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  • 8/8/2019 Vol1N2


    T H E R E S T O R A T I O N G R O U P


    Naioth Schoolfor EmergingLeadersLaunches new curriculum

    he Naioth School for Emerging Leaders in Fort Worth,

    exas has developed a concise, powerful, Spirit-led

    rogram by which to train Gods prophets for effective

    ministry in todays world. Visit us online at


    hree years ago, a series of prophetic schools

    onducted online developed into a school for the

    easoning of Gods end-time leaders.

    oundational truth must be established

    his June, Naioth will be launching an all-new

    urriculum: Apostolic Foundations: Etenrnal Principles

    for God-ordained Leadership , a 30-week intensive

    ourse designed to educate, edify, and inspire the

    merging leader for the fulfillment of their God-

    given destiny. Over the last few years, as we have

    had the privilege of training and mentoring Gods

    leaders, we have discovered that many leaders

    needed to develop a solid foundation of Gods truth

    on which to build their lives and ministry. Thus,

    Apostolic Foundations approaches leadership

    training from a bold perspective: the teaching of

    foundational truth which shapes and enhances the

    students ability to walk in victory, to hear clearly

    from God, and to lead others to do the same. B

    revelation is made plain and effective leade

    principles are demonstrated in ways applicab

    todays world while remaining comp

    committed to Scriptural truth.

    While many schools cost thousands of dolla

    attend, Naioth is committed to being affordable

    has scholarships available for those who qualify

    Naioth Schoolf for Emerging Leaders conducts local

    classes as well as regional workshops. For more

    information, visit us online at www.naioth.org.or w


    The Restoration Group

    Attn: NaiothP.O. BOX 136638

    FORT WORTH, TX 76136

    The Naioth School for Emerging Leaders functions

    the covering ofThe Restoration Group, an

    international fellowship of apostolic and prophetic le

    committed to the spread of the Gospel and the

    development of mature, uncompromising Christian

    And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane, an

    cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.

    -Ezekiel 44:23

    postolic Awakening

    A monthly gathering ofeaders for prayer,

    ellowship and mutualupport in theulfillment of Godsurpose.age 2

    A Word in Season

    A look at somethingthat keeps many from

    hearing the Lord.Page 2

    The Age of Iblis

    A word concerningtreachery in the midst

    of the saints.Page 3

    Event Horizon

    A Prophetic wordconcerning this nextseason.Page 2

    Events Calendar

    Keep up with eventsand gatherings of The

    Restoration Group andits partner ministries.Page 2

    Kingdom Ecoocmi

    Announcing a dynnew system for

    empowering the Safor financial strengand good stewardsPage 4

    A Monthly Newsletter for Christian Leaders Vol. 1, No. 1, April 20

    To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give untothem beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, thegarment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they

    might be called trees of righteousness, the planting ofthe LORD, that he might be glorified. (Isaiah 61:3)

    A Publication of the Naioth School for Emerging Leaders

  • 8/8/2019 Vol1N2


    P R O P H E T I C I M P A C T


    F R O M T H E C H A I R M A N S D E S K

    A Word in Season?

    During these troubled times, and over the last

    ew years, I have frequently encountered

    eople who have difficulty hearing, or

    therwise perceiving, communications from

    he Lord. Some have not heard from the Lord

    n years, much to their frustration.

    Very often I have found that people do not

    ear from God because they are not listening!

    The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue

    f the learned, that I should know how to

    peak a word in season to him that is

    weary: he wakeneth morning by morning,

    he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the

    earned. (Isaiah 50:4)

    ometimes we try to listen but are unable to

    ear, because we have not yielded to Gods

    wakening call. In Psalm 23 we are told that

    he Lord anoints the head of his sheep with oil.

    hepherds did this to protect the sheep from

    arasites that could damage their nose, eyes,

    nd ears (and do even further harm). Some

    heep, however, will bite the shepherd, not not

    et a complete smearing of the protective oil.

    The same thing often occurs with people. One

    f the easiest ways to lose our ability to hear

    rom God is rebellion; after all rebellion is the

    in of witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:23). If we

    nderstand that God declared death to thosewho move in witchcraft (Exodus 22:18), how

    an we expect the life of God to flow through

    s clearly if we rebel? Consider all the stop

    igns, red lights, and speed limit signs so

    many of us casually disregard, and then

    emember that the Word tells us that we are

    o be subject to governmental authority (Rom.

    3:1). So long as authority does not ask us to

    in, we must obey. This is but one example of

    he numerous small ways in which we allow

    ebellion to take hold of our lives.

    My challenge to you today is to evaluate youegree of submission to authority, and

    liminate even small rebellion from your

    aily walk.... and you will experience an

    awakening of your own.

    --Sam Medina, Chairman

    The Restoration Group

    Apostolic AwakeningThe Restoration Group, an InternationalFellowship of Apostolic and Prophetic Leaders,holds a monthly gathering every 3rd Saturday ofthe month in Fort Worth, TX.

    Something is stirring among Gods leaders, adeep and burning desire for a closer walk ofunbroken fellowship and a great longing for

    not just revival, but renewal and restoration.The March gathering was a time of intenseprayer, revelation and impartation as a groupof leaders came together to shatter

    strongholds, pray forGods mercy and graceto be shed uponAmerica. One leaderreceived some powerfulprophetic words aboutthe gathering fromprophets in different

    parts of the country as he was driving to themeeting. Every leader left with renewed

    vision and purpose for this coming season.Aprils Apostolic Awakening will occur at1PM Saturday, April 19, 2008, and the themewill be The Apostolic Mandate.

    Event HorizonA Prophetic vision shown to Samuel Medina

    A few nights ago, as I prayed, I kept hearingthe words Event Horizon, and as I reflectedon its meaning, I saw a vision of a range ofmountains surrounded by a dusky sky. As Ilooked across the mountains I saw on the

    other side a gigantic angel standing in thevalley beyond, towering above the mountains(They were not even up to his knees). Hisexpression was serious, almost frightening,and he appeared to be about to step over themountains to take action.

    As I continued to pray, I decided to look upthe term event horizon, and found that it isthe part of the perimeter of a black hole fromwhich light cannot return once it enters, orescape if it is moving outward. I prayed more

    about this andunderstood that thereare many among us whostand at an eventhorizon, for good, or forevil. Many are about to

    be drawn inextricablyinto their purpose, and many will be drawninto bondage of their own making because oftheir closeness to things that displease God.

    The church stands at the brink of both ruinand restoration.

    It is time to choose which one to partake in

    God bless you, and God keep you.

    EVENTS CALENDASome exciting Events are on the horizon. For more

    information, visit us online at www.restorationgrou

    May 10, 2008 @ Fort Worth, TX

    Prophetic ImpactOnline Broadcast

    Join us LIVE on PalTalk for a time of inspired

    prayer, Biblical teaching, and the manifestation

    Gods power. See website for details..

    June 14, 2008 @ Fort Worth, TXApostolic AwakeningApostles and Prophets: LayingFoundations for the Next Move.Our monthly gathering of apostles and prophe

    prayer, apostolic impartation, prophetic ministr

    and the activation and release of gifts and callin

    June 21, 2008 @ Fort Worth, TX

    Prophetic ImpactReleasing a New Generation of Proph

    A powerful life-changing experience in whichleaders will gather together for the release of G

    prophets into His purpose. This event will be

    broadcast LIVE on the internet as well.

    June 28 2008 @ Fort Worth, TX

    Apostolic AwakeningOnline BroadcastA gathering of apostles and prophets for prayer

    apostolic impartation, prophetic ministry, and t

    development of practical strategy for entering t

    next move of God.

    Available online @ www.naioth.org

  • 8/8/2019 Vol1N2


    P R O P H E T I C I M P A C T


    n the natural world, there areredators who don't chase theirrey down, but rather lie in waitor them, often employingamouflage and diversions inrder to create the opportunity forhei r next meal. A simi larhenomenon is observable inpiritual matters as well. A fewights ago, while in prayer, Iegan to see a panoramic view ofhe subdivision in which we live...t was as if the houses hadisappeared, and the ground

    eneath them had opened,evealing passages and intersticesonnecting the various propertiess if with an undergroundetwork. As I continued to pray, Inderstood that there was a greateal of spiritual activity in theegion which was "underground"o to speak, and that the

    underlying component of much ofthis activity was fear. As I prayed,I kept hearing the words "ambushpredators."

    A good deal of the demonicactivity appeared to be connectedto witchcraft, such as Santeriaand Curanderismo, praticed bymany of the Hispanic residents ofthe area, and so I continued topray, inquiring as to how they

    were operating. After some timeth Lord did confirm for me what Ihad perceived before thatwitchcraft is often used against

    believers (and non-believers) toprovoke fear. Why? Fear is usedto immobilize people in theirauthority by creating unbelief. InNumbers 13 and 14, fear did notcause the Israelites to cease tobelieve in God, but it did cause

    them to refuse to believepromise. Thus it occurs to mChristians today, whether thrwitchcraft or other means, the enemy will attempt tofear to cause us to disbelievpromises and thereby negletake action in some regarother.

    Ambush predators typicallyout two kinds of prey: targeopportunity, and targetnecessity. The first are prey

    just happen to stumble

    their path because the prey careless and did not pay mattention to their environmand the second are thosewhom the predator prehimself and must lie in because if he does not, he cacatch them. Which one havebeen?

    Were sent as lambs among wolves, but we do not have to become prey

    if we continually seek the Lord and obey His Word.

    Ambush PredatorsDont be a target of opportunity!

    For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among

    you, not sparing the flock. Acts 20:29

  • 8/8/2019 Vol1N2


    P R O P H E T I C I M P A C T



    Stewardship, Credit Repair, Debt Elimination, Mortgages, Investing



    Includes extensive resources to assist you in creating long-term financial strengt

    Prophetic Impact Vol 1, No. 1 April 20

    Saints, let us pray that our spiritual sensesbe sharp, and our ear attentive to the voice

    of the Lord. There is coming an increase inwitchcraft throughout the United States as anew generation of its practitioners comes ofge and gains authorization from their

    various demonic alliances to begin "hunting"on a more regular basis. Let us remainober and vigilant, that we do not become


    God bless you, and God keep you.


    C/O The Restoration GroupP.O. BOX 136638

    FORT WORTH, TX 76136-0638

    Prophesy Your Destinycontinued)


    ECONOMICSA strategic, comprehensive

    approach to sound financial


    To advertise in one of our upcoming issues, contact us at naioth@gmail.com

    Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets

    --Amos 3:7
