Video Training Series - Thought Leadership Leverage

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Video Training Series - Thought Leadership Leverage


Many thought leaders struggle with finding new ways to maximize the impact of their content.

You’re stressed out, stretched thin, over-caffeinated, under-rested, and can’t imagine committing the time to another project.

At Thought Leadership Leverage, we have a solution. Our favorite enterprise readiness arsenal is the TLL Video Training Series.

Utilizing video to leverage content makes it accessible.

We can watch from our phone, digest quickly, and take to our next cocktail party.

We work together to develop your video content,

then market the series to Fortune 1000 companies,

all while you continue on with your speaking engagements, or book tours, or whatever it is you’d rather be doing.

At Thought Leadership Leverage,

we’ll facilitate the entire process.

We’ll help write the scripts, lock

down production, get you in front of a real camera with

top notch directing, cinematography,

audio, graphic effects, and editing,

then we’ll take the finished product

to market.

As a speaker you can only be in so

many places at once, but video

content is a great way to generatea greater impact

from miles away.

Video does more than just increase your presence, it monetizes your content and helps

you take that step from keeping a practice to running a business.

We would love to help you maximize your impact and unload some of that daily pressure.


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