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Updated March 2011
















The President must think over the big picture, he/she is the figure-head, in charge of the

image the group creates for itself, and the direction the Society will take.

In leading their Society the President must:

- Make sure the Society runs in line with its own Constitution.

- Make sure the Society runs in line with the Dundee University

Students’ Association’s (DUSA) Constitution.

- Represent the Society at the Society Council.

- Behave in a manner befitting a President.

- In conjunction with Secretary be the voice of the Society to the

press/external contacts.

- Chair the meetings.

- Co-ordinate the Society, ensuring everyone is managing their tasks

and assisting other members of the Executive where necessary.

- Keep morale high, providing good leadership and direction.

- Be a cheque signatory (one of three).



The Secretary’s role is to organize the Society effectively, and to be in charge of the

paperwork, keeping in frequent touch with both DUSA and the members of the Society.

This includes website co-ordination, emails and written documents.

The Secretary is required to take minutes at all Committee Meetings and the Annual

General Meeting. A Society Minute Book will be provided by the Society for this purpose.

The Secretary should give notice to the Executive of all apologies at beginnings of

meetings (other Committee members should notify the Secretary in advance if they will

be unable to attend the fortnightly meeting), and keep track of who is present/absent at

each meeting.

Items for the agenda should be forwarded to the Secretary from the President or other

Committee members before each meeting. In theory, the agenda for each Committee

meeting should be known before the actual meeting takes place. These items should be

discussed in that order as far as possible, and an action decided regarding each item. An

opportunity at the end should be give to discuss any other business. The next meeting

date and venue should be decided.

In addition, the Secretary should liaise with the President to help in the writing, printing

and posting of letters, e.g. for press, publicity etc.

As part of DUSA guidelines the Secretary must:

- In conjunction with the President be the voice of the Society to the

press/external contacts.

- Keep VPSA/DUSA updated on the Society and its activities.

- Keep members informed of the Society’s progress.

- Ensure that the contact details for re-affiliation have been completed (annual


- Inform members and VPSA of the Annual General Meeting (next one March


- Consult with the VPSA regarding constitutional changes and ensure the

Society complies with the DUSA constitution.

- Create and distribute the agendas and minutes.


- Ensure transparency in the Society (administer internal elections & proposed


- Keep the membership list updated (e.g. after Societies’ Fayres, events which

may recruit members, etc.).



Firstly, it is advisable for the Treasurer to read the Constitution as this mentions bank

accounts and appropriate practice. Some principles:

- No cheque given without a receipt.

- A cheque issued for each expense and is signed by 2 people with a

respective receipt given to the Treasurer.

- All income is paid into the account using the pay-in book at all times.

- There will be a cash box for use of the Treasurer to keep money such

as membership fees in. These should be emptied and banked


The Society’s bank account is currently with the Royal Bank of Scotland. More details

about the account will be available to the incoming Treasurer as soon as possible, and

Treasurer training is to be supplied by DUSA in the short-term future.

Each cheque for the Society’s account must be signed by 2 persons. Ideally, the

signatories will be the Secretary and Treasurer, but failing this the President or Vice

President may also be a signatory. When the new Committee is elected the old and new

Committee must meet to fill out the necessary paperwork (picked up from the bank in

advance) and proof of ID and address provided as required.

There must be money in the account to pay for everything. There are no overdraft

facilities for the Society. As such, you must always predict what spending is imminent

and required. Everything that is bought must be agreed by all members of the

Committee at a meeting. A receipt is required for any member to receive individual

money for spending (e.g. deposit for functions; food and drink; trip money, etc.).

The Society’s accounts are to be submitted to DUSA’s VPSA for auditing each year. With

this must be all chequebooks used that year; all receipts compiled and numbered with

the relevant cheque number; a summary sheet of spending and the ledger book. In

addition, an annual report discussing the main sources of income can also given at the

AGM with a copy of the Summary Accounts for the members to read. If necessary, other


members of the Committee (e.g. President, Vice President, Secretary) will assist in these


The Students’ Union holds several Funding Council Meetings during the year. The

Treasurer and the President usually attend. Firstly they must demonstrate any

income/expenditure deficit they may have based on their projections and appeal to

DUSA to make up this deficit. They may also ask for money to buy specific things (e.g.

NTS annual ticket; a trip; transport, etc.) and go to DUSA with quotes for what they’d

like to buy. DUSA will give them a grant based on the money available and the quality of

their proposal. This can now be done online.

Other income for the Society may come from the following:

- History Head of Department’s annual budget.

- Subscriptions from members for trips etc.

- Subscriptions from graduates/associate members, etc.

- The National Lottery Awards for All and is a possibility for funding,

particularly for a big, expensive end-of-year trip. The Treasurer may if

he/she think fit, inquire regarding the possibility of this.

If it looks like we are not going to be able to cover costs there are a few people who may

be able to help. The conductors are likely to not be paid so involve them early. The VPSA

in DUSA may offer a loan during a difficult period, depending on circumstances.

Ultimately the financial situation of the Society is the responsibility of the Treasurer,

President and Secretary. If the Society owes money and cannot pay it, their names on

the bank accounts are liable. The advice of the VPSA and the History Department will

always be first ports-of-call in such matters, but finances should be transparent to the

whole Society Committee.

Guidelines for the Treasurer as outlined by DUSA:

In charge of the income and outgoings of the Society, the Treasurer is responsible for

ensuring the books all add up, and is the person responsible for any financial

misconduct on the Society’s behalf. The Treasurer is the key in applying for funds and


must present the accounts to DUSA at the end of May each year, or whenever DUSA

request to view them.

The Treasurer must:

- Attend Treasurer Training at DUSA (date TBC).

- Keep accurate and current accounts including receipts and other

supporting documents.

- Deal personally with the bank (alongside President/Secretary).

- Ensure the account is in the Society name and delivered to DUSA at

the pigeon holes (arrangements must be made to change this from

current pigeon hole in Level 4, Tower Extension Building).

- Be a cheque signatory (one of two).

- Create the funding proposal for the Society Funding Committee (the

Treasurer will of course be assisted by the President/Secretary in this


- Attend the funding meeting (alongside President/Secretary).

- Create and maintain an inventory of Society possessions.

- Use receipt book for petty cash and a cash tin (to be provided by the



As an extra – but vital – member of the Society Executive, there are no guidelines as

such from DUSA. As this is a big task, it may be necessary for two people to share it, but

if only one person is elected then he/she may be assisted whenever necessary by most

other members of the Society (e.g. President, Social Convenor, etc.).


The main task of the Publicity Rep(s) is to brand the History Society, get its name out

there and co-ordinate events both with DUSA and the History Department. There is little

point in the History Society holding events such as seminars, lectures and trips if the

members and non-members don’t know what’s happening! The Publicity Rep(s) should

regularly co-ordinate with the Internet Secretary regarding news to be placed on the

website, social networking sites and email circulars.

It will be the role of the Publicity Rep(s) to also co-ordinate with the Social Convener of

the Society, who organises the events undertaken by the Society, and arrange the

design, printing and distribution of flyers, posters etc. for each event. Much of this can

be done through DUSA’s VPSA, with whom the Publicity Rep(s) should keep in frequent

contact, so as to ensure the Society is well represented within the University campus.

The University messaging service, Hermes, and circular emails should also be organized

by this Committee member(s), which can be done both through the department and the

VPSA, or on the P.O.’s own steam. Beyond the campus, the Publicity Rep(s) will also be

required to inform, alongside the Secretary, the local press of upcoming events which

the whole public is invited to.

The Publicity Rep(s) will in many ways be the face of the History Society. Although all

Executive members will share responsibilities, announcements at lectures, Society and

History Department events, Society Fayres, fundraisers and other opportunities will be

required from Publicity Officers.


In a word - organise! The main events which will be undertaken and organized by the

whole History Society Committee, but mainly under the steam and ideas of the Social

Convener, may include:

- Pub Crawl, for Freshers: organise pubs/challenges.

- Day Trips/Longer Excursions: look on websites for deals, contact Historic

Scotland and others on behalf of the Committee, etc.

- Guest Lectures/Seminars: email Dundee University and other institutions’

staff to arrange guest lectures as decided by the Committee.


- Walking Tours/Film Trips etc.: keep Charles McKean updated (not like that’s

a chore!) on our ideas; check out DCA listings for historic films,etc.

This member of the Committee is the centre of its organization, and will work closely

with most of the other office bearers, particularly the Publicity Rep(s), Secretary and

President. As a member of the committee you will be able to have your say on what goes

on in the Society, what events are missing (feel free to steal ideas from other Societies)

and anything that may contribute to the running of it. There is also the opportunity to

arrange such other matters, for example the negotiation, design and selling of hoodies.

Social Convener may be as challenging a post as the individual may wish it to be, and

very rewarding.

A pub crawl for the Freshers of the Society to introduce them to the goings-on of the

Society and History in general will be the first task of the Social Convener. This is to do

away with the recent sobriety of the History Society, and may consist of groups, point

scoring at every pub, points per drink/shot/challenge and perhaps even a prize for the

winning team! Co-ordinate with Publicity Rep(s) on how best to market this.

The Social Convenor will also be expected to come up with many of the ideas for the

Society, although any Committee, or indeed any general, member of the Society may –

and is welcome to – do this. Look afield for inspiration, be imaginative, and make your

pub challenges as grueling as possible! The Social Convenor may organize events to act

in conjunction with the History Department’s Research Seminars (usually Wednesday

evenings – timetable not available yet), the Christmas History Party and social events

following local trips (Bon Appétit restaurant have been approached and are happy to

hold dinner/mini-functions for us – and would give Julie’s family some business!!)…the

possibilities are almost endless.



Should there be a high level of interest in joining the Committee, it may be considered

appropriate at the AGM that additional ‘General Committee Members’ be appointed.

This can be discussed as and when it is considered necessary.

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of many roles within the Committee, the President,

Secretary, Publicity Rep(s), and Social Convenor overlap in many instances. As long as

good organisation is undertaken this should not become confusing, and will always

ensure that jobs can and are being shared within all Society Committee members.



1.1 General

1. The Society constituted by these laws shall be called The University of Dundee

History Society, hereinafter referred to as the “Society”.

2. The Society shall be affiliated to the University of Dundee Students’ Association


3. The aims and objectives of the Society shall be:

a. To represent all students interested in history.

b. To organise events to educate about history, bring students who are

interested in history together, and act alongside the History Department

furthering the interest of Humanities students.

1.2a Membership


1. Full membership of this Society shall be opened to any matriculated student

of the University of Dundee and to any other member of the Students’


2. Associate membership shall be opened to any other member of the University

of Dundee (e.g. staff).

3. Extra ordinary membership shall be opened to others (e.g. alumni, other

history societies, etc.).

1.2b Notes

1. All full members have the right to:

a. Attend all meetings.

b. Vote for such officers as are put up for election.

c. To vote on all questions or policy within the Society.

Associate and non-academic University of Dundee staff failing to satisfy the conditions

in the above paragraph will still be eligible for Associate Membership.

1.3 Office Bearers

1. The full members only shall elect an executive committee, which shall include a

President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and at least one other member.

2. The President will normally preside at all the meetings of the society, and shall

have a casting vote.

3. The Secretary shall manage the correspondence of the Society, calling of

meetings for the Committee, and the keeping of minutes.

4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances in accordance with the rules

laid out below in the DUSA constitution.

5. The Committee shall nominate a member of the History Department’s staff to act

as Staff Representative for the Society. He/she shall be responsible for ensuring

the events between the Department and Society are co-ordinated, and

information shared.

6. Removal of office bearers. Office bearers can be removed following a vote of no

confidence at an extraordinary general meeting. Any member can call an E.G.M.


subject to the discretion of the Vice President Student Activities (VPSA). A 10%

turnout of Society members is required for such a meeting. All meetings must

have 7 days’ notice given by advertising in a conspicuous manner within the

Students’ Association building and on other appropriate notice boards. A simple

majority is required to remove the office bearer. The VPSA shall act as the

returning officer and administer the secret ballot.

1.4 Elections

1. Elections will be held at an Annual General Meeting specially called for this


2. Voting will normally take the form of a show of hands unless a motion for secret

ballot is passed by a simple majority of the present and voting. Any office falling

vacant during the year shall be filled by co-option.

1.5 Meetings

1. a) 10% shall form a quorum at general meetings.

b) 50% shall form a quorum at executive meetings.

2. All meetings of the Society must have seven days’ notice given by advertising in a

conspicuous manner, namely through social networking websites, email

circulars or notices on boards within both the History Department and the

Students’ Association.

3. There shall be at least one meeting of the Society each year which shall be the

Annual General Meeting at which reports by the Secretary and Treasurer shall be


4. Other meetings may be called by the executive, which will normally be held


1.6 By-Laws and Standing Orders

1. The Society may draw up such by-laws and standing orders as deemed necessary

for the proper conduct of its affairs.


2. By-Laws shall be amended by a 2/3 majority of those members present and

voting at a quorum meeting.

3. Any clause in this constitution shall be amended at any quorum meeting,


a. 7 days’ notice of the amendment has been given.

b. 2/3 of those present are voting in favour.

c. It is not against the constitution and by-laws of the Students’ Association.

d. It receives the approval of the Vice President Student Activities (VPSA).

e. It is then the responsibility of the Society to inform the VPSA of these


1.7 Finance

1. The Treasurer will be responsible for the financial matters of the Society and see

that claims against it are duly met.

2. The individual members of the Society and not the Students’ Association shall be

liable for any deficit incurred by the Society.

3. The Society shall have a bank account registers in its own name.

4. Any cheques issued by the Society must be signed by the Treasurer and one

other (named) member of the executive.

5. The Treasurer will:

a. Be responsible for keeping proper books showing the Society’s financial


b. Prepare accounts for presentation at the Society’s Annual General


c. Be responsible for compiling an asset register and presenting it along

with the Accounts.

6. An account for the finances of the Society will be given to the Students’

Association on request.


7. The Society will charge its members an occasional subscription, for example

when a trip or event is held, to cover costs of the Society. This amount will be

agreed upon at executive meetings of the Society, and discussed at the Annual

General Meeting by all members.