Vogelvrij, your partner in business and individual trainings and coaching programmes

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Information on one of the many leadership and management trainings we do, this one jointly with the American trainer, coach, therapist and writer Anné Linden, founder and director of the New York Training Institute for NLP (NYTI)

Transcript of Vogelvrij, your partner in business and individual trainings and coaching programmes

Do you ever…

… ?f e e l o f f e n d e d

… ?r u n in t o w a lls

… ?f e e l lo s t f o r w o r d s

… ?p a n ic

… ?w a n t t o g iv e u p

… ?lo s e c o n t r o l

…Be lie ve it o r no t

!The re IS a so lut ion

The Boundary Model©



and …

Boundarie s !are e asy t o do

“Through my research and years of study, teaching and work, I have discovered there are three basic skills that anybody can learn.”

Anné LindenFounder and Director New York Training Institute for

NLP Therapist – Writer - Trainer Boundary Model©

,Boundaries the ultimate resource for all problems!

“What I take away from this boundary training is a deeper awareness of boundaries, and how good it is to be in harmony with them. It is great to use boundaries more effectively when you interact with other people.”

Frits KosterRetired Operations Information Support Officer

Coca-Cola EnterprisesParticipant Boundary Training 2008, the Netherlands

You, me, everybody....

We all doBoundaries!

But do you know HOW you do the m?

“Without this training you will learn about boundaries in real life but then you end up learning it the hard way.”

Nelly de KeyeConsultant – Trainer – Coach Feniks Consult

Participant Boundary Training 2008, the Netherlands

“In the last half year I lost three beloved people in my family. So for me it was very helpful to know boundaries, to use boundaries.”

Mireille PeetersTrainer – Coach Humanitas in Corpus

Participant Boundary Training 2008, the Netherlands

...Boundarie s

… t he dist inct ions be twe e n your int e rnal and e xt e rnal


… be twe en yourse lf ando the rs

… and be twe e n diffe re nt cont e xt s

“In my professional life as coach and trainer, it is even necessary to have boundaries.”

Mireille PeetersTrainer – Coach Humanitas in Corpus

Participant Boundary Training 2008, the Netherlands

Are you ready…

to grant yourse lf, your team

… a major eye-opener

to your personal life ,

your business life?

“The Boundary Model© is a unique tool which is applicable not only in your personal life, but in your business life as well. It is the shortest route to obtaining optimal results within the organisation.”

Priscilla van LieropGeneral Manager Vogelvrij Institute

Trainer Boundary Model©

The ke y to :succe ssful re lat ionships

Boundarie s!

!It ´s he re fo r you

Your trainers and coaches

Priscilla van Lierop and Anné Linden

We look forward to meeting you!

specialist in Boundary Model© Trainings

BusinessTrainings and Coaching Programmeson Change Management, Conflict Management Communication and Leadership, Defensibility

within the Netherlands and abroad

For more information please contact us:mail@vogelvrij.com or agnesdobbenberg@vogelvrij.com
