Voices from the field maeyc (2 hour)

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Presentation from MiAEYC, 2011 on Autism

Transcript of Voices from the field maeyc (2 hour)


Amber FanteBaker College of Clinton Township

Amber Fante

ECE Department Chair at Baker College of Clinton Township

Contact me Facebook me (put Autism recovery in

message line) Links to video presentation

Presentation Copies E-mail me at amber.fante@baker.edu

(Subject Line: Autism Recovery)

Meet the Fantes

Emotional Journey of Finding Zeke

1)Gain insights into the emotional journey of being an autistic recovery family.

2)Share resources from established organizations.

3)Share my unique approaches for recovery.

TACA Video – Hope After Diagnosis


Zeke’s Timeline

Joyous Birth (Jan, 2004) 18 month shots (2005)

Mike’s Approach Amber’s Response

2 year old ASQ test (March 2006) 2 year. 9 months ISD evaluation (August.

2006) MIPPS (Macomb Infant Pre-School) program

(Sept 06-Jan 05 ECDD (Early Childhood Developmental

Delay) program (Jan 06)

Not Ready to Try Welcome

Weds. Watching

August–Oct. 2007

Welcoming Eden – Nov 2007 Finding Doctor

Blood Work for Zeke

A New Baby & Numbness

Friday, March 21st, 2008Spring Break

“What did we do today?” Mike’s Ultimatum

Saturday, March 22th My Son’s Reflection

Stimming Obsessive Play No Eye Contact A Runner Massive Sensory Issues Demanded Routine Echolalia – 95% of his speech Little Social Referencing Soulless existence

Sunday, March 23th Grief Cycle

Sadness and Sorrow Arrive at 22119 Shady Lane

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?“

"That depends a good deal on where

you want to get to." -Lewis Carrol

Defining Autism Autism definition : A lifelong

developmental disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to other people. It's also known as autistic spectrum disorder, or ASD. People with autism have difficulties with everyday social interactions. Autism is often described as a 'spectrum disorder' because the condition affects people in many different ways and to varying degrees.

Autism Recovery Jenny McCarthy on autism recovery:“There's like two controversies with

autism. It's how they got there and the possibility of recovery. Recovery, the real thing, it's not a cure, a really great analogy I give is autism is like getting hit by a bus. You can't be cured but you can recover all those lost things that you once had.”

Interview: Jenny McCarthy 'On the Record' on Her Autism Crusade

Retrieved from: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,364496,00.html

October 18, 2010

Amber Jumps off the Cliff

Advise for Professionals

Respect the right to grieve If parents aren’t ready to “deal with

it” KEEP TRYING! Offer support by helping them

connect to other families: Speech and language delay groups, Autism Groups, Judson Center, Parent Mentor Groups, local groups

Offer support options (Recovery and NON-Recovery)

Monday, March 30th “Recovery”?

Attempting “recovery” is an emotional journey.

Are their recovery “failures”?

Advise for Professionals

Helping Parents who are considering a Recovery

Remember the outcome is always HOPEFUL! Recovery requires a STRONG TEAM

COMMITMENT! Read Mother Warriors Look at the Reviews on Amazon for Autism

Recovery Books Check out Generation Rescue Website Watch TACA video; Autism Hope After


Tuesday, April 1st Dr. Susan Syed and I Go Back to 1800’s

Bio-Medical BeginsNothing to LoseFood heals the body

45% of kids eat no fruit 20% eat one serving of veggies or less

Of this only 8% eat green veggies Fitness: 90% Rule Top 5 sources of calories are; whole and

chocolate milk, pizza, soft drinks, low-fat milk and cold cereal.The analysis of NHANES III data was conducted by Block Dietary Data Systems of Berkeley,

Calif., and was sponsored by Dole Food Company, Inc. NHANES III was a study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention (CDC) from 1988-1994. The study included 2400 5 to 10 year-olds. Facts cited above also come from previously published data from the USDA’s Continuing Survey

of Food Intake by Individuals (CSFII), 1989-1991 and 1994-1996.

Intervention #1: Bio-Medical Detox

Part 1: Dietary Intervention 3 Food (Oatmeal Cookies, Waffles,

Ramen noodles) Amber’s Culinary Skills An organic lifestyle NO CHEATING EVER!!!!! Cost, Preparation, Resistance

Bio-Medical Interventions

Why does this work? Try The Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Theory: Environmental Toxins and Canaries in the Coal Mine

Non-expert status Natural homeopathic approach vs.

intensive approaches

Advise for Professionals

Finding a Doctor: Keep this in mind Expense Open minded humility Willingness to try new things Remember when nicotine didn’t

cause cancer? Longitutidal data doesn’t exsist for

most environmental pollutins.

Supplements and Sneaky Chef

Fruit and Veggie Supplement (Veggie Brownies)

Acidophilus (Soy Ice Treat)Fish Oil (Fishy Pancakes)

B-12 Shot

Advise for Professionals

It’s mostly FOOD and VITAMINS! Be Sensitive Parents feel – sad, angry, guilty, and

protective Buy a snack (Trader Joe Snicker

Doodle's) Share a recipe Provide connections to Celiac groups

or GFCF groups

Your Turn

What impact do you think diet has on learning and behavior?

What modern challenges do we face in preparing healthy meals for our families?

Ezekiel Responds

Hi, mom! 2 weeks improvement Increased eye contact Echolalia decreases More social referencing


Part 2: Homeopathic Detox Process Process to remove the toxins from

the body Similar to a colon cleanse Digestion Problems Regression and Healing

Summer-Time Blues

Detox begins in June 4th of July Agony August Blue Bird Wishes 24 hours one word, “Pancakes” An evening to remember, “Stay with

Me.” Managing my depression “He’s been stung by bees”

Bio-Medical Detox Timeline April 1st 2008 – Gluten Free June 1st 2008 – Yeast, Dairy Free,

Supplements June 15th, 2008 – Detox Begins 2 weeks on 1 week off 1 year of Detox Summer 2009 – 1 maintenance

round detox Now – Entire family gluten free

Behavioral Interventions meets DAPAmber’s Do-it Yourself InterventionsBased on my knowledge as a professionalCommitment to healing my childUniquely designed for Zeke Screen time Detox Isolation Detox

Facing Fear (Vygotsky – Scaffolding) Willing to Accept Change(Piaget – Stages of


Play, The “endangered” species of early childhood

“We don't quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing.”

George Bernard Shaw

The Predators of Play

“Play now appears to be a minor activity in most kindergarten classrooms.”Edward Miller, Director of Alliance

for Childhood

Unique Approach #2: Screen time Detox

Echolalia: Good vs. Bad Mike’s approach vs. Amber’s

approach Relationship Development

Intervention: RDI Program and Education pg. 17-21

Temple Grandin on stimming Echolalia provides an auditory map

of the brain.

Static vs. Dynamic

The Dangers of the Screen

Levels of Static in Screentime Elijah’s Greatest Gift Fante TEAM Commitment

Screen time Detox Timeline May 2008 –PURGE!

July 2008- Speech In-Take -24

January 2009 – +18 August 2009 -Released from speech May 2009– Adding Sports Christmas 2009 – Wii Sports Present Day – No Screen during Week 1

hr/day weekend.

Neurons and Dendrites

Creating a Neural Pathway

Screen Time Detox Article

Neurons and Memory

Your Turn:

Does the science make sense? How will caregivers, teachers,

parents respond? Does it have the same impact on all


Advise for Professionals

Limit use of “static” inputs and rewards in therapy

Replace repetive routines with dynamic interaction

Educate parents about the dangers of screen time

Unique Approach #3: Isolation Detox

Facing Fear Social responses are

inappropriate. May 2008 - The

Jungle Playscape: Zeke and Amber’s Greatest Fear.

Advise for Professionals A will of steel and the velvet touch Be sure you are “reading” the right

emotion in the child. Research HALO and Rapid Prompting

Method Soma Mukhopadhyay and Tito

Tito has written 2 books about autism New book: Understanding Autism through

Rapid Prompting Method

Halo and Non-Verbal Children and Self Regulations http://www.amotherscourage.org/ http



What self-regulation strategies do you notice this mom use with her non-verbal son as he learns his science lesson?

Templeton Grandin

Note all of the pieces of advice Temple makes to parents:


Permissive Parenting and Autism Why do you think some parents

struggle with having different expectations for autistic kids?

Become a Dragonfly

Master of Change & Piaget

The more the schemata are differentiated, the smaller the gap between the new and the familiar becomes, so that novelty, instead of constituting an annoyance avoided by the subject, becomes a problem and invites searching.

Jean Piaget

Still More to Learn

Providing Social Practice Friendship at least once a week

Increased Modeling The Next Level- Hitting the Wall

Got rid of soy Summer time detox Body’s response to gluten

Meet Zeke Fully recovered Loves sports, cub scouts, learning

Chinese, his siblings, plays baseball, basket ball, play dates w/ friends.

Hates bullies. Extremely social Talks about his emotions freely Very loving Wants to be a bus driver, doctor, and a

priest when he grows up. A FULL CHRISTMAS LIST!

Amber’s Journey Our work as God’s servant’s gets validated -or not – in

the details. People are watching us we stay in our post, alertly unswervingly, in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we are beaten up, jailed mobbed; working hard; working late; working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we’re telling the truth, and when God is showing his power; when we’re doing our best setting things right; when we’re praised and when we’re blamed; slandered and honored; true to our word though distrusted; ignored by the world though recognized by God; terrifically alive though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our loves, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.

2 Corinthian 6 – The Message

Meet Amber Natural healing for

our whole family Decreased the static Faced my fears I am the Dragonfly

I cook I run I write

The Dragonfly becomes a Butterfly