Video Production Tips for Business: How to Create Video Customers Will Actually Watch

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Video Production Tips for Business: How to Create Video Customers Will Actually Watch


Video Production Tips for Business: How to Create VideoCustomers Will Actually Watch

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we learn video production tips from Chris Lavigne, head of videoat Wistia.

You’d expect a video startup to have a wealth of wisdom on video creation, production, and editing, but this episodeis insane.

We speak to Chris Lavigne, Wistia’s head of video, and learn everything from creating a business video with youriPhone, editing on free software, and the biggest mistakes you can make with lighting and audio recording.

Whether you’ve just got a laptop and an iPhone, or a bit of a budget to afford a mic and camera, there are tips herethat will help you create video content that engages your audience, makes emotional connections, and strengthensyour brand.

While you’re here, check out an earlier episode we recorded with Wistia CEO Chris Savage.

Links to listen

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Quote to tweet:

“You want people to absorb the message, and pay attention to the video.Get rid of anything that detracts from that.” (tweet this)


Show notes:

Using video as a part of brand voice

Why video is the best way to make an emotional connection with your audience

How to create engaging videos for your marketing campaigns

How Wistia uses video internally

Using video to create tutorials for your software

How video helps support teams

Documenting team meetings and outings with video

Creating videos to keep your company up to date with product announcement

The camera Wistia uses to capture video internally

How to decide how much time to spend on creating a video

Making sure your videos are actually going to captivate your audience

The most valuable skills a video marketing agency needs to have

Why animated explainer videos could be worthless

… And what’s the next big thing in video?

Using VR and 360 video in your business

Live streaming for businesses

Video vs Podcasting — which to use, and when?

Should you DIY videos, or hire a firm?

Chris’ preparation process for creating video

Using a creative brief for video creation

On video analytics

Should you use a checklist to work emotion into video?

The equipment you’ll need to get started with video

Shooting with just an iPhone

Quick hacks to get the best quality from your iPhone

Why Wistia use a traditional DSLR for shooting video

The best kind of mic to use when recording your team

Essential primers for shooting with smartphones and DSLRs

Controlling ambient noise when recording a video

Indoor vs Outdoor shooting

Using lighting in business videos

Making do with whatever lighting you have vs. using studio lights

Disastrous lighting mistakes to avoid

Getting great video quality with your webcam


Using photography paper as backgrounds

Using your office as a studio

Cutting between spoken word shots and product shots

Why Chris doesn’t use green screens (and makes fun of them instead)

Cutting out poor backgrounds with just a good lens

The two rules Chris always abides by for video creation

Getting started with video editing

In-built Mac software for simple editing

The only software Wistia uses to edit video (and the software you need to invest in if you’re serious aboutvideo)

Classic editing mistakes that make your videos look terrible

The places you can get music for your videos

Data on the best video length for engagement

The different kinds of video content, and the difference in engagement you can expect
