Villa for sale Class IX

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Villa for sale Class IX



Villa for sale is a play in which Juliette; the owner of a villa wants to sell it as she is in need of money. Moreover, she is fed up of that place. She wanted to sell the villa for 200 thousand francs .

But nobody wants to buy that villa. It was a very hard time for Juliette and business was as bad as it could be. Even her maid got role to play in a film at the Joinville Studio and they were giving her hundred thousand franks for her act.

An agent sends a couple Gaston and Jeanne with the aim of buying the villa. Initially Gaston was not at all interested in purchasing the villa as he did not want his in-laws in the house; moreover he finds the asking price of villa to be somewhat expensive but his wife wants to purchase it for her parents and her sister.

Gaston was very opportunist and witty person who know how to mould situations for his benefit. When Juliette and Jeanne went upstairs to see the villa then another customer Mrs. Al Smith comes, a film star and starts talking to Gaston taking him to be Juliette’s husband and the owner of the villa.

She makes up a deal with Gaston who sells the villa to her at three hundred thousand francs by which he is able to give 200 thousand francs to the owner and keep one hundred francs for himself in his pocket from a few minutes without making any effort.

When Mrs. Gaston and Juliette came downstairs then Jeanne was surprised to see that Gaston was very keenly interested in purchasing the villa. Earlier he did not want that house and her parents to stay with them but now he started showing concern for them.

Later he tells Jeanne the whole story that they had not purchased that house and how he has made a profit of hundred thousand francs. This show that how a good businessman did not let go any profitable situation from his hands.