
Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of VikasKumar[2_4]

  • 8/12/2019 VikasKumar[2_4]


    Vikas Kumar

    Phone: Please mail

    kumarvikas385@gmail.comJ Block Sec-22 Noida (U.P)


    To seek a challenging career in an esteemed and growth oriented Organiation which will ena!le me to"tilie m# $otential and a!ilit#% and !e recognied as an achie&er and $ro&ides me a 'ield to associate

    m#sel' with a $rogressi&e organiation that gi&es me sco$e to "$date m# knowledge and skills inaccordance with latest trends.

    Summary of Experience

    O&erall ears e*$erience.

    2.+ ears e*$erience in ,T ecr"itment% #ears e*$erience in US sta''ing and .+ #ears

    e*$erience in /omestic ecr"itment.

    0"rrentl# working in /omestic cons"lting handling ,T and Non ,T ecr"itment.

    1orking all t#$e ,T o! $ro'ile like 0%033% a&a S4P%.Net% 5P% Peo$leSo't% S67% Oracle%

    ,$hone% 4ndroid% ,OS% we!% /ata!ase /e&elo$er %S#stem 4dmin% /ata!ase 4dmin % we! designeretc and Non ,T 7ike Proect 8anager% 8arket e*ec"ti&e% Sales e*ec"ti&e% !"siness anal#st%

    co"nselor% 95O% B/8% 005% % 4;8% /;8 etc. 5*$os"re to 0om$lete ecr"itment li'e c#cle. 5*$ertise in Jo! assessment% So"rcing% Screening

    o' res"mes% ,nitial screening ,nter&iew and 'ollow-"$

    5*$erience in the gam"t o' tasks incl"ding 'illing the clients re

  • 8/12/2019 VikasKumar[2_4]


    Company: Panache Facility Management & Services Pvt. Ltd.Role: IT Recriter!Consltant " #R$ration: Fe%. '( to Till $ate


    eading the entire gam"t o' ecr"itment% Short listing% Screening% selecting% "sing o! $ortals and&endors 'or recr"itment% 5ns"ring

  • 8/12/2019 VikasKumar[2_4]



    eading c"stomer $ro!lem relati&e ,nternet.

    7ock c"stomer $ro!lem

    8anaging 5*cel sheet.

    E!ucational "ack#roun!

    S.+o. 2ali3ication Institte!School 4niversity!5oard 6ear Percentage

    . 8.0.4 N,ST PTU 2@2 EAF

    2. B.0.4 /08T /ehrad"n(U.G) 80P 2@@D ED.2F

    . ,,th-0lass S.H.8 Binor UP Board 2@@E IAF+. th-0lass S.H.8 Binor UP Board 2@@+ E@.EF

    $ersonal $rofile

    Name Hikas k"mar

    /ate o' Birth ed-4$r-DD@

    ;ender 8ale

    9atherCs Name 8r. 8aneet Singh

    Nationalit# ,ndian

    8arital Stat"s Single 7ang"ages Gnown 5nglish and indi

    Permanent 4ddress HPO: Begra$"r% /istt: Binor (U.P)




    , do here!# declare that the $artic"lars o' in'ormation and 'acts stated herein a!o&e are tr"e% correct and

    com$lete to the !est o' m# knowledge and !elie'.

    P7405: NO,/4

    (H,G4S GU84)