
Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Vocab

Definition- The beliefs or values that belong to an individual or group of people.Their view and understanding of the world.

Example- A religious group is an example of ideology because they all have Different views and beliefs than other people’s religion.



Definition- The idea that an individuals rights , needs and beliefs come before the needs of a group or nation

Example- The U.S.A. cares more about the individual citizen than a group of peoplewhen it comes to rights and freedoms.


Definition- The idea that the need, beliefs, and rights go to the majority instead of the minority.

Example- In most countries the majority of the people decides what happens to their country instead of one person.


Definition- The ideology that everyone is treated equally, everyone has the samerights and freedoms.

Example- Canada is an example of Liberalism because our government treatsEverybody the same.


Definition- A person’s personal interests should benefit their life by their own efforts.

Example- Getting a job to increase a person’s income.


Definition- is a struggle between individuals, groups, and nations for land and/or resources.

Example- War is a competition between nations for control over land and the gain of resources.


Definition- To be free from the influence of the government and to be able to make your own decisions. That everyone is treated as equal.

Example- Canada is an example of a free country, we are free to make our own choices and everyone is equal.

Rule of Law

Definition- A rule that belongs to a country that nobody has immunity over and everyone has to obey by even the government, the punishment can very based on the law.

Example- The law that u have to be 18 to drink, you can’t drive over the speed limits are examples of laws.

Private Property

Definition- A piece of land belonging to an individual that he/she can do what ever they want to on their land within the laws of the country.

Example- A house and apartment are examples of private property.

Collective Responsibility

Definition- When individuals are held responsible for other the actions of another individual, or their countries actions.

Example- a lot of people don’t like the Americans because of George Bush’s actions.

Collective Interest

Definition- The interests or actions of a group or nation of people to better themselves.

Example- War was a fought to benefit a country to gain recourses and land. Also schools can be an example because they educate the public to better their nation’s interests.


Definition- Is the process of working or acting together so that both individuals or groupsworking together benefit from the outcome.

Example- A treaty is an example of two nations working together.

Economic Equality

Definition- A state of economics in which a society has equal access to resources such as energy, wealth, and power. Taxing the wealthy more and the poor less.

Example- Progressive taxation, trying to bring the wealthy and the poor to the same level of money.

Collective Norms

Definition- What is considered “normal” in a group or country. A certain way to act, To dress, and the views you should have.

Example- A private school.

Public Property

Definition- A building or place, that is assessable to everyone in a country or nation. The services or inventory of the building are available to everyone. It is normally a government owned building.

Example- A school and a hospital are examples of public properties.


Definition- To believe in imaginary beings and follow their guidance even though there is no proof of their existence.

Example: The Easter bunny , Santa, God, and the tooth fairy are examples of Belief


Definition- The concept of worth or needs of a whole country