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Copyright © 2015 Success Vantage Group Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Jenny Lewis.

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4

Who Does Coaching? ................................................................................................................. 6

Coaching For Me? ...................................................................................................................... 8

What Does It Mean To Coach? ................................................................................................... 9

The Benefits Of Coaching ......................................................................................................... 12

Coaching Only Works When Benefiting Others ....................................................................... 15

Coaching Requirements ........................................................................................................... 18

Coaching Resources ................................................................................................................. 27

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Hello, again, and welcome back!

After taking notes and starting to develop

business plans from clutter income and

blogging activities, you are probably well

on your way to seeing that there are truly

tangible ways to earn an income. And,

much of this is earned without leaving

your home. But, wait. There’s more!

In the last report, the question was asked

how much knowledge you possessed. You

were given extensive details how you

could use the Internet to create a blogging

enterprise and then monetize that using

your knowledge and the experiences that

have given your life so much value. Now,

you will explore another way to use your

knowledge. You will discover a way that

holds still more financial potential and

personal reward.

This is the realm of the advisor.

An advisor helps other people fulfill,

achieve, overcome, and achieve their


An advisor removes obstacles that stand in

the way using their previous experiences

and knowledge just to make the student’s

task that much easier, better, successful.

This is the realm of the coach!

It may be football (American or

International), or it may be hockey. It may

be baseball, or it may be figure skating.

Each has a coach. A coach is just what you

might think.

A coach is there to believe in you when

you fall, see the success when the sky is

falling, and demand complete perfection

when you seek to complain that you want

to fail and give up.

A coach knows when to step into the gap

and speak up and also to stay out of the

way and allow you to learn by falling.

A coach is your best friend. A coach is by

your side. A coach is your ever, positive


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While coaches don’t need to know best how

to do what you do, they still have to have the

skill sets to prod, provoke, promote. To be a

coach is to be relatively distant from the

person coached. After all, the individual who

is asking for help usually wants some form of


Think of it as teaching someone how to ride a


First, they use training wheels from your

coaching guidance. Then, you hold their

bicycle as they ride along and peddle. Then,

you run with them as they peddle. Then, they

think you are still there with them as they

peddle all by themselves!

©VOGenesis.com 6

Who Does Coaching?

Thirteen dollars was the quoted amount

the emigrants from Europe reportedly had

when starting life in the Ontario

community of Toronto, Canada. The family

lived barely surviving, which is relatively

common for people getting adapted to a

new world. So, as soon as their children

could participate, multiple income

providers were necessary.

T. Harv Eker started to do what he could.

Whether it was tossing newspapers,

scooping ice cream cones or peddling

suntan lotion, he added his limited income

to the family budget.

Relocating to the United States seemed

like a positive option for Eker.

Subsequently he tried to go first to college

for a year and then began a series of dead-

end jobs in a half-dozen cities with hopes

of becoming a "millionaire".

Then, he used his natural savvy marketing

skills to create one of the first fitness

shops in the country, marketing them to a

chain of almost a dozen. Exiting the

business while it was still growing strongly,

Eker sold his ownership of the enterprise

for cash to a Fortune 500 organization and

finally became "a millionaire".

Still, "millionaire" was just a name, and

soon T. Harv Eker was back to his original,

near-penniless condition.

Observing this pattern of life, Harv

decided to find the key to why success

seems to be within everyone’s grasp only

to fall away like a cruel hoax.

With a little study, Harv developed a

couple of basic principles or truisms to

life. Then, he decided, if these principles

hold true, he would market these as a

coaching service to improve the lives of


Eker’s first axiom developed from his own

life’s experiences and was proven by

observing countless numbers of rich

individuals, including himself once he

returned to wealth.

T. Harv Eker’s first truth held that each

person has an inner belief level about the

success that defines what they will accept

or not accept success… sort of like a

personal set-point, which is set by limiting


Remove the limiting beliefs and there

remains nothing that prevents limitless

success other than the boundary of

personal expectation.

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Thus, wealthy people create success because they

expect it; poor people complain they are not

successful because they refuse to expect success.

T. Harv Eker’s second axiom holds that since

individuals create success rather than allow life to

just "happen", people must also take control of their

goals and plans rather than pretend to be a victim of


His third inner law is probably the most well-known,

which has catapulted his success into the realm of

Wall Street - Successful people view life as full of

opportunity whereas poor people see life as nothing

but obstacles.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind became, and

remains, a top seller.

Later, he wrote another popular book, SpeedWealth.

Soon, T. Harv Eker launched coaching seminars to

help people better understand his axioms, his

principles, and his proven concepts.

Peak Potentials Training became his seminar

platform. According to Eker, his financial coaching

seminars have educated as many as 1.5 million

people find their financial freedom.

©VOGenesis.com 8

Coaching For Me?

Oxford University invented the term

"coaching" in 1830 to refer to an

educational act. Coaching was done by a

special tutor who assists a student as they

travel a successful course resulting in

success at examination time.

The concept, then, is that a coach is

someone who journeys alongside to

ensure an individual reaches a successful

outcome, so they achieve what they are

trying to overcome. The introduction of

sports coaching as a unique specialty did

not begin until the 1860’s.

Coaching has included many related

specialties since that time. Each related

specialty provided the structure to the

coaching services. Professions

contributing knowledgeable coaches have

included participants from fields such as

psychological and personal development,

adult education, business, and leadership.

Then, in the late 1980’s and especially

1990’s coaching separated from its related

specialties and became an independent

service. Individuals began to provide

professional coaching services without the

benefit of first serving as an icon in the

related field.

Conversely, the categories of coaching

changed to field broad topics that large

audiences of the public could benefit

rather than small subsets with unique


Today, many colleges and universities

provide programs that teach and certify

coaching students through the

International Coach Federation (ICF). Still,

the coaching industry, globally, remains

largely unregulated because the topic

areas are general in relation to the

professions that are licensed, from which

coaching first got its start.

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What Does It Mean To Coach?

What this means for you is that in the

world of today, coaching is too important

to overlook as an income opportunity.

No matter what your knowledge

background, you have the talent to help

others achieve something with greater

ease simply because you experienced

something and learned an easier way to

do it.

Just as a parent helps a child by coaching

them with life skills or teaches them to

ride a bicycle, you too can help other

people live an easier life… and make a lot

of money in the process!

Consider just a few career options in

coaching today. Career coaching involves

helping people shape careers by

identifying their skill sets, then finding

networks of support and guidance.

Life coaching is vastly different.

Life coaching approaches skills that

enhance personal success in wide circles

of influence. These circles include wealth-

building, relationship and business

priorities, and organization or efficiency

management. Life coaching is often found

linked to psychological and psychiatric


Thus, life coaches usually invest extra time

studying mental health concepts and link

to mental health services since some

individuals may need to be referred for

services outside the scope of life coaching.

Religious coaching has expanded in recent


The first major group, Christian coaching,

has given way to Islamic, Jewish coaching

and others. Each focuses on the special

needs of the spiritual culture, helping the

individual to travel to a successful

outcome of their identified struggle.

Business coaches include executive,

leadership, international etiquette and

time-management subtypes.

This group applies organization or

efficiency management concepts as in life

coaching, but focuses the individual’s

journey through a management and,

often, an entrepreneurial model.

Relationships are often helped by

relationship coaching. Examples include

the family coach, teen parenting coach,

divorce parenting coach, baby coach, and

special needs coach.

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The special needs coach is often specially

educated and includes niche areas such as

Downs Syndrome, Autism, and Attention

Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (discussed


Unlike therapists, these relationship

coaches focus on teaching basic skill sets

for improved interpersonal

communication. These coaches focus the

individual or group on traveling along an

improvement pathway that includes topics

such as non-verbal communication skills

and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP),

which will be covered later.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

(also ADHD) coaching is in the special

needs coaching category. It is for those

persons who desire to serve as

“psychiatrist” and "psychologist"-

extenders helping the many people with

ADHD adapt to their lifestyles. Those with

ADHD do not “turn off” their condition

when they leave the physician or

therapist’s offices.

A non-therapist ADHD coach is needed

between treatment and therapy sessions

to help improve focus and hyperactivity

skill sets. So, an ADHD coach assists with

activities of daily function and behavior

until the individual achieves an internal

mindset to focus. In short, an ADHD coach

is like an occupational therapist

specifically for the large, ADHD market.

Financial coaches such as T. Harv Eker help

the individual travel from a helpless

financial condition to an empowered

position using a new mindset and useful


A common feature of financial coaches is a

debt free plan, savings and income tools,

and important disciplines necessary for

successful financial outcomes. The

responsibility of debt reduction and

ultimate wealth production, however,

rests with the individual. Coaches of

wellness and health are quite popular.

The urban fitness coach is uniquely

popular in certain markets because it

identifies ways to use the city as an

exercise tool rather than be inhibited by it.

These incorporate helping individuals

travel the pathway from weight, fitness,

and diet indiscretion to achieve a lean,

successful outcome.

Measurable milestones to prove positive

results are often used as coaching tools.

Positive reassurances and researched data

to support the coach’s position are

standard features to prod the individual

closer to their chosen goal.

Homework coaches are not the typical

after school tutors that initially come to

your mind.

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This coaching group includes the special subset of language coaches,

which has become a highly profitable market in recent years. The

largest group is the "English as a Second Language" (ESL) coaches

who assist students in-person or online using a variety of formats

and teaching levels.

Globalization has forced individuals to learn at least one other

language, so homework coaches are fast creating niche networks on

the Internet. Some coaches decided to expand their businesses

(such as Openenglish.com) in getting corporate underwriting to

achieve millions of dollars in sales per year.

Sports coaches round the list as the "typical" professional coach.

Most of you will have thought of a sports coach, first, when

considering the options for coaching. Remember, some individuals

need to learn how to play tennis or racquetball and will pay a gifted

person well for lessons. At the same time, maybe you know how to

play unique games that only wealthy individuals can play: crew, polo,

sailing, lacrosse, or even jai alai.

Teaching that lesson to a select market can be your millionaire

advisor goal for sports coaching!

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The Benefits Of Coaching

Now that you are inhaling your first breaths of what it means for you to coach, images of

benefits are beginning to emerge. Yes, the first thoughts may be money. But if you are a true

coach, the thought should be that you have a tool to monetize your knowledge to help many

other individuals live an easier life. Why? You have already experienced something before

them, learned the ropes, discovered the tricks, solved some of the obstacles and converted

them into opportunities for a niche market.

Now, you can simply benefit from your knowledge because you are educating others about

the opportunities you have discovered in your target market. Maybe these opportunities are

already known. Still, the niche market you can deliver the knowledge is ripe. Why? You are

there to deliver the message!

As long as you remember that the message of a coach is to carry your consumers or students

from a point where they cannot grasp the concepts to a point where they have enough

working command of the tools to become independent, you have done your job. Still, it is

best to identify skill sets common to all coaching endeavors.

These skills point to more benefits of coaching since they also give you a chance to exercise

your assets:

To clarify, you first will notice that you already possess experience and probably even

a certification or two that would help individuals reach the target they desire or


Secondly, you have mastered some skill level to assemble this knowledge into a

presentable layout to make it easy for others to identify their solutions and carve out

their answers.

Third, you can walk alongside these individuals using a system of your choosing that

helps them independently maximize their desired possibilities.

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Taking this idea further, you can teach those you coach to become independent thinkers,

using the tools you develop to move beyond your coaching and out on their own. You

understand the value of equipping those you coach to measure progress and employ some

form of self-assessment or series of milestones that illuminates success. Your coaching

method is intended to effect a permanent change that benefits the individual who chooses

your service. Pride in motivational coaching, and seeing the individual appreciate the benefit

provided is your primary reward; payment for services is a secondary benefit.

Obviously, there are other benefits to coaching! By now, you have seen there are many

pathways and business models in coaching, so just take your pick from the one that best

suits your knowledge base and personality! Consider how this will benefit you…

You get to command a higher price than the average consultant. Why? You are now considered the "expert" as you are the coach! With that, you gain prestige in the market niche that you perform your coaching.

As with all unique services or specialty services such as coaching demand custom brands, you get your own label! With your own identity comes a private following. That following includes affiliates who support your work by benefiting through working with you.

Still another benefit of coaching is it comes in all shapes and sizes. Depending on your interest or style, you might consider formatting your business to a large audience as an Internet site using seminars, webinars, and workshops. Rates might range $9 to $450 dollars per individual. Alternately, you might choose to have an elite one-to-five person coaching service and charge a few thousand dollars per individual as the coaching fee.

Then, you can benefit from coaching memberships. You might format your service with a free service that attracts a basic clientele using your online services to build traffic and then a premium, paid service to receive your personal attention. Of course, some coaches have tiered services to limit access to higher-paying individuals. Those with "Silver" memberships receive introductory packages, "Gold" memberships benefit from unique coaching experiences at a higher fee, and "Platinum" memberships receive direct coaching attention for thousands of dollars per individual.

Probably the best benefit of coaching is that you don’t need to be a fully-educated, master’s degree or doctorate in the field you are coaching to be a successful coach! True, having the extra training makes you a more skilled coach. Still, there is a little-known secret to coaching…

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As long as you are several steps ahead of the person you are coaching or solving their

problems, you are an expert in their eyes!

So, you think that you don’t need a special certificate or a master’s or doctorate to receive a

coaching diploma. It’s simply not true! (This will be discussed in more detail later.)

But all the person being coached really needs is a person who is straightforward with them,

honest, and helps make what appears to be a problem with them no longer a problem!

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Coaching Only Works When Benefiting Others

The secret to the money-making method

of coaching is that you must first give

before you can then receive.

It’s the golden rule, simply, placed into an

entrepreneurial model. The first time the

coaching business model moved into

themainstream as an international

phenomenon was when a Californian

named Anthony Mahavorick saw its


Like most people are in the USA or the

world for that matter, Anthony

Mahavorick was broke. He had no money.

Well, he had about $20 dollars, but he was

in debt and owed several people more

than that amount in outstanding invoices!

Anthony Mahavorick had already

experienced a traumatic childhood.

His mother endured several marriages. He

was meanwhile forced to oversee his two

younger siblings when his mother turned

to things like alcohol to soften the pain.

Eventually, his mother asked him to leave

when he was just 17 years old, and so,

without anything but a high school

education, he began custodial work.

Anthony Mahavorick had met positive-

minded people about the time of his

janitorial work such as Jim Rohn, who was

teaching, locally, about self-improvement

skills. He began to question why he was

living life the way he was - constantly in

debt. It was then that Anthony

Mahavorick came to the end of his

financial and career options with just $20.

So, in desperation, he chose to go to an

inexpensive restaurant that served

Mexican cuisine. According to him, he

arrived at a place called El Torito, an “all-

you-can-eat” buffet eatery where he

intended to get an entire winter’s worth of

food for $5. While there, he had his

epiphany. It was triggered by a well-

dressed 8-year-old boy in a suit and tie. He

held the door for his mother, set the chair

for her to sit, and began to treat her for

dinner, showing his mindset that he was

above anything others expected.

With that, Anthony Mahavorick handed

the rest of the cash in his pocket to the

boy, told him he was a "class act" that

must be followed and departed to launch

his life coaching career… penniless. He

was not broke for long. Accordingly, the

next day he received, without notice,

return payment for $1,200 he had loaned


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This experience confirmed his life

coaching mantra that teaching others to

succeed using a mindset of giving rather

than taking was a true moneymaking

opportunity. Working with his new

mentors, Jim Rohn, and others, Anthony

"Tony" Robbins (the change in surname

was to validate the closer relationship he

had to his stepfather than biological

father) searched for a format that did

more than other business models were

doing to promote this theme.

Tony Robbins developed the life coaching

business model from the many existing

coaching services presently available, but

then incorporated features that validated

the model and made it useful to improve

people’s lives across many lifestyles and


Psychiatry and psychology were fast

becoming mainstream at the time, and

Tony Robbins sought to adapt lifestyle

components into his programs.

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), a

tool for using body language to redirect

mindset, became an instant success.

Psychiatrist Milton Erickson, the creator of

the school of thought, had stumbled on

the concept while paralyzed with

childhood polio. Instead of dying from

polio, Erickson used subconscious

reprogramming to create a will to live. All

surgeons support this belief since a

patient must demonstrate a will to live

prior to receiving their pre-surgical


Tony Robbins became fascinated when he

saw many psychologists using NLP as an

adjunctive tool to treat anxieties and

depressions including some childhood

disorders. He saw this as a useful, stand-

alone tool since many of these disorders

first start as symptoms from poorly

adapted life patterns. With that, Tony saw

the chance to align with psychiatrists and

psychologists, identify his niche in peak

performance or “life” coaching, and

service the needs of the hungry


Tony Robbins started to get attention with

his first, half-hour television commercial

or "infomercial" in 1988 called, Personal

Power. He parlayed this into a series of

audiotapes and promoted them with

Martin Sheen, the actor, and Fran

Tarkenton, a currently-popular Hall of

Fame Quarterback from the National

Football League. In only three years,

according to Tony Robbins himself, over

ten million U.S. television viewers had

seen one of his "infomercials".

Seminars were the next exploration, so he

launched the Leadership Academy in 1997.

Ten years later he was giving his now

famous TED talk, which allegedly ranks in

the top ten for all time. Unlimited Power is

his most famous book, but he has also

written Awaken the Giant Within, and

Money: Master the Game.

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Tony Robbins continues to focus his efforts helping other people discover their goals, drive

towards a clear plan and launch winning programs. He has created laboratory examples.

In 1983, Tony Robbins started mentoring an entire class of disadvantaged, Houston, Texas

students through their 18 years of education and saw them graduate successfully into

college. Demonstrating his theme of "giving-to-others-to-receive-more-in-return", he

established the Tony Robbins Foundation, which hosts an international holiday "Basket

Brigade". This project reaches 56 countries annually feeding over three million individuals.

By some reports, Tony Robbins is worth around $440 million dollars.

Corporate executives, international leaders, United States Presidents and even royalty are

known to seek his simplified and straightforward guidance to solve complex issues. It is not

surprising that Tony Robbins has served at the United Nations Research Center for the

International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) NGO as Vice Chairman of Health,

Education, and Science.

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Coaching Requirements

You are probably wondering if you have the personality, let alone the knowledge to be an

effective coach. Some people are undoubtedly better suited for other income opportunities

than coaching. So, what do you first think of when you think of some of the motivational

coaches you have experienced in life?

First, they probably had lots of patience. They also focused on self-confidence as

inspiration and tried to foster that every way possible. Their passion was to help

people; specifically help people overcome what they were first struggling to get past

and move beyond. Most importantly, the coaches you have experienced knew when

to get out of the way to let you become independent.

Second, what your coaches did not have was a tendency to be exacting. In other

words, you most definitely noticed your successful coaching experiences involved

those with an ability to remain "hands off". You never noticed your coach get

bothered by your lapses in progress and cheered you to continue without prodding

you with finite instructions. The details were left to you to discover as you fell and

learned along the way.

Third, you noticed great coaches had a following who wanted to emulate them, but

still they did not have a headstrong self-image. Great coaches, meanwhile, kept a bit

of a distance and did not coddle or pamper you. They waited on the other side for

you to pick yourself up and regroup to discuss what you learned from the experience.

Equipped with these observations, you have a good idea of what you need within yourself to

be a good coach. Still, there are further actions or steps you can do to improve your

coaching posture to your chosen market niche even though certification is not mandatory.

Obviously, this starts by deciding on your market niche. So, how do you choose your market


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A market niche starts by stratifying a few things:

The first layer is your knowledge base or area of interest layer. It may be science, or

medicine, or art, or traveling or architecture. These are the skill sets that you bring to

the coaching table without added training.

The second layer is your coaching pathway that interests you best. You have now

reviewed some of the many coaching "career" pathways. The variety of options

should have elicited one or two that triggered interest as a platform to apply your

knowledge to help others succeed. If not, that is still okay because as you work

through the remainder of the business plan it will become quite evident!

The third layer is the complaint and solution layer. Your client base needs to have a

complaint that they are actively seeking a solution. They may not have the answer

yet! Creating a unique solution to serve a special subgroup in that set of complaining

people is your objective. That is how you establish your niche.

Now, the complaints are better worded in

coaching as obstacles to reaching a

successful destination or outcome.

Alternately, a solution is better worded in

coaching as opportunities that you teach

as a service. The client learns the

principles that release what traps or

prevents them at the level of the obstacle.

Similarly, the client learns the answers

that open the door to achieve their

desired opportunities.

For life coaches like Tony Robbins, it might

be neuro-linguistic programming (NLP),

which is one of his tools he uses to help

teach clients to remove symptoms from

poorly adapted life patterns. But, each

client base must remain a niche.

So, for you, it might be electronics-free

applications of time management tools in

business coaching for the entrepreneur or

executive with a sleep disorder. Or, it

might be a smartphone application

coaching system with premium add-ons

for the ADHD adult to maintain constant

focus through the day, under a variety of

work and non-work settings.

Once you determine your market niche,

proceed to build your business plan.

No coaching business will be successfully

assembled without using a business plan

to help give it structure. Using the layout

of a business plan will ensure you have

accounted for the essential requirements

for a sound operation. Thus far you have

already defined your market niche, a

critical first step.

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Next, establish a mission statement or

goal that satisfies the needs of your target

market. An analysis of your services you

will provide is a good next step. This can

be a work in progress, but it should

contain the rudimentary outline of how

you plan to solve the complaint or need of

your clientele.

Your list of principles you have discovered,

defined, or reasoned through research

should be listed in your services and can

be identified as part of your value or

value-chain. Value or the chain of values is

what makes you truly unique and separate

from the competition. In fact, you can also

list in a competition section what makes

them different.

Now, your business plan should identify

your coaching business model that you

believe is best suited to serve others.

Identification of your coaching business

model defines, readily, the groups of

people who would benefit most from

what you can bring to them. Remember,

you don’t have to be the final authority in

the field you are coaching, just target your

market niche at a level that is a few steps

behind where you have now reached. You

can use what you know to coach them

those few steps forward, which is all they

need to achieve momentum and


It may be obstacles you have overcome

during your travels.

It may be supercharged shortcuts you

discovered by serendipity. It may be

resources that you found were

indispensable to your success when used

in a special way. Format these as

objectives to your coaching business plan.

Then, define your business model rate


Consider the rate per individual you want

to charge as this will affect both your

clientele and your eventual income

potential. Very low rates will attract lots of

bargain-rate individuals who can truly

benefit. But without a business model to

produce in large quantities or to shift

some individuals to higher payment tiers,

the income potential remains capped.

Next, fine-tune the number of individuals

you can coach during a cycle.

You can use payment models to decrease

supply, which makes demand much higher

for those precious coaching slots.

Examples mentioned earlier include

building a seminar, webinar, and

workshop business on an Internet

platform, and structuring a free and paid

membership coaching service. There are

also the models where you create tiered

services such as a "Silver", "Gold", and

"Platinum" level to limit supply and

increase demand. Then you can develop

concierge coaching that caters to single

clients or maybe a select half-dozen

individuals for premium prices to get

hands-on service.

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Like all sound business plans, you want to

shape your business model by where you

want it to be in five and ten years. Then

you have an idea of how you want to lay

out your coaching presentation to the

niche market who will best benefit from

your services. It is plain to see that if you

desire to target a large audience you will

want to use a different strategy than if you

want to capture an elite following.

Your business plan may apply parts of your

blogging business. As an offshoot of your

blogging knowledge base, you launch into

coaching by creating interactive

components to your website. When your

existing, paying readers become

interactive and start learning from you,

you have entered the coaching business.

Examples of interaction include your

webinars, question and answer sessions

from ebooks you have written or sold, and

lessons that extend from your many

downloads. Maybe the interactive

components are the "how to" coaching

sessions that branch off from the blogging

business you started in Report Two.

Prudent and wise coaches convert the

brightest students into advocates. These

disciples are given premium access to your

business. In essence, they are your

personal disciples. They learn everything

about how you do your coaching business

a few steps behind you as you learn it!

How do you benefit from it?

You get free labor since they are interns.

You get free, non-stop Internet

testimonials. These people know the

system because they see it firsthand and

can vouch for your honest, hardworking

efforts! And, it is just a psychological fact

that the market will always believe

another stranger before they will believe

the person who is advertising


Most importantly, these associates can

take the reins of the business for you so

you can move on to bigger things and not

be trapped by one business.

It is the coaching concept applied to your

business since you are using the most

valuable resource in life: teaching people.

You may have already heard the adage -

You can design your coaching business to offer privileged, personal access to your coaching

versus the standard coaching as offered through webinars and recorded downloads.

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These premium priced offerings can create a limited supply, high demand to your coaching

business to layer your market and reinforce that you are an expert to all tiers in your


Examples of personal access can be phone-in consultations for membership only, the first

five or ten paid individuals, and also those who pay before a certain date. You might also

consider using free consultations for those customers willing to pay the high price for your

special recorded coaching series or package.

Once you have your business plan designed, it is time to promote your business.

You will want to set yourself apart as a credible coach in several ways:

First, offer a free webinar of yourself interviewing another top expert. This then links

you to the field as a valid associate in the business.

Another approach is to go to Google search and type your niche topic, add the word

“forums” and then identify the forums you want to enlist to begin answering

questions. Very soon you will become the source of wisdom and person people go to

for answers. With a link to your coaching site added to each answer you submit, it

will not be long before your many questions reap a harvest of followers.

Target your service using the educational tools most beneficially understood by your

clientele. You want to spoon-feed your customers initially. They need to feel

overcoming their obstacles will finally be areality!

If your niche market is artistically inclined, you will need to remain visually focused

and use things like narrated Wacom tablet talks and webinar demonstrations. If your

niche is business coaching with a time management flair, try short-interval, weekly

goal and plan update reviews carefully planned with ending-time warning notices

and closeout on-time. Maybe you have a health coaching business, and your

audience responds best to an uplifting, free spirited online forum, complete with

offers of great recipe ideas, that you host in response to your recorded webinar


Remember to offer some product such as an ebook or ebook-like blog on your

coaching site as a free service to help your visiting clientele. Your niche has come to

you for help. So, you need to demonstrate yourself as the person who is there to help

them. They will pay you when they feel comfortable that you are first there to carry

them to the other side from the trauma of obstacles to the freedom of opportunity!

©VOGenesis.com 23

Coaching Skill Sets

Requirements for coaching clearly do not mandate a certificate. Still, having a certificate

increases a coach’s validity in the eyes of the paying individual. Where the certificate

originates remains unregulated at this point. Reasons for this freedom from regulation stem

from the non-specific task of coach, which is to help the individual travel from a position

where they feel trapped or limited from progress to a seeing potential and independence.

What does certification in coaching offer, other than a certificate?

First, certification benefits you with confidence that you are endowed with a certain

power to launch and do the good work of helping others. Often, that is all that is

needed. In the old, slapstick comedy movie, The Jerk, the actor felt empowered and

capable of doing great things simply because he had his name printed in the

telephone book. There is truth to the power of seeing your name in print, telling you

that you can do what you need to do!

Second, certification offers a clear focus, defining goals. Maybe the steps to success

are too vague for you to assimilate into a viable business plan. Having a more

structured design may be just what you need to create a tangible product. Selecting a

teaching method and defined plan that follows your chosen coaching path, you take

your graduation certificate and move into measurable milestones.

There is an online coaching certification course offering through ExpertRating that is

recognized by many organizations. It offers limited coaching certificates in Health Coaching,

Life Coaching, Business Coaching, and subsets of Business Coaching like Etiquette

(International) Coaching and the Time Management Certification for Business Coaching.

Some colleges and universities such as Vancouver, Canada-based Erickson College offer

certificate programs. They are usually available at foundational, intermediate, and advanced

levels depending on the applicant’s initial educational background that supports the

coaching format desired:

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Foundational or certificate-only level programs are designed for future coaches who

have had no prior education and provide only core materials and critical skills to

equip the graduate with bare essentials for a coaching career.

Intermediate or diploma level programs are designed for those coaches who have

had some coaching education, but want to learn some of the specialty areas of

coaching where more complex techniques are necessary.

Advanced or masters and doctorate level programs are designed for those coaches

who already have a graduate level degree and desire to tie together the core

essentials of coaching to enhance their other specialty education.

Most colleges and universities that grant certificates do so through permission of the

International Coach Federation (ICF), the Association for Coaching (AC), or the European

Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

Each sets standards for course completion and for competencies to work as a certified

coach. Some of the most common competencies recognized as uniquely coaching

requirements are incorporated into four primary groupings:

The first grouping is the foundational competencies. Ethical standards of the

coaching profession are defined and include critical features such as establishing a

defined relationship with the customer that is clearly not therapeutic or treatment

based. Coaching is an educational service that transports individuals from a

disempowered to an empowered condition using their resources. Thus, a clearly

defined limitation to what is, and what is not offered in the coaching agreement is

considered a foundational competency.

The second grouping is the co-creating relationship competencies. As in all business

relationships, a coaching service involves a two-way sharing activity. Expectations are

made in both directions and cannot involve using the other for personal

manipulation. Respect and trust are needed for both parties to maintain a safe and

productive exchange of ideas. Thus, permission is requested to venture into

uncharted territory, boundaries or ground rules are defined in advance and

reclarified throughout the process, and acceptance is given to both parties not

knowing all the answers.

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The third grouping is the effective communication competencies. Active listening,

incisive questioning, and directed communication all fall under this grouping. So, a

coach must re-state what the client is saying to prompt feedback, apply wording that

elicits positive responses, use verbal pictures for illustration, and remain on topic

with reframing and articulation tools.

The fourth grouping is the complex competency for promoting client education.

Taking what the client needs and then opening their minds to possibilities using valid

educational resources is included in this competency. This requires a coach to have a

capacity for identifying the need, separating fact from feelings, avoiding therapeutic

interpretation, and keeping the client focused on major target goals. Educational

tools are used to identify the many linked factors to the identified problem area(s)

which seem to trigger feelings, body sensations, and beliefs.

Client education competencies also

involve prompting the client to exercise

newly learned concepts to discover

opportunities that move the person past

existing obstacles. These educational

activities invariably involve prodding to

engage the individual to move outside the

realm of thought where they are normally

comfortable originally.

With experimentation and eventual

progress, the coach provides measurable

milestones that allow for self-rewards of

success. There remains a level of distance

from the client so they can achieve


The educational coaching competencies

also include ensuring clients understand

and set their goals, establish and launch

their plans, and comprehend what success

is made along their path.

Thus, while it is recognized the client has

the choice of independent thought, the

coach assists with teaching the concepts

of attaining a specific plan with

measurable, dated milestones. As a coach,

this includes identifying and filling the

client with helpful, useful resources such

as ebooks, webinars, a mentoring system,

continuing learning system, and other

learning tools unique to the specialty.

Essential to educational coaching is an

accountability competency.

A core reality to coaching, unlike therapy

or treatment-based interventions, is the

client never enters into a professional,

therapeutic relationship. Wise coaches

provide a mandatory disclosure statement

that clients must accept prior to accepting

payment for coaching services that they

cannot enter into a therapeutic

relationship or psychotherapeutic


©VOGenesis.com 26

Even still, life coaching, relationship

coaching, and ADHD coaching require

advanced mental health education or

documented affiliation with those who do

for a rapid referral.

Accountability includes managing the

clients' progress, identifying what progress

has been completed, and what remains to

be conquered. The coach provides

structure to the developing agreement or

contract made between client and coach.

Where there are departures from the

agreed-on plan, the client is challenged to

develop positive options to work towards

reaching closer to targets. Using an

emphasis on client self-discipline, the

coach focuses on the endpoint

empowering the client to become


The educational competencies will

incorporate whatever useful tools that

make the message understandable to the

marketed listener. It may be presented by

PowerPoint slides, webinars, public or

corporate group speaking gatherings or

coaching in a 1-to-1 setting. This depends

on the target audience and the business

model you have selected.

©VOGenesis.com 27

Coaching Resources

The Coaching and Mentoring Network

(new.coachingnetwork.org.uk) offers a

limitless range of tools to help you get

started as a new coach. Downloads of

industry ethics and standards are available

through their website as are many details

about how to get acclimated to the world

of coaching. Excellence Gateway

(excellencegateway.org.uk) offers their

idea for a pathway into the coaching

industry, but it is only one pathway.

A volunteer coaching network is also

available through the Mentoring &

Befriending Foundation (mandbf.org). This

resource is useful for those who are not

quite sure if coaching is a lifestyle suited

for them. So, volunteering as a coach

allows the opportunity to explore how you

interact with others, deploying your

natural talents. Then, if you notice you

have a comfortable fit, you can proceed to

commercial coaching.

Maybe you are interested in another

volunteering option within the business

coaching services. Another opportunity

devoted to executive coaching exists with

the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The SCORE Association provides specific

advice and resources that enable willing

entrepreneurs to convert their dreams

into real, actionable progress.

Coaching is a networking business.

So, attending conferences and workshops

online are always helpful resources. You

can find these readily by searching the

Association for Coaching site, the

European Mentoring and Coaching

Council (EMCC), and the International

Coaching Federation home site. The

Academy of Executive Coaching also

maintains an activity site for those who

interested in entering that subset of

business coaching.

Now, it is time to take action!