Virtual Reality .

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Transcript of Virtual Reality .

• Virtual Reality

Modeling language - Virtual reality

1 Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), before 1995 known as the

Virtual Reality Markup Language is a standard file format for representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, designed particularly with

the World Wide Web in mind.

Immersion (virtual reality)

1 Immersion into Virtual Reality is a metaphoric use of the experience of

submersion applied to representation, fiction or simulation

Immersion (virtual reality) - Types of immersion

1 According to Ernest W. Adams, author and consultant on game

design, immersion can be separated into three main categories:

Immersion (virtual reality) - Types of immersion

1 Tactical immersion is experienced when performing tactile operations

that involve skill. Players feel "in the zone" while perfecting actions that

result in success.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Types of immersion

1 Strategic immersion is more cerebral, and is associated with mental

challenge. Chess players experience strategic immersion when choosing a correct solution among a broad array

of possibilities.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Types of immersion

1 Narrative immersion occurs when players become invested in a story, and is similar to what is experienced while reading a book or watching a


Immersion (virtual reality) - Types of immersion

1 Staffan Björk and Jussi Holopainen, in Patterns In Game Design, divide

immersion into similar categories, but call them sensory-motoric

immersion, cognitive immersion and emotional immersion, respectively. In

addition to these, they add a new category:

Immersion (virtual reality) - Types of immersion

1 Spatial immersion occurs when a player feels the simulated world is

perceptually convincing. The player feels that he or she is really "there"

and that a simulated world looks and feels "real".

Immersion (virtual reality) - Immersive virtual reality

1 Immersive Virtual Reality is a hypothetical future technology that exists today as Virtual Reality art

projects, for the most part. It consists of immersion in an artificial

environment where the user feels just as immersed as they usually feel

in consensus reality.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Direct interaction of the nervous system

1 It would involve the user receiving inputs as artificially stimulated nerve impulses, the system would receive

the CNS outputs (natural nerve impulses) and process them allowing the user to interact with the Virtual


Immersion (virtual reality) - Requirements

1 Understanding of the nervous system

Immersion (virtual reality) - Requirements

1 A comprehensive understanding of which nerve impulses correspond to which

sensations, and which motor impulses correspond to which muscle contractions will

be required. This will allow the correct sensations in the user, and actions in the

Virtual Reality to occur. The Blue Brain Project is the current, most promising

research with the idea of understanding how the brain works by building very large scale

computer models.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Requirements

1 Ability to manipulate CNS

Immersion (virtual reality) - Requirements

1 The nervous system would obviously

need to be manipulated

Immersion (virtual reality) - Requirements

1 Computer hardware/software to process inputs/outputs

Immersion (virtual reality) - Requirements

1 A very powerful and probably (but not necessarily) Strong AI would be required to process all the inputs

from the CNS, run a simulation of a Virtual Reality approaching the

complexity of consensus reality, and translate its events to a complete set of nerve impulses for the user. Strong

Artificial Intelligence may also be required to write the program for a

decent alternate reality.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Immersive digital environments

1 An immersive digital environment is an artificial, interactive, computer-

created scene or "world" within which a user can immerse


Immersion (virtual reality) - Immersive digital environments

1 Immersive digital environments could be thought of as synonymous with

Virtual Reality, but without the implication that actual "reality" is

being simulated

Immersion (virtual reality) - Perception

1 To create a sense of full immersion, the 5 senses (sight, sound, touch,

smell, taste) must perceive the digital environment to be physically

real. Immersive technology can perceptually fool the senses through:

Immersion (virtual reality) - Perception

1 Taste replication (gustation)

Immersion (virtual reality) - Interaction

1 Once the senses reach a sufficient belief that the digital environment is real, the user must then be able to interact with the environment in a natural, intuitive

manner. Various immersive technologies such as gestural controls, motion

tracking, and computer vision respond to the user's actions and movements. Brain

control interfaces (BCI) respond to the user's brainwave activity.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 Training and rehearsal simulations run the gamut from part task procedural training (often buttonology, for example: which

button do you push to deploy a refueling boom) through situational simulation (such

as crisis response or convoy driver training) to full motion simulations which

train pilots or soldiers and law enforcement in scenarios that are too dangerous to train in actual equipment using live ordinance.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 Computer games from simple arcade to Massively multiplayer online game and training programs such as flight

and driving simulators

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 In parallel with scientist, artists like Knowbotic Research, Donna Cox, Rebecca Allen, Robbie Cooper,

Maurice Benayoun, Char Davies, and Jeffrey Shaw use the potential of

immersive Virtual Reality to create physiologic or symbolic experiences

and situations.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 Other examples of immersion technology include physical

environment / immersive space with surrounding digital projections and

sound such as the CAVE, and the use of head-mounted displays for viewing

movies, with head-tracking and computer control of the image presented, so that the viewer

appears to be inside the scene.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 The developmental process used at Ford Motor Company may seem unusual to anyone who is not familiar with Virtual Reality, but this does not mean it is not

impressive. The innovative concepts being used in the Virtual Reality lab at Ford have even sparked the interest of NASA. Ford’s

Virtual Reality lab is led by technical expert, Elizabeth Baron. Along with her team, she promotes some of the most advanced car

designs in the auto industry.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 Through the software, engineers are able to develop the interior of cars and display it through the Virtual

Reality headset of the person sitting in the test car

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 The Cave Automated Virtual Environment (CAVE) is also used by developers to look at the exterior as

well as the interior of concept designs

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 Ford’s mobile station also consists of two, top of the line, 3D televisions

that display the same images as the Virtual Reality headset which is

useful when demonstrating to larger audiences.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Examples and applications

1 The technology of Virtual Reality has become state of the art when

compared to where it was five years ago; it is only imaginable as to what

will be the next advancement.

Immersion (virtual reality) - Detrimental Issues

1 Simulation sickness, or simulator sickness, is a condition where a

person exhibits symptoms similar to motion sickness caused by playing computer/simulation/Video Games

(Oculus Rift is working to solve simulator sickness).

Immersion (virtual reality) - Detrimental Issues

1 (1999) "Cybersickness: An Experimental Study to Isolate the

Effects of Rotational Scene Oscillations." Proceedings of IEEE

Virtual Reality '99 Conference, March 13–17, 1999, Houston, Texas

Virtual reality

1 In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity Virtual Reality experience, due largely to technical

limitations on processing power, image resolution, and communication bandwidth;

however, the technology's proponents hope that such limitations will be overcome

as processor, imaging, and data communication technologies become more

powerful and cost-effective over time.

Virtual reality

1 Heim, seven different concepts of Virtual Reality are identified:

simulation, interaction, artificiality, immersion, telepresence, full-body

immersion, and network communication

Virtual reality

1 The possibility exists to have films and television programmes which are

watched with a head-mounted display and computer control of the image so that the viewer appears to be inside the scene with the action

going all round

Virtual reality

1 Artaud claimed that the "perpetual allusion to the materials and the principle of the

theater found in almost all alchemical books should be understood as the expression of an identity [...] existing between the world in which the characters, images, and in a

general way all that constitutes the Virtual Reality of the theater develops, and the

purely fictitious and illusory world in which the symbols of alchemy are evolved".

Virtual reality

1 The VR research boom of the 1990s was accompanied by the non-fiction

book Virtual Reality (1991) by Howard Rheingold

Virtual reality

1 Multimedia: from Wagner to Virtual Reality, edited by Randall Packer and Ken Jordan and

first published in 2001, explores the term and its history from an avant-garde

perspective. Philosophical implications of the concept of VR are discussed in books

including Philip Zhai's Get Real: A Philosophical Adventure in Virtual Reality

(1998) and Digital Sensations: Space, Identity and Embodiment in Virtual Reality

(1999), written by Ken Hillis.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1860s : Virtual Reality can trace its roots to the 1860s, when 360-degree art through panoramic murals began to appear. An example of this would be Baldassare Peruzzi's piece titled,

Sala delle Prospettive.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1920s : Vehicle simulators were introduced.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1950s : Morton Heilig wrote in the 1950s of an "Experience Theatre"

that could encompass all the senses in an effective manner, thus drawing the viewer into the onscreen activity

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1966 : Thomas A. Furness III introduces a visual flight stimulator for the Air Force.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1968 : Ivan Sutherland, with the help of his student Bob Sproull, created what is widely considered to be the first Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR) head-mounted display

(HMD) system

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1977 : Also notable among the earlier hypermedia and Virtual Reality systems was the Aspen Movie Map, which was created at MIT in

1977. The program was a crude virtual simulation of Aspen, Colorado in which users

could wander the streets in one of three modes: summer, winter, and polygons. The first two

were based on photographs—the researchers actually photographed every possible

movement through the city's street grid in both seasons—and the third was a basic 3-D model of

the city.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1980s : the term "Virtual Reality" was popularized by Jaron Lanier, one of the modern pioneers of the field.

Lanier had founded the company VPL Research in 1985, which developed

and built some of the seminal "goggles and gloves" systems of that


Virtual reality - Timeline

1 1991 : Antonio Medina, a MIT graduate and NASA scientist,

designed a Virtual Reality system to "drive" Mars rovers from Earth in apparent real time despite the

substantial delay of Mars-Earth-Mars signals. The system, termed

"Computer-Simulated Teleoperation" as published by Rand, is an extension

of Virtual Reality.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 There has been an increase in interest in the potential social impact of new technologies, such as Virtual Reality. In the book Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds,

and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution, Blascovich and Bailenson

review the literature on the psychology and sociology behind life

in Virtual Reality.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 In addition, Mychilo S. Cline, in his book Power, Madness, and

Immortality: The Future of Virtual Reality, argues that Virtual Reality will lead to a number of important changes in human life and activity.

He argues that:

Virtual reality - Impact

1 Virtual Reality will be integrated into daily life and activity, and will be

used in various human ways. Another such speculation has been written up on how to reach ultimate happiness

via Virtual Reality.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 Techniques will be developed to influence human behavior,

interpersonal communication, and cognition.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 As we spend more and more time in virtual space, there will be a gradual "migration to virtual space", resulting in important changes in economics,

worldview, and culture.

Virtual reality - Heritage and archaeology

1 The use of VR in heritage and archaeology has potential in museum

and visitor centre applications, but its use has been tempered by the difficulty in presenting a "quick to

learn" real time experience to numerous people at any given time

Virtual reality - VR reconstruction

1 Virtual Reality enables heritage sites to be recreated extremely

accurately, so that the recreations can be published in various media.

The original sites are often inaccessible to the public, or may

even no longer exist. This technology can be used to develop virtual

replicas of caves, natural environment, old towns, monuments,

sculptures and archaeological elements.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Many science fiction books and films have imagined characters being "trapped in Virtual


Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The series tells the tale of a group of people, while investigating a

mysterious illness attacking children while in this world, find themselves

trapped in a Virtual Reality system of fantastic detail and sophistication

unlike any the world has ever imagined.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Other science fiction books have promoted the idea of Virtual Reality

as a partial, but not total, substitution for the misery of reality,

or have touted it as a method for creating breathtaking virtual worlds

in which one may escape from Earth.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The Piers Anthony novel Killobyte follows the story of a paralyzed cop trapped in a Virtual Reality game by

a hacker, whom he must stop to save a fellow trapped player slowly succumbing to insulin shock

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Other popular fictional works that use the concept of Virtual Reality include William Gibson's Neuromancer which defined the concept of cyberspace, Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, in which he made extensive reference to the term avatar to describe one's representation in a virtual world, and Rudy Rucker's The Hacker and the Ants, in which programmer Jerzy Rugby uses VR for robot design and testing.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The Doctor Who serial "The Deadly Assassin", first broadcast in 1976, introduced a dream-like computer-

generated reality, known as the Matrix.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The first major American television series to showcase Virtual Reality regularly was Star Trek: The Next Generation. Several episodes featured a holodeck, a Virtual Reality facility

that enabled its users to recreate and experience anything they wanted. One difference from current Virtual Reality

technology, however, was that replicators, force fields, holograms, and transporters were used to actually recreate and place

objects in the holodeck, rather than illusions.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The New Zealand post-apocalyptic soap opera The Tribe shows Virtual Reality being used by an advanced enemy tribe named the Technos.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Other episodes that feature Virtual Reality include "Gunmen of the

Apocalypse", "Stoke Me a Clipper", "Blue", "Beyond a Joke", and "Back in

the Red".

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The popular .hack multimedia franchise is based on a Virtual Reality MMORPG dubbed

"The World" The French animated series Code Lyoko is based on the virtual world of Lyoko

and the Internet. The virtual world is accessed by large scanners which use an

atomic process, and breaks down the atoms of the person inside, digitizes them, and

recreates an incarnation on Lyoko. Saban's syndicated superhero television series VR Troopers also made use of the concept.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 There is also Sword Art Online, a light novel series written by Reki Kawahara. It is set in the year 2022 at the launch of the world's

first Virtual Reality MMORPG. 10,000 people become trapped in the game, and their

death in the game would mean an actual "death" in real life. Another Japanese light novel series by the same author is Accel

World; it is set within the same universe, but was "officially" published earlier. They both

were made into anime.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 A series of nine Taiwanese novels written by Yu Wo, called 1/2 Prince. It is set in a future

where Virtual Reality games are very common. However, a new game appeared

on the scene, boasting that the environment is 99% indistinguishable from reality. It is aptly called "Second Life", and the main character, a 19-year old college student

named Feng Lan is the first to ever log in. It follows her and her friends' comical

misadventures as they explore the game.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Moonlight Sculptor by Nam-Hi-Sung is a Korean light novel about the adventures of "Weed" in a Virtual Reality game called Royal Road.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The novel "Ready Player One" has a Virtual Reality system called OASIS where the main protagonist spends

most of his time.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Virtual Reality (play) is also the title of an unpublished and not produced play by Alan


Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1973 film Welt am Draht is based on a Virtual Reality simulation inside a Virtual

Reality simulation

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 Steven Lisberger's 1982 film Tron explored the idea of Virtual Reality; transporting real-life characters into an alternate, computer-generated


Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 One year later in 1983, the Natalie Wood / Christopher Walken film Brainstorm revolved around the

production, use, and misuse of a VR device. The device could record a person's feelings and experiences, and share these with anyone else.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 A VR-like system, used to record and play back dreams, figures centrally in

Wim Wenders' 1991 film Until the End of the World.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 The 1992 film The Lawnmower Man (which bore little resemblance to the Stephen King story on which it was ostensibly based) tells the tale of a research scientist who uses a VR

system to jumpstart the mental and physical development of his mentally

handicapped gardener.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 The 1993 film Arcade is centered around a new Virtual Reality game (from which the film gets its name) that actively traps those who play it

inside its world.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 Outside the genre of science fiction, 1994's Disclosure, starring Michael

Douglas (based on the Michael Crichton's novel) depicts a VR

headset being used as a navigation device for a prototype computer file


Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 The 1995 film Virtuosity has Russell Crowe as a Virtual Reality serial killer

name SID 6.7 (Sadistic, Intelligent and Dangerous) who is used a

simulation to train real-world police officer, but manages to escape into

the real world.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 Plot of The Thirteenth Floor (1999) is based on two Virtual Reality simulations, one in


Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 In 1999, The Matrix and later sequels explored the possibility that our

world is actually a vast Virtual Reality (or more precisely, simulated reality)

created by artificially intelligent machines.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 The 2001 Mamoru Oshii movie "Avalon" (アヴァロン ) is set in a bleak future, where the

population is hooked on an immersive illegal Virtual Reality Video Game called Avalon. Despite its popularity the game can be

deadly, leaving players' bodies catatonic in the real world. One player of the game, Ash

(played by Polish actress Małgorzata Foremniak), hears of a secret level hidden within Avalon. The film follows her quest to

find the level.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 In the film Avatar (2009) the humans are hooked up to experience what

their avatars perform remotely.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 Ryan Chester's Virtually Reality (2011) depicts a future world in

which most natural wonders have been destroyed and developed upon, and Virtual Reality systems provide

the only way for humans to experience the nature they never

knew for real.

Virtual reality - Radio

1 In 2009, British digital radio station BBC Radio 7 broadcast Planet B, a

science-fiction drama set in a virtual world. Planet B was the largest ever commission for an original drama


Virtual reality - Fine art

1 David Em was the first fine artist to create navigable virtual worlds in the 1970s

Virtual reality - Games

1 Several Virtual Reality head mounted displays(HMD)were released for

gaming during the early-mid 1990s

Virtual reality - Music

1 Immersive virtual musical instruments build on the trend in electronic musical instruments to

develop new ways to control sound and perform music such as evidenced by conferences like

NIME and aim to represent musical events and sound parameters in a Virtual Reality in such a

way that they can be perceived not only through auditory feedback, but also visually in 3D and

possibly through tactile as well as haptic feedback, allowing the development of novel

interaction metaphors beyond manipulation such as prehension.

Virtual reality - Music

1 The second music video of Take on Me, a song by the Norwegian

synthpop band A-ha, was directed by Steve Barron, and filmed at Kim's

Café and on a sound stage in London, in 1985

Virtual reality - Therapeutic uses

1 The primary use of VR in a therapeutic role is its application to various forms of exposure therapy, ranging from phobia treatments to newer approaches to treating PTSD

Virtual reality - Therapeutic uses

1 A number of recent reviews published in peer-reviewed journals

have summarized the current evidence for the use of Virtual Reality

within pediatric and adult rehabilitation

Virtual reality - Therapeutic uses

1 There has also been talks of letting physical therapist use VR to work with patients who

are in another location. They could use multiple 3-D cameras to project a 3-D avatar

of the therapist who can then guide the patient throughout the patient's exercise. Haptic devices can also be used for the

doctor to feel the conditions of the patient's muscle. However, to transfer the required

information to support real time interactions, is far too slow at the moment.

Virtual reality - Training

1 The usage of VR in a training perspective is to allow professionals

to conduct training in a virtual environment where they can improve

upon their skills without the consequence of failing the operation.

Virtual reality - Training

1 A fully immersive Virtual Reality that uses Head-mounted display (HMD),

data suits, data glove, and VR weapon are used to train for combat

Virtual reality - Training

1 VR is also used in flight simulation for the Air Force where people are trained to be pilots. The simulator would sit on top of a

hydraulic lift system that reacts to the user inputs and events. When the pilot steer the

aircraft, the module would turn and tilt accordingly to provide haptic feedback.

The flight simulator can range from a fully enclosed module to a series of computer

monitors providing the pilot's point of view.

Virtual reality - Training

1 Medical personnel are able to train through VR to deal with a wider

variety of injuries. An experiment was performed by sixteen surgical residents where eight of them went

through laparoscopic cholecystectomy through VR training.

They then came out 29% faster at gallbladder dissection than the

controlled group.

Virtual reality - Implementation

1 To develop a real time virtual environment, a computer graphics library can be used as embedded resource coupled with a common

programming language, such as C++, Perl, Java, or Python

Virtual reality - Manufacturing

1 Virtual Reality can serve to new product design, helping as an

ancillary tool for engineering in manufacturing processes, new

product prototypes, and simulation

Virtual reality - Urban design

1 3D Virtual Reality is becoming widely used for urban regeneration and planning and transport projects.

Virtual reality - Concerns and challenges

1 Virtual Reality technology faces a number of challenges, most of which

involve technical matters and Simulation sickness due to Virtual Reality (Oculus Rift is working to

solve simulator sickness)

Telepresence - Virtual presence (virtual reality)

1 a computer in the case of immersive

Virtual Reality.

Haptic feedback - Virtual reality

1 Haptics are gaining widespread acceptance as a key part of Virtual

Reality systems, adding the sense of touch to previously visual-only


Methods of virtual reality - Simulation-based VR

1 The first method is simulation-based Virtual Reality

Methods of virtual reality - Avatar image-based VR

1 With Avatar (Virtual Reality)|avatar image-based Virtual Reality, people can join the virtual environment in the form of real video as well as an


Methods of virtual reality - Projector-based VR

1 Image based Virtual Reality system is gaining popularity in computer

graphics as well as computer vision communities

Methods of virtual reality - Desktop-based VR

1 'Desktop-based' Virtual Reality involves displaying a 3-dimensional

virtual world on a regular Visual display unit| desktop display without use of any specialized movement-

tracking equipment

Methods of virtual reality - True Immersive Virtual Reality

1 Hypothetical Virtual Reality as immersive as consensus reality. Most likely to be produced using a Brain-

computer interface.

Methods of virtual reality - True Immersive Virtual Reality

1 An intermediate stage may be produced by Virtual Space using a head-mounted display with head

tracking and computer control of the image presented to the helmet.

Virtual reality therapy

1 'Virtual Reality therapy' (VRT), also known as 'Virtual Reality immersion

therapy' (VRIT), 'Simulation for Therapy'(SFT), 'Virtual Reality

exposure therapy' (VRET),http://www.scientificamerican.

com/article.cfm?id=virtual-reality-therapy and as 'Computerized CBT'

(CCBT), is a method of psychotherapy that uses Virtual

Reality technology to treat patients with anxiety disorders and phobias

where it has proven very effective.http://www.psychologytoday


virtual-therapy It is now one of the primary treatments for PTSD

Virtual reality therapy - Description

1 Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) uses specially programmed computers,

visual immersion devices and artificially created environments to

give the patient a simulated experience

ry.asp?id=123145910 that can be used to diagnose and treat

psychological conditions that cause patients difficulty

Virtual reality therapy - History

1 An early exploration of VRIT was done by Dr

Virtual reality therapy - History

1 More recently, Dr

Virtual reality therapy - Efficacy

1 These results suggest that Virtual Reality programs can be more

effective then conventional rehabilitation and thus should be

further researched.

Virtual reality therapy - Concerns with Virtual Reality Exposure and Therapy

1 In 2011, the Department of Defense gave researchers at Emory University

School of Medicine, New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and University of Southern California an 11 million dollar grant

to conduct research on the two different types of exposure therapy, traditional and Virtual Reality, with a drug in order to treat PTSD.(Baker, 2011) Although, as with all evolving

technologies and techniques in psychology, there are many other

ethical concerns that could be listed these are just some of note.

Use of technology in treatment of mental disorders - Virtual reality exposure therapy

1 have used Virtual Reality (VR) (simulated real environments

through digital media) to successfully treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Brenda Laurel - Virtual reality

1 In Laurel's work regarding interface design, she is well known for her

support of the theory of interactivity, the degree to which users of a

medium can influence the form or content of the mediated


Mark Pesce - Virtual Reality

1 Pesce has said that technologies act as amputations; But that these amputations ultimately give us

greater abilities

Mark Pesce - Virtual Reality

1 If I were to take an infrared remote control for a television set and flash it at you, well there is information coming out of the device, but you

don't perceive it because you aren't sensually equipped for it

Virtual graffiti - Location Anchored Virtual Reality

1 This involves anchoring a Virtual Reality experience at a physical

location. Thus the experiences in the virtual world can only be had at a specific real location. Several use cases that are included here are

Virtual graffiti - Location Anchored Virtual Reality

1 • A virtual command post can be set up at the scene of an incident. This command post involves the sharing

of information in the virtual world but can only be accessed by those at the

scene of the incident.

Virtual graffiti - Location Anchored Virtual Reality

1 • A set of blogs and media files are left at famous outdoor sculptures. Groups of friends can contribute,

copy, and share files only while they are viewing the sculpture.

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality)

1 'The Sword of Damocles' is widely considered to be the first virtual

reality|virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality|augmented reality

(AR) head-mounted display|head-mounted display (HMD) system

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Features

1 The device was primitive both in terms of user interface and Realism

(arts)|realism, and the computer graphics|graphics comprising the virtual environment were simple

wire-frame model|wireframe rooms

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Development

1 The system itself consisted of six subsystems: a clipping divider,

matrix multiplier, vector generator, headset, human-computer interface|head position sensor, and a general-

purpose computer—which would make these the components of the first Virtual Reality machine as we

know them today

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Philco HMD

1 Kalawsky contends that the first HMD fieldwork was conducted by Philco in 1961. Their system used a head mounted display

to monitor conditions in another room, using magnetic tracking to monitor the user’s head

movements. The Philco HMD displayed actual video from a remotely mounted

camera. The position of the camera was moved according to the tracked head

movements, creating a sense of telepresence.

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Notes and references

1 # Ivan Sutherland|Sutherland, I. E. (1968).



pp. 757-764

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Notes and references

1 # Ivan Sutherland|Sutherland, I. E. (1965).

[ The Ultimate Display]. Proceedings of

IFIP 65, vol 2, pp. 506-508

The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Notes and references

1 # Howard Rheingold|Rheingold, H. (1992). Virtual Reality, Simon Schuster, New York,


The Sword of Damocles (virtual reality) - Notes and references

1 # Kalawsky, R. S. (1993). The Science of Virtual Reality and Virtual environment|Virtual Environments: A Technical, Scientific and Engineering Reference on Virtual Environments,

Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, England ; Reading, Mass.

Simulation sickness - Motion sickness due to virtual reality

1 Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality '99 Conference, March 13–17, 1999, Houston,


Virtual Reality (play)

1 'Virtual Reality' is a 2000 play by United Kingdom|British playwright

Alan Ayckbourn. It is set in a modern world where everyone communicates through electronic gadgetty, and is

about Alex, a man who invents Viewdows, a large screen for people

to look at pleasant views.

Virtual Reality (play)

1 Unusually for his later plays, Ayckbourn was unhappy with the

result, and this play was not published and not made available for


Virtual Reality (play)

1 * [ Virtual Reality on official Ayckbourn site]

Claustrophobia - Use of virtual reality distraction to reduce claustrophobia

1 The present case series with two patients explored whether Virtual

Reality (VR) distraction could reduce claustrophobia symptoms during a mock magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) brain scan

Reality - Virtual reality and cyberspace

1 Virtual Reality (VR) is a term that applies to Computer simulation|

computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as

in imaginary worlds.

Reality - Virtual reality and cyberspace

1 The area between the two extremes, where both the real and the virtual are mixed, is the so-called Mixed

reality. This in turn is said to consist of both Augmented Reality, where the virtual augments the real, and

Augmented virtuality, where the real augments the virtual.

Reality - Virtual reality and cyberspace

1 Cyberspace, the world's computer systems considered as an

interconnected whole, can be thought of as a Virtual Reality; for instance, it is portrayed as such in

the cyberpunk fiction of William Gibson and others. Second life and

MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft are examples of artificial

environments or virtual worlds (falling some way short of full Virtual

Reality) in cyberspace.

Simulation argument - Artificial intelligence and virtual reality

1 Although the idea of an automaton has been in existence since the time of the ancient Greece|ancient Greeks, both in fact and fiction, the first use of the term robot was in 1921, derived from the title

of a play by Karel Čapek called R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). While

Capek's creatures have intelligence, they are biological rather than mechanical,

similar to the replicants in Blade Runner.

Physiological interaction - Virtual reality

1 Virtual Reality includes three devices: a Wired glove|Glove, a Head-

mounted display|Headset, and a Omnidirectional treadmill|Walker.

Physiological interaction - Virtual reality

1 A glove will capture and record “the shape and movement of your hand and fingers and the strength of the movements.” (Haag, 2006, p.365) A

headset records your head’s movement and “contains a screen

that covers your entire field of vision and displays various views of an environment on the basis of your

movements.” (Haag, 2006, p.365) A walker “records the movement of your feet as you walk or turn in

different directions.” (Haag, 2006, p.365)

Physiological interaction - Virtual reality

1 Virtual Reality is applied everywhere and can be seen in the

entertainment industry, for example, including Virtual Reality games.

Fiduciary marker - Virtual Reality

1 In applications of Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality, fiducials are often

manually applied to objects in a scene so that the objects can be

recognized in images of the scene. For example, to track some object, a light-emitting diode can be applied to it. With knowledge of the color of the emitted light, the object can easily

be identified in the picture.

Fiduciary marker - Virtual Reality

1 The appearance of markers in images may act as a reference for image scaling, or may allow the image and physical object, or

multiple independent images, to be correlated

Rangefinder - Virtual reality

1 Since the 1990s, rangefinders have been used in Virtual Reality systems to detect operator movements and locate objects.Kidd, Cory D. et al. (1999) The aware home: A living

laboratory for ubiquitous computing research Lecture Notes in Computer

Science 1670: pp. 191-198,

Immersive virtual reality

1 'Immersion' into virtual reality is a metaphoric use of the experience

of submersion applied to representation, fiction or simulation

Immersive virtual reality - Types of immersion

1 :Tactical immersion is experienced when performing tactile operations that involve skill. Players feel in the zone while perfecting actions that

result in success.

Immersive virtual reality - Types of immersion

1 :Strategic immersion is more cerebral, and is associated with mental challenge. Chess players

experience strategic immersion when choosing a correct solution among a

broad array of possibilities.

Immersive virtual reality - Types of immersion

1 :Narrative immersion occurs when players become invested in a story, and is similar to what is experienced while reading a book or watching a


Immersive virtual reality - Types of immersion

1 :Spatial immersion occurs when a player feels the simulated world is

perceptually convincing. The player feels that he or she is really there

and that a simulated world looks and feels real.

Immersive virtual reality - Immersive virtual reality

1 'Immersive virtual reality' is a hypothetical future technology that

exists today as virtual reality art projects, for the most part.Joseph

Nechvatal, Immersive Ideals / Critical Distances. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2009, pp. 367-368 It

consists of immersion in an Simulation|artificial environment

where the user feels just as immersed as they usually feel in

consensus reality.

Immersive virtual reality - Direct interaction of the nervous system

1 The most considered method would be to induce the sensations that made up the virtual reality in the

nervous system directly. In functionalism (philosophy of mind)|functionalism/conventional biology we interact with consensus reality through the nervous system. Thus

we receive all input from all the senses as nerve impulses.

Immersive virtual reality - Requirements

1 ;Understanding of the nervous system

Immersive virtual reality - Requirements

1 ;Ability to manipulate Central nervous system|


Immersive virtual reality - Requirements

1 ;Computer hardware/software

to process inputs/outputs

Immersive virtual reality - Immersive digital environments

1 An 'immersive digital environment' is an Simulation|artificial, interactive,

computer-created cut scene|scene or world within which a user can immerse themselves.Joseph

Nechvatal, Immersive Ideals / Critical Distances. LAP Lambert Academic

Publishing. 2009, pp. 48-60

Immersive virtual reality - Immersive digital environments

1 Immersive digital environments could be thought of as synonymous with

Virtual reality, but without the implication that actual reality is

being simulated

Immersive virtual reality - Perception

1 * Taste replication (gustation)

Immersive virtual reality - Interaction

1 Once the senses reach a sufficient belief that the digital environment is real, the user must then be able to interact with the environment in a natural, intuitive manner. Various immersive technologies such as

gestural controls, motion tracking, and computer vision respond to the

user's actions and movements. Brain control interfaces (BCI) respond to

the user's brainwave activity.

Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 Training and rehearsal simulations run the gamut from part task

procedural training (often buttonology, for example: which button do you push to deploy a

refueling boom) through situational simulation (such as crisis response or convoy driver training) to full motion

simulations which train pilots or soldiers and law enforcement in

scenarios that are too dangerous to train in actual equipment using live


Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 Computer games from simple arcade to Massively multiplayer online game and training programs such as Flight

simulator|flight and Driving simulator|driving simulators

Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 Other examples of immersion technology include physical

environment / immersive space with surrounding digital projections and sound such as the Cave Automatic Virtual Environment|CAVE, and the use of head-mounted displays for

viewing movies, with head-tracking and computer control of the image

presented, so that the viewer appears to be inside the scene.

Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 Through the software, engineers are able to develop the interior of cars and display it through the virtual

reality headset of the person sitting in the test car

Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 The Cave Automated Virtual Environment (CAVE) is also used by developers to look at the exterior as

well as the interior of concept designs

Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 Ford’s mobile station also consists of two, top of the line, 3D televisions

that display the same images as the virtual reality headset which is useful

when demonstrating to larger audiences

Immersive virtual reality - Examples and applications

1 The technology of virtual reality has become state of the art when

compared to where it was five years ago; it is only imaginable as to what

will be the next advancement.

Modelling language - Virtual reality

1 VRML|Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), before 1995

known as the Virtual Reality Markup Language is a standard file format for

representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, designed particularly with the World Wide Web

in mind.

Virtual reality

1 Furthermore, virtual reality covers remote communication environments

which provide virtual presence of users with the concepts of

telepresence and telexistence

Virtual reality

1 In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity

virtual reality experience, because of technical limitations on processing

power, image resolution, and communication bandwidth

Virtual reality

1 Heim, seven different concepts of virtual reality are identified:

simulation, interaction, artificiality, immersion, telepresence, Immersion (virtual reality)|full-body immersion,

and network communication

Virtual reality

1 See also Samuel Weber, 'The Virtual Reality of Theater': Antonin Artaud,

in Theatricality as Medium, New York: Fordham University Press, 2004, pp

Virtual reality

1 The VR research boom of the 1990s was accompanied by the non-fiction

book Virtual Reality (1991) by Howard Rheingold

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1860s : Virtual reality can trace its roots to the 1860s, when 360-degree art through panoramic murals began to appear. An example of this would be Baldassare Peruzzi's piece titled,

Sala delle Prospettive.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1920s : Vehicle simulators were


Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1950s : Morton Heilig wrote in the 1950s of an Experience Theatre that could encompass all the senses in an effective manner, thus drawing the viewer into the onscreen activity

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1966 : Thomas A. Furness III introduces a visual flight stimulator for the Air Force.

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 The formidable appearance of the device inspired its name, The Sword

of Damocles (virtual reality)|The Sword of Damocles

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1977 : Also notable among the earlier hypermedia and virtual reality systems was the Aspen Movie Map, which was created at Massachusetts Institute of Technology|MIT in 1977

Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1980s : 'the term virtual reality was popularized by Jaron Lanier, one of the modern pioneers of the field.'

Lanier had founded the company VPL Research in 1985, which developed

and built some of the seminal goggles and gloves systems of that


Virtual reality - Timeline

1 *1991 : Antonio Medina, a MIT graduate and NASA scientist,

designed a virtual reality system to drive Mars rovers from Earth in apparent real time despite the

substantial delay of Mars-Earth-Mars signals. The system, termed

Computer-Simulated Teleoperation as published by Rand, is an extension of

virtual reality.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 There has been an increase in interest in the potential social impact of new technologies, such as virtual reality. In the book Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds,

and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution, Blascovich and

Bailenson review the literature on the psychology and sociology behind life

in virtual reality.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 *Virtual reality will be integrated into daily life and activity, and will be

used in various human ways. Another such speculation has been written up on how to reach ultimate happiness

via virtual reality.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 *Techniques will be developed to influence human behavior,

interpersonal communication, and cognition.

Virtual reality - Impact

1 *As we spend more and more time in virtual space, there will be a gradual migration to virtual space, resulting in important changes in economics, worldview, and culture.Castranova,

E. (2007). Exodus to the Virtual World: How online fun is changing

reality. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Virtual reality - Heritage and archaeology

1 The use of VR in heritage and archaeology has potential in museum

and visitor centre applications, but its use has been tempered by the difficulty in presenting a quick to

learn real time experience to numerous people at any given time

Virtual reality - VR reconstruction

1 Virtual reality

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Other science fiction books have promoted the idea of virtual reality

as a partial, but not total, substitution for the misery of reality,

or have touted it as a method for creating breathtaking virtual worlds

in which one may escape from Earth.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The Piers Anthony novel Killobyte follows the story of a paralyzed cop

trapped in a virtual reality game by a hacker, whom he must stop to save a

fellow trapped player slowly succumbing to insulin shock

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The Doctor Who serial The Deadly Assassin, first broadcast in 1976,

introduced a dream-like computer-generated reality, known as Matrix

(Doctor Who)|the Matrix.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The New Zealand post-apocalyptic soap opera The Tribe (TV series)|The

Tribe shows Virtual Reality being used by an advanced enemy tribe

named the Technos.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Other episodes that feature virtual reality include Gunmen of the

Apocalypse, Stoke Me a Clipper, Blue, Beyond a Joke, and Back in the Red.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The popular .hack multimedia franchise is based on a virtual reality

Massively multiplayer online role-playing game|MMORPG dubbed The World (.hack)|The World The French

animated series Code Lyoko is based on the virtual world of Code Lyoko|

Lyoko and the Internet

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 It is set in the year 2022 at the launch of the world's first Virtual Reality MMORPG

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 The novel Ready Player One has a Virtual Reality system called OASIS where the main protagonist spends

most of his time.

Virtual reality - Fiction

1 Virtual Reality (play) is also the title of an unpublished and not produced

play by Alan Ayckbourn.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1973 film Welt am Draht is based on a virtual reality simulation inside a

virtual reality simulation

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Steven Lisberger's 1982 film Tron explored the idea of virtual reality;

transporting real-life characters into an alternate, computer-generated


Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *One year later in 1983, the Natalie Wood / Christopher Walken film

Brainstorm (1983 film)|Brainstorm revolved around the production, use,

and misuse of a VR device. The device could record a person's

feelings and experiences, and share these with anyone else.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Total Recall (1990 film), directed by Paul Verhoeven and based on the

Philip K. Dick story We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *A VR-like system, used to record and play back dreams, figures centrally in

Wim Wenders' 1991 film Until the End of the World.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *The 1992 film The Lawnmower Man (film)|The Lawnmower Man (which

bore little resemblance to the Stephen King The Lawnmower Man|

story on which it was ostensibly based) tells the tale of a research scientist who uses a VR system to jumpstart the mental and physical

development of his mentally handicapped gardener.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *The 1993 film Arcade (film)|Arcade is centered around a new virtual reality game (from which the film gets its name) that actively traps those who play it inside its world.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Outside the genre of science fiction, 1994's Disclosure (film)|Disclosure, starring Michael Douglas (based on the Michael Crichton's Disclosure

(novel)|novel) depicts a VR headset being used as a navigation device for

a prototype computer file system.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *The 1995 film Virtuosity has Russell Crowe as a virtual reality serial killer name SID 6.7 (Sadistic, Intelligent

and Dangerous) who is used a simulation to train real-world police officer, but manages to escape into

the real world.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Strange Days (film) (1995) revolves around a device that records events directly from the wearer's cerebral

cortex, and when played back through a MiniDisc-like device called a deck, allows a user to experience

the recorder's memory.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Open Your Eyes (1997 film) explores life extension, induced lucid dreams, and reality.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Plot of The Thirteenth Floor (1999) is based on two virtual reality simulations, one in


Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *In 1999, The Matrix and later sequels explored the possibility that our world is actually a vast Virtual

Reality (or more precisely, simulated reality) created by artificially

intelligent machines.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *eXistenZ (1999), by David Cronenberg, in which level switches occur so seamlessly and numerously

that at the end of the movie it is difficult to tell whether the main

characters are back in reality

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *The 2001 Mamoru Oshii movie Avalon (アヴァロン ) is set in a bleak

future, where the population is hooked on an immersive illegal virtual reality video game called Avalon. Despite its popularity the

game can be deadly, leaving players' bodies catatonic in the real world.

One player of the game, Ash (played by Polish actress Małgorzata

Foremniak), hears of a secret level hidden within Avalon. The film follows

her quest to find the level.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Vanilla Sky (2001) A remake of Open Your Eyes (1997 film).

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *In the film Avatar (2009) the humans are hooked up to experience what their avatars perform remotely.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Surrogates (2009) is based on a brain–computer interface that allows people to control realistic humanoid

robots, giving them full sensory feedback.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Inception (2010), by Christopher Nolan, where an extractor invades dreams to steal information and

ideas, but is asked to implant an idea instead of stealing one.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Tron: Legacy (2010) A sequel of the 1982

film Tron.

Virtual reality - Motion pictures

1 *Ender's Game (2013) has elements of virtual reality in the use of simulated warfare.

Virtual reality - Radio

1 In 2009, British digital radio station BBC Radio 4 Extra|BBC Radio 7

broadcast Planet B, a science-fiction drama set in a virtual world. Planet B was the largest ever commission for

an original drama programme.

Virtual reality - Games

1 The gaming branch has helped financing and developing graphics,

sound and input technology that can be incorporated as VR. Several Virtual Reality head mounted

displays(HMD) were released for gaming during the early-mid 1990s.

These included the iGlasses developed by Virtual I-O, the

Cybermaxx developed by Victormaxx and the VFX-1 developed by Forte

Technologies. A modern example of VR for gaming would be the Wii where the controller tracks and sends motion input somewhat


Virtual reality - Games

1 There is also a new high field of view (FOV) VR headset system in

development designed specifically for gaming called the Oculus Rift

Virtual reality - Music

1 *Immersive virtual musical instruments build on the trend in electronic musical instruments to

develop new ways to control sound and perform music such as

evidenced by conferences like New Interfaces for Musical Expression|

NIME and aim to represent musical events and sound parameters in a

virtual reality in such a way that they can be perceived not only through auditory feedback, but also visually in 3D and possibly through tactile as well as haptic feedback, allowing the

development of novel interaction metaphors beyond manipulation

such as prehension.

Virtual reality - Music

1 *The second music video of Take on Me, a song by the Norwegian

synthpop band A-ha, was directed by Steve Barron, and filmed at Kim's

Café and on a sound stage in London, in 1985

Virtual reality - Therapeutic uses

1 Much as in phobia treatment, exposure to the subject of the

trauma or fear leads to desensitization (psychology)|

desensitization, and a significant reduction in


0060725_012342.htm?chan=top+news_top+news A Dose

of Virtual Reality][

a/article.asp?ID=86 ]

Virtual reality - Therapeutic uses

1 A number of recent reviews published in peer-reviewed journals

have summarized the current evidence for the use of Virtual Reality

within pediatric and adult rehabilitation

Virtual reality - Training

1 VR is also used in flight simulation for the Air Force where people are trained to be pilots

Virtual reality - Implementation

1 To develop a real time virtual environment, a computer graphics library can be used as embedded resource coupled with a common

programming language, such as C++, Perl, Java (programming language)|Java, or Python

(programming language)|Python

Virtual reality - Manufacturing

1 Virtual reality can serve to new product design, helping as an

ancillary tool for engineering in manufacturing processes, new

product prototypes, and simulation

Virtual reality - Urban design

1 3D virtual reality is becoming widely used for urban regeneration and

planning and transport projects.Roudavski, S

Virtual reality - Urban design

1 In 2007 development began on a virtual reality software which took

design coordinate geometry used by land surveyors and civil engineers and incorporated precision spatial

information created automatically by the lines and curves typically shown

on subdivision plats and land surveying plans

Virtual reality - Urban design

1 The software was improved to implement massing or 3D models

from other free or commercially sold software to create more realistic virtual reality with very little time and effort (see the below image)

Virtual reality - Concerns and challenges

1 Virtual reality technology faces a number of challenges, most of which

involve technical matters and Simulation sickness due to virtual

reality ([

4636508/oculus-rift-is-working-to-solve-simulator-sickness Oculus Rift

is working to solve simulator sickness])

Virtual reality - Pioneers and notables

1 * Maurice Benayoun

Virtual reality - Pioneers and notables

1 * Thomas A. Furness III

Synesthesia - Synesthesia and virtual reality

1 One type of applications are pain reducing virtual reality programs. In existing programs, the main purpose is to reduce pain when undergoing a

specific treatment by shifting the attention from the experienced pain to the virtual program in which the patient is participating. By using

artificial synesthesia and combining various senses, this can help to

enhance the control of a person’s attention, which can be used to

improve and direct sensory distraction from the perceived pain.

Synesthesia - Synesthesia and virtual reality

1 Virtual reality has proven to be very effective in managing this acute pain

in several medical settings by shifting patients' attention from their experienced pain to the program in which they have been introduced

Naïve realism - Virtual reality and realism

1 Virtual realismHeim, Michael. (2000). [ Virtual Realism], Oxford University Press US. ISBN

978-0-19-513874-0. is closely related to the above theories.

Naïve realism - Virtual reality and realism

1 [

iel5/7657/20918/00969726.pdf?arnumber=969726 The reality of

virtual reality], Virtual Systems and Multimedia

Naïve realism - Virtual reality and realism

1 [

%20IEEE%2093.pdf Understanding Synthetic Experience Must Begin

with the Analysis of Ordinary Perceptual Experience], IEEE 1993

Symposium on Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 54-57.

Project Morpheus (virtual reality)

1 'Project Morpheus' is the codename for an upcoming virtual reality

headset produced by Sony|Sony Computer Entertainment. It is

designed to be fully functional with the PlayStation 4|Sony PlayStation 4 and work with the PlayStation Vita. It is currently a prototype and will be

released sometime after 2014.

Project Morpheus (virtual reality)

1 If features a high FOV, 6DOF head-tracking, stereoscopic 3D, and

unwarped output to a TV for others to view what the user sees.

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 *Among The Sleep (Krillbite Studio)

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 * The Castle (SCE Worldwide Studios|SCE)

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 *Cult County (Renegade Kid)

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 * Jurassic Encounter (Supermassive Games)

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 *Project CARS (Slightly Mad Studios)

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 * Q.U.B.E² (Toxic Games)

Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 * Summer Lesson (Katsuhiro Harada)


Project Morpheus (virtual reality) - Compatible Games

1 * Surgeon Simulator (Bossa Studios)

Installation art - Immersive virtual reality

1 By using virtual reality as a medium, immersive virtual reality art is

probably the most deeply interactive form of art.Joseph Nechvatal,

Immersive Ideals / Critical Distances

Installation art - Immersive virtual reality

1 At the turn of a new century, there is a trend of interactive installations

using Digital data|digital, video, film, sound and sculpture.

Wirth Research - Virtual reality

1 Simulated environment|Virtual reality technology is under continuous

development at Wirth Research. It is used to eliminate wasteful and

expensive prototypes, check new concepts for ergonomic and visibility issues and allow clients and partners to visualise new ideas in 1:1 scale.

Project CARS - Virtual Reality

1 On 26 August 2012 support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset

was announced on the official forums. The announcement stated

that at least one Oculus Rift Development Kit has been ordered. Members of the project are able to

follow a link referenced in the forum post to read more details.

Project CARS - Virtual Reality

1 Sony's PlayStation 4 virtual reality headset Project Morpheus (virtual

reality)|Project Morpheus will also be supported.

Global surveillance - Virtual reality surveillance

1 The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S. Central Intelligence

Agency (CIA), and Britain's Government Communications

Headquarters (GCHQ) have been conducting surveillance on the

networks of many online games, including massively multiplayer

online role-playing games (MMORPGs) such as World of

Warcraft, as well as virtual worlds such as Second Life, and the Xbox

gaming console.

Synaesthesia - Synesthesia and virtual reality

1 One type of application is the pain-reducing virtual reality program. In

existing programs, the main purpose is to reduce pain when undergoing a

specific treatment by shifting the attention from the experienced pain to the virtual program in which the patient is participating. By using

artificial synesthesia and combining various senses, this can help to

enhance the control of a person’s attention, which can be used to

improve and direct sensory distraction from the perceived pain.

Synaesthesia - Synesthesia and virtual reality

1 Virtual reality has proven to be very effective in managing this acute pain

in several medical settings by shifting patients' attention from their experienced pain to the program in which they have been introduced

Essilor - Virtual reality

1 Essilor's research department particularly concentrates on the

combined progress of two complementary disciplines: optics

and physiology, with particular recourse to virtual reality. A

simulation tool that makes it possible to perceive and interact in Three-dimensional space|3D in a multi-

sensory way.

Essilor - Virtual reality


Essilor - Virtual reality

1 In 2008, the Varilux Ipseo New Edition was designed using Essilor's Virtual Reality


Spatial memory - Virtual reality

1 During one recent study researchers designed three different virtual

towns, each of which had its own unique road layout and a unique set of five stores. However, the overall footprint of the different maps was

exactly the same size, 80 sq. units. In this experiment, participants had to partake in two different sets of trials.

Spatial memory - Virtual reality

1 First, participants were assigned two of the three virtual landscapes and tasked with the role of a taxi driver

Spatial memory - Virtual reality

1 The second set of trials involved the same task for the participants but

with some changes to the context of the environment

Spatial memory - Virtual reality

1 The results of the first trial showed that people are capable of learning the spatial layout of an interactive


Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers - Virtual reality

1 Almost the entire story of each book is set in Cyber-Space, and personal

Virtual Reality systems called Veeyars. An introduction to the

system comes from these abridged opening pages of the first book,

Virtual Vandals.

Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers - Virtual reality

1 :The April sky was a bright, cloudless blue, marked only by the thin white contrails of an aerospace plane's jet engines. Matt Hunter squinted his brown eyes, staring up from the

Camden Yards stadium.

Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers - Virtual reality

1 :An elbow in his ribs brought his thoughts back to earth. 'Nice job on

these seats, genius,' Andy Moore complained.

Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers - Virtual reality

1 :'You'd think that after renovating this place, they'd put some

comfortable padding out here,' David Grey added.

Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers - Virtual reality

1 :Leif Anderson stretched back in his seat. 'It's comfortable enough from where I'm sitting.'

Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers - Virtual reality

1 :Matt gave his friend a blow. The seat which Leif seemed to occupy was actually empty, the space filled with a hologram. Leif was

actually sitting in his parents' apartment in NYC, no doubt sprawled in a very expensive Computer-Link chair. An Implant (medicine)|Implant beneath his skin connected him to

the World Net, allowing his image to be seen here in Baltimore, while he experienced

everything that was happening nearly 200 miles away.