Visiting the Grand Canyon during Winter

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Visiting the Grand Canyon during Winter

Visiting the Grand Canyon during Winter

Winter is a great time for family bonding – sitting cuddled up on the couch together sipping

hot chocolate, or making snowmen in the front yard. While all of this is amazing, have you

ever considered taking a Grand Canyon Tour in the wintertime?

Why visit the Grand Canyon during winter?

Even though summer is peak season, throughout the colder months you will be able to enjoy

a massive discount on accommodation prices – along with being able to see more without

having to put up with large crowds. You will be able to drive up to viewpoints with ease and

without having to wait for parking – and you won’t feel the need to cut your viewing short in

order to give other visitors a turn to savour the sights.1

In short, if you are in the mood for a more peaceful, relaxing tour, a winter tour is definitely

your best bet.

What is there to do?

Even though the temperatures are cool, there is still plenty to see and do when you visit the

Grand Canyon during winter. In fact, you can do everything that you would be able to do

during the summer, just as long as you make sure that you dress for the occasion. If braving

the cold is not really your thing, why not consider Grand Canyon helicopter tours? You will

get to see the marvellous views from the air, all the while feeling snug and warm surrounded

by your loved ones. Plus, the canyon is truly breath-taking when dappled in snow. It is

definitely a sight not to be missed!

What should I pack?

If you are visiting the Canyon between the months of December and February, it is important

to focus on the clothing that you pack – especially if you have young children or elderly

relatives traveling with you. You will need long sleeve shirts, thermal pants, polar fleece

sweaters, waterproof jackets, woollen hats, waterproof hiking boots, and warm socks (you

might want to wear more than one pair for added warmth during really cold days), scarves,

warm gloves, (preferably waterproof) and sun glasses/snow goggles. Additionally, you will

require a waterproof backpack if you are planning on walking the rim trails.

What temperatures can I expect?

In winter, temperatures vary quite drastically. You can expect anything from the mid-forties

to the high teens.

What else do I need to know?

Below are a few important points to be aware of before traveling to the Grand Canyon:

● It is unlikely that your mobile phone will work the entire time that you are there.

Regardless of the provider that you are registered with, it is probable that you will

experience at least some inconsistencies.

● If you plan to hike while visiting the Grand Canyon, it is wise to get in shape before

you leave for your trip.

● Book in advance. Regardless of whether you are visiting the Grand Canyon in winter

or in summer, it is important to secure your accommodation well in advance in order

to avoid disappointment.

● Consider taking Grand Canyon tours from Las Vegas. This way, you will be able to

enjoy the best of both worlds during your trip. An exciting atmosphere in Las Vegas,

followed by a quiet and relaxing experience when visiting the Canyon makes for a

vacation well spent.