Volume 46, Issue 10B

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Transcript of Volume 46, Issue 10B

PossibilitiesBy Claudia Schmidt Bring hope for the futureIn which we use to shape the next generation Endless in valueIn the best of ways, and the worst

Forming in the mind of the young and the oldFor ourselvesAnd the greater good of our worldForever guiding our path

Carving our life through ideasThrough images and thoughtsThat bloom and blossom Like a young flower learning to grow

Developed in the eye of happinessAnd tragedyAs we are lead along our own route Using Possibilities

Ask CooperBy Cooper the Cat

Hello everyone! I’m back after that very disturbing crossover that hopefully wont happen again.A: Ohh it will. People loved it.Ugh… Well, It’s question time.

1: Dear Cooper, What is your favorite cat food brand? -Need 2 know2? 2? It’s to! Come back when you can write like a normal person!

2: Cooper, What is your daily schedule?I thought I answered this one in the article before the crossover. Why are people being so repetitive?!

3: Do you have playdates with other cats?Not commonly but I might make an exception for a celeb cat.

4: Dear Cooper, Do you not like dogs? Here is some fish! -Pink DiamondOh man, I like all these fish! To answer your question on my full stomach, I do not particularly enjoy dogs. If I’m forced to end up living with one, my opinion might not change but I’ll adapt.

5: Treats are grossI have given your name to the authorities.

Well those are all the questions I got. Send me some more next time for more answers!

Random QuestionsBy Random Questions

Hey guys! We only got 2 questions today!! Ask us questions in the advice column thingy near the activitycenter!

Q: Why do we have noses?A: Because when we evolved we needed noses to live… And there was only 4 senses and we were made to have 5

Q: Dear Random Questions, What is carline? A: A European plant

Volume 46,Issue 10BGuest Editor:Paige Doherty

Ask the 10th Doctor #3By Eleanor Dunne

Hello Whovians and muggles, and welcome again to Ask the 10th Doctor. Thankfully, I got a few questions so 10 didn’t eat all the bananas. (10 in the background) too late!Okay, let’s get to the questions before he eats all the cookies. (10) too late again!*groans* let’s just get to the questions.

Q. After all this time? -DumbledoorA. *takes out Snape pin, shirt, poster, and shrine* ALWAYS.

Q. Allonsy.A. That person spelled it wrong! Rose, the person spelled it wrong! To the person who wrote this: it’s spelled “Allons-y” not “Allonsy”

Q. Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead.A. Weeping Angels? WHERE?!

Q. Doctor who?A. Doctor John Smith in THIS universe.

Q. Are you going to write about me sometime? -Lonely famous personA. Nope! I don’t know who you are!

Q. What’s your favorite dog breed (or cat breeds) if you’re more of a cat person. -Pink DiamondA. I don’t like cats. I’m not really a cat person. My favorite dog breed? K-9, no question.

Q. Who’s your favorite companion?A. (Rose) Who is your favorite companion? (Doctor) Uhm… no comment.(E) Well, I should proabably end this article before Rose starts yelling at him. See you next time! Allons-y!


Quick announcment! Do you like Pacman so much that you ask your parents everyday to go to the arcade? Well now you can play it everyday all on your computer. Just go to Google, type in Google Pacman, and you can play as many times as you want, for Free!!!!!!! We got alot of news for today, so lets get right into it! The latest copy of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide just came out a couple of days ago with all of the comics in the world and they’re prices in it. So if you are a comic book collector and you want to find out the price of #1, #2, and #249 of the comic you are collecting, I suggest you get the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #45. Also, last month, we celebrated 2 birthdays, Bill Watterson’s and Jim Davis’ (Bill Watterson is the creator of Calvin and Hobbes and Jim Davis is the creator of Garfield). Also, we just learned that the comic of Mega Man, a seires related to Sonic the Hegehog, is going to end with issue #55. Also, ABC made an announcement about that the Muppets coming to a new comedy show soon. Also, word is that Big Nate chapter books is going to have a book 8 called Big Nate Blasts Off. It is going to be released on February 16th next year by author and cartoonist Lincoln Pierce. And finally, a couple weeks ago, comicbookresourses.com made some videos about the panels at San Diego Comic Con. So that is your Comedy and Comic news for today and I ‘ll see you tomorrow for more news.

The Daily Don’t Ask UsBy Don’t Ask Us

Q: Are you good at chess? A: That’s debateable Q: Why shouldn’t we ask you? - Callie Wolf (sorry if we didn’t spell your name right, we both have an inability to read cursive) A: You will find the answer one day deep inside you. Q: A: Thanks! What a wonderful compliment! Q: Okay? -Margo Grace Young A: No (K: The answer’s okay T: It’s whatever we want it to be)

Q: I’m a mouse who loves cats. How do I express my feelings to them?A: Depends if you want to stay alive or not (K: That’s horrible! T: It’s life ((or death))). Well, one of us (K: *glares at T*) thinks you should write them a note and include some tuna fish to replace their meal that would be you. Maybe then you can ask them on a date and express your feelings. (T: Or you could just serve yourself up K:...no. Just no.)

15 Google TricksBy Rachel Alpert-Wisnia

1. Search “Do a barrel roll” on Google and Google will do a full 360!

2. Search “Google Pacman” on Google and there’s a free game of original Pacman you can play!

3. Search “askew” or “tilt” on Google and Google will tilt!

4. Search Atari Breakout and click images, and you can play a game of Atari Icebreakers with the images!

5. Search zerg rush on Google and you can play a game where you try to defeat the “o”s in the Google logo!

6. Search Google Gravity and click “I’m feeling lucky” and gravity will occur on the Google website!

7. If you search a minus before a word it will exclude any websites with that word.

8. If you type any mathematical equation, a calculator will pop up.

9. If you search “anagram” on Google, it will give you an anagram of the word anagram.

10. If you search recursion, it will say “did you mean: recursion?” If you click on that, it’s the same page. RECURSION occurs. :0 mind blown

11. You can set the timer by searching, “Set timer to: etc.”

12. You can compare nutriotional facts.

13. You can ask Google to calcuate the right tip at a restaurant!

14. If you search your flight number, Google will give you a lot of flight info!

15. You can see when your favorite tv show is airing and where!

A Day in the Life of my Dogs (from my dog Abe’s point of view)By Eli H.

Every morning, my owners abandon me. It’s just not right! They leave for work and camp, and just leave me and my roommate Bea, who’s also a dog, at home alone for hours on end! It’s just not right! Why don’t we get to go to work?! I mean, it doesn’t sound that great, but it’s got to beat sitting in the hot house all day! Oh, and here’s the worst part; they won’t even let me and Bea into the living room! Apparently, they think we would chew the furniture for some reason! It’s like, guys! Hello! That was only like ten times! We’ve matured, like, so much in the past month! Anyway, what we do all day, pretty much, is just lay around the house until they come home. And when they do (finally), they act all innocent, as if they hadn’t just abandoned us for eight hours! But, all in all, I have a pretty good life.

Daily DubBy Owen N.

Hi, I am Owen Neuburger, former CRCAP camper and staff member. This week in dubstep (a genre of electronic music classified by deep bass and a 140 bpm tempo with half time feel), Digital Mystikz celebrated their tenth anniversary as a label with a show in Brixton. The loaded lineup included heavyweights such as Truth, Hatcha, Joker, Commodo, Gantz, and many others. In local news, CRCAP alum Eric “Squnto” Roth just announced an Australian tour, including some outlier shows in Europe. He will be touring under his artist moniker Squnto. Squnto has a reputation for heavy hitting basslines and making crowds go berserk all throughout Boston venues. This marks the first time a Charles River alum has gone on an international dubstep tour, a historic landmark for the program. Until next time, this is the Daily Dub.

Awkward Advice #3By Ryan Kane

Ok peoples today I got only one question so lets answer it.

Q: Do you like to poop?A: Uh huh.

Okay peoples so make sure to right in awkward advice it’s the bottom one on the left so bye peoples.

Top 10 Emojisby Ryan Kane

It’s pretty obvious what this article’s going to be about, so I’ll just get into it.

10. Roasted Sweet Potato. I’m not just saying this because I have an obsession with potatoes, but I probably would if I could. Anyway it’s the one that’s reddish-brownish on the outside and yellow gooey on the inside

9. New Moon with Face. I don’t know how this got in the top 10, I don’t think I’ve ever used it in my life. It’s the grey circle that has kind of a creepy face to it.

8. Face with Tears of Joy. This is one that everyone knows. It’s the emoji of the person laughing so hard he’s crying.

7. Smiling Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes. I don’t use this one a lot, but when you see pictures on Instagram or Facebook, they’re in pretty much every picture.

6. A pile of Poo. Yeah, we all know this one. Personally, this is the one I use the most, but that’s just me. It’s the big pile of poop with a smiling face on it.

5. Thumbs Up Sign. One of the simplest emojis in the people section. Just a hand with its thumb pointing up. Nothing more I can really add.

4. Face Throwing a Kiss. I never use this, but I bet if you looked at someone’s phone that’s in a relationship, there would be more of those than actual words.

3. Full Moon with Face. Pretty much the exact same as number 9 except it’s golden and it’s looking to the left instead of the right.

2. A person with Folded Hands. This is the one where there are two hands and they’re touching. I don’t know how people use this one, maybe there’s a lot of meditating in the emoji world.

1. Face with Stuck-Out Tounge and Winking Eye. This is actually really popular in the texting world. You use it when you don’t know what else to use. Or at least some people do. I use number 6 when I don’t know what to use.

Ok, that’s all the ones on the list so I guess that’s it bye.

RJ’s Idea Box Answers

Hello people! I had nothing to write about and my suggestion box (I’m not telling you which one it is) had nothing in it, so I’ll just spend my time answering a few idea box questions. Thank you to James for the idea! Since people may want to use more ideas, I will anwer 6, then put more in the box! Here we go!

1. My name is Dante so evilI think we have already established that fact. Many, many times.

2. Opinions on Zayn’s shenanigansNO ONE DIRECTION NO NO NOOOO

3. Top 10 favorite video gamesYou won’t belive this, but I actually don’t play that many video games. Sorry.


5. SERIOUS-LYYes, I’m very serious.

6. Write about if you died your hair.My hair is still alive as of the moment...I think…

Alright guys, I will now put more ideas in the box so that it won’t run out. Thanks for reading!

fnaf vs slendermanby Ethan Mamenta

The polls are closed, and the winner is…….... Doctor Who? Yes. Two people decided that it’s never too late to vote and voted for Doctor Who, so apparently Doctor Who is better than both Magic and Pokemon. The winner of the actual vote was… it dosn’t matter! The new polls are FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S VS SLENDERMAN.

Top ten house pets to haveBy Lani. W

(info from thetoptens.com)

Do not judge if you favorite animal is not at the top, I’m just doing them in order from what the webste said.

10. Sugar Gliders:Like the flying squirrel, the sugar glider has those little flap things that are “wings” Although, the website did not tell if they were illegal in Massachutesetts.

9. Guinea Pigs:Personally, THESE ARE THE CUTEST THINGS IN THE WORLD! I have one, and don’t trust anyone who says that the ferret is the pet for those who want the cat and dog. The guinea pig purrs like a cat when really happy and it also can be trained really easily like a dog.

8. Ferret: What many call the cross of a cat and a dog, the ferret looks like one of those fur scarves. They start sleeping when you pick them up by the scruff of their neck.

7. Turtle:Turtle not tortoise, I used to have them as pets, not a good idea if you don’t have space or if you have a neat freak in the family. (more like a pet for those who like to watch, not touch.)

6. Bird:As you might have known already, they can learn to speak English. The parakeet (the most popular pet bird) can learn up to eight hundred.

5. Lizard:Unique and strange, a lizard is a great pet! I recently saw a pair of chamelons at a Petco.

4. Hamster:Small and easy, the hamster is a great choice of a pet unless you cry over death easily.

3. Rabbit: Cute, kind, and furry, the rabbit is a good choice for those who have a space for a cage, and a new companion.

2. Cats:I’ve heard a lot about these critters, including that they can play fetch, and other games that dogs can do. There are even stories of cats waiting for their owner to come back from a train when the owner died at their destination. (the biggest amount of years I’ve heard was 59, or was that for a dog? ) *think...*

1. Dogs: If you’re not afraid of your pet being one of the most dangerous animals on earth (seriously, dogs kill an average of 50,000 people a year) Then a dog might be a good pet for you. I’m sure that you can do the researching up instead of me, right?

Thanks for reading!

Ask Harry PotterBy Rachel Alpert-Wisnia

Hello! Today I will be answering three very interesting questions! Let’s begin!

First Question:Dear Harry,potato.My answer: Potatos r lyfe.

Second Question: Dear Harry Potter,Do you like waffles, pancakes and hotdogs? My answer: Yes, I love them all. Especially pancakes. They serve those at Hogwarts every Sunday!

Third Question: Are you a cat person or a dog person?My answer: I’m a dog person, because when I lived under the stairs, I found a mouse. He told me how evil cats are and how a cat ate his brother. So sad.

Stay tuned next time for Ask Harry 4!

Creepy Creatures and Fashion Illustration By Emma Falkowski

Ever wonder what is buzzing in creepy creatures or what is popping in Fashion Illustration,well this is the article to read! Creepy Creatures is buzzing with new animals like hens or huge donuts. Some of the Creepy Creatures have backgrounds like the hen for example, the creator of the hen; Maya said that she had just got chickens last Wednesday and they had never seen their mother before, so Maya made the hen for the chickens! Rachael from creepy creatures is making a donut with purple frosting on it. Rachael started around 7 days ago on this amazing project. Generally it takes one week to two weeks depending on the size of the project.

In Fashion Illustration they are busy on making awesome collages. Jocelin in Fashion Illustration is working on her poster. Her theme is highend stylish and everything that is on her collage is from magazinzines it is amazing. Josephine is working on a glammed up cow girl look for her collage it is very cool. That is what is happening in Creepy creatures and Fashion Illustration!

Pictures by the Photojournalism Class:Jessica Wen Campbell Rogers Emma FalkowskiAllison Wen Vivian Li Nyaja ChildsTahnyia Black Nicholas Chiasson Matthew Hassan









Skyscraper: New World’s Tallest Coaster Coming in 2017!?!?By Lleyton W.

Hi everyone! Todays article will be about a new coaster for 2017!! This will be the world’s tallest coaster that is built on an observation/restuarant tower! Its maximum height is ~570 feet, which, compared to the current tallest coaster, which is 456 feet high /45 STORIES is about 100 feet higher. WOW. This will be disigned by US Thrill Rides and built by S&S Worldwide. If you considered the price of Phobia - Phear Coaster, which is multi millions of dollars, imagine how much this would cost. 90 MILLION dollars. Don’t think that the drop will be vertical the whole way. There will be Loops, Dive Loops, Twists and Zero-G-Rolls. (as good as this sounds, the zero g rolls pack a punch in the ride.) The structure around the coaster will have arcades, retail shops, simulators and rock-climbing-walls. The coaster will have a drop right out of the station, and a spiral chain lift to the top. At the top, it does an extreme bank where it banks in the opposite direction as the turn itself. Then it goes into a beyond 90 degree drop into many inversions. At the bottom, it leaves the tower and “flies” around to the front and does one more corkscrew before hitting its main brake run. Although it goes at a fast 65 MPH at some points, Kingda Ka (current world’s tallest coaster) goes 128 MPH. The indoor arcade, simulators, retail, and observation tower will be an additional 250 MILLION dollars. In total that will be 340 million dollars please. Hand it over. #SKYPLEXORLANDO #SKYSCRAPERORLANDO

The Pros and Cons of each star sign (part 1)by Nina Kahn

*note: the dates of signs can vary depending on what site you go on, no definite date*

Aries (Mar 21-Ap 19)Pros:-determined, will probably become president of the world -actually a huge softie under all their rage-fun-loving and adventurous, will probably cliffdive-devoted to their loved onesCons:-super headstrong, will shut you down-quick temper-set really high expectations-can and will slay you

Taurus (Ap 20-May 20)Pros:-peaceful-appreciative of the little things in life-reliable and patient-generousCons:-materialisitc/greedy-STUBBORN-buries feelings-gets jealous easily

Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)Pros:-intellectual and witty-hilarious, cracks the best jokes and pranks-lively/fun-loving-great communicator, loves talkingCons:-talks SO MUCH-a bit childish-can seem two-faced or fake-nosy

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)Pros:-imaginative and creative-caring/nurturing-great listener-protectiveCons:-melodramatic-clingy, gets too attached too quickly-anxious-moody Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Pros:-confident-loving, loyal friend-broad-minded-cheerful and enthusiasticCons:-arrogant-intolerant/judging-bossy-interfering

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23)Pros:-organized (sometimes an organized mess tbh)-practical and reliable-modest and humble-intelligentCons:-fussy-harsh-overcritical-perfectionist