Vof newsletter 32

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Transcript of Vof newsletter 32

  S t r e n g t h e n i n g   t h e   v a l u e   o f   h u m a n   l i f e  

Voice of Fetus, Nepal

We have journeyed for 3 years since the registration of VOF as a NGO in the Government of Nepal in 2010. Every year has been blessing for us. We have been finding out and feeling in God’s direct interest and excitement over every activity run by VOF. It is just like that we have been walking and working with God. There has been no any single moment working with considering our own capacity but always depending on His capacity. So, there have been God’s miraculous provisions every year. God has been using us very mightily to spread and insert the message of Sanctity of Human LIFE in individuals and Churches in Nepal with different creative approaches. God has given us abundant blessing this year also. So, I feel pleasure to present you the issue of the annual report for the national fiscal year 2068-69 (2011-12).

As the General Assembly of VOF had decided to conduct five vision building seminars in the five development regions of Nepal on last 11th September 2011, we started to contact with regional Christian Communities of the targeted areas. Finally, we became able to contact four development regions’ Christian community and conducted seminars there.

We had a plan to train 500 hundred pastors and leaders from the churches of five develop-ment regions directly and distribute trainer bag ‘LIFE BAG’. So, we succeed to train 403 pastors and leaders and to distribute same amount of LIFE BAG to them directly and 75 LIFE BAG indirectly to other pastors and leaders who had missed the seminars due to some emergencies.

Many of the participants were really blessed and touched by the presentations in seminars.

We got many good feedback and comments from the participants. Some of them are noted down here:

One of the reputed pastor shared “As a pastor, I express my regret on my silence regarding abortion”

The Chairperson of Christian women society in Biratnagar shared, “We used to address abortion among the Christian women but not as serious like this. I came to know that abortion is so serious issue”

A Christian Doctor shared: “I performed many abortions as my professional duty, but today I came to know that I am a great sinner, hereby I declare to leave my profession, thank you Voice of Fetus.”

VOF Annual Progress report -2068-69(2011-12)

Volume:32 Newsl e t t e r  Date :6 th  Augus t .   20 1 2  

Caring mothers, saving babies and stopping abortion Raising voice for LIFE

According to our rescue and adoption program we were able rescue some of the mothers and babies this year. Silash was born in 3rd. November, 2011 in Kathmandu Medical Collage Public Ltd. of Sinamangal, Kathmandu. Actually, Silash’s parents were guided by one of the viewer of Pro-life DVD (wonderfully and Uniquely created and therefore choose life) produced by Gabriel International (GI) to VOF office when he was 6 months of gestations. Initially, his parents were of abortion minded, because they already had 4 children and unable to raise another, but after a prolong counseling and encouragement from VOF, his parents changed their mind and decided to give birth with a condition of giving him for adoption. So, there was another couple in VOF’s contact list who were fighting with non-fertility for past 14 years and looking for a baby son to adopt. Obviously, it was God’s provision that Silash was adopted by that couple on last 4th. November, 2011 and named Silash on last 13th. November, 2011. Thanks to be God for His miraculous provision and arrangement to save this precious LIFE.

Besides all these above progresses VOF had many other opportunities to spread and extend the teaching of ‘Sanctity of human life’ on the kind invitations from different church and organizations from Nepal and India.

Biratnagar 64

Birtamod 54

Pokhara 85

Nepalgunj 110

Mahendranagar 90

Total Participants: 403











Name of the places No. of participants LIFE BAGS distributed directly Life Bag distributed indirectly





Biratnagar Birtamod

(Eastern Region)


(Far-western Region)


(Mid-western Region)


(Western Region)

A mother chose parenting and wanted to raise her baby by herself.

Data of direct assistance to mother, family & babies

No. of family & mothers in crisis pregnancy helped by VOF directly 3

No. of rescued babies by VOF 4

No. of beneficiary family facing with non-fertility 3

No. of written application letter received for adoption 7

No. of additional seminars and participants

Seminar in Tistung & Palung on 14-15 September, 2011 138

Seminar in Darbanga and Patna Bihar on 4th October & 19th April 250

Seminar in Bhadrapur, Damak & Rangeli on 6-8th Nov. 2011 128

Awareness stall in Children fair at Jawalakhel 19th Nov. 2011 4000

Seminar in Makwanpur and Jagatpur, Chitwan on 7-8th Jan.2012 250

Seminar in King’s Church, Lalitpur on 21st Feb. 2012 100

Bible school and training centers students 50

Total No. of participants and beneficiaries: 4916

Page 2 Volume:32

For further information: Voice of fetus Nepal GPO:8975 EPC 2194 KTM Nepal. Email: voiceofetus.np@gmail.com

Contact: +977_9841651569

VOF believes in Vision then provision. In order to fulfill its vision it needs your active and practical involvement. VOF

Nepal receives any kinds of grants, personnel, technical, commodity and financial from local churches, NGOs, INGO, Government agencies, donor

agencies and individuals.

Banking Detail: Account No. 00602676670017 Account Holder: Voice of Fetus Nepal. Bank Name & Address: Himalayan Bank Limited, Patan Branch, Lalitpur. Nepal. Swift Code: HIMANPKA

Financial report for the fiscal year of 2068-69 (2011-2012)

Internal income 129606

External income 562839

Total income 692445


Administration 61028

Program supplies 463159

Total expenses 524187

Surplus for the year 168258



VOF gratefully acknowledges those who have prayed and supported our work in supplying funds and

commodity grants. Specially we would like to express our gratitude to Gabriel International (GI) for their

valuable prayer, advices, printing & visual material and financial support. And we also thank the

individual partners & churches who have been helping us monthly and occasionally. And of-course, we

must say thank you to all our prayer partners, VOF Advisory Board, Executive Committee, volunteers and

the supporters involved in this movement directly and indirectly.

Thanks zone:

Special prayer points: ● Please pray for the VOF’s new annual plan & budget be implemented

and provided miraculously. ● Please pray that God might help us to work and walk according to His

perfect will and guidance. ● Please pray the targeted groups that they might prepare themselves to

receive the message of ‘Sanctity of human life’. ● Please pray for the administration part of VOF.
