Vocabulary List Pet

Post on 05-Dec-2015

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vocabulary for preliminary english test

Transcript of Vocabulary List Pet


David: Good morning everyone, Today,in our programme Morning Stars, we have here with us the famous band The Three heroes, which is to say: Alex, David and Jose Ignacio. How are you guys?Jose Ignacio: Hello David, We are very happy to be here with you.Alex: Good morning! We are so glad to be here and to have the chance to answer all the questions that our fans ask by e-mailMelgarejo: Hi everybody! Yes, we wanted to visit your studio but we also looked forward to seeing you, David. David: Thank you my friends, I would like the radio listeners to know that, the three members of this great band and I, used to be classmates. What wonderful years!Ok, let's start with the first question: When did you decide to form the band?Jose Ignacio: Alex and I used to attend guitar lessons and one day, our guitar teacher told us that there was a boy who needed two musicians to play in a festival. That boy was David Melgarejo, who has been singing since he was a kid. As he needed a guitarrist and a keyboard player, our teacher told both of us, because Alex was good at playing the keyboard too. We have been playing together since then, 8 years ago. David: Ok, and, What about the name of the band? Who chose it?Alex: I don't remember who exactly chose it, but we all agreed. One day, after a performance in the celebrations of our town, Cieza, a girl asked us for an autograph and told us: You are my heroes. Later, we laughed and talked about it and we decided to choose that funny name. David: I suppose the girl would feel happy if she knew that...Another question: Do you get along with the others?Melgarejo: Of course we do. However, sometimes, we find it difficult to select the songs for our concerts. When this happens, we ask our manager for advice and there is no problem. David: That is great, because you spend too many hours together and having arguments would be annoying...Now, you fans want to know when you will release your new album. Jose Ignacio: If all goes according to plan, the album will be available in September, before that, we want to go on a Cruise.David: On a cruise? That is fantastic! Are you going together? And Where?Alex: We had better not tell you that, if you don't mind. David: ok, no problem, I understand you do not want to have any problems with paparazzi as you had last summer...Melgarejo: Yes, last year, we couldn't enjoy our holidays because of the photographs that we were taken while we were surfing in California. David: Guys, I would like to ask you fifty more questions but unfortunately, we have run out of time...I hope you enjoy your holidays and of course, I will buy your new album as your fans will do. Jose Ignacio: Thanks so much David, and thanks to our fans, we are here thanks to them and their support. Alex: Yes, I agree with Jose Ignacio, we are happy to receive so much love from our fans and we will try to make them happy by means of our music. Melgarejo: Before saying Good bye, I have a present for our fans: some good news, in October, we are giving a concert in Cieza, our town. We will inform you as soon as we know. David: That is great, I will see you in your concert here in Cieza. But now, let's go out to have lunch together and to remember past times...