VOL. XX. QREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY, …Wilii.m: Brilton, Jr., of Hous- ton Texas, cauic...

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Transcript of VOL. XX. QREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY, …Wilii.m: Brilton, Jr., of Hous- ton Texas, cauic...

  • V

    1/ U







    -*~ Weel|







    Christmas Greetings.

    1001. A nice Xmas present, our pretty Rugs at Cost.

    'The Prize Ladies' Shoe" \Infant Soft Sole Shoes.

    Biif bargains for all in womens and mens shoes.

    Metis and Boys Clothing at cost. Can please you

    in prices and qualities


    ttgthwgttgn Mutual Life Insurance frmpasy. Mr. Dan Abram, of Rocky Mount, N. C, took out policy

    No. 140,220 in 1880, amount *r>,000; kind, ordinary life, 15 year accumulation period; annual premium $228.20; total payments $3,423.

    OPTIONS OF SETTLEMENT. 1. lfi year dividend payable in cash 11,980.49

    and continue policy for 5,000.00 9- Fnll paid participating additional insnr. 8.804 00

    and continue policy for 5,000.00 3. Withdraw total cash value 3,002.80 For nn agency, or example of results at your age for com-

    parison with any other company, address, giving date of birth,

    T. ARCHIBALD OARY, General Agent. For Virginia aud North Carolina,

    1201 B. Main Street, Richmond, Va


    wmw%% qooDS

    The pleasant days we have been having are now a thing

    of the past, and only the pleasant memories of the same re-

    main. Have yon supplied yourself with all necessary winter

    clothing! When you face facts all arguments halt. We give

    no prices but all winter goods

    pH©I PE §Q4§, A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry

    Goods, Rugs, Noiions, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Under-

    wear the cold weather kind. Winter and season right for

    Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.




    BETHEL, B. C, Dec. 2$, ISM.

    Misses Eflie Grimes ami Lizzie Mayo of this place returned from Mt. Olive Friday night.

    Miss Blanche Mayo rctuineu from the N'ornml College Friday.

    Miss Lizzie Grimes who has been attending the Baptist I'uiver sity returned to her home Friday night.

    M. C. S. Cherry, of Mt. Olive is visiting relatives here during hoi idays.

    Several of our boys who have beenattendingschoolat U-.ik Kidge returned home Friday.

    .hilin- Brown and Theodore Britlon, who have I attending school at the University came in Saturday night to take in Xmas holidays.

    Wilii.m: Brilton, Jr., of Hous- ton Texas, cauic in-Haturday night to spend u few days with his par- ents.

    Lawrence BoOU, ofMt. Olive is visitiug relatives here.

    John Tysou, of Rumt lHo, is vis- iling friends here.

    W. J. Rollins, of Greenville, is here on business.

    It. I). Whilehuist, of this place, left here this morning for Norfolk to purchase a .-ink of horses and mules.

    B P. Gaudy, of Qunntico, Md., is visitiug his sister, Mrs. J. L. Overtou of this place.

    Harry Freeman left here for his home in Pennsylvania.

    Miss Am Smith, of this place, is, visitiug her deter M i— Blma Smith in Mt.Olive.

    Mr . ('. II. Young mid family left hero for Pettenhnrgi Va., to spend holidays.

    Misses tiorduii and Dauieion Fields, of FieldsWoro, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. DiryGaiuor.

    Christmas is close at hand, that j many of us will enjoy, lint never I to meet again.

    John BlItM returned home fiom | school last night at Oak Ridge to pend the holiday* with his par- ents.

    Mrs. W.J. Mudry, of Kings- borough, spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Carson. She left the next morning to spend the holidays with her mr.tlier near Oakley.

    We are having some very cold dry weather at present. Qtiodla creek has been fro/. ■:-. over so there was no passing.

    Mrs. T. A. C . son and Children | left Monday niuht for her mothers near Oakley to witness the mar- riage of her sister, Miss Eunice Highsuiith. After the iniirringe, which takes place Tuesday morn ingat 0o'clock,!bebiideund groom will drive through the country, ' oar Tilleiy to I lie groom "s father,

    r. Pope, where the reception will be eld

    BlnaatB Bro., it is reported, have parehased tba blink store beloDglog to J. C, Taylor & Bro. and tlieH. T. Carson slort.

    Hetliel Manufacturing Co., have put iu steam power. They expect to make windows, doors and all kind of scroll work. Quite an enterprise for Bethel.

    The Greenville BuKi.K.rroii is twenty years old. The present editor, Mr. 1). J. Whiehard, has been at the helm since 1885. A good newspaper man, energetic and progressive, patriotic and public spirited, the lti:n.K

  • ■ 


    D. J. WHICH ARD, Ed.&Owoer

    Bnter«d»t the Poat Office at Greenville, N. C, as 8ecoud-Claas Hail Matter.

    TUBUDAY. DECEMBEU 31, 1901.

    This is the last issue of THE EASTERN REFLECTOR for (he year

    1901, and we take occasion here to (hank every one for the patronage

    accorded ui nod to wish all a Happy ;New Year. May peace and

    prosperity be the portion of every


    THE REFLECTOR desires to make

    it* beet bow to the clever corps of oorretpoudents that have contri-

    buted so many interesting letters

    to the paper daring the past year,

    and to wish each of theui a Happy New Year. We hope to continue

    to receive their letters through the

    year 1»0'J.


    Maivelous Elixir of Life Dis- covered by Famous Doctor- Scientist I hat Cures Every Known Ailment.

    Wonderful Core* Are Effects That Seem Like Miracle- Performed — The Secret of Long Life of Olden Times Revived.

    Ibe Remedy Is Free To All Who Send Name mi a Address-

    After years of patient study, ami delving into the duty record of the past, as well as following mod cm cxpet incuts in the realms of medical science, Dr. James W. Kidd, 2898 First National Bank building, Port Wayne, Iud., makes the startlingannoiincemei.t thai he

    A'e heartily appreciate the many

    inquiries made for THE REFLECTOR during the few holidays it was not

    published. This shows better than anything else the esteem in

    which the people hold their home paper and how they look for it at

    all rimes. While the holiday has deprived them of a copy or two of

    the paper, it has been a vast help

    to the editor and force, in that some needed rest was obtained, and all return to work refreshed

    and better prepared to faithfully perform the duties before us for

    another year.

    Worthy a Word of Commendation.

    Our neighbor, the Greenville REFLECTOR.IS tweuty years old, and has been under the editorial management of Mr. L>. .1. Which- ard from its first publication. It started as a weekly, but for several years it has been issued as an after- noon daily.

    A few day s ago Editor Whichard gave a most interesting account of the paper's career, showing cuts of the first house of publication; also a building in which it was pub- lished later, and finally the paper's present owu home on uu iuiportau business corner in the growing town of Greeuville.

    Editor Whichard's course and pers'vera uce set at deflanci Hie old false idea that a young mao can do nothing at home; for he was born and reared in Greenville nod has never been out of the town more than n month ut a time in his life.

    We odmiic his freedom in ac kuowledging the guidance oi the hand of God iu all I.is work anil the frankness with which he ex presses his trust in Almighty God, us a I MI-11.1 — mau. Too many men who profess to be servants of God are ashamed toucknouledge their tinstio II: in to guide them in their business. Mr Wbhubattl bni forged a worlhly way Ihiough clif fkuli ies troiii which many avoid have turned in dismay. lie is to be commended in his ujond Had taithful-work for his lowu am: county.—Scotlai -1 Xeck Common- wealth.

    Tho Vocal l'hysioligist says that "more money is thrown away ou the education of the human voice than on the support of govern- ment. Of every 10,000 voices one may I).: listened to without pain; ol every 100,000 voices one may be listened to with patience; of every 1,000,000 voices one may be listen- ed to with satisfaction; of every 10,000,000 voices one may be lis- tened to with sensations of joy.-'

    Even the girl who wears a No. b' gboe niay'loiis out for No. 1.

    The people who are always short find it difficult to get along.

    A stocknolder—the man behind the guo.

    •You Know What Vou arc Taking

    When voo take (Jmvo'd Tasteless Chill Tevlc bccetioc the formula in plainly nrliit- i-t on IVir{ bottle allowing that it in Limply Iron and Quinine In ft tasteless form. Nn

    Core, No Fay- •*■ 

    Poor Soils

    arc made rich- er and more productive and rich soils retain their crop-pro- ducing powers, by the use of fertilizers with a liberal percentage of

    Potash. Write f.»r our books—sent fret—

    which give all details.

    GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 NaiMu . isi-c:. New York C.ty.

    1901 IN REVIEW purned II dud.


    has surely discovered the elixir of life. That he is able with the aid of a mysterious OOmpoan I, known only to himself, piodliced as a re suit of the years he has spent in searching for mis precious life giv ng boon to cure any and ever)

    disease that is known to the human body. There is no doubl of the doctor's earnestness iu making bis claim ami the remarkable cures that he is daily effecting seems to bear him out very strongly. His theory which he advances is one of reason and based 0U round experi- ence iii a medical practice of many years. It costs nothing to try his remarkable "Klixtr ol" Life,'1 as he calls it. f.r he sends il tree, to anyone who is a sufferer, in Milli dent qnantti lea to convince i its ability lo cure, so tbeie is abeo lately HO risk to run. Some of the cures cited are very remarkable, and but for reliable witnesses would bardly be credited. The lame have thrown away erutobes and walked about alter two or three trials of the remedy. The sick, given up by home doctors, have been restored to their fam- ilies and friends iu perfect health. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases and bladder I roubles disappear as by magic Headaches, baekaehts, nervousness, fevers, Consumption, coughs, colds, asth- ma, catarrh, bioncliitis and all cf- factious of the tbioat, lungs or any vital urg.ius are easily overcome In a space of time that is simply mar veloiis.

    Partial paralysis, loeomotor ataxia, dropsy, gout, scrofula and piles are quickly and permanently removed. It puulies the entire system, blood and tissues, restores normal nerve power, circulation aial a state of perfect health is produced at once. To the doctor all systems are alike an.I equally affected by this gieat "Elixir of Life."' Semi for ihe remedy today. It la free to ever) sufferer. Suite what yon want to be cured of and the sure leuiedy lor II will '«• sent you tic ny letiirn mall.


    F.\H.M Vli.1.1:, N. ('., Dec. -'7 .Mis .1. F. .loyi cr and children,

    of Klnaton, spent L'bristmas with her father. W, .,n-i Ofcla.; lo*. »1'».«X».

    11 The p*ttinf plant of Jacob Dold at Wic.itl Kin.. lumcJ; \cm, tl.0fti.OOT.

    18. !.!,-,■ * (*».'■ lumber firtoiy an.1 plant bum. I at I'r-tuaktr. Mich.: lot* •»».noo.

    13. Fire Jturojt'd 1:00.000 wotlh el lumivr, anill inJ rvaideac* I>I,[ :; - in ItaTcrtport, U.

    aititar. •X Titr tlratrorril Ih* II, !nrr I..>tl.man Raah in.

    IV-cf Co.'a pint in SI. Louie; low, »**.ed by flre; loaa. W.OOO.OOO. vkich dealroyed Hunt a

    WiK ti'« lurnilure fitibliahmrnt la I'liiUdel phla; loaa on property, f&OD.OOO.

    Dlusitcra From Fire. Storm and, M. 00 buiMing*. fnriuding MOIM, dwrHinci ills anJ achoolhouafs, bumed at IMimr.

    Brief Record if Events oi tbc Year.


    Deaths of Offal Rulers, s Qneea

    anil a President -Tho Stru(gM) In

    South Africa—ltrnu of Personal,' fj, is dtti'hi in

    PoIItleal and Miscellaneous Affairs.

    Mexican J&SSSSf&St Mustang Liniment t«mui-.*^ou4j* FUMntrrik

    AcMiiit A Claaalfied Summirj.


    Tlie AnmliiiilaD, Death, flacceaalon I of nooaevelt nnJ Heaorlal lervlccs. |

    ■eriCatsri. 1 rrfaidrtt MfKfnlry ebot wbllt boldinf • r«- |

    rtptlon IB the Teir.ple ct alutic it tba ran-1 Amerlcta mMaataM by a rain known aa Fred Nicmen, I .- who |>rcird to be Ctoltfon: two bulleta^ntfTed tlie |ireaidfnt't body, and one waa Immedialfly icmo.rd by the eurgeona; tlie aaaailant *aa Kited and I. AeJ up.

    11 rmident UrKinKy sited at the retidenot of , l-i.

    Tie M« ii..; « Advcrtivr burned in Itoston; b'W, 1150.000.

    17. The main building of the Pittsbnrc espnsitloo •nd other properly l-nrned; loss, fJOO.Ow).

    19. 60 of the m ha mag in Uemphts. Ind.. dcitroy- ed by Ore; lo*s, 5: • . -J

    U>. The Jcnks shipbuilding plant at Port Huron, Mich . burned; low, IITS.OOO.

    Tlie Berr-Murray Machine worka at Fort Wayne, !■ ■ I , nearly destroyed by fire; loas. f5>K).D0O.

    24. The vUllapt of ''len (Jardcn, K. J., nearly de* airoyed bf a fife caused by a flood of burning oil from J railway train; losa about 92t»,uuu.

    ». The J ' ran hotel burned at Richmond; lost, 91.0O0.rjon.

    9500.000 loss In • Art ID the t -,■" dirfrlct of Paterscn. N. J.; the plant of The Guardian Publishing Co. de&troyed.

    90. Th" Ranfigo Park hutel, a noted liodmirk tf Passsle. S. J.. which originally coit 9*00,- 000. destroyed by Are.

    II. The new tW.Ouo hutcl. flendrik Hudson, at Yonkers, N. Y., destroyed by (Ire.

    Hani of the f>old Hutlcrine PtcUtal c- buTB' «d at Kansas City; loaa, 94OO.00O.

    ariiu L 5awT.ilI o1 the Aihland Usnuficturing C*.

    at Ashland. Me. burned; losa ever fH*V*io 9. Elevat.r of the St. Louis Storage Cu. buiutd;

    loaa. 96M.00O. U The -:■■■■• Rlower works at Jamaica

    Plain. Ma«a. burned; lors over 9-"»,l)0n. 19. Plsnt of the IMaii Leather Co. burned *t

    Racine, WIs.; lose. IIOJ.OOO. Fire at the lleinie smcltvr, Dutte. Mon.. caused

    a losa of ?*«>.'■»l Raj. a suburb of Detroit, d*> atroylng property ralued at 1800.000.

    lfl. Amerlran Steam laundry burn'd at riUabetb, N. J ; low. 91011 "V).

    H, Thomas H Wai -sk-r's country hooaa at Meadowbrook Parna, near Philadelphia, de- stroyed by firn loss (estimated). 9600.00O,

    MMb ■a The town ol Ja-; or, Jasper county, Tea.,

    Wiped out by fire; !-«•, 9100.000. 14. The West Badea I|Hl«a|l hotfl at West Bade*

    Ind . destroyed by Are; losa. 9500.000. The t'mpirr fluster burned at l.ynn. Miss.; losa,

    si>i.t.yi 10. Fire at Ik '"ill of the Tower [.umber Co.,

    Rear Life " n . rauwd 91M.OO0 losa. The Sickle* .i i-'ltry p'snt and other building*

    burned In M, Uuli; logs, 9600,000. It. Fire deattoiH a >>tu*h factory and other prop-

    erty »alu "I at 93»ii.tin In Newark. N. J. Hi. Fire fn the buatr- «• dlattM of Rradford, Ft.,

    eauacd a lesa ol f.*w,0U) HU,

    1. Allenhurst Inn, near A-.bur» Park, ». J., ds> atrojed by Cre; loss. 9li5.um

    f. Homestead hotel at Hot Springs, Vs., burned; loaa. 9.'. A. Fire destroyed Ihe Corn Fichange building

    and other business properties lo Wilkesbsrre. Pa.; loss. 9700,000.

    ft. riant of the Wabaih Screen Door Co. at Bbinclnd, ssn, daatroyed; lu», 9230.000.


    JASOET. 4. The steamer liqua wrecked on Du-bury reef,

    outside tha Golden Caie, ban Francisco; 90 to 40 people drowned.

    10. II sailors drowned In the wreck cf the British ship Moel Trj van In the channel at Cherbourg, France.

    a. The steamer Holland wrecked at the cntrinr- to the river Maat, Holland; 10 BgDpla druwn- cu.

    rmriit. C 12S lives lost In tie wreck of the Pacific Mall

    ■tcamcr Rio Janeiro otT San Francisco. H.BC1I.

    23. 13 tailors or the crew of the British steamer Tiy perished in a collision wlih the German •learner Chemnlts in the Flushing roadstead, which wrecked Ihe Tay.

    BUT. 13. Steamer City of FtrfMnh saol; at Grind Tow-

    er, III., carrying down S pa Ktkien snd U sailor;.

    23, The Norwegian hark Flsle run down by tha steamer Ohio of the sYtlaU Ime oil Sable is- land; It Of the crew lost.

    tL Steamer Baltimore wrc.ked n-ir Au Sauls Ir t storm on Lake Union; I* sailor* lest.

    fj. A deaths in tie smcklng of the Blitlah hark Falkland on Uishop'a rock, c>3 the coast of CalifunUa.

    mi. 19. By the wretking of tha >acht Vcnitrla In

    Long Island sound the owner. A. T. Collun cf Philadelphia, his two daughters, the cap- lain of the yacht and a aeaman were drowtud.

    U. ii persons,' Including tbe captain and 4 Swedish customs officers, killed by eiplu* sion on the American schooner Louisa Ade- laide at Stockholm.

    acotrsT. 7. 7 eailora of the ateamer Kincora drowned In a

    collision cf that ship with the Whllt Star ocean liner Oceanic in the Irish channcL

    13. Tbe Klondike steamer Islander struck an Ice- berg on* Douglass Island and went down with many pas*en.crs on board; doaih«, CT.

    13, By the capsiiing of the steamer City of Qol- cenda in tlie Ohio river, near Paducah, Ky., S3 people were drowned.

    IS. The atcambcat City of Trenton, plying ths Delaware river, exploded her boilera above Pl.ilidclph'a. killing 11 persona aod injuring nianj ethers.

    adTtyatn. 19. British torpedo boat destroyer Cobra founder-

    ed In tbt Noith sf H»- ITswIssss lifelioat Calsler drowned whllt atirn>rtuig to teach a sliip In dlaUeaa o3 kaaawMHa.

    DCCEHSES. fl, Tha Brllish ship Nelson turn.d turtle off

    Astoria, Or.; tht crtw of t9 drowned. 190 peoplt drowned Ly the Sinking of an eacur-

    tlon barge off tht Porluguvw my of Si. Goa, India.

    4. The British bark Plnmore atranded and aitan- doned at Ih9 mouth of Hail riser, Wsshiog- too; 0 ink's c'rowaed.


    Deaths by Kaplosloisa, Collisions mid I-Ires.

    lainiAaWs d, » dratha In the burning of the llarvarJ botel,

    Mloneapo'ia fl 17 lives law! In ihe burning of tit orphan

    atylum st ■mawstft, N. Y. U, ■ pcrsont eruicd lo deaih anl 70 h 'JI- I In

    a theater fame aassjij by an alarm ul hit in Chicago.

    19. A killed In a lead on toltiilen on the Grand Tfunk railway at I u MlUs. Me.

    rtsafiaT. 0. At Pikil. Ruwlan Transraueatla. m»T lives

    were lost by s MHMn and petroleum Art. 7. 6 killed and several Injured In sn sriidcot

    tht Krfe railroad at Greenville, Pa. 97 pe»ons killed by a .Ijnim-le explosion at

    tht San Andrea mine, stair of Durango. Htw lea.

    19, flO miners entomln-d by tn igflnalftl of Art dsmp st Ihe Welling eolllrry. Van-outer is- land.

    tL 1! killed and 40 injured In S head on eollUlM on tht Camdcn and Amboy railroad near Tret- Ion,

    B, 99 Balatra allied by Hflftsjgfl In the Rl jmoaat atllt coUlary, htmmerer, Wy.

    uvacn. IL Heavy loss of life and many Injured by #i

    plotAos) which wrecked tiit !>• nmui laundry and tbt Wtverly theater, Chicago.

    M, 1« miners killed br sn etplusion In tut Gates nUna, raytttc county. Fa.

    arstt- 79. 60 killed and 10) InJurcJ by eiploslon In

    tlectro th'inical wcrks st Orelshcim, Ger many.

    liar. IS. A minus killed and i fatally Injured by an

    tipldUon at the Gioryll*wr»nre Joyner

    Amount. t ot 4 W 2 00

    ... 1 M 4 00

    ... IN 1 00 lit 1 50 2 00 4 00 3 50 1 50 5 00

    Maria Price .... Patsy Laiaslter .. Barbara Cannon

    (« Jennie- Moore Maria Harrington' Prank Grimes Mary Roberson ... Belli* Keel

    SIKlrlssle McLawhon M Isabella Moye MJoaeph Cox 54lRebeern Foreman 55'Mamaret Allen 56!Jln.le, Blount 6;iHenrj> Johnson SMDavId Uoyd 50iLnslna MrLawhora M'Ellen Matthews si Louie Nobles and wife ....

    . M Frank Bright and wife •I Argent Smith StGatay Lang 15 Maria Drown MMargaret Heath

    . 17 Marlam 8mlth

    . U Robert Richmond tslPeter Thomas

    - "OlHannah Braston 71|Phlllla Clark 7JIRachel Peyton

    •7J;Church Cox and wife t 74IHannah Dupree

    •76.Solomon Atkinson • l!Charlotte Anderson 77! Thomas Williams 71.William Corbltt 7»]D. II. Smith sO'ManhaCox tllPusan John.on

    150'Charlty Peerden 15IIH. H. Tyson 159!Flanairan Coffin Cs>. , l«7lMllls Rollins 173 Nancy Moore 174'K. Htnderson anJ son 17»J. H. Bibb l'SPolly Adams 177'L. A. I^tchwnrth ITsthfra, Charles Joyinr lTt'Eilsabeth Garrlo IsO'Amanda Dunn 1BIC. Horton lSJIJohn Wilson llJ'J. D. Pope «nd wil* IMIW. o. Wlndhsm and wife IU ~ IM

    Elan May . Martha Trlpp

    1(7 Ned May 1*1 1st HO 191 lit IM IN

    Catharine Carr .., David Albrllton .. E. Neal Chancy Grimmer .. Annla Smith Redmond Fulford Polly Smith

    IN,Virginia Atklnaon .... .HtGracey Harris

    lNlMary Jones ■   lHIBynum Teel aBctlle Gay

    T. Sunmons »2lR. A. Roberson 20»|Henry Dall »4lToney Heath and wife MllaabelU ll.lc.«

    . NSlCoSnell .Chapman IFIIBanvaet Rrves

    -toI'Mary Brown IOOIKIIII. Ellis 110 Harsley Dupree

    • SHISmlth. O. W

    .-a 'MS

    214 •15

    Abrnm HeaihT ami ». if. Stmoh Tt|cker Lawrence Joyner Maria Price

    til Patsy Lassltrr 217 Rarbara Cannon

    . Ill Jennie Moore . 21.Maria Harrington

    2M Frank Grimes . ttl'Mary Roberson

    ItUBsKlla Keel . I23^lrlssle McLuwhor*

    , 231 I.ali-lla Mo,, rsilJoaeph Cox

    • ■ 22*tReberra Foreman 327iMargaret Allen mljlnsle lilnnnt

    •miHenry Johnson !M'Dav|rI Uoyd *-ti'[wirit'i M-i.. - hern TWKllen Matthews 23l|I«uls Nobles and wife . . rMlFrank Brtirht aral wife 235iArgent Smith . . ISstOatay Lang 20*('Marla Brow n .. ^ HI,Margaret Ke.ith MlMsrlata Bmllh a. NStRSMH RlrhmonB Nllfetsr Thnmas ,^ 212 Hannah Ttrsttein SllPhntls Clark 214 Rachel Peyton illi'hnn h Cm and wife ?Mltannivh poprea

    tifl&ism.■:•■','.* iff

    IM loo 100 I 50 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 M 1 50 1 21 I 50 1 M 1 00 1 50 1 M 1 00 1 N 1 00 2 00 1 50 J 00 aa*. 1 M 1 "i t N

    No.i Ta Whom Issued.

    NttThomaa Wiuiums 250,Wm. Corbltt 251ID. H. Smith 252;Mortha Cox 253.Susan Johnson 254!Charltv Pcadcn . %6!H. H. Tyson £62 I.aney Murphy 272!Berry Lee 275IMary anil Allle T-iylor ... 281fEaster Patrick mlwinis Graham 2S4 Robert Conglcton 312!A!avana Morris tttlNaacy Moore 323'K. Henderson and Son ... 324IJ. H. Bibb 125'Polly Adams 320IL. A. Lvtchworlh 327 Mrs. Qharles Joyner 328!EIISnU'th Garrls 329>Amnnda Dunn 330IC. Horton 331iJohn Wilson 332'J. D. Pope and wife S331W. G. Wlndham and wife 334Elan Mav 335 Martha Trlpp IMIKcd May 337iCatharlne Carr

    . ISS'Dnvid Albrllton ". '.'. l so| 33O:K. Noal 1 25, 340 Chaney Grimmer

    341'Annle Smith 342.Redmond Fulford MljPolly Bmi;h 314 Virginia Atkinson 346C.rniy Harris 347 Mary Jnnes 348 Bynum Tool 349 llettle Day 350;L. Simmons J5IIR. A. Roberson 35?l?enrr Dall 353IToncy Heath and wife .... 351,Isabella Brlggs 355;Councll Chapman 356 Samuel Rives 357iMary Brown 3;sKlllls Ellis 359 Harsley Dupicc MtlO. W. Smith Isl Abram lli-mby and wife .. 362 Simon Tucker 363!I.a\vri'nce Joyner 364 Maria Price KeiPntsy Lassllcr 306!Burbara Cannon

    . .. 3S7Jennle Moor"' IN! astlMuiia Harrington 1 60: 369 Frank Grimes

    370'Mary Roberson 371,Bettle Keel 372:Glizzie McLawhoru 373 las bolls Moye 3TI4Jose|ih Cox 37.il Rebecca Foreman |7||Margaret Allen 377'Jinslp mount 37S Henry Johnson 379 David Uoyd NOiLaslna McLawhorn 3811 Ellen Matthews 3^J Louis Nobles and wife NtlFrank Bright and wife ... 3S4'Argent Smith 385,. Pole and wife SMIW. Q. Wlmlhom and wife... 527!Klnn May tMIMartha Trlpp Ill Ned May .... — MO'Cn-harlne Carr Ill Dnvld Albrltion SMB. Neal IlllChnney (Irlrnmer 534 Annie Smith 535 Redmond Fulford U*1 Polly Smith S3? Virginia Atkinson Ul Cancelled SW'Oracy llnrrla MO'Mary Jones 541 Bynum Tcr-I MIIBettle Hay MIIL. Simmons , 641 It. A Roberson r.C, Merry Dall MSIToney rlaatli and xvlfe

    2 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 50 1 M 1 M 000 1 H IN. 2 50' 1 00 IM 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 IH 1 00, 1 00 l iii 1 00' ISO 2 00 2 OOi i oo;

    1 25 1 00 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 .10 I SO I 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 60 2 00 2 50 1 M I SO 1 00 I 00 1 H


    1 SO 2 6»

    .. :oo 1 00

    75 1 00 1 00 1 so 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00

    ,. ISO 3 00 4 00 2 00 IM 5 00 1 50 1 00 1 so 1 M 2 00 4 00 3 M 1 M G 00 1 M 1 21 : oo 1 00 1 M 1 00 1 60 1 SO 1 00 1 00, i ool

    . 2M| 100 1 50. 1 00 2 00 : oo 1 so 1 M 1 M 1 00 1 M 1 uu i r.o

    . 2 00 2 00 1 00' 1 ool


    1 M 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 M 2 M .'00 1 00

    71 1 00 1 oo 4 M 100 I 00 4 00 200 1 SO 4 0* 1 M 1 00 1 50 1 M 200 4 00 8 50 1 M 5 00 1 M 1 25 200 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 SO I SO 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 M 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 M 1 60 1 00 1 00 1 75 1 00 1 50

    1 00 1 6* IIS 1 M 1 00 1 M 10* in

    i; Isabella iiriggs .. NH'Counrll I'lii'iniu, 649'Samuel Rives ."it Mary Urown SSllKlllla Kill. ."..*.:' Harsley Dupree ISIK1. W. Smith IMiAbram Hemby and wife ... :."." Simon Tucker 5.16 Lawrence Joyner W Maria Price lillPnlsy Lasalter IMIBarbaru Cannon 560Ti'linle Moore r.f.i M.iti.i Harrington "si: Frank Grimes .'S3'Mary Roberson M4.Ret'le Keel 565 (irlssle M i :•■ :. Ms'leuhella Moye .'•ST'Joseph Cox 568 Rebecca Feremsn .'.69l»torgnret Allen 670 Jlnsle lllounl 67|'Henry John'on

    1 ITilDaVld Royd r,73 r.lsinn MrL.iwhorn 574 F.llen MMthtto 575 I,nul. Nobles and wife 576 Frank Bright and wife 577'Argent Bmllh 578'rint.y Lang 679'Mnrli Brown

    iMurgoret Heath BMIR) linn r >•

    No. Tu Whom Issued.

    ISURobert Richmond MflPetar Thomas SM'llannah Braxtun SW.Phillis Clark 586 Rachel Peyton 5»;iChurch Cox and wife BN'llnnnah Dupree MflBolonioii Atkinson SMlCharlotte Amh-rson ... . 591 Thomas Williams 592,11. II. Sini h 593 Martha Cox , tNiSuaan Juhuson .' Ma Charity Peaden IMIH. II. Tyson MtlLaney Murphv INIBerry Lee in Mary and Allle Taylor .... C"0 Barter Patrick 601 Willis Graham 602 RobLi'l CoiiKlclon 603'Alnvana Morris .. soi Mrs. Jane Whltehurst .... 606 Margaret Corbltt 607llh.il., Joyner 60< Sarah Hodges 6«9 Mary Spain 610James Spain 611 Wm. Corbltt 612 Win. Corbltt m»-V.- 627 K MI- um. and wile 628'Cato Kdwards and wife ... «29r ... i '" UN Easter Patrli k I J* I;::; Willis Grab mi JM llMtRoberl Congloton 1 ••* HMfAlavsna Morris I M 1258 Mrs. jam- Whltehurst .... i "" lilt John Qodley 1 M 1551 J| ,rci|. | , . rhui

    ;,o UMilthoda Joyner IMOjMary Spain I2S1 .ieii.es H. Spain 12S: wm. Corbltt IL--:. M. I Mon an und wife .. 1261 Marina Johnson

    I M 1266 Cancelled 1 '0 liN'Jennette Tucker 1 N 1567 Al.-x. Daniel I "o UNTCancelleil 2*0 IM9 Millie Ann Bloun) 100 157.1 wm. Roberson 1 M mi Adeline Ilolden 2 N 1572 Harriet Gray .00 1573S,inin p. Cannon 1 00 1574 Delia m, ; , ■ 00 1575Harilel W llami I 50 l57«Joe Tu ' 1 25 isol Adam V» .' 1 00 1329'Xancy 5 ooro ' "i I330K. Ileii.i.i a, .,: -n .... I 50 133, ,i i| i,,,,,,

    l M 1332 l'..nv Adamo I M 13.13 I.. A. I.ct.hworih 1 •• I 1:1 Mrs. diaries Joyner 1 50 us.-, Elisabeth Usrrts 1 ''0 line. Horlon 1 00 1337 John Wilson ' ') l • W O. Wmiham 1 M i: '• E| :n Mnv 1 •'" 1140 Mailba Trlpp 1 l»> 111 Nod Msy i N in.'.-uh nine enrr 1 -.0 1843 Chaney Grimmer 2 no lili AI Smllh 7 M 1341 i: dm I Fulford ., .. t M Mis Clly Smith .. i •" 1347 Virginia Atklnaon I IMi'Grney li irrls ..

    1 "i 1141 Mar> Jones 2 ■" ir.,- Bynum Tei I 1 00 1361 li. ti: • tin] i ■'■" III! i. sin ns . . I 00 117,3 li. A Rai, 1 50 IIM li. ■ i v j,..ii 1 oo 1156 Tin • , Ih ,th . . ,. 1 50 IMs.lei Iln Rrlggs 1 on ITI-.T .-,,„„ i, , ,,,.,„ 1 00 IIM Samuel ||,Ves 1 50 l-.-.i.Man Brown 2 00 IMOIKIIIIs Kills 2 oo |3*| ,j w. Smllh

    75 1363 Adam Hemby an 1 wll I ' 'In on iia ki r ....

    l on n64 Lawrence Joyner i ."" Ms:, Marls Price ' 1 oo IIM Patsy Lasslter ... 3 00 1367 Jennie Moore 1 00 1368 Maria Harrington .., i no iTtfi. Frank Grime. . . I 00' 1370 Marv Roberson 1 Miltn'Orlule Mi-Lav.rcii,.. 1 Ml 1371 Isabella Move 1 Ml 1171'Joseph Pox . l no 1174 Rebecca Foreman 1 oo. 137', Margaret Allen I 60 IIN'Jensle mount . .. , 1 50 1377 Henry Johnson .,.. 2 60 117S'Dovld Royd 1 7s) 1779 1 ouis Nobles und wife

    1380 Frank Bilcht ond wife 1M1 Argent .Smith IMt'Oa'fy I ■ nit

    ,17 .-•.!-;i,i, Brown .' " I oo;i3'i Hargnrei ire-ith ,. , 0 Mj IMS Marl mi S.n lb ... 1 00 1386 Robert Rl.lni.on,! . 1 no 1387 P.ter Thomas . 2 50, i3« Hinn-in Braxton 1 00 1380 Phllll. Clark 1 00.UMllnthcl Peyton ,..'...

    1 no I M 1 oo ! 00 : ",i

    2 00 I no I r,n 1 nn

    i "i 4 en 1 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 0 no 3 M 1 50 I 00 1 50 1 23 0 00 1 00 1 00 1 *o 2 50 1 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 SO 1 1,0 i r... i oo 2 00 2 00 1 M 1 SO

    i r.n i on l on, l on! 1 7.,, 5 oo; 2 7,n

    : on 75

    1 CO 1 00 1 i oo I ,'.1 1 N i N 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 OO 1 50 2 50 1 50 4 00 I M 0 on 1 o. 1 M 0 oo 1 I l i.) 1 N l on l 50 1 00

    J ,„, 14" Margaret Corblll 1 N . ...IK.I. .

    1 ,41 Ithoila Joyner

    3 00 4 N 5 nn 1 50 4 W> 1 30 l i.n 1 M

    M' 1541'Marj Spall 1543 l. .11. Spain ... ..".'].' l II n in. Corbltt 17.4.'. M. L. Morgan an i wlfi 1546 Marina Johnson 1547 .i, nnette Tucki r li.i- Al.-x. Daniel dl:. Miili,. Ann Illount i '.Cam pile I

    J *j isii'Addie Ilolden .. : :■ Harriet Gray ..

    - no ' iss Borah I' c.innun ',' '.' I.-.4 Harriet Williams

    ' 1355IJ00 Tu. ker ... . iss* Willis chaneey .. 17.7.7 J 17. Cannon 151 Ha Blnton .... i •:■ Patsy Teel

    ■   Blinon Johnson . : li Tom Pollard !'•::: John w. Carson i':i Aims Parker .

    1 27, l on l •

    l M I N l i 1 on 2 H I 00 1 7.1 1 M 2 5 an I '•' i 11

    1 nn | an 1 M 5 00 2 in 1 141 1 00 1 50 1 N l on l r.n 1 nn I ' 1 7.0 1 SO I 0,1 1 50 1 50 1 M 1 I'O I 50 1 00 2 60 I on i ro t nn 1 'm 2 60 l on 1 60 1 on 1 M

    1602 None- Sunn, II . ICO.VJohll II.mans .... 1611 Nam y Moore 161. K Henderson and son Mil J II. H,l,l, 1611 Pollj Adams IIM l. ,\ Letchworth 1621 Mrs Charles Joyner ..

    i i labelh Harris . 1623 •' ll.,,I,.a . . 1621 John Wilson ... I6MIW, i; Wlndham 1626 Klnn May I62i Manila Trlpp II - Xi I Mav 16; •, 'nthnrlne i 'arr I6«i i 'haney Grimmer 1631 Annie Smllh INI Redmond Fulford 1*33 Polly Bmlth 1M4 Virginia Atkinson I»M .:r... • Harrla . '■■•■: Marv .lores IN! Ih Hie Hay .'.'.'. MM I,. Simmons . ...".,", MM li. A. Roberson loin Henry n.,ii .. 1641 Tone* Heath '■ i l-.ii.cll.i Uriahs .... lMS.Coundl Chapman . leu Samuel Rlvei 1641 Mary Brown ........ , isis Klllla Ellis 1SI7G, W. Bniith ,.,; 16|t Abrnni Hemby and wir- is 19 Camelled ...... .... II " ' i '.reme Joyner .. isr,i Maria Price 167.5 Patsy I.us.lter IIMJennle Moore ,' 1054 Maria Harrington

    Amount. No To Whom Issued. 1 OU 1391.Sophia Cox ISO UMIHonnab Dupree 100 1393 Charlotte Anderson 1 00 1391 Thomas Williams 100 1397. Martha Cox 3 00 1396 Susan Johnson 3 00 1337 charily Peaden 4 00, 1398.Laney Murphy 2 00 1393 Berry Lee

    ! 1400 Mary and Allle Taylor .. HOI'KasIe- Palrnk 1402 Willis Graham 1403 Robert Congieton 11,.| Alavann Morris 1407, Mrs. Jane Whltehurst .... It"'! Margaret Corbltt lMTlRhoda Joyner liu- Mury Spain 1409James ll. Spain 1410 Wm Corbltt 1411 W. !.. Morgan and wife .. 1412 Marina Johnson 1413 Jennette Tueker 1414'Alex. Daniel 1415 Millie Ann mount 1410 Wm Roberson 1417 A,i.He Holden 1418 Harriet Qray 1419 Sarah F. Cannon 1421 Joe Tucker 1442.WIIIIS chaneey 147/1 J. H. Cannon 117.4 Delia stolon MS! Patty Teel MNlAlavana Gurganua 142" Harriet Williams 1463 Nancy Moor,.

    ,„. 1464!K. Henderson and son .... 1 00 1467..I. II. llibh 1 (hi j 1466 Polly 4,1.11ns 3 00 I467il„ A. letchworth 000!l4SSMrs. Charles Joy.ier 1 Sn 14S9'Klisabeth Oarrls 5 00M470'C. Horlon 5 on 1471 John Wilson 1 00 1472 W". O. Wtlidhnm 100 1473'Klan May I SO j 1171 Martha Tripp 1 21 1475 Ned May 1 ,,.1 II7S Catharine Carr 1 no I477cbaney Grimmer 1 Rfl 117^ Annie Smith I 00 1479 Redmond Fulford 1 10) 14M Polly Smith I 60 14-1 Virginia Alkluson I 60 1462'Gmoy Harris 1 50 11*:'. Mary Jones 100 ll'l''aneelled

    1 50 1485 Bel tie Gay i4*s 1, Blmmons UST'R. A. Roberson II- Henry Dall I4S9 Toliev Heath IIM ll Ibella Hrlggs 1191 »'ouneil chapman

    ... 1192 Samuel Rives 1 ne, 1493 Mary Brown 1 60 "!'t Klllla Ellis 1 (11 I4N ii. w. smilh I (, Then.as Williams ISM Martha Cu ISSOSusnn Johnson r.3t Charily Peaden 1512 l.,:i..y Murphy I5U Herry 1 1514 Mary and Allle Taylor ..... 1 I.' 1 ister Patrick 1ST Robert Congieton 1538 \i.,\ in , Morris 17.7.9 Mrs. Jan Whltehurst

    Amount No i To Whom Issued. 1 00 16S5,Fr,.nk Grimes 1 M 1657IGrl«ie McLawhorn 100 1656 Mary Roberson 1 M 1658,Isabella Moye 2 00 167,9 Joseph Cox

    75 1660i Rebecca Foreman 1 Ml l66liJlnsie Illount 1 M' 1665'Cancelle.| 100 1663 David Boyd 2 00 1664iLouls Nobles und wife ... IOO 1665Frank Bright nnd wife IM 1666 Argent Smith 1 00 lNTrOatsy Lang ion INIlMarls Hrown 1 00 1N9 Margaret Healh 100 1670 Marlam Smith 1 00 167! Robert Richmond 1 50 1672 Peter Thomas 2 50 1673 llannuh Braxton 1 SO 1674 Phlllis Clark 2 00 1C75 Rachel Peyton 1 SO 1676 Sophia Cox IM M77|Hannah Dupree 100 167SCbarlolle Anderson 2 50 1679 Thomas Williams 1 00 loin Martha CO« 100 iNIISusan Johnaon 100 MMlChartty Peaden 160 INtlLaney Murphy 1 00 16*1 Berry l,cc 100 16*5 Mary and Allle Taylor 2 50 16*0 Easier l'alrlek 1 00 1687IWII1IS Graham

    .100 MNlRoberl Congieton 0 00 lCMIAIar.-ina Morris 1 00 1690,.\!rs. Jane Whltehurst .... 3 00 lMIIMnrgarct Corbltt 4 M 1695!Rhoda Joyner 2 00 INS Mary Spain 1 r.a MMlJas. H. Spain 4 00 lMSIWm. Corbill 1 SO 1696 M. I. Morgan and wife . 100 ]i.97 Marina Johnson 1 50 1698.Jennette Tucker 1 00 1699 Alex. Daniel 3 50 lTOOiMlllie Ann lilount 1 60 1701'Addle Ilolden 5 (fi 1702 Harriet (irav IM 17D3Sarah F. Cannon 12' liMIHarriel Williams 1(0 170S Joe Tucker 100 1706 Willis Chaneey 2 50 1707 J. F. Cannon 1 60 1708 D.-ll.i Slalnn 100 1709'Patsy Teel 100 i;i0!Simon Johnson 100 l'll'John W. Carson 0 00 17i5|Annls Parker TOO 1713'Nonie Sumrell 150 1714'Jolm llngnns 1 00 1719!Asa Harris 2 00 1734'Amos Fields 2 00 1737,C. J. Johnson 1 50 1744:J. (1 Proclor and brother 1 H 1782 Bettle Keel IOC 1784 Laxlna McLawhorn 100 15MiWlllls Graham 2 CO 1720 W. A. llynian 1 50 1822 Nancy Moore 2 00 1S23.K. Henderson and son ... 2 00 1S24'J. II Bihh 1 CO 1825 Polly Adams IM 1856L. A Letihwnrtb 1 so 1827 Mrs. Charles Joyner 100 1628 Elizabeth Garrle 1 00 1859 C. Horton 1 50 1830 John Wilson 100 INI W. G. Wlndham 1 50 l«35Elan May 1 W 1633 Matlha Trlpp 1 50 !

  • P"W —-ar- ' ■'■■  "•■W^P


    Ko.l To Whom Issued. »1I am" " " «!4" " " '.(3 •07

    11M 1211 14S0 1ST: 178! 1M»

    Bfo.1 To 152 W. I WD. ■ '. 301:0. W 421 I>. C. 014O. W 857 I>. C.

    111110. w 113* II. F 11S4ID. C. IMTO. W 1428 D. C. 15»2 H. II. 1721II>. J. A. William.

    ' S 05 SIS It. II. «'0SEins 175 S»75 Jos. M,L.aivhorn 3 20 HOST. J. Cox 1 55 1110 3. JL. Congleton 2 80 1121.Mia. Hullock 7 40 1126 Joseph McLawhorn ...

    ", 3 35 1127 L. B Elks 4 01 1139 McO. Hullock

    .[.. 60|H23Jos. McLawhorn 2 10-ll.'l Jc. M'Uawhorn 4 00|l«SE. H M. Law horn ....

    ... 3 2011410 T. J. C"X

    ... 2 s"> IMS Jason Joy nor

    ... 2 2OI|J:OH. 1.. Nichols 2 05'l'TT It. H. Cogplns 2 06 1578'R II. Coicglna

    JAM. No.' To Whom [HOI ll.

    97 S. T. White Ill HI. ks & WUklnsuu ISTPulley & ltowen 153!tl. M. Mooring IfJIA. IV Johnston MSKi-nn Moore & I'.ro. 261 J. C. Cobb c4 Son 286 J. H. Cherry A Co 2*8 Baker & Hart 289Zeno Moon St Hio 291 Ricks & Wilkinson sooj. H. cherry & Co 302 o. .w. Haningtaui 3010. W. Harrington 311!Rleks & Wilkinson 41S!Rli-k. & Wilkinson 416IR. J Mayo 454'Zeso Moon & Bro 458!t>. W. ll.irrlnntoii 61S Kick* * Wlnkinson «;:. J. B. Cherry & Co 634 (>. W. Harrlnplon 65611. P. Jolly mlRlCkt A Wilkinson 7S2TI. J. Mayo 787 O W. Il.in hutton 1115. T White MIRlckJ .t Wilkinson IlliJ. B. Cherry A- Co liS'ii. w. Harrington 958 W. T. I io.lv in 959 R. J. Muyo

    llMIRIeka ,v Wilkinson 1123 O. W. Harringion 129,". J. It. Cherry & Co 1296 J. II. White 1306 Rlckl & Wilkinson 130S o. w. Harrington 132S White & I'l.mins 1I38J. B. cii. ii v A Co 1431 o. B". ll.iirinKton 1595;J. H. Cherry A Co 1599 Ricks *,- Wilkinson 1600 o. w. Harrington mSIRiiks a Wilkinson 173SI1. W. Harrington 1594 Pitt Co. Huggy Co 1125 S. T. White 1919- " " 19371). W. Harrington 1939 Kick* & Wilkinson 1941 White B Fleming

    % L 1155 J. C. Crittin .... 7 -J, 1156 James Thompson ., JU 1157C. C. Dunn

    ir- Everett Brlnaon .. 1171 J II. Wllloughbv • 1319 D. O. Moore IttO Dmlel Hatch UZllPred Inn.s 1322 Henrhtta Cox ists J w. cox 1321 I. A. Sugg. Jr 1587 C. A. Bland 1588 Nathan Moore — 15*'.. IM Snii'h l.ilHi W. H. Mel'..-u.in . 1591 E M. Cheek iT'.'4 ileorge Farmer .. 1:40 c. A. Btancill 1712 J. J. Griffin 1-40 It H. Poll I' •■     ■■■ 1747'Charllo M 1T4S Noah Ha'-1

    ISM) M.il. Hullock .... 1582 J. It. Galloway .. 1SS3 >'. W. Gaskins .. 1586 M. O. Bullock ..

    W- Tucker ...

    1 N 1 03 1 65 i -; ISM M J 55 K.93 J.

    2 Ou 2 00

    M si) 200

    19 20

    8173 60

    Amount 4 00 3 R0 2 00

    49 00 2 50 1 55

    24 73 23 60

    5 fi« 1 ••■ 

    53|l596.J. It. Newton 2 55II7i*ilAbram Baker I 60' 1T2S James Dunn 3 20 IIM'MCO. Bullock 3 25 1797 J. J. Caraon I 65 I78»IW. H. McGowan 3 30 lEOtU. H. Flanagan

    28 10 1803'Conat. Fa-.inville'lownshlp. "l 40 1803 Joseph Mc Lawhorn

    4 10 ISOI'Pollee of Oreenville 1 50 38.0.-. J. T. Smith 150 isQaiJnmei Hunn

    50 1S14'J. It. Galloway 1 10 1816 H. I.. Nichols "10 1S17.J. W. Tucker 1 so lsi'cu. w. Oasklna : EU) 1831'Jaaon Joyner

    '..'I ■' »'. Dunn 1997 Jos. McLawh'.in

    1 no ,;

    19 00 120 50

    1: on I Ml

    II 60 I on 1 20

    117 40 1 so

    27 45 131 20

    s:. I 85

    ITI'.AVm. Bic . v

    50 :'. "'. 2 63

    iT.oW. II. Rnsden 1781 Jeaae I HUa 1752 l>,'li:i Mawson ..... 1753 P. 1'. l-uper 17..411 s 11 irdy 1::.;. W. A. Vincent .. ITMJ T Klwinls 1757 Henry Baker 175S 1'. I». ltouillree .. . I.r.'.cT J Moore 17,10 George Hlnaon 1788 K Q. Flanagan ...

    - 1788'C. O. nominee 1" OO |;,:,;M:rlli.i Smith

    1*8 to ,:,„; gam sniuh - *'° 1788 Alfred Wethinglon s 9> 1788 A. T. Moore

    14 50 1770 W. 11. MeOowan r.i 10 |Ti._. n j| Moye

    i ;" 1775 it. Moye : ;■' 17-1 Wm Broadway 5 W 1788'E. *'9 It. It. cotton 785 TV. o linrnhlll 772 J. it. Davenport ..

    1108 It. R. Cotton 1112 J It. Davonivort 1J11IJ. J. Batterthwaltc ' 14471. R. Davenport

    •IHllU L. 3. Chapm-Tn I 00'IK J. J. Saiterihwsltc C 67| IKl R. L- Davis 3 44 Hi' W. O. Little

    12 S» lie; Jesne Cunnon 18 50 1211 R L Davis

    1 75 1.,;'. J. J. Satterthwalte . 11 7t 1316L. J. Chapman .... 13 J2 1317 TV. C. Little

    2 27 1318 Jesse Cannon 12 50 1456 J. J. Mllailhwaltf 61 88 1457.11. L. Davis

    146 90 1458.L. J. Chapman 12 85 1459 W 0 Little 23 75' 1480 Jess- c 'annnn 66 76 1609 R. L. Davis

    5 34 1610IJ. J. Sattorthwolle 5 7511611 W. C. Llllle

    80 67' 1612 L J. Chapman J 001 1776lt- L Davis

    50 11777'Jesse Cannon "I 06'177SIJ. J Satterthivalte « 01 1778'W. G. Little

    60 1780 L J. Chapman ... 40 60 2O07 It. I* Davis

    ' 200S Jesse Cannon 11679 402OO9J. J. Satterthwaite

    I 2010.TV. G. Little Amount 2011 L. J Chapman

    ,.. 20 00 10 001 2. M' COURTHOUSE. 20 Ml H8W- B Hinder

    ll> Greenville Supply Co. .. 154 G. M. Mooring 135 Ormond A Carr 1.7 j c. cobb & Bon




    S S3 25 88

    3 85 t >' 3 10 2 •:

    •1 IS

    21 70 II 72

    1 CO 3 f'l ■1 I '

    I 23 :6 00

    115 10 5 95 6 70

    CONVF.V No.' T. 111.It. T 1:0 McO 269 John 293 McO. 296 Jos. . 317 B. TV 156 O. TV 613V. c 62U- T. 632 O. TV 797'. TV

    1294 J. I! 1727 O. TV 17S9 O. TT l»87:j. T

    1XG PRISONER8 Whom Issue-I.

    J. WiUoughby . Bulloek

    1-7. Calhouu Bulloek

    McLnwhorn . Edwards . Harrington Hunn Smith . Harrington — . Haning-ton ... . Oalloway

    . Gaskins '. Harrlngt >n Smith


    KO.I To Whom Issued. 102 John Gray 103'John White }04 S. R- Ross 105 N. I.. Cray 116T. F. Nelson 149 Henry Harris 162 Robert Greene 306 j. A. Whlchard 307 TV F.Parker 311. j J. Laughlnghouse TtOt'John Jones 310TT'. II. Elk« 434C. D. Rountree 4351C. D. Rountree 436'J B. Mooring 137 Z V. Whin-hurst I3S Dr. TV. K. Warren 419 Minnie Whltchuist 440 T. F. Nelson 441 TV. J Jenkins 442 Mrs. T. F. N'-lson 443 John ">. James 441 Mrs. Sarah J. Holllday 445'A. H. Garrls 116 John Hawkins 117.Sarah ColVllle 448 it M. Moye 449 John Moore 450 D. C. Barrow 451 TV. J. Thlgpen 453 Vt. TV. Rrow n 463 J L- Little 466 Martha L Rawil 467 A. E. Demon 470 J. II. Randolph 474 E. A Moye 497 II. C. Ueddard 498 If. H. Qlnerly 4»9iW. p, Ormond SOOMrr M. E. P.el 501 C. R. Speight 502 T J Moore 503 Dr. J. M. II. k-I 504 Dr. Joshua Taylor BO'.'C. "'II. Laughlnghouse .. 606 Dr. TV. E. Warn n 607 1)'. W E. Warren 508 Dr. J. II Nobles 513 Dr. w w Dairaon 514 J. c. Moye 649 S. J. Parke, 630 TV. M. Lao: 651 R. W King 664 J. R. Harvey 776J II M in' Ina 783 Peniii.- Miz.il 784'J. E. Caraon 7S6;D. L. Jamea 817:B. F. Anderson SI8O. TV. Harrington 919W. J. Whltehurst . 922 J. R. Moye »23;Frnnk Wilson 924'M. L. Stnrkey 925 John TV. Cot ten 9261R. I.. Devil 927:J. C. Early 929'John D. Cox 830'E. G. Fliniigan 831ICaesar Blount »32'Church Misire 933'H. A. Blow 93CF. E. Randolph U3SIR. It. Moye 83910. W. Oarrle 840 Rachel Cox 041 W. E. TVarrcn 844C D Rounlrcc 846IW. C. Illnes 946 R. Williams 8481T. It. Moore 949J. T. Smith 030 1:. A. Dlxcin 951 K. B. Dii.ll. y 852R. TV. King (eol.) 8BSIT. J. Moore 951 A T. Mooie pSB'F. 0. James Mil Will. Wethinglon 947 Joe Brown 8831Huywon.l Barnblll M4IM. G. Brian

    mm *• -C°K«" MTJOV

    81.655 "1 TO JAIL,

    Amount. sO

    1 03 .... 13 80

    2 H 2 40 I 10

    . 19 10 . .. 13 95

    . 21 15 ... 16 50 17 93

    1 00 , . 13 85

    8 1! 2 30

    143 43 ERIOR


    1848 E A. Even I 1M8 TV. c M< Oowan ■ ■• 1050 Calvin Joyner 1851 TV. II. Harrington . 1852 Churl, s Cobb 1953 J. II. Klttrell . 1954 H. G VVhltehead . 1955*0, TV. Ilarringtot, . 1858 Cella Mabry 1957 'Vila Malay 1958 ". TV. 11 in Ington 1959 Ernest 51' Lawhorn 1960 Noah si Ivey 1961 Cella Mabry 1962Clara Rountree .... 1963 c*. E. Kiltrell 1984 •'. v.. Klttrell 19(5J. II. Kit r.-ll ... 1961 Anna T- el 1967 Olivia Teel 19*9F. M. Whlchard ... L.7I Pctor Ellison 1S72 Isom Ellison 1973 J. It. White 1971 Dink Whitflcl.i 1975 K. TV. Bulks k 1976 TV. M. Rrciwn B.77 A. T. Moore 19 7- w. B. Greene

    IS J! So. To TVh 42 S3 (,;s 1. A. Mays

    47.5.1 J. Slokes 177 II. liar ling 4 7!- I. A. Mayo c-l s. A. G.ilner 183 TV. It. Moore 188 TV. 11. 1/imr !--.* TV. 1-:. Warren — 198 S. T. Carson 9HI '" D. Rountree .. 980 TV. B, Moore .... 981 !.. A Mayo

    ; .1 ', Hnrrli . . :-■..! J. Si ikes ... .. : S. T". Lauffhlnghoua

    i 30 wise L. Barren 1 70 17..1S A Gainer

    78 23 1795 II Holding 43 00 17.... 11. R. smith

    5 ' ■    If I li CO» 1 05 |80*l S. T. Carson 1 35 1*10 c. i>. Rountrc ■ ... 1 "5 M< w. B Moore 3 05 |S12 I. A Mayo S 1! i-i' W. ft. Galloway 3 13 IS15J. M. Cog 2 £0 i«i* j. R, Harvey 2 H |820 II. M. Lewis E 80 |9M ii- in Craft .. 4 00 1998'C D Rountree I 18 2001 1: G. Flanagan ...

    i 88 1 10

    Amount 1 6!

    90 13 04

    1 20 1 9* I 17

    I J It. Davenport .... ! J. O. PrOCtOr 47 Urn

    1 1! .'. 8S 4 30

    CLERK SI'PERIOl To Whom laau -.1.

    ■ i> c Moore IS! 471 ■.'■■ 

    3 6.' i.-;e. 5 15 r;2

    .- . I '' -.'--

    .1 63 i7s. ■ t 15 .-.-. ! I

    2 45 5 40 ...... 5 60 1 80

    67 M

    3 47 2 75

    I 10 2 9! I 07 40

    11 22

    ','.'.'.'.'.'.'. IM in- 181

    r7 ii '2 65

    1 M '.'.'.'.'.'... f*'

    77 40 COURT.

    Amount 3 60 7 10 74 31

    .... 10 10 4 S3 8 65 4 05 81 Ill 08

    5 64

    .', ' 1

    1 M 1 M

    10 30 I

    3 70

    REGISTER OF HERDS. 17c T. R Moore 318- •; •'

    •"t 197. Henry Hooker '- •;; J983 Claude Cherry ; 2 \'.-i TV. c. Hires ... - ii I085W. E. ex .... I 35 1 60 1 15

    55 1 10 2 03 3 a 2 85 1 00 1 60 4 20 1 10

    13 40 2 30

    13 40 16 20 9 60

    16 20 2 60 9 50 180


    :'. 7ii

    n ''7 2 7.1 1 OS 2 70 2 30

    1! 00 2 50 2 43 2 70

    6,1 M 1 50 1 03 1 27

    14 00 4 10

    1 5 M 140 00 a i-o 60 CO 19 00 20 00 to 00 ;n 00

    4 10 I 30 1 30 1 .: 3 10

    1 7S 7 -0

    U M 2*0 1 29 I 55 4 55 5 80 1 65

    55 S 30 3 r.o 2 30

    II 60 101 10


    ISMOecar Jolly 98' Dr. c nil. LnushlnsTho ostTDr. E. A Move

    JCRY TICKETS «,-,. T-, Whom lasued. Ml .1 B. Cherry, Trea« Y: '. ". "■■'*' 937" •■ 

    1303 1764 ■    " •' 1992 •■   •

    COURT COST. 2.77 L. TV. Laa renc e MS Mrs. Dora Ullinn 1.2 Mrs. Dora Qulnn 430J. E. Fleming 4570. TV. Harrington 1*9 Mrs Delia Hunter — 48!7Pollce "f Greenville .. 4-3.1. T. Smith 77".f H Fleming 898 J. E Fleming .. Wioc'harl- - Bklnner 988 Mrs. Hera Qulnn 91fiO. TV. Harrington »;s o. w. Harrington ..

    Ti • 11 Polii - '.-I J, O. Move '.--• I T. Keel 990 Moses King

    1107 J. J. Harrington 119! I. W. Lawrence l}93Ch,irli s skinner 1(90 J. J 11 irrlngton 1 »i 1 11 Cherry, Tr,-.i» .. 1*01,1 w Harrington 173" I. TV I. 1 .."'" e 17170 TV Harrington . I7lj 1. w. Harrington ... 1791'i. M. Mawrlng IS08J 'i kloye 1807 w 11 Long 1820 O. II All* 11 192! I. TV Lauren' 1926 Chu : - 1 1121 Qulnn llouec 193*0 w il irrlngton

    1 K. Fleming 503 o. TV. Harrington — 112 I'll:, . I" 119 I.. W. 1. ' ' r : ■ -• 478J O. Moye

    1988 w II. l^-iiit Pollci il Grec nvlllc

    SIlEltll IS So. To Wliom Issu, "■ 

    290 B. T. HOdgM : W H. llnrrington

    473 O. M. Mooring 184 TV. II Harrington .... (M 11 T. Hodges 1-7 11 W. Tlarrington I'll M. TV. Page 194 J. A. lions,- IM A- J-". Jtc.l lick, 196. J. C. Woolen 63i Joserh Klnaey 633 o. w. Harrington ,,., 8t| 0 W. Ilnrrlngton 7.5 M. w Pag*

    1^*9 O. W. Harrington . 1790 R. T. Hodges 170: II. W. Edwards 1994G. W. Harrington .... I8M H. TT' Edward* 991 J R. Ilnrrls 992 II. I'" Woolen

    657 ' 0 75 7*-..

    11 II 974 > 05 11 si - 3 '-5 132- ■ i 55 n.:] 2 M 161 . 2 05 KS: ■ - 10 n M

    i" 00 10 ■ 

    311 04

    20 49 90 91 61 4« 23 84 15 94 16 13 SI 4" 19 89 19 23 II M II 91 :: 32

    TAN LIST No.1 To Whom Issued. 127'.. T. A. Thlctl-en 1280 J. B. Little 17-3 c. J. Tucker ItM'V, E Staton |«U B. P. Beach 125S Robert Worthincton 12s- J. L. Smith 12-9 TV. It. Home I310'|I. A. Blow 132« II A. Blow 1426 TV. M. Moore 1427 Richard Williams ... 160ST. R. Moore 1783'T. R. Moore

    ELECTIONS S'.. To Whom Issued.

    87 T. A. Thlgpen S3 J. J. Elks • 0 TV II. Blves s; TV. II. Williams

    • l.ilm Rouse -.< N\ L. Cray 90 R. T. J. Willounnby 91 V. 1-:. slatnn 92 J. .H. Jarvis :-3'j. n. Da'vis 94 J. J- Chance ■ :•', s. P. Humphrey M J. It. 1.1 lie 8948 T" Joyner

    1"" p T Atkinson . 101 TV. T. Mason 108'J. A. Harrington 121 J. A Hard.e 12! Shade Stock* 126 II. I Kill* 127 J. II Smith l.-l. K WilheriiiKton 129 F. ' ►. ''ox ISOIRobert Sparkmar. 131 T. I.. TVIIII.ima 132 Shade Slocks IS! A. D. Johnston i3i Jesse Cannon 115 Edgar Buck 13« B. c.. Flanagan 128 It. W. Brown HO J. II. Manning HI D. A. Moore 14318. M. Daniel 113'C. B. Bradley HI J. It. Overton MS J. H Clark 148'E. T. Andrews 117 J. H. Clark .•••■ 118 F. C and Walter Harding 160'J. TV. Page 185iD. C. Moore 166 TV. C. Cobb Ml J H. Bpler 2».- O C Johnson 274 J. K. Caraon 28< TV, CI. Chapman .-:: Al'onzo Po'ter 7,11 J. It. Allen

    17ISJ C Griffin 1299 N. H TVhltford

    1 .7 J. C. Cobb A Son 10 50 ... , 1 »-. ..1.; Greenville Supply Co 78 C» 'I I [ 51 II. P. Smith 1200 II 14 i. Greenville Supply Co 40 00 | | I I i„,5 Greenville Supply Co 40 00 *- ■ * "

    3 80 Then you waut Ibc at'entiou ol 310 60 (he people who linve cash to speud

    , 50 Thfi mc the peole who read 15 00 32 10 15 OS 10 50

    910 J. B. Cherry A Co— 960 Greenville Supply Co. 1220. W. Harrington ... 290 It. L. Humber

    ;7_-: Albert Gilbert 19S6IG. E. Harris 110 Z. Moore A Bro

    2 16 16 00

    2 65 2 00

    16 00 45 00

    911 65

    Amount. 3 89

    2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 «• 4 27 4 50 4 4S 1 00 1 00

    MISCELLANEOUS. 113 D. J. Whlchard 115 Butch Book A Job Co 1«1 Gary Smith 164 J. S Edwarde iiO'Burch Book A Job Co 271 Harrell Printing Houae .... 294 D. J Whlchard 299.Walker. Evans A Cogswell.. 313 Han-el's Printing House ... 31S:H. A. Rlow 427 D. J. Whlrhard 428!D. J. Whlchard 622 H. '*. Hooker 626 Walker. Evans A Cogswell. 640 Alex. Speight 645 Ransom Mobley 617 D. J. Whlchurd 652 Hurt h Rook n nd Job Co 76S Dr. c. O'H. I^aughinghouse. 772 Bureh Book and Job Co 77S Bun h Rook and Job Co 779 Walker. Evans A Cogswell. 780 Edwards A Rroughton 7-1 Burcn Book and Job Co 77* I). J. IVhlrhard 909 D. J. Whlchard



    itAPTitaT.—8«rvlo«» ev«rj Bog- day, morning and evening. "Pmy• •r'ineeting Wedneadgy evening Rev. J.N. Booth, pauator. Sunday- school 9:30 a. m. C. D. Bonntrw, •operintendent.

    METHODIST.—Services everyBun l»y, morning and evening. Pray* meeting Wednesday evening. Bev. H. M. Enre, pastor. Sunday school 3 p. m. L. n. Pender, soperia tendeut

    PBESBYTEKIAK— Service* thin 8undav.niorningandevening. Bev J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday- gcLool 10 a. in. E. B. Fiarklen g» oeriutaaideot.

    EPISCOPAL.—Bev. F. H. Hard- ing, Minister. Morning and eve»- ing prayer with sermon every 1st and 3rd Sunday. Lay services every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

    Sunday -school »;»5 a. m., W.B. B. Brown, superintendent. Litany every Wednesday 10 a. BB.

    CHRISTUM — Preaching secamd, aud fourth Sunday* In eack mouth Prayer meeting Thursaiay nighi. Bev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sunday school 4:30 P. M., W. B. Parker, *uperintendent.

    CATHOLIC—No regular servieni

    1 20'auU you can atu.iu't know

    4 13 just what you waut to say, we will s M help you nei up your advertise-

    12 JJ meut. That in our business, te 2 so hol|> you talk to the people. * " The tost of an advertisement in ' l\ Tin-: HKFI.ECTOH IS the easiest part. 4 25 1 00 1 80 1 01 1 00 2 OO 4 20

    Worthy Chief; D. 8. Smith, Sec

    I. O. If.—Greenville Conclave No 640, meets every second and fourth Mouday nights in Odd Fal- lows Hall. W. B. Wilson Archon; D.8. Snii'h *"•




    YOU 634 0T,


    . Aged nnd Infirm .

    11.71* 7- No 1.5 1

    A'n-'iii 259' ... 251 7" 45', .. 608 40 r.:o •

    ... 37 1" 7.1- 6-11 S3 1 .-

    .. 271 M HI ... 328 65 i:-.7 •

    ■    10S_70 I4SS

    12.343 !0 1761 198;.'

    II 08

    216 88

    B1 PBRJXTESDBNT "K HEAl-TH. To Whom iaauetl.

    • 11. Lougtilngtaou** Amount

    25 o« 25 00 2i 00

    . 30 00

    .. 2a 00 .. 2:. on

    35 00 2:, 00

    . 23 00 25 00 23 '* 25 0"

    I.-.5 7'. Cult"'.'1

    31 (8 N- To Whom Issu . 62 95 1:1 c. 1 • II. I..1U11I ' lU«*

    JSI •• '• 619 ...... -■;: '.■56" •' 997 " "

    '.'■' ......

    : 0.1

    2 05 1 3" :; no

    31 00 1> 2 42 25 M -.' 27 7"

    6 00 4 20 I 10 1 25 1 50

    la .1 ." 1


    1; 00 18 SO 6 00 I M • 11

    i in 80 3 25 I 50

    II 10 10 SO 16 ml

    •» s 1 30 : 00 1 13

    11,076 41

    313 CO

    Amount ... S8 00 ... 62 10 ... 19 00 ... 35 10 ... 23 60

    2.1 00 El M

    1 10 6 70

    16 4" 13 70 11 00

    1 13 21 S3

    3 10 3 10 I 10 .'. OR 1 H 2 05 1 50 6 gt

    37 00 7 88 1 50

    J< 20 2 55 1 48

    RRIDOES Jfn. TO Wli'nn I- I

    II T. A Thlgpen !-.; R. W. Brown

    107 J. D. Galloway -.1: It M. Stark.-v 1. '; T Whlchard 139 R. TV Brown :-,: 1 ij-n Mii-i tt- c ,rr

    . Ho1., rl Johnson : it. M. Btarkey

    ...u Elruger Mc l.awhorn 205 T. A Thlgpen 287 TV. 11. Skinner _'7>i J i> Proctor A Bro .7- 1, TV. Lawrence 278 Caesar Itan.lolph . . 287 1- hn El.ir.agnn Huggy c. 28J w 0 Barnblll ii* I. TV. I.:i\>rence IL'O \\-. 1; Oarrle 471 \v. J. Laughlnghouse ii"., r, T whli hard fill TV. A. Tr.-l III i^.uis I. McLawhorn

    '• II. Rodgera 830 W il. '"..-irrls 818 Alex. Speight fir.:: 1.. TV. Lawrence 761 T. A. Thlgpen 7*« I.. TV. Lawrence ■si J w. Parker SOI TV 11. Oania '.'"2 \V A. Teel :»>i I. TV Lawrence 905 1,. TV Lawrence 811'J. o Pro, tor * nro llSlrj T Wlilehard

    1111 L. TV Lawreneo 1141 TV. II. Skinner 1146'Alheri Lang find J. R. Oay .

    COMMIBSIONERS. 117 i> TV. Harrington 171 TV. O. Little 172 II T-. Havis 316 TV. "7. Little 11* .1,.--..• i'.'i'..ii 320 It. I.. Davla 510 TV. cl. Little rii it. I. Davla .--.-. .1- aae Cannon f-,i TV. O. Lilt:- e.59 It. L. Davl* 6,:o Jess.- Cannon 791 It 1.. I'lvls 7M TV gfct fl^^y 5rfm#-

    SCHOOL- BOOKS JJ* Reflector Book Storo-

    when you wnut Rood

    Job Printing

    Loare Wilson Ar Rocky Mourn Arrlre Tarboro LeareTtrhoro I,T Rocky Moait Ar Welclon Yadkin Division _,„ ,

    Main Line-Train le.ro. Wtokt, ton910am,arrirea Payellevile ilMpai leaves Cayelteville 1242, o m.arrlni Bag- ford I 6«p m. Retumine leaye* Santord a 06 II T.I. arrive KayetteviHa 4 » P "leawe KayetteTille 4 tit p m, arnte* WIlnilngKai 116 om

    BcnneltaTille Branch—Train leaves tta. netisville H 10 a m, Muton » 06, a ta, Bed Spring. 9 32 a m. -lope MUU 10 W * ».*»• rivcrayelteTiilolllb. **Kff/L*"* K.yeUevllle 4 46 p m, Hop* MM* ■ J* P » 1U-.1 Springs 6 41, p m, Max Urn 6 19 p a arrive. BcnnetavUle 7 16pm

    Connection, at FayeUerWewirtlrala H.

    78.tM.iton with the c«)"~ STK Bailroacl, at Red Sptinn with lb. Bed Kpringe * Bowmore raUroad, at BaaloKi wllh the Seaboard Air Line and Boanaers Railway at Golf wllh th* Durham sad Charlotte Railroad

    Train on tn. IIIIIMI IMal HH^JV lHaaiKaliU.nl 1« an, H.llf.l I ■ _;.■»■.»» rire. sroti.nd Saol .14 1* p ta. .OraeaTllleiilT on Kln.loi. - anpm R.t.ralna'We. Blaujua

    it il jam, We'toa II18 eat. *au> •»»•*,

    Tralu o. Wa.hlneton MM* ^J* ffl*. muton - oo . m .nd » 4S a w.arriT. rajaa.1.11* . m .n.i I tip an. retnrriTne iMve r^rejejell I* , m.i,d MTlpni. .rrlre w."hln«tun 18*0 .» id '. UP m.delivMoeet sasidar1

    i -.in IO.T.< T.rb,.ro d.llf ..eeot **a4u l 4 3T P m, Mnnd.r t as p m, SIR*** Jr ,„ul i, • fc p aa * SO p m. marBlag, leave* FIT-

    -noull. dall|. ..CP' HUI.J.T. '*»'■■ *?1,!» Uy» OO.m. .rrlaa). 1 .rNjro laasaa, BUBS

    Tr.ln OB Midland B 0 aaiaeh ••«•" Oedla tore fail?, .ne.pt hund.y, >.■«L%J»jrfM HrallliOeldaio. m, returnlnl learei SmltllSjl* 700nm nrrlTei.lOoldanoreSnlaau

    Tr.ln on N.ahTlll. Sranok Ijaee l*>k* Mount »• iiso .m. 4 00 p ■• errlee "eaBrlle |..»am,l»p», Spain* Ho** 11 ,}>■■«• Lin lteIurnlb«l6.Te Sprln* tloiie Uto *M ?c?p,n.N..h.fn. ii m sxSmKJn* Monni II 10 • m, I »o p m. d.lly .ie.pt *an* /.

    Tr.ln on Clinton Branch le»ee Waraa? M riinum d.ilr. .io.pt Sund.T.U 40 a ■ sad I If

    . I,



    Our Furnishing Department


    m, letnrnlnn l«.T.a CllntOB .1 .48 .a. ua* iw pm.

    Train BoTlni.ku eloae ooaoeetloa » «U Ion lor all polnta North dally, all ral. vl. llol ajgai

    II. M. ES1.EB80N, Qen'l l'ass. AgBlit

    THE ItEPLEOTOK OKFIUE I8j j, K. KENLY, Gen'l MaoaMr. XUB PLACE TO OBT IT. ,T. M. E&IEBHOH. Tii»«oli»BBf4ir

    Is fairly abloom with blight, haudsome Christmas Neckwear

    the prettiest creatijns that Ihe cimbiued efforts of the

    weuver aDd silk worm ever produced. Every shape, too,

    that fashion allows. There is scarcely a uiau, young or old,

    who will not receive a Cbriblnias Tie from hi- trite, sinter, or

    bis' girl, nnd we believe that if every l.!y who buys a

    ChiiKtmas Tie would look here lir-t, thai we would sell every

    Christmas Tie sold in Greenville.


    EASTERN REFLECTOR MOYEHOWARO. Two Lives Beautifully United.


    If there is a CROSS UABK in the margin of this piipeHt, m e ^ so to remind you that yon owe. ' ' ,,uv.,r, „„.. THK KASTKRS KKKI.UCTOK for

  • wm ^~~^^^m&m


    Have You Forgot? What? THAT I AM 8TIL.L CAKRYTKG AN UP-TO DATE LINE OF Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware Tinware, AND A NUMBER OF OTHER THING


    Come to see me for your next B irrel of Flour or Pork.

    Yours to please-

    las. 6. White.



    11 Bill IE ill ill OF NEWARK, N. J., YOUR POLICY HAS

    1. Loan Value, 2. Cash Value, 3. Paid-up Insurance, 4. Extended Insurance [hat works automatically,

    ft. Is Non forfeitable, 6. Will lie reinstated if arrears lie paid within on uinntli while you

    are living, or within three year.-, after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence of insuarahility ami paymeut of arrears wilh Interest.

    Aafter second year—7. No Restrictions. 8. Incontestable.

    Divideudsare payable at the beginning of the second and cf each succeeding year, provided the premium for the curt-cut year be paid.

    Tbey may be used—1. To reduce Premiums, or 2. To Increase the Insnrance, or 3. To make policy payable aean eudowuiuent during the lifetime

    of insured.

    J. L. SUGG, Agt Greenville. N. C.

    A card shuffling machine has been Invented by It. P. Bellows of Cleve- land. It should make business poor for crooked card players. The de- vice is complicated, yet simple iu its action.

    The shuffling machine is a metal box about IS inches high, 3 iache* wide and C inches from front to back. All the mechanism is inside. The cards are dropped in at the top and rest on a tiny shelf. Below this there are five small fingers, ore en each of five, thin steel blades ex- tending across the full width of the

    machine. When a shatter on the front is dropped, the shelf falls aud the cards drop upon the blades and arc separated into live little irregu- lar bunches by Hie fing . . The blades separate, and one by one cards drop from the various hunches into a receptacle at the bottom, the drop being regulated by a clock- work mechanism.

    There is now way of telling where any particular card will he found in the pack after they are shuffled. The same card, placed on the top of the pack, will rarely be found twice in the same place after the shuffle.—Chicago Inter Ocean.


    What Is known as the -Blues' seldom occasioned by actual exist-

    :»g external conditions, but In the great majority ol cases by a disorder- ed LIVER. ■ 

    THIS IS A PACT which may be demonstra- ted by trying a course of

    Ton's Pills fhey control and regulate the LIVER, hey bring hope and bouyancy to the

    nind. They bring health and elastic- ity to the body.


    I am satisfied th:it Trrtliina (Tretliitig Powders! have saved more cliil.'ren than idl the doctors pm together. 1 have rcc- oatBMBded Testhlaa when tee doctors cave up the child, end it cum] at once.

    LOUISK WAIBEl., I'll O. Druggist, St- Louts. Mo.


    Has lost many a dollar for business men. II' a man is ^t iudged by the coat he wears, ho is also judged by th 2 letter-head he uses. An artistic, nicely printed lotto! 3 I head may be looked ou as a good Investment. -Z

    ^ It will he done right. Send your nej. order to 2

    | •mbe'risK*" The Reflector Office. |j


    tf you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad breath, dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin. or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an impaired digestive system, Laxnkoia Will Cure, You.

    It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver end kidney3, strengthen lhe mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you "on yoor fset" again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move regu- larly, your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear and freshen and you will feel the old time energy cod buoyancy.

    Motbrrs arcklDfe- tUo proper ncdlrino t • glvo 1. r l.ill- our. !..r ..i.-n atloa, iiiarrlies,cnuo and similar tronbl.-*, v.a iin.l Laval. .mill, ol i Kdieinefur . i- UT V\> »---■■ Easfa ,.,:-bom...i i....

    It t!f:c ;i t. >.rd 1 .I IfC* , lh- rim- .1 l11" '.'".»'.' I lu-U, .11 ek«a^i.f»l"'«.*

    Sulphuric Acid For Snake Bites,

    Those who fear snakes or live where snakes are found will find comfort in the assurance of IV. John 11. Henry of Montgomery that Bttlphuric acid is a specific. Dr. Henry Bays:

    'The poison of animals and snakes is intensely alkaline, and sulphuric acid laken internally and injected hypodcrmically, diluted or pure, in the fang puncture immediately kills the poison. This discovery was giv- en by a gentleman who savs he has been bitten by snakes and insects over a hundred times. This gentle- man takes delight in keeping snakes in his room running all about. Six weeks ago ho was bitten in the foot by his big rattler. He immediately used hvpoilermically the acid, and it did not swell or give him any trou- ble. He -avs he fears no poison of animal, snake or insect bites if ho has his acid with him."'—New York Times.

    Fiddles Without Hands. In Atlanta, a small town in Illi-

    nois, live- Irani; Clawson, a tiddler whose chief bid for fame lies iu the fact that he is without hands. Sev- eral years ago he was caught in a blizzard, and both hands were .-" badly fro/en that they were ampu- tated at the wrist. Ileing some- what of a mechanical genius, ho evolved a contrivance out of heavy wire which enabled him to wield the bow. The matter of lingering was more difficult, but by bard prac- tice he trained lhe stump of his left hand to make lhe necessary shifts from one string to another and from position to position. With the fiddle held in place by his chin and knee- and wilh the help of his fingcrless arms Clawson manages to play the old lime airs with nearly as

    • ., *u< formerly.

    Newjpiperi in the State.

    State Lahor Commissioner Var-

    tier has completed n sumiiit.ry of

    North Carolina newspaper statis-

    tics. He says Ihvre are eight morn-

    in:: d liliee, with a tola! circulation

    of 25,7?5;22 evening ilnilies wilh a

    circulation of22,780,193 weeklies,

    circulation 253,601 ;90 .semi-week

    lies, cir. illation 2S,T30uKl month-

    lies, circulation Tli.SlljlO semi

    monthlies, circulation l."i,f>00; four

    quarterlies, circulation .'100; total

    315; total circulation 605,085, IB-

    eluding 6 almanacs with 177,500 circulation. He says that while

    ten years ago the average circula-

    tion of weeklies was only 606, it is

    now 1,866, aud the improvement

    mechanical and otherwise has kept

    pace with this increase.

    As lo politics there are 145 Dcrn-

    ecratic, li Independent Democrat-

    ic, 20 ltepublican. 3 Populist, 38

    independent papi is. There are 18

    Baptist, *■ Methodist, .'! Ohristlau, :i Protestant Kpiscopal,.» Presby-

    Iterian, 14 educational. 2 holiness, 4 medical, 8 agricultural, 8 textile, ti news, "J industrial. Only one

    ! paper charges no subscriptiou. It

    is published at Winston.


    1 $200 Rtwird.


    Executive Deparltuct. WHKUEAH, official information

    has beeu received at this Depart nieut that at Falkl md, Pitt county, N. C, on or about December 22ud, 1000, John It. Parker shot and killed Alex Little.

    And Wbeieas, it appears that lhe sad John H. Parker has fled

    the State, or so cot reals himself I hat the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon In: i:

    Now, therefore, I, Charles B. Ayeock, Governor of the State of North Ca-olina, by virtue of au thority in me vested by law, do issue this my proclamation, otter- ing a reward of two hundred dol- lars for the epprehension and de

    livery of the said John II Parker to the Sheriff of Pitt county at the Court house in Greenville and I do enjoin all officers of tne State and all good citizens to assist in oringing said erimiual to justice.

    ,—•— Done at our City of I ) Raleigh, the 28th day ( stu' j ol October, in the year

    —.— of our lord one thous- and nine hundred aud one aud in the one huudred and twenty sixth year of our American Independence

    By the Governor: CHAR. B. AYOOCK.

    P. M. PEASAIX, Private See. Description:—John II. Parker is

    nearly six feet high of spare build, weighs about 156 pouuds, has blonde boyish face, is almost beard less, has blue eyes, light hair, is slightly stooped and is about 23

    yean old.

    [FSTABLlsHBD IN 1866.]

    J. W. PERRY & CO. Norfolk, Va.

    Cotton Factors and handlers of Bagging, Ties and Bags.

    Correspondence and shipments solicited.

    E. ... Griffin, Practical W:tchMik«riRdJewelir

    IOpposite P. O., Gu'onville, N. 0.

    I Recently vWtid the n< rthrm nutrkrts ; and purclMfed IIM hirgeat Mock «»i cluck*. , walche*. chains, riDjtt, pin*, t•.«*., ever brnoghi to Greenville Bpectu ■ttlclci for h"iitiay invir iiml wulding presents Prompt ntit'itiit'ii Iu -j,tf..il outers He

    ipeJliDg tit clocks and watt-lie* done promptly,

    E. E. GRIFFIN.

    An Unfinished Sentence. Shortly after President Roose-

    velt enicrxl tin' White Houses pol- itician called upon him with refer- ence to appointments, After the preliminary expressions of high es- teem, unbounded admiration and eternal loyalty be began to disclose his business. "I want to sneak to you about Mr. Blank, who holds u small office down in my district"—

    The politician didn't finish his

    sentonco. "What!" exclaimed Roose- velt, interrupting him. "Is that in- fernal scoundrel still in that place? I had some knowledge of him when I was a civil service commissioner."

    The politician acknowledged that Mr. Blank was Mill there and then turned the subject.

    Our Line of

    New Millinery aud you will be convinced that a

    prettier, more stylish display was


    Made in Greenville.

    Pattern Hats, Ready-to-wear Hats, Sailors, Baby Cloaks and Caps. The very newest and latest styles in everything in my line. Prices lower than eVer. Give me a call.

    ->. .P. Ordeavilld, N, O

    Two Quarrelsome Women. A novel method of suppressing

    two quarrelsome women hat just been adopted iii Wilkcsbsrre, Pa. Day after day thev quarreled over their back feme, and their scold- ings so annoyed the neighbors (bat

    a sixteen fool fence has been erect- ed between their bouses. It was put up the other night by masked men and a warning was posted that it should nol ho torn down. The women were unable to see each oth- er, but (hey found n bole in the fence and made remarki through that. Then a i onimittee waited on them nn.I said if ihey quarreled any- more they would he driven out of town.

    Entirely Willing. John I. Sullivan was in the North

    Station the other day and, seeing a littl*.' Irish baggage man coming along with a liievcle, squared oil at him wiih thai CUM liunior for which he is noted. The Mule chap, who didn't weigh over li"' pounds, put up his fi . '

    "Wait on :i bit," be said, "till Oi lean iu ■ lili le again I the rail."

    .loliii I.. II a- so In k!--il he lipped back In hi ad and roared. Tin n be told lhe li' lie v..i.-.—Uos- ton Journal.

    Kt Co- Id■:'« Loi? TheTi. Mrs. X.v.!.;s I understand yam

    husband is unable lo meet his creditors.

    Mrs. Wagga—Don't you believe it. lie can and docs meet them much ofteucr than he caret to.—

    Chicago New.

    Photographer, GREENVILLE, N. C.

    The leader in good work and low prices Nice Photographs For $i per dozen, U..I1 Cabinet* Sijo rer dozen. Ml other lines very ehcan Crayon Portions Dude fron. any small picture cheap. Nice Frames on hand all the time. Come aud examine my work. N»> trouble lo show samples and answer questions. The very best rfnrk guaranteed to all. Office hnura 8 to 1'2 a, in, I, lo 0 p. m. Years to please,


    Fur Pitt County.

    North Carolina's Foremost Kewspaper.

    The Charlotte Observer. EV.W DAY IN THE YEAR.

    CALDWELL & TOMPKINS. Publishers.

    J. P. CALDWELL Editor.

    S.i PBR •■ I AM.

    THE OBSKRVHit Deceives the lurgesi lelegrapbio news tervlee delivered to any paper between Washington ami Mlanta, ami ii!«sp. eial serviir i* the er»n esl ever liaiuiU'il !iy a Noiili Ckim liui paper.

    TUE SUNDAY OBSERVER rnn sials of Hi or more panes, and is t'i it huge extent made up of original matter.

    lHK BBMl U IKKI.Y CIBBERV- Klt printed Tue-day and Friday #1 per year. The largest paper in North t'amlina.

    Sample copies sent mi application. Address

    THE UBBERVEB, Charlotte, N.»'.

    BITiBLlKBBO Will

    . JVi. Schaltz, Wliolenaie BIMJ retntl Grocer ami

    Furniture l''-u!>r. (.'ash paid for Hides. Fin. lotion Bead, Oil Bar rels, TurkeyH. Egg, etc. lied .-NI.:-. Mattresses, '.htk Suits, Ha by I'aniagi >, UoOartS, Parloi suits, THlileSi LoOngeS, Safes, P Lai rillard and Gail & Ax SiinO, Red Mrtit Tul ■', Key Weal ('hernois. Ainericai '-.iiuly I'iearetles, I'ai; lied Chi lus, Peaches, Apples Pine A'iples, Sy : up, Jelly, Milk. Flour .Sugar, OnBee. Meat, Snap. Ly, Magic Food, MaU'hes, Oil, 'Viltoii iH-ed Meal ami Hulls, Gar- den Seeda, Oranges, Apples, Nut-, dandies, Dried Apples, Peaches. Prunes, Currents, ltaisina, Glaus

    and China Ware, Tin and woodn Ware, fakes and OlSCksn, Miu'ii runi, t;h>»r»ic, llenl Hotter, Sliuid ard Sesrlug Machinea, and un i merotis other goods. Ouality and

    Quantity. ' lieup for cash. Com to see in'-.

    siM m Fbone66

    Orncr. nv ras Bossn 1 o CoHMlSSIOM lls. / The following is a statement of lhe num-

    berof BMetisfsof the Board of Coninii- sioncis for Put eniuilv, mnulier of days eaeh member hstli attea»lad, anmbsr of miles liavehsl a.id omonnlt iillowed for services as ronanisstoners for lhe BSSSl jesr ending December asd, 1901.

    ETUBBBB OK Mswmes.

    It I. Davis hntti attended in SSTS, o W lltrriagtia hath attended 1 day, W U Little IK.TII tttended 19 d.iys. Jesse Cannon hath nitenditl 14 il.iys, J .1 Ssttnthwslte haih suanded It days, L J Chiipman hath attended IS days.

    AWot'NT AI.UiWK'l K I. UAV^. For 1ft dnvs as Com. ig *2 $:ls,00 For tai miles traveled & 6c 20.01

    |M.so ABOCST All. WID 0 W UAlllllMlTiiS

    F.T I day a> torn, (u, $J |1 no l'..r 1 .11> as Couimiltre (a #2 '2 00 FnrS iiiik-s I avilcd . Sumrell, above

    named, will take notice that an artion an- t it'ed ss above has been commenced in the Superinr court of Pitt conn | for divorce, ard the defendant will further take notice th.it he i« ret|uiri\i to lie and appear nt the next regular term of the Superior co-irt held for tbet nty ofl'i't.to be held in tbeOOOft house in Greenville, on thc7lh Monday lie- fore firi>t Monday oi Mareli, 1902, it being the ltfth day ot January, 1902 and then and there answer lo the complaint, which will hen*hd EOdayi iH'fnresaid court, or judg- ment will l>c granted accordingly to the prayer of the complaint.

    Tab 2nd day of November. 1901. DC MOOHK,

    Clerk of Superior court.

    ) r court STATK 01> NoitTit 0aJsOUMAr\a,ini Pitt county. /' "P William |. Gardner 1 Notice of summons

    vs > and Warrant of A i - T. (.'. Dritton. . tachment.

    The defendant, T.O. Brliton.wlll tnk notiei that on the 20th iiayot November, 1901, a anina.oaa was lawad against him in (he abovu entitleel nctioti by the under- signed, elerk ol the Superior court of Pitt HHtntf, returnable to the January term 1908 Oi Pit* Superior court which convenes 0B the TlB Monday before the 1st Monday la March. 1902.il bafoa the i:tlh day of January, 1'102. Which summons was re- tamed by tlie Sheriff of Siiid county not ex- eculid and with this enJorsemeut, "Du- tendmt T. 0. ltrilton Dot to he found iu my count v." The purpose of said action, aa alleMd b? Use Ralnilff, M to recover of th defendant, T (' Hriltoii, the sum of fifteen hundretl A liars damages which plainlill al'eges is due him, as iLiinagea for a violent .IIH i vii'luiirt nxtault o immitteil on him b> the deicudant by which Plaintiff received serious and painlul personal in- juries

    I I,.M: 1 Y C. Hriltoii, defendaut nfo'e- s.iid, will atrn) take notice that a warrant of Attachment was hMed bv the said under- nlifued clerk on the 90th day of NOVCIUIHT, 1901, a^aiiibl lhe)property 01 the amid T. C Hriltoii dinrted to the "Sheriff of Martin OonntVand returnable to the January term, 1902. of Pitt Superior court which convenes on the Tth Monday lietorc the 1st Moinlsy in March, 1902, it Ivlng Monday, the 18lh day of •lauuaiiy, 1902, and lieiog the time and place whan and where the arbreasitl mmBMHIl i* returnable. And the »md T. 0, Hriiton will lake notice that he is re- quired t*» appear aud answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff in this action or tin' relief thin in ■■■ ::,:ui it.i will in- granted.

    I> ne at n y I'fflce in town of Greenville this November 2oth, 1901.

    D. C. MOORB, Clerk Superior court.

    Ooflce to tne insuraDle Public.

    ATTKXTIOK AGENTS! Mr. John fj, DfwWfYi General Agent for

    North Ctirolina ami Virginia, of that Well- Known and Popular Company,

    TIIK MUTUAL BENEFIT Life liiHiiruiireCo., of New>ak,N.J. Desires to announce to iu large number ol policy holders, and to the Insurable public generally, of Nortb Carolina,hat this com- pany will ii'»w ll.Minn Bubiness in this state rind frum this date will issuo Its snlendid and desirable policies, to all de- ■iring the virv beat insuraiicc In the l»eat life insiiram* company in tho world.

    IMln■ i.ii;il SfTA'iit in your town has not yet completed arrangements, addretrs

    JOHN C. DKKWKY, State Agrnt, Raleigh, N. C.

    AwrtH •72.958,022 21. Plid (M)llcy bol(lcr89l82,r)fa9,189.05

    Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at unco to wore for the

    D. V. WE, —DE1LEK IN—

    Cotton Bagging and riee alwa>a

    —on hand—

    Fresh goods kepi eonstantly os

    hand. Country produce bougt anil «old. A trial will convince you.

    D. W. HRDEE.

    W. R, WHICHARD & BRO,, — DKi I.EKH IN—


    Whichard. N. C. The Stock complete in every 3e

    par'ment and prices as low rs the lowest. liighest market prices paid for country produce.


    |i ||uoo |-^iir* —A GENERAL LINE OF—

    HORSES - II Alsoanice Line of Hardware.


    J. R. COREY.

    1 Norfolk, Va.

    Cotton Buyers and Brokers in Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provig- mi-. Private Wires to New York,

    Chicago aud New Orleans.

    The Commoner IBBl'KD WEEKLY.


    Editor & Publisher,


    TEKMS-Payable in Advance. One Year 11, Six Mouths 60c, Three Mouths36c, Slug. Copy 6c.

    No traveling canvassers are cm. ployed. Subscriptions taken a, THE REFLECTOR office. The Semi Weekly REFLECTOR aud "The Commoner" will lie sent together one year for $1.76' or THE DAILT REFLECTOR and "The Commoner" one year for 13.60 payable in ad-



    .1 *

    THE EASTERN REFLECTOR If in iM 'fuesdqySr*

    aaH ^Friday

    D. J. WrtlGtfftRD.BDITOR ARD OWQE^ TfiUTH IQ PHEPEl'tEQGB TO flUiQll TEf{n]Z. $1,00 PE$ YEftf} I1J ftDVftI}3E.




    KitQa at Cost.



    vCUAjQ 1/0(1


    Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance C'.m- pany.


    Mr. Dan Abram, of Rocky Mount, N\ C, took out policy No. 140,229 in 1886, amount $5,000: kind, ordinary life, 15 year accumulation period, annual premium $228.20/ total payments $3,423.

    OPTIONS OF SETTLEMENT. 15 year dividend payable in cash and continue policy for

    2- Pull paid participating additional insnr. and continue policy for

    3. Withdraw total cash value For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-

    parison with any other company, address, giving date of birth, T. ARCHIBALD CARY, General Affent.

    For Virginia and North Carolina, 1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va



    2.504 00

    6,000.00 3,602.80




    Wi4!fffi(t qojO Di

    The pleasant days we have been having are now a iliing

    of the past, and only the pleasant memories of the same re-

    main. Have you supplied yourself with all necessary winter

    clothing! When you face facts all arguments halt. We give

    no prices but all winter goods

    JStfST fi §©L§, A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry

    Goods, Rugs, Nol ions, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Under-

    wear the cold weather kind. Winter and season right for

    Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.



    from Ou» Upffiuar uonoftDonuent.

    WASHINGTON, l>. I;.. Dec. 30.

    There are still a good many peo-

    ple, iu Washiuglon who believe

    that Congress will lake up lhe

    Schley matter in the lorni ol au in-

    quiry mi.i I Iii' nil,ui- i'f i in- Navy

    Department and i, ia said that the

    only reason that Hecrclary Long re-

    mains in the Caliiuct is because lhe

    President believes it only fair to

    permit liiui to slay where, iu lhe

    event of such an inquiry, he will

    be in a position to defend himself

    aud his oflkial acts. The temper

    of the people iu Washington was

    shown Friday evening wheu Ad-

    miral Schley attended a perfor-

    mance at one of the Washington

    theaters. He was cheered to the

    echo, the large and fashionable au-

    dience rising to their feet and re-

    maining standing until the Admir-

    al hail come lo lhe front of lhe box

    aud bowed his acknowledgements.

    General Miles has resumed his

    Unties in the War Department and

    has concluded to ignore the re-'

    »»inland he received. He well

    Knows thai he lm» no friends iu

    Hi.' administration ami that both

    Corbin ami IJool will rejoin in his

    humiliation. H(s ataicmeui

    support of Adiuiirr*- [),« rv. how.,

    ever, has received lue approval of

    lhe people and of the press ill uvei i

    the country.

    There is now little doubt bill

    that the Senate will he compelled to materially revise the Philippim

    tariff Hill which was passed by iin

    House. The measure, a> li stand*.

    is receiving one condemnation «.l .i

    large number of republicans sunn

    of wlioui cliaiiicleri/. il as "pro

    tectiou run wild." The tuoel

    ardent expansionists are not in f.i

    vor of governing colonies along;

    Spanish lines and a policy of op-1

    piessiou will not be tolerated even!

    if it is dictated by lhe protected

    Interests. It is believed that j

    Judge Tuft will make representu- j

    tion> at the White House as soon

    as he arrives iu Washington which

    will Insure the President's support I

    of tariff concessions to the Philip-

    pines and which will offer an ex'

    cuse for the Senate to reverse lhe

    Work of the lower House.

    Geueral Leonard Wood, before

    his departure for Hnvannii, did

    some effective work for lhe cause

    of n ciprocity with Cuba. He said

    Cuba must have a ieduction of

    the tariff on sue tr cxpoited to the

    United Slates i r the island will

    have to face poverty and conse-

    queer disorder. She would then

    become a menace to our health aud

    the United Slates would have no

    business relations with her worth

    speaking nlmiit."

    While the friends oi the admin-

    istration deny that politics were at

    i he i >