Victorious Life. Presented by: Lost Sheep Ministries.

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Victorious Life. Presented by: Lost Sheep Ministries.

Victorious Life

Presented by: Lost Sheep Ministries

This presentation on Victorious Christian Life is based upon Lee E. Thomas’ book, Living the Exceedingly Victorious Life.

Copies may be ordered from at

a very reasonable price.

Permission has been granted to prepare this presentation by the Author.


Every facet of our lives is predicated

upon our thoughts.

Satan is able to destroy mankind in general and incapacitate great

multitudes of God’s own people simply because he clearly

understands this and we do not!

Without exception, every temptation and every sin begins

with a thought!

We have a Spiritual Enemy (Satan) who can use the things of this world to blind us to the Truth of Victorious Living by planting bad Thoughts in

our minds (II Corinthians 4:4.)

He does Not look


He looks more like:

Our lives are the product of our


Our thoughts are the result of what we allow

into our mind from external sources

Hear See Smell Taste Touch


Thoughts are like planted seeds.

Your life can be Exceedingly Victorious or it can be one of Depression according to the type of seed (thoughts) allowed to grow in your Mind.

The product of your life can be:


Spiritual Strongholds

Although every thought affects us to some degree, the ones causing the damage are those that are against the Word and Will of God

If we allow these unbiblical thoughts to remain, they will eventually become

embedded in the mind, resulting in an unbiblical Mind-Set!

Then, when certain conditions occur, just like a hurricane, much destructive energy is unleashed.

In the Bible, this kind of mind-set is called a Stronghold (II Corinthians 10:4.)

Sin in the Camp Causes Great Damage –Ichabod!!

How Strongholds Get Started:

Satan can construct a stronghold ONLY after he has been given legal entry into one’s life

Regardless of one’s spiritual condition (saved or lost), strongholds get started in the same way.

Here are the five most common ways that strongholds get started:

1. The most common stronghold is unconfessed and unforsaken.

When a Christian refuses to confess and forsake his sin, he voluntarily, and perhaps unwittingly, subjects himself

to Satan’s authority and breaks his fellowship with his Heavenly Father!

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (which restores our Fellowship)


When We Become a Christian, We are RELATED to GOD as His child and We enjoy Fellowship with Him just like ideal Parents and their Children relate and fellowship with each other

If we sin we break our Fellowship but not our








How Does A Christian Get Rid of Sin?


2. Self-Will is another source of strongholds..

A Reluctance on our part to be totally obedient to the Lord in

any area whatsoever gives Satan an opportunity to exploit

that situation.

When we reluctantly obey the Lord, we are operating in a spirit of

rebellion; self-will is being exposed!

Rebellion and stubbornness are pride issues and “God resists the


We are to Love one another, cooperate, and serve as team-members rather than

insist on having our way!

3. Another common way for strongholds to get started is through STRESS and TRAUMA..

Anything stressful or traumatic in your life is an opportunity for Satan if you respond unbiblically!

Demons are attracted to damaged emotions just as they are to moral filth.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

If the Devil can get you to respond unbiblically to stress and trauma, he has an open invitation to build strongholds of bitterness, anger, fear, low self-esteem, etc.

4. ANCESTRAL: Another major area of strongholds involves family ties or generational sins..

God gave Israel a long list of blessings or curses that will come upon them based upon their obedience to His commands

God warns demonic worshipers that He will visit “the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

These curses are perpetual and will continue in a family until someone breaks them.

A recognized Generational Stronghold can only be

broken through the prayerful authority of Jesus.

5. The Occult: Involvement in the occult also produces powerful strongholds..

Cult Involvement can be very subtle but damaging!

Ouija boards, fantasy games, some rock music, some concerts, horoscopes, etc.


Since Satan is trying to control us by controlling our minds, it is

imperative that we recognize the serious nature of Strongholds.




Be Sober, Be Vigilant, Because Your adversary the Devil, as a Roaring Lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)

But He that is in You is Greater than He that is in the World! 1 John 4:4

You need to suit up before starting each


Ephesians 6:10-17 Helmet of Salvation

Breastplate of Righteousness

Shield of Faith

Belt of Truth

Sword of the Spirit

Shoes of the Good News

of Peace


Soul Spirit(Spiritual






Self Control






SonHoly Spirit

Relate to God

Relate to World


Works: Gold Silver


Works: Hay

Wood Stubble

Galatians 5:16


Galatians 5:16:

Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other.

To Walk is to take one step at a time. Walking in the Spirit is to stay on the path the Holy Spirit has designed for us.

Satan tries to lure us off of the safe path with his


He exploits any seeds of sin that is unconfessed

The realm of the Spirit is like an


If we stay in the Protection of the

Spirit, we will remain secure.

If we step out from under the Spirit, we

enter the devil’s territory!

Remember, the infallible key to victory is to walk in

the Spirit.

This includes walking the path He has planned for us, living in His realm, operating under His influence, and

being spiritually-minded.

Are You Living the

Exceedingly Victorious Life?