi'-im a helping hautflo busy , ____• . ♦ .doelsively elected to serve a see- eal rtquiremcoU of modern indiu- ballroom floor that night. Sbig .Wakamatsu by t>-ping out bb JOpOB MCWiy 10 TOUTedd tern.’ try. thnae who do not have such . . banquet speecb. .Anew idea became an actuality intense academic inclinatioiu. OteeTTiOoBs: Convention cashier George Oyc gBTOBnv

•Stoa the offlee of "presklenl. It therriore seemed natural dint Seahrtiok given holding on to thr ra«h bo* with DEDfVER - A tour of tora! Japa-•tert” was created, and youagisb the presdent<lect would tend to ^ rcFpnnvib li-.v oi g,.i.Srr:oa his dear life wherever be went. nese gardens is slated this Surday <tU Cecrge IwasaU. electnaalri •ttain a .^Ition of leadership in Yasuda of to UB. by to Japan Society of CokiradoliBtotiCUr at Edlaon Tedmloil the youngViult memterihip of to --------------------- ^-------Z------------------------------ Information Agency. New York, be- with Waller Popham. retired GS.School was elected to to Im. Seattle chapter, as wen as la to , , ing present and coming throat Army officer who studiedpoitaat post. oommunitj-at-large. $Mttle JACl pIlOM book with promised news coverage, for aeven ye*s as sper' -«ommuDily-at-lanCe.As it ■ was described in our Result is that Soittle is attain- ...............................

piece la the last Holiday Usue. Big a rwnk seamd only to tot pn^ liwy M WMIIBfflGetege employs wpplemenul ae- of Portand in welcoming to tal .cknoah-dgmtfttvfiie. to Ms ea^r Job and one em ,«d actiivuc* of toe young

of publishing the SCaUle looking aruund fora oorewi s«w -uu uoc — ____ —.--.gof Ybm is to counsel j-oung folks adult groups in activities which wlto might for some reason not are hnportant to to future of - - “be .planning to

Tbanl|s. Milsu?Hare Oh^rrations;

help ^efray Dick Har-.kaws. parleyIbe gardens Of Sbunichi ]

hara. 4860 S. Inrs. Engl Dr. Howard Suenaka. 5 field: are to be vi.-ili.-d dur

flaw in a *7- closing wi-to refr.shmcn " thebomeof«»eei-'^"i'- »—•VL ^nT iSZ - k-i, JACL telepbooe directory, chair- flawlessly executed program, ai « »hc home of Mary Ltinius. assoMate

onlj- to JACX. but toe ethnie announced a sup- in shec^steUef curator of -to Denwr Orieny5»An*^Sr!^t"two’^o.StfaftM^or- edition showing Our betog oi-eroome with regret Musev-'^ ao^^JaPfC focicD' board

I additions wouMNisei Veto youth group, as wit- chapter hopes to make tt a hien- Wajme Yosbino of^ashl^

by then we had missed to ebniman. BOl Hosokiwa is 2nd

dlnno'. Nisei Veto youth group. Mtatii by the J I wit- chapter hopes

, to toJ project modeitiUd by to Pblladelpsuditou ''ar«»: PdrtMKl Veceritij- to toe

tab r«s. a pm.CU^s—Jr. JAO. merllng.


I by the 1

Group will then Join the :i JACL Orientol dinner benefit

__ at Grange Hali. where Po;iiam will_ law- lecture ce Japanese gardens with which colored slides. •

Earlier this month tbe ; History Project—(Contiooed from Frool Page)


Ort.'l’tVmute fihwr Viillrr- amnw. ■


re Cate, and at 8145 par bead netted over Tai^. *300 to start oB the treasury ln- ^ dependent of to senior group

: I'hleh had appropriaud a sma'llviste svm for such incidentals as

_ . Uonety and piistagc.'3ssfu-»“rsss, »_»..-“.•■-I-'"arJS £

«^W will be able to reinforce to told *“i. Miuqots Rasteimt. Cir- working Core during

BetaLPoft- de*crib«

_______ Wind columnistlate toe discussion in his own. spiring vrords. for what we heai v.a> tremendous.Tterc-s more- to be said, but

nv\'e just had word that to par- ] plane t^irtc Orville and Wilbur ley planpers are having a post-1 Wrlgbti tinhrtvd is their famous convention grt-tegrticr and we re! b'.cye:o shop iajKodjjc£_lhc first invited. Which mokes for enough

. powerid plant;, there was a Joe reason to extend our concluskm for iginccr. at Wright another week, field beforo tbe war. --------------------------------


I job FDwier JAQ ss killed

c during to academicI iwaMBiu urM.-iiuvs loc IncUna-OCL It tTaweart tlons of the group members In-Bd mtf. Ken Dyov na ^c utes such an int«7»t.aNEMA

Ntw noying Hll Sept.ZS ZettalTasuu

ITWe MAJOWTV) MIyufcl KuwrnTatnoteu HayaRtJobori Happyaku Yocho


ASnn ai Civrahsw • T* 734-0562 — File MW

■winner enrolk ol FSCIn Si. U«ii*. the Airport Ter- poW-LEH—Randv McFariand. 1965 i ■Inal designed by archilert Silno- j ^^L scholarship winner, has c 1 Yamasaki Uunebed him to. no- ,, fYesoo Stole CoEegc

major in telerision broadcariii and journalism.

and off cim- nojpolts b«anie know-n as Hda. a former chap.er.k- ---------------A. ... r---.. ..... .............................. ba. grtouat-

stoool and ____ _________ mWoyec at 1

V.U- Pacific Telephone Oc. offite _subsequently for toe Occupation of other local scholarship.rM.n»,„U, a,. V,., j.*0. »“•"

chapter held Us-m«;etuig-for Ma- sauka and Kumiunoto in the audi­torium of the Yamasaki

ijicie aie sv-wrMi tai aiiu mi vaut* _ Hda, apa, ..OOP, .mch a. ™uChapter through bis eWorts acts as ^‘^*^5*'*' ed »rom the sam.

' mated 5.000 Nisei were trained a* non* the first Nisei G4s dunng Word War II gad Telephone

Clair» KiliuU. 1_............. ,ana IlifV Se*iO"l Facuhy se>K>tir*h;p.R* SS:vtateina Stuaent Award. $U«; Karm StnriU. CalU-rma SchaUnhip Fed-rs

\-la Kinomoto for the success made cf the And toe fact that more than 200 delcBites were In atteodance at - tbe Portland .workshop llluslralos ‘''“rnmototbe idea »« there are many •“''“i" of ‘to Yamas young and energetic personalities Nortowert National Life In.suranre in the Northwest who will carry bu^g. This stnicturc of extia- 00 the work which was wy-n u, ordltory beauty and delicsry costs the lap of some of us decades !«■» tbw buildings of

coovcniional design on a sqi-—_ ... ... .......................hi.l< #„vmn>nv -rrii^als 1coovcniional designSome of to oldsters think that nfrida!

.... V«-----------1.

replete withs point

{a«bk-ms and tbe devek^ent oN«w Ptoyiag till Sept. 28

1ST FEATtfREOb'rwotoku Notsuko

Tlf^sr^sauda.RUI nro»Rt«hi. Mlkqire Ttoni

2ND rSATtTBBKisobushi Sandogosa

-'ion Ctedat 8M.. LA. «E A-UW


stories of Is.-di ond Nisei.CLASSIFIED ADS• EMFLOmOffAUMCES

Ka-t,r'.tSc ::::::SKS

•OatnON* AVARASUt - ClencilInOuMrut doincsSK. Admiral br. plos-ir.mi Armrr. 4US So. Waaterr

• Apumerr pge iris’-iisr*'


youngsters, once grappkvt problems set before when'thc word was "asstmilntton" anc . "integratton" to youngvfert of to-' day are better adjusted n.*id better equipped to step Into to stocre r eommuniy activl-o'- Althougb some of the oldsters lay not wish to take toetr broad tottoms from to long time held '—•- here is one. at least yho

a\toV« h: •

a*;.5r«»fy ojlw

I toscuwiMa o

dew H BMW IHb-Dwiilna Ana


Coraaifit Scifciier ol Uanie t-ird lorpeu - Ceitsm Made Csrpvti 0u»i.lir ImuIUite . Wall-u>-VU)l C-pB Chasirq . Rraaitee

«-9 8 ushaliunr Cteaint WtV L CMrto. Fuel—Only NtMl^Ownnd C«rp«f Sptelalty Stor*—

Wright CarpetSales and Installation of. Quality Carpeting

S657 Sant* Monica Blvd.. Lm AnoNw ATTKitarAMa HO 34138 kichmami

Nisei UpholsteringantjliiK • Rttoitfuie - RtatoW — KIKI CRAFT —



1526 W. Jefftewn BIvcL Lm Angalec RE 44975

Suw Ksbata - TroyJCobttiMa»tii refrigeration to


CwtJlirt Smicr lar (ter 25 Vsw Sam Umesitoto,

UCeaaed OaDgaetew 1506 W..Vroi An. LA AX 5-5204

NANKA PRINTING2024 E. 1st SL Us A«»rio. Cam.ANeflas 8-7855

Toyo PrintingOffset ^ Lnterpresi - UnetjaW

Alf^a PlumbingFARTS 8 SUPPUES

-Arpairs Our SsKlaltf— 1948 S Crane. Lai Aafctel

RI 9-4371


5X5 E 1st Si. Ln Aaeelcs 12 MASiiai 54595

Appliances—TV—Piano ‘TAMURA


■nie nn««tin Hewna PitmteFiFisgaW20 W. Jefferson BM.

L06 Angete* 18 — BB 1-7261

jipawss aid Chiiinc fact



<75 Cia LIK WAT - HA 4-1S2SEanquR Rgair Igr ^

224 E- FTf« St HA 5-8165



520 E. 1st SL, L« Aaadrt Phone Orders i“aken


2D<H E. IW St,I LA. BA 8-90M

Due • Dko ■ Cateuih SUtnrAKI • JtfANESE »>>"«"Lo*^k,^nMlVi302»'


SHIGEJI TAKEDA Certified Public AccountantAnnounces the Removal of His Office. 123 Welkr SL. Los AngelesTelephone (unchanged); MAdison 4-9834

LH reAw'i rml Ckep Sun HowSAN KWO LOW

228 East Flrrt St.

i Mae at Saatkni CalHomif's Hon Cnutsiw Sktiwi-U R?- i^l pingt Pnwa Pwtte, CarttaRt, Baaqwl PkBM

2U8 Crwuhaw, Lm AngolM, AX 3430

Hifi) new mocn

a ui>9l*rlj a>taaisd.ng rtsUaraBl. cfitrmt i_ ________is teatrt at 912 SaoU Saa Ptdre Sima. Lai Aagdes.

Voor Kell Wate !•

When In Elko . . . Stop at the FtiendlyStcckmen^s

CAFE —BAR —CASINO Elko, Nouorfa

teUMatk Cartann* Colste ■

Si SmtirLas ^


a n«w instant cooking base froRi tha rukors of •AJl-NO-MOTO* l.«t/T0*W£^