Visual Resume - English

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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My visual resume. A bunch slide about who I am, what I like and what I want to do.

Transcript of Visual Resume - English

Alessio Cifani

Visual Resume

I’ve done my first check-in in 1983

I found this in my home at when I was 4…

… and I’m a tech and game enthusiast since then.

I’m a physicist…

My education

… and I’ve studied as a social media and web community manager.

I’ve been a salesman…

… a journalist…

My work experience

… a computer technician…

… and a teacher.

My skills

Problem solving, as a scientist

Thinking out of the box, as a gamer

Expertise: deep knowledge of

social networks

Multitasking: doing a lot of things at the same time and doing them right

Gamification: using game mechanics in non-gaming

contexts inducing audience engagement

I like studying, reading news, I’m always up-to-date

What I like




Going around the world

What I want to do

The social media manager

Why me?

I know a lot of things, I’m always ready to

learn what I don’t know

I always finish what I start

I might be stubborn but I always try and do my best, even when things seem bigger than me

I’m passionate about what I do

An inspiring quote!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”

Albert Einstein

Google my name

you’ll find me on

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