Volume 1 Issue 1, 8.5 x 11

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Transcript of Volume 1 Issue 1, 8.5 x 11

Family Devotions

Faithfulness in the Family

Issue No. 1 ISSN 1931-5597

We are publishing this series to help families catch a vision for the transformation that is possible in their personal lives, their family life, and even their nations, if they commit to following God’s plan for their blessing. While it is true that many servants of God are seeking such a transformation from various angles, God has placed on our hearts the importance of beginning with godliness at the household level.

Therefore, the themes you will find in this magazine are: 1. We want to encourage each person to trust in Christ as his

or her Savior for eternal life. 2. We want to encourage each saved person to make Christ

his or her Lord, obeying Him, being led by the Holy Spirit.

3. We want to challenge each person to make sure his or her faith passes the test of reality. One of the clearest tests of whether our faith is real is how we live at home, with our family.

4. We believe God’s order of priorities is: knowing Him, building a godly family, and reaching out to others to build His church. Career success, whether in business or in ministry, and economic security, are secondary, despite the fact that they are taken to be primary by human beings. Success at home, or in other words, a God-glorifying family life, is more important to Him. Success in a ministry without integrity in the family results in failure. Therefore, pastors should seek to build a strong Christian life in the home as much as in the church.

5. God gives one wife to each husband, and will hold him accountable for his faithfulness as a servant-leader to her. God gives one husband to each wife, and will hold her

Our mascot, Horacio the Ant (“hormiga” in Spanish) reminds us of our place in the building of God’s kingdom. There is a phrase in Spanish, “Cada uno aportando su granito de arena,” that translates roughly as: “Each one contributes his little grain of sand”. Even though one little grain of sand doesn’t seem like much, it is part of a combined effort that yields a complete anthill.

It is a big job to train our children and pass on our faith to them. And it is a bigger job to try to share with other families how God can transform their homes to show His Good News to their family members and their communities. But really we are just called to faithfully, daily, do our little bit, our assigned task and then God builds His kingdom using the grains of sand each of us brings. Let Horacio remind you to contribute your “granito de arena” — whatever God wants to assign you today.

How to contact us If you need prayer, a listening ear, or encouragement to

keep on, don’t hesitate to contact us! We also welcome your suggestions or letters to the editor. Thank you.

Faithfulness in the Family PO Box 640 Oakhurst, CA 93644-0640 USA Telephone & Fax: 1-559-658-8598 E-mail: edtuggy@faithfulnessinthefamily.org Internet: www.faithfulnessinthefamily.org When you write, please explain clearly how we can get in

touch with you or with some friend of yours who can receive mail. Thank you.

Ed and Susan Tuggy

What This Magazine is About

accountable for faithfully supporting her husband’s leadership. Generally speaking, God gives children to a couple, and will hold them accountable for their children’s care and growth in every aspect: physical, spiritual, educational, etc. He will also hold them accountable for making their best effort to raise godly offspring, so He can produce an ongoing godly lineage. These responsibilities do not belong to the government, the church or the schools; they fully belong to the parents.

6. The faithful family is one of God’s most powerful mechanisms for establishing His kingdom and filling Heaven with redeemed souls. First, we reach our “Jerusalem” (the members of our household); then we reach out to those nearby, and finally, we reach out to some of the remotest parts of the world. (Acts 1:8)

7. Each of our families lives in the midst of a culture. God gave us our cultural identity, and He has an ideal plan for each culture. He is pleased with the strengths of our culture, and not pleased with the weaknesses and failures of our culture. We should seek to evaluate each norm of our culture by comparing it with what Christ would be like if He were incarnated in our culture. Then we should choose his way over ours, his culture over our own. Our aim is righteousness rather than mere conformism.

8. We want to see each home serve God above all else, and each faithful home reflect the culture of Heaven as God brings changes into it. Let us each do our part, till we see the various cultures transformed by God into the beautiful societies He intended them to be. Let us not be resigned to anything less than God’s best for the cultures we live in and those we seek to reach.

—Ed and Susan Tuggy

Who is Horacio?

What is a disciple? It is the person who learns from his teacher and puts his teaching into practice. And why would you want to be one? Because it is the only way to have God’s success as we build our families. Jesus said to the crowd, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house [building his family], who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” (Luke 6:46-49)

Whom are you living for? What are you living for? Crawford Loritts, of Campus Crusade for Christ, says that “for the Christian, there ought to be only one answer [to the questions above]. We are living for Christ, and we are committed to doing whatever He wants.”

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

Our goal in putting together this magazine can be expressed in a phrase: “family discipleship”. By this we mean that God wants each of His redeemed children to be transformed more and more into the image of His Son, our Savior, and that many of the choices we must make to allow that transformation, occur in our daily life, among our family. Our home atmosphere and behavior can either help or hinder

the spiritual life of each of our family members. Chuck Colson, of Prison Fellowship, wrote that “we must go beyond personal conversion and develop a faith that [affects] every part of life.” Or, to put it another way, we should choose his way over ours, his culture over our own.

It is God’s plan for all believers to be disciples and allow the Holy Spirit to change them. And if you, like each of us, are a parent, we encourage you to consider how much more crucial it is that you “conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” (Philippians 1:27) What believing parent

wants his or her child to follow the world’s path to ultimate destruction? Do we not long for their salvation and desire to see them walk faithfully with the Lord all through their life? Truly, we should determine that with God’s help we will not impede their walk with God by our carelessness or deliberate sin, and that we will do all we

can to help them grow up clean and pure and inclined toward God.

Can we promise that if you follow a certain method your children will turn out to be wonderful, faithful Christians? No. Can farmers ever have a guarantee of a successful crop? No. Nevertheless, we are not surprised when the hardest-working farmer receives the most productive crop. It is the same with children. Instead of remarking to the parents of a well-behaved family, “Your children are so well-behaved. I don’t know how you do it,” we should rather ask the parents, “How did you raise such well-behaved children?” and they will tell us something like: “God did it in

Being a Disciple at Home

We are living for Christ, and we are

committed to doing whatever He wants.

“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)


answer to our prayers and as a reward for our poor, but faithful, efforts.”

What we aim to share with you in the pages of Faithfulness are hope and tools! Hope, because we know from our own experience, from the experiences of God’s people through the centuries and from the Scriptures that we can reap eternal life when we sow to please God’s Spirit. (Galatians 6:7–9) As you learn to obey the Lord in small things and big, and carefully and lovingly train your children in godly living, you will reap a harvest of blessing and godliness.

We want to share tools that can help you because we all need tools to accomplish our work. The work of building a godly family can be made a little easier for you if we share with you insights from God’s Word, hints of how to pray with your children, other people’s struggles and victories, and our love and concern for you. Feel free to ask us for prayer; and we would be honored if you would pray for us.

Obeying the Lord in small things and big, as we spoke of earlier, and carefully training your children in godly living often brings us pain and difficulty. It is not easy for us to change. What can keep me willing to obey God’s promptings? Knowing God!

God alone knows what changes need to be made, so I need to trust Him and obey. If I don’t trust Him, I won’t have the nerve or motivation to do what He says. Satan works hard to undermine our confidence in God’s character. Remember how he spoke to Eve in the garden? (Genesis 3:1–5) He got her to disobey when he questioned God’s motives for the prohibition.

“If God’s character is as portrayed in the Bible, then it is very logical to trust Him completely, and very illogical not to trust Him, or to fault Him in every area… If God were like us then it would be quite reasonable to distrust Him.” (Barkley p. 2)

How can we correct and grow in our knowledge of God? Examine the influences that come into your home which Satan can

use to distort God’s character in your thinking. Television, music, and reading material can influence us to wrong beliefs. I love to read, and I used to read a greater variety of books than I do now. One day, when our two oldest children were still young, God spoke to me about some of the books in the house. They were pretty “tame” by the world’s standards, but I realized that they could pollute our children’s minds. I had to get rid of them, or answer to God some day for selfishly indulging myself to the detriment of others.

In their manual of personal discipleship, Al & Lorraine Broom write, “Our worship is only as pure as our thoughts of God.” (One-to-One Discipling)

When we remove the influences that distort the character of God, and replace them with Bible study, Christian music and wholesome reading material, we learn to love and trust our Heavenly Father more and more, and the Holy Spirit can gently guide us to further steps of obedience. What a

wonderful example for our children (and relatives and neighbors)!

We cannot lead our children where we have not gone ourselves. A friend of ours in Bolivar City, Venezuela, was a good provider for his family. He loved his children and wanted them to turn out well. One of the things he most wanted was for them to avoid smoking, and he often reminded them of it. Unfortunately, his words had little if any effect, because he was a smoker himself.

Public opinion researcher George Barna reminds us that “as long as Christians live no differently from anyone else, our witness will be hollow.” (Moody, July/Aug. 1996) Even more sobering is realizing that if we Christian parents do not live according to the faith we profess, we can confuse our children or cause them to reject the Lord. God would like to retrain our thinking (see Romans 12:2) so we — and our families — will live for Jesus Christ. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

—Susan Tuggy

“We know that we have come to know him [Jesus

Christ] if we obey his commands.” (1 John 2:3)


In the little country of Scotland, famous for its fierce warriors and clan loyalty, there was a “golden epoch” when an Awakening of God made the Scots notable for something different. In nearly every home in that land, from cottage to castle, the families of Scotland began to have daily times of worship. On Sundays the Scottish believers gathered together for “Kirk”; but on every other day, often twice a day, fathers led their families in singing the Psalms,

Scripture reading and prayers. For many years the custom of family worship was followed and Scotland experienced tranquility and virtue in every level of society.

Robert Burns (1759-1796), Scotland’s most beloved poet, wrote about this blessed custom in The Cotter’s Saturday Night.

Portrait of Family Worship in Scotland

Family prayers are the first key to success in the Christian home.

The cheerfu' supper done, wi' serious face, They, round the ingle [fireplace], form a circle wide; The sire turns o'er, with patriarchal grace, The big ha'bible [hall Bible], ance [once] his father's pride: His bonnet rev'rently is laid aside, His lyart haffets [gray sideburns] wearing thin and bare; Those strains that once did sweet in Zion glide, [the Psalms] He wales a portion with judicious care; And "Let us worship God!" he says with solemn air. They chant their artless notes in simple guise, They tune their hearts, by far the noblest aim… The priest-like father reads the sacred page, How Abram was the friend of God on high… [Or] perhaps the Christian volume is the theme, How guiltless blood for guilty man was shed; How He, who bore in Heaven the second name, Had not on earth whereon to lay His head… Then, kneeling down to Heaven's Eternal King, The saint, the father, and the husband prays:

Robert Burns correctly concludes that, from scenes like these springs the greatness of his nation. Could it be that any other nation could attain greatness as well by means of the same humble custom, expressed in a culturally appropriate way?

My grandfather, Harold F. Tuggy, wrote about this poem: “In this scene, the house of the cotter is a humble cottage, but the household is of a noble spirit.” I would like to encourage you, dear reader, to consider what your own home would be like if nearly every day you and your loved ones gathered together to give praise to God, read His Word and bring your petitions to your Heavenly Father. We can tell you we have followed this custom for several years, and find it indescribably more blessed than watching television, going to a soccer game, or going our separate ways after supper. Family worship does bring tranquillity and virtue.

Pastor James W. Alexander gave us this advice: “Establish the worship of God in any house, and you

erect around it a new barrier against the corruption of the world, the flesh, and the devil.” (Thoughts on Family Worship, Soli

Deo Gloria Publications, www.SDGbooks.com)

How can you bring your granito de arena? Have you complained recently about what corruption has done to ruin your country? We

would all love to fix our country, so let us do our little part, by obeying God one step at a time.

Dear reader, hasn’t God spoken to you today about the importance of establishing the worship of

God in your own home? Now it is time to obey Him. If you are the head of your household, you have the power to decide you will begin worshipping God in your home today, so help you God. I beg you, do not put it off till tomorrow or next week. It doesn’t matter that you begin with baby steps; God will help you learn as soon as you begin.

“Family prayers are the first key to success in the Christian home. Whenever there are spiritual difficulties in a family, it is almost certain that there is also the absence of family prayers. ‘The family that prays together stays together.’ (Harold F. Tuggy, Templanza en el Hogar Cristiano, [Temperance in the Christian Home])

—Ed Tuggy

Hope "springs exulting on triumphant wing," That thus they all shall meet in future days [in Heaven]… Compar'd with this, how poor Religion's pride, In all the pomp of method, and of art; When men display to congregations wide Devotion's ev'ry grace, except the heart! … But haply, in some cottage far apart, [God] may hear, well-pleas'd, the language of the soul; And in His Book of Life the inmates poor enroll… "An honest man's the noblest work of God"

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our

Maker; For he is our God

and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…”

(Psalm 95:6-8a)


The Elements of Family Worship

“…And how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures…” (2 Timothy 3:15)

The Apostle Paul wrote the words above to his disciple Timothy, as well as the following: “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:5)

A regularly scheduled time of family worship helps us as parents follow through on our desire or commitment to bring up our children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) Our family meets four or five evenings of the week; your family life may allow you to worship together every lunch time, one evening a week, or twice a week in the mornings. If you can’t come up with a single time in the week when you can all join for reading

the Bible and praying together, ask God to help you rearrange the family members’ schedules to allow you to fulfill this blessed responsibility. At least once a week is desirable, and once a day is ideal.

We realize that the Industrial Revolution has done a great deal to disintegrate family life, at least for city-dwellers, if not for country folk. It was easier to carry out this responsibility when most families lived an agrarian life. But don’t let that become an excuse. Instead, ask God to help you overcome the obstacles of crowded schedules, and He will give you a reward for overcoming! And don’t forget that everything worthwhile requires paying the price. Once we realize that family worship is a high priority in our home life, if not the highest of all, then we will begin getting ready to throw out other activities that have lesser value, such as watching TV, going to shows or sports events, and so forth, to make room for what’s most important. Once you have overcome these obstacles, we would love to hear from you, telling us how God helped you do it. We want to pass on the experience you have gained to other readers.

There are five main elements of family worship: prayer, singing, reading the Bible aloud, memorizing Scripture, and creative activities, that is, fun ways to understand and remember lessons from the Word. We will be presenting articles focusing on each of these elements in turn as parts of a “tool chest” for family worship. We hope the article following this one will assist you in praying with your children.

Prayer is the channel of communication with God. Reading the Word teaches us who God is, and what He expects of us. Singing helps strengthen our emotions and our minds so we resist sin and respond to life in a godly


way. Memorizing Scripture provides us with a storeroom of truth that the Holy Spirit can use when life’s road is hard to navigate. The last element of family worship, creative activities, includes object lessons, Bible games and quizzes, impromptu dramas and other fun things that help your children (and you) remember and apply what you are learning together.

Each of these elements is do-able for your family, we assure you. If you are not accustomed to praying aloud, you could try agreeing on several items to pray for, and then each silently pray for a short time. Later God will give you courage to pray aloud if you ask Him.

Some find reading difficult. The family members could take turns, (share the anxiety!) or the family’s best reader could serve the rest by reading the Bible. After you have established the habit of daily Bible reading out loud, the one who does the most reading will find his reading skills improving greatly, giving him plenty of confidence. If you don’t have a Bible, can you borrow one? Or tell us of your need and we will try to find a Bible for you.

Perhaps you protest that none of you can carry a tune, or that you don’t know any Christian songs. Borrow or buy a tape or record or CD of Christian music. Listen carefully, try humming along, and attempt some of the words. Do what you are able, and you will please God and find blessing for yourselves.

Choose verses or passages to memorize that will be useful to you, such as salvation verses. As you and your children grow in the Lord, you will have opportunity to share your

faith with others. It is a delight to feel prepared because you know the appropriate verses by heart. Write a verse on a 3 x 5 card or small piece of paper, and post it in a prominent place in the home (a bathroom mirror, a kitchen window, the front of the refrigerator, or a door). At least once a day take a minute or two to go over the verse aloud together, repeating it a few times. By the end of the week you will all know it! Save the paper for review later on.

The last element, creative activities, might seem to require too much time or creativity. You could simply encourage the children to act out a Bible story that you are reading, with perhaps a towel-turban or a roll of paper for a trumpet. Wise parents conserve their own energy, while encouraging the young ones to use their liveliness to learn of God!

In our house our evening devotional time consists of singing with guitar, reading the Bible, and praying around the circle. This time is led by the father of the house. Occasionally we have a creative activity instead of the Bible reading time. The memorizing of Scripture is supervised by the mother of the house during the homeschooling hours. These activities have knit our family

closer to each other and to God. For a working parent, family worship times are especially needed so he or she will have the chance to guide his or her children in spiritual matters.

Your granito de arena: If you have not begun the wonderful habit of family worship, we urge you to determine a time to try it out. Satan will

attempt to discourage you, but you must persevere. God will bless your efforts.

—Susan Tuggy

Read Psalm 23 Sing Memorize Isaiah 53:6 Items of Prayer: 1 Thank God for being your

shepherd. 2 Pray for the neighbors.


In the previous article, praying together as a family was mentioned as one of the important components of a family worship time. There are many opportunities, of course, throughout the day to pray for and with other family members. But developing a habit together of a particular time of day for prayer has many benefits!

You can’t always schedule times for prayer, of course. There are occasions that merit stopping everything for prayer. When the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were bombed on 9/11, as soon as we found out about it, we knew it was time to take it all to God. The father of our house called the whole family together, and we got down on our knees and asked God to stop the attack and take care of the suffering. We also asked Him to help us know how to react with trust in Him.

All day long, show by example how to maintain a conversation with the Most High, and then during family worship, help your children practice. How is this “conversation” done?

As a child hears people pray he learns what to ask God for and how to talk to God.

The first component of prayer is adoration. It is really the most important, and the other three depend on it. We as parents need to guide our children to know what God is like so they can grow to love and trust Him. Knowing that God cares about us, that He is holy, that He is good, that He is all-powerful — these and other attributes of God encourage us to depend on Him and trust in His provision. Ask God

to reveal more of Himself to you, and praise Him together with your family.

Next comes confession. I feel awkward admitting to my family when I have done wrong. (A lot of times they know already!) Yet, when I confess my sin to them and to God, I can teach them what to do when they sin. Confessing sin, and turning away from it, brings cleansing and allows us to have happy

fellowship with the Lord again. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Third, model thanksgiving by cultivating the habit of thanking God out loud for a blessing, a need met, or a deliverance. The care you take to be grateful will teach your children to have and show thankfulness to God our Provider.

In addition to adoration, confession, and thanksgiving, another important component of prayer is supplication

(another way of saying petition). Even the youngest child can learn the pleasure and privilege of praying for his friends, family members and family needs. Throughout the day, take note of needs and pray for them promptly, sometimes drawing your child to you so they can join you. A working parent can make an effort to “bring home” prayer requests from your day away from the family. Then at family worship time everyone can bring them to God.

What to Pray For We suggest that you start by praying

about the things that test your faith the most, the things that upset you the most, or

Family Worship Toolchest Part 1: How to Pray With Your Children






the things that are the most significant to your life. For example, for most adults, spending a productive day at work is very important. Therefore, make it a matter of prayer. If your job is taken from you, finding a new job is very important; so put “job” on the family prayer list. Staying in good health is very important; why not pray for good health for yourself and your entire family? Living in a peaceful society is important to most of us; so pray for the leaders of your nation and the peace of your community, state or nation. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1–2)

For most children, it is very important to be able to perform well in school. Therefore, make that a matter of prayer with them. Or they may be studying at home; that, too, is something to pray about with them. Having a happy home where they are loved is important to them; so, pray with them about that.

There is no need or circumstance that cannot be brought to our Heavenly Father. Do not worry that a concern might be “too little” to bother Him with. After all, nothing in the universe is “big” for Him! The Bible assures us that God cares about our concerns: “Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) The main thing is, don’t forget to pray about what’s important to you and your children.

Some of our concerns are frightening to us as adults. What then? If I share with my child something I am anxious about — so we can pray about it together — won’t I make my child anxious as well? Is that kind, or necessary?

We do need to be careful about the kinds of needs we share with our children, but also remember

that children usually pick up on our anxiety anyway, and it can be a relief to find out what the grownups are upset about, and to be part of the solution.

For example: the family’s income has suffered and there is very little to eat. The parent or parents can choose to pray about the situation without mentioning it to the children. When God provides, the parents can then excitedly tell the children how there was no food and God sent some. Or, the parents can gather the children (maybe not very little ones) and all pray together about the situation. There will be children waiting at the door for the food to arrive from God!

Sometimes my faith in God’s care falters. How can I teach my children to have faith when I have so little? I can ask God to increase my faith. In Romans 10:17 the Apostle Paul reminds us that faith comes through attention to the Word of God: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Search out stories and promises in the Bible that show God providing, and share them with your children. Be honest as well, explaining that God doesn’t always do for us what we think would be best, but we trust Him to know what’s best. As we

parents learn to accept God’s will for us, our children will learn to say and mean “Thy will be done.”

Methods and Models The Holy Spirit helps us to pray. “In the same

way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts know the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” (Romans 8:26–27) Ask Him for His assistance as you apply yourself to praying with your children.

Children should be taught to be reverent when anyone is praying. They should keep their body still, be quiet, and perhaps close their eyes or in some way learn to focus on the prayer rather than on distracting things around them. Reward your child with praise or a small treat when they maintain a reverent attitude throughout the prayer time. Encourage children to “help pray” by agreeing with the one who is praying.

More things to pray for: • Family members • Friends • The pastor • Workers in our church • The poor and suffering • Lost souls • Brothers and sisters in

Christ, far away • Missionaries • Government officials


The Lord Jesus taught this with these words: “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19–20)

You (the parent) need to guide a young child, not only in the way to pray, but also toward knowing what God is like, so he or she can grow to love and trust Him, and ask Him simply for things, and thank and praise Him for His provision and care.

A baby’s first prayer can be repeating short, simple phrases after you, such as “Dear God, I love you.” As he grows and learns about the Lord, encourage him to thank God for sending His Son Jesus to die for our sins. Small children delight in asking God to help in simple necessities of life.

An older child can help the family remember God’s answers — needs He has met and help He has given — and they can prompt us to give thanks. Train yourself and your children to talk with the Lord, not just to “recite” or “say prayers”. Some written prayers are helpful — especially the Lord’s Prayer — and can be used with discretion. But take care not to fall into the habit of using mostly written or memorized prayers, as very quickly these lose their meaning. No written prayer can cover the exact concerns your family has on this day. God is eager to hear from you, so speak directly to Him!

We have five children, so to keep things manageable, we all decide on two or three items we will take to God on a particular evening. Other times we pray for the person on our right, or the next person younger.

Is there in your home an older child who is not interested in spiritual things? We don’t all begin our own walk with Jesus early in life, and often enough we have children who were not trained to love God when they were very young. What then? Begin by praying for the child in secret, then pray for the child in his presence (as he gets ready to leave for school, for example, hug him and say a short prayer for his day). Keep asking the Lord to open the child’s heart to Himself, and always offer the opportunity during family worship for all to pray. Don’t concern yourself with questions like, “Does God listen when unbelievers pray?” Of course He listens — He loves

all his created people — and sometimes He even grants the requests of unbelievers in order to bring grace into their lives.

By practicing prayer throughout the day, and dedicating some time to praying together on a regular basis, you will create a family closeness to each other and closeness to God that will be a real blessing to you.

Your granito de arena: Perhaps you have never prayed out loud before. Try beginning with adoration: think of something wonderful about

God and tell Him about it. Next try thanksgiving. Surely God has cared for you in some way you can thank Him for. Confess any sins the Holy Spirit reminds you of, and accept His cleansing. Then make your petitions, asking God for His help in your needs. You can end your prayer as many of us do, by saying “Amen”, which means “let it be so,” or be creative in how you personally leave the presence of the Most High.

Perhaps you family has not prayed together before. Why not start today?

—Susan Tuggy


If you are a pastor, consider whether the programs of your church may be making it difficult for your member families to have regular home worship times. If so, we would urge you to reconsider the usual pastor’s emphasis on the custom of attendance at church functions practically every night of the week. This is presumably valid for member families who are just getting started in their faith and have not demonstrated the desire to have worship at home. But your expectations for the rest of your member families should be different. Why not encourage them to have family worship in their homes, and release them from the expectation of attendance at church every night? You will be amazed at the vitality of your church as your families practice their religion at home!

In his book, Templanza en el hogar cristiano (Temperance in the Christian Home), Harold F. Tuggy wrote: “A church was situated in a bad neighborhood of a city. The pastor tried hard, but only succeeded in getting a few people to attend the services. Then he put into practice a work plan of visiting all the homes in the neighborhood and teaching the families to have family prayers. After several years of labor, the bad character of the neighborhood was completely changed and the church was filled with Christians. The power of family prayers is immense.

“Therefore it seems that the Devil especially hates family worship.”

For this reason, we urge you, esteemed pastor, to think about building godly families first and watch God build His church as a result. If your member

families wish to have worship at home instead of attending so many services, release them and arrange to hold them accountable and check up on them.

If you are not the pastor, but a member of a church where the pastor expects everyone to attend almost every night of the week, kindly and gently explain to him that you have decided to have family devotions and you will no longer be able to attend church more than once, twice, or maybe three times a week, for example, depending on what you have decided. Now don’t excuse yourself and then fail to follow through with worship at home! Instead, keep your promise to have family worship times and report to your pastor about what you are doing.

Let us beware of filling our church calendars with all kinds of churchly things that keep us busy all the time, but keep us from doing what

our Heavenly Father really wants — spending time building godliness in our homes, and spending time with our unsaved neighbors, influencing them for Christ. How many of the things on our church calendar are inadvertently serving the Devil’s purposes?

—Ed Tuggy

How Pastors Can Encourage Family Worship


Many Christians today feel that the Genesis account of the creation of this universe is a story with good points in it, but since scientists have declared that millions of years were required to form the earth and the living creatures on it, then that part of the Bible is not literally true, or is not written in scientific terms, and is not meant to be evaluated scientifically, or they make some other such disclaimer to keep from pitting the Bible directly against science. Finally, many of the same Christians feel that it really doesn’t matter all that much whether Genesis chapter one fits with the “scientific evidence” or not, as there are plenty of other good teachings to be learned from the Bible in the hundreds of pages that follow. But have people who say these things really considered what they are saying?

Let’s consider these points carefully, starting with the question, does it really matter?

One of the main issues in evaluating the testimony presented in court is the reliability or trustworthiness of the witness. If a witness in known to have told lies on numerous occasions, then, even if he happens to tell the truth in court, still, his testimony will be held in question. On the other hand, if a witness is known to be consistent about telling the truth, then his testimony in court will be very difficult to challenge, simply because of his

reputation, because of his known truthful character.

In the same way, it is very important to establish whether the Bible is reliable or not. If the writers of the Bible were not zealous for telling the truth, then we are indeed free to take the Bible or leave it as we see fit. But if they felt that telling the truth was of utmost importance, and took great pains to do so themselves, then we need to take the Bible seriously as an ancient document whose testimony is very

trustworthy. As a matter of fact, did you know that even irreligious archeologists refer to the Bible as an accurate archeological guide? The more they follow its testimony, the more successful they are in digging up ancient treasures. What does that tell us about the Bible as a trustworthy ancient document?

Furthermore, the Bible claims to be the Word of God. So then, not only is the

The Bible is Reliable


reputation of the Bible as a human document at stake, but also the reputation of the God of the Hebrews is at stake. If his testimony can be questioned, if he can be shown to be careless of the truth, then how do we know he is not the cosmic liar, and Satan the one who is telling the truth? Not that we would seriously consider that idea, but you can see how confusing everything can become if we cannot establish the truthfulness of God’s testimony.

One of Satan’s strategies for stifling Christians is to get us to ignore the Bible. If it is not reliable—if God’s message to us is obscure religious talk and not truth—then we don’t need to heed what the Bible tells us. We will continue walking in darkness and have nothing to offer the sin-sick world around us.

Finally, “The Bible is the foundational element in a Christ-directed life, and it is from the Bible that you learn all of the other basics for the Christian life. As God speaks to you through the Scriptures, you come to know Him and to love Him, to understand and obey His principles for life and ministry.” (Al & Lorraine Broom in One-to-One Discipling) So it is foundational to living a godly life to be able to establish the trustworthiness of the Bible.

Getting back to Genesis chapter one, some claim that it cannot be taken at face value, but that it has metaphorical validity. Perhaps it is couched in metaphors that ancient people could understand, since they weren’t aware of scientific concepts. However, if Genesis 1 cannot be taken at face value, then how do we know how to interpret it or any other passage? What use is testimony that cannot be taken at face value? How is that any better than a witness in court who crosses his fingers behind his back? Couching the story in pre-scientific terms is one

thing, but using the phrase “evening and morning” to refer to long ages, is another thing entirely. If the world was not created

and filled with creatures in six days and nights, then Genesis chapter one made clearly false statements, no matter what your worldview may be.

Yes, it is indeed of utmost importance to determine whether the Bible, as God’s Word, is telling the truth and can be taken at face value. So then, if Genesis chapter one is not trustworthy, if it does not stand on its own credentials, just like eyewitness testimony stands on its own credentials, then we have real problems. But if it is just as valid as any other eyewitness testimony, if not even more so, then we must not cave in to every claim by more recent investigators to have found more accurate information.

Indeed, we need to learn to evaluate the confidence we place in “science” and “scientists”. Are we accepting their claims as if they were infallible authorities? Are we intimidated by their impressive credentials and massive research efforts? Do we feel we must rely on their investigations because we don’t have time to check them out for ourselves? If we question them, are we afraid we will look like we are uneducated, superstitious, unenlightened or irrational? We may think that “science” has obviously demonstrated its validity in the practical applications we see every day now — cars, trucks, airplanes, spacecraft, video cameras and players, computers, the Internet and so forth. But are these modern inventions any indication that scientists can tell what happened millions of years ago based


on the fossil and geologic records? No; the interpretation of the fossil record is very subjective and even speculative. Using this kind of “science”, the computer would have never been produced.

Good news! There is no need to believe in “millions of years,” or in slime that evolves all the way to man, or that stars and planets and quasars came from an explosion long ago which used cosmic matter from who-knows-where. There is a great deal of scientific evidence that shows that Moses was given correct information by God our Creator about the origin of the universe and people. Surprised? Wondering why you hadn’t heard this before?

There is even a great deal of scientific evidence against current evolutionary claims! For example, we are often told that radiometric dating methods “prove” that the layers of rock on the Earth were laid down over millions of years. But these dating methods give unreliable results, and are often ignored or “adjusted” by the geologists, paleontologists or archaeologists who send the samples to the lab!

For example, Richard Leakey found a skull of a supposedly ancient man-like creature. The date given by the lab was 2.6 million years old. But anthropologists said the skull looked too “modern” for that age (no real humans were supposed to be around yet). So they spent ten years adjusting the dates closer to modern times.

Another instance involves some trees caught in a lava flow long ago in Australia. Dating by accelerator mass spectrometry, in two separate laboratories, gave an estimate of 44,000 years for the tree samples. Potassium-argon dating was done on the rock which was formed by fresh lava at the same time as the trees were alive. The rock should have a date of about 44,000 years too, right? The lab returned a date range of 36-58 million years! If the trees were that ancient, there would have been no carbon left of their living tissue for the lab to

examine at all, so the rock date is obviously a mistake.

Since dating methods are not reliable, and often ignored by the scientists themselves, you can doubt what evolutionists say about “millions of years.” Their claims about events in the remote past are guess-work that is very different from their investigations into presently observable events using repeatable experiments. Whenever they make a bold claim about the remote past, they can smugly rest assured that no one can go back there to observe that it was not so. But claims that cannot be double-checked are useless and deserving of dismissal. In fact, many of their claims have been shown to be fraudulent, deliberately tampering with the evidence to delude the public with myths. The case of “Piltdown Man” is not the only time this has happened. Instead of caving in to “scientific evidence”, you can BELIEVE what God’s Word says: not so many thousands of years ago, in six real days and nights, the all-powerful God called our universe into being according to His awe-inspiring plan, and Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day, as “modern” as we are.

Your granito de arena: What will you base your beliefs on? How will you influence others around you? If you have been confused about

the truth of certain parts of the Bible, tell God about it. Ask Him to show you whether His Word is reliable from beginning to end. Find out what your children think. Teach them to be skeptical of “proofs” of evolution. It will make a big difference

in their lives when you assure them that the Bible is reliable. Need help? Contact Answers in Genesis, a wonderful ministry that exists to help us stand on the truth of the Bible.

—Ed and Susan Tuggy

Answers in Genesis

P.O. Box 6330 Florence, Kentucky 41022 USA

Internet: www.AnswersinGenesis.org


Dear reader, I would like to ask you a few questions.

You believe God is your Creator, right? You also believe that He is your Judge, and

your eternal destiny is in His hands, right? I presume you have answered “Yes” to these

questions; otherwise, you probably would not have read this far.

Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God, and therefore trustworthy?

If you have had doubts, I hope you can dispel them, reviewing the article about the trustworthiness of the Bible, or considering how miraculous is the Bible’s survival over the centuries. Ask God to help you find the truth.

Now are you ready to go on, convinced that the Bible is the absolute truth?

Then let’s look at what the Lord Jesus Christ said about how to receive God’s blessing.

While counseling an important Jew named Nicodemus, a man who was considered very good among his people, Jesus told him, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) This is because we are all sinners, as was even that gentleman named Nicodemus. “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19)

So then, how did He counsel Nicodemus to be born again? First, He said, “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit,” (John 3:6)

thereby making it clear that he was referring to a spiritual rebirth. Farther on He said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) This is to say that one’s spiritual rebirth consists in placing one’s confidence in Jesus Christ to receive eternal life from Him.

Then Jesus said, “Whoever believes in him [referring to himself] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” (John 3:18) So then, the first step to receiving God’s blessing is to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior; this is the only way to avoid being condemned.

If you want to put your trust in Jesus Christ, in order to be born again and receive eternal life, do so today; don’t put it off. You can talk to God in your own words, or you can tell Him something like this: “Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I need to be born again in my spirit. Therefore I am putting my confidence in you as my Savior. So now, according to your promise, I am no longer lost, but have eternal life. I have been born again of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord. Amen.”

Now you have taken the first step to receiving God’s blessing: you have begun a new life in Jesus Christ. You are now ready to receive the rest of God’s counsel and put it into practice as the Holy Spirit enables you.

—Ed Tuggy

How to Receive the Blessing of God

Photography by Ron Thomas