Voice Fall 2009

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Quarterly newsletter of St George Serbian Orthodox Church, San Diego, California

Transcript of Voice Fall 2009


A U T U M N 2 0 0 9

ContentsEpiscopal Council Meets, Issues Statement on Reorganization 4

Letter to the Faithful of Saint George Parish in San Diego 5Писмо Верницима Парохије Светога Георгија у Сан Дијегу 7

Growing and Working Together – Learning from God’s Creation 9Sunday Dress Etiquette 9

The need for unity in the church 10Demetrios The Myrrhbearer & Great Martyr Of Thessaloniki—Nov 8 11

Cosmas & Damianos The Holy Unmercenaries—Nov 14 11Nicholas The Wonderworker, Archbishop Of Myra—Dec 19 11

From the President 12St. George Serbian Orthodox Church - 2009 Calendar 12

From the Treasurer’s Desk 13MPC Report on Hall Renovation 13

If a man would give all the substance of his house for love 13Continuing Our Legacy—Onward & Upward 14

Continuing Our Legacy Pledges as of August 30, 2009 15Religious Education Report, Fall 2009 16

San Diego Parish Celebrated the Church Feast Day 18Kolo Sisters 19

Serb National Federation 19Church Family News 20

St. George Stewards August 30, 2009 22From the Stewardship Chair 22

United, We Celebrate The All-Holy Spirit! 24Project Mexico Summer Groups from PA 26Anniversary of Operation Storm marked 27

Karl Malden and me... an immigrant remembers 28

St. George Serbian Orthodox ChurchWestern American Diocese

of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North & South American

3025 Denver Street • San Diego, CA 92117telephone: (619)276-5827

web: http://saintgeorgeinsd.com

Church Officers & StaffPARISH PRIEST

V. Rev. Protopresbyter Bratislav Krsicemail: frbratso@sbcglobal.net


Rev. Deacon Paul GermainPRESIDENT


Vladan Trifunovic2nd VICE PRESIDENT & 3rd VICE PRESIDENT

Dobrila Unheim & Simona TrifunovicSECRETARY

Tina ZivkovicTREASURER



Melanie MilicevicMEMBERS-AT-LARGE

Nada Pantovich, Vojkan Popovich, Sam Purlia, Vladan Vladisavljevic, Vecki & Miodrag Miljkovic,

Dragan & Sonja Radic, Marko & Vera RakicSTEWARDSHIP MINISTRY

Lydia Petric Rhoads, ChairAUDITING BOARD

Miro Copic, President; Sean Wright, Zeljko MilasinovicTUTORS/VESTRYMEN

Mico Lukic, Ladislav Tapavcevic, Pete Dopodja, Alex Sekanovic, George Skaljac, Marko Rakic, Vojkan Popovich, Miro Copic, Milan Miljkovic


Velimir Jovanovic, PresidentCIRCLE OF SERBIAN SISTERS (KOLO)



Maria (Draskovic) Milasinovic, DirectorADULT ORTHODOX FELLOWSHIP

Nemanja SelezanVOICE OF ST. GEORGE

Marsha Jovanovic, Editor(619)988-0650 • FAX (619)588-5767

email: marsha@marshaj.com

The Colorful Course. Just as some trees turn color in fall, we decided to turn color this fall, too. Thanks go to graphics designer Mara Bosnak for the concept and execution of our new cover (she also did all of the Continuing the Legacy collateral). Printing in color has long been a dream of Father Bratso, and even though it is just the cover, we hope it will inspire you to read the articles and news we have gathered inside. In this issue we feature articles about the restructuring of the Serbian Orthodox Church in this hemisphere as well as church unity. We also emphasize our continued need to commit time, talent, and treasure to the Lord and His Church. We are now only a few months from the 2010 Stewardship renewal, and, in addition, we still have many parishioners, and stewards, too, who have not pledged to the church rennovation project. Take a look at the two lists provided by the Stewardship chair to see who has signed up. There are 500 families in our parish, and both lists are well below this number. If your name isn’t on either list, isn’t it time you really got serious about your involvement with this Church. This is your spiritual center, as well as social center. Your support is needed to continue this work in our community.—Marsha Jovanovic

In this issue...


Communique of The Holy Assembly of Bishops of The Serbian Orthodox Church on Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Holy Hierarchical Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church during its meeting on May 21, 2009, based on the recommendation of the Episcopal Coun-cil of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America regarding the restructuring of the existing dioceses in North and South America, rendered the following decision confirming the Con-stitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, according to which the Dioceses of our Church on that territory will be structured in the follow-ing manner:

1. THE METROPOLITANATE OF LIB-ERTYVILLE-CHICAGO, with its See at St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville (com-prised of St. Sava Monastery in Liber-tyville, Illinois and the Holy Resurrection Cathedral Church with its three parishes), whose Metropolitan shall be president of the Episcopal and Central Church Coun-cils and of the Church-Laity Assembly, and thereby the ex officio representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church on that territory.

2. THE DIOCESE OF NEW GRACAN-ICA-MIDWESTERN AMERICA, with its See at New Gracanica Monastery (comprised of all the church school con-gregations, parishes and monasteries in Chicago - with the exception of the afore-mentioned Holy Resurrection Cathedral - and of the other states of the previous Metropolitanate of Midwestern Ameri-can, as well as all the church-school con-gregations, parishes and monasteries of the previous Diocese for America and Canada of the New Gracanica Metropoli-tanate on the territiory of the previous Metropolitanate of Midwestern Amer-ica).

3. THE DIOCESE OF EASTERN AMERICA, with its See in Pittsburgh/Mars (comprised of all parishes the Church-School Congregations, Parishes and Monasteries of the current Eastern

American Diocese and the Church-School Congrega-tions, Parishes and Monas-teries of the previous Diocese for America and Canada of the New Gra-canica Metropolitanate on the territory of Eastern America)

4. THE DIOCESE OF WESTERN AMERICA, with its See in Los Ange-les/Alhambra (comprised of all the Church-School Congregations, Parishes and Monasteries of the cur-rent Western American Diocese and the Church-School Congregations, and Parishes of the previous Diocese for America and Canada of the New Gra-canica Metropolitanate on the territory of Western America).

5. THE DIOCESE OF CANADA, with its See in Toronto/Monastery Milton comprised of all the Church-School Congrega-tions, Parishes and Monas-teries of the current Canadian Diocese and the Church-School Congrega-tions and Parishes of the previous Dio-cese for America and Canada of the New Gracanica Metropolitanate on the terri-tory of Canada). With this decision on restructuring, inasmuch as it alters and amends Article 8 of the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, the previous titles "Metropolitanate of Midwestern Amer-ica" and "Diocese for America and Can-ada of the New Gracanica Metropolitanate" cease to exist, and the new borders for these Dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America are established.

Bishop Irinej of Bachka Spokesman of the Holy Assembly of Bishops

Саопштење за јавност Светог Архијерејског Сабора СПЦ – четвртак 21. мај 2009.

Свети Архијерејски Сабор Српске Православне Цркве, у својој седници од 21. маја 2009. године, на предлог Епископског Савета Српске Православне Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци, а поводом арондације постојећих Епархија у Северној и Јужној Америци, донео је одлуку којом се потврђује Устав Српске Православне Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци, и на следећи начин арондирају Епархије наше Цркве на том простору:

1. Митрополија либертивилско-чикашка, са седиштем у манастиру

After the Holy Liturgy, at 9 in the morning at the Patriarchate Chapel of St Simeon the Myrrh-gusher His Grace Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand, in the presence of all Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, has served a rite of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, which has been an opening of the formal session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


Светога Саве у Либертивилу (обухвата манастир Светога Саве у Либертивилу и Саборну цркву Васкрсења Христовог са три парохије), чији ће Митрополит бити председник Епископског, Црквенонародног и Централног савета, те ex officio представник Српске Православне Цркве на том подручју.

2. Епархија новограчаничка-средњезападноамеричка, са седиштем у манастиру Нова Грачаница (обухвата све парохије које се налазе у Чикагу - сем поменуте Цркве Васкрсења Господњег - и другим државама Средњег Запада из састава досадашње Митрополије средњезападноамеричке, као и све црквено-школске општине и парохије досадашње Епархије за Америку и Канаду Митрополије новограчаничке на подручју досадашње Митрополије средњезападноамеричке).

3. Епархија источноамеричка, са седиштем у Питсбургу/Марсу (обухвата све парохије садашње Источноамеричке епархије и парохије и црквено-школске општине досадашње Епархије за Америку и Канаду Митрополије новограчаничке на територији Источне Америке).

4. Епархија западноамеричка, са седиштем у Лос Анђелесу/Алхамбри (обухвата све парохије садашње Западноамеричке епархије и парохије и црквено-школске општине досадашње Епархије за Америку и

Канаду Митрополије новограчаничке на територији Западне Америке).

5. Епархија канадска, са седиштем у Торонту/манастиру Милтон (обухвата све парохије садашње Канадске епархије и парохије и црквено-школске општине досадашње Епархије за Америку и Канаду Митрополије новограчаничке на територији Канаде).

Овом одлуком о арондацији утолико се мења и допуњује члан 8. Устава Српске Православне Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци, те њоме престаје важење досадашњих назива: „Митрополија средњезападноамеричка" и „Епархија за Америку и Канаду Новограчаничке митрополије", и успостављају се нове границе ових Епархија Српске Православне Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци.

Епископ бачки Иринејпортпарол Светог Архијерејског Сабора

Episcopal Council Meets, Issues Statement on Reorganization

Chicago, IL - On Thursday, June 18, 2009 a meeting of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church for America and Canada was held at the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, under the chair-manship of His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Libertyville and Chicago and with the participation of Bishop Georgije of Canada, Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern Amer-ica, Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern Amer-ica and Bishop Maxim of Western America. The meeting dealt with the cur-rent issues from the life of the Church, the upcoming 20th Triennial Assembly-Sabor in Canton as well as the decision of the Holy Hierarchical Assembly regard-ing the restructuring of the dioceses in America and Canada.

Particular attention was given to the application of the Constitution, or the fur-ther steps to be taken by the Episcopal Council. An official Act has been sent to ALL parishes and clergy that the Consti-tution is in full force, along with all perti-nent information. In the course of this session a meeting with members of the legislative committee was also held. The text of the Episcopal Council's statement follows:

No. 36June 18, 2009

ANNOUNCEMENTto all Clergy, Parishes and Church School Congregations of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America

Having its goal love and unity of all in Christ within the one organism of God's Church, the Episcopal Council of the Ser-bian Orthodox Church of North and South America informs you that the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church at its meeting of May 21, 2009 – by AC No. 49/min 147 of May 22/9, 2009 rendered the Decision of the administrative unification and restructur-ing of the existing dioceses of our Church in North and South America, with certain renaming of their titles and changes of their Sees (see attached Act from the Holy Hierarchical Assembly).

By Grace and gift of the Holy and Life-creating Spirit, assuring “that all things be done devoutly and in order” (I Cor. 14:40) in Chris's Church, the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church by it's Act (AC No. 8/min. 91 of the 22/9 day of May, 2007) rat-ified the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church of North and South America.

In the spirit of the Directive of the Holy Synod of Bishops (No. 849/min. 513 of June 12, 2007), the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church of North and South America as the competent body on this territory has taken the neces-sary measures for the implementation of the regulations of this Constitution and

His Grace Irinej


decisions of the Holy Assembly of Bish-ops:• Send the final text of the said

Constitution, with changes and corrections, to the the God-given Church fullness of Orthodox people on this territory.

• All clergy are required to commemorate the bishops of their respective region/diocese at the divine services.

• In the future, parishes and church-school congregations are to fulfill their assessments and obligations through the competent diocesan offices.

• All parishes and church school congregations are to substitute their local by-laws with the Uniform Rules and Regulations for Parishes and Church School Congregations and submit their Local Addendum to their competent bishop for approval.

• The Episcopal Council calls upon you when you receive this Announcement to begin implementation of the mentioned decisions which have been sent to you for your information and appropriate action. With the final restructuring and redistricting of parishes of the Church in the US and Canada, upon ecclesial-liturgical and ancient canonical foundations the grace of our profoundly sought unity and pastoral community has been achieved. In this is manifested the unified and cooperative love towards the Church by which we prove our sincere love towards God and our people.

With Archpastoral blessings,

/ss/ +ChristopherMetropolitan of Libertyville-ChicagoSee of the Serbian Orthodox Church of North and South America

/ss/ +GeorgijeBishop of Canada

/ss/ +LonginBishop of Gracanica-Midwest America

/ss/+MitrophanBishop of Eastern America

/ss/ +MaximBishop of Western America

Letter to the Faithful of Saint George Parish in San Diego from His Grace Maxim, Bishop of Western America

“Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” (Matthew 13:52)

In these days after Holy Pentecost, when we rejoice in the newly pro-claimed unity of our Church on the American continent, we celebrate God glorified in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, wishing you grace and peace from the Lord. That unity and joy, deeply and clearly we experience every time when we serve the Divine Liturgy, all the Fathers and Brothers, priests and all the fullness of God’s Church, always talking about the real presence and work of the Spirit, the Comforter and the Giver “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of the peace”. Our God protected diocese is visited by bishops from all corners of the world, thus witnessing the unity and communion of the Holy Spirit and there-fore never doubting that in our diocese the Mystery of Salvation in Christ is being served and accomplished. There-fore, the Divine Liturgy served at our every parish, regardless of ostensible dif-ferences, always heavenly and earthly Mystagogy of the Holy Eucharist – the synaxis in which the Holy Trinity is served and glorified by all, in the liturgi-cal peace and union of faith, love, grace, and a common communion of the Body and Blood of Christ.

And while our entire Church is striving to implement the administrative unity into reality (action), and our Diocese and all our parishes grow in the grace and peace, some pseudo-zealots in one of our parishes not that long ago, impudently confused people with the stories of so-called “liturgical changes” and thereby gave lectures to the priest about the Lit-urgy. These same people talk about the contradiction between the “old” and “new” way of serving, by calling atten-tion to the supposed “decisions” of the Holy Assembly of Bishops. With their actions they have reached such heights of anti-church activity that during the Holy Liturgy, entirely in an anti-orthodox

spirit, they were handing out various pamphlets with content that attacked the bishop in a way that reveals the back-ground of their activity…

Before we cite where they err, let me remind you that during this year’s Holy Assembly (Sabor) held in May, in Bel-grade, Serbia, we proclaimed oneness of the soul and mind of the Fathers of our Church. During summoning of the Sabor we never discussed the unsuitable ques-tion of the so called “old” and “new” way of serving. Contrarily, it was said that we all serve one and the same Divine Service, though with minor detail variance, as they have always existed in the living Church of Christ from the East throughout centuries, as there is one Gospel of Christ written by the four Evangelists, and in them as in the Ortho-dox Liturgy (and there are four of them), the polyphonic symphony of the Holy Pentecostal Grace of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter of the Church, Who “calls all to unity”.

And while during 2007 and 2008, because of disorder imposed artificially and from outside the Church, there was confusion about liturgical order; today these questions are overcome. So with liturgical concelebration, today no one is distressed if something during the Lit-urgy varies (e.g. reading “O Heavenly King” once or three times; invoking or not invoking the Troparion of the Third Hour/before the Epiclesis prayer; read-ing aloud of all Prayers, and at the end, reading out loud the prayer after partak-ing of the Holy Communion by parishio-ners; closing and opening of the royal

... we all serve one and the same Divine Service, though with minor detail variance, as they have always existed in the living Church of Christ from the East throughout centuries...


doors and curtain; not questioning the faithful before Holy Communion by say-ing “did you fast”, etc. And so is today throughout the Orthodox Church from one end to the other of the cosmos, and Liturgical unity of the Orthodox Church in the world and today it is this that astonishes the non-Orthodox. In this way it has served and serves every Serbian Orthodox priest in our Diocese and the entire Church in America – standing before the Awesome Throne of the Lord of Glory upon which rests the Lamb of God out of immeasurable Love of the Holy Trinity, for the life and salvation of the world.

To all those who lack faith or who do not have faith, it has become clear that in the Church of Christ in the Serbian lands, there exists true liturgical unity and com-munion, as it has existed until now, and that which will exist, thanks and glory be to God as long as we are Christ’s disci-ples, followers, and communicants.

At the moment when the parish of St. George in San Diego underwent a peace-ful and blessed rotation of priests, when the parish received one of the most promising priests of our Church in America, and when it finds itself before very important building and renovation endeavors, there have surfaced doubts brought in by certain individuals who tried with their anti-church-building behavior to undermine a healthy founda-tion upon which the parish exists. Priest Bratislav Krsic, despite of all this, with his peaceful and spiritual position, over-sees and regulates life in the parish, as a living icon of the true pastor and bishop of our souls – Christ (1 Peter 2:25). Fr. Bratislav does this by coordinating all life and work in the parish of St. George. He will continue doing this in the future.


The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church held in May of 2007 decided that “in regards to serving the Divine Liturgy and other services we are to follow the ancient practice of the Church”. In May of 2008 this same deci-sion was confirmed by stating in its com-muniqué: “Having a goal of maintaining

the ancient prayer tradition and a living witnessing of the Church in a modern world, the Assembly has confirmed its position in regards to serving the Holy Lit-urgy and other services in a spirit of established century old prac-tice of our Church”.

“The established century old tra-dition” is a consciously formu-lated decision of the Assembly so that on one side, the word “mod-ern” would be avoided and which would fixate the life of the Church in some newest practice, and on the other side, situating the Liturgy only as something “ancient” would be avoided. The definition “established century old tradition” in the best way safeguards the balance between “old” and “new” (as according to the Lord’s words, cf. Matthew 13:52) and it helps to overcome division and uncertainties. So, the decision of the Assembly speaks about the “century old practice” of our Church, and not about yesterday’s, not thought through, pre-sumptuous, so called “old way of serv-ing”, misunderstood Liturgical “practice” – which does not exist, not even in the Synodal Service Book (not even that of Fr. Justin) – which “without order” according to the lack of knowl-edge and ignorance of the liturgical-canonical order and regulation in our Church impose a sect of convulsive “spiritual people”, and their dictators, both being estranged from their canoni-cal Bishops.


Therefore, we call our faithful that in love and one thought to understand the following:

1. Little differences in movements and actions, unimportant and changeable details, in serving the Holy Heavenly Mystery of the Eucharist – do not repre-sent “departure from the Real Faith”, since it has been like that from the begin-ning, it is and it will continue to be; just as there is One Gospel given by four evange-lists! One but actually more Liturgies.

One in essence but many monastery and parish typicons.

2. There is no and there has never been “only one Typicon” for all and always. Twenty Hagiorite monasteries today serve One Holy Liturgy to the Living God, united in “the unity of the Faith and communion of the Holy Spirit”, but diversified in details. That’s why in typicons, it says “every monastery has its own typicon”, and in this way serves all monasteries and churches throughout the Orthodox world, and it is so even within one local Church. The Holy Assembly of Bishops in its deci-sion calls to practice of other Orthodox Churches, but who from among “zealots” listens to the Sabor or other Orthodox, in one Faith and one Church gathered broth-ers!

3. Struggle for the century old practice of the most holy Service of Orthodoxy should be geared toward our frequent partaking of the Holy Communion during Liturgy, rather then partaking only four times a year. We should also make it possible for our children to partake on a regular basis. It is our call, in unity of faith and commu-nion of the Holy Spirit, to distribute Christ undivided in the Liturgy and with the Communion commonly unite with Him and with each other, and therefore be


sanctified with Him, Who is the Only Holy One.

4. Our faithful should ask themselves a ques-tion about the meaning, height, width, unending substance of the God inspired words of Liturgical prayers, which is a fruit of the inexpressible breath of the Holy Spirit (cf. Rom. 8:26), as of a soul in the Body of the God-Man Christ. So it is not important how loud one prayer during Service might be spoken.

We therefore call all of you to come so that with one mouth and one heart we may glorify and sing the Most Holy and Glorious Name of the Holy Trinity, the Eternal Unity – Archetype of the Church’s Catholicity (Sabornosti). Come so that we all may commune from One Bread and One Cup, so that in this way we may visibly confess and proclaim that we are living members of One Body of the God-Man Christ and Savior of all of us and the entire world (cf. I Cor. 10:16-17).

Bishop of Western American Diocese MAXIM +July 24, 2009

Писмо Верницима Парохије Светога Георгија у Сан Дијегу

„Сваки књижевник, који се научио Царству Небеском, домаћин је који износи из ризнице своје ново и старо“ (Мт.13,52).

У ове дане по Светој Педесетници, када се радујемо новопројављеном јединству наше Цркве на америчком континенту, ми славимо Бога у Тројици слављенога: Оца и Сина и Светога Духа желећи вам Благодат и Мир од Господа. То јединство и радост, врло дубоко и јасно, осећамо сваки пут служећи Свету Литургију, сви Оци и Браћа свештеници и сва Пуноћа Цркве Божије, увек говорећи о стварном присуству и дејству Духа Утешитеља и Дародавца „јединства Духа у свези мира“

(Еф.4,3). Нашу богоспасавану Епархију посећују епископи са свих страна и меридијана, посведочујући јединство и заједништво Духа Светога, и никада не сумњајући да се у нашој епархији збива и свештенодејствује Тајна Спасења у Христу. Стога је Божанска Литургија, служена у свакој нашој Парохији, и поред извесних разноликости, увек небоземна Мистагогија Свете Евхаристије – саборовање у коме Свету Тројицу служе и славе сви, у Литургијском миру и заједништву вере, љубави, благодати, заједничког Причешћа Телом и Крвљу Христовом.

И док цела наша Црква настоји да административно јединство спроведе у дело, а наша Епархија и све њене парохије узрастају у благодати и миру, неки псевдо-ревнитељи се у једној нашој парохији недавно осмелише да подбуњују народ причама о тобожњим литургијским „променама“, читају лекције свештенику о Литурији, да говоре о супротстављености „старог“ и „новог“ начина служења, уз позивање

на наводне „одлуке“ Светог Архијерејског Сабора. Чак су до те мере антицрквености доспели да у време Свете Литургије, потпуно антиправославно, деле народу разноразне памфлете против епископа, на начин који одаје позадину њихове делатности...

Пре него што покажемо у чему је њихова заблуда, подсећам да је на овогодишњем мајском Сабору у Београду пројављено једнодушје и једномислије Отаца наше Цркве. На њему није уопште било разматрања неумесних питања тобожњег „старог“ и „новог“ начина служења. Напротив, речено је да сви једну исту Божанску Службу служимо, макар и било извесних детаља разлике, као што их је увек било и бива у живој Цркви Христовој од Истока кроз векове, као што је и једно Јеванђеље Христово макар да су четири Јеванћеља, и у њима, као и у Православним Литургијама (а и њих има четири), пројављује се полифонична симфонија Светопедесетничке Благодати Духа, Утешитеља Цркве, Који „у сједињење све призва“.

И док је током 2007/8. године због смутње, произведене вештачки и споља, владала једна конфузија око литургијског поретка, данас су сва та питања превазиђена. Тако, код литургијског саслуживања данас више ником не смета ако је нешто током Св. Литургије разнолико (читање „Царе Небески“ једном или трипут; изговор или неизговор Тропара Трећег часа /пре Молитве Епиклезе/; полугласно читање свих Молитава, а на крају гласно Молитве по Причешћу свих; отварање или затварање двери и завесе; неиспитивање верних пред Причешће „јеси ли постио“, итд.итд.). Тако бива данас свуда у Православљу од краја до краја васељене, и Литургијско јединство Православних Цркава у свету и данас је оно што задивљује неправославне. Тако је служио и служи и сваки српски свештеник у нашој Епархији и целој Цркви у Америци – стојећи пред Страшним Престолом Господа Славе, на коме


лежи Јагње Божије, из безмерне Љубави Свете Тројице, за живот и спасење света.

Свима неверицама и маловерицама је сада постало јасно да у Цркви Христовој на Српској земљи постоји истинско литургијско јединство и заједништво, какво је и до сада постојало, и какво ће, Богу слава и хвала, постојати док смо Христови ученици, следбеници и причасници.

У тренутку када је у парохији Светог Ђорђа у Сан Дијегу дошло до мирне и благословене смене пастира, када је парохија добила једног од најперспективнијих свештеника наше Цркве у Америци, и када се налази пред значајним градитељским подухватима, појавише се од ненависника унете сумње с циљем да нецрквоградилачким понашањем поткопају здраве темеље на којима парохија почива. Свештеник Братислав Кришић, упркос томе, својим мирним и духовним ставом надзире и усклађује живот парохије, као жива слика пастира и епископа душа наших Христа (1Петр.2,25), бивајући координатор свега живота и дäлања парохије Светога Ђорђа. Он ће то и у будуће чинити.

+ + +

Свети Архијерејски Сабор Српске Православне Цркве је у мају 2007. године донео одлуку: „у погледу служења Свете Литургије и других богослужења држати се устаљеног вековног поретка наше Цркве“. У мају месецу 2008. године исту одлуку је потврдио рекавши у свом саопштењу: „У циљу, пак, очувања вековног молитвеног предања и живог сведочења Цркве у савременом свету Сабор је потврдио свој став у погледу служења Свете Литургије и других богослужења у духу устаљеног вековног поретка наше Цркве“.

„Устаљено вековно предање“ је свесно формулисана одлука Сабора да би се, с једне стране, избегла реч „савремено“ која би фиксирала живот Цркве у некаквој најновијој пракси и с

друге, да би се избегло свођење Литургије само на „древност“. Она на најбољи начин чува равнотежу између „старог“ и „новог“ (по узору на Господње речи, Мт.13,52) и помаже превазилажењу подела и недоумица. Дакле, одлука Сабора говори само о „вековном поретку“ наше Цркве, а не о јучерашњем, скоројевићском, умишљеном тзв. „старом начину служења“, секташки схваћеном „поретку“ Литургије – каквога нема ни у српском Синодском Служебнику (ни оном о. Јустина) – који „/без/поредак“ по незнању и игноранцији литургијско-канонског реда и поретка у Цркви намеће секта конвулзивних „духовника“, и њихових суфлера, одметнутих и једних и других од својих канонских Епископа.

+ + +

Стога, позивам све наше вернике да у љубави и једномислију схвате следеће:

1. Незнатне разлике у поступцима и покретима, небитним и променљивим детаљима, при свршавању Свете Наднебеске Тајне Евхаристије – не представљају „одступање од Праве вере“, кад је то одувек тако бивало, и бива, и биће: као што је једно па ипак 4 Јеванђеља! Једна па ипак више Литургија! Један у основи, па ипак више разних манастирских и парохијских Типика.

2. Не постоји, нити је икада постојао „један важећи Типик“ за све и свагда. Двадесет Светогорских манастира и данас служе Једну Свету Службу Богу Живоме, уједињени у „јединству Вере и Заједници Духа Светога“, али неједнаки (јер нису клиширани) у детаљима, у „типицима“ (зато кажу: „сваки манастир – свој типик“), а тако служе и манастири и цркве широм Православног света, па и унутар једне и исте Помесне Цркве. Свети Архијерејски Сабор у својој одлуци упућује на праксу других Православних цркава, али ко од „зилота“ стварно слуша Сабор или другу Православну једноверну и једноцрквену браћу!.

3. Борба за вековни поредак најсветије Службе Православне треба да се усмери на наше чешће причешћивање на Литургијама, а не само четири пута годишње, и притом омогућавање деци да се стално причешћују. Наш је позив да Христа, у јединству вере и заједници Духа Светога, у Литургији нераздељиво раздељујемо и Причешћем се узајамно сједињујемо с Њиме и међусобно, и освећујемо Њиме, Једино Светим.

4. Верници треба да се питају о смислу, дубини, висини, ширини, бескрају садржаја богонадахнутих речи молитава у Литургији, која је плод неисказивих уздаха Духа Светога (Рм.8,26) као душе у Телу Христа Богочовека, а не треба да буде битно са колико тонова јачине свештеник изговара неку молитву у Служби,.

Позивамо дакле: дођите да сви једним устима и једним срцем славимо и певамо Пречасно и Величанствено Име Свете Тројице, Вечног Сабора – Архетипа Саборности Цркве. Дођите да се сви од Једнога Хлеба и Једне Чаше причешћујемо, и тако видљиво исповедамо и пројављујемо да смо живи удови-чланови Једнога Тела Христа Богочовека и Спаситеља свију нас и свега света (1Кор.10.16-17).

У четвртак, 24. јула 2009.г.Еп. Максим Западноамерички

Christ our God, who is worshiped and glorified at all times and in every hour in heaven and on earth; who is most patient, loving and kind; who loves the just and shows mercy to sinners; who calls all to salvation through the promise of the blessings to come; Lord, at this time receive our prayer and direct our lives according to Your will. Bless our souls and bodies. Correct our thoughts and purify our minds. Pro-tect us from all evil and distress. Sur-round us with Your holy angels, that guided and guarded by them, we may attain the unity of the faith and the knowledge of Your unapproach-able glory, for You are blessed for-ever and ever. Amen.


Growing and Working Together – Learning from God’s Creation

Scientists have discovered that geese fly in a “V” formation because it adds at least 71% flying range than if each bird flew on its own. When each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following.

Basic truth #1: People who share a com-mon direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.

Wherever a goose falls our of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front.

Basic truth #2: If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed the same way we are going.

When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point.

Basic truth 3: It pays to take turns doing hard jobs. These geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.

Basic truth 4: We need to be careful what we say when we honk from behind.

Finally, when a goose sets sick or is wounded by a gunshot and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he is dead, and then they launch out on their own or with another forma-tion to catch up with their group.

Final truth: If we apply this science dis-covery and wonder of God’s creation to our parish, to our spiritual growth and remodeling of our church property, we

will stand by each other and support one another in order to reach our goals, e.g. become a vibrant Orthodox parish with renewed lives and remodeled church property. May it be blessed!

Father Bratso Krsic

Sunday Dress Etiquette

Remember the time when people put on their “Sunday best” to go to church? In fact, dress clothes were often referred to as Sunday clothes. In some parts of the country, this is not common today. In fact, all too often, clothing in church has become too casual. In all areas of our lives, we should offer Christ our best. And the same is true of our clothes. We should offer Christ our “Sunday best”, not our common or everyday wear. And we should dress modestly, not in a fleshy way that would bring attention to our-selves. Our attire should always be becoming of an Orthodox Christian – especially at church. Here are some spe-cific guidelines for you to consider when you visit our St. George parish:

Children: Only young children (age 7 and under) may wear shorts to church – and then only dress shorts. Athletic shorts, cut-offs, and spandex shorts are never appropriate church wear (for chil-dren or adults!). Shoes or sandals should be clean and tied. No one should wear T-shirts with any kind of writing on them (“This Bud’s for You!” is definitely out). For those serving in the altar, shorts and shirts without collars are not appropriate.

Men: Men should also dress moderately. While coat and tie are not mandatory, shirts should have collars (remember, two or three buttons undone is inappro-priate). Slacks should be cleaned and pressed. Jeans are usually too casual for church, especially ones with patches and holes. Again, shorts are not appropriate church wear. If you’re going somewhere after church where you need to dress casually, bring a change of clothing with you and change after the luncheon. Remember, use your best judgment and good taste when dressing for church. After all, you don’t go to church to be seen by everyone else, you go to meet and worship God.

Women: Dresses should be modest. No tank tops or dresses with only straps at the shoulders (if you wear such dress,

C E L E B R A T I O N * D E D I C A T I O N * P R O G R E S S * V I S I O N


please use a scarf to cover your shoul-ders), no short skirts (mini-skirts), and no skin tight dresses. Dresses should have backs and not be cut low in the front. If women wear pants (dresses and skirts are traditional women church attire) to church, they should be dress pants (not jeans, leggings, etc.). Shorts of any type are not appropriate for church.

Thank you very much for considering these Orthodox Sunday Dress Etiquette guidelines. We are honored to have you worship our Life-giving and Undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! God bless you and please come again to pray with your Orthodox family.

Father Bratso Krsic

The need for unity in the Church

Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. (Phil. 2:2)

One of the signs of apostasy (falling from the truth) in the Church is when there is bickering and disunity among Christians. Jesus said that the world would know that we were His disciples by the love that we have for one another (John 13:35).

In Col. 3:14, it says that love is the perfect bond of unity. The New Testament speaks about us being unified in Christ (Eph. 4:5). Paul says that Christ is not divided (1 Cor. 1:12-13). And even though Christ is not divided, many times His body of believers is.

It is all right to have differences of opinion on the non-essential matters. Yet far too many Christians use these non-essential differences as justification for divi-sion and sometimes even to incite anger.

When this occurs, the love of God in our hearts is sacrificed to our pride. Instead of saying to one another, "I am right and you are wrong," we should be saying something like, "It is certainly possible that you are correct.

Now, let's work together to glorify God and expand His kingdom. Perhaps this is too simplistic, but at least it displays an attitude of humility that helps to bring unity. When we fall into the self abuse of division and bickering, the Church, Her work, and Her Legacy cannot be successful.

Church Slava in May 2009


Demetrios The Myrrhbearer & Great Martyr Of Thessaloniki—Nov 8

Saint Demetrius was a Thessalonian, a most pious son of pious and noble par-ents, and a teacher of the Faith of Christ. When Maximian first came to Thessalon-

ica in 290, he raised the Saint to the rank of Duke of Thessaly. But when it was discov-ered that the Saint was a Christian, he was arrested and kept bound in a bath-house. While the games were under way in the city, Maximian

was a spectator there. A certain friend of his, a barbarian who was a notable wres-tler, Lyaeus by name, waxing haughty because of the height and strength of his body, boasted in the stadium and chal-lenged the citizens to a contest with him. All that fought with him were defeated. Seeing this, a certain youth named Nestor, aquaintance of Demetrius', came to the Saint in the bath-house and asked his blessing to fight Lyaeus single-handed. Receiving this blessing and seal-ing himself with the sign of the precious Cross, he presented himself in the sta-dium, and said, "O God of Demetrius, help me!" and straightway he engaged Lyaeus in combat and smote him with a mortal blow to the heart, leaving the for-mer boaster lifeless upon the earth. Max-imian was sorely grieved over this, and when he learned who was the cause of this defeat, he commanded straightway and Demetrius was pierced with lances while he was yet in the bath-house, As for Nestor, Maximian commanded that he be slain with his own sword.

Apolytikion in the Third ToneThe world has found in you a great cham-

pion in time of peril, as you emerged the victor in routing the barbarians. For as you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaios, imparting courage to Nestor in the stadium, in like manner, holy one, great Martyr Demetrios, invoke Christ God for us, that He may grant us His great mercy.

Kontakion in the Second ToneGod, who gave you invincible power and with care kept your city invulnerable, royally clothed the Church in purple with the streams of your blood, for you are her strength, O Demetrios.

Cosmas & Damianos The Holy Unmercenaries & Their Mother Theodota—Nov 14

These Saints were from Asia (that is, Asia Minor). After the death of their father, their Christ-loving mother The-odota reared them in piety and in all man-ner of virtue, and had them instructed in every science, especially that of medi-cine. This became their vocation, and they went about healing every illness and malady, bestowing healing freely on both men and beasts alike; because of this, they are called "Unmercenaries." And thus, having completed the course of their life, they reposed in peace.

Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth ToneSainted Unmercenaries and Wonder Workers, regard our infirmities; freely you have received, freely share with us.

Kontakion in the Second ToneO glorious, wonderworking physicians, having received the grace of healing, you reach out and restore health to those in need. But also, by your visitation you cast down the arrogance of the enemy, healing the world through miracles.

Nicholas The Wonderworker, Archbishop Of Myra—Dec 19

This Saint lived during the reign of Saint Constantine the Great, and reposed in 330, As a young man, he desired to espouse the solitary life. He made a pil-grimage to the holy city Jerusalem, where he found a place to withdraw to devote

himself to prayer. It was made known to him, however, that this was not the will of God for him, but that he should return to his homeland to be a cause of salvation for many. He returned to Myra, and was ordained bishop. He became known for his abundant mercy, providing for the poor and needy, and delivering those who had been unjustly accused. No less was he known for his zeal for the truth. He was present at the First Ecumenical Council of the 318 Fathers at Nicaea in 325; upon hearing the blasphemies that Arius brazenly uttered against the Son of God, Saint Nicholas struck him on the face. Since the canons of the Church for-bid the clergy to strike any man at all, his fellow bishops were in perplexity what disciplinary action was to be taken against this hierarch whom all revered. In the night our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady Theotokos appeared to certain of the bishops, informing them that no action was to be taken against him, since he had acted not out of passion, but extreme love and piety. The Dismissal Hymn for holy hierarchs, The truth of things hath revealed thee to thy flock ... was written originally for Saint Nicholas. He is the patron of all travellers, and of sea-farers in particular; he is one of the best known and best loved Saints of all time.

Apolytikion in the Fourth ToneThe truth of things hath revealed thee to thy flock as a rule of faith, an icon of meekness, and a teacher of temperance; for this cause, thou hast achieved the heights by humility, riches by poverty. O Father and Hierarch Nicholas, intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion in the Third ToneSaintly One, (St. Nicholas) in Myra you proved yourself a priest; for in fulfilling the Gospel of Christ, venerable One, you laid down your life for your people and saved the innocent from death. For this you were sanctified as One learned in divine grace.

from Online Chapel, Greek Orthodox Diocese of America


From the President

Dear Brothers and Sisters, respected Fathers:From August 11-13, as the president of parish council, I was honored to attend the 20th Triennial Sabor of Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America. The Triennial Sabor was held at Saint George Church in Canton, Ohio. Each Sabor is a wonderful spiritual expe-rience and unique reunion with the Hier-archs, clergy, parish delegates, and those that participate in the church life. But this Sabor, more then any other, was a historic one. After the Dioceses’ arrangements were set forth at the Holy Assembly of Bishops this spring in Bel-grade, parishes are finally united in spirit and in practice. For the first time after forty years clergy and delegates of Nova Gracanica parishes and Patri-archate parishes sat together at one unified Sabor.

For forty years our holy church wept as her children split in prayer and in church life. It was long overdue that Serbs ask for forgiveness and forgive the injustices commit-ted to each other. It is at this 20th Sabor, four decades after the schism, that our holy church in North and South America was united in one body of Saint Sava. The reunification of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the American Diaspora was the main and most important theme of this Sabor. It was said that this unity occurred for the children and for the youth of our holy church. The message to all parishes and all parishioners is to live by this unity. No individual has the right ever again to jeopardize this unity. To those that lived through the schism, seek and practice forgiveness. To the young, remember this historical mistake and never allow it to repeat.

Nemanja Selezan, St. George Church President

Draga Braco i Sestre,Od jedanaestog do trinaestog avgusta ove godine kao predsednik crkveno-školske opštine imao sam čast da prisus-tvujem dvadesetom Saboru Srpske Pra-voslavne Crkve za Severnu i Juznu Ameriku. Sabor se održao u crkvi Svetog Velikomučenika Đorđa u gradu Kantonu

državi Ohajo. Svaki Sabor predstavlja veliki duhovni doživljaj kao i jedinstv-enu uniju sa hijerarsima, sveštenstvom, parohijskim predstavnicima i drugima koji učestvuju u crkvenom životu i radu. Međutim ovaj sabor sam po sebi nosi veliki značaj i smatra se istorijskim. Po prvi put nakon četiri decenije dve zavađene strane Nove Gračanice i Patri-jaršije Srpske dokazale su jedinstvo zajedničkim prisustvu na Saboru u Ohaju. Nakon administrativne podele

donete na prolećnom zasedanju Svetog Arhijerejskog Sabora u Beogradu, paro-hije u Severnoj i Južnoj Americi počele su sa primenom ovog jedinstva i u praksi.

Četrdeset godina naša sveta crkva plakala je za slogom među njenom

duhovnom decom. Nakon toliko godina odavno je došao i trenutak da zavađeni Srbi oproste za sva nedela i zlobe ucinjene jedni prema drugima. To je na ovom dvadesetom Sab-oru četiri decenije nakon raskola i učinjeno. Naša sveta crkva u Severnoj i Južnoj Americi ponovo je sjedinjena u jedno telo onakvo kakvo ga je Sve-titelj Sava stvorio. Pomirenje i jedinstvo dve strane bila je najveća i naj-važnija tema proteklog Sabora. Poruka Sabora svim parohijama i svim vernicima je da žive po ovom jedinstvu i slozi a rečeno je da je do ovog jedinstva došlo za dobrobit

dece i omladine naše svete crkve. Ni jedan pojedinac nema pravo da ikada vise naruši ovo jedinstvo do kojeg se mukotrpno došlo. Oni koji su proživeli kroz razdor neka oproste, a buduca pokoljenja neka zapamte ovu istorijsku grešku i ne dopuste da se ikada slično ponovi.

Nemanja Seležan, Predsednik Crkveno Školske Opštine

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church - 2009 Calendar


Sunday 4 Stewardship Meetingafter Divine Liturgy. All are invited.

Saturday 17 St. Stefan and Jelena (Stiljanovic)


Sunday 22 Stewardship Sunday. Everyone will have the opportunity to bring in their steward-ship cards for the year of our Lord 2010. We suggest each family after receiving a stewardship card, prayerfully consider their commitment of time, treasure and talent for 2010. May our Lord bless your endeavors and our families.

Thursday 26 Thanksgiving DayFriday 27-6 Nativity Fast




From the Treasurer’s Desk

The second quarter financials were audited. and all our bank accounts con-tinue to be in good order. What is even more encouraging is we actually gained some additional funds this quarter, for our cash inflows exceeded our expendi-tures. Even through the slow summer months and our poor national economic condition, God continues to bless us with the necessary funds to support our parish and its ministries. These blessings will surely be translated into our restoration project, in which we will have a greater focus in the coming months.

Please find below a snapshot of where we stand as of June 30, 2009:• Total Bank Account Assets as of 6-09


• Total Asset Accounts Assets as of 6-09$88,421

• Overall Total Cash Assets as of 6-09$325,591

See the minutes from the Q2 Steward-ship Meeting for a full report.

I thank our Auditing Committee, Miro Copic, Sean Wright, and Zeljko Milas-inovic, for their outstanding support and valuable advice during each audit ses-sion we have. And, of course, I thank God for our Executive Board, our Church family, and everyone for their patience.

I pray our God will continue to bless us with these gifts, and I thank Him for His mercy upon us.

In Christ our Lord,

Deacon Paul Germain, St. George Church Treasurer

MPC Report on Hall Renovation

It is with the greatest of joy that I am able to share with you that on August 7, St. George Serbian Church was granted its building permits to begin the first phase of our Social Hall renovation. The next step is to put together a budget to be pre-sented to the Executive Board and the audit committee for approval. Once this is completed, the demolition of the hall can be started with the hope that the first phase of construction will be completed by December.

We are very Blessed to have so many people who continue to help with this project. Most recently, Slavko Jovanovic has stepped forward to supervise the construction. This is a significant step in helping us reduce costs as we move for-ward with our first phase.

The Fund Raising Committee has suc-cessfully generated monetary pledges toward the kitchen and the bathroom ren-ovation, money that we will most defi-nitely spend wisely. To help bridge the gap between the collection of the pledges and the construction, Mr. Tom Dyke has graciously offered an interest free loan, should we need it, in the amount of the pledged money. This will guarantee us the completion of phase one.

I cannot thank enough those who have given of themselves so willingly to move this project forward. Most of all, I would like to thank all my fellow stewards. This has been a long journey. Your support, both financial and spiritual, continues to make this possible. With Gods blessing and all our hard work, Your Legacy will continue, Our Legacy will continue.

Vladan Trifunovic, MPC Chair

If a man would give all the substance of his house for love

The name Thomas “Tom” Dyke keeps popping up in discussions about church renovation and the Continuing Our Legacy campaign.

For old timers (those of us who have been around St George for 30 or 40 years), Tom is well known for the amazing and noble gesture he made in memory of his wife, Donna Rose, who passed away in 1974 at the age of 38.

Tom, a successful San Diego businessman and philanthropist, longed to pay tribute to Donna Rose in a significant and appropriate way, in a way that would demonstrate the kind of love they had shared. Donna, a woman of Serbian ancestry and dedicated to the Holy Orthodox Faith, and her family had long been involved with the St. George community and church building. So when a relative suggested a fitting memorial would be to retire the debt the parish incurred to build the current building, that is what Tom did.

In September 1974, after parastos for Donna Rose, Thomas Dyke presented the church with a check to pay off its mortgage in her memory. Later he donated thousands more to help complete the mosaics that adorn the church interior. What those donations did to encourage the growth of the small parish, we still benefit from today. But what has stood, now needs renovation to maintain its jewel-like character and its influence for the Orthodox Faith.

God has blessed Tom for his generous memorial; but Tom should not stand alone in devotion to this work, nor should we hold back and depend on people like him for their extraordinary generosity. No, it is time for each of us to make our own extraordinary contributions in love for our beloved church.

Many of you already have donated or pledged generously. But not enough of you have. Please prayerfully consider making a financial committment to the renewal project. (See MPC Report and Continuing Our Legacy—Onward & Upward.)

Yes, we have collected enough to move forward; but not enough to complete the job.


Continuing Our Legacy—Onward & Upward

The first round of awareness building and fundraising was completed in the Spring; how-ever, our St. George community is far from com-plete with the Con-tinuing Our Legacy Capital Campaign!

Thanks to Father Bratso, Mara Bosnak, and Marsha Jovanovic, you are holding in your hand (or viewing on your com-puter) our latest Church newsletter that is sporting a great cover reminding you in full color that WE ARE CONTINUING OUR LEGACY!

Yes, it’s true we didn’t meet our highest financial goal during the first round; but we did encourage a culture of giving, to which a goodly number of you commit-ted above your Stewardship commitment to our ambitious and critical restoration and building project. Praise God for that!

Thanks to Lydia Petric Rhoads, this arti-cle is accompanied by the first publica-tion of “The List”! That is, the list of all who signed a pledge card indicating their contribution to our fund to restore our beacon of faith (and ethnicity) on the hill above Mission Bay—St. George Serbian Orthodox Church. Take a long look at that list, and make sure your name is on it if you signed a pledge card for the cam-paign. If it’s missing, contact Father Bratso or Lydia to check on this. It may be because you did not turn in a card.

If you are not on the list because you did not pledge support, ask yourself: What is stopping me from supporting my church during its critical time of need? Our won-derful Church, like everything in life, needs to be refreshed and maintained, and no matter who you are: steward, friend of the parish, philanthropist, suc-cessful breadwinner, fixed-income senior, unemployed worker, student, or just an interested bystander, WE NEED

YOUR HELP! And no pledge amount is too small to be considered.

Now for an update on the work of the Continuing Our Legacy team. We met in early July to discuss more ideas on how to enhance and further our fundraising efforts. Lots of ideas were dis-cussed—running the gamut from asking your favorite millionaire to give beau-coup bucks to asking for some of Mr. Obama’s stimulus package money. We know these are hard times for many; but your Church is your life source. Not car-ing for it is like not feeding yourself. Moreover, God knows our hardships and needs better than we do. He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to be faithful. He will not fail us. Hey, if he cares for the sparrow, how much more does He care for us (Matt.10:30)!

As the committee labors on into 2010 and beyond, and as these hard times per-sist, we must be careful not to bicker among ourselves and let that drain our energy. We must pray for unity of spirit and a spirit of unity. There can be no vic-tory when we cannot work together in love.

To recap, here is a quick list of our achievements and a few ideas for our continued campaign:

• Donators Wall & Thermometer. Thanks to Simona Trifunovic who leads the effort to put up a thermometer in the church hall with information on how much money has been pledged vs. raised so that all our parishioners can track our progress. Please look for it.

• Another Legacy Dinner in 2010. Our first dinner was a great success. We are planning another dinner sometime next year. We may be changing the format; but it will be another event not to be missed. Watch for details.

• Expanding Mail Campaign list. St. George parishioners can help by providing names and addresses of friends of St. George to contact. If everyone can give us a few names, this would quickly become a larger list of friends of the church to include in our fundraising efforts. Please send your list to Fr. Bratso (frbratso@sbcglobal.net).

• Updating Contact info for current parishioners. Many of our parishioners have moved or may no longer be residing in San Diego. So it’s important to provide Fr. Bratso with updated contact information on mailing. Update your mailing information ASAP with Fr. Bratso.

• Grants and Other Funding Sources. Grants (such as money available for historic buildings, religious centers, or San Diego landmarks) is an important option. Nemanja Selezan will be working on this. Please send your ideas.

In parting, Dragan Radic, unfortunately, had to step down from his role as Vice President of the fundraising effort because new job responsibilities require him to travel for extended dates. I want to thank Dragan and his wife Sonja for all their hard work and efforts. Their par-ticipation was truly a blessing. Dragan will continue supporting us outside of a leadership role, so he will not completely be removed. Many, many thanks to the Radic family!

And remember: The most important ingredient in this essential project is that our parishioners care, participate, and pray to help shape and sustain the future of our beloved St. George parish.

With Blessings, Prayers, and Love,

Jennifer Milanovich, Chair, Continuing Our Legacy Capital Campaign


Pledge Cards/donations for the Continuing Our Legacy campaign and St George Stewardship are two distinct things. Signing a pledge to the Continuing Our Legacy does not make you a Steward and vice versa. We, of course, want everyone to become Stewards, but this implies committment to the Orthodox Faith as well as support for the local church. Likewise, we pray all St George Stewards will pledge support to the renewal project as the Lord leads them.


Continuing Our Legacy Pledges as of August 30, 2009

• Batricevich, Slobodan and Branka

• Belcevich, Milos

• Bosnak, Mara and Les Lambert

• Bozinovska, Jadranka

• Copic, Miro and Laura

• Cronemeyer, Jamie and Zorica

• DeGranda, Boris and Danila

• Denton, Natalie

• Draskovich, Proto Bozidar and Protinica Bozana

• Gavrilov, Gleb and Svetlana

• Germain, Deacon Paul and Djakonica Natalija

• Irick, Olga

• Jedrysik, Ben and Kimberlie

• Jovanovic, Drasko and Ranica

• Jovanovic, Marsha and Misha

• Jovanovic-Vuskovic, Natasa

• Jovanovich, Martha

• Kinach, Alex and Seka

• Krsic, Proto Bratso and Protinica Lisa

• Koruga, Milenko and Jelena

• Kukulj, Dragan and Lillian

• LePage, Steve and Debbie

• McKenzie, Sally

• Masic, Milenko

• Medigovich, Milica

• Miladinovich, Ljubisav

• Miladinovich, Miroslav

• Milanovich, Jennifer

• Milasinovic, Zeljko and Marija

• Milicevic, Nikola and Nada

• Milicevic, Jim and Melanie

• Miljkovic, Miodrag and Vecki

• Miller Family

• Milosevich, Alexsandra Babic

• Nedic, Ivana

• Nedic, Sava and Spomenka

• Nedic, Milosh and Karen

• Nikolic, Dragan and Gordana

• Plavsic, Mara and Seja

• Popovich, Ella

• Purlia, Sam and Gloria

• Radojevic, Dan and Vesna

• Radovanovic, Dragoslav and Ljiljana

• Rakic, Marko and Vera

• Selezan, Nemanja and Lindsay

• Serebryanova, Elena

• Sigmreanu, Valentin and Mariana

• Simikich, R and C

• Starr, Tatyana

• Trifunovic, Katarina

• Trifunovic, Robert and Simona

• Trifunovic, Stefan

• Undheim, Natasha

• Undheim, Robert and Dobrila

• Urosevic, Branko

• Vallin, Becky

• Vasilia, Laurentiv and Daniela

• Villa, Brian

• Vukotich, Danica

• Vukotich, Stefan and May


Religious Education Report, Fall 2009

Have great care of your children. We live at a time when much freedom is given to the expression of thought, but little care is taken that thoughts should be founded on truth. Teach them to love truth. (St. Macarius of Optino, 1834-1860)

The words of the saints are timeless, for they apply to any age and any generation. In his Russian Letters of Direction, St. Macarius addressed the struggles of Christians with blessed words of wisdom and comfort in the nineteenth century. Do his words have any less meaning today with our own children?

We are beginning a new school year and Fr. Bratislav has found some new, excit-ing curriculum for the children. We are all encouraged and looking forward to working with the children. Our regular Sunday School session will begin the Sunday after Labor Day, September 13. This day follows the Diocesan Days annual celebration weekend Sept. 6.

This summer we had our second annual Vacation Bible Camp, which was a smashing success. The kids played games, learned about their faith. and enjoyed another afternoon at Boomers. A great time was had by all. Also, we had a number of our children attend summer camp in Jackson, with some of our par-ents staying the week to help in the kitchen and work with the camp staff. Thank you to all our participants!

On Sunday, June 14, following the Divine Liturgy, our Sunday School stu-dents went on a field trip to Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. They watched the “Under the Sea” movie and participated in various science projects and games.

We are grateful to our great Sunday School teaching team: Deacon Paul Ger-main, Mira Jovanovic, Natalie Germain, Jelena Jovanovic, and Sandie Papac. We look forward to another wonderful Sun-day School year starting on Sunday, Sep-tember 27, 2009.

Deacon Paul Germain



San Diego Parish Celebrated the Church Feast Day on Sunday, May 3, 2009

On Sunday of the myrrhbearing women, the faithful of Saint George Serbian Orthodox parish in San Diego together with their hierarch, His Grace Bishop Maxim and local Orthodox clergy, celebrated Church Slava, Feast Day, with a Hierarchical Liturgy, Procession around the church, blessing of the Slava Kolach, and a program.

A great number of parishioners, parish friends and supporters, and parishioners from the sister parish of St. Petka gathered at the Liturgy that started at ten o’clock in the morning. His Grace Bishop Maxim served the Liturgy with concelebration by the following clergy: Proto-presbyters Velimir Petakovic, Milan Vukovic, Lazar Vasiljevic, Bratso Krsic, deacon Paul Germain, and hierodeacon Jelisej from Kovilj monastery in Serbia. The Liturgy was truly a communion with God and with one another; it was a true participatory event, a communal experience of God’s presence. The choir did an excellent job leading and incorporating people into the Church and communal worship.

In his sermon, Bishop Maxim enthusiastically shared the joy of Pascha - victory over death, sin, and everything that keeps us from growing in the resurrected Lord. His Grace wished a blessed Slava to all calling them to, like myrrhbearing women, be ever ready to serve the Lord and to share the joyous message of Christ’s resurrection.

At the invitation “in the fear of God, with faith and love, draw near” children and adults lined up with their arms crossed on their chest and prayerfully approached the chalice – the cup of immortality.

Following the procession around the church and blessing of the parish-ioners, the church, the city, and those who dwell in it, the faithful pro-ceeded to the hall for the blessing of the kolach and a festal program.

The parish priest, Protopresbyter Bratso Krsic, welcomed His Grace, the local Orthodox clergy, Protopresbyter Ramon Merlos and deacon Michael Creighton, the concelebrants, and those that came for the cel-ebration. He also expressed his thanks to his two predecessors, Proto-presbyters Velimir Petakovic and Bozidar Draskovic, for their continued support of St. George ministries. Fr. Bratso, on behalf of St. George parish, expressed his thanks to Mrs. Danica Vukotich, Kuma of the Church Slava, and for her devotion, love and care for the parish.

Mr. Nemanja Selezan, the president of the Church Executive Board, announced that the Continuing our Legacy Stewardship Campaign so far has raised 90K and that a friend of St. George parish, Mr. Tom Dyke, will give an interest free loan of 81K for the remodeling of the hall and church property.

We thank the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for His many blessings and entreat Him through the prayers of St. George the Great-martyr to grant the parishioners and spiritual leaders of St. George par-ish wisdom and guidance for continued growth. Glory be to God Who is glorified in His saints, among them, St. George the Greatmartyr.

from Western American Diocese website


Kolo Sisters

I hope that everyone had a nice summer and that all were able to enjoy a little rest and relax-ation. Now Fall is here, and everyone’s schedules are getting busier and back to normal. That goes for the Kolo Sisters, too.

We took on the both months of August and September for Sunday lunches, and the contributions from those lunches is going towards the cleaning of the church pews, a long overdue project. It is not only for maintenance and appearance sake, but also for health concerns. We thank our dear sister Vera Giles, who is contributing the supplies and for making arrangements for the labor and to see that all monies collected from our lunches will be accounted for.

Our slava is Sept. 20, and Mira Jovanovich is the chair person. We want to make sure we can help her in every-way to make it a blessed event.

The church festival is also approaching and much preparation is needed. Please put your time and talents to good use to help with this worthwhile and enjoyable fund raising project. Everyone benefits.

We are making every effort to invite all women of the parish to join Kolo—the more the merrier. Let’s share God's love with one another, and continue to make a positive difference.

Now here are a few words from my heart:

We have all heard the phrase”Love makes the world go round.” It would be more accurately said that ”God's love makes the world go round.” Because of His Divine grace, we can experience inner peace.

This peace fills us with contentment, joy, and true love that respects life. It allows you to experience life to the fullest. You feel energized, you have a positive atti-tude. You see challenging situations as opportunities for God to work miracles in our lives.

In turn we can then bear witness to Him and His Glory. Don't attempt to do any-thing with out His guidance, and as you go about your daily routine, sing praises to Him and glorify His name. You will feel that inner peace. There is nothing greater than His love. Let His light shine through you.

May God's peace be with you and yours. Your sister in Christ.

Sylvia Ivanovic, Kolo President

Serb National Federation

I would like to tell you a little about the Serb National Federa-tion (SNF), the only national fra-ternal organiza-tion that has worked over the

years to keep the people of Serbian descent and their families connected to others of like heritage all over the US and Canada.

SNF was loosely formed 108 years ago by some of the first Serbian immigrants who left Europe to find a better life in our great countries. SNF’s main goal was to help these folks acclimate to the new land and to come to their aid during rough times.

As the years went by and more immi-grants joined the growing population of Serbs in North America, SNF was for-mally established as a social organiza-tion. SNF established an insurance base that offered its members both health and life insurance. Now you could became a member and participant in all of its benevolent work. And it was easy to join. The insurance plan was 25 cents a month

for either health or life insurance. Today SNF is a State of California regulated insurance and savings organization.

During the 20s and 30s, SNF worked with the Serbian Orthodox Church to help build places of worship. Some of these are still in use today, including the St. Sava Church in Jackson, CA, and St Mark’s in Lorain, OH.

When World War II ended, there were many displaced Serbs scattered all over Europe. SNF sponsored many of these refugees, bringing them to the US and Canada, finding them jobs, and helping them find homes. Even today, political circumstances continue to bring waves of Serbian people to our shores, and SNF continues to help them settle in towns throughout the US and Canada.

Another project SNF members are very proud to claim is the American Srbo-bran, the oldest ethnic newspaper pub-lished in the US. It has won several awards for its quality. This newspaper is still the number one connection for most Serbs in North America. It keeps us aware of the many social activities tak-ing place, such as basketball, golf, and bowling tournaments. It promotes choir events and folklore groups to keep our young people busy making new friends. American Srbobran also keeps track of important happenings in Europe and locally that pertain to Serbian people.

SNF offers scholarships every college season to members. It also offers mem-bers many types of savings, insurances, annuities, retirement accounts, and much more.

SNF grew in membership since its humble beginning, and today it has more than 14,000 members and is still growing. I would be happy to tell you more about SNF. Just call me at 858-451-3812, or check the internet for information and applications for joining at www.serbnatlfed.org. The SNF headquarters are still at 938 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

Nada Pantovich


Congratulations to Marko Ivanovic, who is attending the Border Patrol Academy in Artesia, New Mexico, one of the most rigorous and demanding law enforcement training programs in the country. After com-pletition, Marko will be assigned to the Calexico station as a Border Patrol Agent. Marko received his BA at SDSU last year and recently com-pleted his first year in the SDSU graduate program in Home Land Security. His parents, Sylvia & Mirko Ivanovic gave Marko a going away party in August at their home just before he left for the Academy. The training lasts 55 days.

Our prayers are with Ella Popovich, who, because of her health, recently moved from her home in San Marcos to live with her grandson, Todd Hebron in Temecula.

Todd writes: Grandma is making improvements every day, and the doctor has started backing down some of her medica-tions. She is working hard on her phys-ical therapy every day and is showing great strength and determination.

She is looking forward to another year of holidays and seems to be very happy as she settles into the next chapter of her life.

Feel free to send notes and pictures for her to my email address:THebron@Semprautilities.com

I will print them for her to read and post them on her bulletin board.

Father Krsic visited and blessed the house and gave Ella a blessing of health and happiness. Everyone at St George sends their best wishes and love to our beloved Ella.

Sally McKenzie Baptized at St. Herman of Alaska Serbian Orthodox Monastery, Platina, California

On Sunday, August 16, 2009, our parish was blessed with a visit by Archimandrite Pablo, a Greek Orthodox monk from Mexico City. Fr. Pablo served the Divine Liturgy with Fr. Bratso on Sunday, and the following day, the two of them with a catechumen, Sally McKenzie, and Joe Flumian went to St. Herman of Alaska monastery in northern California where Sally was baptized in a nearby creek.

The baptism was officiated by Archimandrite Pablo, Abbot Gerasim and Fr. Bratso. Sally received her baptismal name Anne. We congratulate our newly illumined hand-maiden of God, Anne (Sally), and we welcome her to the Orthodox Family. God grant you many years!

Stewardship Sunday22 November 2009


Congratulations to the Ilic family upon the birth of Devenee Jeanne Ilic on July 8, 2009. Grandparents are Rosa & Petar Ilic of Ramona, and par-ents are Boris & Chelsea Ilic.

Visit to Hollywood. “Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There arepoints to be scored. there are games to be won.” Luka & Anatasija Krsic and Eliza-beth Kasic check out Dr Seuss’ Hollywood Star. A San Diego resident during his lateryears, Dr. Seuss has delighted millions with his whimsical children’s books, TV spe-cials, movies, and theatre productions.

Happy 103rd birthday to Ilka Puich! Ilka was born July 26, 1906 in Boka Kotor-ska and immigrated to the USA at the age of three, settling with her parents, Anna and Dusan Mandich, in Butte, Montana. She married Lazar Puich in 1929 with whom she had two children, Virginia and Robert. In 1944, the family moved to San Diego. Ilka has now resided in the same apartment building for 65 years. Ilka was the oldest of the five children. Her sisters are Eda Seidel and Nina Vuk-sanovich of San Diego and the late Olga O’Neil of Butte. Her brother is Milo Mandich of Butte. Ilka has been a member of St. George since its inception. The picture shows Ilka (on left) celebrating with family.

Accidental Escort. Returning to the San Diego from a recent trip to Serbia, Mira Jovanovic made the acquaintance of a young lady making her first trip to the US—Veselinka “Veca” Mihajlovic of Paracin. Relieved to have an experi-enced international traveler like Mira to link up with, imagine Veca’s surprise, after she asked Mira if she might know her “uncle” Misha & “aunt” Marsha Jovanovic from San Diego! (“Yes, for years and years!”) As it turned out, Veca was on her way to Racine, WI, to stay a few months with her father’s sister, Veselinka “Vicky” Petrovic (Misha’s cousins and next door neighbors in Para-cin). Thank you, Mira, for taking young Veca under wing. The whole family is very grateful.


St. George StewardsAugust 30, 2009

• Alemany, Lazar and Linda

• Andolsek, Tonska D.

• Aud, Matthew and Laurie

• Barron, Zorka

• Begovich, Michael and Samantha

• Belcevich, Milos

• Benesh, Kathryn

• Bulic, Branislav

• Cle, Mira

• Conner, Tom and Evelyn

• Copic, Miro

• Cronemeyer, Zorica

• Denton, Natalie

• Drakulich, Persida

• Draskovich, Father Bozidar and Protinica

• Elez, Sledjana

• Freeman, Lillian

• Fulton, Jeff and Radmila

• Gavrilov, Gleb and Svetlana

• Germain, Deacon Paul and Djakonica Natalija

• Grba, Svetozar and Christine

• Gregovich, Ljubica

• Grijakovic, Vladomir

• Hyduke, David

• Ilic, Boris

• Ilic, Petar and Rosa

• Irick, Olga

• Ivanovic, Mirko, Sylvia, Marko and Gina

• Jaich, Dennis and Rhonda

• Jojic, Dobrinka

• Jojic, Vesko and Julie

• Jovanovic, Martha

• Jovanovic, Milivoj and Verica

• Jovanovic, Misha

• Jovanovic, Velimir and Mira

• Kennedy, Ken and Sonia

• Kinach, Alex and Seka

• Kostic, Tordis

• Krsic, Father Bratso and Protinica

• Kukich, Branislav

• Kunac, Dusan and Maria

• Leff, Dylan

• Leff, Kathryn Thickstun

• Lukich, James and Petka

• Lukic, Milos

• Markley, Scott and Nada

• Masic, Milenko

• McKenzie, Sally

• Miladinovich, Ljubisav and Radmila

• Miladinovich, Miroslav

• Melnick, Stanley and Pauline

• Metrovich, Desanka

• Mijailovic, Goran

• Mikler, Zora

• Milanovich, Jennifer

• Milasinovic, Zeljko and Marija

• Miljkovic, Milan and Diane

• Miljkovic, Miodrag and Vecki

• Milicevic, James and Melanie

• Milicevic, Nikola and Nada

• Milovancev, Miroslav and Mira

• Mitrovich, Jelena

• Mitrovich, Predrag

• Mrja, Millie

• Nedic, Sava and Spomenka

• Nikolic, Dragan and Gordana

• Novakovic, Drago and Dana

• Papac, Wayne and Sandie

• Pantich, Toma and Jelena

• Pantovich, Nada

• Petakovich, Father Velimir and Protinica

• Petric, Alex

From the Stewardship Chair

As of August 30, we have 111 families who have made their 2009 pledge to St. George. I have included a list of the 2009 stewards. If I have inadvertently left off your name or misspelled your name, please let me know. If you are a steward, you should have received a letter acknowledging your 2009 stewardship pledge and the amount that our records indicate that we have received as of June 30. If you have any questions, please con-tact either Father Bratso or myself. As a reminder, you can make your weekly, monthly or yearly donations on our web-site http://saintgeorgeinsd.com.

Our yearly operating expenses are approximately $175,000, about $465 per day. This figure does not include any of the costs for the renovation of the church property. You also should know that 100% of the operating budget comes from your donations. Without your donations, we could not exist.

I encourage each and every one of you to make your 2009 pledge if you have not already done so.

The concept of stewardship is not new to St. George. One of our past Presidents, Wayne Papac, introduced the program more than ten years ago. Stewardship is the giving of Time, Talent, and Treasurers. With your faith and support, we continue to build on this concept. Being a steward of St. George is more than making a finan-cial commitment to the Church. Of course, we need your financial commit-ment to keep the church doors open every Sunday, but being a steward is also some-one who gives of their time and your tal-ent. Painting the flag pole, cooking meals, teaching Sunday School, these are all con-tributions that you can pledge as a stew-ard.

Lydia Petric Rhoads, Stewardship Chairperson

Continuing Our Legacy Pledges

See page 15 for a list of those who have committed to our captial fund raising program. It is not too late. You, too, can make a pledge for our future.


• Petric, Milovan and Jelena

• Plavsic, Mara-Seja

• Plavsic, Milan and Ljubica

• Popa, Cornelia

• Popovich, Dolly

• Popovich, Ella

• Popovich, Vojkan and Nada

• Pugh, Zachary and Milica

• Purlia, Sam and Gloria

• Radjenovic, Mirjana and Milica

• Radojevich, Dan and Vesna

• Radojevich, Protinica Nada

• Radovanovic, Dragoslav and Ljiljana

• Raicevic, Vladimir and Silvana

• Rakic, Marko and Vera

• Rhoads, Howard and Lydia

• Rhoads, Michael

• Saathoff, Ron and Stephany

• Savchuk, Nikolaj and Olga

• Selezan, Nemanja and Lindsay Boyce

• Serder, Sophie

• Skaljac, George and Bernadette

• Smith, Justin and Zorana

• Srbich, Alexander and Mrs.

• Srdanovic, Tom

• Stanojevic, Andja

• Tepavcevich, Ladislav

• Trifunovic, Vladan and Milica

• Trifunovich, Robert and Simona

• Undheim, Robert and Dobrila

• Vasich, Branko and Ruja

• Vasic, Milica

• Vladic, Milorad and Vladanka

• Vlasovich, Milanka

• Vukotich, Danica

• Vukotich, John and Jean

• Vukotich, Stefan and May

• Vuksanovic, Dusan

• Vulovich, Filip

• Wright, Sean and Svenja

• Zivkovic, Jovan and Tina

President of Tesla Memorial Society, Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, visited St. George with his son, Marko Vujovic, and other local Serbian activists August 9. With his friend, Dr. Vojin Joksimovic, he donated to the church a banner carried by surviving Amer-ican pilots in the military parade desert Storm in New York City. The story of this amazing event was recently published in The Forgotten 500: The Untold Story of the Men Who Risked All For the Greatest Rescue Mission of World War II by Greg-ory A. Freeman, which is available in both English and Serbian languages. The ban-ner was made by Ilija Jaksic, businessman from Ridgewood, New York and honored by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic. With the banner, from left to right: Mrs. Natasa Dje-kic, Mrs. Nada Joksimovic (Serbian activist), Marko Vujovic (Web Designer, Tesla Memorial Society of New York), V. Rev. Bratislav Krsic, Dr. Ljubo Vujovic (Pres-ident, Tesla Memorial Society of New York), and Dr. Vojin Joksimovic (journalist, writer and former President of Serbian Unity Congress).

Why we want you to sign Stewardship & Continuing Our Legacy Cards

Our Church Executive Board has estab-lished two programs for which we ask you to sign a committment card: 1) St George Stewardship and 2) the Con-tinuing Our Legacy Capital Campaign.

Here are reasons this is important:• When we sign the stewardship card and

bring it to the church on Stewardship Sunday, the act itself becomes a spiritual endeavor. It is no longer just another thing we do; but rather it is an act of worship and I would even say a liturgical act of offering ourselves to God. This is one of the beautiful realities of our Faith—looking at our life and eveyrthing we do as as a way of sanctifying our life and the life of those around us.

• And on a practical level, if a parishioner signs a card, it makes tracking/recording donations easier for the church treasurer

and it makes keeping track of committments easier for the stewardship chair.

Also, please earmark your dona-tions—tell us how you want the donation to be allocated. On an envelope or check (in the memo area), for example, mark stewardship, candles, bookstore, memo-rial, Legacy fund, etc. If necessary, we can contact parishioners to clarify a par-ticular donation, but that makes extra work for our already busy volunteers.

Thank you all very much and God bless you as you prayerfully pledge yourself as a St George Steward and/or pledge sup-port to the Continuing Our Legacy cam-paign.

Father Bratso Krsic


United, We Celebrate The All-Holy Spirit!

Towards the beginning of 1991, when the Holy Synod (Patriarch German was already bedridden, as Patriarch Pavle is today) decided by the grace of God, with Serbian seriousness and pastoral respon-sibility, that our unfortunate church schism in America should be resolved and surpassed, we wrote that the Diaspora has for a long time been the most complex problem of the entirety of Orthodoxy, and for that reason it has been included on the agenda of the future Great Council of the Orthodox Church.

We also said at that time that the experi-ence of Diaspora in the Church, either with the Jews in the Old Testament or with the Christians in the New, that is to say the Church, is not something evil in itself. It is an unavoidable and at the same time a providential challenge for God? Israel, both the old and the new, that is, for the Jewish people and the Church of Christ.

The Diaspora reminds all of us, as the community of the people of God in his-tory moving on the path towards the Heavenly Kingdom, of the traveling and crucified status of the Church in this world and age: We are in the world but

we are not of this world. we are in the House of God, but the Dispensa-tion—the building up of the House of God which is the Church—is still in progress and continuing. God’s King-dom is already present in the Church, but as Christians we are also simultaneously still on the path towards the Kingdom, the Heavenly Homeland of us all.

The Diaspora poses to the Orthodox Church two important questions: the question of verification of our correct ecclesiological understanding, our living experience of the Church, and the ques-tion of the mission of the Church in the world. The Diaspora in the West was and still remains a missionary territory of Orthodoxy. Especially, North and South America still remain missionary territo-ries.The Diaspora presents a vital prob-lem of Orthodox Ecclesiology to all the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches —one which we have apparently, under the influence of recent world and national political history, begun to forget about. Namely, that the fundamental organizational principle of the ancient Church of the East—the Church was born in the East and the Gospels were spread through out the world from the East, as St. Basil theGreat and the Fathers of the Second Ecumenical Coun-cil remind us—was always geographi-cal; not by nationality or state, but

regional, local, that is, concretely lived. When, in the last few centu-ries, we hear the word Local Church, we usually understand this as National Church (or even as certain Catholic theologians will maliciously say: State Church.)

In the ancient Church, however, the Local Church meant the Church of the respective place—of the city, territory, or land, regardless of the nationality, race or color of the faithful who live there. This understanding had two important consequences. Firstly, from this derived one of the foundational and unchange-able canons of the ancient Church, formulated at the First Ecumenical Council in Canon 8:

two Bishops cannot be in one city but only one (see the 35th Apostolic Canon and the 16th Canon of the First-second council). That one bishop in one city (usually including its vicinity) was bishop of all the faithful of that city and area, with no regard to ethnic or other make-up.

In the centuries-old history of the Ortho-dox Church and of the Orthodox Churches, dioceses never overlapped, nor were they coexisting on the same geographical territory. The establish-ment of two or more Diocesan Churches in the same city or same area would be ecclesiological nonsense, for that would be a denial of the fact that the Church of God is One and undivided. There were exceptions in rare instances, for example in the seventh century when the Arch-bishop of Cyprus, because of an invasion by barbarians, fled together with his clergy and people to the region of Asia Minor, to Kizik (near the Dardanelles), and they organized themselves as a sepa-rate Church on the territory of the Patri-archate of Constantinople, but this was permitted only until the liberation of Cyprus, which occurred soon afterwards. Or another instance, modeled after the former, when the Serbian Church allowed Russian refugees to organize themselves with their clergy and people on the territory of the Serbian Patriarch-ate (with headquarters in Sremski Karlo-vci).

In our proposal of 1991 aimed at over-coming the schism in America, written and adopted at that time with the bless-ings of the Holy Synod, it was suggested and was accepted by the Assembly that liturgical fellowship, canonical-eucha-ristic concelebration and communion be reestablished in the Diaspora, but that the overlapping of parishes and Dioceses should remain only temporarily, that is, that administrative unity would not be reestablished immediately. From this, we could not have and should not have con-cluded that this state of affairs, which was allowed to continue in our Diaspora only through extreme pastoral economia, should be made permanent and consid-ered normal.


On the contrary, that status should have been resolved long ago, and full canoni-cal and administrative unity should have been established through a restructuring of the Dioceses, that is, that parishes in one particular region, in one episcopal unit—Diocese, be under one Bishop who is in liturgical and canonical unity with the other Orthodox Bishops (in this case of our Autocephalous Serbian Church, until all of our Holy Patriarch and Assembly, just this May at the Holy Assembly of Bishops of our Church, on the feast day of St. John the Evangelist and Theologian, 21/8 May, this liturgi-cal-canonical and administrative unity was finally realized, and we should thank with all our hearts, souls and minds our Chief Shepherd Christ the Savior and the Inspirer the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, that this was accepted by all of our Bish-ops, both those in America and all the rest of the members of the Holy Assem-bly of Bishops.

There never was, and especially now, there is no serious ecclesiastical, Ortho-dox, nor Serbian reason that the previous temporary state of disunion of not being under one Bishop in one region should last any longer. Anyone who would bring into question the ecclesiological, the church-strengthening value of this deci-sion by this year’s Assembly, would only demonstrate their petty, narrow-minded, personal or group fearfulness and self-centeredness, their un-Christian and anti-church intolerance and, in the final analysis, their church-destroying hatred for their brothers. The soul-destroying schism, as the Holy Abba Justin with tears and prayerful lamentations used to call it, the schism which brought poison and drowning to the souls of our brothers of the same faith and blood, is over and done with, and no trace of it can be allowed to remain.

In this year unified and unanimous deci-sion of the entire Assembly of Bishops there is no victory or defeat. There are no victors or vanquished for it demonstrates a church-building consciousness, an Orthodox conscience and a brotherly and salvific love in Christ our Savior towards all. Our brethren Serbs in America, truly ecclesiastically and Orthodox, by this

church-building unity and love, by the act and deed of their full unity in Christ by the grace of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father and for our sal-vation, are also giving an example to the other Orthodox Christians. For, as St. Bishop Nikolai said in America itself back in the 50s, a day is coming when the full unity and missionary activity of Orthodoxy in the New World will be made manifest to us all. And this truly ecclesial and missionary activity has appeared through this event in America and in the Church of Saint Sava and Saint Nikolai, in the Church of the New Martyrs, hieraches, and faithful of our Cross-bearing people.

And also our brethren the Russians recently created this unity (except for a small number of individuals, or little groups poisoned with hate), and we Serbs helped them in attaining this, for we became for them a model of reconcil-iation and unity. God grant that we may be a model to the other Orthodox mani-festing the conciliar-catholic nature of the Orthodox Church of God, which by its full liturgical-canonical unity reveals its Liturgical and Missionary essence in the unity of the faith and in the commu-nion of the Holy Spirit, as we confess at the Divine Liturgy before the Commu-nion of all in the Heavenly Bread and the Cup of Life Eternal.

According to the God-inspired Psalmist: Behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity! It is then that we all may with one mouth and one heart glorify and hymn the all-honorable Name of the Holy Trinity, the Eternal Assembly—the Archetype of the Unity of the Church. And it is then that we all may commune from the One Bread and One Cup, and thus visibly confess and announce that we are living members of the One Body of Christ the God-man and Savior of us all and of the entire world (1 Cor. 10: 16-17).

By the way, we would add that at this Holy Assembly the oneness of spirit and of mind of the Fathers of our Church was revealed in that there was no more unnecessary mention of the inappropri-ate questions of the so-called old and

new ways of serving, for at the meeting it was said that we all serve the one and same Divine Service, even though there might be variations in certain details, as there always have been and there are in the living and life-creating Church of Christ from the East throughout the ages, just as there is one Gospel of Christ even though there are four Evangelists, and in them, just as in the Orthodox Liturgies and there are four of them as well there appears a polyphonic symphony and a symphonic polyphony of the Holy Pen-tecostal, fiery spirit-filled Grace of the Spirit, the Comforter of the Church, Who calls all to unity.

The unity of the Church, in a grace-filled unity of concelebration and communion in the Divine Eucharist, and a canonical unity of administration, where all things are done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40), from Pentecost to today, and from Jerusalem to America, was always a gift and event of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the Church of the Apostles and Fathers, of the Martyrs and faithful successors of the Lamb of God, Whose Church is the Body of the God-Man, Community in One Spirit, the House of the Living God, the Pillar and Foundation of Truth, of salvation, of Resurrection, of Life eternal.

Bishop Atanasije YevtichHoly Pentecost, 2009


Project Mexico Summer Groups from PA

Father Michael Kallaur, a Greek Ortho-dox priest from the Pittsburgh, PA, and dear friend of Millie Mrja (she calls him “son”), brought a small group of young people from three different churches in the Pittsburgh area to do a short-term work assignment for Project Mexico in Tijuana this summer.

Father Michael has been bringing youth groups to Project Mexico for 12 years now. His groups are typically drawn from Orthodox churches in the Pitts-burgh area, usually number 40-50 peo-ple, and cost about $1000 per person. The young people raise their own fund-ing to come on the trip. Father Michael makes the arrangements to get the groups here, transport them by bus or van to Tijuana, then to manage the work crews.

Project Mexico began in Orange County, California, through the efforts of Greg-ory Yova, Founder and Executive Direc-tor. Greg was alarmed by the increasingly desperate plight of youth in North America which directly affects society as a whole. In the Fall of 1988, Project Mexico developed from Greg's desire to provide young people an oppor-tunity to look beyond themselves and reach out personally to those in need. Greg felt compelled to get them involved

in the relief of suf-fering in neigh-boring Mexico. Though geo-graphically close, Mexico is a Third World country and has a great need for basic human services.

In 1988, the goal was simply to help some strug-gling families make a better life for themselves by providing them with secure, safe, perma-nent homes. “The work caught on like wild fire as more people experienced the joy of giving in a hands-on way,” accord-ing to Yova. By 1991, Yova was spend-ing three weekends a month in Mexico with volunteer groups from Southern California. Then, in 1992, he received a call from a group in Chicago who wanted to come build a home.

In 1992, Greg quit his “day job” to fully organize the group and give it his total attention. In 1990, Project Mexico began coordinating with a group of Mexicans to establish an orphanage for teenage boys in Tijuana. This effort to address a critical social problem was a natural out-growth of our goal to relieve suffering in Mexico.

After extensive labors to receive official approval from the Mexi-can government, St. Innocent Orphanage opened its doors in September 1996. At that point, the orphanage began serving as the home base for Project Mexico where groups eat, sleep, pray and can be a part of the boys' lives.

Over the years many groups have come and worked exclusively at the orphan-age, helping us to complete a great num-ber of important projects.

Father Michael said the attendance was down this year because of the “H1N1” scare, the stories of violence in Mexico, the economy, and new service project opportunities for the young people in the PA area. Nevertheless, even a small group can help, and the overall impact of the experience on the individual is still completely stunning.

“Living a week in Mexico, being isolated from the common luxuries of our lives, being able to observe first hand the living conditions of those less fortunate, gives everyone a new perspective. And this can become a stepping stone to doing other missionary work in other places around the world,” Father Michael adds.

St George young people participated in a project in November 2008, and on sev-eral other occasions. They also confirm the effect Father Michael mentions: that the experience gives you a new perspec-tive to be acting upon Christ’s command-ment to care for the poor.

For more information about Project Mexico, check their website: projectmexico.org or call Greg Yova at 619.426.4610.

Marsha Jovanovic


Anniversary of Operation Storm marked

BELGRADE, Aug. 6—The Serbian peo-ple and the Serbian Orthodox Church today marked the 14th anniversary since a Croat military onslaught on the coun-try's Serb area of Krajina that ended in the murder of more than 2,000 people.

The attack, known as Operation Storm, also saw over 200,000 Serbs driven out of Croatia as refugees.

The Veritas center for documentation and information says that in the former Sector South alone 22,000 Serb homes were pillaged, demolished or set on fire. The 1995 assault came despite the fact that the area was under UN protection.

In Belgrade's St. Mark’s Church the dead were remembered in a memorial service, followed by a commemoration for the fallen Serbs in Croatia. President Boris Tadic was in attendance.

Several dozen refugees traveled from Serbia to their hometowns in Croatia, where they too attended services in rebuilt Serbian Orthodox churches. Then they were to place flowers along Petro-vacka Road, along which they fled to become refugees 14 years ago.

In Belgrade on Monday, President Boris Tadic said the return of refugees, prob-lems concerning the return of Serb prop-erty in Croatia, and the exhumation and identification of the victims are the issues that must be resolved as part of improving the overall relations between Serbia and Croatia.

Tadic met with a delegation of the Asso-ciation of Families of the Missing and Killed in Croatia.

The delegation informed him about their problems and expressed dissatisfaction because the exhumation and identifica-tion of the victims of the war in Croatia is proceeding slowly.

According to the delegation's figures, some 2,230 Serbs are still listed as miss-ing in Croatia.

Following the cleansing of Serbs from the Krajina, Croatia declared the date of Operation Storm a national holiday which is celebrated every year in that country.

DAILY PRAYER FOR PEACEWe thank Thee, Master and Lover of mankind, King of the ages and giver of all

good things, for destroying the dividing wall of enmity and granting peace to those who seek thy mercy. We appeal to Thee to awaken the longing for a

peaceful life in all those who are filled with hatred for their neighbors, thinking especially of those at war or preparing for war. Grant peace to

thy servants. Implant in them the fear of Thee and confirm in them love one for another. Extinguish every dispute and banish all temptations to

disagreement. For Thou art our peace and to Thee we ascribe glory: to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto ages

of ages. Amen.

We pray, Lord our God, for all those who suffer from acts of war, especially for the victims and all those in the struggle in

[............................]. We pray for thy peace and thy mercy in the midst of the great suffering that people are now inflicting on each other.

Accept the prayers of thy Church, so that by thy goodness peace may return to all peoples. Hear us and have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Lord our God, remember and have mercy on our brothers and sisters who are involved in every civil conflict. Remove from their midst all hostility,

confusion and hatred. Lead everyone along the path of reconciliation and peace, we pray You, hear us and have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Let all believers turn aside from violence and do what makes for peace. By the strength of thy mighty arm save thy people and thy Holy Church from all evil oppression; hear the supplications of all who call to Thee in sorrow

and affliction, day and night. Merciful God, let their lives not be lost, we pray Thee, hear us and have mercy.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

But grant, O Lord, peace, love and speedy reconciliation to thy people whom Thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood. Make thy presence known to

those who have turned away from Thee and do not seek Thee, so that none of them may be lost, but all may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, so that everyone, in true love and harmony, O long-suffering Lord,

may praise thine all holy Name. Amen.


Karl Malden, 97 years old, passes away in Los AngelesKarl Malden died July 1, 2009 in Los Angeles. An Academy Award-winning American actor, Malden had a career that spanned more than seven decades, fea-turing dozens of classic films and even more television roles.

He was born Mladen Sekulovich in Chi-cago on March 22, 1912, the son of an immigrant mother from the nation that later became Czechoslovakia and a Ser-bian father, who was a milkman. Malden spoke little English until his family moved from their Serbian enclave in Chicago to the steel-mill town of Gary, Indiana, when he was 5.

Malden's father staged Serbian plays at church and in Serbian organizations in Gary. As a teenager, Malden often appeared in them and in plays in high school. He also played high school bas-ketball. After graduating high school in 1931, he spent three years working in a steel mill before deciding to enroll in the Goodman School of Drama at the Art Institute of Chicago.

At the school, he underwent strenuous training to rid himself of the remains of his Slavic accent. After graduating from Goodman in 1937, he worked briefly as a milkman in Gary, then headed for New York with $175 in savings.

In Manhattan, he met Harold Clurman and Elia Kazan of the Group Theater, a legendary repertory company. Kazan, who would play a prominent role in Malden's stage and film career, urged young Mladen Sekulovich to change his name. The actor devised his stage name by taking his maternal grandfather's first name Karl then turning Mladen into Malden.

Malden often found ways to say “Seku-lovich” in films and television shows in which he appeared. For example, as General Omar Bradley in Patton, as his troops slog their way through enemy fire in Sicily, Malden says “Hand me that helmet, Sekulovich” to another soldier. In Dead Ringer, as a police detective in the squad room, Malden tells another

detective: “Seku-lovich, gimme my hat.” In Fear Strikes Out, Malden, playing Jimmy Piersall's father John, introduces Jimmy to a base-ball scout named Sekulovich. In Birdman of Alca-traz, as a prison warden touring the cell block, Malden recites a list of inmates' names, including Sekulovich. Perhaps the most notable usage of his real name was in the TV series The Streets of San Francisco. Malden's character in the pro-gram, Mike Stone, employed a legman (played by Art Metrano) with that name, who did various errands. Also, in On the Waterfront, in which Malden plays the priest, among the names of the officers of Local 374 called out in the courtroom scene is Mladen Sekulovich, Delegate.

In 1938, he married Mona Graham; they remained together until Malden's death, more than 70 years. They had two daughters, Carla and Mila.

Karl Malden and me... an immigrant remembersAlmost 40 years ago, as a college student in former Yugoslavia, every week I was watching what most of the country con-sidered the most exciting TV show of all time: The Streets of San Francisco, star-ring Karl Malden. He made us Serbs feel so proud even if he had changed his real name from Mladen Sekulovic.

Shortly after my arrival in the San Diego, USA, in late 1979, I was happy to find our “golden boy” starring in another TV series called Skag, the story of Pete “Skag” Skagska, a 56-year old foreman in a Pittsburgh steel mill, and his way-ward family. It only lasted for 10 epi-sodes, but to me, a new immigrant, it again made me proud as I identified with the problems the series illustrated with the immigrant life and, of course, because its star was so obviously Serb.

A few years later, we rented one of Karl Malden’s lesser known movies called Twilight Time, the bittersweet tale of out-migration in a small village in Slovenia. Again, the talented star portrayed his eth-nicity with honor and authenticity in this touching story.

In 1997, Karl Malden published his auto-biography, When Do I Start? My wife Marsha had already bought the book for me when she noticed he and his daughter Carla would be in La Jolla at a book sign-ing. So now after so many years of admiring him as an actor, I was able to meet him in person.

With Rade and Jelena Plavsic, we spent at least half an hour chatting with this unbelievable man. I was so surprised he spoke fluent Serbian even though he was born in America. And just like so many of the characters he had played in movies and TV, he was down-to-earth, friendly, and sincere—a real gentleman.

As we were leaving, he put his long arms around all of us together and said: Mi smo svi Srbi (We are all Serbs). What an unforgettable moment. I will truly miss this great American Serb who, in spite of his huge success, never forgot his heri-tage.

Vjecnaja Pamjat!

Misha Jovanovic

Rade & Jelena Plavsic, Karl Malden, Misha Jovanovic, & Carla Malden


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Fr. Bratso encourages you to:

• Send your e-mail address to: frbratso@sbcglobal.net if you would like to be placed on a church information email list so that you get updated announcements of important changes or events during the month between monthly and quarterly mailings.

• Let him know when people are sick so that he can call or visit them if they want him to do so, and add their names to the weekly prayer list.

• Call him at any time; with questions, with concerns, with suggestions. If it’s important to you, it’s important to him!

Our Bookstore has many items on sale! Don’t forget to shop in our church bookstore. We have many items: gold crosses, gold chains, prayer books, books on various topics, tapes, video tapes, DVDs, icons, prayer ropes, etc.

Stewardship PledgesDid you forget to submit your stewardship card or perhaps misplaced it somewhere, or do you sim-ply need some more offering envelopes? Call our church office 619-276-5827 and we will immedi-ately send you a stewardship card/s and enve-lopes.

Thank you, everyone!Fr. Bratso would like to thank all of our stewards, Executive Church Board members, and supporters for the many ways you bring Gospel values into your homes, workplaces, and civic communities. “Well done good and faithful servant…” God bless you all! We appreciate you all!

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THE HOUSEAlong with the first false sun

We got a visit from AgimThe woodman from near Pristina

He brought us two red applesWrapped in a scarf

And the news that he'd finally got a house.

At last you've a roof over your head, Agim

No, no roofThe wind tore it off

You've a door and windows then

No door and no windows eitherThe winter carried them away

You've four walls at least

I've not even got four wallsAll I have is a house like I said

The rest will be easy

—Vasko Popa

Time to visit home