VMO Evaluation - Office of Budget and Management · Web viewProject management and organization had...

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Transcript of VMO Evaluation - Office of Budget and Management · Web viewProject management and organization had...


[TIME PERIOD] Project Evaluation






[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

1 Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................................21 General Information.........................................................................................................................................32 Project Description..........................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Project Background...................................................................................................................................42.2 Project Demographics...............................................................................................................................4

2.2.1 Project and Implementation Costs.....................................................................................................42.2.2 Project Schedule................................................................................................................................5

2.3 Benefits Realized.....................................................................................................................................62.3.1 Value Measures Progression..............................................................................................................62.3.2 Strategic and Business Results..........................................................................................................62.3.3 User or Customer Assessment...........................................................................................................72.3.4 Analysis of Project Successes and Challenges..................................................................................7

2.4 Lessons Learned.......................................................................................................................................73 VMO Project Evaluation Criteria....................................................................................................................8

3.1 Project Evaluation Criteria and Delivery Confidence...............................................................................83.2 Definitions of Delivery Confidence..........................................................................................................83.3 Evaluation Criteria Summary....................................................................................................................8

3.3.1 Planning and Oversight Evaluation Criteria......................................................................................93.3.2 Project Management Evaluation Criteria...........................................................................................93.3.3 Training Evaluation Criteria............................................................................................................113.3.4 Operations Oversight Evaluation Criteria.......................................................................................123.3.5 Outcome Achievement Evaluation Criteria.....................................................................................12

4 Project Closure...............................................................................................................................................144.1 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................................144.2 Changes in Project Outcomes from 24 month Evaluation......................................................................14

5 Approval Signoffs..........................................................................................................................................15

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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

1 General Information (6, 24, 48)

The Project Evaluation captures whether a project has achieved its intended purpose. It provides a synopsis of the project closing processes to the Executive level decision makers.

General Project InformationProject Name/Title: Project

ID #:

Sponsoring Organization:


Business Sponsor Contact Information:

Prepared By: Version:

Roles and ResponsibilitiesRole Name Organization Contact Number and EmailBusiness SponsorTechnical Sponsor or Program ManagerProject ManagerProcess OwnerVMOOrganizational Change ManagerImplementation Lead

Key DatesProject Analysis (Approval of Charter)Project Commencement (Approval of Business Case)Go LiveStabilityEnd of Monitoring PeriodEvaluation Submission

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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

2 Project Description

2.1 Project Background (6, 24, 48)

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3 Project Description

3.1 Project Demographic s (6, 24, 48)

SummaryItem Planned DeliveredObjectives




3.2 Project and Implementation Costs (24, 48)

Projected and actual costs for the project are shown below:Budget Analysis

Baseline Budget (at start of project)Revised Budget (at end of project)Total Actual Project Expenditures

[If significant variances occurred, explain here]

Implementation costs are shown below for the agencies that reported having costs associated with the project. This total may increase as agencies are onboarded to report implementation costs.

Agency Direct Implementation Costs


Total Project Costs (Project Costs plus Agency Implementation Costs): XXXXX

3.3 Project Schedule (24, 48)

Projected and actual timelines for the project are shown below:

Schedule AnalysisOriginal Project End DateActual Project End DateTotal Actual Project Expenditures

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[If significant variances occurred, explain here]

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4 Benefits Realized

Benefit Realized

4.1 Value Measures Progression (6, 24, 48)

Value Measures ProgressionMeasure Definition

Implementation Quarter

Baseline for Reporting Agencies

X% Estimate Savings

X% Estimate Savings

Actual Expenditures for Reporting

AgenciesActual Dollar

Savings2013-Q42014-Q12014-Q22014-Q32014-Q42015-Q1Grand Total

Quarterly Enterprise Costs 2012-2014

Note: Figures do not include reduction in cost for bridge lines and assistive devices.

Reported savings is currently X%.

4.2 Strategic and Business Results (24, 48)

[[Provide a brief summary describing the asset and a description of the business processes that the investment supports. Description should include an explanation of how the investment is continuing to meet each Agency mission or strategic goals and how it supports the State’s Strategy.]

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4.3 User or Customer Assessment (24) [Briefly describe the investment's users and the process (e.g., surveys, user group meetings, customer focus groups, etc.) used to assess user or customer satisfaction. Summarize the results of surveys or other user or customer inputs, and usage trends. Is the existing system providing customers the needed functionality and performance? Based on your user or customer inputs, is actual performance consistent with user or customer expectations, or do the current performance goals reflect current user or customer functional or performance requirements? Has the investment exceeded expectations, and the performance measures need to be re-baselined?]

User/Customer Assessment












t Ins



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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

5 VMO Project Evaluation Criteria

5.1 Project Evaluation Criteria and Delivery Confidence Project evaluation criteria comprise verification and validation activities performed independent of the project by the VMO. They examine key elements in project conceptualization, planning, design and delivery that often have significant impact on project outcomes.

This section provides stakeholders with a “snapshot” of the health of the project using the same rating definitions used in the Value Achievement Scorecard and standard evaluation criteria selected from industry practice.

5.2 Definitions of Delivery Confidence The rating definitions, or definitions of delivery confidence are updated through the project lifecycle and reflect the likelihood of a project delivering expected results at a given point in time. When aspects of project performance are rated as amber – red, additional explanation follows.

Rating Description

Green Successful deliver of the project to time, cost and quality appears highly likely and there are no major outstanding issues at that at this stage appear to threaten value delivery significantly.

Amber/Green Successful delivery appears probable; however, constant attention will be needed to ensure risks do not materialize into major issues threatening value delivery.

Amber Successful delivery appears feasible but significant issues already exist, requiring management attention. These appear resolvable at this stage and, if addressed promptly, should not present a project overrun or significant under performance.

Amber/Red Successful delivery of the project is in doubt, with major risks or issues apparent in a number of key areas. Urgent action is needed to ensure these are addressed and whether resolution is feasible.

Red Successful delivery of the project appears to be unachievable. There are major issues on project definition, schedule, budget, quality and/or benefits deliver, which at this stage do not appear to be manageable or resolvable. The project may need re-scoping and/or its overall viability reassessed.

5.3 Evaluation Criteria Summary (6, 24, 48)

Summary  ProcurementProject ManagementTraining Oversight

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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

5.4 Planning and Oversight Evaluation Criteria (6, 24, 48)

TASK ITEM TASK # TASK DESCRIPTIONProcurement PO-1 The procurement strategy supported State project objectives.

PO-2 The solicitation documents adequately informed potential vendors about project objectives, requirements, risks, etc.

PO-3 Contract outcome evaluation criteria are consistent with project objectives and evaluation processes are consistently applied; metrics based and clearly articulated within the solicitation documents.

PO-4 The obligations of the vendor, sub-contractors and external staff (terms, conditions, statement of work, requirements, technical standards, performance standards, development milestones, acceptance criteria, delivery dates, etc.) are clearly defined and include performance metrics that will allow tracking of project performance and progress against criteria set by the State.

PO-5 The final contract for the vendor team states that the vendor will participate in the VMO process, being cooperative for coordination and communication of information.

PO-6 The Cost Benefit Analysis is reasonable and achievable.


5.5 Project Management Evaluation Criteria (6, 24, 48)


PM-1 The project had continuous executive stakeholder buy-in, participation, support and commitment, and open pathways of communication existed among all stakeholders.

PM-2 Executive sponsorship bought-in to all changes which impacted project objectives, cost, or schedule.

Management Assessment

PM-3 Project management and organization had appropriate lines of reporting and responsibility which provided adequate technical and managerial oversight of the project.

PM-4 Project progress, resources, budget, schedules, work flow, and reporting were appropriate.

PM-5 Coordination, communication and management ensured agencies and departments were not working independently of one another and were following the communication plan.

Project Management

PM-6 A Project Management Plan was created and was followed. The project management plans and procedures were communicated, implemented, monitored and complete.

PM-7 The project reporting plan and actual project reports accurately communicated project status using project metrics.

PM-8 Milestones and completion dates were planned, monitored, and met.

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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

TASK ITEM TASK # TASK DESCRIPTIONPM-9 An appropriate project issue tracking mechanism was institutionalized in

the project and documented issues as they arose, enabled communication of issues to proper stakeholders, documented a mitigation strategy as appropriate, and tracked the issue to closure.

PM-10 The system’s planned life-cycle development methodology or methodologies (waterfall, evolutionary spiral, rapid prototyping, incremental, etc.) were appropriate for the system being developed.

Business Process Reengineering

PM-11 The project had appropriate capacity, skill and plans to redesign business systems to achieve improvements in critical measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.

PM-12 The reengineering plan had the strategy, management backing, resources, skills and incentives necessary for effective change.

PM-13 Resistance to change was anticipated and prepared for by using principles of change management at each step (such as excellent communication, participation, incentives) and having the appropriate leadership (executive pressure, vision, and actions) throughout the reengineering process.

Risk Management

PM-14 A Project Risk Management Plan was created and followed. It contained procedures to identify and quantify risks and mitigation plans were developed, communicated, implemented, monitored, and complete.

Change Management

PM-15 A Change Management Plan was created and followed. The change management plans and procedures were communicated, implemented, monitored, and complete; and resistance to change was anticipated and prepared for.

Communication Management

PM-16 A Communication Plan was created and followed. The communication plans and strategies supported communications and work product sharing between all project stakeholders; and were effective, implemented, monitored and complete.

Historical Performance

PM-17 Schedules provide adequate time and resources for planning, development, review, testing and rework.

PM-18 Historical data indicates that the project/department has been able to accurately estimate the time, labor and cost of software development efforts.

State Oversight PM-19 State oversight was provided in the form of periodic status reviews and technical interchanges.

PM-20 The State defined the technical and managerial inputs the subcontractor needed (reviews, approvals, requirements and interface clarifications, etc.) and had the resources to supply them on

PM-21 State staff had the ultimate responsibility for monitoring project cost and schedule.

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5.6 Training Evaluation Criteria (6, 24, 48)

TASK ITEM TASK # TASK DESCRIPTIONUser Training and Documentation

TR-1 The training provided to system users was sufficient and appropriate. Sufficient knowledge transfer for maintenance and operation of the new system.

TR-2 Training for users was instructor-led and hands-on and was directly related to the business process and required job skills.

TR-3 User-friendly training materials and help desk services were easily available to all users.

TR-4 All necessary policy and process and documentation was easily available to users.

TR-5 All training was given on-time and evaluated and monitored for effectiveness, with additional training provided as needed.

Developer Training and Documentation

TR-6 The training provided to developers was appropriate and sufficient for the State’s needs.

TR-7 Developer training was technically adequate, appropriate for the development phase, and available at appropriate times.

TR-8 All necessary policy, process and standards documentation was easily available to developers.

TR-9 All developer training was given on-time and evaluated and monitored for effectiveness, with additional training provided as needed.


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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

5.7 Operations Oversight Evaluation Criteria (6, 24, 48)

TASK ITEM TASK # TASK DESCRIPTIONGovernance OO-1 Project originated through or was studied and recommended by MAC,

LOB or some other enterprise forum 

OO-2 Project is part of IT Transformation or Governor's Initiative

OO-3 Project was approved by IT Investment Planning and Management (or business equivalent)

OO-4 Project was approved by Steering Committee or Tech Board

OO-5 Project was approved by IT Investment Board

OO-6 Project was approved by Controlling Board (>$50,000)

OO-7 Project was purchased on DAS (STS) contract

Customer & User Operational Satisfaction

OO-8 Users were satisfied with the system.

Operational GoalsOO-9 The system had the desired impact on program goals and performance standards.

Operational Documentation

OO-10 Operational plans and processes were appropriate, documented, and followed post-implementation.

Quality Assurance

OO-11 The State had appropriate levels of internal or independent external quality assurance on this project


5.8 Requirements Management Evaluation Criteria (6, 24, 48)

Requirements Management RM-1

An analysis of client, state and federal needs and objectives has been performed to verify that requirements of the system are well understood, well defined, and satisfy federal regulations


All stakeholders have been consulted as to the desired functionality of the system and users were involved in prototyping the user interface (if applicable)

RM-3Stakeholders bought in to all changed which impact project objectives, cost or schedule

RM-4 Performance requirements satisfy user needs


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5.9 Outcome Achievement Evaluation Criteria (24, 48)

TASK ITEM TASK # TASK DESCRIPTIONStrategic Results OA-1 Project achieved its stated strategic results  

OA-2 The end product of the project provides opportunities to anticipate changing customer needs and address those challenges and needs.

OA-3 The investment continues to meet each agency mission or strategic goals as they relate to the state strategic goals.

Business Results OA-4 Project achieved the stated business results

OA-5 Business customers are satisfied with the product and it meets the business need.

Disposition OA-6 A disposition plan is in place to address system end-of-life and transition to a new product.

OA-7 Contingency plan tests for all systems associated with this project or investment have been tested within the last 365 days.

Overall OutcomesOA-8 Project met its goals and performance indicators

OA-9 Project enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.

OA-10 Project enhanced productivity.OA-11 Project resulted in reliable and available product or service

OA-12 Training and system updates include input from usersOA-13 Any variances from expected outcomes have been identified and


OA-14 An annual analysis process is in place to determine new enhancements or modifications.

OA 15 A process is in place to evaluate system performance and user satisfaction.

OA-16 Operational analyses are used to identify methods to improve the system.

Conclusion OA-17 Investment should continue to operate.


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[PROJECT] Project Evaluation

6 Project Closure

6.1 Project Records (6, 24, 48) XXXXXXXX

6.2 Analysis of Success from the IT Perspective (6) XXXXXXXX

6.3 Lessons Learned from the IT Perspective (6) Xxxxx

6.4 Analysis of Success from the Business Perspective (6, 24, 48) XXXXXXXX

6.5 Lessons Learned from the Business Perspective (6, 24, 48) Xxxxx

6.6 Analysis of Project Success from the Stakeholder Perspective (24, 48) XXXXXXXX

6.7 Analysis of Project Challenges and Successes (48) XXXXXXXX

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7 Recommendations (6, 24, 48)


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8 Approval Signoffs (6, 24, 48)


Program Lead

Technical Sponsor, Program Manager, or Project Manager


Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________

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