Volume 2, Issue 13Summer Program 1 & 2 Tree of Life...

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Transcript of Volume 2, Issue 13Summer Program 1 & 2 Tree of Life...

Tree of Life Academy & ELC 2812 Greenview Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502

Tree of Life Academy and ELC Volume 2, Issue 13 July, 2014

The Vine

SCHOOL HOURS Academy Students (Grades K5 and Up) 8:00am—3pm ELC Students (Infants, Toddlers, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s) Must be here by 8:30am! 6:30 am - 6:00pm

1. Clip Box Tops 2. Send Box Tops

to School 3. Our School

SUMMER BIRTHDAYS: July 2: Rylan Barker July 5: Sally Burrill July 7: Amanda Morris July 8: Zoe Novilla July 9: Jaden Brown July 15: Nolen Mata July 22: Caleb Mehler July 26: Delaney Fowler July 29: Ava Dragan July 31: Lawson Bryant Aug 2: Chade’ Rose Aug 3: April Fritzinger Aug 3: Nicole Hilder Aug 5 Ryleigh Bruffy Aug 8: Chambers Robinson Aug 13: William “Liam” Bohon Aug 16: Brycen Cobbs Aug 29: Micah Ashley Aug 31 Audrey Moon

100% JUICE When preparing your child’s lunch each day, please remember they

may have 100% juice, milk or wa-ter. Please remember to send a healthy morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack each day.

By Dr. Fay Andrist

Well, what does free-

dom mean? For some it

will mean graduating

from school, finally get-

ting out into the wide

world, getting a job and

earning money. For

some it will mean

throwing a bag in the

car and getting out of

the city into the wide

open country to breathe

good clean air. For

some, freedom simply

means not being impris-

oned by responsibilities

and commitments.

Freedom is certainly all

those things and more.

Have you noticed that

the one thing they have

in common is a need to

loosen and throw off

the shackles of circum-

stances and situations

that people believe hold

them back and curb

their desire to fly.


Summer Program 1 & 2

And yet, sooner or later,

if you've headed out into

the country for a break,

you have to curtail your

freedom again. You

have to go back to the

city, or to the job the

next day, or knuckle

down to the next task at

hand, until the urge to

break free overwhelms

you again. So the cycle

turns, and turns, and

turns, leaving you more

and more dissatisfied

with what you have and

constantly being re-

minded of that need to

escape. Escape to what?

What are you looking

for? How about REAL


Where the Spirit of the

Lord is on this earth,

there is freedom. God's

freedom is truly free for

everyone! It does not

matter what your nation-

ality or heritage is, what

language you speak, or

who your family is. It

even does not matter

how much money you

have or do not have.

God wants you free

from every type of

bondage, so that He can

have a close and pure

relationship with you!

The Lord is the Spirit,

and where the Spirit

of the Lord is, there is


2 Corinthians 3:17


God wants to pour out

His abundant blessings

on all who honor Him

and do what is right. In

fact, the Bible says in

Galatians that In Christ,

there is no Jew or

Greek or even male or

female. God does not

judge you based on ex-

ternal conditions. He is

looking at your heart.

He is looking at your

deeds. He is looking at

the Christian gifts He

already placed inside of

you from the day you

were born.

July 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 Academy & ELC

Closed for

Independence Day


6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

Fundraiser Update: Thanks to you our Little Debbie Fundraiser was a huge success! We raised $761.12.

July 7-11 Space Camp

July 14-18 Art Camp

*wear old clothes

July 21-25 Cooking Camp

July 28-Aug 1 Sports Camp

*wear socks and sneakers

*bring a water bottle

Aug 4-8 Science Camp

Blessed is the nation whose God is Lord.

Psalm 33:12a

Medication Reminder: Please turn in all over the counter and prescription medications along with forms to the office (this includes sunscreen , diaper cream, lip balm and lotion ). Forms are good for up to 10 business days for over the counter medications. We will need doctors authorization for prescriptions, dosages not matching that recommended on the bottle, as well as medication use ex-tending more than the 10 business days. We can apply over the counter sun-screen, diaper cream, lip balm and lotion up to 6 months with parent permission. Forms are available in the office.

Mrs. Dawn’s Infants

Well summer is

here we are still

having lots of floor

and tummy time.

Just a few remind-

ers. We are also

working with older

children on learning to drink from a cup.

Please send a cup each day along with

snacks to encourage them to feed them-

selves. Also, please be sure to label every-

thing you send with your child’s name

and the date.

We would like to welcome our new friend

Daryn to the nursery.

“If God be for us, who can be against us?”

Romans 8:31

Mrs. Dawn Mayberry

Mrs. Godly’s Toddlers

“Train up your child in the

way he should go..”

Proverbs 22:6.

Our toddlers have been

following the Boz curricu-

lum and are having so much fun watch-

ing the DVDs, reading fun books, and

doing the different activities we have

each day! Our Bible verse for the month

of July is “God is good”.

We are proud of each and every toddler in

our classroom.

Love and prayers,

Mrs. Godly Jerome

Mrs. Nicole’s Transitional Two’s

Summer is here and so

many new adventures

are to come. My name is

Nicole Hilder, your

child’s new teacher. I

can’t wait to get to work with each child

and watch them grow.

In July we will be learning about differ-

ent kinds of helpers, and healthy foods.

We will also be reviewing the alphabet,

numbers, colors and shapes.

Little ones bring Joy to the hearts of those

who love them.

Mrs. Nicole Hilder

Miss Chanel’s Two-1/2 Year Old’s

As we are sailing right through the sum-

mer. We will continue to review material

that learned throughout the school year. In

addition to review we will be learning

about children of the world, keeping our

bodies healthy, and our families. Just a sim-

ple reminder to please send your child

enough juice, milk or water to last the

entire day.

I am elated about being on this journey

with your children as well as with you.

God does all things

well and He has

great things in store

for us all.

Miss Chanel

Ms. Amanda’s Threes

I would like to thank

you for the opportu-

nity to be a part of

your child’s educa-

tion. I have had so

much fun getting to know them and can’t

wait to get to know them even better! This

month we will be learning about how to

keep our bodies healthy, families, pets,

senses and seasons as well as the circus. I

am so excited to be a part of your child’s

summer fun!

Ms. Amanda Morris

Ms. Barbara’s Fours

This summer is flying by. We are having

lots of fun. We are learning about Inde-

pendence Day and why we celebrate it.

We will be talking about the circus, the

sea and being big kids when we go to

kindergarten. We will also review all that

we have learned this past year.

It has been a pleasure working with your

child this year.

Ms. Barbara Fore

Mrs. Debbie’s Fours

Happy Birthday


We begin July

with the BOOM!

ZOOM! And spar-

kle of fireworks.

The children are excited to celebrate the

4th of July.

This month we will also talk about our

families, pets, 4 seasons and 5 senses, the

sea and the circus.

Have a safe and fun-filled Independence


Love and Rejoicing,

Mrs. Debbie Rucker

Mrs. Robin’s Threes

I will be igniting

thoughts and

imaginations as

we head into July.

Fireworks light

the sky on the

Forth of July. Our summer themes will do

the same as we learn how each one

threads into the next.

This week starts it up– healthy bodies, and

fun in the sun. Next, we will examine the

family God has given us. Then, how our

family is extended through our pets. By the

time August approaches we will be ready

for seasons and senses. Sight and sound fill

the sky on the Forth of July.

Ms. Robin Steffens

Mrs. Sally’s Two-1/2 Year Old’s

Summer heat is officially here! So is the

summer fun! I am so excited about being

in the 2 1/2 year old class! Its always

good to see former students as well as

new faces. Change can be fun and I am

having a blast in my new classroom!

This summer we will be doing lots of

crafts and games, as well as learning

while we are having fun!

July is “Happy Birthday America”-red,

white and blue. We will be learning

about the circus, under the sea, the zoo

and all about me (health and nutrition).

We will review colors, numbers, shapes

and the sounds of the alphabet.

God is so good! I am

very blessed to teach

your children! I’m look-

ing forward to a safe

and fun summer here

at Tree of Life.

Mrs. Sally Burrill

Miss Jessica’s Two-1/2 Year Old’s

July is here! Our class

will continue to learn

how to write alphabet

letters, and learning

numbers 11-13. We

will discover that if you

mix one color and another color you get a

new color! This month we will begin learn-

ing how to use scissors safely.

Don’t forget we will be closed Friday, July

4th. I hope everyone has a fun and safe

time this Independence Day.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit , and where the

Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

2 Corinthians 3:17

Miss Jessica Perez