Vigevano, medieval games

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! Palio delle Contrade are medieval games held here every year in May and October. The second Sunday of October offers a medieval parade honoring blessed Matteo Carreri, Vigevano's patron. The parade focuses on Sforza Court and takes place in the Castle yard. There are twelve districts (Contrade) involved that coincide with each of the town’s parishes. These romantic games are a magic historical commemoration of the past.

Transcript of Vigevano, medieval games

Vigevano (Avgevan in the local variety of Western Lombard) is a town of nearly 64,000 people, particularly well known for its beautiful Renaissance "Piazza Ducale", in the centre of the town, one the most beautiful piazzas in Italy, and the Castle, that stands out among all others in Lombardy.The "Palio delle Contrade" is one of the most important events taking place in Vigevano: for fifteen years now it has been disputed every year on the second Sunday of October on occasion of the Festivity of Blessed Matteo Carreri, Vigevano's patron.

The "Palio of the Blessed Matteo" is disputed among the twelve Contrade of the town (nine are historical and three have been added later, so to make them coincide with the town parishes) and it takes place in the suggestive setting of the Sforzas' Castle Yard (entrance from the stairs of the Ducal Square). The Palio is awarded to the Contrada which makes the best score, after a series of games reminding of the Courtly Festivals which used to take place at the Sforzas' time right in Vigevano Castle.

In the course of years, the "palio of the Contrade" has more and more fit in the traditions and culture of the town; a committee of the Palio Beato Matteo was formed and during the year they propose several meetings with the town, such as the "Historical Parade" on the third Sunday of May in the Castle yard. The costumes for the parade have been very well realized after a long work of research: true to the Sforzas' time they propose over two hundred personages reminding us of the different types, from the courtiers to the representatives of many crafts of the time.

Beside the twelve Contrade, in fact, in the historical parade you can see all Sforza Court, including Ludovico il Moro and Beatrice d'Este.

Palio delle Contrade are medieval games held here every year in May and October. The second Sunday of October offers a medieval parade honoring blessed Matteo Carreri, Vigevano's patron. The parade focuses on Sforza Court and takes place in the Castle yard.

There are twelve districts (Contrade) involved that coincide with each of the town’s parishes. These romantic games are a magic historical commemoration of the past.

Vigevano's Palio delle Contrade.

Costumes representing the

15th century inhabitants of

this Italian town with a procession

of nobles, aristocrats,

artisans and common

townsfolk filling the magnificent Renaissance


Text & pictures: InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Sound: Niccolo Paganini - Moto perpetuo op.11