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Psychology Extended Response Question

Glanzer and Cuntiz (1966)

Learning Outcome: Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process with reference to research studies.

Key Terms: -Multi-Store Memory Model:-Made by Atkinson and Shiffrin-Based on the assumption that memory consists of a number of separate stores and memory processes are sequential-Memory stores are structural components that include control processes-Rehearsal ensures transfer of information from STM to LTM -Sensory memory registers sensory information and stores it for 1-4 seconds (only a short amount is transferred into STM-STM has a 6-12 second duration while LTM has an indefinite duration-Sensory Memory: Modality specific, related to different senses-Short-term Memory: Limited to around seven items for 6-12 seconds-Long-term Memory: Vast storehouse of information with indefinite duration-Sensory Input: Produced by sensory organs and transmitted by afferent nerves fibers to the central nervous system -Decay: Decline in quality of information/memory-Selective Attention: The capacity for or process of reacting to certain stimuli selectively when several occur simultaneously -Displacement: The unconscious transfer of intense emotion from its original object to another one-Encoding: The processing of information from any of our senses-Retrieval: The process in which information in your memory can be recalled

Aim: To investigate recency effect in free recall (i.e. in any order)

Procedure: Participants heard a list of 20 items and then immediately had to recall them in

order In a variation, a distraction task was performed before recall

Thesis: This paper will evaluate the two models of the cognitive process of memory, such as the multi-store memory model as seen in the study done by Glanzer and Cuntiz in 1966, and the working memory model demonstrated in the study done by Baddeley and Hitch in 1974.

Findings: Participants recalled words from the beginning

of the list (primary effect) and the end of the list (the recency effect) best

The results showed a U-shaped curve If participants were given a filler task just after

hearing the last words, the primary effect disappeared but the recency effect remained

Conclusions: The recency effect could be due to the words still being active in STM (working

memory model) Rehearsal could be a factor in transfer of information into LTM

Evaluation of Study:

Strengths Limitations

-the study supports the idea of multiple stores (STM and LTM)-controlled laboratory experiment so a cause and effect relationship can be determined-strict control of variables

-low ecological validity -ignored participant’s understanding of words-only one culture tested (ignores cultural effects on memory and education)

Applications:-Can help improve rate of recall

-Helps explains retrograde and anterograde amnesia

Evaluation of Model:

Strengths Limitations

-Contains several stores -Distinct short term and long term store-Springboard to future theories-Basis for research on memory and brain impairment

-Very simplistic and it cannot account for interactions between the different stores-Research challenges single-store version of LTM-Ignores biological factors-Rehearsal is too simple

Baddeley and Hitch (1974)

Aim: To investigate whether there are multiple systems for short-term storage and not just one could change.

Procedure: Researchers asked participants to answer increasingly difficult true/false

questions about simple combinations of letters which were shown to the participants

Participants performed an “articulatory suppression task” simultaneously, which involved counting numbers from 1 to 6, repeating random numbers, and repeating the word “the”

Findings: Reaction time increased as the questions increased in difficulty There were no significant difference in reaction time between the group

which repeated “the” and counted numbers Groups that were asked to repeat random numbers had the worst


Conclusions: The random number group experienced an overload to their central

executive The 1-6 group activated their phonological loop while the “the” group

activated their central executive Therefore, STM must have more than one component, and STM must have a

processing role in addition to a storage role


Strengths Limitations

No deception No stressful situations Fully debriefed Explains a lot more than the

multi store model (in terms of short term memory)

Supported by other experiments meaning its replicable and reliable

Issues with low ecological validity since it’s a laboratory experiment

High Artificiality Unknown whether consent was


Applications:-Helps make sense of a variety of tasks (verbal reasoning, comprehension, reading, problem-solving, spatial and visual processing)

Key Terms: -Working Memory Model:- Suggested by Baddeley and Hitch-Seen as an active store used to hold and manipulate information-Includes four separate components:- Central Executive:Controlling system that monitors and coordinates operations of other components-Phonological Loop:Handles verbal and auditory information and the memory trace can only last 1.5 to 2 seconds if not refreshed-Episodic Buffer:Limited capacity temporary and passive storage system between other systems that is controlled by the central executive via conscious awareness-Visuospatial Sketchpad:Handles visual and spatial information from either sensory memory or long term memory


Strengths Limitations

Other ways to encode into LTM other than rehearsal

Involves active processing and storage of information

Incorporates verbal rehearsal Only one STM section

Central executive role remains undeveloped Model criticized for its emphasis on structure rather

than processing Doesn’t apply to long-term retention Hard to measure (limited capacity)