Violations SOC101

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Violations SOC101

Alyssa Margarette D. Cruz SOC101 BAIS-1A July 20, 2015

The violation I did was interrupting someone while talking. My friend and I were walking down the road to spot a tricycle in sight for a ride to our homes. She was immersed in talking until I bluntly interrupted her. It was a violation of a folkway because its common courtesy to let someone finish talking before you do. The value underlies the folkway I violated is respect.The violation was serious enough to cause a slight tension between us since I was rude with my action. She probably also felt annoyed with me and didnt want to repeat what she said. Social control was evident when we both continued our conversation normally like before. The sanction I receive was a cold shoulder which I think lasted for a few seconds; I used that time to contemplate on what I did.I felt embarrassed and guilty because its not something I usually do. I value respect extremely; a teacher once told us, Respect others if you want them to respect you. Its been engraved on my mind ever since then. Folkways are important to social life seeing that it gives us a better understanding of a culture. One should respect the boundaries of cultural behaviour given. This folkway changed in importance over time knowing that sometimes not all interruptions are unrefined. We cant help but feel the need to contradict on someones statement but one has to know the boundaries to avoid tension with others.