Visual inventory

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Transcript of Visual inventory


Prepared by: Pankaj Chhabra April 7, 2014

ConceptA good design begins with a good concept. It’s the underlying logic, thinking, and reasoning for how you’ll design a website. A good concept can create a solid construct that tie the site together in a really good way. Here are the few concepts that make them a very good site. Nadal is a professional Tennis player. The concept of Nadal’s site is very simple yet attractive. Fan’s can look for the achievements of Rafa since he stepped down the court for the first time. The upcoming matches of Rafa and latest news and updates about Nadal’s ongoing matches. , To better display what they offer for I.T people who want to store their content online and share it simply and safely over the net. Its easy for the individual to look for the kind of backups he is looking for weather for himself, or for a business or for an enterprise and the pricing for the plans, which make it a little search for the user.

A very useful feature for the new users, how to sign-up and make you data share simply. use white mostly on every page so as to highlight its products more. The concept of the website is very strong and simple.

With every product you can find its accessories which is a very helpful features for the users.

New products are highlighted more so as to make it more visible and attractive


Colors plays an important role in a website. There’s more to websites than just images and text. We smile, gesture, laugh, and become nervous. It’s these little nuances that help us communicate. A website does exactly the same thing. The difference is: a website does it with color. Colors themselves contain a cornucopia of meaning. They can make us happy, sad, angry, comfortable, nervous, and even trusting. While it seems simple enough to choose a graphic and then design a site around that graphic, you may unintentionally be presenting a derogatory impression. The colors may contradict the content in unintended ways.

Hyundai’s site uses dark colors like red and black to attract the customers eyes and make their product look felt more strong.

The color contrast attract the user more towards the site. Kind of color which make you feel adventurous.


Does you website create any interest for the user. The use of colors are bright or dull or is the website a big chaos . So the tone of a website is a very important part to keep in mind while creating a website., site is full of beautiful font selection and colors that makes you explore the site more. , the use of illustrations , eye catching colors and text makes the pet owners search more features for their pets., site with a different choice of background from the other sites, hand drawn blue prints of the concepts make it interesting to look inside and search for the different projects done by them.