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Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

NOTE: This is a very rough version and contains many transcription errors

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95th Knowledge Seeker workshop, part 1, 00:00:00~01:00:00

RICK: And welcome everyone to the 95th Keshe KSW , and today is Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, is the 1st KSW of the new year of 2016 which untold understand that as up to the magic number 9 which is the year of beginning and ending according to some knowledge, so I think will probably see a lot of interesting things this year and we can start with the during from Mr. Keshe at the SSI, and see what he has in mind that understand that health is the topic that's the hot topic for today, so will carry on as it goes, Mr. Keshe are you there and available ?

KESHE: Yes, good morning, good day to you, as usual whenever and wherever you listen to this broadcast. We try to bring understanding and the work of the SSI and programme of SSI in line with the work which we have done for years, and this year… just one second please. As I said, sorry about the gap, this year our plan is in one direction. And that is totally the achievement or try to achieve the creation of the plasma… to create what we call the elusive spaceship technology. We have made some efforts in that direction, and we have a number of projects which are running to show, to release and to confirm the creation of the plasma. We see a lot of interesting pictures, I see one on the . Can somebody explain to us what this is?

RICK: well, I thought that we show you that, because last week I show that I think that was 6 stacker high unit. This is from Roger of the French dream team new Magravs. I have never heard or seen them before. Their post in the Golden Age of GANS has got what appears to be 9 levels, and easily added to the top as far as suppose, so they might be going to the roof with the next one. I am not sure exactly how this going is, is better in this case, Mr. KESHE or is the case of over doing it in the sense.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

KESHE: No! there is no problem in doing it , but what was the purpose to achieve, what have we been trying to do, if this nano-coating and GANS coating of the systems are set in the specific way on the strength point of view, then maybe it has a purpose, but we got to find out why they are doing this, why they are going for such large numbers, is there anywhere, are they online? Can we talk to them or just something they post it?

RICK: well, it's something that was posted just a couple of hours ago, basically, I am not familiar with the ROGER and his group. Is there anybody that is ??? right now, that's associated with them that I can say something about it, you can put up your hand and I can allow you to speak, maybe there is someone in the live stream and know something about that as well have a look at on my Livestream ??? here?

KESHE: Don't disconnected.

RICK: There is mentions looks like they are trying to create the vertex. I see Douglas Edwards says I made it late here. Looks, no, since looks like they are trying to create the vertex, must be talking about something else. Oh, I made it to the show means that you made the unit. Misleading there.

KESHE: Yes, is there anything else to see?

RICK: well, there is something that's unusual, and I think I can show this just second well, I have to make an adjustment to my screen, this is from Corley Lane and you just share the screen, and Corley mentions: My entire studio is running on magrav... .Thank you Keshe Foundation! Sorry I have been a little out of touch, I saw some of the things happening on this planet and decided to take action. So, I signed up and was accepted to start school on January 18 at the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. My "mission" or goal or is to find healing artistic applications for our environment and health. And teach lots of amazing artistic ways to heal. I am also converting my jeep into a hybrid thanks to the Keshe teachings. Happy New Year to everyone. Despite the world wierd-li-osis-ness, Love always prevails. I can't wait for every step of our future! I can finally see a bright one for the children of tomorrow. And it says a Grateful artist/mom to have a part in helping humanity. So she is a single mom fashion of artist, she has apparently I think 5 different reactor combinations stacker units, actually 5 different stacker units that put together, I am not sure I will have all those pictures in one place here right


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

now, but I thought that was interesting, you know this is becoming almost typical in a way that the people that are necessarily scientist.

KESHE: You see the interesting is that my entire studio is running on Magravs, so it shows that the technology works, delivers, we have seen bunch of people posting that the system doesn't work, and is wrong and people who are running their system, their energy supplier from Magravs system , so it shows we are correct, and something is strange which is happening is a large number of people, we lost the screen somewhere.

RICK: I just focus on the website that's actually part of the Keshe community network website that's come out, and they showed the picture there for…

KESHE: Yes, a large number of people are achieving and switch supply energy for themselves, so she is running her studio with magravs technology, so it means it works, and this situation which has been reason by what I call the dog forces has been given a new life this week, we received the interesting link, that I sent you rick one which shows how they try to discredit scientists. I don't even seen this.

RICK: , yes, yes, I have.

KESHE: I think it's good for people to see, if you can put that link on to show how government have a systematically try to discredit scientist, I am a scientific work like you announce, and it feeds into every single page will seen the red circle in Antwerp and in Germany, step by step as they disclose what they found out this procedure, if it has been is step by step, so you show these people work with hand in hand with government, and they go from one technique to another, because on man cannot come up with one thing and then follow the same procedure next, this seems they are waiting from the same ??? they have their own what you call it instigators of discrediting but it's not working, can yo put that link up? have you found it? it;s very good for people to listen to this 11-12 minutes of tape, it's indepandent released and if it's exactly how this be going with people to discredit the work of your work and foundation work, if it's exactly word by word into how in Anterwap ???? the foundation has been attacked, they have it shows


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

you we told you ???(同 11:42) and been on the ???(同 11:42). they try to do this kind of things to discredit, if they don't do it by name, do not do attack personally around send e-mails and rest if you see it is perfect, so 100% sure these people are work hand in hand are on the ???(同 11:42) of these governments, and in time they will be discredit, there is no doubt about it, but now it's for you lot who develop these technologies and you are using it running in your home or whatever to put it on the net, in a way we do our part, you do your part, and collectively we achieve something good, something which is running in the background is that in the next few weeks we start releasing new technology from innovation center which a lot of you can directly use, we received a lot of request that we have manage or we want to produce , Magravs systems for ourselves to sell. do not do so unless you have receive the licenses or you gonna done we've got tested certification because this you have run in problems you coming to us nothing can we sell our units, if we say yes and then you sell it cause problems, or you don't do the connections or whatever the right way, or the people make mistakes, then that becomes your problem in the big way. so as we say, if you are thinking of manufacturing go through the website, go to the manufactures the team is there to support you, and in the coming time we will finance some structures to be able become manufacturers, we won't finance everyone, we choose how and where and in that process, we move forward to not only show just Magravs system but the health system are coming out, new what I call plasma flight system are coming will show, in the coming time I was speaking yesterday or this morning, we take for the first time the first flight system into the open in next week or 2 to test it in open space, in the open environment, second one will be done in the next couple weeks again, and the 3rd and the 4th one is inline maybe in the coming days, where we try to produce as much as possible, the plasma fields in the open, the reason we use the open space is that when you set up Mgravs systems to fly ,the structure of the building you are in the table the chairs and everything else interacts the current the wires and the world current flow in the electricity, and effects your system, so when you test it in open more or less you are in the environment which you would going to test, you don't go inside the structure for time being. and we can see in the fields and how the fields interacts, what we have to move, to create the interaction of the 3 layers, the flight system is our ???, and we will see what we can do in a way that you can become part of this test, I can see put another one on the golden age of GANS is supported by the Keshe foundation, so in the coming time we will see the support logo of Keshe foundation it’s we support the work. And…

RICK: I don’t want to play the video here, but the comment here earlier the videos are actually are interesting, I recommend people to check this out, if I can just read, what she the list writes


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

here just a couple of days ago: took me 3 months not having any technical or electrical skills but with a little help from my friends we plugged it in on new years eve. It is now emitting the most beautiful calming energy through the home. I have found I can sit with it and send this energy out to others who are feeling the same emotionally calming energies and very real physical effects. My heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Keshe and all who inspired me to keep going and like this I can really play the videos Fabio And I haven't got permission at all but that , but if you play through, she has these crystals as you can see the images there, crystals involved in her Magravs setup ,and crystals are getting charged according to the little pen device that reads electric fields, it’s increasingly getting more charge, shows more charge in these crystals that seeing a way away from the Magravs unit, I think up to maybe a meter a wire so.


and these crystals are increasingly day by day getting more electrical charge according to the little pen device showing on them, I wish I can show that but I don’t get a video from Denise ????(00:17:21) to I think to show that, there was another comment, I believe that this is the comment ???? between 2, but she is mentions, I think it was Denise not calling that says anyway this is how my ??? tree my seeds this , I don't see this from electrical perspective , more as energy generator, I sense the energy field growing here and this quite different feel to electricity, I know plasma likes load and I know plasma likes to be directed, so I decided to add my load in different way through my consciousnesses, by asking it to charge my crystals and by powering my healing intentions out to other people, I am thinking that the more I do this the more plasma will come into a enlightment with my intentions, a get even more powerful as long as my intention are pure , and she has just experimenting, that was her comment on the golden age of GANS group, people can reach that through Facebook, golden age of GANS as you can see in the title there. This is Denise higgison

Post and I thought that was very very interesting, I wish we could show the video, but I don’t think that it would be proper for copyright right read now so,(19:00)

BRETT: Hi rich, I saying that link Keshe want it on your Skype.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

RICK:He say the link for.

BRETT: The link for the Keshe the Keshe video I want to show you about the problems given.

RICK: Yes. I had that already shown on the screen for the livestream ?????video post for people in the group here.

,KESHE: Can we done the soon online?

RICK: OK, that was sure we can do that way hands on second here.

KESHE: The structure as you see is a very good way to show the, yeah, that's going to behind the other one now. internet ???? and free energy people on curse. it's that's the link you can pick up and listen to it ,it’s only 11 minutes but it fits perfectly as you

have been on the internet and what has been happening on different websites, and how they’ve been attacking and everything else foundation, if it’s in their work word by word according to their paymasters in the how to, this is come from British

secret service how they guide their guys to do the dirty work, and now you see that the dirty work we told you for a long time is our government agency try to tell you ,you don’t understand everything else ??? ,And write to you e-mails and all that, now you see how they do it and how they been encouraged to do it by their what I call the paymasters, so now you see the work what we said the red circle is a paid agent, and is working with German the same way, fits perfectly into the circle.

But anyway, we don't consider them as a what you call it what talking about, because now everybody is understanding what the position is, the important part our part of the teaching is do you have anything else to show, or we carry on with the teaching part.

RICK: I think you can carry on Mr. keshe, I mean we can show lots of other things I suppose but I think we should …you have some particular health topic I think that you want to bring out some teaching along that way. or

KESHE: Yes. if you want to have for show we don't mind. By they way, Brett, it’s nice to hear you, you are live back and kicking.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

RICK: It's actually, I see for example, Ali is here, he may have something he like to share or anyone else that has anything particular that they like to bring up, or do you want have questions later? Mr. Keshe perhaps.

KESHE: Are there any questions to answer before we start teaching because we go in teaching and the end we have very few questions to answer. Are there any questions from anywhere in the livestream or (22:26)

RICK: Somebody just said your hand up , I am just going to allow them to see what they want to hear, Jacky??,.do you have a question something you want to ask perhaps , ??? your hand up there. I am not sure if they can mute there, so I will try to unmute hello, I found mute Jacky can you say something? No, ok , guess that’s was or put them back to a viewer for now. Ok , anyone else, with the anything they would like to offer at this point as for as the question from Mr. Keshe for we begin, should live stream here, there is a couple of questions like “can we make GANS with no salt water we ??? done that by ??? our nano-coated coils is made co2 GANS, now you word mentioning about co2 GANS before the workshop Mr. Keshe, maybe you like to elaborate that for a bit, I know that's there is people for example there is people creating what they believe CO2 GANS from the salt water by just adding caustic to it and they get lots of material that looks like co2 GANS some, or there is others that see there you know their zinc plates was disappearing and they think they have a lot of co2 GANS, but it's probably ZNO or some other ZN carbonate Some other zinc products perhaps. And to me it seems and I think some others seems like is not that easy???? , maybe it’s easy, but it's one has to be ??? in order to get the exact what you call co2 GANS, and for example, there is one of the test on recently on GANS, I am not sure if you seen that want to write ?????? And so on, from my think josh? was his name, and it’s one of the ??? Announces, do you know the X-ray diffraction , and this scientific test and so on on the GANS what is supposed to be the co2 GANS.

KESHE: Yes, the thing is.

RICK: This put a lot of zinc, well. Yes, of course, that’ what would happened if you let the plates sitting there for several days, and don't control the environment, yes, you will get a lot of zinc, and then the trouble is the test can really as far as I can determine, the test can really show that co2 as co2 just start with , and can’t even show the tiny little GANS type entities, because they would be NO.1 crushed by the drawing they drawing a crushing process, they used to test the particles start with, and with the core particles and the GANS is in different state, when it’s in the liquid state specially is expanded out being free and happy, and we dry and crush it and we expect to be ??? Measured. And said they say it's a bunch of a ??? substance, meaning they don’t have a clue , what it is other than it’s somewhere in the scale of the white’s scale


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

of this x-ray diffraction, so centrally they don’t have a clue in what half the material that testing are they sort of fit the graph if you use hummer pound down some other pigs, then yes, they can roughly feeds in certain way, but they don’t see ???? test probably, so I’m thinking that it’s hard to get make can test proper co2 GANS, and what do you think about that? as a ???, still I talk to you on are you still there for asleep, Mr. Keshe.

KESHE: I am getting in talk to by very nice women, Caroline.

RICK: Ok, well ,I can understand that could be distract,

KESHE: No problem ,if you give the camera I explain this again, because we have been through this a few times, I try to share the screen, I can’t share this screen, I want to go on the camera,

RICK: OK the white board. ok. you see here, ok, good thank you, Vince,

KESHE:OK. So what we have is what we explained with notice from the beginning, you have the I have explained this again before, when you put in plates, and you connect your wires, you have to control the current flow in your plate, if you don’t control the current plate, what you do, the flow is very low , the MG flow is very very low, don’t forget that you have already created a NANO structure here, so you have a plasmatic fields, in this plasmatic fields, when you have created the environment, and you increased he current, now in this part of the plate, you work in a plasmatic condition but high current , so what you are going to release is literally if you have zinc, you will release ZNO, where in this environment here, you release co2, in the water, so you got combination of two, when you put a load across this , which is a small load, then this situation changes totally in different way, where this produces co2, and here you produce zinc , so as I always explain this before we start the session, when you use zinc plate is literally impossible to produce pure co2 or pure ZNO, so when you produce this you produce the two , depending on how and how much and what you’ve done, if you connect the wires directly 90%-95% of your material is ZNO, if you put a load like a LED light or a motor a small fan motor 80%-85% you are co2 , the problem is very very similar, because you see the combination,

there is a reason we chose the zinc plate, you are working with C, the GM of the C in conjunction allows the creation of zinc GANS, even when you collect the zinc in the bottom, it’s still is in GANS state, is not in the matter state, because you are in the environment of the plate, this plate has dictated the condition, not what is on the side, this environment is dictated by this plate, is the paymaster, is the controller, the fields of the NANO material on the plate sit and acrosses the right the full length, if you manage to create a long enough container and put a CUO NANO coated on the side and then place different zinc plates in difference positions you will see


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

how much the difference would be , I’ve done this , it’s a fantastic way to do it, if you manage to upset them , if you look at this box if you make it 3 dimensional where your plates sit back to front in a way , one zinc plate hangs there, one zinc plate hangs there, one zinc plate hangs there, you see different type of GANSES are collected at the bottom, as the strength of the NANO-material produces in different and at this point you collect more ZNO where here you collect more co2, I have done all these test (33:02), you can see it that when you get it tested that you can get confirmation, so how you load your plate depends, if you are going for to use the GANS for a specific reason in the space technology in the plasma production in NANO materials, in the health pens, then it dictates what you can do, you are going for psychological you going for emotion or you are going different ways of interaction of emotions, then you understand, it took years to develop, I choose the zinc as a core part plate in this structure, here you create more environment of leaf, here you create more environment of the psychological of the body of the man, that’s how you bring the structure works, and if you go inside the brain of the man, you understand why the behavior of the emotion in certain ways, place in certain part of the body, or in the structure of the brain, so when you use these things, and you have just connected the wires at the top to each other , you can for literally producing GANS, what you call ZNO, very little amount of CO2, when you allow the current to be, I’ve test it, LED lights of the greenish spectrum, the green color is one of the best ones which creates all the red one, create the co2 in this environment, seems to be the red drainage, so people who go and say we test there is no CO2, you have to understand what you are doing, as we say the old knowledge whatever you want to achieve, if you don't understand it, you relied back to what you have not achieve, from your own intelligence, a lot of you don’t understand and you think just because a friend, or I can do a Rama spectrum copy I just test the bottom line, if you have made it .how do you expect the cake when you made a ??? for soup, very simple, and then you say it can not be made this always ??? You can’t make, cause you don’t have, you have put the right gradients for it, you have to follow the produce, you have to understand it, and you will get what exactly what it is , but the way the structure is, any of you who does that you get this, a lot of you I explained this before, who work with the sea water, I explained this before, we go back on it again, when you use sea water, to you here in the past and other set,

you have the plates, but in the sea water you have the same position, you have a mixture of all the elements on this planet, I’ve explained this before, you go from gold to copper to zinc to whatever you want whatever you image is in the sea water and in so many ways when you add the caustic to it, you change every molecule atomic structure due to where they are and how they connect to each other, how they connect through the containment of the system, you put it in, dictates how you collect so much GANS at the bottom, most of this carries CONH, so you have


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

by chance by coincident co2 in it, you have gradient of GANS of water, a lot of you don't realize in the water system , you produce from the sea water, you produce huge amount of GANS of water, huge amount of GANS of H2, but what you see at the bottom is spectrum of GANSES , depending on what temperature you created when you add the caustic into it ,

because each one has the temperature effect, so when you collected the GANS, you see is a lot of GANS collected majority of it has zinc in it, has co2 in it, has the GANS of water in it , and the combination of the lot gives you the white color, and you happy you have it, but the GANS you collected from the sea water at the bottom of your container is extremely mixture of everything on this planet, but in the future you can use this mixture for most of things you want to use, if you get the GANS of sea water and produce it on your course for space technology in the batteries, you have the full spectrum of energies is needed for space travel, it’s as simple as that , most of you who created the GANSES with sea water, use the GANS for your batteries or for your space technology for feeding everything is in there, whatever the man needs is in the ocean, and when you make your batteries and when you use GANS of the material on it, now the energy of the GANS or whatever you use in the sea, now is available for the man, you can use every elements you can image in this system, if you use water from different part of the ocean, you will receive different type of GANSES but near enough in the strength in certain elements, in time when you test you will understand more, if you give the GANS this GANS to be tested by Rama spectrum copy, and it ??? copy in others spectrum, you will find they give you every element which is in the creation of this planet, but majority of it is CO2, and the zinc which is part of this structure, because again C is 12, zinc is the 16, it's by the factor, that’s why human race the body structure of the life on this planet is very much dependent on the operation of the zinc, because in part of the structure of the amino-acid, zinc behaves very much has a stronger C, and in that conjunction it allows different structure coming into operation, life is not accidental on this planet, is ??? it has sent for one to support the other, replacement the one thing to the other , that’s why in your body you have parathyroid glands ,because the parathyroid glands changes this to this, or in other confirmation and conversion this to this, or to this as needs it.

RICK:Mr. Keseh, there is a question about with the GANS of water have the color if so, what color would that be , you mentioned that water turns into GANS inside the body or not?

KESHE: Yes , the color of the GANS is transparent.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)


KESHE: It’s very transparent color, and it states that in a way your lymph is that made of the water, that’s is why ????,65%your body is water. because the lymph which is made of the GANS water, your lymph is a GANS of water but energize in the specific way.

RICK: There was a comment last night about how the structure of water is different when it’s inside the body somebody there is actual scientific research about the shape of the water crystals, actually are change and have to be different inside the water, inside the body rather,and that water that’s normal outside the body, is actually needs takes certain energy to change to the ???(42:41)water , that’s used by the body inside the body, so that ??? is exactly what you are saying. Really

KESHE: Yes, if you understand it, it’s very easy to translate the knowledge, the water inside the body of the man is literally what you call the deposit bank of the spectrum of the energies, if you think with that way, the lymph of the body of the man is like the sea water, it carries everything in the same shape for home one, in the energy format than the matter format, and then you take from what you need, in conjunction with your energies which comes from your parathyroid glands, and then the division of the section by the what you call it other glands in the body, in the coming time, I show you how you can change the rotation of the lymph and disease in the body of the man , last week we spoke about if you remember, where we put bottle on the table we say it’s ok if this is the body of the man ,we could change it with the pen, but now, let's go step further, all of you have made these coils, we have made these coils in a very simple way, and you have both understand I repeat this again, the operation of these coils, these coils are built to replicate the operation of the universe, this internally has a GM property, this has a GM property, the two together have their own GM in respect to each other, so the environment they create is totally shape of literally the bone of plasma, here we brought this in this line, in the space technology which now we producing the plasma, as we showed you we turned the plasma in the shape where we could create and control both MG to create pressure and changes, those of you who follow the health section, you can use this, let me explain how, if you put this as body of the man, and you put this on one side, you can change the orientation of this ring and change the plasmatic condition GM field strength which go through the body , if you put a similar unit on the side, let me explain to you this way, this is one of the plates, one of the power supplies Magravs units, if I put this Magevas unit here, and put another Magravns unit on the other side of the body of the man, and now I orientate the change orientation the GM strength of the system, you see I can adjust it to be zinc and i can adjust to be gold, I can bring it to be hydrogen,


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

so in the coming time the orientation of GM field of one system as it go through the body of the man, or the body will change and effect what is inside in the center, so if I can go this way that you can see better, this way, so if I put this on the side, and I change this as the energy go through the body, it changes, you have a cancer base on calcium you change slightly, your will bring it potassium, in this environment, potassium can not exist, so the cancer disappears, because you change the environment of field inside the body of the man, so in next step. now which you are learning in the health section of the space technology, you need one coil, or you decide to hold the center constant and just change the G M than M now, so you can change the two, or you can change the strength of the G in the center of one in respect to the other, becomes very easy, the new health systems, now we know how to change GM field, you can go from hydrogen to any element you want by literally changing the orientation or the power supply as a plasma in your coils, you don’t need to carry every medicine with you because now you can change higher G system go to heavier metals heavier elements, or become M to release it according to what you want, so from now on, in the new health sections that we talk about in a way, you don't need to carry vitamin C, vitamin D, or aspirin or whatever one system variation in the strength orientation of one field to another will create what you need, this is what we said in the space, you don’t need any medicine, the coil like this which creates plasma inside you are not working with field with plasma with coppers, you working with the field of plasma here, this is the plasma which you are changing, this is what you working with, so in changing orientation you change the plasma strength which is release or your block, you increase the G to go to a higher element or you increase a M to release and convert to a lighter, but you place another system here which means this has to interact with this, so in between is the body of the man, change of cancer in zero time, because you change the environment, later on today we are testing one, very much in this way, we have a man who has cancer has been what you call it operated on, and it has reoccurred, now we are going to test literally with two plates like this without variation to see if we can change the condition , but don't forget we connect these two together, that we decide that there is a need for a field flow, there is a need for interaction, leaving one in respect to the other, with the body of man inside changes within this as we develop this technology you test, then become to build one system, literally small unit like this can handle any disease in the space, because now you control the G and M, those are who are use in the health section and like doctors who work slowly can start developing the system which is literally based on a free plasma, and just don't forget you need to create a plasma condition , this way you get flat plasma, you need the spherical shape of it which is this way in the middle or the other way around, so the structure of the new plasma space is very very simple is what you need, and now you have the tools for it, one simple system can give you,

those of you who made that 9 stacker or 12 stacker or whatever you can use these stackers, even make a 20 stackers high, but in a way that you can move it and put another 20 stacker across


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

from it, or as we showed ??? showed us, we have before who made this 9 stacker, it's perfect. make it more , make it 20, as many as you can ,the height of the man, then make a variable stand that you can move another system another stacker up and down in respect to this, and put the ???(00:52:13) of the man in the middle, you have a cancer in the stomach area you use this, you have a cancer which spread across the body, you use all of it, you turned the man, you got brain cancer, brain tumor, you do this part, you have a amputate leg you want to grow it , you create the field here, so the people who showed us, and they keep on showing the new pieces and new condition there is always application, when you go into it, you can explain it, extend this, make this to 20, 30 stacker, try to be very close, and the same time. when you make this kind of things, don’t connect them to each other. Make a system that you can connect this to this, or this to this, don't tie up to increase the filed continuously to another, and then do the same across, if you can build a system which is very much in the star formation the same as these the stackers and you place the body here, the body becomes the forth reactor, you can dictate building of the chambers of the heart , you can building the pieces of the body where, for example there is a cancer or there is a blockage, you want to remove it without open operation because you can precisely with 3 position, we took we have a spectrum open, so you can pin point create the right field of the muscle tissue or the stomach, and then you target where it is exactly where you want it to be, this is what going to be added in coming time ,the more and more people come in, and as we open the institute as a research center, these are the things who come up with these things, expand knowledge, extend it in a way to understand what you are doing, allow your positions from now on, don’t make a place which are fix with two rings, allow in the way that you can make a flexible rings, I saw Armen showing me a spring his made, Armen ,are you there online?


KESHE:OK, can you showing us what you have shown me yesterday as the way as a fitting for the coils?

ARMEN: Should give me one second, Mr. Keshe.

RICK: Yes, Armen …shows it in the KESHE PLASMA REACTOR GOURP… as well that’s a pretty clever way we thought to connect the plasmatic wires, nano-coated wires you see .

KESHE: Are you there? Armen.

ARMEN: Yes. at the garage.

KESHE: Are you still celebrating the new year. Armen?

ARMN: No. ha,ha …


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

KESHE: Yesterday, yes, I think we'd better explain the Russian and Armenians all looks the church of Russia and Armenians Christian celebrate the new year on the 16 of January for the Christmas, so their celebration was nowhere. They don’t celebrate on the Christmas day, and the celebration of the new year is on the 6th of January, that's why is busy. Carry one, Share your screen, you are too small. share it. ah, there is a beautiful place good morning, half a sleep?

ARMEN: Yes. I got my 3D printer,


RICK: We are ,we are.

KESHE: We should unlet you lose, ARMEN, '

RICK: Ha,ha. Goes would that come on that machine now.

ARMEN: Yes. This is perfect way to connect, just squeezing, that’s all, you can nano coated this together and put your capacitor in between, and this is like plug in, you know. But you can do the same with the same thickness of the wire,

RICK: plug in, pray?

ARMEN: Yes, plug. haha. ???, so you can have it flexible and it’s not won’t come out, if you nano-coat together, just it’s perfect, and in any time you want you want to take it out. I think this is going to save a lot of muscle for everybody, hello?

KESHE: Yes, we just enjoy it. Can you make a video of this, can you make it? because a lot of people have a lot of free time with this ,

ARMEN: I know, this is you know for year ,let’s say, you twist this, and you just pushing and this way you can nano-coat it, then the other line, you can just put you capacitor…

KESHE: That’s saves a lot of twisting. Huh?

ARMEN: Yeah.

RICK: I think the thing have to be copper? would it have to be in copper? like keep it all the same material rather than a brass copper, so you keep it, alright, OK.

ARMEN: I have it for wire so I have winded it because.

RICK: So do you wind long length and just cut off what you need. and put a little loop end on it, so ends it loop.

ARMEN: Inside is how you make capacitor how you tight you know, just squeeze it in,


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)


ARMEN: And this way you can connect you know different you know reactors together or if you want to connect the upper reactor, it can bring you wire and just push in,

KESHE: Armen, can you make a small quick video how you do it and the way you apply it, because we can send it to the factories to do it.

ARMEN: Sure!

KESHE: There is a huge problem with connecting of the plates to each other.

ARMEN: Both they have to do the same wire you know

KESHE: ??? five minutes video, Armen, Please.



Keshe: More five minutes with you, Armen, please.

Armen: Sure.

Keshe: Can you put it on the blue print?

Armen: OK

Keshe: Yeah, you are good, just spend five minutes and then we can ask manufacturer or people to use it.

Armen: we have small coils now.

Keshe: Did you do that in the 3D machine?

Armen: No, here, haha...

Rick: Where you gona to use it? You have a 3D print case for that? Is that a car unit?

Armen: Yeah, I have my machine.

Keshe: Now we will buy you one. We need a bigger one. We need a 3 dimensional bigger one. That’s good.

Armen: It’s very useful, Mr. Keshe. Small things you can print in the right way as same to the manufactures’. Simple model...


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Keshe: you (missed, 1:01:07)

Armen: Yes. See! These toys made this kind of things,Mr.Keshe.

Keshe: What it got to do with 3 dimensional system?

Armen: Because I can build the case for this.

Keshe: OK. Make a video and put it on the blue print. And send a link to the XXX(1:01:26) to the factory. As it saves a lot of time, we have a huge problem in connection. This way just zip-zip down. Anything else?

Armen: No

Keshe: sure? Ok, thanks Armen.

Armen: you are welcome.

Keshe: The process with this what we talking about the new systems. What it will be and how we change the process is that from now on we don’t matter what material we use, copper, zinc, iron, whatever, it’s irrelevant. Because the plasma which creates in the center which dictates again, the strength which we give it and the strength we take from it. And with this way, because we are dealing with free plasma in more or less the gans state of plasma itself, it interacts with the body of man in a direct way. So, one thing which has to be point out, in so many way, is walking away from the physicality and this is what we start from the beginning. What you are dealing with? You look at this structure, I look at this structure (plasma). This is where action takes place. This is where the plasma gives and takes. The rest, because of the interaction, dictate the condition, how much will be here. If you increase your gravitational strength or your magnetical strength. I put this two different ways and you can see that, and this one comes out. You feed it, you increase your magnetical through increasing gravitational (field). One of the things which now we see and got to watch is the new battery which are creating. These batteries which is even coiled with aluminum plates nano-coated or calcium plate or whatever you have, they work extremely powerful way with these systems. Because we do not work in the matter state, we work in the plasma state. So when you feed a plasma to a plasma, you do not go to the matter. So you can directly dictate with you battery what energy will come out of this plasma. Is replacement of the matter with plasma where for the first time we don not go to matter state. A plasma feeds a plasma, creates a plasma, the plasma interacts with the gans plasma the body of the man. And if you make a one stronger and one weaker and another system of same here. Then as it goes trying to catch with this, interacts with the internal structure of the body of man. You have to understand what you do and the way you do it. So it excess to the next step. When you set up your health sections, health systems, you have to work this way. You created the hollow plasma between the strength here. You have the body of the man , you have the second plasma which you have created down here. This plasma has to be stronger. This plasma has to be weaker, where the strong tries to feed the weak, 129 Tesla system. And so it covers the spectrum the energy inside the body of the man. Here you have a cancer tumor, because higher


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

strength is comes like sugar in the hot water, just opens up, it releases the energy instantaneously. So when you set up medical systems to create the health system to change the condition of cancer, someone gets feedback on. You have to remember that one system has to be more powerful than the other.

Armen: Mr. Keshe, can I show you something?

Keshe: Yes. You gonna share with the screen? You have been opening my systems, Armen!

Armen: No, this is the one I opened before. In between, you can put a box too, correct? To make you gans.

Keshe: Yes, this is exactly what I was explaining. So, you see the smoke of field is flowing, can you see it? Magrav of the smoke.

Rick: Just to let the people know it’s not from the unit burning or burning things someone else are on fire there.

Keshe: hehe, it’s just an Armen cigarette.

Armen: Mr. Keshe, this way you can position one coil is smaller, one is bigger, correct?

Keshe: It’s not the coil size. It’s the strength of fields. If you use, let’s say on you left side on the screen, copper oxide is flattened whatever gans, in the other one you use CH3, you understand? You create the condition of the fields. This is the same process in the space technology. If you change what you call, the number of batteries on the left side, let’s say with four batteries of the same, and the other side of two. The two which is weaker and attracts and you put the body of the man between the two, that will happen. What do you see what you just show there now, which I explained with bottle and rings, this is the future of health in the space. This is the future of what we will see and happen. What are you trying to do now?(missed, 1:09:34)

Armen: Connection... What I am saying is connections because it is very very significant. And you can connect your batteries right way. It is capacitors that you can change like if you want different strength you can add on.

Keshe: Please send it to me today. I will send it to the factory.

Armen: OK, see, finished. No twisting, no nuts, no bending. It’s already all pre-made.

Keshe: I tell you something. The manager, the new manager of the factory is going to love you very much. This was a big headache of twisting wires.

Armen: Hhhe...I know, it’s so much time saving.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Keshe: Yes, it’s still we are going to find... Actually you are going to make it wiring the coil around the same wire itself (1:10:55).

Armen: You can do that too. I made the coils that the end of the coil is in, like it is a coil. So you can, in the right way, plug in. So lots of things you can do.

Keshe: Yeah, thank you very much. I would like that 3D printer. I tried to buy this two years ago, but it was not good enough. We have one we have been offered recently taking (? 1:11:41) to it. I think it is the future to be able to do mass production testing. It is...

Rick: When I tell you now it is the sign of time that when you walking into the local drug store, like London Drug Store, they have care. And you can, now in the fliers (1:11:59), they have 3D printer available around thousands of dollars. And I was shocked when I, you know, saw that...

Keshe: They brought out 3D pens, here you can buy it for hundreds of dollars. You just create the pen as they want. It is 3D pen, you can make whatever you like. OK, Armen, I wait for this video very quickly we can send it. That’s right you see? Here you see right in the back. Just keep your picture, Armen, hello? Come back on. You sit just in the back. We see all that twisted wires in the back of this, this white tray is solved (1:12:53). You see there, just where you are touching in the back. All these coils can be connected with one system. Yeah, that’s perfect. Thank you very much, Armen. Ok, what’s the next in the magic box (1:13:22).

Robert: Mr. Keshe, you can’t turn it then back on themselves if you put them inside of those coils, all right?

Keshe: Who’s talking? Hello?

Robert: Yeah, you can’t turn the wires back on themselves, right? If you put matter on it?

Rick: That is Robert, right?

Keshe: What do you mean backing on themselves? I think it was brought on the live stream and Zoom.

Robert: No, you don’t need.

Keshe: Because it becomes more now... Hello?

Robert: Yes, so in nano-coating we don’t need to turn the end of the wire back and it’s up now.

Keshe: What do you mean is on the springs?

Robert: That’s correct (1:14:34).


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Keshe: Don’t see why. But we don’t need to do it on the end of the wires because it is one continuous flow. There is no losses. If you look at the structure, one field joins the other, across it. With this connection, I don’t see any need for turning.

Rick: There is no opens and starts out... (missed, 1:15:13)

Keshe: No opens because one release will link with other plasma.

Rick: Where is they are? Just twisted together, there is always a two point ends that we need to be turned.

Keshe: They are opened into space yet (1:15:25) they faced each other.

Robert: So why when nano-coating, we turn that back on itself and then after nano-coating, we cut it and put it in the coil.

Keshe: You don’t need to go to cut. Just leave it straight and use the plexus, these new plexus which Armen show.

Robert: Do we need to turn it back when we nano-coating the coils.

Keshe: Yeah, because you are not using the coils if you are not connecting. If you are connecting it, it already can go into the wire, into the what we call it, the plexus.

Sandor: It is Sandor here. One example is.... (missed, 1:16:16) when you do the nano-coating with fire.

Keshe: Pardon?

Sandor: He asked about he has the already now posted the coils with extend backed, the XXX (missed, 1:16:31) cut them.

Keshe: Yeah, but you have to nano coat the end, where cut.

Sandor: We need the turn from the beginning.

Keshe: Yh, you leave it straight that’s what I said you don’t need to make a loop because everything is in the same tonal, same field of strength.

Rick: We have a couple of people with questions where one comes from Handal is here. It is “A jacky Keshe swish (1:17:27).” Did you have something to commend on this point?

Handal: Yes, it’s just to show my setup. Can I show it?

Rick: Will it gonna be ok, Mr. Keshe? Are you ready to do that? What would you like to do.

Keshe: No problem.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Handal: Hello, everyone. So it’s my first unit. Then I connected it with all my office, with the computer, with the PC, with the heater... (1:18:30) I just connected with the Alex system and then I put my batteries and capacitors with it.

Keshe: Have you create the plasma batteries?

Handal: Absolutely. We use a lot of different gans and different... I made the gans with all the material I have. And then I have different gans and different batteries.

Keshe: Can I look at you reset please? Can you go back to your set. OK, go back if you can see your set, please.

Handal: Yh, I have some batteries which is connected with my computer. So its series batteries.....(1:19:39) because it has a lot of connecting, it has lots of wood.

Keshe: What’s the problem that is not so good?

Handal: It’s lots of wiring in the old places. So if we can make it ease to connect with what I just sit with...(1:19:57).

Keshe: Yes, but what I see you have, how have you connect your next setup now. Your system is a fly system.

Handal: Yeah

Keshe: Have you connected it to see what it is, how it is?

Handal: I have seen a lot of things. I see many beautiful things. And that’s the best I see a spaceship.

Keshe: You see a spaceship? In what form?

Handal: It’s like a ...

Keshe: You are the fifth person who have achieved this now.

Handal: It is some people yell and laughing and we are ready to take off.

Keshe: Have you..? The thing is if you go back on you set. You are the first one who talk publicly about this. I think we can go a step further with this now. Ali, are you on line?

Rick: Ali was on line but he mentioned he was not preferred to share with.

Ali: I am on line. Hello?

Keshe: Hello, hi Ali. Can we look at the structure of the fly system you built.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Ali: Yes, sure. Please hold on. Can let me try on the video. OK.

Keshe: This is if you look...OK. You see the structure is very much similar.

Ali: Let me go back a bit. So I put a ... It’s a star formation, but I use this pipes, PVC pipes. So I cut at the middle, stacker (1:22:12), and this is the middle stacker here. And they are all separated so I didn’t put on top of each other and make sure that this one is separated with this one. Because they should have their own separated gravitational and magnetical fields. This is the bottom one. And I got three star formations and there is three outside here. And I got this one and I got the other one, there. And these are the batteries on the bottom. I am making more batteries right now. I have to make four more, four here, four here, four here, and use them in parallel and I will make suit-out (?, 1:23:12) connection to each other, there is no gans paper on them. There are made of films of aluminum I had. You should put them in the caustic, you are going to burn the aluminum. So you really have to heat the cold use like a torch or something, just heat the aluminum. The better one is use titanium if you have the titanium issue to do the titanium. And there are splits, so you get a split here, it’s rough on itself and the top is there.

Keshe: This is what Armen just showed us, saves lots of problem for your connections.

Ali: Yeah, and it is really good.

Keshe: Can you explain to us what you see in your structures?

Ali:Well, there is lots of sumar (missed, 1:24:07) in the room. It’s kind of like tide wave and it increase at some point and goes really really high, almost like all the powering. They are powerful, and then it drops down at certain times of a day. If you demos or lies (missed, 1:24:31), there is tons of sumar in the room, lots of sparks around you, almost running into it (1:24:34), like your bodies is reflected like when you move in, you are going to hear a word or something. But in your naturally, you avoid it, you pass through it ,what else. This created phenomena of voice and text (?, 1:24:50) and it does pull you in and it attracts your body and your tongues are so powerful that you like, your metal soul are so powerful. With the connections, as Mr. Keshe at last Knowledge Seeker information, you have connected your a three outside, and star formation have to be connected gravitational to gravitational, magnetic to magnetic. Around the middle stackers, we got do opposite, so gravitation to magnetic, gravitation to magnetic and magnetic to gravitation, magnetic to gravitation. If you use some crystals, it will... I have some pyramid crystals with experiment, I put one top of it. It’s pretty much connects to our conscious, mind. So, if you deliberately track with plasma, it will be something that you like experience for more (?, 1:25:27) as we can do on the test.

Keshe: You use the sea water as your gans?

Ali: Yeah, all my gans are sea water and there is one CO2 from caustic and sea water, and it produces beautiful whites and amino acids structure and also spread on it. There was another one which I put electrodes with brass and copper wire nano-coated wire. And there is another one, which is a heavier


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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one, which I made through putting different types of elements, including copper, brass, and maybe quart of NS (?,1:26:42).

Keshe: Can you tell us what you see as structures. When you like, walking to the room, it likes a misty room, so it’s like when you pass through and missed, there is like a vapor in the room almost, and it’s visually you can easily see it. You can even touch out some of the balloons (1:27:07) electrodes and it flickers and sometime there is some like between the stacks. Do you see bunch of lines or bunch of light or something, travels to each other. There’s different kinds of gans...

Keshe: I think you are not the only one who sees this. So the follow five of the friends. Do they with you say the same thing?

Ali:Yeah. And the interaction of ganses that happens. There are certain points where your amino acids matches the energy of the system. And there is some part of your body. It’s kind of disappears, because there magnetic gravitational frequency of the coil matches the magnetic frequency of your body.

Keshe: We put the whole in the room (1:28:04) but they don’t see that part.

Ali: Yeah, so you see disappearing hands, sometimes disappearing hand.

Keshe: You lost your head, couple of days ago?

Ali: Yeah, Yeah. And the mode of lighters (?,1:28:21) is easier that you can see. So if you are first adjusting, make sure to deliver the lights quite a bit

Keshe: Let me explain to the people in the background. Ali is part of the Keshe Foundation structure. He works and I guide him directly in how to structure and build things. So he is part of the Keshe Foundation SSI Unit, he is part of the what you call it Keshe Foundation team, so any things which is to be asked you have to go to the foundation and we developed. Because we are heading this section of Keshe Foundation in coming time and I can see, becomes full time Keshe Foundation member and moves from job to job. So we see now... Can we have the guy from the Switzerland, you can tell him what you see and he needs to change.

Ali: Yeah, sure.

Keshe: Rick, can we have the gentle man from the Switzerland sharing his experiment with us? Yeah, OK, can we go back to your setup please? If you go close, then we explain to you what is the right (?, 1:29:34). You have done the beautiful job. It’s absolutely beautiful, perfect to see it. What you need to do is inter-connecting the back gravitational base of the three base units, you have to connect them to each other. As a gravitational base that they share power, that you can get constant lift(1:30:00)one thing else I think you can telling what you need to do, Ali is the center coil , you have to turn it 90 degrees.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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(01:30:00~02:00:00) transcript by lynn

is the center coil, you have to turn into 90degrees ,

Ali: Yeah…

Keshe: Yeah, this is what you need, because then you create plasmatic .. you still have the same position, I have the same set up with me here now, I can replicate your system, what you need to do whatever material you have used for the structure, you have to nano-coat.

Ali: Yeah, I make it by nano-coat all the pieces, the wood and all the zincs,

Keshe: I see you got the you made slots that you can move the unit back and forth on the legs..

Ali: Legs yeah…

Keshe:Ok, your unit has to be at least another 10 cm off the ground.

Ali: Ok.

Keshe: It’s too close to the ground, so the fields interaction touches the matter state from the table,.just give it some legs, that’s like the what you call the oil field standting on the platform with the legs on,

Rick: What about the legs? Mr. Keshe, can you comment on what’s the best material for legs?

Keshe : It’s the same material as he is using, ?????

Ali If you contact me afterwards, Jacky, I will bring you into the Keshe Foundation Space Team, and then I will guide you how to connect even with the systems in Canada,

Jacky :Ok.

Keshe : I am glad you work as a team, we have 2, 3 other guys who do not want to come to public domain, when they choose they come there is no problem, You can turn your gravitational coil vertical.



Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Keshe: Pardon?

Keshe:I can’t hear, it’s very distorted voice.

Keshe :Hello?

Rick: Say again Jacky please.

Keshe: You are too far from the microphone,

Jacky : Ok…

Keshe: Go back to the screen, go back to your laptop, maybe we can hear you better there.

Rick: Do you know how to select the microphone in the zoom window? Right inside the mute button , you have mute start the video, there is little arrow, click on the arrow, and then select your microphone, you have built in various microphone options , do you see that?

Jacky: Yeah…

Keshe: Is the bottom of zoom where you have the question answer? You have a camera, you have a microphone, we should hear “ Ding Dong” .. no we can’t hear you..

Rick: Can you select microphone he is doing now, under microphone a little arrow beside the mute button?

Jacky :Yeah… is this better?

Rick: Yes, it seems to be

Keshe: Perfect…

Rick: Thank you thank you

Jacky :Ok, you are welcome

Keshe: Ok, ask your question..

Jacky : Yeah, I said……. Keshe: I tell you what to do, is your system connected to batteries?

Jacky : Yes.

Keshe: Ok, can you go closer to it as you speak ?

Jacky : Yeah.


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Keshe: Can you speak as you go closer?

Jacky : Yeah.

Keshe: Ok I tell you what to do.. move back, ,move back to your computer, go back to your laptop, ok,can you speak?

Jacky :Yes, I speak here.

Keshe: Ok ,go back to the system, you have created the shield , when you go closer to it, it interferes with your microphone,

Jacky :Ok.

Keshe: This is the field from the system which is interfering,

Ok, it means your system has already made it’s own shielding ,

Jacky :Yeah.

Keshe: Ok ,so that’s why we couldn’t hear you, doesn’t matter what you try the microphone or headset , what you call it the earphone, ok explain to me now please,

Keshe: No, we still got the problem,…yeah, we got the problem. …

Rick: We can barely hear you.

Keshe: Yeah, let’s back off. Hello….

Rick: That’s much quieter that’s for sure…

Keshe: Ok, can you repeat your questions please? Are you trying to make orange juice on the right side with the water?

Rick: We can barely hear you Jacky…

Keshe: Yeah, carry on,

Jacky : I make my cup of life, I nano-coated the interior then I put CO2 gans , then I have 3 types of gans in the container, and then in the interior I have my butter in the water,

Keshe: You have the orange on the top?

Jacky: Yeah, exactly

Keshe: You love orange juice?


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Jacky: Yeah, I love, I love vitamin C.

Keshe: How does it taste?

Jacky: It taste like orange and water feels like lot of energy, it’s different taste, it tastes like orange,

Keshe: Ok, but your system you were explaining something to us, can you ask

Rick: We can hear you clearly when we see your face like now, so otherwise it will distorted , go ahead thank you

Jacky: I made the ? bits with the split capacitor and then I connect these bits to the some ? units on the force, then from there I have 4 batteries to aliment, the first, the second, the third, and the forth, in series and then they are in parallel all together , 2 3 4 in parallel

then I connect magnetic-gravitational, gravitational-magnetic, etc., then I have a connection with the 4 stacker up to magnetic or gravitational in the all , and it’s why I need the new connection because I can plug or unplug on magnetic or in gravitational ,

Keshe: This is fantastic , what I would love to do, after the session today, please contact me through webmaster through Vince,

I will bring you into the, what I call SSI, cause we seperated Keshe foundation spaceship from the rest, to make core, and then we will give you the solution of the city to coming to , all of you who are building at this level to welcome to the spaceship city, we coming more or less to the finalize it.

Jacky: Ok.

Keshe: Then we will try to bring people who are at this level to build the spaceship directly as you see as a team,

Jacky: Ok, perfect.

Keshe: It’s 5 of you now, and now that people who have seen the structure they can stop building, there will be number of you, then we will bring you into the spaceship city,

But what you got to watch is your system is in the flat condition, as you’ve seen with Ali, the magnetical is flat and the gravitational is vertical 90 degrees to it, now you deal with the total free plasma in this spherical shape, if you can make your 3 core bases like Ali independent , fix it to the center that you just move it , then you can move into the center of the system and you can become part of it.

Jacky: Yeah, I understand …

Keshe: Your system is strong enough, you should be board your own ship, you understand?


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Jacky: Yeah..

Keshe: It is very nice to see, all you need to do is just to increase the distance between the plates , then we can turn the center 90 degrees,

Jacky: Ok.

Keshe: Yeah, so and other thing which we got to make sure is that your gravitational core in the center is not connected to any others..

Jacky: Ok.

Keshe: Ali can you show him how to do it? the way you’ve done? Just to look how Ali has done it, because of the working gate it fits perfectly , he was showing to me this morning . is Ali there?

Ali: Yeah, I am here, would you like me to start the video?

Keshe:Yes please , just show how you’ve done your gravitational system is totally hanging on its own.

Ali: Yeah, let me …So, as you can see, this is hanging on nano coated copper wires here, go back bit, so the wire doesn’t touch, the gravitational doesn’t touch the body hanging on the air with the nano-coated copper wire, there are 4 of them here, so 1 , 2 and 2 other on another side, this thing is hanging, and the middle coil is hanging on it’s own on in the middle, I just turn it 90 degrees, and it’s hanging by it’s own you know connection in the middle here, the key is to make sure if you have a frame like this ,you have to put whole frame in the caustic that way the fully in the cosmetic environment , and you are not metal environment , and those would definitely help improve the power and the system, it will see the significantly improvement in the power of the system, and please get in touch with me if you have any question, I will be gladly help you .

Rick: Ok.

Keshe: As I said I will bring you in the part of the spaceship organization , Thank you very much Ali. Ali, would you like to tell us what you have seen as a …because you use sea water ?

Ali: Yeah, so… we had few friends invited and we had a basically a lights… and people are moving their heads, there are quite bit of distortion so at some point while you are moving your heads people will see we have all the camera ??? start disappearing fingers, and things start disappearing and…Before we did this system , ??? it wasn’t as powerful as this one, we tested but this system how head disappear at some point , it’s not that disappear it’s just that distortion , like the light bends because you have created separate gravitational magnetic field the light goes around and moves so you basically don’t see the object in front of you, it’s not true disappearance but it’s just the light bends over that field.

Keshe: Thank you very much, thanks Ali, can we go back to Switzerland? Is there anything else you want to ask? Or to show us?


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Jacky: Oh I think for the moment…

Keshe: What you need to do is to change your… if you can extend the separation between the plates, and your gravitational coil into the 90 degree in respect to the other, then you create free plasmas, and the 3 free plasmas in respect to the thing will give you a better condition of your visibility of what you call UFO, or your spaceship,

Jacky: Ok.

Kshe: Do you feel when you put your hand through a change in the field energy, in the environment in that area as you are passing the field force?

Jacky: Yeah, I feel.. first I feel all my body changing, I feel like every cells in my body changes, and mute in another state, all my perceptions are totally different, I see more colors, I can read energy in the other people, like.. and when I put my hand I can feel the fields and when I come on the center I feel like I can change the energy of the field. I can make it stronger or less stronger

Kshe: You feel as you cross the barrier near the system,

Jacky: Yeah, exactly, I see the barrier, and I can push this…like this wall in the different state.

Keshe: What you need to do is to move one of the systems , don’t move everything, move one of the systems position slightly, very very soon, give it few times, give it some times and see if you start feeling solid state matter touch, as there is a physical entity in one section, is not necessarily on the side, where you move the system , it could be on the other side ,but stand back and look if you see a physical structure, and then move the base slowly until you see if you increases or disappears , move the system back , try the different angle, because you made your coils different from different materials, this you have to find how it will be, when you produce the final system for the space fly system everything will be totally homogenous everything will be finally controlled. Because you made your coils of different gans and different materials you will .. you have slight variation in the system .

Jacky: Ok.

Keshe: I congratulate you, it’s fantastic the way you’ve done it, hopefully you join us on the spaceship team, and we can with Ali and others, we can show the potential of the system. Thank you very much, but if you increase the power supply not by battery, because the battery is very weak, you have to create plasma batteries, like the split system, you will find out your system will be very powerful. It’s absolutely… but one thing you got to do is the way I have told as Ali is if you make system like four batteries on one set, make the other one three batteries, don’t make it exactly the same, and make another one two batteries, create a flux flow that gives you credibility , because they balance each other in the end, but there is always one needing the shortage, so it creates the flow that allows you create the structure. So, do you feel any difference internally?


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Jacky: Oh totally different, it’s another life, it’s another game, it’s another planet,

Keshe: What do you see from inside?

Jacky: From inside I see a new world. A world of beauty of light, of peace of tranquillest of …all it’s totally different,

Keshe: How far does this extend? The barriers of the system

Jacky: It’s the Sky.

Keshe: Do you.. have you ever walked out of the house to look at the boundary of the house?

Jacky: Yeah, sure I see .. this is very huge,.. I don’t know how big it is, but it’s so big,

Keshe: Do you see glow? what you call like field flocks outside the building?

Jacky: Yeah, I see I have a big big big shape.

Keshe: Ok, Rick, Ali are we allowed to show part of the recording of last week. is that ok with you?

Ali: Yeah, surely, it’s fine, I have no problem ..go ahead

Keshe: Ok, Vince do you have access to the recording of the picture from outside the house where we see the glow passing the boundary of the house?

Keshe: Ok, let me explain to you what happened. last Monday with Ali and few of his friends in the house we made recording of the same system, where they were seeing the plasma flow in the house, looking the ? plasma, Do you want to explain yourself Ali? It’s better than me doing it,

Ali: Yeah, so first I actually designed a system similar to yours where I have the star formation, and basically I have the star formation and I stack pretty much like the way you did, I did see a bit shimmer everything on top , it wasn’t that strong, when I turned close this way 90 degrees, and basically the cores are flat, I can go under the unit see like ???? on top, I think that would be the top of the spaceship, then when Mr. Keshe went through the knowledge seeker’s workshop explained that it’s a good idea to turn 90 degrees , I thought oh, I can do it for my star formation , so I did that and as soon as I turn it , my whole house start glowing , I just dim the lights and we start walking wondering around the house, I see all these particles stuff going around, it was as if you are walking into a really misty environment, it’s like glow misty when you see everything .so I got in touch with Mr. Keshe and we invited few people and friends , we did basically, I spoke to few of my friends, they were pretty curious, they came to my place and one of my friends put her hand through the unit and well, few of us were watching, her hand started to dissolve, kind of the lights rib something off her hands, so you could see her hand kind of became invisible which got us excited, we got in touch with Mr. Keshe and … let’s get together, bring more people in, let’s film it and see what’s happening. So we got few friends over, and it was like the


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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same setup that you see here, and I have ..with all the pipes and everything. It was only a cola bottle, so I have cola bottle with 3 stamps and connected them up. it was connected to the electricity, it was not connected to the plasma batteries at that time but we could see basically a lot of shimmers, so we added some batteries it makes it even more stronger. it was not even plugged to the electricity and you could see the shimmers and everything. It was, from what I heard it was a bluish color shimmers which is like blue planet , we live on the blue planet earth right now, so because you got the elements from the sea and elements from the planet earth, you see the shimmers like the bluish ??? color and the field was very big so Mr. Keshe asked few of us to go outside the building and take some photo shoots and we take some photos and on top of the whole building there was a halo like a doom and it was glowing that picture shows that the plasma is going outside of the building and can cover the building and once you turn it to 90 degrees the field became very powerful so you’re looking at the mother ship basically that can cover possiblely an entire north hemisphere if you have one south America in the south hemisphere ???? so can protect the whole planet pretty powerful . This is a time for change it’s exciting time it’s time for us to enter a new era for everybody to experience world peace because you have technologies beyond your imagination that can change the structure how to live and how we move into the future

Keshe: Can you tell us what happened on New year’s eve?

Ali: Which one, There is so many things happening

Keshe: You could see the plasma, you said you were some 3 kilometers away

Ali: Oh ,ok. when I used the crystals on top of each circuit that’s what you were referring to?

Keshe: Yeah.

Ali: Yeah,so I had those quartz crystals I’m just experimenting because I know crystals are a bridge to .. they look like a pyramid they are pink quartz crystals, they are very gentle and so I put one on top of each one of these on 5 stacks, so these crystals are bridging the gap between the plasmatic state which is really high vibration to a physical state of the man which in the brain of the man there is a crystal structure ,so if you put a crystal out of the mind or the conscious or subconscious I would say, connect to the crystal and to the plasma and … what I experienced was enteric spaceship not physical one because I was physically here, but etherically I was traveling above the earth and I was away above the earth so there was experience I had kind like remote reviewing as you would say, I was up there, consciously I could feel it, and it was an extraordinary experience , because you having an experience yourself I would say the best thing you can do is to express to people who are doubting the technology or not just doubted first , interacted with the field using some crystals and experience for yourself, because the first hand experience is how we learn, if just hear from me you say oh it doesn’t exist, but you got first hand experience , and hopefully we will build bigger spaceships that we all can travel and that’s going to be the best thing.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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(02:00:00---02:30:00 )

Amen Gorlin: This is stackers which is each one stacker each ,because of this connections I was thinking very easy to connect , so you can stack it up by , you can by each unit separately, just right the way can connect and stack it up .

Rick: They make showing units like that now I bought some ( ) showing units that…

Amen Gorlin: It’s just like a (leggo ) , it’s like a (leggo) that I don’t vertical and if you connect this way, you inner coil just 90 degrees , you don’t need the support for .

Rick: And the order will be supported by the three taps ,and more with this would be made up for finger.

Mr. Keshe: His testing is 3D-printer.

Amen Gorlin: Why you think Mr.Keshe ?

Mr. Keshe: Very nice , you got to remember that two gravitational systems have to have the same gans space and gradients of the coils , not be touching you should be gap , that the fields can flow .

Amen Gorlin: They not touch.

Mr. Keshe: They have to be next each other , they should not be touched should be gap, equals to gradients of the inner circle .

Amen Gorlin: It’s calculated , Mr. Keshe …

Mr. Keshe: I was explaining to the others who are doing it.

Rick: Is that between the horizontal coils are talking about or the …

Mr. Keshe: The vertical , the vertical…

Rick: So it should be the , I don’t know, the vertical coil it’s 10 centimeters take 5 centimeters this gradient you need have that as gap between all the coils.

Mr. Keshe: Yeah , at the fields interact , you are not forcing it. It’s fantastic , Jacky please getting in touch with us to bring your videos part of the what you call it the spaceship team , the spaceship website is totally separate now so we operate through that section , is there anything else you want to show us?


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Amen Gorlin: No.

Mr. Keshe: Thank you very much Amen Gorlin .Will you make life much is manufacturing today .

Amen Gorlin: Tomas think that but I show you later.

Mr. Keshe: You do it now, then we go have to do it , you play a little (skill ) game, play now you show us …Pardon?

Amen Gorlin:It seems gross, Mr. Keshe , but they going down .

Mr. Keshe: You have the spaceship in the ( garage ) .

Amen Gorlin: It’s not ready yet.

Mr. Keshe: Not ready yet, ok no problem. Are you going to them today?

Amen Gorlin: Not today.

Mr. Keshe: My god , you are very hard to get , ok is there anything else see to look at ,Rick.

Danny: Rick , I can show you something , this is Danny.

Rick: Ok , go ahead ,Danny what you have there .

Danny: Could my video. Ok , so this little unit of separate , I see I’m going on the right, so you can it , ok the separate little unit, I’m using only one unit stacker , this here is the center here on the outside and this is just (protect tie )now it’s larger one , it’s one or …it’s one unit , and you put this on here like this unit (strength ) this balance strength proper , so you can slip this back for, this is star formation one goes here , one goes here on this arm, one goes here on this arm , one goes up there on that arm , and so…

Rick: …ok, this is the top of the unit here .

Danny: Now you can it , I move my camera a little bit here.

Rick: OK,.

Danny: OK, this is the three separate wires putting one of those …put the coil ,fit into the coil instead a little for care magrav unit here , I do have a question , now on the system but on the principles of the magrav coil , I’ d like to nano it and so I like to go a little wide (ports) , so when we have a coil , this is the inner ring and then when your major coil , you feed this wire back through here , that wire goes back through there can it become batteries and ( ) , so this is the


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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gravitational coil , if you have a picture that I can … so this is a coil , a gravitational coil and we made it , when we get this form here , we feed this center wire back down through here .

Mr. Keshe: I understand ,

Danny: And now it comes and goes to other outside gravitational , so what I’m wondering if…and I use on Armen (split) here and put magnets mean the battery capacitors are inside , because I try to understand the principle of this particular wire it comes through there, if it can be used as capacitor batteries then I could then have I can (part ) that for system a little meter faction hanging down capacitor batteries of my friends , you know…

Mr. Keshe: You can do so , if you want …Because in one of the test , we did the same thing to the coil , gravitational coil of the inner ring .

Danny: Yes.

Mr. Keshe: I can’t remember the outcome , is Renan some of the in mind , I can’t remember what’s outcome.

Danny : One of the what’s I pro-test for make , I’m going ahead to try that…

Mr. Keshe: Try to let us know , because around the September , October we did such test or not be the center pen but like capacitor the inner coil of the two coils , what’s covered with the try to remember with the gans or with the (raff) as some of use intresting.

Danny: Above so …

Mr. Keshe:…we did it, it’s very hard to do it.

Danny: I found, I think , go ahead I make…

Mr. Keshe: …teachers of course.

Danny: And I’m going to nano-coat all of this stuff first , my capacitor expect capacitors coils come through and I have feed it through, what I have found on the( E cigarette) the ( ) (E cigarette)then , you can get very…you can get 22 gage, 32 gage ,the 20 gage titanium wire , ( ) wire and those should be pretty easy to then gets your gradient in your batteries , we nano-coated on my go we have the soul before you feed through there you have code the consequence battery system I have feed it through , so you don’t have to get with the torch , you have already known it’s nano-coated with gans , you feed through that center , this is your gravitational coil if you don’t feed it through , you make certain before you make this


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

gravitational coil that you know the sides of this wire that you don’t feed through it , so feed through very smoothly , in fact you can feed it through before it’s circle , we can feed it through as two start ( ) before you can feed your pen , I get should call it the pen wire , you feed that through before you make a circle out of it , you know I mean , I’m on the …on do that because it’s get massy , but that was the principle how to make if anybody else go to try the idea , I just want to share this idea , I have thought of is possible , but I really did understand the value of this wire other than it was (wait) connected coils together and it was wait…

Mr. Keshe: No, no, no , it’s not the connected coils .

Danny: Ok.

Mr. Keshe: It has a very pacific reason …the people who are making group , they have worked on this for years , I have seen the difference within the coils with the lining inside and outside , it creates more powerful center as the feed forces , it’s not just connection could connect directly from one into another .

Danny: Right.

Mr. Keshe: This was explained by one of the guys (innovation) group has been testing these things and so it’s part of the structure why put that center why inside .

Danny: So , is this battery works? And we get me another color, and this the magnetical coil and goes around make it double so we can contain like this , it’s coil and we know that the , and get me back blue again , we know this wire feed in the gravitational that’s are entrance and some people call negative ,here are exit some people call it the plus , if my batteries inside here work can I hold these two together?

Mr. Keshe: I can not tell you , I don’t know.

Danny: I’m going to try …

Mr. Keshe: When you connect …you just create the coil battery .

Danny: Yeah, just make battery …

Mr. Keshe: It’s not battery, it doesn’t do anything with what you do the rest of it.

Danny: Yeas, this is really what I want that I want this plasma in here , it’s what I’m trying to create with next one , that’s one hold purpose .


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Mr. Keshe: The only way you get to create plasma is when you have two coils , it’s impossible to create it with one coil .

Danny: So , I’m hanging it, so when you have a stacker unit , I mean two coils , I’m going to …

Mr. Keshe: Yeah, ( ) on top of each other that the way we do .

Danny: Ok, so here is the (profile ) ( ) on the 45 one.

Mr. Keshe: Yes, all you need …but don’t forget you still need the.. I mean you just join on here , I want to go with green .

Danny: Ok.

Mr. Keshe: Then what you’re going to see you need two coils here two…ok , you need two coils .

Danny: Yeah, I mean we are doing double coils .

Mr. Keshe: Yeah, double coils has to be.

Danny: I just was the same , I was use these coils are magrav coils , we have a coil and we have a inner coil and then we have the pen going down the center , and so I was trying to turn my pen into battery split capacitor just among the way through , and on both of …

Mr. Keshe: But …let’s go take this step further if you are doing it , you have your page , you don’t page , you carry on your page…

Danny: I’m going to carry all the drain , there is no pay.

Mr. Keshe: You don’t clear, don’t …

Danny: I want a cycle , we do now I cleared , we can all start our own scratch.

Mr. Keshe: Ok , ok , I want to tell you what if you want to do , let’s do another option.

Danny: Ok.

Mr. Keshe: Ok, you made this coil and you put wires around it , and then you go to the nest coil , you go to the gravitational out of the magnetical of the second coil ,here.

Danny: Yes.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Mr. Keshe: So , if it is the second coil let’s see, you join the second coil and go these all double coils you talk ( ) , so you go from the gravitational of the center coil double coil into the gravitational of the out coil magnetical coil , it’s a gain , it’s just one ( ) going through the hole out of coil , what about if you do coils here as well , that in the way it becomes split battery one half states in the inner coil , and one half states in the out coil , you understand?

Danny: Yes, I understand .

Mr. Keshe: So , what we have done option on it .

Danny: Ok , this is on the outside of the out coil and the outside of the magrav…

Mr. Keshe: You have double coil , you have the double coil which make s magnetical of the side, you have a double coil which makes the center one makes gravitational and out one makes magnetical , but both of them have a wire going through the center of the magrav-tational .

Danny: Right.

Mr. Keshe: Ok. Let’s say both gravitational coils the wire not the coils inside in the center , you do such thing with …Renan, can you , is Renan there? Renan, are you on line?

Renan: Yes, Mr. keshe.

Mr. Keshe: Can we do this with the way we do the sets in the innovation center and see if it creates the of conclusion of energy?

Renan: Ok, the one the split capacitor (ruffing ) around the coils gravitational and magnetical .

Mr. Keshe: No, just using the straight wire which goes through the center of the both gravitational sets to put a raff of gans and aluminum gans fired or fired or the titanium and we see what it does from outside .

Renan: Ok, sir. Yes, we were all ( ) ok.

Mr. Keshe: please here, no problem .

Renan: Ok, thank you.

Mr. Keshe: Thanks very much, because there is a (rally) pointing if you can release the power of this system and it can bring what you call it, a lot of power to the system , there is something we done we did with the coil , I can’t remember the outcome ,( ) I know by tonight and what get it call , you are still drawing .


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Danny: I take 5 step and share and go to another screen , am I be able to have a better situation for this class , just moment . Ok, I want to go back into my share screen , oh that’s not what I want , I’m sorry .

Mr. Keshe: How you get a nice black cat .

Danny: Oh, yeah I do.

Mr. Keshe: We can see the …

Danny: Oh, what I want here is I want to go this , kick you want , just give me a moment , see if you can do this. Are we there now , can you see this , so this explains everything , here is the gravitational coil came in and came around here and came out here, and now we feed this one wire back down through and comes out here , and goes up to this gravitational and one side the gravitational comes out here, here are another here is two round let me get my color on here again , this here or I split and are my battery capacitors go down through here on both of them , you are trying to tell me do through both of them.

Mr. Keshe: Yes.

Danny: Yeah, that was my tip .

Mr. Keshe: See what we done , we have a…I can’t remember this is some time ago, what we done in the innovation center, we have put gans on this and use as battery , and with the same thing with this coil , can’t remember if we …that, yeah? I ask because usually pictures take when the test are done, but this the what I call the , let me change the color the …this what I call , what I showed as green .


Mr. Keshe: Has been done, and I don’t know there was a reason I followed it hope with…because in one something else but the red one I can’t remember if you done , I know I then I add the knowledge in the next teaching ,because we have a coil master he was the best you have seen , he has put this by the way he works, but I will ask him , thank you all the record everything , we can know all of it quickly .

Danny:Ok, that was my primer question about these all been serious and if I need the …just the next , I’m just open down my microphone …proper unit, you said also when we are doing this magrav system ( ) ( ) to colors , so this is a big magrav …this is magnetical and this is one here , this is 45 go through here , and you see any two of them can make powerful because I made rest in next this stuff ready here, I’m ( ) plasma .


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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Mr. Keshe: The thing is that we are talking about , but you got to see what it does , what that understood, I show our guy in the Philippines will give us nice, there is no time to end these things.

Danny: You said on the form doing this find get this plasma and put on the star formation like, I mean get the star share and this is my…

Mr. Keshe: There is no reason ,there is no reason, if you do what you do just show us the ( ) , that your systems should not create plasma but you have nano-coated everything and secondly remember when you do a test like this such a system , you have to be in the environment like the cameras the televisions everything else with those fills up .

Danny: Right.

Mr. Keshe: Try to do it environment which is opening enough that the fields can interact each other , it’s a very simple but ( ) who can ( ) each other there.

Danny: And so , you said that I would make one here and one another( ) that very …

Mr. Keshe: No, you need free there or you can use trying single one, but you can move it background you get it , you will not be so strong but maybe you can reduce your frame to be more compact.


Mr. Keshe: I give you the way , you have to set it up on the horizontal wire, it’s amazing , because you can push it back front to get it, but it’s too far from the center one , number 4 .

Danny: Yeah , it’s here, we hanging on.

Mr. Keshe: It is yeah, so …yes, it’s too far …

Danny: All you have to do is tighten itself.

Mr. Keshe: Tighten it, yeah, you have a fantastic, this is the best spaceship we can ever make .

Danny: And , so any coils I can use different grade of wire as well, you can …and this be different size , but also this little separate unit down here they are separate , I can move them by hands …

Mr. Keshe: How there , what I call the structure you have there with three legs .



Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Mr. Keshe: Anybody can build it .

Danny: Yeah it’s very simple …

Mr. Keshe:…hold of whole (angular)near there

Danny: Yeah. And so , this right here cause …there in the pen you have to move them by hand , this is your center one , and this here has the coils you move by hand .

Mr. Keshe: Thank you very much , thank you to share the knowledge .

Danny: These just for the fundament and plasma makes it work .

Mr. Keshe: Thank you very much.

Danny: Ok, I want to get off there someone stop my video.

Mr. Keshe: Thank you very much. Can we show that video we promise if you can show us , just part outside building do you have it?

: Mr. Keshe, I have the pictures that ( ) a lot much I can share on the…

Mr. Keshe:: Yes, please. This was taken with the hand form , they went grand building taking pictures now that there is a light sitting in the back , was still in the blue shade because this is what we see , you see there is a light on the left you can see , that there is still inside the plasma . But the interesting is it’s finished on the edge of the building ,it means if you are ( ) cross this finished on the edge of the building , but don’t forget it’s on the grand floor, so this is on top of the first floor , yes carry on I mean you showing everything by the ( waste ).


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)


(start from:153:44)

Mr.Keshe: Can we stop Elli, please. Ok, if you stop that , this is what we want to take it out of here, this is what we explain before , these are not in public , they are in the background with Elli, it’s not public to make to we seen , we have recorded this separately different location with Rick and Vince , Vince can you show that what do you have on the second occasion , are you there? Ok, the whole what we set about the we can’t see the fingers of the hands , this was recorded some 6 weeks ago ,5 member collectively by some else in Canada , the whole hands were no shown but the gentle man did not want to be public , this is what we said when the energy or gravitational magnetical fields we talk is in balance with what interacts with it does not create light, and don’t forget why this happens and in certain position it happens , it’s because when Elli or any of you use the what we call the like when you use CO2 or when you use your CUO ( kite ) , you have that amino acid layer on the top , if that amino acid get mixed up in your gans when you creating it, then you have a plasmatic condition which is made of amino acid by the gans that is in balance as your structure . So , that’s why in some point you see and some point you don’t see , it’s not magic understand scientifically what happens , the system creates a balance gravitational magnetical field strength as the body of the man , because the some amino acid , so when you make your system so (flight )in your gans , try to use the amino acid the (fat ) from the top of the CO2 box , if your intension is to create that kind of condition , so you see you understand and in the perfect condition , you should be able to control it , so if you put for example one of the amino acid batteries in the system then you feed and you connect with the human body , so if you want to feed , let’s say meet you need combination of the meet, you put a battery in your set up like as …Elli was showing he is putting like 16 batteries to set up , one of those batteries if you carry the amino acid energy , then the present receive that amino acid energy, so you add to and then in the system you become like disappeared as well , if you increase into the coils , this is part of the teaching. As I said this year, we target for the space lift but these are the preside that you start seeing things that another more and more of you move into the spaceship development , you will see and you will report , but there is one thing is very interesting , can you go back to the picture of the house please Elli, yes. This glow at top of house has no limit and if we managed to create that many glows in the few hundreds houses around the world they link up and will start the world peace process, this is the field which is been looking for , if you add the CO2 and amino acid into your structure , as you feeding the man and with the zinc and copper and the CO2 which I just explained earlier on , you reach the emotion and physical body of the man and if your intension


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

and if they set up is on the balance condition , you will find people work with (confidence) hands they don’t remember why. You see it, you feel it and the feels connect in the way we cascade this planet simply with a very few systems, don’t forget our Christmas not past long before , we set the systems in Germany in Canada and in Italy , and our wish was to stop reactor in the coil as it was stopped. If the wish of you (lot ) is peace , now you see the glowing be promising , the fields is the way on the verge on the major breakthrough but it has to be the right intension , and then you will see it a way we expect very easily to link up .So what you ready to create this fields now you see physically and now a lot of you when you build your systems , all of us go out of the house see if you see the fields outside the house .Process is to understand , now you can see it , now you understand how you can do it, the way a lot of you start making the nano-coating and gans and coils , this is the automats goals we are reaching , you made coils to make energy turn it 90 degrees you can use it to replicate the structure of the man or healing as we show or process yourself the diverse of ( inlets ) , and if you do it in the right way, you can create that illusive but there is one thing you have to remember , if your system is powerfully enough you don’t need to create any more power energy, because you can tap into the energy wireless .

Rick: Mr. Keshe, something happens to my microphone there , it seems …

Mr. Keshe: Yes…interfere with my headphone removed ,and I saw so I use the headphone …

Rick: Ok. Thank you.

Mr. Keshe: Now, yesterday I especially removed it, they are those who have dark ( wishes ) in their heart ,.So what happens it’s that …now if you see the field being 120 meters out of house the expanding beyond this power at the house level is very very powerful , have we got Alexz on line? Alexz, are you awake?

Rick: Just about same thing, ok Alexz is your you're your microphone is at least much ( talked ) up , hello, Alexz I hear you yet.

Mr. Keshe: Alexz, be go to London because not Canada ,to (set) .

Alexz: Hello.

Mr. Keshe: Hello, Alexz good morning.

Alexz: Hi, Mr. Keshe.

Mr. Keshe: Alexz, could you are you on the position to show us the light? With washing machine?


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Alexz: I’m not in the house

Mr. Keshe:Where are you?

Alexz: I’m ( )

Mr. Keshe: ( ), oh.

Mr. Keshe:Can you explain to us what happens, what you have done?

Alexz:I connect like showed on the video , I connect one in the left to the ground and the old one connect it to the on ( ) that the power unit .

Mr. Keshe: No, I have seen the video he showed to me a live testing.

Rick: …try if it on the live stream…

Mr. Keshe: no I don’t think, is it on the live stream? The …

Alexz: No, I think to us it was on face book .

Rick: Ok.

Mr. Keshe: Ok, can we show that?

Rick: Sure , I will try to find it , it’s on this channel here .

Danny: So, this is Danny, it’s Danny have it, close it how to use the wireless system, once you got here star formation go on powerful .

Mr. Keshe: Yes, what happened we got to realize , this is what we said this is the third part of the magrav power unit , at moment you taking feeding from the back of the system to the meter , in the coming time we will advise you how to start using energy the way you will see if the we can pick it out , it’s the energy which you never register on any meter , because you don’t take it, you connect one side of the wire to one of the washing machine and the other side of the wire of the plans of the like whatever it’s just connected to the zinc , this is the plasma energy which you can create yourself, but this energy does not go through the meter it’s zero power which means you don’t play anything for it, but don’t forget Alexz has been using the system for nearly 6 months , the house is literally nano-coated in every level, so some of you in the coming time , you can test the same , because this is coming from the plasma , free plasma in the building , now you take the plasma and you can have what we said Zero power , at the beginning it’s very weak, but it builds up and so you can light up we can heat up,


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

and because it’s no electrical connection the machine is off, the system is off , the washing machine is not working. So now you receive your free wireless system , this is the next step in the …but we need time the way we said in 21 days and now we said how to load it , now the front of the system the loading part of the system , you start using the plasma energy which brings you the zero time or zero energy supply , but it needs building ,it needs building up , if you use a number of systems in the house then you get to that point as much faster . We have the system achieve what we said wireless transmutation in time, if you take what we solve with Elli or with Jacky , if you take two points of the wire from different points of plasma and connect to each other without plans you have the lighting or the heating or whatever you like to do, don’t forget especially with some of what you call it , Elli? It’s no earth or the battery connection , it’s all plasma batteries , so the plasma we release so much energy with the structure as you seen , because seen across the boundary of the house , now you can tapping to it, for the first time you see in free plasma energy , this is what we said and that’s why the magrav unit was put out in that way , but if you would like show it , people will said from the begin blu blu… or whatever now you see the working system …Is it correct and now in one section today you see three different applies of the same thing .

Rick: Yeah, Alexz is this the careful (science) magrav testers that different…

Alexz: That the one.

Rick: Ok, good…

Mr. Keshe: Can you stop this picture don’t move , don’t move , I want to ask something from Elli, Elli if you look at this picture which how you once explained , on the right one side of the building, you need (refleshment) of the light of left side of the building , the same blue , are these the two houses the same nearly you or it’s the flexion of the light of the plasma.

Elli: Em, I’m exactly .

Mr. Keshe: There it’s a blue , if you look at the top left side of the picture on top of the building there is blue light. Yeah, there and then go right to the up outside you see the same light, is there another house there ? The same.

Elli: Yeah, there is another house here, there is another building here.

Mr. Keshe: The same light system .

Elli: I don’t know, but there is children apartment outside.

Mr. Keshe: So it’s the little the same time the same way.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Elli: I’m not sure I ( ) about and take it the how come.

Mr. Keshe: You are not in the house to check .

Elli: I’m inside the house but I have to go outside the house to check it.

Mr. Keshe: Go outside check it and come back .

Elli: Ok.

Mr. Keshe: Rick , can you show us the video?

Rick: Yes, Mr. Keshe .You see the face book there and video

Mr. Keshe : Yeah, yeah.

Rick: Thank you Vince and let me …Let me reset that screen shares , so that you can hear the computer sound …

Mr. Keshe :Are you there?

Rick: Yes, I just , sorry just test the last video there ,so just a second …

Alekz : Mr. Keshe, I want you to check that , it’s too much ( ) between website …I have to check that today.

Mr. Keshe : No problem, no problem .

Rick: Ok ,well we can pretty much see go on there ,so play that upside screen and take the …

Alekz :…I hope you enjoin holidays , …this one will give big arm but the working of the… I show you my magrav unit, like Mr. Keshe and Elli have been in the 92th knowledge seekers workshop but anything you put up to your magrav unit comes generate like that but just one I share you , so I’m going to talk by …before I go to like ( ) I go to share you my battery, this is a I showed you the battery , it can absorb the battery resolve in …let me just work you can see it turns surface like it’s coming down, it’s ( ) because the plasmatic in governments that’s …it’s the pen , ok now back to the topic, this is device it’s really free energy of seen , it’s like here, it’s correct come here, I weak up any time of the day (176:11---180:00 the video is not so clear)



Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

ALEKZ: For Magrav now , Merry Christmas bye!

KESHE: Thank you, Alekz, you've done a change to it, now the light stays on continuous,.

ALEKZ: Yes, Mr Keshe. because the lamp ???was i think was too powerful for the ??? was coming to what I use the lamp, a lower ??? lamp is was steady. hello?


ALEKZ: Yes, I see that she is in the more she is around 20 -24 lamp what’s the is a DC, it's convert 220 V-12 DC lamp, ???? was them, blinking, now I put some LED that I think it’s 120 would that is steady

KESHE: Did you try what we discuss?

ALEKZ: Yes. it doesn't it increase AMP a little bit, not the voltage.

KESHE: but, you 3 lines with it.

ALEKZ: Yes. I did in 4 lines, now you just increase the AMPS it would be not the voltage, but enough I do is I connected from the minute from the washing machine, I just connected the wires strait to the negative of my battery, and then it catch in the battery forever, the battery stay at one point, if I would run ??? to the battery, it doesn't move.

KESHE: So in a way, you can connect it to a battery, and the battery become your power supply.

ALKEZ: Yes. Yes, the battery has to, sorry, the battery has to be fully charged, because it is at what point you connect, and it does at what point the power you have in the battery that is got continue using, this not go further and that is going increase more, if it increase more with ??? Which I am go lower, ?????, if you have a 6V battery and then you connect your wire to it from your from the washing machine, it’s go saves volt, so if you put a appliance if you put a load on the battery, it's going to good a little bit, but not lower than 6.5V or so.

KESHE: Have you got coat, Alekz?

ALEKZ: No. not got coat.

KESHE: Your sound very clear. ??? words, thank you very much.

ALEKZ: Alright!


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

KESHE: Thanks very much, Alekz, thank you. so what we if you understand is that the energy which as Alekz said if you charge your battery or connect it to a system which can change to AC convertor , whatever you use is absolutely free from that point on, because you use the plasma energy and not the what you call it electron vibration current through your system, now you understand when we explain that the system is make totally power free or what you call it free energy, the free energy comes from the plasma, compare to the electron vibration of the AC DC, and if you increase the use 12V battery to charge, and by the standard, you can put any convertor amplify the invertors and change to DC which has no supply, so if we go back on the screen share, can I share my screen? so what happened is that you had the power supply, you had the meter, you connect it to your Magrav unit, you connect it to the power supply to whatever load you wanted, you got one third on the side, now if you put small load here, another load here, and you create enough in time what you call the plasma condition, and take one of the appliances which have here or single appliance specially put in that point and connect it to a battery, or to AC invertors, now you can supply the house directly for this unit, and because it doesn't go on the main line, your total power supply consumption is 0 on your meter.

so the system become self sufficient, and repeat that you understand what got to do to achieve 0 power, this is your meter from the house , you have a point to your Magrav unit, you connect your Magrav unit to some sort of appliances, this appliance here you can feed from it not go through it, not connect to it, to a battery or you can go to a AC inventor , we show you how to do the AC invertors , ALekz can tell you all you need to is to connect one line to the earth side of the wire, we show you how to do this later on, then anything you take from here can be literally connect in the back of here, is totally free in the house, so you bring your Magrav unit immediately before to encourage the plasma flow, you put your load on this end, and you connect it all the attachment to it.

but this needs time this needs another few weeks that you can NANO coat the whole structure, don’t forget, Alekz in this ??? because he is now already nearly 6 month 8 month using the system, so in the coming time, will give you a unit, advise you or you can build it as you do yourselves that you create new power generator from the system on the back of the unit which gives you the free energy and is more or less wireless.

RICK: Mr. Keshe I think there is microphone issue there, that might be adjusted their losing a voice bad there.(03:07:00)


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

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KESHE: Is it better now?

RICK: Oh, yes, much better thank you .

KESHE: Yes, because we have problems with some idiots in the background as i call them, they think they are very clever, but they see things in the background,, so the system ??? and will become 100% power free because here you convert immediately back into a system of a plasma, if you remember when we showed in the ambassador meeting , and in the teachings in the what you call it couple of weeks ago in the center, we put 110 and 220 the drill. and the heater next to each other from the source, you just need to be patient, this system absolutely become more or less free power Magrav system, but you have to allow the environment build up, and with the simple single system it takes time, we saw the lady who we showed 1st , she says she is running here studio free from any power to be taken from outside, in time the environment changes the appliances and system will go, you can in time diplug???(03:08:26) or literally disconnect from the main, and use the same plugs as you have in the house, but all be free energy, in the way which the plasma once it setup and created, you can disconnect from this in time, because the system will start feeding itself absorbing energy from its environment, this is just need time for the system to set in, until the next step once you got you systems in time, is to keep on tracking, for example, your washing machine or one of the appliance near to the system is become plasmatic, and then use it to drain energy into a power supply or a inverter of what we show you, and then if you create plasma battery you don’t even need that, then the supply become self sufficient, you disconnect from the main in time to go.

X: Mr .Keshe??

KESHE: yes?

X: I ‘ve tried that, I disconnect it on my, my unit from the wall, the energy state for about half hour, ????what did it go off?

KESHE: Why ? because you are reach the full, you need to put plasmatic battery set in your system with feedback,


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)


KESHE: You understand? so you manage now you are half and an hour total free from the main,

X: Yes, after about half an hour. ???

KESHE: Yes. so you need to now put the batteries as I said or inverters you need plasmatic batteries that they will create the flow.

A: alright! thank you.

KESHE: OK. just been tested, have you retry it again? you disconnect the main totally.(03:10:19)

ALEKZ: Yes. I disconnect actually i switch off to ok the whole house, I to ok all this way the fields from the main, then i let the system run about half an hour and then stop.

KESHE: What did you use in that half a hour?

Alekz: Just lights. just lights.

KESHE: So what need you to do, if you add what i said here the plasma batteries, the inverters when you find out the system will go that way, and you test yourself how you convert the plasma into AC that connect to earth. yes?


KESHE:You remember. goes back a long time ago, you did that. yes? OK, that's perfect, ALEKZ, so you see that the system gradually become self sufficient system, any other questions?

RICK: Yes, we did if one person here that's ?? his hand up for long time, ???? i a not sure, have promote in the pen ??? Hand to see and i know it’s getting on here, Mr .Keshe.

KESHE: What's the time?

RICK:It's quarter after not sure which hour for you there, it's over 3 hours and 12minutes for the meet.

KESHE:OK. we this question and then we go on,

RICK: OK.ddd??? Can you unmute, ??? you would like to do you have a question?

X: Hello. can you hear me now?


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

RICK: Yes. That’s a little maful???(03:12:18) but we can hear.

X: OK. err I am ok for ???? share the screen on my computer here, good.

RICK: what would you wish to share first of all?

X: I do ant to show a possible solution for the manufacturing to ??? some other connections?


RICK: OK. it’s well, you are on picture then.

X: YES. This is the picture this is the way i wind the coils, basically, i’ve got the 2 larger magnetical coils, connect the 1st and then the gravitational coil for the next level is also connected in one larger coil you know,

Which when we wait both 60connection at Err number i forget the number buddy, give me ??? Your Magrav unit, can you see that picture? Hmm, i lost.

RICK: we can see the picture, ??? what exactly what exactly mean how the??? works.

BRETT: Armen showed last night that, rick, was last night in your plasma group where you run the 2 large coils as one with breaking between the 81 and 144 coils.

X: Yes, that plate.

KESHE: Yes, but that is not recommended,

X: Oh, OK!

KESHE: That is not recommended because I know from test, err you have to have the separation. otherwise all becomes the same,

RICK: Yes, they have NANO to NANO connection rather than.

KESHE: Yes, but it has to be separated of, even that little field you cut that's separation that you do, it creates totally differently entity.

X:OK! That’s good to now. then .

KESHE: Yes, you need to separate, yes, you need the separation, I discussed this with Geoff who is building a system in Canada for winding machines, there is a need for separation in the coils.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

X: OK .also this one is share that I am using a 3D printer to make Magrav stacker system too. Err i seems to work pretty well. So yes, i am really glad to see Armen is doing the same.

RICK: Do you have I can share what you are loops like?

X: I don’t have stop sharing this picture start sharing that. There we are. how do I share from my camera?

RICK: You just stop your screen share and start your video, high light video, oops video disappeared there?

X: OK.

Rick: OK. you want to show you video, right? so what like that.(03:15:30)

X: Ok, well. I will just show you a, see where are we, here we are, OK, see you can see the ??? green. that setup there, I’ve got these ??? capacitors and in that black part that’s in front of the blue and green, and then the course the blue and green. or just the Magrav coil set in. That’s what i got to show.

KESHE: Thank you very much, it's amazing, how many around world are doing this, and if you have time to ???(03:16:40) a coil as I call it, we have enough time to achieve what we plan to do, we seen ALEKZ , and we seen JACK there are 3 people in the background, now that we will see people seen this, will see 100 of people starting coiling in the 90 degrees plasma and in time we can achieve everything what we planning to do, that to increase plasma condition that in time, we can deliver what we need from it, but make sure when you making these coils, preplan how you GANS the way you GANS your system, the way you create plasma energy, err in the coming time, as you seen what you call it, the split plasma systems a ???(03:17:39) system, this split plasma capacitors plasma batteries are ???(同 03:17:39), now that we learn now, I would introduce new type of plasmas which are totally free plasma condition batteries, and you learn instead of having a NANO coat and GANS and then, NANO coated AL or whatever, you can tap into the plasma directly, but we have to enough people to learn that we can go to the next process, so as you seen err here we shown, I’m going to show my screen there, and open the video if you can give me the trance to do it, if you want to go enlarge on it, please?


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

what I am going to teach in the coming time is when you made this coil, we show you how to tap into the plasma of this circle here, then you don't need the GANS, and then the next process in the first next few months, will be to show you the create this plasma even without copper, but enough of you have come to reach the point that then it will become a plasma without unconditional without any condition on it, then you see how many will be in there, and how you would join in there, so you can drain the energy from this point without actually having any err plasma coils as what you are making in the batteries on the split coils, err as we go long now we seen number of people showing if you can build the system as we said, then you were in a way totally a number of you, we need another at least 20-30 people around the world to build up the GANS system, as we seen with ALI and JACKI, then we start playing the next step of transfer of energy from one unit to another, and in connection to be able transport one object from one system to another, transmutation of elements, transportation, we need the station to station to be transport and then in the coming time, we show how we transport for example let's say a glass of water, we ??? the same color that how would appear and will deliver on the other condition in other place could be from let's say Ali in Canada to what you call JACKI in Switzerland , this is what is to come, now you are reaching the point of creating the plasma, transformation of the plasma because you all using the same copper, try to use if you have a sea water, then you have a direct connections. then will come to the point that we are getting very???the final stages of now , it’s don’t creating a plasma a craft and then nothing able to move in it, or move from it, or transport something with it and from it, so the what you call err none tangible transportation, you will be next step in the process of teaching that will come out, you will understand this, as you start using the medical units, you do it, you learn, there is a very simple way you can test and you can start producing this, err for example, get yourself to coils the coil setup like the one Armen showed and i explain it with the bottom, and try to create energy and put for example a cup of water in the center, and try to create for example, copper in this cup, in this, or AL in this water, you change to be receive substance inside, then it gives you the field, and then create a condition that you can transport this energy to another point that a cup which is somewhere else gets filled up with the same kind of material.

you see the AI from here reducing and appearing in the cup whatever it could be, the building of the craft is the beginning, the control and being able to transmit and transport in the next step to come, we are all in the right track everything is going the way we are looking and it does, we showed the power of this, transportation over year ago, and now we show it with a free plasma condition, so in the coming time, for example, you can do the same thing, as you build that AL


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

here, you can change this, as we said to the body of the man and then you create a valve which is damaged, you can change without opening the body to transport and change pieces of the material which is stuck in the body, or add pieces to the body the same as you created that AL, you've done this, you've done it with test of the orange, now you have to bring and solidify it, the way you could transfer the taste of orange from the orange into the water, now we try to the same thing, but we become experi???(03:23:34) to do with valve, try to get an apple, for example, and then decide and open the apple and you see if you can find copper inside it, a piece of AL inside it, this is how you start testing, then you decide where in that apple you want that AL to be, or the copper to be, why you use AL and CU, because you use it in these coils when you made them, too easy to replicate to start with, so the open heart surgeries, and what I call internal changes in the body of the man when they go and take pieces or add pieces in is more or less becoming historical, because now we are going to he next step, I thank you very for today, thank you very much for enlightening us, yes. yes, go ahead, DOUG is part of the innovation team, so let's see what he has to say.

DOUG: Yes, am I muted?

KESHE: Yes, you are on muted.

DOUG: ???????to Mr Keshe 22hours here???, yes, this has to do with Ali's, I setup and notice ??? picks PVC polyvinyl chloride, and he says instead he put it in a caustic, there were be there was no reaction with polyvinyl chloride in the caustic, here in the America we still see PVC which is C???(同 03:25:44)polyvinyl chloride there will be a reaction that is poison see if you put caustic and PVC, I know this for C-PVC, I know this for fact. because i had to take in the hospital and have my lunch check, err because I got know C???(同 03:25:44) polyvinyl chloride that has caustic around chemical plan. When C-PVC gets heated up it releases the chloride in it, err and chloride makes with caustic becomes gas that's poisonous, err very harmful to the lungs and I want to everyone to know that ??? PVC is fine. but the C-PVC is not the thing to use because it's chloride.

ALI: Yes. I basically ??? door put it our door, if you put it in caustic is actually deforms that PVC, so you have to put it in maybe 5-10 minutes and take it out, and there are some parts that I couldn't really in I was able to put in caustic because that was too big, and I just use clouds and so put in caustic and just rub it on plastic to get the, but measure to do it outside not indoors.


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

DOUG: Yes.

ALI: Yes, the top part I did steam coating, just for ten 10mins 5mins, the bottom piece I just use ???plastic and just rub it within cloud.

DOUG: Yes, like I said that Ali setup this PVC is ???it’s PVC the polyvinyl chloride, err is won't cause reaction,only C-PVC it's a C-PVC use for current hot water, C-PVC is chloride polyvinyl chloride and chlorine will come out when you make chemicals with it, that's why we have to use a volume pipe over here to add caustic to PVC, err you know regular PVC fan won't react at all, it's only the chloride, the C-PVC, I am afraid people are go to loads to get some ??? pop and grab C-PVC by mistake, and try to put it in the same caustic because they do the wrong hand up with the reaction they don't want.

ALI: Thank you for sharing that information.

DOUG: Yes, that's all I have to share i got rest must for my ???tomorrow or so.

KESHE: What does he say?

RICK: OK, thank you, DOUG

KESHE: There is something I want to check in the background, VINCE, there are a couple of people who are the ???(03:28:13) and trying to get people out of line to the other places and discredit, can you make sure they don't back again on. one of their name is what?

DOUG: H?? was one of them.

KESHE: Pardon?

DOUG: H? I see him earlier.

KESHE: Yes. these are what I call.

RICK: ??? was banned on Live stream.

KESHE: Yes, there is another one? Mika?Dapane? these are all, pardon?

RICK: Is not ???(同 03:28:13) , he just he is a regular commentator, he is got strange idea, but he is not a ???(同 03:28:13),I would not call him ???(同 03:28:13)


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

KESHE: Yes, ok. Can we ban it we don't him there, that they to other places they want to do, they don't need us to ??? their jobs.

RICK: OK, it will be disappointed but sure I will ban.

KESHE: Ban him, please, that's good for him.err so thank you very much for today, hopefully will be able to announce more things in the coming days, the process of testing will go on, will try to introduce new what you call conditions and materials, and hopefully, all of you who receive your systems, please bare with it , will teach you more and more how to use it, if you bought 2-3 systems, and which a lot of people did, will teach you how to use the combination of these 2-3 for different applications, a number of people bought more than 3,2 units, 2 units, car unit and power unit, will teach you how to use these tool for a specific applications in coming time, but you need time to allow the system to build their structure out, thank you very much Rick. thanks Vince for all your hard work, thanks for Ali and Alekz, and as we explained the 3 division of the Keshe foundation has been established which is the Keshe foundation as a foundation, keshe foundation SSI as a teaching yard, and SSI and KFSSI are totally separated now, in the coming time, you will have,,, and we open a section which is called the, which is all the developments GANS will be on its own section as part of the teaching, err the structure will as it grow Keshe Spaceship Institute will totally concentrate more or less overwhelming the ??? of the teachings and the work, but as we see more and more people are testing, when you start building these systems for a space development to see the power the way we seen with Ali when with Jacky and 3 other people in the background who are testing,

more or less now that you’ve seen it, I am sure a lot you will try to achieve the same position, then collectively we can bring the change in, but at this moment of time, will wait until more people catch up with the structure, thank you very much for today, and hopefully we learn more from each other in the coming time, thank you indeed, thanks Ali, thanks Rick.

VIVEK: Thank you. Mr. Keshe, thank you!

KESHE: Thank you very much.

RICK: Yes, many thanks from everyone across the planet at this point, some many people and so many countries ??? getting involved, that's on the daily base, just new people all the time, it's amazing, and thank you for all you hard work, Mr. Keshe, that's creditable what's is been come so far and where we going is very encouraging, OK. So that wraps setup for the 95th KSW and


Transcript from 95th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held January 7, 2016

(v1 2016-02-24) ROUGH DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

people still have some questions, we have to hold them for next time, and that's for Thursday Jan. 7th 2016, thank you everybody for attending.