Victorian factories Connie and Tania

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Victorian factories Connie and Tania

VICTORIAN FACTORIESWhat were Victorian factories like?

What were Victorian factories like?

Factory workers had to breathe in soot , smoke and dust from the machines. Machines did many types of jobs including spinning. Britian was full of factories. People shouted over hiss and rattle of machinery. The people who worked in the factories dripped with sweat.

What were cotton mills? Cotton mills were factories which cotton was

spun into thread. Mill workers lived in small houses close to the factories. The machine turned the thread into textiles, such aclothes .

Why was the factory work dangerous?

The factory owners wanted the children to work because they were cheap ,and they could crawl under the machines.

Thread! Small girls worked in mills As piecers(a child who worked in a mill joining pieces of thread together)


People called reformers wanted to stop the child-work!


1841 mines act-NO child under the age of 10 to work underground in a coal mine.

1847 Ten hour act-NO child to work more than hours a day.

1874 Factory act-NO child under the age of 10 to be employed in a factory .

Thank you for watching!By Tania and Connie!