Vishwakarma Yojana Report Electrical

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  • 8/17/2019 Vishwakarma Yojana Report Electrical



    Gujarat Technological University

    Ahmedabad Gujarat

    Project Report of

     Vishwakarma Yojana: An approach towards Rurbanization

    (Phase III) 

    Village Santej District Gandhinagar

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    “Vishwakarma Yojana: Phase-III

    An Approach towards Rurbanization


    Santej Village, Gandhinagar District, Gujarat


    Prepared by


    Pratik B Jogi 120170109026

    Nodal Officer:

    Prof. K. B. Rathod,

    Electrical Department,Vishwakarma Government Engineering College

    Chandkheda, Ahmedabad-382424



    Chandkheda, Ahmedabad–



     Vishwakarma Government Engineering


    Chandkheda, Ahmedabad–



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    List of Content Page No.

    Cover Page1

    Certificate 4

    Acknowledgement 5

    Abstract 6

    Index 7

    List of Figures 9

    List of Tables 9

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    This is to certify that the project work entitled “Vishwakarma Yojana

    Phase III (Village –  Santej)” is the work done by

    Pratik Bipinbhai Jogi (120170109026)

    Under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of

    Engineeringin Electrical Engineering, of Gujarat Technological University,

    Chandkheda, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2015-16.

     _______________ ____________

    Prof. S. P. SAPRE Prof. K.B.Rathod

    (Head of Department) (Project Guide)

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    I am highly indented to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad for providing us such

    opportunity to work under Vishwakarma Yojana to get real work experience and applying

    our technical knowledge in the development of Villages.

    I wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to Dr.  Akshai Agrawal, Hon‟ble Vice

    Chancellor, Gujarat Technological University-Ahmedabad, for his encouragement and

    support during project work. I express our sincere thanks to all the members of Department

    of Technical Education for appreciating and acknowledging our work. Especially thanks to

    Registrar, Gujarat Technological University and team of Gujarat Technological University

    for their unconditional support during the project work.

    I express our sincere thanks to DDO, TDO, Sarpanch and staff members of Santej village

    for providing us with requisite data whenever I approached them.Especially our thanks are

    to all villagers and stake holders for their support during Survey.

     An act of gratitude is expressed to our guide Prof. K.B.Rathod, Nodal Officer ,

    Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda  for their invaluable

    guidance, constant inspirationand his actively involvement in my dissertation work. I

    therefore, take thisopportunity for expressing our deep gratitude and sincere thanks to them

    withoutwhose help and cooperation, it might not been possible for us to produce this project

    work in the present form.

    Pratik B Jogi

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    Today world is growing rapidly and the living standards of society are improving due to

    development in each and every field. Due to evolution of new technologies, world

    has become small. Gandhinagar is among one of the developed cities of Gujarat.

    Santej is one of the villages of Gandginagar district. It is essential that development must

    be indicated at village level for growth of the state and nation.The preliminary survey

    was carried out and data has been collected to assure the problem of the village. It is

    observed that the village is facing the problem and basic amenities like street light, energy

    efficient equipment product along with lake of important facility like solid waste disposal and

    drainage facility.The efforts are made to suggest the remedies to tackle the problem and

    household solution at preliminary level. It is also intended to carry out detailed survey for

    the betterment of the village at large scale.

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    Sr. No. Chapter Page No.

    1 Introduction  91.1 Introduction of Chapter

    1.2 Study justification

    1.3 Study Area

    1.4 Objectives of the study

    1.5 Scope of the Study

    1.6 Methodology

    2 Literature Review 122.1 Electricity in village

    2.2 Government Norms (Rules & Regulations)

    2.3 Issues identification

    2.4 Approach So Far

    3 Study Area Profile 17

    3.1 Study Area Location

    3.2 Physical & Demographical Growth

    3.3 Brief history

    3.4 Economic profile

    3.5 Social scenario

    3.6 Electricity infrastructure network

    3.6.1. Available sources in village

    (For house, irrigation, industry or other)

    4 Planning Proposal 21

    4.1 Design Selections

    4.2 Design Proposals

    4.2.1 Primary Energy Audit

    4.2.2 Sustainable/ Renewable Energy source


    5 Recommendation & Suggestions 31

    6 Conclusion 32

    7 Annexure 33

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    7.1 Survey Form

    7.2 Base map of Village with respect to electricity


    7.3 Photographs

    List of Figures

    List of Tables 

    Sr. No. Details Page No.

    1 Methodology 11

    2 Village Map 1 17

    3 Village Map 2 17

    4 Population 18

    5 Energy Consumption Graph 25

    6 Electricity Bill Graph 25

    7 Solar Roof Top System 31

    Sr. No. Details Page No.

    1 Population 18

    2 Billing Details 25

    3 End User Profile 26

    4 ENCON 26

    5 Power Consumption Detail in Panchayat 28

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    1.1 Introduction of Chapter

     Around 70% of the State's population is living in rural areas. People inrural areas

    should have the same quality of life as is enjoyed by people living insub urban and

    urban areas. On account of poverty, unemployment, poor andinadequate

    infrastructural facility has caused migration of the rural people to urban.Hence,

    created slum in these region consequently social and economic tensionhas resulted

    in urban areas. Hence, rural Development which is concerned with economic growth

    and social justice, improvement in the living standard of the rural people by providing

    adequate and quality social services and minimum basic needs becomes essential.

    The present strategy of rural development mainly focuses on provision of basic

    amenities and infrastructure facilities through innovative program of wageand self-

    employment. For economic improvement of local people the above goals will be

    achieved by various program being implemented creating partnership with

    communities, non-governmental organizations, community based organizations,


    The Government's policy and program have laid emphasis on poverty,generation of

    employment and income opportunities and provision of infrastructureand basic

    facilities to meet the needs of rural poor.

     As a measure to strengthen the grass root level democracy, the Government is

    constantly endeavouring to employ Panchayat Raj Institutions interms of functions,

    powers and finance.

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    1.2 Study justification

    The basic need of rural development program is to alleviate poverty and unemployment through

      Creation of basic social and economic infrastructure

      Provision of training to rural unemployed youth

      Providing employment to marginal Farmers/Labourers.

    By this Vishwakarma Yojana project, government want technical solution of the problem of

    villages at the engineering point of view. In this project, the common problem of village are solved

    by the engineering students.

    1.3 Study Area

      Renewable Energy Source Planning

      Primary Energy Audit 

      Energy Efficient Technology 

      Design of small solar power plant 

    1.4 Objectives of the study

    Rural development aims at improving rural people‟s livelihoods in an equitable and sustainable

    manner, both socially and environmentally, through better access to assets (natural, physical,

    human, technological and social capital), and services, and control over productive capital (in its

    financial or economic and political forms) that enable them to improve their livelihoods on a

    sustainable and equitable basis.

    Main objectives are,

      To suggest the suitable technical solution of problem.

      To suggest improvement of basic facility like solid waste management, drainage

    facility etc. and amenities like street light, solar roof top plant.

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    1.5 Scope of the Study

      The study may lead to improvise the scope of region in various front.

      Improve living standard of rural people by helping them develop their skill and subsequently by

    assisting them in implementing income generating activities in close coordination and

    cooperation with national and international organizations. 

      Improve the physical infrastructural facilities, social infrastructural facilities such

    as public latrine blocks and garden.

      There is also no availability of non-conventional sources. The village is not so

    developed at now and it is the main village of this Taluka, so it requires

    development as soon as possible.

    1.6 Methodology

    Figure 1









    Recommendation Conclusion


    EmenitiesGap Analysis

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    2 Literature Survey

    2.1 Electricity in village

    Rural electrification is the process of bringing electrical power to rural and remote

    areas. Electricity is used not only for lighting and household purposes, but it also

    allows for mechanization of many farming operations, such as threshing, milking,

    and hoisting grain for storage. In areas facing labour shortages, this allows for

    greater productivity at reduced cost

    In December 2011, over 300 million Indian citizens had no access to frequentelectricity. Over one third of India's rural population lacked electricity, as did 6% of

    the urban population. Of those who did have access to electricity in India, the supply

    was intermittent and unreliable. States such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, etc.

    provide continuous power supply.

    India's Ministry of Power launched Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana

    (DDUGJY) as one of its flagship programme in July 2015 with the objective of

    providing round the clock power to the rural areas. It focuses on reforms in rural

    power sector by separation of feeder lines (rural households & agricultural) and

    strengthening of transmission and distribution infrastructure. The earlier scheme for

    rural electrification viz. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) has

    been subsumed in the new scheme as its rural electrification component.

    In Gujarat most of the village get 24/7 electricity supply. But, use of renewable

    energy sources is very less.

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    2.2 Government Norms (Rules & Regulations)

      The activities to be supported should lead to promotion of sustainable infrastructure

    development in rural and agriculture & allied sector.

      The activities should include a component for documentation of experience during


      Special thrust to North-East Regions including Sikkim, Eastern Region and Hilly

    Himalayan States of Uttarkhand, Himachal Pradesh and J & K, for creation of

    experimental/ promotional infrastructure as also for supporting all other activities.

      The experimental projects/activities to be supported should be prototypes of

    innovative/ experimental/demonstrative nature. Infrastructure assets created should

    result in improvement or generate demand for other infrastructures of higher order.

      Under Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, electricity distribution infrastructure

    is envisaged to establish Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with at least

    a 33/11KV sub-station, Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with at least a

    Distribution Transformer in a village or hamlet, and standalone grids with generation

    where grid supply is not feasible.

      This infrastructure would cater to the requirements of agriculture and other activities

    in rural areas including irrigation pump sets, small and medium industries, khadi and

    village industries, cold chains, healthcare and education and IT. This would facilitate

    overall rural development, employment generation and poverty alleviation.

      Subsidy towards capital expenditure to the tune of 90% will be provided, through

    Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC), which is a nodal agency for

    implementation of the scheme. Electrification of un-electrified Below Poverty Line

    (BPL) households will be financed with 100% capital subsidy @ Rs.1500/- per

    connection in all rural habitations.

      The Management of Rural Distribution is mandated through franchisees. The

    services of Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSU) are available to the States

    for assisting them in the execution of Rural Electrification projects.

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    2.3 Issues identification

      Availability of street lightning in village or rural area

      Availability of regulated power

      Requirement of electricity for farmers for pumping purpose

      Unawareness of villagers in saving electricity

      Incomplete coverage

      Faulty definition/ incomplete data

      Less enthusiastic approach by NGO‟S 

      Lack of improvement in technology

      No use of renewable energy resources

    2.4 Approach So Far

      Kutir Jyoti Program (KJP)

    KJP was initiated in 1988-89 to provide single point light connection (60 w) to all

    Below Poverty Line (BPL) households in the country. KJP provides 100% grant for

    one time cost of internal wiring and service connection charges and builds in a

    proviso for 100% metering for release of grants. Nearly 5.1 million households have

    been covered under the scheme to date. The scheme was merged into the

     Accelerated Electrification of One Lakh Villages and One Crore Households in

    May2004 and now into the RGGVY.

       Accelerated Rural Electrification Program (AREP)

    The AREP operational since 2002, provides an interest subsidy of 4% to states for

    rural electrification (RE) programs. The AREP covers electrification of un-electrified

    villages and household electrification and has an approved outlay of Rs.560 crore

    under the 10 the Plan. The interest subsidy is available to state governments and

    electricity utilities on loans availed from approved financial institutions like the REC

    (Rural Electrification Corporation), PFC (Power Finance Corporation) under the

    Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF).

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      Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna (PMGY)

    The PMGY launched in 2000-2001 provided additional financial assistance for

    minimum services by the central government to all states on a 90% loan and 10%grant basis. These included rural health, education, drinking water and rural

    electrification. The PMGY with an outlay of about Rs.1600 crores during the 10th

    Plan period was being coordinated and monitored by the Rural Development

    Division of the Planning Commission. Under PMGY states had the flexibility to

    decide on the interreallocation of funds amongst the 6 basic services. Thus states

    could enhance allocations to expedite the pace of rural electrification.

      Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana

    It is earlier known as Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana. Government of

    India, in April 2005, launched the scheme Rajiv Gandhi Grameen vidyutikaran

    Yojana Scheme of Rural Electricity Infrastructure and Household Electrification for

    electrification of un-electrified villages and providing access to electricity to all rural

    households in the country, including electrification of un-electrified habitat popu lation

    of above 100, providing free electricity connections to BPL households. 

      The Remote Village Electrification (RVE) Program

    Since 2005, the RVE program of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energies

    (MNRE) has been supplementing the efforts of the Ministry of Power (MoP) through

    complementary measures for the provision of basic lighting/electricity facilities

    through renewable energysources. The Remote Village Electrification program

    (RVE) is responsible for electrifying un-electrified remote census villages and remote

    un-electrified hamlets of electrified census villages where grid connection is either

    not feasible or not economical (because they are located in forests, hills, deserts or

    islands) and where DDG projects are not implemented by the RGGVY of the Ministry

    of power.

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      The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)

    The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was launched on 23 November 2009

    in a statement to Parliament by the Union Minister for New and Renewable Energies.

    This mission is part of the 2008 Indian National Action Plan on Climate Change(NAPCC) which seeks to reduce India‟s future reliance on non-renewable energy

    sources. The National Solar Mission is a major initiative of the Government of India

    and State Governments to promote ecologically sustainable growth while addressing

    India‟s energy security challenge. It will also constitute a major contribution by India

    to the global effort to meet the challenges of climate change.

       Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)

    The purpose of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) is

    to (i) ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water

    and a sewerage connection; (ii) increase the amenity value of cities by developing

    greenery and well maintained open spaces (parks); and (iii) reduce pollution by

    switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non-motorized transport

    (e.g. walking and cycling). You can find detailed information about the Mission‟s

    objectives, planning, funding, etc.

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    3 Study Area Profile 

    3.1 Study Area Location

    Santej is 30 km away from Ahmedabad city. Kalol is the nearest town which is 18 km farfrom village.

    Figure 2 

    Figure 3

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    3.2 Physical & Demographical Growth

      Its population is 7493 according to 2011 census.

      Total area of village is 2108.02 hector.

      Approximately 800 hector is the residential area.

      Village has 2 school and 1 PHC.

      Agriculture is the main occupation. Apart from this industries also provides

    handsome share in village economy.

    Table 1

    Figure 4

    Sr. No. Census Population Male Female House Hold

    1 2011 7493 3974 3519 1683

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    3.3 Brief history

      Santej is 30 km away from Ahmedabad city. Kalol is the nearest town which is 18 km

    far from village. It is one of the villages of the Kalol Taluka. 

      Santej is known Santej Tiles. It is main attraction of the village.

      Santej has one old God Mahadeva‟s temple. 

      Near to Santej Village, thre is a Hare Krishna Temple. Feom this temple, Akshya

    Patra provides “Madhyahan Bhojan” to Govt School students. 

    3.4 Economic profile

      Main business of village is agriculture. Santej has a market also. Several people of

    village run shops and other basic necessary business for daily life like grocery

    shops, garage, saloon electrical repairing etc.

      Transportation and food business run successfully and give employment to the many


    3.5 Social Scenario

      All the villagers lives with unity. Most of the villagers are from middle class.

      It has 2 school. It has only one primary health centre. It has 9 working „Aaganwadi‟.

      It has poor drainage system. Cleanliness is required in the village.

      Most of the roads are concrete road and some are pucca road.

      Enrolment ratio in the school is 100%. 

      Some industries are also situated in Santej village, near highway.   Population of women is 11% less than of men. 890 women per 1000 male. 

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    3.6 Electricity infrastructure network

    3.6.1 Available sources in village (For house, irrigation, industry or other) 

    UGVCL provides electricity in the Santej, Village.

    It also provides supply for irrigation and industry.

    There are inadequate street light.

    Renewable Energy Source

      No renewable energy sources in the village.

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    4 Planning Proposal

    4.1 Design Selections

    In this project I am working in a village on solar theme, so while designing I

    have to study about solar components and their various characteristics.

    Mainly there are four components are used in any solar project.

    1. Solar Panel

    2. Battery

    3. Inverter

    4. Load

    1. Solar Panel

    Solar Panel refers to a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of

    energy for generating electricity or heating.

     A photovoltaic (in short PV) module is a packaged, connected assembly of typically

    6×10 solar cells. Solar Photovoltaic panels constitute the solar array of a photovoltaic

    system that generates and supplies solar electricity in commercial and residential

    applications. Each module is rated by its DC output power under standard test

    conditions, and typically ranges from 100 to 365 watts. The efficiency of a module

    determines the area of a module given the same rated output  – an 8% efficient 230

    watt module will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 watt module. There are a

    few solar panels available that are exceeding 19% efficiency.

     A single solar module can produce only a limited amount of power; most installations

    contain multiple modules. A photovoltaic system typically includes a panel or an

    array of solar modules, a solar inverter, and sometimes a battery and/or solar tracker

    and interconnection wiring.

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    There are three types of solar modules:

    1. Monocrystalline

    2. Polycrystalline

    3. Thin film

    Monocrystalline modules have efficiency about 16-20% whereas Polycrystalline

    modules have 12-17% and thin film has 6-12%.

    Polycrystalline modules occupy more space than Monocrystalline modules.

    2. Battery

    Deep-cycle, lead-acid batteries are widely used in renewable energy and grid-

    backup system, and are ideally suited for these applications because of their long,

    reliable life and low cost of ownership.

    Deep cycle refers to the fact that in a solar power system, it is likely that the battery

    will become charged during a sunny day, then they may become almost fully

    discharged with use, before they are again fully charged.

    In stand-alone systems, the power generated by the solar panels is usually used to

    charge a lead-acid battery. Other types of battery such as nickel-cadmium batteries

    may be used, but the advantages of the lead-acid battery ensure that it is still the

    most popular choice. A battery is composed of individual cells; each cell in a lead-acid battery produces a voltage of about 2 Volts DC, so a 12 Volt battery needs 6

    cells. The capacity of a battery is measured in Ampere-hours or Amp-hours (Ah).

    Days of autonomy is another important aspect while selecting battery. This term

    refers to the maximum days for which battery can supply power without being

    charged. In India, 3 days are considered as standard days of autonomy.

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    3. Inverter

     A solar inverter, or PV inverter, or Solar converter, converts the variable direct

    current (DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel into a utility frequency

    alternating current (AC) that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by a

    local, off-grid electrical network. It is a critical BOS –component in a photovoltaic

    system, allowing the use of ordinary AC-powered equipment. Solar inverters have

    special functions adapted for use with photovoltaic arrays, including maximum power

    point tracking and anti-islanding protection.

    Solar inverters may be classified into three broad types:

    Stand-alone inverters, used in isolated systems where the inverter draws its DC

    energy from batteries charged by photovoltaic arrays. Many stand-alone inverters

    also incorporate integral battery chargers to replenish the battery from an AC source,

    when available. Normally these do not interface in any way with the utility grid, and

    as such, are not required to have anti-islanding protection.

    Grid-tie inverters, which match phase with a utility-supplied sine wave. Grid-tie

    inverters are designed to shut down automatically upon loss of utility supply, for

    safety reasons. They do not provide backup power during utility outages.

    Battery backup inverters, are special inverters which are designed to draw energy

    from a battery, manage the battery charge via an onboard charger, and export

    excess energy to the utility grid. These inverters are capable of supplying AC energy

    to selected loads during a utility outage, and are required to have anti-islanding


    Solar inverters use maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to get the maximum

    possible power from the PV array.

    There is another important part in inverter known as charge controller.

     A charge controller may be used to power DC equipment with solar panels. The

    charge controller provides a regulated DC output and stores excess energy in a

    battery as well as monitoring the battery voltage to prevent under/overcharging.

    More expensive units will also perform maximum power point tracking. An inverter

    can be connected to the output of a charge controller to drive AC loads.

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    4. Load 

    This type of solar system is by far the most simply. The solar modules are connected

    directly to a load which is often a motor. Whenever the sun is up and shining the

    motor will work. Unlike electronics a motor can take a variable voltage and current

    input without being damaged. A solar powered attic fan is a great example of this

    system type.

     Another good example is a water pump. With a water pumping system, instead of

    storing energy water is stored. For example, if a rancher is pumping water for cows,

    the water is stored in a tank and that tank is used when needed to fill troughs for the

    animals. With most modern water pumping systems there is another component

    typically in the system between the solar array and the pump that controls the output

    of the solar array to better optimize the pumps operation.

    DC Loads connected to panels may be lamp in solar street light.

    4.2 Design Proposals

    4.2.1 Primary Energy Audit

    (Gram Panchayat, Santej)

    Gram Panchayat of Santej village is situated at the center of village. It is one

    storeyed building. Its hall has lack of sunlight during day time. Timing of office is 10

     AM to 7 PM. In one month it works for 24 days

    Billing Detail 

    TABLE 2


    Particular Average Value

    1 Units 510 units

    2 Amount Rs.2220/-

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    Figure 7

    Figure 8

    End User

    TABLE 3

    Equipment kW Usage in hour

    1 AC 1.500 6

    2 FAN 0.060 10

    2 CFL 0.03 10

    3 TUBE LIGHT 0.055 10

    1 COMPUTER 0.2 2









    Energy Consumption

    Units 2











    Electricty Bill

    Bill 2

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

      Total kWh consumption of one day (when all equipment are in operation i.e.

    summer) = 10.85 units (approx. 10 units)


    TABLE 4



    1 Replace 55 W Tube lights with 20 W LED lights Rs. 480/-


    Replace 1.5 ton AC with 0.5 ton AC in manager cabin

    and ATM Rs.7780/-

    Optimum use of day light can further reduce electricity bill of the bank. Make

    arrangements of proper window for sun light during day time.

     Approximate Total Saving is Rs.7500/-

    During winter and monsoon season bill would reduce more.

    4.2.2 Sustainable/ Renewable Energy source Planning

    Design Steps for Solar Power PV Module


    In present scenario, generation of power is quite less than demand. And the differencebetween them is increasing rapidly. So, it‟s advantageous if a provision is there for thebuilding to generate electricity for its own demand. Also, excessive power generated can betransferred to the grid which would help in bridging the gap between generation anddemand. Solar rooftop plan is the best option for economic power generation.

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    Benefits of Roof top PV

     At national level,

      It reduces requirement of land for solar Power.

      It reduces need for additional transmission infrastructure

    For consumers, it reduces

      The dependency on grid power.

      Mitigates diesel generator dependency.

      Long term reliable power source.

    Most suitable for commercial establishments

      Max generation during peak usage time.  Solar power cost is close to the commercial power cost.

      Solar power cost is fixed for 25 years

     As per the requirement of electricity in my village I propose a solar roof top plan for thePanchayat building in my village.

    Figure 10

    PV module Calculations

     A single solar module can produce only a limited amount of power; most installations

    contain multiple modules. A photovoltaic system typically includes a panel or an

    array of solar modules, a solar inverter, and sometimes a battery.

     As per our system requirement we select Monocrystalline PV module For Panchayatbuilding.

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    Determine power consumption demands

    The first step in designing a solar PV system is to find out the total power and energy

    consumption of all loads that need to be supplied by the solar PV system as follows:

    Table 5

    ComponentNumber ofcomponent

    rating Working hour

    Ceiling fan 3 60W 7

    T-12 fluorescenttube light with


    3 55W 7

    Calculate total Watt-hours per day needed from the PV modules

    Multiply the total appliances Watt-hours per day times 1.3 (the energy lost in the

    system) to get the total Watt-hours per day which must be provided by the panels. 

    Total power = {(60*7*3) + (55*7*3)} *1.3

    = 3.139 KWh

    Size of PV modules

    Different size of PV modules will produce different amount of power. To find

    out the sizing of PV module, the total peak watt produced needs. The peak

    watt (Wp) produced depends on size of the PV module and climate of site


    We have to consider “panel generation factor” which is different in each site

    location. The panel generation factor is 4.2 To determine the sizing of PV

    modules, calculation is as follows:

    = 3139/4.2

    = 747.38 Watt-peak

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    Calculate the number of PV panels for the system

    Divide the answer obtained in item 2.1 by the rated output Watt-peak of the PV

    modules available to you. Increase any fractional part of result to the next highest full

    number and that will be the number of PV modules required.

    = 747.38/110

    = 7 Modules

    Inverter Calculation 

     An inverter is used in the system where AC power output is needed. The input

    rating of the inverter should never be lower than the total watt of appliances.

    The inverter must have the same nominal voltage as your battery.

    For stand-alone systems, the inverter must be large enough to handle the total

    amount of Watts you will be using at one time.

    Connected Load = 3(55) + 3(60)

    = 345 watt

    The inverter size should be 25-30% bigger than total Watts of appliances.

    Hence inverter size should be 440watt or greater.

    Battery Size

    The battery type recommended for using in solar PV system is deep cycle battery.

    Deep cycle battery is specifically designed for to be discharged to low energy level

    and rapid recharged or cycle charged and discharged day after day for years. The

    battery should be large enough to store sufficient energy to operate the appliances at

    night and cloudy days. To find out the size of battery, calculate as follows:

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       Vishwakarma Yojana: Santej, Gandhinagar

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    Battery Capacity (Ah) = Watt-hours per day used by appliances x Days of autonomy(0.85 x 0.6 x nominal battery voltage)

    = 2415 X 3


    =1183.82 Ah

    Hence Battery should be rated 12 V,1200 Ah per 3 day autonomy.

    Solar charge controller sizing

    The solar charge controller is typically rated against Amperage and Voltage

    capacities. Select the solar charge controller to match the voltage of PV array and

    batteries and then identify which type of solar charge controller is right for your

    application. Make sure that solar charge controller has enough capacity to handle

    the current from PV array.

    PV module specification

    Pm = 110Wp

    Vm = 12 v DC

    Im = 6.6 A

    Voc = 20.7 A

    Isc = 7.5 A

    Solar charge controller rating = (7 strings x 7.5 A) x 1.3 = 68.25 A

    So the solar charge controller should be rated 80 A at 12 V or greater.

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    5 Recommendation & Suggestions

      Implement the design of solar street light for streets of village.

      Use LED Street Lights in solar power based design.

      Use energy efficient equipment in public building i.e. LED lights, energy efficient

    fans, electronic ballast tube lights, lighting voltage regulator etc.

      Try to utilise day light in Panchayat Bhavan, school and bank.

      Use small solar roof top plant in panchayat Bhavan.

      Keep maintenance of electrical equipment i.e. water pump and motor, AC, fan etc.

      Do regular energy audit of public building regularly. It will maintain the bill and

    implementation of report may reduce bill.

      Redesign the Panchayat Bhavan and Bank if possible, so they can use daylight and

    save energy during day time.

      Use solar power based irrigation system.

      Aware public about energy conservation and let them know about difference


    Less use of energy and energy conservation

      Aware about renewable energy sources and its importance in terms of environment.

    Though, such kind of plant are costly initially, they are economic in long run and give

    pollution free energy.

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       Vishwakarma Yojana: Santej, Gandhinagar

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    Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat

    6. Conclusion

     As per problem observed in rural area preventive and renewable measures

    aresuggested. Implementation of improvement will reduce problem in areaand

    improve standard of living of village people. This can be resulted inimproving social

    and economic effect of rural area on economy of thecountry and it may result

    in more efficient use of infrastructure. By caringout the Vishwakarma Yojana project

    work,I came to know that if proper planning and guidance is provided youth can

    change thecomplete scenario of village.

    More use of solar based energy resources in home and small public utility building

    can reduce carbon footprint of village as well as reduce electricity cost in long run.

    Maximum use of day light in Panchayat Bhavan and bank can reduce electricity bill.

     Awareness about energy efficient equipment is important thing in conservation of

    energy. Aware village dwellers about solar based power though they are getting 24*7

    electricity supply. Because, solar power is the future of electricity and in long time we

    will have free energy with one time capital investment and proper maintenance.

    Thus, use of renewable energy, energy efficient equipment and proper use of energy

    can push Santej village towards “Rurbanization”. 

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    7. Annexure