· Web view(lorry – tram – yacht – hovercraft…etc) Tr.plays the audio CD to : 1.repeat...

Post on 11-Apr-2018

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Transcript of   · Web view(lorry – tram – yacht – hovercraft…etc) Tr.plays the audio CD to : 1.repeat...

The pupils will be able to

Pupils will be able to talk about travel .Pupils will be able to read a story of a tourist problems.

Pupils will be able to list some reasons of flying fear.Pupils will be able to write a report about tourism.

Pupils will be able to differentiate between present perfect simple/

Continuous + certain pronouns.

Key words: transport Listening : matching speakers with words

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Pupils will be able to

*discuss some pictures about travelling.

*listen and repeat the key words after recoding.

*recognize the meaning of the words at the key words p.5.

*pronounce the words at the Key Words correctly.

* name different means of transportation .

*complete some sentences after listening to the tape .



New wordsAbout



St's book

Power point show



Audio CD



First , I'll give students an introduction about the importance of English nowadays and then an introduction about the syllabus as a whole .

Presentation :

Tr. Asks students to read the modules 's title and describe what they can see in the pictures shown by the teacher. Tr. Writes all the words related to travel on the board (lorry – tram – yacht – hovercraft…etc)Tr .plays the audio CD to : 1.repeat the Key words p.5 .

2. complete the sentences in ex. 4 –page 5.

*Which types of transport :-have you travelled ?-you use regularly ?- would you like to tavel in or on ?

*Students check the answers with the teacher.

Travel problems Reading : a travel story .

Speaking :a travel dialogue .


ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Pupils are expected to

*mention some transport problems .

*recognize the meanings of the new words and use them.

*discuss Chris's story.

*match the sentences in EX. 4 with the gaps in the passage.

*answer some questions after reading.

*act out different situations.

*match some words in EX.7 that often go together .



St's book

Audio CD





Tr. Asks Ss to do the following :

Ex 1 – Students work in groups discussing transport problems . Ex 2- Play the recording for students to listen and repeat the key words. .Then , explain their meaning through pictures.Ex 2 –give students time to read the passage and list two problems that Chris Field has . Ex 4- ask students to match the sentences with the gabs in the passage . Ex 5 – find the answers from the passage and write them in their files . Ex 6- ask students to work in pairs and let them act out the conversations .

ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Reading :problems & solutions . Grammar : Present perfect (simple &

continuous ).Date Class:

Pupils are expected to

*describe the pictures .

*discuss people fears .

*find the captain answers to their fears

*deduce the present perfect simple /continuous

out of the examples.

*complete sentences with the correct tense .


Grammar (present perfect)



St's book


- Teacher asks Ss to talk about their fears of flying . - Teacher introduces the new words through brochure of Saudi

Airlines ,playing the audio CD.-

Ex 3 – Teacher allows time for Students to work in groups matching people problems with the pilot's answers .Ex 4 – Teacher write on the board :Can you see that building near the school , when did they start building it ? did they finish ? so, it started in the past and haven’t finished yet . That's why we use the Present Perfect simple Tense

They have built that house .If we ask about the period : How long have they been building ?

They have been building that house for six months .

By this Students know the difference between the two tenses .Ex 4,5,7,10: Students work in groups to complete the sentences with the correct tenses .

Listening Dialogue . Vocabulary Speaking

Date :Class :

ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Pupils are expected to

*talk about the pictures on page10

*listen to a dialogues

*answer the questions depending on the information of

the dialogue

*complete the sentences of the dialogues.





St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder

Ex 1 – Ask students to look at pictures and answer the questions .

Ex 2-Students listen to the key words and repeat them .

Ex 3- Students complete the flight schedule filling the flight number, destination and gates after listening to the CD.

Ex 5 –Students listen to the three dialogues and match them to their places and topics .

Then , they fill in the missing words in ex .7. Ex.8 – the teacher clarifies that the meaning of a sentence can change if we put the stress on a different word through examples .

ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Listening . Speaking .. Writing ...Date :

Class :

ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Homework: Workbook page 9

Grammar : pronouns Across cultures : Getting around

britainDate :Class :

Pupils are expected to

*Talk about the pictures.

*match information in different listening exercises .

*choose the correct options .

*arrange the rport. * write a report about tourism in our country .



Sport and Games




Power point show

Word cards

St's book


-Teacher asks Ss to describe the pictures to introduce the new words .

-She plays the audio CD and Ss repeat the words .

-Ss listen then match the words with the correct tourists mood in EX.2.

-They listen again to the dialogues and complete the missin information in EX.3 – 4 .

- read the parts of the reports and put them in the correct order .

- Tr asks them to write reports about their countries .

Pupils are expected to

*compare between two kinds of pronouns

*comlete the sentences using the correct

pronouns .

*choose the correct pronouns .

*read about transport in Britain.

*answer some questions related to the passage .





St's book

Word cards

St's book


-Tr. Explains the pronouns (myself-yourself ...etc) and the object pronouns (me – him – her ....) and write the examples on the board to show the differences in usage .Ex 2-Tr. Asks Ss to translate the pronouns in EX.2 to their own language.Ex 3- Check that Ss understand through answering EX.4-5 (pair work )

- Ss choose the correct pronouns in p.16

-Ss describe the pictures in p .15 and guess the content of the passage .-They read the paragraphs one by one .-Tr. Explains the new words .-then , they try to answer the questions .

ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The pupils will be able to

Pupils will be to talk about the Media ,identifying TV programmes .

Pupils will be able to read the newspaper articles .Pupils will be able to form comound adjectives .

Pupils will be able to use the passive forms. Pupils will be able to listen for specific information.

Pupils will be able to recognize the multi-part verbs, and write a review of a film or series .

Listening . Date :

Class :

ProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The Lesson's Topics Reading Article on disease .

Date :Class :

Pupils are expected to

*Talk about each kind of media

* identify the types of T.V programmes they

listen to .

*ask each other about using the media daily .



Lifestyle changes



Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Ask students to read the modules 's title and look at the pictures

Ask Ss "What can they see ? "

Ex 2- Ss listen to the Key words and repeat

Check the meaning and identify the things in the photos.

Play the recording for students to listen and write the types of the T.V programmes for each part in EX.2.

Ex 3 – Tr allows time fo Ss to ask and answer each other the questions about media in EX.3 .

Ss start answering exercises in the work book P.!1 And they continue the rest as homework .

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The Lesson's Topics Grammar :The Passive .

Pupils are expected to

* guess the content of each article from the headline .

Read each article Describe the

pictures Talk about some

details of the articles

Choose the right meaning for certain words

Use compound adjectives




Article from different


St's book

Word cards

St's book




Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Tr. Ask students to look at the pictures and read the headlines to guess the idea for each article .-Ss read the articles and the teacher explains the difficult words . -Ss work in groups to answer Ex.2 . - Ss choose the correct meanings for words in EX.5.-Tr. Explains the compound adjectives :

This boy is 5 years old This is a 5 –year –old boy

_Tr. Let Ss answer EX.8 to check their understanding.

Tr. Let Ss imagine they work for a local newspaper and write short notes

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The Lesson's Topics Reading : Letters to amazing .

Speaking : Health advice

Pupils are expected to

*Learn about "Present Simple

Passive "

*Learn about "Past Simple Passive "

*Complete the sentences with " Passive ".



"Present Simple Passive "

"Past Simple

Passive "

St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – I'll point out that some of the sentences in the table use the "Present Simple Passive "&"Past Simple Passive "

Ex 2-Ss .work in pairs and complete the sentences .Ex 3- Ss find and read out examples of "Passive"

Ex 4- Ask Ss to read the cues .Ss . complete the exercises .I'll check their answers.

Ex 5 – Ss find and read the examples.

Ex 6- Ask Ss to read the cues – give them time to complete the task

Ex 8 /9 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The Lesson's Topics Grammar :The Passive .

Pupils are expected to

*Read about health myths

&unusual food

* Read the article & and think about

answer .



St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Look at photos &ask and answer the questions.

Ex 2-Ss look at pictures and say "What can they see?"

Ex 3- Ss read about new words.

Ex 4- Ask Ss to read the text and match the replies with letters .I'll give them time to read the questions, replies and look for answer them

Ex 5 – Ss write the answer on their pupils' books ..

Ex 6 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

The Lesson's Topics Reading : Letters to a magazine .

Speaking : Health advice

Pupils are expected to

*Learn about "Present Simple

Passive "

*Learn about "Past Simple Passive "

*Complete the sentences with " Passive ".



"Present Simple Passive "

"Past Simple

Passive "

St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – I'll point out that some of the sentences in the table use the "Present Simple Passive "&"Past Simple Passive "

Ex 2-Ss .work in pairs and complete the sentences .Ex 3- Ss find and read out examples of "Passive"

Ex 4- Ask Ss to read the cues .Ss . complete the exercises .I'll check their answers.

Ex 5 – Ss find and read the examples.

Ex 6- Ask Ss to read the cues – give them time to complete the task

Ex 8 /9 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The Lesson's Topics Reading & Listening : Dialogue .

Pupils are expected to

*Read about health myths & usual food




" Health Myths "

St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 Ss .read the sentences and decide which one is false check their answer .

Ex 2-Ss .work in pairs and read the questions and answer .Ex 3- Ss pronounce new vocabulary chorally &individually .

Ex 4- Ss . know the words and its opposite then , fill the table with it .

Ex 5 – Ss answer the questions on pupils books page 29 .

Ex 6- Ss use the adjectives and make sentences about it

Ex 7 – Ss answer the exercise on workbook .

Ex 8 /9 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

The Lesson's Topics Reading Exotic Food Speaking Health quiz

Pupils are expected to

*Read the dialogue

*Make a dialogue at the doctor's




Doctor and

patient roleplay

St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Ss look at the key words "Health " cough / an earache / a headache / runny nose / sore throat / a toothache

Ex 2-Ss .look at the photos and describe the boy's case ?they choose Symptoms from the key words . .Ex 3- Ss read and listen to the dialogue and check their guess :- What treatment does the doctor recommend ?

Ex 4- Ss . look at the sentences Builder :-It is too big to hold , it is not big enough to .

Ex 5 – Ss make similar sentences use the cues .

Ex 6- Look at the key Expressions " Who says them ? Doctor "D" patient "P" .

Ex 5/9 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

The Lesson's Topics Study Corner 3 .

Pupils are expected to

*Category the food Fish Fruit Meat

Vegetables .


Exotic Food

Health quiz`

Word families

St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Look at the key words and put the words into the categories " fish /fruit /meat / vegetable"Ex 2-Ss .read the key word chorally and individually . Ss tell the teacher "What food do they love ? they hate ?Ex 3- Ss look at the photos and read about some unusual meals .Ex 4- Ss read the passage . then describe the pictures and mention the exotic food and know "How is it cooked?Ex 5 – Ss read the article and match food from the article with these description .Ex 6- Ss look at the key words and use them to complete sentences .Ex. 7 – Ss open their workbooks and answer the exercise .

Ex 6 /7 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Pupils are expected to

*Complete the words in

the sentences ..





St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Ss read aloud language check .Ex 2-Ss .complete the words in these sentences and write the words in the board .Ex 3- Ss read the adjectives and its opposites . They complete the sentences with these words . Ex 4- Ss use the adjectives to fill the space .Ex 5 – Ss write the sentences using the present / past passive. They also put the verbs in passive .Ex 6- Ss complete the dialogue at the doctor's .Ex . 7 – Ss open their workbook and answer the question .

Ex 1/2/3/4/5 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

Homework: Workbook page 29

The Lesson's Topics Listening :People talking about their hobbies

speaking Travel , transport and danger .

EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Pupils are expected to

*Talk about travel and ask for information




St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Ss look at key words .They add five more types of transport .Ex 2-Ss .listen to the key words and repeat .Check the meaning and identify the types of transport .Ex 3- Ss listen to four people and answer the questions " Which types of transport do we use ?" Ex 4- Ss read aloud the key words .Ex 5 – Ss work in pairs . they ask and answer the question .Ex 6- Ss listen to the teacher question :- Do you agree with these statement .say why ? / why not ?.Ex . 7 – Ss open their workbook and answer the question .

Ex /4/5 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

Homework: Workbook page 30

The Lesson's Topics Reading : Article about a wildlife photographer and


EvaluationProceduresT. AidsContentsObjectives

Pupils are expected to

Read the text Read about Safaris

and nomads .


Reading holiday adverts

Speaking questionnaire

St's book


Power point show

Word cards

St's book


Cassette Recorder


Ill have a quick revision of the previous lesson.

Presentation :

Ex 1 – Ss look at key words and describe which people have to travel a lot .Ex 2-Ss .read aloud the key words . I'll check their pronunciation .Ex 3- Ss look at the photos of Austin "What does he do ?"Ex 4- Ss read the text and decide if the statements are true or false .Ex 5 – Ss answer the questions written on the board about the text .Ex 6- Ss open their workbook. and read the exercises .Ex . 7 – Ss complete the exercises on W. B .

Ex /4/5/6/7/8 /9/10/11 Students work in pairs guessing the answers

I check the answers

Homework: Workbook page 31

The pupils will be able to

Pupils will be able to talk about health; do a role play at the doctor's ; do

The pupils will be able to

Pupils will be able to talk about health; do a role play at the doctor's ; do