Volume 95: Chapter 32: Figure 25. A. Uninterpreted segment ... · Laine's sequences). C....

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Transcript of Volume 95: Chapter 32: Figure 25. A. Uninterpreted segment ... · Laine's sequences). C....

Volume 95: Chapter 32: Figure 25. A. Uninterpreted segment of Profile Conrad 21 (MCS-77) crossing Site 603.B. Interpretation of stratigraphic relationships along the Conrad 21 profile. Note that this interpretation differsin some respects from that of Tucholke and Laine (1982—T. and L.) (e.g., the Pliocene sequence includes partsof Sequences 4 and 5 of Tucholke and Laine; Sequence 7 [middle Miocene] encompasses two of Tucholke and1 aim "s sequences). C. Uninterpreted segment of Profile Conrad 21 (MCS-77) crossing 5 km southwest of Site105. D. Interpretation of stratigraphic relationships along the Conrad 21 profile. Lower Miocene sequence ap-pears to pinch out before reaching the Site 105 projection. Note that Site 105 is on a basement high.