Visit to toledo

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Visit to toledo

Some history We are going to visit one of the most important and interesting cities of Spain.

Toledo was inhabited since prehistoric times, but it was Marcus Fulvius who

gave to this place the name of Toletum in 190 B.C.

When the Visigoths settled in the Iberian Peninsula Toledo became the capital

city of the Visigothic kingdom. Here the king Reccared and all the Visigoths

converted to Catholicism (589 a.D.). Also many religious councils were held

here. As a result of this Toledo became at the same time the political capital

and the religious capital.

The Muslims conquered the Iberian Peninsula in 711, and the city of Toledo

was conquered in 712. It became a very important city during the Emirate and

the Caliphate. In 1031, when the caliphate disappeared, Toledo became one of

the most important Taifa Kingdoms.

During the “Reconquista” this Taifa kingdom had to pay many parias to the

Christian Kings. Alfonso VI, king of Castile and Leon, conquered the city in

1085 but respecting the customs of the Muslims.

The Almoravids who came from the North of Africa entered in the Iberian

Peninsula and defeated the Christians, getting back Toledo.

In 1162 the Christians conquered the city again and from now on it will

always be controlled by the Christian Kings.

Toledo will become an Imperial city when Charles I was crowned emperor of

the Holy Roman Empire in 1519.

Nowadays is the capital of Castilla-La Mancha and the “episcopal see” (sede

episcopal), where the bishop (Obispo) has his main office.

Visit to Toledo. Name: _______________

Individual Task

Listen carefully to the explanations of the teacher and answer

correctly to the following questions. (Full sentences).

In what historical period was Toledo first inhabited?


What three cultures lived together in Toledo during

Middle Ages? What were their holy books?



What is the name that we use for the Christians who lived under

the Muslims rule and who were a religious minority?


After “La Reconquista” what is the name that we use for the

Muslims who lived under the Christians rule and who were a

religious minority?


Work in groups.

For this task use a clean sheet of paper and write down

the names of all the students.

Now, in groups of 4 write down the names of all the

buildings that we have seen and some characteristics

(date or century, king that ordered the construction,

artistic style, types of arches, naves…).

What is the building that has impressed you the most?

Say why and write a brief description of the building

(3 or 4 lines).

What were the main jobs of these Muslims?


What is the artistic style that belongs to the

following periods?

a. Muslim Period: ________________________________

b. Christian Period (3 styles): _______________________
