Viswa Eems Revised

Post on 30-May-2017

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Transcript of Viswa Eems Revised





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1. INTRODUCTION From January 1 2013, IMO has adopted mandatory reduction measures for CO2 emission

for all ships. Apart from the emission reductions it also leads to a significant cost saving for

the shipping industry by energy efficiency. Energy efficiency improvements can give cost

savings of 5 – 15 % and bring down greenhouse gases. In the process a fuel savings is also


Under IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Reg. 22, all ships must have an International Energy

Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) and requires via IMO MEPC 62 (July 2011) a Ship Energy

Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) to be mandatorily implemented by 1st January 2013.

This establishes a mechanism to improve the energy efficiency of a ship in a cost-effective

manner. The SEEMP also provides an approach for shipping companies to manage ship

and fleet efficiency performance over time using the voluntary Energy Efficiency

Operational Indicator (EEOI) as a primary quantitative monitoring tool. The EEOI enables

operators to measure the fuel efficiency of a ship in operation and to gauge the effect of any

changes in operation, e.g. improved voyage planning or more frequent propeller cleaning,

or introduction of technical measures such as waste heat recovery etc.

IMO Circ. 684 section 6.1 recommends that monitoring should be carried out as far as

possible by shore staff in order to avoid unnecessary administrative burdens on ships' staff.

1.1 Brief Description of Viswa Energy Efficiency Management System (EEMS)

Viswalab, recognizing that shore staff is also heavily burdened, has developed this EEMS

Instrument which automatically, consistently and continuously, collects all relevant data

for electronic logging. It gives continuous on-line results saving a lot of time and effort.

While manual entry of data for purpose of calculating EEOI is permitted by IMO, it is

obvious that the numbers will always be suspected particularly by outside agencies. It is

envisaged that EEOI will be used for important considerations with regard to KPI, charter

rates, sale and purchase of ships, monitoring performance by ship staff, monitoring

performance of various energy efficiency technologies etc. It is therefore imperative that

the system of data collection and the computation are fully automated and function

independent of human interference.

There are systems available in the market costing a minimum of $50K and up to $150K. A

basic system which takes care of all important parameters contributing to EEOI should be

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adequate to meet both the IMO regulations and the other commercial and operational


Viswa Lab offers such a system at a sensible cost and with built in provisions to add

features for any additional future requirements. The two other important aspects are the

very brief installation time and the rugged tamper proof instrumentation system. The

system is also designed to be an effective management tool to monitor and improve the

vessel/fleet performance.

The following details are available from the system

1. EEOI trending with a vessel

2. EEOI trending within a fleet

3. Specific Fuel Oil Consumption trending

4. Slip (hull fouling, hull cleaning) trending

5. Trend of Distance Travelled-Fuel Consumed-Speed-Cargo Carried

6. Daily ROB charts So far the marine industry has been used to manual log books form of intermittent data

dependent on watch keeper entering the log books once every 4 hours. This requires a lot

of manual analysis work onboard with shortage of staff. It needs bulky log books being

transferred to the office and extra staff to re-enter data and analyze it on an accuracy of a

few percent basis.

With the Viswa EEMS instrument we introduce to the marine industry an electronic

assistance to gather all the data automatically in a continuous real time manner, without

burdening either the ship’s crew or the office staff and save on the manual dispatch of log

books and storage problems. It also saves on large amounts of data being transmitted

unprocessed to the office, focusing only on the end onboard calculated results.

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1.2 Viswa EEMS Saves time, effort, money and can help make shipboard decisions on

the spot

This data can be analyzed to more accurate decimal levels of a percent according to your

specifications. In addition, it is possible to evaluate these data across a fleet of ships quicker

and more accurately, without the element of human error at every stage of the old manual

process. Comparison with sea trials data with clean hull can be plotted automatically to

define current state of ship’s efficiency.

1.3 Types of EEOI Reports Available

Nine different types of report on EEOI and CO2 Emission can be generated and compared

across a fleet. The reports are:

• EEOI Voyage Basis Report for a Specific Voyage

• EEOI Port to Port Basis Report

• EEOI Rolling Average Report for all Voyage

• EEOI Plot of Individual Voyage against Voyage Number

• EEOI Rolling Average of 6 Voyages

• EEOI Rolling Average across a Fleet

• CO2 Emitted for All Voyage

• CO2 Emitted Tonnes/ Mile for Laden All Voyage

• CO2 Emitted Average Tonnes/Day All Voyage

1.4 Other parameters and trending captured are:

• SFOC (Specific Fuel Oil Consumption)

• ROB (Remaining Oil on Board)

• Vessel Tracking by Latitude & Longitude Position from GPS

• Weather condition

• Total fuel consumed for a specified period/voyage

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1.5 Additional Points

• The trend graphs can be customized as required

• Full range of automated report generation on EEOI

• Monitoring of SFOC of main engine

• Option to add additional sensors and functionality in future

• Data in .csv format can be easily adapted to any other type of data analysis software.

1.6 What is measured?

• Fuel Consumption from the flow meter

• Shaft RPM

• Shaft Torque & Power

• Ship’s speed

• Main engine SFOC

• GPS Position of vessel

• Fuel Quality

• Time and event related to a voyage – the system uses UTC time from GPS time stamp

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2.1 Automatic Data Logging System

The Automatic data logging system runs without any intervention from the user in the

background. It has a failsafe system to continue working in the event of a blackout using

back up battery.

2.2 User Input by Ship Staff to Capture Events Occuring

Events occurring related to a voyage which cannot be captured automatically or where a

specific sensor is not available and improvised by manual input i.e. START/END OF

VOYAGE, FULL AWAY, EOP, draft, cargo quantity, added bunker etc.

The sequence of this program is designed keeping in mind the flow of events that happens

from the start to end of a voyage.










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2.3 The User Interface at the Office for


This is the software installed in the office. Once the ship staff enters phase 2 data the

program generates a daily file after mapping the information with the automatic data

acquisition system. Fuel cons

calculated and assigned for the day and leg of the voyage. This data file is sent to the office

through email attachment by the ship staff. If the ship is connected to the internet this

process can be made automated where after generating the data the program automatically

sends out the data to the office.

Data sent from the ship is downloaded from the email by the software and uploaded into

the database. The database contains data from all sh

the data and displays the information related to a particular ship at a specified time

interval for any of the features mentioned below.

Plots and traces start to end of a voyage by the ship and displays in the worldWorldwide fleet position is displayed dynamically


The User Interface at the Office for Analyzing the Data and Retrieving Trend

This is the software installed in the office. Once the ship staff enters phase 2 data the

program generates a daily file after mapping the information with the automatic data

acquisition system. Fuel consumption, distance travelled, SFOC, speed,

calculated and assigned for the day and leg of the voyage. This data file is sent to the office

through email attachment by the ship staff. If the ship is connected to the internet this

s can be made automated where after generating the data the program automatically

sends out the data to the office.

Data sent from the ship is downloaded from the email by the software and uploaded into

the database. The database contains data from all ships in the fleet. The software

the data and displays the information related to a particular ship at a specified time

interval for any of the features mentioned below.

Plots and traces start to end of a voyage by the ship and displays in the worldWorldwide fleet position is displayed dynamically

Analyzing the Data and Retrieving Trend

This is the software installed in the office. Once the ship staff enters phase 2 data the

program generates a daily file after mapping the information with the automatic data

speed, ship position etc are

calculated and assigned for the day and leg of the voyage. This data file is sent to the office

through email attachment by the ship staff. If the ship is connected to the internet this

s can be made automated where after generating the data the program automatically

Data sent from the ship is downloaded from the email by the software and uploaded into

ips in the fleet. The software accesses

the data and displays the information related to a particular ship at a specified time

Plots and traces start to end of a voyage by the ship and displays in the world map

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2.4 Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC)

Daily SFOC monitoring and trending over time

any drop it alerts the engineer to take corrective action like, cleaning of filters, EGE etc

2.5 Slip (Hull fouling, Hull Cleaning)

Rolling average of slip takes out transient change and can predi

Long term trend would indicate progressive fouling of hull and can help staff to choose

right time to clean the Hull. A threshold value can be set to alert user.


Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC)

Daily SFOC monitoring and trending over time–thermal efficiency of the

any drop it alerts the engineer to take corrective action like, cleaning of filters, EGE etc

Slip (Hull fouling, Hull Cleaning): Daily slip monitoring and trending over time.

Rolling average of slip takes out transient change and can predict long and short term trend

Long term trend would indicate progressive fouling of hull and can help staff to choose

right time to clean the Hull. A threshold value can be set to alert user.

thermal efficiency of the engine. If there is

any drop it alerts the engineer to take corrective action like, cleaning of filters, EGE etc

Daily slip monitoring and trending over time.

ct long and short term trend

Long term trend would indicate progressive fouling of hull and can help staff to choose

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2.6 Graph of Distance travelled

2.7 EEOI as a Management T


Graph of Distance travelled – fuel consumed – speed – cargo carried

as a Management Tool

cargo carried

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2.8 Daily ROB

2.9 Report

Traceable report/charts/plots can be generated from the software automatically using

various filters available.








1317 1318

EEOI individual voyage Bar Chart


Traceable report/charts/plots can be generated from the software automatically using

1318 1318 1319 1319 1320 1320 1321

EEOI individual voyage Bar Chart

Traceable report/charts/plots can be generated from the software automatically using


EEOI individual voyage Bar Chart


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2.10 Sample EEOI Report

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Sensor signals from Bridge are converted and transferred to engine room server using the

local area network of the ship. Signals from sensors within the engine room are directly

connected to the data acquisition unit by screened signal cable. Data is logged every second

and saved every hour in the storage system. This helps to reduce the volume of data. This is

again further processed to generate daily data summary automatically and transmitted

ashore by email attachment. The file size of such attachment is less the 7kb and thus very

minimal transmission cost. Currently the equipment installation, servicing and training is

provided in the port of Singapore. Other ports can be considered on request.

3.1 Hardware System Overview

Viswa EEOI Ship Energy Efficiency Monitoring Hardware is made of stainless steel casing

and contains a real-time controller and backup battery in order to help the system to

operate 24/7 reliably basis even in the case that ship’s power supply is blacked out.

The User only needs to plug in the power cord and turn on the computer after installation,

when every input is already connected. The system will start automatic data logging once

the power supply is on.

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3.2 Power Supply Setup

The system runs with 240V main supply from ship system. In the event of blackout, it is

fitted with an UPS which has a capacity of 7.2AH.

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• Very low electric power consumption – Simple and Reliable

• Real-Time data logging with GPS time stamp

• Simple Failsafe arrangement with UPS and Batteries

• More economical than any other EEMS in the market – best value for money

• Hardly any maintenance required – Additional limited warranty for the second year

• Existing problems of current EEMS on ships have been studied and the Viswa EEMS

has been designed to avoid all such problems

• Fully automated operation – very little user intervention required

• Special materials for corrosion protection and reliable operation


• EEMS Stainless Steel Enclosure with Components : 5 Kg

• Power cable : 1 kg

• UPS: 7 kg

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The power consumption of the system is 250W. Power consumption of the data logging

system alone is around 0.5AH. In the event of blackout, the UPS supplies power only to the

data logging system which can run on UPS for approximately 15 hours.

7. WARRANTY (1 + 1 YEAR)

Viswa EEMS offers full warranty for the first year and a limited warranty for the second

year, which covers the components supplied by Viswa EEMS. Warranty on bought out

components is as per respective manufacturer’s warranties.


Viswa EEMS will provide operator training including safety instructions prior to start up

and commissioning. Viswa EEMS offers a full service package for continued monitoring and

service of EEMS.

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Scope of supply is given in the following table. Viswa EEMS will work with the customer to

get all aspects of the EEMS installation completed satisfactorily.


Items and Descriptions ViswaLAB Customer optional

1 Stainless Steel Enclosure Box �

2 UPS Power Supply �

3 7.2 AH Backup Battery �

4 Real-Time Controller �

5 Voltage measurement Module �

6 Current Measurement Module �

7 Internet Switch �

8 Intel NUC Computer �

9 15.6 LED Monitor �

10 Mouse and Keyboard �

11 Serial to Ethernet Converter �

12 Male Power Plug(16A-6h-220-250V ) �

Software Program

1 Phase 1 (Real-Time Data logging) �

2 Phase 2 (Ship Operator Data Processing) �

3 Phase 3 (Officer Ship monitoring) �


1 User Guide Manual Instructions �

2 Hardware Installation Manual Instruction �

3 Software Installation Manual Instruction �


1 Hardware commissioning �

2 Software Commissioning �

3 Technical Consultant �

4 Technology Transfer �

5 1 Year warranty �

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Item Description Unit Cost (USD)


Manufacturing, Commissioning, Installation of Software & Hardware on-board, Testing and Training the Crew and office staffs based on service provided in Singapore. (The calculation procedure is as per MEPC.1/Circ.684 requirement).


The above price is based on the assumption that the ship is filled with and/or would


1. Flow meter (capable of digital output with suitable terminal)

2. Power meter (capable of digital output with suitable terminal)

3. GPS terminal with suitable output

4. Local Area Network (LAN) onboard the ship for transmitting signals from bridge to ECR.

For items 1 and 2, cabling are done from the sensor to the ECR. Cable specification can be

made available upon request.

If the ship is not fitted with LAN, it may be necessary to lay cable from bridge to ECR to

transmit GPS signal to the system.