Vocabulary Review for SPEAK

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Vocabulary Review for SPEAK. Part 1. Inconspicuous. Not noticeable or prominent Some students try and be inconspicuous when using their phone, but what they don’t realize is I can see them when they are trying to use it. Voila. An interjection Voila, I have done it. Wan. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Vocabulary Review for SPEAK



INCONSPICUOUS Not noticeable or prominent Some students try and be inconspicuous

when using their phone, but what they don’t realize is I can see them when they are trying to use it.

VOILA An interjection Voila, I have done it.

WAN showing or suggesting ill health, fatigue,

unhappiness When someone is about to be sick or

pass out they get a wan look on their face, it turns white and ghost-like.

PSEUDO not actually but having the appearance

of; pretended; false or spurious The Marthas were pseudo friends for

Heather because they don’t genuinely care about what’s best for her.

VAGUE Not clearly or explicitly stated or

expressed The directions on how to build the

bookshelf were vague so when they went to put books on it, it fell down.

SIMULTANEOUS Existing, occurring, or operating at the

same time Some students try to talk

simultaneously with the teacher or another student who is talking.

OBSCENE Repulsive, offensive to morality or

decency The construction worker used obscene

language when he hit his thumb with the hammer.

ABSTINENCE Denying self any form of indulgence,

appetite, or craving Many Catholics practice abstinence from

various foods, pastimes, or indulgences as parts of the season of Lent.

SAVANT A person of learning. One with detailed knowledge in a

specialized field. The young man was considered a

savant because he was a mathematical genius at an early age.

THESPIAN Dramatic actor The international Thespian Society is an

honorary organization for high-school and middle-school theatre students.

FASCISM A political philosophy, movement of regime that

exalts nation and often race above the individual. Often stands for a government headed by a

dictatorial leader. Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933, and

quickly established a totalitarian and fascist dictatorship.

PREDATOR One that preys, destroys, or devours. To human predators, you are prey, and

they have no conscience about harming or killing you or others.

INDOCTRINATION Instruct, with doctrines, theories, or

beliefs. Cult leaders often indoctrinate their

followers with beliefs that give the leaders a place of power over them.

MORPHING A special effects process used in film in

which persons or objects seem to change shape of form.

Melinda was morphing into a silent Monk.

POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER An anxiety disorder that occurs in the

aftermath of a traumatic event.


Part 2

MAYHEM Random or deliberate violence or

damage A state of rowdy disorder

DEGRADE To lower in dignity or estimation; bring

into contempt He felt they were degrading him by

making him report to the supervisor.

HARRIED To harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance;

worry He was harried by constant doubts.

BLATHERS Foolish, voluble talk His speech was full of the most amazing


IRONY The use of words to convey a meaning

that is the opposite of its literal meaning The irony of her reply, “How nice!”

when I said I had to work all weekend was said in an ironic tone.

OBLIGATION Something by which a person is bound

or obliged to do certain things As a child under the age of 18 you are

obligated to come to school and do as your parents tell you to when you live under their household.

INTERIM A temporary or provisional

arrangement; makeshift

BATTER To beat persistently or hard; pound

repeatedly Rough roads had battered the car. High winds were battering the coast.


commanding quality, manner, aspect, domineering; imperious.

POTPOURRI A mixture of

flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.

PAPARAZZI A freelance

photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs

The paparazzi surrounded Lindsey Lohan when she wrecked her Mercedes and was falling out of the car because she was impaired.


symbolic, circular designs that represent outer (sun) and inner (shadow) dimensions of a person’s personality

REDEMPTION The act or process of redeeming

REDEEM To buy or pay off

ABYSMAL Extremely or hopelessly bad or severe

DEMURE Characterized by shyness and modestly;


BIGOTED Utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or

opinion that differs from one’s own

ASPHYXIATED To cause to die or lose consciousness by

impairing normal breathing

CONUNDRUM A riddle, the

answer to which involves a pun or play on words

Ex: We are in a pickle

MUSE To think or meditate

in silence, as on some object. Absorbed in though.

After this meeting with the guidance counselor, Michael mused in class about what he wanted to do after graduation.


Part 3

VERMILION A bright red to reddish-orange color Pg. 78

ORIENTED The countries of Asia To familiarize (a person) with new

surroundings or circumstances. Pg. 80

DEMENTED Crazy; insane; mad. Pg. 84

IMBECILE Showing mental feebleness or incapacity; stupid; silly; absurd. Pg. 103

VESPIARY A nest of social wasps. Pg. 104

ASYLUM an inviolable refuge, as formerly for

criminals and debtors; sanctuary Pg. 117 He sought asylum in the church.

VULNERABLE Open to moral attack, criticism,

temptation Pg. 127

GARGOYLE A grotesquely

carved figure of a human or animal.

Pg. 136

MOMENTUM force or speed of movement; impetus,

as of a physical object or course of events

Pg. 150 The car gained momentum going

downhill. Her career lost momentum after two unsuccessful films.

DELINQUENCY Failure in or neglect of duty or obligation Pg. 168

SYMMETRICAL Characterized by or exhibiting

symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts

Pg. 196

SERVITUDE Slavery or bondage of any kind